1973 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTS Compiled by Albert Rosales
1973 was indeed a landmark year as far as UFOs and alien encounters are concerned. After 4 relatively slow years 69-72, 1973 exploded into the world heralding the arrival of The High-Strangeness era of UFOS and related phenomena. The autumn humanoid wave described by Webb was only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Besides the almost 200 humanoid encounters (reported) there were literally thousands of well documented CE1’s CE2’s, radar visuals, aircraft, daylight discs, etc. It was the end of the Vietnam era, the beginning of the end for Nixon and the start of the weird decade. 1973 through 1979 can only be rivaled by that unforgettable French wave of 1954. 1973 brought us, Hickson and Parker, the Turin Airport intrusions, the Northwest Cape incident that possibly created a high state of military alertness for all worldwide US forces. It was the midst of the Yom Kippur war, the world was indeed at the brink, and more was yet to come.
Location. Goshen Indiana
Date: 1973
Time: 2000
The witness a supervisor at a local rubber factory was called outside by one of his men who had been smoking a cigarette. Once outside the man pointed up and to the left. They both saw some type of craft moving very slowly from the northwest to the southeast. There were a number of slanted downward windows in the craft. They could see several figures moving about and some were apparently looking down out of the windows. The background behind the figures was red, making the figure look like silhouettes. The strange thing about the craft was the rather bobbing motion it had while moving. They watched the object for about 10 minutes until the craft drifted out of sight.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A Humanoid seen inside UFO.
High Strangeness Index: 5
ROS: 5
Comments: I wonder if this incident took place during the great September-October flap.
Location. Near Norton Air Force Base, California
Date: 1973
Time: unknown
The witness was employed by the Air Force as a photographer. One day he received unexpected news that his security clearance had been upgraded. A few weeks later, he and another military photographer were flown for a temporary duty assignment to Norton Air Force base. As they landed they were taken on a two-hour drive inside an Air Force vehicle with blacked out windows. They finally arrived at their destination, which turned out to be inside an underground installation. They were ordered to disrobe and given white smocks to wear. The main witness was taken to a room, which contained a disc shaped craft suspended in a heavy net hanging from a large crane. The disc was about 30 feet in diameter and had a small opening on the side. The witness was lifted up to the opening and put inside. He was shocked to see that the inside looked to be about 10 times the size of the outside. Disoriented he poked his head back outside to check the size which appeared to be about 35 ft in diameter only. He continued to photograph the inside of the disc and was later taken to photograph actual alien bodies dressed in blue jumpsuits. At that point, he became ill and the other photographer was called in to complete the assignment.
HC addition # 3113
Source: Preston E Dennett, Uncensored UFO Reports # 1
Type: H Report of recovered alien craft and bodies.
High Strangeness Index: 9
ROS: 7
Comments: This is indeed a high strangeness case, with incredible implications possibly affecting the space and time continuum theory. The bizarre fact indicating an object larger than its outside appearance has been documented numerous times, and should not be ignored.
Location. Gravellone Toca, Novara Italy
Date: 1973
Time: unknown
A man working on his ham radio equipment received a strange message. After hearing peculiar static a metallic voice speaking in Italian communicated with him. He was told to maintain the communication a secret. Later he was given instructions to go to a wooded area near his home. At the rendezvous site he encountered a landed metallic circular object. Next to the craft stood three normal looking men, the men wore “asbestos” type suits and helmets with antennae. The beings promised to return but never did.
HC addition # 1429
Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Life Beyond Planet Earth?
Type: C Direct communication with aliens. Humanoids seen in vicinity of landed craft.
High Strangeness Index: 7
ROS: 9
Comments: After going through the trouble of communicating with the witness the aliens were for some reason unwilling to take it further.
Location. Miri Sarawak, Malaysia
Date: 1973
Time: unknown
Several persons vacationing along the beach reported sighting several tiny man-like creatures moving in the area. No other information.
HC addition # 1457
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A summary of UFO and Related events in Malaysia 1950/1980
Type: E Encounter with isolated humanoid entities.
High Strangeness Index: 7
ROS: 9
Comments: Again another report of tiny alien entities in Malaysia, why so many reports of that type from that country? But apparently not unique to that country.
Location. Miri Sarawak, Malaysia
Date: 1973
Time: unknown
Several boys reported encountering a tiny man like figure that was cutting a wire fence with an intense beam of light. The entity disappeared into the bushes when they tried to catch it.
HC addition # 1458
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A summary of UFO and Related events in Malaysia 1950/1980
Type: E
Location. Near Akron Ohio
Date: 1973
Time: unknown
The two witnesses were driving when they sighted two hovering craft and experienced a time lapse. Under hypnosis one of the witnesses remembered lying on an examination table surrounded by electronic equipment. Several undescribed beings connected her to this equipment and assured her that it was going to be a painless examination. Later both witnesses found themselves sitting side by side on two chairs completely silent. They were then suddenly returned to their vehicle without any memory of the event.
HC addition # 487
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery Type: G Abduction of human into alien craft.
High Strangeness Index: 8
ROS: 8
Comments: Would like additional information on this case, for example did it occurred during the fall flap? Any description on the humanoids?
Location. Near Frederick Maryland
Date: 1973
Time: 0200A
Richard Kilburn was returning home along a remote road when he suddenly experienced a memory lapse. He only had fragmentary memories of an event. Under hypnosis he recalled seeing two lights descend from the sky and land nearby, his vehicle suddenly veered off the road and stopped. He got out of the vehicle and heard a sound, he then saw four or five humanoids coming over a nearby fence and approach him. The beings were very short and thin, hairless with large heads shaped like inverted teardrops, large black walnut shaped eyes, small noses, slit mouths, no ears and white putty like skin. They had long tube like fingers and wore black tight fitting suits and gloves and were clumsy when they moved. One that seemed to be the leader gave directions by gestures while another being began digging a hole. The witness was seized by a clamp like device and taken to a luminous white egg shaped craft sitting on a platform of girders and making a humming sound. He was escorted up a tube like ramp into the object and entered a luminous white domed room and next found himself on a table wearing only a diaper like cloth. A device came down from the ceiling and a needle like device ran along his back. He was then given an extensive physical examination by several of the beings, with different devices. He later lost consciousness and found himself driving home in his vehicle.
