1935 – 1939 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTS Compiled by Albert Rosales

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

1935-1939 Humanoid Reports. Echoes of the future in the 30’s. A taste of things to come. Following is a list of known humanoid encounters for the above years.

Location. Genesco Illinois
Date: 1935
Time: daytime
In a farm area a young man had gone out to the water pump when he suddenly heard a strange noise. Looking up he saw a bizarre entity with a head like an eagle and shiny red eyes. The being looked directly at the witness for about 45 seconds then ran down the road and disappeared from sight. The being seemed to have been wearing a khaki military style jump suit.

HC addition # 1818
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate October 1994
Type: E Encounter with isolated humanoid.
HSI: “7”
Reliability of source: “10”
Comments: The date is approximate. This is indeed a striking looking humanoid entity; closest match could be the werewolf like creatures reported worldwide.
Location. Macmeenstown County Donegal Ireland
Date: 1935
Time: daytime
The 13-year old witness was out gathering firewood in a wooded area when he suddenly spotted a two-foot tall woman dressed in red. She walked towards the witness but he ran away from the area in fright.

HC addition # 678
Source: Scott S Smith, Fate March 1993
Type: E Encounter with isolated humanoid.
HSI: “6”
Reliability of source: “9”
Comments: Fairy like entity report, still widely reported in modern times. Are these entities inner earth dwellers? Or are they inter-dimensional denizens from another plane.
Location. Chiarotorre, Italy
Date: 1935
Time: 1700
17-year old Theresa Maria Vanucci saw at a locality called “Giuncaia” a sphere of light hovering above the ground and within the sphere a beautiful female figure. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Erich Zurcher, “Appearances of Humanoids”
Type: A Entity observed inside UFO.
High Strangeness Index: “6”
Reliability of source: “8”
Comments: possibly interpreted as a Marian vision.

Location. Not given
Date: 1935
Time: evening
A boy lay at home in bed suffering from a bad case of pneumonia. As he lay there looking out the window at the backyard, two beings appeared next to him. They had luminous, transparent bodies that reminded him of the Northern lights. The beings asked the boy to go with them, which he did, taking the visitors by the hand. The witness adds that they “talked without sound”, which probably refers to the use of telepathy. The boy was taken to a huge “dance pavilion” where couples were waltzing, dressed in black and white. There was no ceiling, but crystals hung above and made music beyond comparison that sounded to the boy like wind chimes. He remembers little of what happened afterwards except that he was taken to the pavilion on three occasions in all, he does not know how he was returned home. The third time he was taken, a female being told him that they had a special mission for him, but he apparently doesn’t remember now what it consisted of.

HC addendum
Source: Chris Aubeck, Return To Magonia
Type: G Abduction and direct intervention report.
High Strangeness Index: “8”
Reliability of Source: “8”
Comments: This other worldly trip could be of a hallucinatory nature but there are similar cases on record. The source apparently quotes “The Communion Letters” by Streiber.
Location. Havana Province Cuba, exact location not given
Date: 1935
Time: night
Two young children were walking along a wooded path and as they passed by a large tree a beam of light apparently from an unknown source within the tree shone on them. One of the children then threw a rock at the tree. At this point the tree made a strange “twinkling” or “crackling” sound as if made out of glass, moments later a glowing humanoid figure appeared on the tree. This frightened the children who quickly ran away from the area.

HC addition # 2081
Source: Direct from Bobby Hernandez
Type: E Encounter with solitary entity.
High Strangeness Index: “5”
Reliability of Source: “5”
Comments: Possibly a “Ciguapas” type entity known and widely reported in Caribbean countries.
Location. Near Charbonier, Spain
Date: 1935
Time: night
Manuel Reina & a friend were driving towards a nearby town and as they reached a curve on the roadway they came face to face with a figure wearing a tight fitting luminous outfit, resembling shiny plastic. The vehicle stopped and both witnesses felt paralyzed unable to move as the strange figure stared at them. Unable to move either forward or backwards the men just sat there until the strange figure disappeared from sight.

HC addendum
Source: CIO
Type: E Encounter with solitary humanoid or entity.
High Strangeness Index: “6”
Reliability of Source: “7”
Comments: Early report describing a humanoid encountered by occupants of a vehicle.

Location. Svanshals Ostergotland Sweden
Date: February 1935
Time: morning
Carl Axel Jonzon, 7 years old at the time, was on his way to school. In a field near his home he saw six to eight entities near an object, which was embedded in the snow. All of the entities were dressed alike and had helmets reaching to their shoulders. Later as the witness crossed the field in question he was suddenly enveloped in a dense fog or smoke. The young witness lost himself in the fog and only came out of it two & a half hours later. The witness’s uncle apparently also saw the object and the entities.

HC addition # 2518
Source: Sven Olof Svensson
Type: C or G? Humanoids seen in vicinity of landed UFO. Or possibly time lapse case.
High Strangeness Index: “7”
Reliability of Source: “9”
Comments: There is the distinct possibility that this case is abduction, of course hypnotic regression was unheard of back in the 30’s.

Location. Malines Antwerp Belgium
Date: Spring 1935
Time: night
During the night, the witness, Mr. Aerts saw a brilliant circular object, described as “like aluminum,” in the sky above the roofs of houses nearby. It’s shaped that of a pan, and its volume appeared to be enormous. Two small occupants were seen coming from the rear of the object; they wore square helmets with short antennas, and moved around the outside of the object in a mechanical or robot like fashion. They appeared to be examining the exterior surface of the “pan-like” object.

Humcat 1935-1
Source: Jean Gerard Dohmen
Type: B Humanoids or entities seen coming out and entering UFO.
High Strangeness Index: “6”
Reliability of Source: “7”
Comments: Pre WWII report describing “aliens” coming out of object and apparently inspecting its hull.

Location. Aznalcazar Sevilla Spain
Date: April 5 1935
Time: 1930
Mr. Mora, a farmer who was working on his farm “Haza-Ancha,” saw a large; round brilliant object descend at some 450 meters of distance. The object stayed just above the ground, and some small strange beings appeared who went around it. The witness thought that it was a “supernatural” vision with which God had wanted to reward him, and it was the central topic of his conversations until his death.

Humcat 1935-2
Source: Vicente Ballester Olmos
Type: B Humanoids seen in vicinity of landed UFO.
High Strangeness Index: “6”
Reliability of Source: “9”
Comments: Unfortunately a more specific description of the humanoids is not given.

Location. Redondo Beach California
Date: May 1935
Time: daytime
A fishing boat crew saw, 3 miles offshore a bizarre merman like creature, described as having shiny eyes a broad smooth forehead, dark hair on its head and a beard. It appeared to be between ten to twelve ft long. It flipped its tail and disappeared into the waters as the anglers attempted to approach it on a small boat.

HC addition # 1835
Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century
Type: E Encounter with amphibian humanoid
High Strangeness Index: “7”
Reliability of Source: “10”
Comments: Modern day mermaid or merman like creature?

Location. Maglavit Romania
Date: May 31 1935
Time: afternoon
A shepherd was tending his flock of sheep and was standing near some old trees when suddenly a figure appeared to him from out of the field. The shepherd described the being a looking like an “old man.” The old man told the witness “The future of humanity was in danger” and then disappeared into a cube shaped cloud and vanished. (The same witness reportedly encountered the same being again on June 5 1935. According to the witness the old man was angry because he had not conveyed the message of doom to the people of the village).

HC addition # 2054
Source: Boczor Iosif, Fate Vol. 48 # 3
Type: B? Entity or humanoid seen exiting or entering UFO and direct communication.
High Strangeness Index: “6”
Reliability of Source: “9”
Comments: This entity reminds me of the alien originally encountered by Meier in 1942. Bearded and elderly appearing.

1936 Humanoid cases.

Location. Dourdan Woods, France
Date: 1936
Time: unknown
A lone witness reported encountering in a wooded area a 3-meter tall humanoid female figure wearing a long black cape and dark outfit. There is no other information.

HC addendum
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Type: E It is curious that in France reports of female humanoids, many times alone and connected with the Virgin Mary apparitions have been reported.

Location. Great Falls Maryland
Date: 1936
Time: 0200A
A night security guard at the local “Maryland mine” while doing his rounds encountered a bizarre being in one of the shafts. The being was described as a man-like creature with fiery eyes and a ten-foot long tail. The creature crawled out of the mine and disappeared into the forest.

HC addition # 688
Source: Mark Chorvinsky & Mark Opsasnick, Strange Magazine # 5
Type: E Encounter with isolated humanoid or monster like creature.
High Strangeness Index: “6”
Reliability of Source: “9”
Comments: Very bizarre looking creature among the many seen throughout the years worldwide.

Location. Nottingham, England
Date: 1936
Time: morning
Young Marjorie T Johnson was lying in bed enjoying the early morning sunshine which streamed in through the low, open window, suddenly she felt compelled to sit up in bed and turn her eyes to the empty fire grate. There, on a filmy cobweb on the bars, sat a strange little creature. It seemed quite unafraid and, from the broad grin on its face, appeared to enjoy the witness’s observation. As the witness stared, it blinked back at her with a blank expression, which showed very little intelligence. Curious she climbed out of bed. The elf like creature then immediately disappeared. Marjorie climbed back, and when she looked again the creature was perched in the same place. This went on for several minutes until she brushed away the cobweb. She never saw the creature again. She described it as about 4inches to 6inches in height; with very large ears and a glimmering green colored body.