HC addition # 488
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery
Type: G Direct interaction with humanoids, abduction into UFO.
High Strangeness Index: 8
Source: 8
Comments: Early report describing gray like or similar entities, which are mostly associated with the abductions.
Location. Cooksville, Maryland
Date: 1973
Time: 1900
Mike Shea was driving toward Olney to meet a friend when about 15 minutes outside of Baltimore he noticed a beam of light strike a barn 150 feet from his car. He then saw a huge hovering object with a ring of alternating red & yellow lights. The object was totally silent. When the beam of light shut off Shea became fearful. He felt something coming up behind him. Suddenly he saw the object overhead and felt an electric current running down his spine. The next thing he knew he was feeling quite relaxed and was approaching his destination. He had somehow lost two hours of time. Years later under hypnotic regression he remembered seeing four figures standing at the side of the road. He then realized the figures were creatures dressed in a black kind of plastic armor. They had black faces and appeared to be wearing helmets with a line down the middle that came to a point. The beings looked like huge grasshoppers with long arms and bowed legs. Three of the creatures were large. The fourth one was small and wore a black silky suit with a zipper up the front, somehow this being seemed “ancient” to the witness. He then saw a large shiny craft hovering nearby emitting a low whirring sound and a smaller craft on the ground. Eventually he was taken inside one of the crafts, put on a table, and examined. Various organic samples were collected from his body.
HC addition # 2478
Source: Patrick Huyghe, The Field Guide To Extraterrestrials
Type: G Abduction of human into UFO.
High Strangeness Index: 8
ROS: 8
Comments: Insectoid aliens? Early report describing such humanoids also why did the witness thought of the small creature as ancient?
Location. Bukit Mertajam Penang Malaysia
Date: 1973
Time: 0900A
Two boys walking on the grounds of a local primary school encountered three tiny figures, green in color, standing on a field. One of the boys attempted to catch one of the figures but was shot in the hand. The entities ran into the brush and disappeared. A small object was also seen on the ground.
HC addition # 1459
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A summary of UFO and Related Events in Malaysia 1950/1980
Type: C
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: School grounds seems to be a major attraction for different type of phenomena in Malaysia, many of the humanoid encounters there are indeed reported in or around schools, but not all.
Location. Denbigh Moors Wales
Date: 1973
Time: daytime
While hiking in the moors area the witness encountered a beautiful female “alien” with shiny black hair that pointed a silvery pencil like object at him which paralyzed him. He then lost consciousness. When he came to the alien woman had gone but lying next to him was a pot of honey and two incense sticks.
HC addition # 993
Source: Norman Oliver, Quest UFO Magazine Vol. 10 # 5
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Unfortunately there is no additional information available on this intriguing case. An encounter with a female “alien” appears to have been the case here.
Location. El Canton Nancito, El Salvador
Date: 1973
Time: late evening
Two young sisters had gone to the nearby river to fetch some buckets of water. The younger sister became tired and drifted off to sleep. At that point the older sister saw a figure approaching from a nearby path. She described the figure as a humanoid female, wearing a white tunic, with long jet-black hair. It carried something in her hand resembling a lantern or torch. The terrified girl stood watching as the figure approached her. As it got to within 20 feet it suddenly disappeared in plain sight. The girl then woke her younger sister and both went back home.
HC addition # 3641
Source: Personal Communication
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: The similarity between in descriptions between the female “intruders” in the two preceding cases its interesting. The lady in white with long black hair is a common motif in many Central and South American Encounters; it all appears to tie in with the “La Llorona” legend.
Location. Dartford, Kent England
Date: 1973
Time: night
The 44-year old witness awoke to see a motionless figure standing in his bedroom. It was wearing a “bulky” one-piece matte silver suit that was joined to a round helmet with a rectangular faceplate of smoky color, so that the face was not visible. The height of the figure was about 6-foot. After about 5 seconds it turned its head to the right to face the witness; then it suddenly disappeared.
Humcat 1973-82
Source: Andrew Collins
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Interesting but not well-documented bedroom visitation.
Location. Santa Ana California
Date: 1973
Time: night
While asleep with his wife in bed, Allen C Smith “dreamed” he was on a “strange ship” of some kind. He was lying on a table and there, two entities nearby, one of which was bending over him, and passing a small rod-like instrument over his stomach and chest. The figure’s face was ‘silvery” with no facial features, appearing like a mask of metal. Without speaking, Smith “heard” him tell the others “this one has some kind of malady.” Smith looked around and “knew” that the object he was on was “run” by “magnetic electrical force, coming from rods sticking in a bunch of crystals or a crystal like substance nearby.” When he awoke, he was lying on the carpet in the living room. He had shaved before retiring, but had what appeared to be two days growth of beard on his face.
Humcat 1973-83
Source: Paul Cerny
Type: G?
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Early abduction report, of course this was only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Creatures wearing what appeared to be “masks” have been often reported.
Location. Covington Kentucky
Date: 1973
Time: night
The witness had been standing on her front porch when two bright stars like objects descended nearby and exploded into a bunch of small white lights, like fireworks. Everything was silent as the lights came together forming a large moon shaped craft that then landed nearby. Later under hypnosis the witness remembered seeing five small beings with large cat like eyes approaching and entering her home. She also remembered being taken onboard the object and seeing a round object encircled with rings.
HC addition # 974
Source: UFONS # 239
Type: G
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Another early abduction report unfortunately lacking information. It must be noted that this alleged incident took place in 1973 and possibly during the breakthrough wave of 1973.
Location. Wright Patterson AFB Ohio
Date: 1973
Time: night
An air force sergeant was called to duty in the middle of the night, states that he was led blindfolded to an area where he was instructed to guard three bodies stretched out on a table. The bodies were about 3-feet tall with large heads and off-white skin. No other information.
HC addition # 3420
Source: Leonard H Stringfield
Type: H
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Pertinent crash retrieval case, but with very little information. I have a feeling that crash-recoveries of “alien” or otherwise spacecraft are more common than expected.
Location. Springwood New South Wales, Australia
Date: 1973
Time: night
Two men were sleeping in a caravan at a remote construction site when a bright blue light shining from a hovering disc shaped object awakened one. A time lapse of two hours was reported. But the witness vaguely remembered interaction with several undescribed “men.” No other information.
HC addition # 148
Source: Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic, and Pony Godic IUR Vol. 14 # 4
Type: G?
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: I believe hypnotic regression would have uncovered more information in this intriguing case. I believe this has not been done.
Location. England, exact location not given
Date: 1973
Time: night
In a dream like state the witness saw an egg shaped object land on thick legs. A door slid open and a ladder descended. Two beings stepped out, one a humanoid with a big head and no hair, green eyes and a gray face; the other was human with blonde hair. She was unable to move as the beings approached, but she felt no fear or anxiety. The beings took her inside the craft, but she remembered nothing except computers and the end of the experience, when the door opened again and she went down the ladder, then the object took off at high speed.
HC addition # 2249
Source: David Haisell, Ron Knight
Type: G
Location. Bronx, New York
Date: 1973
Time: night
The witness was up in her apartment roof when she noticed a bright light overhead; she was somehow attracted to the light as it descended. The light became a large disc shaped object hat hovered directly over her. Moments later she found herself on a table with several humanoids looking down on her. The beings had almond shaped eyes. The air in the room felt stuffy and she had problems breathing. Another more human looking being appeared and communicated with her, telling her that they were here to help with their evolution.
HC addition # 976
Source: UFONS # 225
Type: G
Location. Harlingen Texas
Date: 1973
Time: night
Carlos Canas woke up to see a translucent, 7 ft to 8 ft tall being that emitted a green glowing light floating in mid air in his bedroom. The being appeared to have only eye sockets and it did not appear to have legs. The top part of the body was smaller than the lower part. It floated back and forth at the foot of the bed appearing to look at the witness. Canas attempted to scream but he could not emit a sound. He finally ran out the bedroom and into his grandmother’s room. Later upon returning to his room the creature had already vanished.
HC addendum
Source: Carlos Canas, E-mail
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Peculiar bedroom visitation case. The glowing green light property of the humanoid is interesting.
Location. Redondo Beach California
Date: 1973
Time: late night
The witness was asleep next to her husband when she got the impression that someone was standing next to her bed. She opened her eyes and was startled to see a luminous blue being with large almond shaped eyes. The being peered at her and telepathically sent her a feeling of love and caring. The humanoid did not touch her; it simply walked through a wall and disappeared.
HC addition # 3886
Source: CAUS
Type: E
Location. Attercliffe, Sheffield, England
Date: 1973
Time: night
The witness was returning home with her boyfriend when they caught sight of a dark figure that ran into one of the alleyways. Concerned they decided to walk in the middle of the road; slowly they walked passed the alleyway. Suddenly they noticed two bright red circles that came closer, they then realized it was his eyes. They both began to run when the boyfriend felt something strike his back. He turned around and lying on the floor was a pitchfork type tool, like a hayfork. They picked it up and ran home later contacting the police. Other witnesses came forward reporting a strange prowler described as very tall, 6’ 6″ at least, dressed in black, with a black cape with burning red eyes. Around the same time an old woman reported seeing a figure “jumping” across the rooftops. She watched him take tremendous leaps of about 20 or 30 ft, this frightened her. She then saw him walked down the side of a pub’s wall and into the scrap yard. He was also chased by policed but mysteriously disappeared as they cornered him inside a shack.
HC addendum
Source: Martin Jeffrey
Type: E
Location. Divinopolis Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: 1973
Time: late night
After arguing with family members and his sister’s boyfriend the witness, Zenon Carlos Rios decided to go up to the rooftop and sleep there for the night. As he lay on the hard concrete, almost at the brink of falling asleep, he suddenly heard a long whistle that startled him awake. He looked up and saw a large blue craft, two meters above him that seemed to be about to fall on him. The craft was egg-shaped with blue, black and white lights. There was a huge glass paned window going from one side to the other and inside he could see two human like figures sitting at a control panel. The two humanoids wore black outfits and had very pale features, and short white curly hair. The witness was unable to move and as the bottom of the craft was about to strike him, a door opened. Then a powerful blast of air sucked him inside the object. Inside he noticed a strong odor resembling propane gas, he immediately lost consciousness. His next memory was waking up on the terrace feeling great pain throughout his body. With great difficulty he walked downstairs and was stunned to learn that he had been gone for 3 days. He could not remember what happened during those three days.
HC addition # 2132
Source: Irene Granchi, UFO Abductions in Brazil
Type: G
Location. New South Wales, Australia, exact location not given
Date: 1973
Time: late night
The witness was asleep at home when she was apparently abducted. She found herself lying on a sterile looking aluminum like table, in a circular room. The room was cold and it had three other tables and seating. Two types of beings were present. One type was tall with an elongated head, no mouth or nose and set back ears. They wore a silvery suit and moved normally. The other type was shorter with elongated heads and seemed to move clumsily. The beings in the silvery suits appeared in control of the smaller ones. She saw other humans onboard, including her sister. They seemed to be in a trance and were seated on seats attached to the wall. The beings did not communicate with her but seemed to communicate with each other from their throats using cricket type sounds. The beings examined her apparently doing something to her stomach.
HC addition # 2026
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: G
Location. Wahiawa, Hawaii
Date: 1973
Time: late night
Rob Carlson had gone to the river in Whitmore Village with his friends to catch catfish. They laid traps in the river for about an hour, intending to come back in the morning to gather up the fish. As they were busy putting in their traps, they heard a blood-curling scream. It sounded at first like a wild man screaming in the bushes right next to them. In a state of panic the witnesses began to run. As they got to the top of the hill, running down a little trail, they came to a curve in the path. As they entered the curve, they all stopped dead in their tracks. An 8-foot tall man was walking down the trail, heading right for them. He was naked except for a cloth around his waist. They turned and ran back to the river. As he stumbled down the side of the embankment, a giant woman stepped out from behind a tree. She must have been at least seven feet tall. Turning downriver they ran until they came out of the ravine safely. Giant footprints were found at the site.