HC addendum
Source: Janet Bord, Faeries Real Encounters with The Little People Type: E Encounter with isolated humanoid creature.
High Strangeness Index: “6”
Reliability of Source: “9”
Comments: Report of fairy like humanoid encounter.

Location. Pacific Ocean
Date: 1936 (approximate date)
Time: daytime
A Russian civilian transport steam vessel the “Maria” from Leningrad was crossing the Pacific Ocean. Suddenly one day the officer of the watch noticed a strange apparatus ahead on the water, remotely looking like a vessel that ascended out from the ocean. No signs of life could be seen on it and the strange vessel did not respond to the Maria’s radio signals. After a period of observation the Captain of the Maria ordered the launch of a small boat to find out what the object was. Five sailors approached the object in the rowboat and the rest of the crew watched the boat approach the object and the sailors board the strange object. In a short period of time the strange vessel began moving away at very high speed and soon disappeared into a cloud or fog. An attempt to follow it and intercept the vessel was futile and after several hours of searching and waiting the Captain of the Maria ordered its vessel to continue on its original route. As the ship returned to the area several days later the Captain order its crew to follow the same previous route. Coming close to the location of the previous unexpected meeting the officer of the watch caught a glance of a strange boat, unlike any normal boat he had ever seen. This boat was made of a transparent material. Inside the boat there were 3 sailors of the original 5 that original set out to investigate the anomalous object. When the Maria approached the boat one of the sailors screamed and jumped into the water. Despite an immediate search his body was never sound, apparently submerging into the abyss. The other two were taken onboard, they seemed happy to meet their comrades again. After that they told an amazing story. When they were taken onboard the strange craft, they were surrounded by strange entities, dressed in dark shiny suits, look frogmen. Their extremities were only similar to humans, having small webbed membranes between the fingers. The aliens exchanged glances between them (obviously communicating by telepathy) not verbally. Sometimes they exchanged gestures. The aliens then told the humans that there was no way back, and requested that they stay with them. Two of the sailors immediately agreed, they were then separated from the rest and were never seen again. The other three were imprisoned in an isolated room where they spent about 2 days according to their estimation. Soon and by unknown means, the three men found themselves onboard the strange boat, with a stock of strange food resembling tablets in transparent pockets, that the aliens had also offered them onboard the strange vessel. It was enough to eat 1 or 2 such tablets to feel no hunger. One of the men (the one that jumped in the water later) refused to eat the tablets and while the rest slept became tired with fruitless observations of the ocean and grabbed the alien provisions discarding them into the water. They remained without food for 1 day, but felt no hunger. Subsequently they noticed the Maria approaching their location. When the “survivors” were taken onboard and the Maria began moving away from the area the strange boat was suddenly surrounded by waves and sank into the ocean. The crew onboard had not been able to take the strange boat onboard since it had nothing to hook on to. After arriving back to Leningrad the Captain of the Maria sent a report to the Ministry. The Captain and the two remaining sailors were called to the Ministry and interrogated. One of the sailors was labeled a psychotic, the second refused to cooperate any further. The Captain was very persistent in his testimony, referring to the watch journal and stating that everything was accurately documented. But subsequently he was forced to back off and admit that nothing had occurred. Soon the Captain was transferred to another ship.

HC addendum
Source: Engineer Lev A Popov, quoting the Files of Felix U Zigel and Anton Anfalov
High Strangeness Index: 9
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: A garbled second hand version of this amazing incident is found in the 1982 summaries. In that version the incident took place in the Black Sea. The above appears to be the correct and true account.

Location. Near Jefferson Wisconsin
Date: 1936
Time: night
A night security guard making his rounds came upon a strange creature that was apparently digging a hole at an old Indian burial mound. The creature turned around and looked at the witness that was now terrified and began to pray. The creature seemed to show some fear and uttered something like sounded like “Gadara.” The creature was described as huge, black in color & emitting a putrid smell, it had long finger like claws, a man like built, pointed canine like teeth, pointed ears and a muzzle like nose. The creature slowly disappeared into the nearby woods.

HC addition # 600
Source: Linda S Godfrey, Strange Magazine # 11
Type: E Encounter with isolated humanoid creature.
HSI: “8”
ROS: “9”
Comments: 20th century of werewolf like creature. I am not sure what “Gadara” means, but it’s possibly some type of magical incantation.

Location. Potterne, England
Date: January 1 1936
Time: night
A man was driving to meet his wife from a New Year’s party when he saw a young woman in a green suit with a dark collar, at the side of the road. He stopped and asked if he could give her a lift. She got into the back of the car and he drove on. Suddenly the air grew dreadfully cold and when he glanced back to the girl, no one was there.

HC addendum
Source: Ken Rogers, The Warminster Triangle
Type: E Encounter with isolated humanoid.
HSI: “6”
ROS: “9”
Comments: Phantom hitchhiker report?

Location. Arran Stirlingshire England
Date: March 1936
Time: daytime
The witness was walking along a wooded path when he heard the sound of high-pitched conversation from somewhere nearby. As he walked over to the path to investigate he confronted a group of tiny man like beings that seemed angry and were hurrying along the path. They ran away as he approached.

HC addition # 1124
Source: David Lazell, Fortean Times # 71
Type: E Encounter with isolated small humanoid creatures.
HSI: “6”
ROS: “8”
Comments: Fairy type humanoid report. These are still reported in more modern times.

Location. Hertfordshire England
Date: April 1936
Time: daytime
The witness was driving along a quite lane concentrating on his vehicle when as he rounded a bend in the road he caught a glimpse of a short round-faced humanoid wearing a pointed cap, sitting on top of a tree stump and looking straight across the road ahead of him. As the witness slowed down to get a better look, the being had already vanished.

HC addition # 1123
Source: David Lazell, Fortean Times # 71
Type: E Encounter with solitary humanoid.
HSI: “6”
ROS: “8”
Comments: Report of fairy or gnome like creature.

Location. Halandri, Athens, Greece
Date: Summer 1936
Time: noon
Maria K, 12, was playing with 5-6 other children in an area that was then sparsely populated. As they played the area was suddenly filled with clouds of dust. They stopped playing and looked at the direction from which the clouds had come from. There, they saw a large egg-shaped silvery object, slightly bigger than an airplane. It had landed on the ground on small legs, 100-150 meters away. They did not see any open door on the object, but on the ground under the object, there was a small humanoid wearing a white outfit and a broad belt, with small lights. The creature had long white hair and turned to their direction for a while. After that, it waved its hand like a salute. Suddenly it disappeared. A loud hiss was heard and the object took off vertically between clouds of dust. It rose into the sky until it was gone. The children were shocked and were not in the mood to continue their game until their parents called them for lunch. The parents did not believe them.

HC addendum
Source: Makis Podotas, UFO Greek File
Type: C Humanoid or entity seen in vicinity of landed UFO.
ROS: “8”
Comments: Early report describing a UFO with an alien standing next to it. A hand gesture was interpreted as communication from the alien.

Location. Palm Springs California
Date: July 1936
Time: unknown
Undocumented report of an encounter with three helmeted humanoid figures, that in spite of being wingless, appeared to be flying over the area. No other information.

HC addition # 2533
Source: Aldrich/Project 1947, quoting Gray Barker
Type: E Encounter with flying humanoids.
ROS: “8”
Comments: Intriguing report but lacks any additional information.

Location. B’Bugia Bay Malta
Date: July 1936
Time: evening
Several witnesses watched a “zeppelin” shaped object moving at great speed over the sea. One of the witnesses was a soldier that had a telescope. He said he was able to see people inside a cabin wearing strange helmets.

HC addition # 3455
Source: David Pace, UFOs over The Maltese Islands
Type: A Humanoids seen onboard object.
ROS: “8”
Comments: Early report of cigar shaped object. Occupants with helmets onboard craft.

Location. Pilar de los Muertos, Guadalajara, Spain
Date: July 25 1936
Time: night
Lieutenant J V and two other soldiers were returning to base after a scouting mission when a potent white light suddenly surrounded them. Moments later they found themselves only about 4 meters away from two tall white garbed humanoids, which stared at the men. Apparently a short telepathic conversation between the men and humanoids ensued. To this day J V is not sure if the language was Spanish or if it was some type of maverick mental communication. Several minutes later, the two humanoids and the bright white light vanished. (This occurred during the bloody Spanish Civil war).

HC addendum
Source: Antonio Perez, Spain
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: One of the several accounts of encounters with humanoids during the Spanish Civil War.

Location. Near Port Colborne Ontario
Date: Winter 1936
Time: unknown
The fifteen-year-old witness watched a metallic saucer shaped craft fly low overhead and land on a nearby field. He approached the object and apparently encountered some human like occupants and was invited inside the object where he was shown some “machinery.” No other information.

HC addition # 304
Source: Robert E Bartholomew, Ufolore, quoting Musgrave
Type: G Direct communication and contact with aliens.
ROS: “7”
Comments: Early contact yarn, paucity of information on the part of the source.

Location. Pavlodar Region Kazakhstan
Date: Winter 1936
Time: dawn
Mrs E E Loznaya recalled, how as a teenager she had a strange and unforgettable encounter. Fifteen at the time, she was on her way to school along a deserted, snowy, country road on a fine cold winter morning, just before sunrise. She saw a dark object some distance away in the air moving in her general direction. As it drew closer she could see that it was a man like figure dressed in black and seen in profile. Its direction formed a 60-degree angle with the road. The “man” was of medium height and the black garment covered him completely—she saw no hands, and on his head was something like a helmet. He held his massive arms tightly against his sides. On his back was a device something like a rucksack. He suddenly changed course and headed straight for the student. She could now see his right arm was slightly bent at the elbow. As he came closer, she was unable to make out any features on his face—only a black surface. At this point she became aware of a rumbling sound that increased in intensity and it occurred to her that this thing might be more machine than man. The distance then was no more than 40 meters. Thoroughly frightened, she turned to search for some place to run; there was no place to hide on the barren snow covered steppe. When she turned, the figure had vanished as if into thin air; it occurred to her that he might have dived into a nearby snow bank. She fled to her home. The sighting had lasted about one minute and was so remarkable she could never forget it.

Humcat 1936-1
Source: Vladimir V Rubtsov, FSR Vol. 24 # 4
Type: E Encounter with flying humanoid.
HIS: “7”
ROS: “9”
Comments: Early report describing an unusual flying humanoid. There is a report of a flying humanoid seen earlier in July 11 1908 in Vladivostok. Is this the same date as the famous Tunguska fireball?

1937 Humanoid Reports.

Location. Near London England
Date: 1937
Time: daytime
An eight-year old girl was walking alone in a meadow when she saw a huge silvery object with stilt like protrusions hovering above her. A platform of some kind descended from the object and three tall men, dressed in red stepped down. One carried her onboard the object as she realized she was unable to move. The interior of the object appeared much larger and she recalled being placed on a molded chair facing a dazzling bright light. She then experienced unique thoughts and visions. Later she was taken to an enormous pyramid and wandered inside dark corridors until she found a door that opened to the meadow where she was originally taken from.

HC addition # 1374
Source: Lillian Crowner Desguin, UFO’s Fact or Fiction
Type: G
High Strange Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 6
Comments: Early report with unusual details, especially the apparent the obvious space- time distortion inside the craft. This curious feature has been reported several times including in what alleged crash retrieval crash in 1973.

Location. Philippov, West Yaroslavl Province, Russia
Date: 1937
Time: unknown
Several strange “men” who entered her house visited a local adult woman named Anna who lived in an isolated wooden house located 6 km from the main village. They had gray-greenish faces, big hairless heads, large dark slanted eyes, and hoofed feet. One of them asked her politely for help, requesting iodine, and saying: “We have our ship on at the nearby lake. One of our men injured his hand while closing a hatch.” She gave them a small bottle of iodine. The aliens then installed a strange device supported by tripod legs, with an object remotely resembling and old photo camera on top. Anna then offered the men milk, which they drank. The closed bottle of iodine was capped by a rag and wooded plug on the rag. The aliens took the plug out and took the rag and with a gesture indicating disgust threw the rag away. A device resembling a rubber hose was placed on the top of the bottle at the neck, after that they placed the device positioned in a way that it will face the bottle, (it was an apparent decontamination procedure). After this was done, they escorted the woman out of her house. Outside her home another “green man” was watching her. When the aliens finished what they were doing they went out thanked the woman for the food and iodine and went away.

HC addendum
Source: Valeriy A Kukushkin, Yaroslavl UFO Group,
“Chimeras of the X Location”, Anton Anfalov
Type: E

Location. West Yaroslavl Province, Russia
Date: 1937
Time: unknown
A local villager named Parshin was sitting on a bench on the banks of the local river when he suddenly felt disoriented as if narcotized. He seemed to fall asleep for a moment and in a dream-like state he saw several greenish “men” with an object standing behind them. The object behind them was big, round like a piece of round bread. The strange “men” invited him to follow them. He felt no fear (apparently he was under the alien’s influence) and they entered inside the craft. He heard their thoughts in his head, as they demanded that he take his clothes off, he did as he was told. The beings then shone a beam of light on his cloths in an apparent decontamination procedure and told him that he could dress again. After that he was show a screen with holographic scenes of their home planet. Parshin remembered that the planet did not seem to have many trees and had small animals remotely resembling horses. After this demonstration they told him, “We are here for the fifth time. Every period we stay here for 5 years, those who are replacing us are coming and they are supposed to arrive in the year 1938, but they have apparently had some technical difficulty.” The aliens then said that they could not stay for too much longer since they were running out of provisions. They requested that he cooperate with them and assist them in whatever possible. The witness never divulged their specific requests. Before his death, Parshin confessed to his wife, Perepetuya that he had been supplying those beings with newspapers on a regular basis. The aliens also told Parshin that the flight time to their destination point took 2.5 years earth-time one way and the same for the return time. (The purpose of the newspaper is not made clear).

HC addendum
Source: Valeriy A Kukushkin, Yaroslavl UFO Group “Chimeras of the X Location”, Anton Anfalov
Type: G

Location. Near Chashniki, Belarus
Date: 1937
Time: 1100A
7-year old Ludmila Chepik was shepherding some cows and collecting flowers on a meadow near the River Uloy when suddenly she saw a “man” descending from the sky towards her without a parachute. He descended to about 1 to 2 meters from her. The man was approximately 113cm in height (dwarf like), of athletic built, with broad shoulders and a disproportionately large head. He had a narrow waist, and something like heavy boots starting at the knees, like wide trousers, red in color. The man wore dark tight-fitting clothing. He had a helmet on his head, resembling that of an ancient Russian warrior (?). The helmet had a cone-shaped “bulb” shaped protrusion on top. His face was visible, reddish in color and was wearing something resembling a transparent visor. The entity spent approximately 1 minute with the witness. He opened his visor, produced a protracted smile at the girl, looked around, touched the grass—he carried an oval device in his hands. After that, he waved his hands, and zoomed soundlessly up into the sky at high speed. After gaining an altitude of about 100 meters, he seemed to compress into a ball and dissolve into thin air.

HC addendum
Source: Aleksandr Kuzovkin, Selected reports of UFO observations in The USSR 1982
Type: E

Location. Plakentia, Greece
Date: 1937
Time: noon
A woman was passing by from the Plakentia palace (then in a remote area) when she felt an unexplained sensation of fear. Suddenly, she saw, in a distance of 50 meters, a small girl, about 10-years of age, coming towards her. Her hair was standing up, like drawn by a magnet. In a few minutes a gust of wind took the “child” which vanished inside an old and crumbling nearby house.

HC addendum
Source: Folklorist Angeliki Tseva
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Possibly a specter type entity, it is interesting that this sort of entity (a little girl) has been reported in connection with humanoid and UFO reports worldwide.

Location. Saginaw Michigan
Date: 1937
Time: afternoon
An angler saw a scaly man-like creature that climbed up a riverbank and leaned against a tree and then jumped back into the water. The witness suffered a nervous breakdown after the incident.

HC addition # 1475
Source: Loren Coleman, Curious Encounters
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Early encounter with an obviously reptilian or amphibian humanoid.

Location. Upper Uwchlan Township Pennsylvania
Date: 1937
Time: night
Cheyney Ladley encountered a creature with fiery red eyes and a bushy tail. It hopped like a kangaroo. No other information.

HC addition # 2926
Source: Mark Chorvinsky Fate August 1990
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Wish I had more of a description of the creature; it could be some sort of Bigfoot hybrid or maybe an early Chupacabra type creature.

Location. Kokkina Vrachia, near Achladocambos Greece
Date: 1937
Time: night
Witnesses saw a creature, “half-goat-half man” screaming and shouting. After awhile it vanished into thin air. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: J Anagnostopoulos
Type: E

Location. Sydney, Australia
Date: 1937
Time: night
After waking up on two consecutive nights feeling paralyzed and in a deep sweat the witness left the light on the third night and woke up to see 2 small figures dressed in black standing by his bed. He thought they looked like 2 little nuns with their heads covered. One of them was trying to pull the clothes off of him. He said the Lord’s prayers and the strange figures left. Involved in other encounters.

HC addendum
Source: Alien Resistance
Type: E

Location. Not given
Date: 1937
Time: night
A man and his two sisters reported that on the day of their mother’s death they were terrified to see a figure descending the stairs. The figure had a face the man saw again years later “on the dust jacket of the book Communion”. That of an alien with large slanted black oval shaped eyes. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Chris Aubeck, Return To Magonia
Type: E

Location. Near Karpinsk, Sverdlovsk, Russia
Date: 1937
Time: night
In the Ural Mountains a silvery metallic cylinder-shaped object descended and exploded behind a mountain. It is reported that a number of bodies of unknown origin were located inside. No other information. Additional information by source indicates that there was a crash but no bodies were apparently retrieved.

HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov, Ukraine
Type: H

Location. Fontana, California
Date: 1937
Time: 2100
Soon after the main witness and some friends were illuminated by an unknown shaft of orange light coming from the sky while walking back from the movies, the main witness remembered waking up at night finding his bedroom filled with a subdued light and four or five little figures with big heads and eyes looking at him. The figures appeared to be light blue or green gray in color. The figures then would move around and touched him. One night he recalled seeing the little men and a white light would appear at the door accompanied by a tall man (he could not see his features) that appeared to be in charge of the little humanoids. He never felt any fear during the encounters.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Ste. Pazanne, France
Date: February 1937
Time: 2000
On a road near this village a Mr. Billon and a female friend saw hovering in a field very close from the ground a luminous multi-colored almost square-shaped object. They could see two figures about 1 meter in height walking back & forth very rapidly in front of the object. The witnesses watched the scene from about 100 meters away. The figures appeared to be wearing brown-green colored uniforms. The witnesses were in a state of shock after the incident.