HC addendum
Source: The Obake Files: Encounters in Supernatural Hawaii
Type: E
Location. Near Jordan, Ontario, Canada
Date: 1973
Time: late night
Tom Campbell and his fellow musicians on leaving Jordan had a nighttime encounter. He had no recollection of the events until years later. The four musicians had just finished a gig and were busy packing their gear into the van when a stranger whom they had not noticed at the party approached and asked for a lift home. They agreed to let him accompany them. Finally loading the last of the instruments on board, all climbed in and set off for home. For some unexplainable reason they took a service road that bordered the Queen Elizabeth Highway on the north and Lake Ontario on the south. Close to Charles Paley Park the driver saw lights up ahead and thought that there had probably been an accident. Upon stopping, those in the rear, including Tom were curious as to what had happened. To which the driver replied, “I think you had better take a look at this.” Upon doing so they were astonished to see a saucer sitting in the middle of the road. Attempting to turn around the driver found that despite his very best efforts, he couldn’t turn. Even worse the van appeared to be floating sideways towards the saucer. The drummer, who was in the passenger seat up front, suggested to the driver putting his foot on the brake. Tom noticed that there appeared to be no road, vehicle contact. The van came to a halt within thirty feet of the craft. Soon they saw what appeared to be small figures getting out of the craft. The next thing that was heard was the door handle on the driver’s side rattling. Tom could hear footsteps moving down alongside the van to the rear door. At the same time he saw the head of the alien pass the side window. It had white cream-colored skin with black eyes. Suddenly the mysterious hitchhiker leant forward and opened it. When he did so the occupants saw four aliens looking in. One promptly climbed in, yet his head did not reach the ceiling of the van. In the dim light his features were not very clear. It was apparent he had no ears, and a small mouth. His facial muscle showed concern, probably because Tom was contemplating attacking them, but was unable to move. The alien telepathically informed him that his hostile thoughts made him concerned for the safety of his crew. That it was not their intention to harm the band members and their mission was one of peace. They wanted to examine three members of the group. At that point the alien “captain” turned around and caught his foot in the tripod of the snare drum, which promptly rolled out onto the road. One of the crewmembers picked it up and returned it to the van. Three of the band members and the aliens passed down the side of the van and entered the saucer through an egg-shaped doorway, steps were visible and a hallway further on the curve to the left. Entering the craft they saw three chrome cots on wheels. At which point they were asked to undress and then sit on the cots. Soon Tom saw one of the little humanoids wheeling a cart over towards him with what looked like a tray of instruments on it. Some looked like dental probes, and lights. Soon the three captives were taken into separate rooms in which the aliens collected different body samples. Later the three band members were escorted to the door and the bass player was sent. Later getting into the van everyone sat like zombies and also the stranger that had hitchhiked a ride with was gone. Later they drove home. Most of their memories were retrieved years later under hypnosis.
HC addendum
Source: Graham Conway, UFO BC
Type: G
Location. Berendeyevo, Yaroslavl, Russia
Date: 1973
Time: late night
As Tamara Nikolayevna waited for her husband to return from work when suddenly the door to the apartment was thrown wide open. At the door stood an unknown and beautiful looking man with blue eyes, which quickly entered the apartment. The stranger was dressed in a bright blue, tightly fitting tricot outfit. He did not speak only looked around apparently inspecting the premises. He briefly sat down on the bed then arose and left the same way he came in. Around the same time she was visited by another man-like stranger, this one dressed in black. He sat directly in front of Tamara and struck her across the chest once and then left. (!) Frightened, Tamara consulted local psychiatrists but was judge sane.
HC addendum
Source: Anna Kukushkina, Yaroslavl UFO Group
Type: E
Location. Near Nowra, New South Wales, Australia
Date: early January 1973
Time: night
Several witnesses returning from their Christmas vacation were driving an old Valiant car and had just passed the Sussex Inlet turn off when they noticed an approaching light ahead. The object, perceived as a bright light, appeared to reverse direction and began to travel alongside the car. The large object maintained a parallel course to the vehicle for the next 24 kilometers. The object was described as a large disc shaped craft with what appeared to be lighted windows along its length. There appeared to be a searchlight beam that rotated around the bottom of the object. At least one of the witnesses, an army officer, who was very close to the craft, reported seeing figures at the windows of the object.
HC addition # 3372
Source: Bill Chalker, The OZ Files
Type: A
Location. Moquehue, Neuquen, Argentina
Date: January 1973
Time: unknown
An anonymous native told an anthropologist that he had encountered a small creature called the “Anchimallen”. That appeared to expel fire from his mouth and eyes and moved in quick jumps, unlike humans. According to the report, the figure resembled a 50 cm tall “naked baby”. Another local forest keeper in Boquete on the shores of Lake Lolog reported being visited at dusk by a tall “vigorous” man-like shape that suddenly diminished his height until it reduced himself to about 1 meter in height.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso, Small Entities in Argentina
Type: E
Location. Oxon Hill, Maryland
Date: January 1973
Time: 0100A
15-year old Mary Ann Habib was driving with a carload of friends down Tucker Road when they all saw a large, white, hair covered creature run across the road and off into the woods. All the witnesses agreed that the creature was running on two legs and was much larger than a human.
HC addition # 3268
Source: Mark Opsasnick
Type: E
Location. Londrina Parana Brazil
Date: January 4 1973
Time: 0230A
Joao Marques, 31, observed a UFO hovering above the road near his home; an opening appeared and a human-like figure in white descended to the road on a rope. The being picked up a bit of grass and put it to his nose or mouth, then discarded it. He then picked up a hydrangea, which he took with him. He then re-entered the object b ascending the same rope in the manner he had earlier descended. The description of the figure’s height and other features is not given.
Humcat 1973-125
Type: B
Location. Debenham Suffolk England
Date: January 4 1973
Time: night
A van apparently collided with a tall entity dressed in a dark cloak and a tall hat. The van driver then saw the figure running away along the grass verge. No other information.