HC addendum
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Type: C

Location. Barra das Garcas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Date: March 1937
Time: unknown
A tall hairy powerful humanoid reported to have been the legendary “Mapinguary” supposedly went on a three-week rampage in this small farming town. Somebody or something with super human strength, enough to tare out their huge tongues slaughtered a large number of heads of cattle. Reports included several sightings; humanoid like tracks as long as 18 inches, and horrible roaring sounds from the woods. All together, over one hundred heads of yellow cattle of old Spanish origin were killed, all the way to Ponta Branca, located 150 miles south of Barra das Garcas.

HC addendum
Source: Occultpedia
Type: E.

Location. Near Naples, Italy
Date: March-April 1937
Time: 0200A
Two men engaged in smuggling wine next to Cappodicino Airport came upon a landed disc shaped object, 20-30 meters in diameter. The object resembled two inverted plates and emitted a weak glow around its circumference. The surface of the craft was silvery and lusterless. A high pitch hum now became evident and three rows of lights became visible alongside of the object, a fluorescent blue glow on top also became visible and a pink glow on the bottom, furthermore along the lower section dim blue red flames became visible. Inside a small cupola on top of the object a dark humanoid figure was seen briefly by the witnesses, the craft also had a small cupola on its lower section. The craft rose to 400 meters and then took off towards the nearby Vesuvius Volcano, quickly disappearing from sight.

HC addendum
Source: Giornale de Misteri, Unknown number
Type: A

Location. Czernica, Germany (Eastern Part, now territory of Poland)
Date: Summer 1937
Time: unknown
A multicolored ball or globe-shaped UFO was seen to fall in a field (or near a field) belonging to Eva Braun’s parents (this was the future mistress of Adolph Hitler) The area was cordoned off by SS-troops from the town of Jelenia Gora (called Hirschberg at the time). The crashed disk was transported to the Hirschberg SS base and kept under very strong guard and super top security. The disk was 7.6 meter in diameter and 3.8 meters high. It consisted of a large “overwhelming” dome, encircled by a narrow outer rim, and smaller flat dome on the bottom with a flat lower section. The top of the dome was also flat and large. The craft had 6 oval-shaped structures resembling portholes but not transparent, or devices that radiated some type of light, located near the base of the upper dome. On the lower surface of the outer rim the craft had 12 lights. The color of the disk was a dull metal gray. There was an insignia on the dome resembling the letter “T” with 2 props on its sides. The entrance into the disk was found on the top of the upper dome. The general shape of the disk resembled that of a German soldier’s helmet with a small protrusion on the bottom. Inside the circular cabin were 3 small seats, there were control panels around the dome and 3 alien beings were found: one was dead, the other two were alive. One of the live aliens died soon after the crash, and the second live alien remained in custody for about 1.5 months and then died. The aliens were small dwarfs, about 0.9-1.0m in height, with large hairless pear-shaped heads, small dystrophic looking bodies, long narrow hands with 4 fingers, grayish skin and large dark slanted eyes. The Germans were afraid to move the disk to a more distant location, out of apprehension that it might explode during a long trip during transportation. So, a research laboratory had to be constructed nearby. From Hirschberg the disk was removed to a more secured underground location, which most likely, was called “Der Riese” a Nazi complex in the nearby Gory Sowie mountains (now in southwest Poland), which was also a site being used for excavating for uranium ore. This complex had an extensive network of underground hangars, connected by tunnels. The bodies of the occupants and the living extraterrestrial were also moved into this complex. The alien that lived for a little bit over a month apparently supplied the Germans with some type of information and was desperately asking the Nazi medical doctors for help, but they could not help him because of the different biological structure of his body. The alien died from an unknown illness. The origin of the crashed craft was apparently the double star system RA known on earth as 78 mu-1, Cygni, 73.1 light years in distance. Among the information given to the Germans by the surviving alien was that they had built underground bases in the polar region of the Canadian Northern Territories maybe Baffin Island. This data was supplied to Adolph Hitler himself. But no substantial technical data was in fact provided by the alien that could had help Nazi scientists to cope with the alien technology, despite their desperate attempt to obtain such data. The surviving alien also informed the Germans that the crashed was caused by some kind of technical malfunction. The alien was kept and interrogated at the same underground installation as the disk. Adolph Hitler and some other top Nazi figures including Werner Von Braun and Air Marshall Hermann Goring inspected the crashed disk, the alien bodies and consulted Nazi scientists in an attempt to use the object as a super secret weapon. Among those scientist involved in investigating the crashed disc were, Max Von Laue, Otto Hahn (who discovered nuclear fusion) and Werner Heisenberg. Fortunately (and unfortunately for the Nazis) the alien technology was extremely sophisticated and difficult to understand. The disc indeed inspired some Nazi scientists to construct different models of disc-shaped planes and the so-called flying bombs. This crash and possession of the extraterrestrial spacecraft was one of the factors that possibly inspired Hitler with extreme self-confidence to start World War II, hoping to use the craft as a sort of super weapon that would eventually help him conquer the world. Because of the approaching Soviet troops the whole underground complex was blown up, and the disk and the alien bodies was buried in one of the underground tunnels, the entrance was sealed with numerous huge rocks. It is apparently still there, unbeknownst to the Polish Government. The disk apparently still emanates radiation from its power plant, but because of the nearby uranium mines this source of radiation remains undetected.

HC addendum
Source: Robert K Lesniakiewicz, Milos Jesensky “Wunderland, Extraterrestrial Technologies, Anton Anfalov, Lenura A Azizova, Iryna V Volyk & Sergey V Kovalevskiy
Type: H

Location. Carpathian Mountains, Czechoslovakia
Date: Summer 1937
Time: night
The witness, Dr. Z. was visiting relatives who lived in a small village near the Romanian border and one night was standing in an open field with a full moon overhead, and just staring at the vast expanse of stars, when suddenly he saw what at first appeared to be a shooting star flashing across the heavens. It gave off an eerie glow that lit up the entire sky, it stopped and hovered for several minutes and then streaked toward the horizon, making sudden right angle turns as it went. The nocturnal visitor, at its closest position took on the appearance of a craft apparently not of human origin. Later that night the witness experienced a very vivid dream in which he stood in the same field where he had originally seen the object. He saw a shiny metallic sphere about 50 ft in diameter come down from the sky and land nearby. Suddenly a port opened on the bottom of the craft and a ray of blue light beamed out and struck the witness, engulfing his head and shoulders. He felt paralyzed and light as a feather; he was then gently lifted up into the air and levitated into the landed craft. Once on board the craft, he found himself being led into a small chamber by two robot-like creatures, which were made of some material like metal except that the joint of their bodies were very flexible, giving them the movement of humans. He was directed to a seat and then left alone. In a matter of moments the room lit up a brilliant red, and a man towering well above normal height appeared in front of the witness. The witness was unable to speak and was told to pay strict attention, to remain quiet and to listen only. The being, who identified himself as “Andra Haxen”, said that the earth was soon going to find itself in the middle of a great battle that would take many lives and leave much sorrow in its wake. He expressed great compassion and stated that eventually good will overcome evil. The witness was told that he had been chosen for contact because of his scientific knowledge. Before leaving the craft he was apparently shown a blueprint of an invention that would apparently helped humanity in the future.

HC addendum
Source: Richard Stevens, Official UFO Special: Ancient Astronauts, November 1977

Location. Rotherham South Yorkshire England
Date: Winter 1937
Time: 2000
A man walking his dog along a dark lane near a pit hill saw a strange figure running down the slope. It ran straight at a fence and instead of stopping to climb over it, it ran through it, passing very close to the witness. The being was described as humanoid, about five-foot two inches tall, covered with hair, with goat like hands and feet and with an oddly pointed head. The figure crossed the road then ran up a steep bank towards the railroad tracks. The witness felt compelled to follow the creature but resisted.

HC addition # 756
Source: Michele Clare, Northern UFO News # 110
Type: E

1938 Humanoid Reports.

Location. Near St Louis Missouri
Date: 1938
Time: unknown
The mother, in a family involved with numerous encounters, recalled seeing a craft on the ground and numerous entities that appeared to be in a rush, around it. They re-entered the craft, which left the area at a tremendous rate of speed. One of the entities appeared to be a little girl, hybrid in nature, fragile looking, with large black eyes and no white parts apparent, but with more rounded eyes than a “typical gray humanoid.” The girl also had a pointed chin, high forehead, and very fine thin hair. The mother noticed at least one other entity accompanying the hybrid girl that looked entirely human. It was described as a 6 ft tall white woman, with brown hair and brown eyes wearing some sort of tight-fitting one-piece uniform. No other information.

HC addition # 3306
Source: Bob Buck
Type: B or C?

Location. Juminda Estonia
Date: 1938
Time: unknown
Two Estonians saw a “frog man,” and one chased him some hundred feet, when he disappeared. Height about 3.5 ft, legs slightly more than half this; head hemispherical, directly on body without a neck; body with a hump on chest; mouth “a straight slit extending over great part of head;” eyes also slit like. Skin “looked like brown-green pegamoid material” except for the hands, which were “human colored.” The being walked “very strangely, the legs moving in a careful lifting fashion, yet very elegant, as though our gravity were too small.” When chased, “the being accelerated enormously, so to speak propelled by a terrible flutter of its feet.” It was thought to have vanished behind some latticework beside the path.

Humcat 1938-2
Source: Sven Schalin
Type: E

Location. Northwest of Stewart, British Columbia, Canada
Date: 1938
Time: unknown
While searching for a missing trapper in a remote glacial area near the Alaskan border, constable Larry Requa entered a cave and discovered 5 “alien skeletons” which had extended craniums. One of the entities had a metal medallion on, imprinted with star symbols. All 5 entities were facing a stone altar and it was Requa’s impression that these beings had been “stranded” as they could not leave the earth. The cave had unusual characteristics as it appears to wind in a vertical configuration and the walls were extremely smooth as if these beings had used a “boring device” to make the tunnels within the cave. Apparently as of July 2000 the skeletons were still in the cave. It is not known what the present status is.

HC addendum
Source: Rob Bailey, & UFO BC
Type: H?

Location. West Yaroslavl Province, Russia
Date: 1938
Time: unknown
A local grandmother named Marfa had gone to her cow barn when she stumbled upon a dwarf-like humanoid standing near the feeding trough staring at the cow. Meanwhile the cow was chewing hay peacefully. The woman was amazed as the humanoid took some hay with his hand and put it in his mouth, apparently mimicking the cow. The grandmother screamed and the alien turned around to look at her. At this point she noticed that he had a greenish face, he then dropped the hay and walked away. While walking he emitted a very peculiar noise that sounded like, “tsok, tsok tsok”, as if the alien was wearing horseshoes on his feet. The witness also noticed that the humanoid had a straight nose and wore tight-fitting cloths. Footprints resembling those of a horseshoe were found the next day. The other villagers laughed at the witness.

HC addendum
Source: Valeriy A Kukushkin, Yaroslavl UFO Group “Chimeras of The X Location”, Anton Anfalov
Type: E

Location. West Yaroslavl Province, Russia
Date: 1938
Time: unknown
A local postman named Yakov was conveying post and newspapers to a small village nearby reported regularly encountering small humanoid beings on the road near the lake. The beings had greenish tinted skin, large head and hoofed legs. On a constant daily basis the humanoids would take newspapers from him, reading them right then and there and returning them to same place. (Why the interest in the newspapers?).

HC addendum
Source: Valeriy A Kukushkin, Yaroslavl UFO Group
“Chimeras of The X Location”, Anton Anfalov
Type: E

Location. West Yaroslavl Province, Russia
Date: 1938
Time: unknown
Several local residents watched a ship descend from the sky. After that on several occasions villagers encountered strange “men”. These humanoids differed from the gray-greenish dwarfs with hoofs previously observed. These were described as tall, blond and dressed in tight fitting silvery suits with a kind of lacing.

HC addendum
Source: Valeriy A Kukushkin, Yaroslavl UFO Group “Chimeras of The X Location”, Anton Anfalov
Type: C

Location. West Yaroslavl Province, Russia
Date: 1938
Time: unknown
A local villager, Ivan Ivanov went out to one of the lakes near the village, apparently on a fishing expedition (though the locals warned that nobody was supposed to fish in said lake because of the damaged “ship” of strangers that sank into it, which apparently poisoned the waters). On the banks of the lake Ivanov encountered several entities with greenish tinted skin, large heads and hoofed legs. They told him that they had a technical problem with their ship that caused a fire inside one of the compartments. They had to flood the compartment with water, and the spacecraft sank into the lake. The aliens spoke to him in a respectful tone. They earnestly requested that he buy them ink and paper. They even gave him money (Russian rubles) for that purpose. He agreed and after the initial contact he reportedly met the aliens on numerous occasions mostly engaged in running errands for them. Unfortunately, later Ivanov became blind for unknown reasons, possibly because of his long exposure to the aliens.

HC addendum
Source: Valeriy A Kukushkin, Yaroslavl UFO Group, “Chimeras of The X Location”, Anton Anfalov
Type: E

Location. Baiao, Alto Duro, Portugal
Date: 1938
Time: various
Bonifacio, a local shepherd reportedly met on top of a nearby mountain a “shining lady”, which apparently communicated with him. Others living in the area reported seeing strands of an unknown material falling to earth and dissipating as they reached the ground.

HC addendum
Source: Inforespace # 55
Type: E?
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Appears to be a Marian apparition, which sometimes blends in very well with UFO related phenomena such as the apparent fall of “angel hair” reported in this case.

Location. Red Oak, Texas
Date: 1938
Time: night
Several men were out coon hunting in an isolated area and had built a campfire when they noticed that the normally fierce dogs appeared quiet and scared and had crowded around the fire. At that moment one of the men noticed a huge white figure standing about 30 yards away; just watching them. He pointed out the creature to the rest of the men. All were then overcome with fear and took off running as fast as they could, dogs, and all. Other local residents reportedly heard strange screams coming from the wilderness area. Two other men driving on a dirt road reported seeing a huge white haired creature step out of the brush and started heading toward the car. They drove away from the area as fast as they could.

HC addition # 3054
Source: R P Chapman
Type: E

Location. Pialia Village, Pindos Mountains, Greece
Date: 1938
Time: night
Farmer Vassilis Zorbas was going to his trefoil field near the small chapel of the Holy Trinity when he heard a loud bang, which seemed to come from a nearby creek. Initially he could not see anything that could explain the sound. Later he saw a small (1 meter) humanoid creature, dressed in a black gown with hood. Its face was shining. The creature stood for a while in front of him and then went inside the chapel and vanished.

HC addendum
Source: Antonis Bousboukis
Type: E

Location. Arizona Desert
Date: 1938
Time: afternoon
Steve Brodie and a friend were searching for precious stones in an isolated Mesa, when Brodie heard his companion give a sharp shout of surprise. As he looked up from his work, he saw a black-cowled figure at the base of the mesa. Another man in black immediately joined this strange figure. The first intruder pointed a rod at Brodie, and the young man found himself unable to move. He then heard his friend begin to run. The other cowled figure then pointed a similar rod at Brodie’s companion and Steve heard him scream. At once the air was filled with the acrid odor of burnt human flesh. Brodie then watched helplessly as a third figure approached him with what appeared to be a set of small earphones. When the black-cowled, shadowy faced figure went behind, Brodie felt something beneath his ears, and then he blacked out. All Brodie could remember about his captivity was three or four brief periods of consciousness, during these times he found himself penned with other humans in cage-like enclosures. On each occasion, just as Brodie’s head would begin to clear, a black-cowled figure would approach him, freeze him into immobility with the rod, and adjust the headset. One day he found himself walking near Times Square not remembering how he got there.

HC addition # 2998
Source: Brad Steiger, Monster Among us
Type: G?

Location. Danvers Massachusetts
Date: 1938
Time: night
Six-year old Raymond Fowler (A present day UFO researcher) experienced recurring dreams of seeing a dark figure in his room, preceded by “ a strange electric like tingling sensation.” He would try to scream to his parents but found that he could not move a muscle. The figure would come closer and closer. He would be frightened beyond measure.

HC addendum
Source: Chris Aubeck, Return To Magonia, also Fowler in UFO Testament
Type E

Location. Outside B’Bugia Bay, Malta
Date: February 1938
Time: unknown
Several people spotted a “Zeppelin-type” object moving at great speed over the sea a few km out of B’Bugia Bay. One of the witnesses was a soldier that had a telescope. He said that he could see people inside a gondola wearing strange helmets.

HC addendum
Source: David Pace
Type: A

Location. Sinnet, Saskatchewan, Canada
Date: February 1938
Time: night
A man walking along the Sinnet road saw a figure approaching, and he thought it was a friend. The figure suddenly transformed, unbelievably, into a huge fireball, which flew up high, over the cemetery gate and telephone wires, then descended, still flaming, and disappeared among the tombstones.

HC addendum
Source: Unidentified in Saskatchewan
Type: E?

Location. Near Kilfinney Ireland
Date: Spring 1938
Time: daytime
A student walking along a country road was nearing some cross roads when he came upon a short two-foot tall man dressed in red & sporting a beard. He asked the little man where he was from and was told “The Mountains.” The student ran to obtain additional witnesses and they also saw three short men all in red and one wearing a white cape. The witnesses chased the little men but these disappeared among the hedges and marshes in the area.

HC addition # 337
Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Unexplained Mysteries > Of The 20th Century
Type: E

Location. Silver City, New Mexico
Date: Summer 1938
Time: Twilight
Four children, including Ann Alley saw a gray-clad man sail over them at treetop level. Alley would later recall that “he seemed to be wearing a belt which was wide and had points sticking out of it.” He also wore a Flash Gordon like cap and a wide cape. The flying humanoid drifted across the sky above the children as they all stood and stared, speechless. He finally disappeared from sight into the distance.

HC addition # 3244
Source: Jerome Clark, The Unexplained
Type: E

Location. Muñico Spain
Date: Summer 1938
Time: noon
A young cowhand had taken a herd of cows to a nearby spring by a small wooded area when he heard a loud humming sound coming from above him. Looking up he saw a bright silvery blue object descending slowly; it landed next to the woods. It was a round silvery craft with dark porthole like openings, it landed on four leg like protrusions and had multi-colored flashing lights around its perimeter. A door opened and a ramp was lowered to the ground. Two tall men-like figures emerged, while a third shorter figure stood by the opening just inside the craft. All three humanoids wore gray silvery outfits with boots and gloves. The two tall figures appeared to collect something from the ground. As the witness walked towards the craft the smaller figure at the door pointed something at him that flashed and knocked him down. This happened twice, the witness then hid behind some bushes and watched as the humanoids re-entered the craft, one appeared to wave at him before entering the object. The object rose up and left the area at high speed emitting a loud whistling sound.