HC addition # 1808
Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries of Britain
Type: E
Location. Near Jonesville South Carolina
Date: January 19 1973
Time: 2325
An unidentified youth, driving on Route 18 approximately 13 miles south of Gaffney, saw a domed UFO sitting on the highway ahead, supported by three legs and flashing various colored lights. Thinking at first it was an accident, he slowed his car. Standing around the object were about a dozen “men” of normal height, dressed in white coveralls; they wore gloves, and their heads were bare. Each had “jet-black” hair and faces “the color of Caucasians.” On the uniforms were belts, buckles and buttons and the beings stood in place as the car approached, those facing another direction turning slowly to observe the witness car. They appeared to the witness to be seen through something similar to invisible waves of heat, appearing to “sort of wiggle like a worm.” The lights on the object were all colors and the object itself glowed a darkish yellow, the color of an incandescent bulb. On a side away from the witness he observed what appeared to be stairs that seemed to be affixed to a door that swung downward. He said he would have driven under the object had the men not been standing in the spot; the object was large enough to span the highway so that no car could have passed around it. The youth suddenly became frightened and quickly turned onto a secondary road just this side of the object, and sped away. A later visit to the site disclosed no traces of the object’s landing.
Humcat 1973-1
Type: C
Location. Tres Arroyos Buenos Aires Argentina
Date: February 1973
Time: night
Ventura Maceiras had a second encounter with two entities; one of the two approached the witness, smiling, and greeted him by placing his left hand on his breast. There followed an exchange of communication telepathically in which Maceiras learned the name of his visitor, “Arnoil,” and his companion, “Ninquier.” They came from the planet “Prunio,” which belongs to the empire of “Lobernia,” its major city was ‘Arlenquistan,” and they were now in their 14,320th year. The witness was shown a book illustrating a surgical operation; three figures resembling globes that contained cancer viruses; and he was instructed on how cancer could be cured. Our earth-moon system was called “Cleotor.” The entities made their pitch for goodwill and disclosed numerous other items of interest. They were approximately 1.75 cm tall, had small round ears, “slit eyes,” a small, flattened nose, and short fine hair. Before they left they warned Maceiras of impending major seismic disturbances. It was not reported if they arrived or left in a UFO.
Humcat 1973-2
Source: Pedro Romaniuk, FSR Vol. 14 # 5
Type: E
Location. 32 km NE Kimba South Australia
Date: February 4 1973
Time: 2150
While driving from Iron Knob to Kimba on Route One, Brian Hunt and his passenger, Miss Sharon Kinckler, observed a red light in a clearing to the right of the road. As they passed by, the two observed a red orange lighted area of rectangular shape, about 10 feet high by 5 feet wide, in which could be seen a sharply defined figure of what appeared to be a man in a white spacesuit. The figure was of normal size and appeared to be of ordinary shape, and was suspended in the lighted area some 2-3″ above the ground, and floated in the middle of the lighted area some 2-3 feet above the base. Mr. Hunt called the object and figure to his companion’s attention as he accelerated past the scene, and Miss Kinckler, upon turning in her seat, said the orange glow seemed to spread across the entire highway behind them. When they arrived at Miss Kinckler’s home in Kimba, the local police were called and a constable accompanied them back to the site. No traces were found. Two other independent witnesses were subsequently located; Mr. Allen Degnor, a Ceduna truck driver who passed by the same area at 2200 and described essentially the same phenomenon; and Mr. Max Inglis, who had passed Brian and Sharon just before they came to the site.
Humcat 1973-3
Source: Dean Piovesan, Peter Horne, Peter Howell and Keith Basterfield
Type: A
Location. 40 miles E McAlester Oklahoma
Date: February 14 1973
Time: 0230A
As they were flying a DC-8 charter cargo plane from St. Louis, Missouri, to Dallas, Texas, two anonymous pilots observed an object over southeast Oklahoma. They had just commenced a gradual descent from 21,000 feet in the vicinity of McAlester when the object appeared off to their right, approximately 5000 feet away, and moving in the same direction. It gave off a strange orange light and abruptly rose straight up like an elevator, then made a right angle turn in the direction of the DC-8 and approached at incredible speed, taking a position about 300 yards away, slightly above them. It was disc shaped, with a clear dome on top, and continued to pace the airliner in the new position. The pilot tried to raise its air traffic controller by radio with no success. The moonlight reflected off the silvery sides of the object, which had two sets of raised fins along its trailing edge; it appeared to be about 75 feet long and 40 feet wide. The pilot switched on his radar and immediately picked up its echo on the scope; almost instantaneously the object began a series of complex maneuvers and took up a new position just below the leading edge of their left wing. It dropped to a position 300 feet below the aircraft and the two pilots were able to see two, perhaps three, indistinct and shadowy figures inside the dome; the object then moved out and ahead of the plane, executed several more maneuvers, and disappeared into the night.
Humcat 1973-4
Source: Raymond Fowler, Nicap
Type: A
Location. Mill Spring, Missouri
Date: February 21 1973
Time: 2200
During a night of several other UFO sightings in the vicinity, Mrs. Edith Boatwright was lying in her bed when she saw a flashing light. Getting out of bed she looked out the window and saw a strange craft hovering over the utility wires. It had several lighted portholes and Edith thought she could see people or “objects” inside. It was making a quiet swooshing sound. It had an umbrella like protrusion on top. The witness was adamant that the craft was not a helicopter.
HC addition # 2922
Source: Jerome Clark, Fate May 1974
Type: A
Location. Mooraduc Crossing Victoria Australia
Date: February 22 1973
Time: night
On the night prior to this experience, Mrs Maureen Puddy “heard” a voice calling her name. Next morning she perceived a “message” telling her to return to the site of her 1972 encounter. She contacted two investigators of the Victorian UFO group and drove with them to the site. On route she briefly “saw” a man sitting in the front seat of the car; her passengers did not see the figure. As she approached the spot of her earlier encounter, she saw the same figure standing outside the car. The others saw nothing. The figure was normal sized, wearing a white ski suit-type of coverall tucked in at the wrists and covering the feet. He had long blond hair. He beckoned to Mrs Puddy, but she did not respond; instead, she appeared to lose consciousness, although she described what she was seeing to the two passengers of the car; she was in a round room lit by an unknown source; the figure appeared in the room with her, and the room was shaped like a large mushroom with a stem at the bottom and a hemispherical dome on top. It appeared to have an inner hemisphere that appeared to be wobbling, and had what looked like hieroglyphics on it. The figure told her to describe what she saw, which she did; her companions heard this description but still saw nothing themselves. She saw no doors or windows in the room and began to get frightened; she started to cry and ‘woke up” with tears in her eyes, but she could recall nothing of what happened in this trance-like stat, or what she just described to the others. About a week later she was driving with her son, seated in the front passenger seat. The same “man” again appeared, this time sitting between them. Apparently her son did not see him. His presence was accompanied by an abrupt change in the weather, which had been rainy and low visibility; it suddenly cleared, and Mrs Puddy could see for miles. The figure vanished abruptly, and the rainy conditions again prevailed.