HC addition # 683
Source: J J Benitez, La Punta Del Iceberg
Type: B

Location. Somerville Massachusetts
Date: Summer 1938
Time: night
Malcolm B Perry saw an object approach from the east, which he at first thought it was a blimp; but it was silent, & showed no gondola or propeller. At one of the several portholes in the side of he could see the silhouette of a person sitting and apparently watching him, and he could also see “people” moving about behind the other portholes. He yielded to a strong impulse to wave, feeling “as if they were old friends.” The object moved off between clouds & was seen no more.

Humcat 1938-3
Source: Coral & Jim Lorenzen
Type: A
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 10
Comments: Classic early type A entity report. The “curious” feeling reported by the witness is very intriguing. Did he really know them?

Location. West Yaroslavl Province, Russia
Date: beginning of June 1938
Time: evening
The witnesses, 10-year old Alexander P Gusev, his friend Lesha (Alexey) Volkov and his two brothers had gone into the forest in order to collect mushrooms. After finishing they lit a bonfire and sat around it preparing the food. Suddenly a strange, old “man” walked out of the forest and joined the boys. He had a beard and mustache, shoulder length hair and carried what appeared to be a staff in his hands. The stranger was small in height, thin and slim-build, his face was greenish. His general appearance was that of a Hindu. He wore a strange shirt, black in color, with a large number of buttons, almost overlapping each other. He had a belt with a red sash, high top boots with pointed tips. He greeted the boys and reproached them for burning a fire in the forest. He began to ask questions about the village and numerous other questions. During the conversation, he took a tobacco pipe from his pocket and made believed he was looking for tobacco, but soon hid the pipe and said that he just remembered he had no tobacco. The boys mentioned that the men in the village had tobacco. But the stranger smile and said, “We do not smoke” He took his sash, which resembled a red kerchief and put it on his head, it now resembled a turban. Alexander noticed that the stranger had a wire sticking out of one of the pockets that was connected to his ear, possibly a portable communication device. The old “man” was not in a hurry, and said he had half an hour. So they had time for additional conversation (in the Russian language). The man then mentioned something about God and Lesha Volkov responded, “There is no God” The old man frowned and said, “You must not talk like that, God will punish you”. (By coincidence (?) Volkov died soon after in an accident). When the food was ready, the boys invited the stranger to eat mushrooms with them. He took out an object resembling a plate, but very deep, like a deep saucer, and also a cup a spoon engraved in Slavic lettering. When he ate, the boys noticed that the man had strange teeth; his upper and lower teeth were even, forming a smooth plain surface. The teeth in his mouth were shaped like the Russian “P” so his mouth was like a horizontal line with 2 vertical lines. His jaws were square-shaped. In the front he had a large metallic tooth that apparently hindered him as he ate. While eating the boys began to ask the stranger questions about who he was and where he was from. He told them that his ship was on the ground “ventilating” near the river and added that he had to go out of the ship. He also stated that there were 3 others with him but they were gone and were returning in 24 hours “they have a place to stay the night”. The stranger then asked the boy, “Who are those people with dogs” referring to the guards from a nearby concentration camp (GULAG). He also asked how many snakes and frogs were in the area and mentioned that he had placed a protective net on his ship’s hatch in order to keep them out. (As was established later, the alien was a human/Zonnerian hybrid descendant of those taken to Zonneri from ancient India.

HC addendum
Source: Valeriy A Kukushkin, Yaroslavl UFO Group
“Chimeras of the X Location”, Anton Anfalov
Type: E

Location. Guadalajara Spain
Date: July 25 1938
Time: 2330
A military man & his assistant saw a strong white light, which came from a dark lens shaped object about 35 ft in diameter, hovering about 6 ft above the ground 60 yards away. Without sound, a sort of column bearing a platform started to come down from the center of the object, & 2 moving silhouettes were observed on this platform. A circle of blue light was projected on the ground & focused on the witnesses, who felt a sensation of chill. The platform rose again, and the upper & lower sections of the object started spinning in opposite directions. The whole craft glowed with an intense white light & flew away.

Humcat 1938-1
Source: Ballester Olmos in FSR Special Issue # 4
Type: B

Location. Provincetown Cape Cod Massachusetts
Date: Fall 1938
Time: night
Area residents reported a mysterious attacker described as being more than seven-foot tall with fierce looking eyes and pointed ears. He supposedly would breath blue flames into victim’s faces and had incredible leaping abilities. One farmer reported that the weird being jumped an eight-foot high fence in one leap.

HC addition # 3245
Source: Jerome Clark, The Unexplained
Type: E

Location. Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Date: October 31 1938 or thereabouts
Time: night
Several local children reported briefly spotting something black and reptilian far off among the dunes or peering at them from behind trees or big rocks. The children were frightened, but their parents tended to toss it off, saying it was just some Halloween prankster or an eccentric summer tourist.

HC addendum
Source: Joseph A Citro, Passing Strange
Type: E

Location. O’Donnell Heights, Maryland
Date: Fall 1938
Time: unknown
Residents complained to police that a tall, thin prowler dressed in black was terrorizing them. He eluded capture by police. Witnesses swore that he possessed extraordinary leaping abilities. “He ran and jumped like a gazelle.” Another witness who got a good look at his face described it as “horrible.”

HC addendum
Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!
Type: E

Location. Near New Apollonia Greece
Date: September 1938
Time: before sunrise
A man had gone into an isolated area in order to cut down trees and gather leaves. He suddenly saw two human like figures standing on a nearby clearing. He approached them carefully and was now able to see that the “men” were very tall with large heads, short hair, large red-colored staring eyes, and dark bronzed skin. Their faces seemed sunburned and bloated and both appeared to be wearing military type uniforms. The beings were standing in front of a large metallic egg shaped craft that was standing on 3-4 legs and its top half was transparent. The witness, who was holding an ax, shouted at the beings, this seemed to startle them since they quickly climbed up into the object via a round open hatch. The witness could now see the two beings inside the craft; one stared at him while the other appeared to operate some controls. Something resembling a balloon suddenly inflated on the back of the object apparently causing the object to rise up vertically and disappear quickly from sight. A peculiar flask with a flammable type liquid was later found at the site.

HC addition # 1445
Source: Thanassis Vembos, Strange Magazine # 13
Type: B

Location. Garganta la Olla, Spain
Date: October 1938
Time: night
A witness, T G Lopez, encountered a huge luminous spherical object on the ground next to some trees. Near the object moved a very tall female entity that had long flowing hair. She appeared to be wearing a dark flowing robe.

HC addition # 2526
Source: J C Benitez, La Punta del Iceberg
Type: C

Location. Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Date: 2nd week of November 1938
Time: night
Maria Costa was on Commercial Street near the Town Hall and she prepared to cross the road toward the coffee shop, something caught her eye. Some large creature was moving about in the shadows outside a closed up shop. It then jumped right at her as if were on springs, spreading its cape like vast black wings. Maria froze, too startled to scream. The dark, menacing presence loomed over her like a giant. Then it vanished. She described it as all black, with eyes like balls of fire and at least 8 ft tall. The most unsettling thing of all, it appeared to make a sort of buzzing sound, like a monstrous insect.

HC addendum
Source: Joseph A Citro, Passing Strange
Type: E

Location. Ingenheim, France
Date: November 1938
Time: night
In a local vineyard several witnesses reported seeing large greenish spheres of light on the ground and moving within the lights, mysterious humanoid silhouettes. Apparently no traces were found.

HC addendum
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Type: C

Location. Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Date: middle of November 1938
Time: night
Charles Farley’s dog cornered a creature in the yard. Farley went out, shotgun in hand, and was confronted by a tall black monster with what looked like long silver ears. Thinking it was some kind of wild animal he shot at it. But it didn’t react like any wild animal; the thing just laughed and vaulted over the 8-foot fence and out of Farley’s yard. Around the same time a local boy was coming home from the library when a tall black figure jumped out at him from nowhere and “spit blue flames into his face.”

HC addendum
Source: Joseph A Citro, Passing Strange
Type: E

Location. Campagne Di Fiuggi Italy
Date: winter 1938
Time: night
A man was returning from work when he noticed a bright light shining from behind some nearby trees. He approached to within 150 ft and noticed a silvery object on the ground. It was shaped like an upside down dish with a dome on top, approximately 30 meters in diameter. 4 metallic “legs” supported the object and between these there was a long ladder extending all the way to the ground. At the base of the ladder stood 4 short man-like figures, about 4 ft tall, & wearing coverall like suits. Curious, the witness approached the group and these suddenly scrambled up the ladder & into the object.
Immediately the ladder & the legs retracted back into the craft and a very bright orange light came on. The craft lifted up, at first very slowly then it increased its speed and shot up into the sky and disappeared.

HC addition # 2868
Source: Itacat
Type: B

1939 Humanoid Reports.

Location. Achladocambos, Arcadia, Greece
Date: 1939
Time: unknown
A shepherd, Takis Paravantis encountered a humanoid with an enormous head that appeared and then vanished into thin air after a loud bang. The door of the sheepfold was shattered into pieces.

HC addendum
Source: J Anagnostopoulos
Type: E

Location. Mannerheim Line, Russo-Finnish border
Date: 1939
Time: unknown
Finnish troops, holding the Mannerheim Line against Russian Soviet troops, declared that they had seen hundreds of figures attributed to have been angels floating in the sky.

HC addendum
Source: T Peter Park, The Anomalist # 10
Type: E?

Location. Near Boisey France
Date: 1939
Time: unknown
The witness, 18, was walking through a wood on his way to meet some friends when he felt a presence behind him. He turned and saw the silhouette of “an immense human form,” 10 ft tall, moving toward him. He ran. No traces were found.

Humcat 1939-1
Source: J Perret, L’Insolite # 1
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Early report of alleged giant humanoid.

Location. Washington D.C
Date: 1939
Time: unknown
Secretary of State Cordell Hull, under Franklin Delano Roosevelt reported seeing four large glass-like jars holding 4 creatures and a wrecked round craft of some kind being kept in a subbasement in the U.S Capitol building. He described the creatures as less than four ft tall and the object as being silvery metallic in nature. The object appeared to have been taken apart in pieces. The color of the material was of a color that he had never seen before, but for the lack of a better word he used “silver”. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: William E Jones Ohio MUFON
Type: H?
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: This information has recently come to light given to researchers by descendants of Cordell Hull. Interesting story, if true if would seem to indicate that the US Government had already recovered crashed “aliens” before 1947. There are other reports from other countries indicating that such recoveries had been made in the 30’s and early 40’s.

Location. Pentelikon Mountain, Greece
Date: 1939
Time: morning
A man went to Katsoulerthi site to collect resin from the pine trees. He went very early in the morning, so as he reached the site, he decide to take a nap until dawn. Not long after that, he was awakened by a strange lullaby. Then he saw in front of him a very tall naked “man.” The “man” was wearing a huge hat, shaped like a mushroom. The witness stood up and the “man” went away screaming and vanished into the pine forest.

HC addendum
Source: Folklorist Angeliki Tseva
Type: E

Location. Borrego Sink, California
Date: 1939
Time: night
A man prospecting alone in a desolate area was confronted one night by a pack of hairy, two legged creatures covered with silvery white hair or fur, and glowing red colored eyes. The creatures surrounded his camp and menaced him for some time but were apparently kept at bay by the blazing campfire.

HC addition # 1637
Source: Mike Marinacci, Mysterious California quoting Ken Coon
Type: E

Location. Tres Serros, Brazil
Date: 1939
Time: night
Witness Sesefredo Silveira Gomes saw a circular metallic object on the ground. Next to the craft stood three short humanoids dressed in black coveralls. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Type: C

Location. Killeaden, Ireland
Date: January 1939
Time: midnight
Two men, including Michael Sheehy were returning home from work and were nearing a wide detour around the Killeaden state when they were perplexed to see three strange figures standing in a group just where the by-road joins the highway. And they were indeed three extraordinary figures. They were tall and well built and all were clothed in deep black. They stood close together and facing each other in a small circle or triangle, with their arms straight down by their sides and their heads bowed as if in sorrow or deep contemplation. After some hesitation the two men plucked up their courage and walked past these eerie figures but keeping as far away as possible, well on the grass verge on the other side of the road. Then they hurried on and parted at the avenue gates. As Sheehy reached the back avenue gate he stopped in horror, for there, before him on the outside road were the same three weird figures, just as he had seen them before. It was of course, quite impossible for them to have got there, by natural means. Even running they could not have made the detour in time, but there they were and in the same queer poses as before. Sheehy again keeping as far away as he could ran past them and made his way home as fast as he could go.

HC addendum
Source: Dermot Mac Manus, “The Middle Kingdom”
Type: E

Location. Westwood Pennsylvania
Date: February 11 1939
Time: afternoon
Farmer Sylvester Scott was spreading fertilizer when he noticed his dogs were restful and excited. Then nearby he spotted a strange creature, which was two or three feet high and was colored like a deer in front, with white on the flanks. The silent creature was less than 50 ft away. It had paws rather than hooves. It had a foot long neck, a small head, and no tail. It jumped two feet in the air, ran across a field, and disappeared. When the creature ran away the dogs refused to follow it. He saw the creature 3 other times and heard its screams during the night.

HC addition # 2925
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate August 1990
Type: E

Location. Steglitz, Berlin, Germany
Date: March 1939
Time: early morning
The 5-year old witness suddenly woke up to see three “shapes” sitting before him on his bed, however he did not feel any additional load or pressure on the bed. The shapes had human proportions with round heads but blurred facial features, but the eyes appeared to be black. They had arms with hands that blended into the darkness. The figures were encased in a shiny white glow, which clearly outlined their bodies. The shapes sat one behind the other; the figure in front was bending down looking directly at the witness. The witness never felt frightened, but however screamed for his parents and turned the lights on at this point the figures seemed to fade away. The shiny visitors apparently came back the same night, with the same results.

HC addendum
Source: Greyhunter UFO site, Germany
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Pre-WWII bedroom visitation report. I believe there are hundreds of such “hidden” cases that occurred during that time period and during the war, which begun later that year.

Location. Cordoba, Argentina
Date: April 14 1939
Time: night
A man riding a horse in an isolated and dark area heard sounds similar to that of a crying baby. Suddenly before him the ground appeared to open up and a short bizarre figure emerged. It was a dwarf with long pointy teeth, small ears, a large round head and a small child-like body. Terrified the witness rode away from the area.

HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso, Rosana Moya
Type: E

Location. Pentelikon Mountain, Attica, Greece
Date: early May 1939
Time: 2300
Mr. Antonis Priftis was coming down the mountain, taking his sheep back to the fold. Suddenly he saw a bright mushroom-shaped object hovering above some nearby trees. The object had bright searchlights around its rim below and was illuminating the area. Two strange creatures seemed to “descend” to the ground on one of the beams of the “searchlights.” The creatures were wearing “diver’s suits” (the witness described them as sponge divers”). The two creatures walked towards his location and stopped about 3 meters away from him. They did not talk to him, but the witness felt “voices inside his head.” The creatures asked repeatedly him to go with them but the witness refused. They also told him that they had come many times in the same spot and that they would come back again. After that, they went back to the “flying mushroom” in the same manner. The object’s light seemed to dim and it started gaining height. After a while the object disappeared with great speed, leaving behind it a trail of bright orange light.

HC addendum
Source: Ioannis Yannopoulos
Type: B

Location. Horcajada, Spain
Date: May 1939
Time: unknown
Several locals including, Adelaida Rubio encountered a humanoid figure wearing a uniform that appeared to have metallic “legs.” It emitted bright flashes of light and it moved over fields using strange jumps and clumsy bounding movements. According to some in the area it somehow resembled a “soldier.”

HC addendum
Source: Mundo Misterioso
Type: E

Location. Rural Alabama
Date: July 1939
Time: daytime
A retired FBI agent said that while investigating unusual reports concerning a fortuneteller and military secrets he was sent to the above location to investigate the facts. Upon arriving at the residence the agents found a woman sitting on the front porch. The agents approached the bottom steps and identified themselves. They told her that they were going to ask her several questions. She smiled and said yes but told them she was not a fortuneteller and she could read their minds. She said she had been “reading minds” for a very long time. When asked where she was from, she replied, “Another world.” She was asked what she was doing on Earth and replied that she was guarding something that did not concerned humans. The agents decided to take her in for questioning but she told them she had not intentions of going with them. The head agent ordered one of the men to escort her to the car but as he was walking up the steps of the porch he suddenly began trembling and fell to the ground. She remained sitting and told the agents that if they made any further attempts none of them would leave from there alive. They agreed and the agent on the ground got up unhurt. Before leaving, the agents asked for proof that she was indeed from another world, she agreed and told them to have their superiors pick an area of 100 square miles and to put markers around it, and to make sure no airplanes flew over the area. The agents left and reported the strange encounter to their superiors. They strangely agreed to do exactly what she told them to. Later an internal excursion into the deserted area that was picked for the “proof” revealed that it had been completely devoid of life, including birds, plants, etc. The agents were told to forget the whole thing and to never attempt to contact the strange woman again.

HC addition # 2778
Source: UFOs In New Mexico & The World
Type: E?

Location. Zahara De Los Atunes Cadiz Spain
Date: July 1939
Time: noon
Several young children were resting in the shade under some large trees when some nearby goats became agitated and stampeded down a nearby hill. Soon a huge metallic disc shaped craft flew low above the witnesses emitting a strong heat wave. The craft descended and landed amidst a great cloud of dust on a nearby clearing, emitting a loud whistling sound as it touched the ground, the craft had a band of red, yellow and green lights around its edge. A door opened & a tall figure clad in a silvery metallic outfit, with headgear and a wide belt emerged, quickly followed by a shorter similarly dressed figure. They both walked in very stiff movements. Their silvery suit covered their faces and both had two black holes where the eyes should have been, both figures took out an object resembling a flashlight and walked 50 yards away from the object. They eventually returned into the object, which ascended at tremendous speed. Ground traces were said to have been found and were supposedly still visible in 1980.

HC addition # 99
Source: Ballester Olmos & Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia de Los Encuentros Cercanos con Ovnis
Type: B

Location. Serra do Gordo, Brazil
Date: July 1939
Time: late night
Joao Lucindo a gold prospector had been camping in an isolated area one night when a persistent loud whistling sound awakened him. The whistling sound was like nothing he had ever heard before. He walked to a nearby ravine to investigate the sound and at first could not see anything. The strange whistling continued throughout the night without Lucindo locating its source. Soon he noticed a peculiar light on some nearby woods and armed with a powerful lantern and a rifle he went to investigate. As he approached the lighted circular area he suddenly felt he was unable to move any further. Suddenly he saw two very tall man-like figures approach; these were at least 1.80 meters in height. Both figures wore tight fitting metallic outfits that covered them from their feet to their necks. As a result of the light he could not distinguish their faces clearly but they appeared to be human in appearance. The men suddenly spoke and told Lucindo to look up, as he did he saw an object hovering above the treetops about 40 meters away. The object resembled a metallic revolving disc shaped object. This object was apparently the source of the mysterious whistling. As he looked at the object mesmerized a hatch opened slowly and he saw a very bright interior light. At this point the two tall humanoids grabbed Lucindo by his arms and all three rose slowly up into the object. Inside he saw what appeared an immense laboratory. He was given numerous examinations by the humanoids and was told that all this was somehow going to benefit his family. Soon Lucindo was released and returned to his home near the campsite at around midnight, not able to explain to his family where he had been. During the night Lucindo had a strange dream where the two humanoids told him exactly where to dig for gold the next time he prospected in the mountain. He did as he had dreamed (or told) and indeed found a rich vein of mineral (gold), which did improve his family’s fortunes. Vicente Lucindo died in 1970 soon after he revealed to investigators about what had transpired decades before.