Humcat 1973-9
Source: Harry Little, Bill Stapleton, UFOIC
Type: F
Location. McWaters, Quebec Canada
Date: February 26 1973
Time: 2100
Helene, 14, was driving the family snowmobile near McWaters, with her 2 brothers and 7 teen aged friends, all on snowmobiles, when a giant “headlight” rose from behind them and passed over the group, illuminating the whole landscape. After it had gone, all the boys went off on a race, leaving Helene behind. The brilliant light source reappeared and flew back over her; she estimated it as 60 ft in diameter. Suddenly its light went out. Helen thought it must be a plane that had crashed somewhere behind her. She turned around and went back about 500 ft, then got off and walked toward a very large dark bulk which she thought she could make out among the trees. She was within perhaps 50 ft of it when a small, cold hand coming from over her shoulder seized her by the chin and tried to drag her backwards. Thinking it must be her younger brother playing a joke, she broke free and pushed her attacker back so that he fell sitting into the snow. Turning to face him, she realized that it was a childlike figure smaller than her 13-year old brother. She ran back to the snowmobile and got a flashlight, turning it on the person, who was now slowly walking toward her. She saw a being about 45″ tall, clad in dark, close fitting clothing with a “plated” surface, and wearing a helmet that covered his head down to the chin. Around his face the rim of a “visor”, reflected the light, and his enormous eyes also shone brightly in the light, like those of a cat. He was advancing with difficulty, perhaps because of the snow. Terrified, Helene dropped the flashlight, ran to the snowmobile, and fled on it. She was joined by the other snowmobiles, which were returning. Her left arm was paralyzed. She was taken to a doctor at Rouyn, who gave her a sedative. The next day several people went to the place, where they found a large patch of snow melted down to the ground, 50ft in diameter and shaped like a donut. Beside it were the tracks of 2 small bipeds, a few yards away from each other; the tracks were short and broad with a large protruding great toe.
Humcat 1973-84
Source: Jean Ferguson, Les Humanoides
Type: C
Location. Dijon area, France
Date: Spring 1973
Time: 1000A
A lone witness responded to her front door after persistent knocking and was confronted by a bizarre looking man with a reddish face and a beard, who asked her for food. He wore what appeared to be “brand new” pressed clothing. She gave him some bread & cheese. He then engaged her in conversation explaining to the witness that she had been reincarnated on this earth several times. After that he walked away and disappeared from sight.
HC addendum
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Type: E
Location. La Tinaja Veracruz Mexico
Date: March 1973
Time: unknown
Cirila Montero Lagunes reported that her 3-year old son Ramiro had wandered off one day in March and returned six days later, with a story of having been found by five “little men” (Chaneques) and taken to a cave where they fed him “sweet food” and played with him. He was located from information by a neighbor boy who said the Chaneques had told him where the boy could be found. The boy said he slept in the cave and was looked after by the gnomes, one of who was with him at all times. The hillside below the cave was found to be extremely dense with spine bearing shrubs, and access to it would have been difficult for such a small boy; the adults had to cut a path to the cave’s entrance to reach it. It was approximately 9 miles form his home. No connection with UFOs is mentioned.
Humcat 1973-5
Source: Ramon A Pantoja Lopez, Robert Freeman Round, Fate
Type: G
Location. Not given
Date: March 1973
Time: late night
Olga Adler was in bed suffering from “chronic” back pain, her eyes were closed when the room suddenly became bright. She was suddenly paralyzed. She then perceived a figure in a long, light brown robe, resembling a monk’s habit, with the hood pulled up and rendering the face in deep shadows. The figure entered through a closed door and floated across the room. The figure held in his arms what looked like a heavy metal cylinder, which he placed on the witness back as she lay on her side, and pressed down. With contact of the cylinder on the witness back, she could feel comfortable warmth penetrating her body and felt surrounded by a tingling sensation like electricity. The figure held the cylinder there for at least five minutes. It then departed through the closed door and Adler fell asleep. Upon awakening, Adler was astounded to discover that her backache was gone.
HC addition # 2541
Preston Dennett, UFO Healing
Type: E
Location. Cologne Germany
Date: March 10 1973
Time: 2100
A local member of a UFO club had gone out into an isolated area in an attempt to signal UFO’s with a flashlight. Suddenly he saw an approaching bright disc shaped object that leveled off and landed very close to the witness. It was a 30-meter metallic disc. A hatch opened and a very tall slender figure emerged, his body was very muscular and he was wearing a wide belt, he walked stiffly, like a robot. His face was not visible due to an intense orange light coming form the landed disc. There was a flash of light from an object in the entity’s hand causing the hair of the witness to stand up. The entity then communicated via telepathy with the witness. The witness claims he was taken inside the object to a room where he was shown a film of the alien’s home planet and was given numerous revelations.
HC addition # 171
Source: Ulrich Magin
Type: G
Location. Vila Velha Espirito Santo Brazil
Date: March 11 1973
Time: 1830
Dr. Walter Lourenco De Souza and 7 members of his family were at dinner when they heard cries uttered by his nephew Samuel Faria, 26, who had gone out for a few minutes earlier to take a bath in a bath house at the end of the garden. On February 3 in the same garden the witness had encountered a hovering UFO that emitted intense heat. Pale and trembling Faria said that as he was returning from his bath, he had been seized by the arms, lifted about 8″ from the ground, and thrown backwards. He struggled and freed himself, falling on the ground. On his upper arms were visible red marks, apparently from claws that had gripped him. These marks, which were photographed, gradually turned brown and disappeared.
Humcat 1973-85
Source: Marco Alexandre Fundao, SBEDV
Type: E
Location. Avellaneda City Argentina
Date: March 11 1973
Time: 2000
Two tall men with long chins and pale skin, suddenly confronted the witness who has had previous encounters with entities, in his bedroom, these men wore ordinary clothing and spoke with an accent. They showed him a device, which they claimed could change anything into energy.
HC addition # 236
Source: Fabio Picasso, Strange Magazine # 9
Type: E
Location. 20 km N of Salta Argentina
Date: March 13 1973
Time: daytime
Jorge Roberto Herrera, an engineering student, saw an object shaped like 2 plates put together descend in falling-leaf fashion till within a yard of the ground, on which it then settled, tilted, beside the highway. It was aluminum colored until it landed, then it turned to a dull copper. It was about 16 ft wide. After 3 minutes, legs thrust out, which leveled the UFO. Then Herrera saw beside it a being 5’2″ tall, dressed in a white “diving suit” with opaque helmet; the arms were cut off short, without any hands. The feet covered by the suit, without footwear. This entity was not seen to emerge from the UFO. It glided a few feet without walking, then disappeared. A few seconds later the UFO retracted its legs, returned to an inclined position, and took off. Herrera was 50 ft from it at the time. He took one step and found he was at the landing marks, having moved 50 ft unconsciously. There were seven un-symmetrically arranged imprints in an area only about 5 ft square. A small truck came up, whose driver said that he had seen the UFO and that it had caused his engine and his radio to fail. This man drove Herrera, who now felt ill, to Salta; he entered a clinic, where he was treated for 8 days without ever being told the diagnosis.
Humcat 1973-86
Source: Fabio Zerpa, ONIFE
Type: C
Location. Tarcienne Belgium
Date: March 20 1973
Time: 1915
Mrs Vandervoort, living outside the village of Tarcienne, went outdoors to close her shutters and saw a white light pass over the roof of the nearest house, some 100 meters away; it approached silently form the direction of the nearby woods, and moved toward the east. In the next hour, at intervals of some minutes apart, she saw a total of 25 similar lights or objects flying over a low level-10 to 15 meters above the trees, moving very fast. With the aid of an old optical telescope, she observed in front of one of these objects a “man” standing, handling a “board;” it was a “tiny” figure, but “of great height.” He held one arm straight up. The witness reportedly took pictures of some of the objects, “It was impressive,” she is quoted as saying, insisting they were not normal aircraft, with which she is familiar, as there is a Belgian Air Base northeast of her locale.
Humcat 1973-87
Source: Alain Boisvert, GESAG Belgium
Type: A
Location. Apache Junction Arizona
Date: March 21 1973
Time: night
When Brian Scott returned to the site of his 1971 abduction he reportedly had the impression of having again experienced being taken aboard a UFO by the same 9-foot tall entities as earlier; this time he also encountered a short, squat being known as “The Host.” However the experience seemed to be “projected” rather than “solid,” and the voices of the entities “didn’t seem to come from their mouths.” He said that on this occasion he found the pair of boots that he’d lost on their earlier encounter.
Humcat 1973-6
Source: Professor Al Lawson, Mufon & Cufos
Type: G
Location. Therines Oise France
Date: March 24 1973
Time: midnight
M Brechant, his 11-year-old son, Patrice, and his brother in law, Mr. Cosme, were in a car on a dark night on a saucer hunting expedition. In a field near Songeons, 250-300 yards away, they saw a luminous ball whose light diminished in intensity; for a few seconds, 4-6 white luminous rectangles appeared beside it. Then they tried to drive around the light and observe it from the rear. This second luminous ball, likewise in a field, was about 200 yards away. From its base emerged a triangular beam of light, its base on the ball, and its point toward the left. Through binoculars, Mr. Cosme could see 2 luminous silhouettes of beings, one behind the beam and one “sliding on it” towards the point, where it disappeared. They seemed to have elongated heads and enormously broad shoulders; he could not distinguish arms and legs, but the one behind the beam seemed to carry a sack on its left side. This silhouette gradually “evaporated,” then the beam went out, and then the ball. On their way home the observer’s car was pursued by a ball of yellow-white, then yellow green light at treetop level, first seen 300 yards away and later approaching to within at most 50 yards.
Humcat 1973-88
Source: M Carof, M Lesbros for LDLN
Type: C
Location. Hannaches Oise France
Date: March 26 1973
Time: 0010A
On a dark night with a light rain, Jean Luc Noziere was driving home when his headlights picked up something white on the side of the road. When he came up with it he saw that it was a man’s face, only 2 ft above the ground, half turned to the sky. The eyes were wide open and unblinking, but the expression was an absent one, as if in a trance. The face was angular, with a square chin, and totally immobile. The witness drove on without stopping.
Humcat 1973-89
Source: Maggy Carof, Jean Luc Rivera
Type: E
Location. Wyoming, exact location not given
Date: March 27 1973
Time: midnight
The witness was driving in a rural area at night when he saw a light on the horizon. He felt an electric sensation running through his body, a bright light then descended over his vehicle blinding him, he then stopped the car. When the light goes out he saw two 7 to 8-foot tall hairless humanoids approaching the car. The beings had elongated angular faces, broad and slender and were wearing capes down to their knees. The witness felt extremely cold and could not start the vehicle, one of the beings entered the car and appeared to inspect the witness. At this point the witness apparently blacked out. He could later recalled vague images of approaching a round pockmarked rotating object, and of seeing a volcano and a strange sunrise. He also had a vision of a disaster in 1993.
HC addition # 461
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery
Type: G
Location. Caracaya Venezuela
Date: March 29 1973
Time: 0100A
Armando Silva and his wife, of La Salina, near Caracaya, were at their country home at the seashore. On the evening of the 28th they had seen two elongated bluish objects high overhead. About 0100A a stifling heat in the house awakened them. Mr. Silva went to the balcony and saw the two blue, capsule shaped objects they had seen earlier, now flying near the shore. One of them dropped into the sea and re-emerged on the surface, then was joined by the second, which bobbed on the surface nearby. Silva meanwhile had gone to the beach to see more clearly. “I was terrified when, at one of the small windows on the strange little object that came down from the sky and fell into the sea a few meters from shore, I saw a tiny figure, like a 5-year old child, and wearing on its head what looked like a great gourd. I cannot say for sure that it was an intelligent being, since I only saw half of its body and its head, which, as I say, looked like a gourd. Nor did I see any arms. And I didn’t wait to see if it made any movements, for I took to my heels and ran into the house, where my wife was watching from the balcony, the two things which had come down from the sky and were bobbing up and down in the water.” The incident lasted about 15 minutes.