HC addendum
Source: Jackson Camargo GEPUC Brazil
Type: G
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: early abduction report from a country that has one of the highest indexes of humanoid encounters in the world. The first well known (reported) abduction with sexual content did indeed occurred in Brazil in 1957 (Sao Francisco de Sales).

Location. Roseberry Topping, Guisborough England
Date: August 1939
Time: afternoon
10-year old “Jack Quinn” and his mother were taking a walk on a local hill when they heard a strange humming sound under their feet, which seemed to be vibrating. Scared his mother grabbed his hand and pulled him across the heather, but in their haste he fell and hurt his ankle. As his mother knelt down to check, there was a strong smell of “something burning” like burnt paper. Then a big white globe of light suddenly appeared from nowhere, in the middle of the field. The sphere of light did not move at first, it just sat on the heather about 4 or 5 yards away. They estimated it to have been about 6 feet across. Then two little men appeared on the brow of the hill. Even though they were about 30 yards away, the witnesses could see that they were tiny, about 3 ft in height. They wore some kind of shiny material, a sort of light greenish color, and had close-fitting helmets made of similar kind of material. The little men were jabbering away to each other in high-pitched voices. They then looked across at the witnesses, pointed, getting excited. The globe of light the moved closer to the witnesses and the mother, now terrified began to pray. The light rolled right around the witnesses very slow. Then it stopped, the humming sound getting louder. Then suddenly everything stopped. The humming noise and vibrating disappeared and the globe of light and the little men seemed to dematerialize. Both witnesses got up and as they made their slow and painful progress across the field to the path, they distinctly heard some weird high-pitched laughter, which seemed to come from the air. Then there was a sudden, unnaturally complete stillness. Both felt very tired. They seemed to have become disoriented and lost as they stumbled around the field for about half an hour. Soon, inexplicably they found themselves back in the path totally unaware how they got there.

HC addendum
Source: Lynn Picknett, The Mammoth Book of UFOs
Type: C?

Location. West Yaroslavl Province, Russia
Date: Winter 1939
Time: evening
A local grandmother named Maria Barabashova was eating in her wooded house located in an isolated area on the banks of the lake when suddenly a stranger entered her house. He was of small height with a dark face, gray clothing, and pants that stretched down to the floor. Frightened, the old woman started crossing herself was amazed to see that the stranger also crossed himself while facing the icon hanging on the wall, he then greeted her and asked permission to stay and rest. Maria welcomed him and offered him food and tea. Her guest was very strange and unusual. He refused to eat any food and only drank tea, pouring some strange powder into it before drinking it. When he ate he hid his legs under the chair apparently in order to conceal the fact that his feet were hoofed. During conversation he mentioned his name, which was very unusual and very long, and the witness could only remember in had an Indian word like “rama” in it. Suddenly the strange took out a strange cigar-case device from his pocket that possessed sharp corners, pushed a button on it and pulled a wire from it. “What is that and what is it for?” The stranger smiled and said, “I must not be late to my craft, it had some technical problem”. He added that he was not worry since it was being repaired as they spoke and he was confident that he would fly out in time. Maria thought that the stranger was speaking nonsense. Soon after that Maria felt very sleepy and excused herself going immediately to sleep. When she awakened she went outside and noticed strange non-human footprints on the snow, as if made by someone walking on high heels. She tried to follow them but it was fruitless so she returned home. The visitor was apparently a human-alien hybrid.

HC addendum
Source: Valeriy A Kukushkin, Yaroslavl UFO Group “Chimeras of The X Location”, Anton Anfalov
Type: E
Location. Saarijarvi, Kullaa, Finland
Date: November 29 1939
Time: 1700
The day before the great Winter War began, 14-year old Arvo was in the forest with his father collecting firewood. When it was getting to be twilight they headed home. Almost at once the boy noticed on the right side of the path, on a small rocky hill some 2-3 meters high, a strange device 3-4 meters in diameter. He assumed it was a moonshine factory and since he had never seen one before he wanted to have a look. His father however deterred him from approaching the object. He observed the device from a distance of about 70 meters. He described the device as being 3-4 meters in diameter, narrowing at the top, which was hidden by the dense firs. The bottom section was round like a kettle and it was about 2.5 meters in height, supported by perhaps three landing legs made of 2-3 rods ending in triangular plates, which he would observe later. From the bottom of the craft emanated a “dull” flame like that of an upside down candle, 1.5 meters long. From the sides of the lower section of the object shot out 5-6 strong flames of different colors angled at 45 degrees down and about 1 meter in length, emitting a loud noise resembling that of escaping gas. Standing outside the object was a 160cm tall human like creature, which was clad in an astronaut-like suit with a round helmet, which had an oval opening. It was carrying a box, which he was apparently using to “direct” 2 or 3 robot-like creatures, which had box-like heads. At least one of these robots lifted his legs very high when walking, so Arvo could see that the legs were like two rods below the knees ending in a plate. It was not possible to make a very accurate or detailed observation of their activities due to the twilight and covering trees. The next day the Winter War began, but Arvo went to the landing site, despite his father’s objections, which also refused to go fetch firewood with him. At the site where the object was seen there was a triangular mark of a support leg. There was also a strong, unpleasant smell in the area.

HC addendum
Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland
Type: C

Total Cases: 19

Addendums will be included as they become available.

1935 Chronological list:
00001935 Genesco Illinois
00001935 Macmeenstown County Donegal Ireland
00001935 Chiarotorre Italy
00001935 Not given
000019335 Havana Province Cuba
00001935 near Charbonier Spain
02001935 Svanshals Ostergotland Sweden
Spring1935 Malines Antwerp Belgium
04051935 Aznalcazar Sevilla Spain
05001935 Redondo Beach California
05311935 Maglavit Romania

1936 Chronological list:
00001936 Dourdan Woods, France
00001936 Great Falls Maryland
00001936 Nottingham England
00001936 near Jefferson Wisconsin
01011936 Potterne England
03001936 Arran Stirlingshire England
04001936 Hertfordshire England
Summer1936 Halandri Athens Greece
07001936 Palm Springs California
07001936 B’Bugia Bay Malta
07251936 Pilar de los Muertos Guadalajara Spain
Winter1936 near Port Colborne Ontario Canada
Winter1936 Pavlodar Region Kazakhstan

1937 Chronological List:
00001937 near London England
00001937 near Chashniki Belarus
00001937 Plakentia Greece
00001937 Saginaw Michigan
00001937 Upper Uwchlan Township Pennsylvania
00001937 Kokkina Vrachia, near Achladocambos Greece
00001937 Sydney Australia
00001937 Not given
00001937 near Karpinsk, Sverdlovsk, Russia
00001937 Fontana California
02001937 Ste Pazanne France
03001937 Barra das Garcas, Matto Grosso do Sul Brazil
03-04-1937 near Naples, Italy
Summer1937 Carpathian Mountains, Czechoslovakia
Winter1937 Rotherham South Yorkshire England

1938 Chronological List:
00001938 near St Louis Missouri
00001938 Juminda Estonia
00001938 Northwest of Stewart, British Columbia Canada
00001938 Baiao Alto Duro, Portugal
00001938 Red Oak Texas
00001938 Pialia Village, Pindos Mountains, Greece
00001938 Arizona Desert
00001938 Danvers Massachusetts
02001938 B’Bugia Bay, Malta
02001938 Sinnet Saskatchewan Canada
Spring1938 near Kilfinney Ireland
Summer1938 Silver City Mexico
Summer1938 Muñico Spain
Summer1938 Somerville Massachusetts
07251938 Guadalajara Spain
Fall1938 Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
10311938 Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Fall1938 O’Donnell Heights, Maryland
09001938 near New Apollonia Greece
10001938 Garganta La Olla Spain
2nd week of November1938 Provincetown, Cape Cod Massachusetts
11001938 Ingenheim France
Middle of November 1938 Provincetown, Cape Code Massachusetts
Winter1938 Campagne Di Fiuggi Italy

1939 Chronological List:
00001939 Achladocambos, Arcadia Greece
00001939 Mannerheim Line, Russo-Finnish border
00001939 near Boisey France
00001939 Washington D.C.
00001939 Pentelikon Mountain, Greece
00001939 Borrego Sink, California
00001939 Tres Serros, Minas Gerais, Brazil
01001939 Killeaden Ireland
02111939 Westwood Pennsylvania
03001939 Steglitz, Berlin, Germany
04141939 Cordoba Argentina
05001939 Pentelikon Mountain, Attica, Greece
05001939 Horcajada Spain
07001939 rural Alabama
07001939 Zahara De Los Atunes Cadiz Spain
07001939 Serra Do Gordo Brazil
08001939 Roseberry Topping, Guisborough England
11291939 Saarijarvi, Kullaa Finland

Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net

Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.

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