Humcat 1973-90
Source: Gordon Creighton, FSR Vol. 21 # 1
Type: A
Location. Greslby Aland Island Finland
Date: April 1973
Time: unknown
An unidentified witness observed for 10 minutes a bowl-shaped object 30 meters in diameter, with windows, hovering approximately 50 meters above the water at a distance of about 150 meters; it was of a metallic color with flashing red and green lights. The witness stepped out of his car to observe the object and detected a sharp, pungent odor as the UFO moved closer in sharp jerky motions. Each “jerk” advanced it about 10 meters toward him. Behind the illuminated windows he could see several moving shadows, and he “had a sensation of being watched.” The UFO was surrounded by a heat-like, shimmering waves.
Humcat 1973-7
Source: Bertil Soderquist
Type: A
Location. Burke, Franklin County, New York
Date: April 1973
Time: 0530A
In a remote farm property witnesses observed a huge bird-like creature with a wingspan of about 20 ft, standing on a pond. It was battleship gray blue in color. When it took off, it flew very deliberately. It flapped its wings in a slow, leisurely manner. The bird-like creature stared briefly at the witness and her pet before it flew off.
HC addendum
Source: GCBRO
Type: E
Location. Milan Indiana
Date: April 1973
Time: daytime
The witness who had previously photographed a UFO was visited at his auto parts shop by two very strange looking humanoids. The two were described as having long hair with pale expressionless faces and wearing tan clothing with heavy gloves. One was very tall and the other was four-foot tall with a long head. The witness dog began to whimper and hid in a corner. The beings spoke in a mechanical monotone and demanded the UFO photographs. They then left in what appeared to be a yellow Buick La Sabre with tinted windows and no seats or steering wheel.
HC addition # 749
Source: Don Worley, UFO Universe Summer 1993
Type: E
Location. Ipoh Perak Malaysia
Date: April 1973
Time: 1030A
A small object was reported to have landed on the field of a local primary school. Several children and one adult watched the landed object as several tiny entities came out. They all wore shiny white suits. As the witness approached the object, the tiny figures ran inside the craft and it shot away at high speed.
HC addition # 1460
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A summary of UFO and Related events in Malaysia 1950/1980
Type: B
Location. Laguna California
Date: April 12 1973
Time: night
The main witness who had been experiencing mental contacts with an entity that called itself “Semjase” was at home when he had a sudden urge to go outside. He approached the edge of a nearby cliff and saw a hovering radiating disc shaped object. He attempted to call additional witnesses in the house but was unable to since they were terrified. At the open doorway of the craft stood a female figure apparently about eight-foot tall. The figure told the witness that it was not the right time for contact but promised to return.
HC addition # 1892
Source: Joseph Randazzo, Witness ET The Contactee Manuscript
Type: A
Location. Manor Pennsylvania
Date: April 15 1973
Time: 2255
During the night of April 15-16, more than a dozen witnesses reported observations of UFOs in the localized area of Penn and Manor, Pennsylvania, near the larger town of Jeanette. Among these was the report of a single witness who was driving near the Manor Power plant when he observed a large glowing object above nearby railroad tracks, just above the trees. Light from the object illuminated the immediate area, and the witness pulled over to the side of the road and got out for a better look. The object, no more than a hundred yards from the witness, was about 400 yards to the west of the power plant and approximately 10 feet above the treetops. The illumination was of an intense white, and the object itself completely illuminated but apparently solid in construction and about “3 car lengths” wide. It had a dome like structure on top the same bright color as the rest of the object. Around the main section were 2 or 3 rows of lights, or square windows, of a somewhat multi-color-one whitish, another red and the third a blue or green hue. More interesting than the object was “something” that appeared outside it, similar to the Apollo astronauts that were photographed “walking in space.” From the left side of the UFO a line extended some 30 yards at the end of which floated a form of some 8 or ten feet tall, of a purple or orange color. The witness did not say it was specifically human form, but it did appear to be similar to a human torso. He did not see the attendant object retracted into the UFO; rather it disappeared like “a string of lights.” He had left his lights on and engine running when he got out; 3-4 minutes, the headlights dimmed as low as a weak flashlight. When the object departed, the lights came back on as bright as before. The object made a high-pitched sound “like a spinning top” when it departed. “You could hear the trees blowing” as it went over them.
Humcat 1973-8
Source: Stan Gordon, Skylook # 67
Type: C
Location. Near Mull Highlands Scotland
Date: April 30 1973
Time: daytime
A passenger onboard a bus glanced out the window as the bus stopped to let another car pass and was startled to see, standing on a peat field a small human like figure about 18 inches tall. It appeared to have his foot on a spade as if in the act of digging. He was described as having a thin, keen face, brown curly hair, wearing a bright blue coat with a very white shirt with rolled up sleeves, and he had a small bag at his side. She lost sight of the figure as the bus drove away.
HC addition # 1387
Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!
Type: E
Location. Near Houston Texas
Date: May 1973
Time: night
A family of five traveling by car on a clear night when they began noticing a bright blue white light pacing their vehicle. Eventually they stopped the car on the side of the road near a farm area and the main witness stepped out of the car to observe the light. She next recalled getting back into the car feeling nauseous and thirsty. When they drove to a nearby relative’s home the light appeared again and descended low over a nearby field. The object was round and had lighted windows. The witnesses became hysterical and the object suddenly shot up at tremendous speed. Later under hypnosis the main witness was able to remember seeing, in the first encounter, a brown and white calf rise up into the object within a beam of pale yellow light. The witness and her daughter were also transported inside the object. There the main witness watched in horror as two little men, gray in color with huge wrap around eyes with vertical pupils and wearing form fitting black outfits excise tissue from the calf’s eyeball, tongue and testicles and then lower the calf into a field apparently already dead. The daughter remembered being escorted into the object by several short humanoids that moved mechanically and performed medical tests on her. One of the beings was taller with different eyes from the others and seemed more compassionate towards the witness and was apparently a female. Both witnesses saw what appeared to be animal parts in a room inside the object.
HC addition # 1351
Source: Linda Moulton Howe, Glimpses Of other Realities Vol. I
Type: G
Location. Mantorp Sweden
Date: May 3 1973
Time: night
Mrs. Sigrid Karlsson and her son Robert saw an object illuminated by a red light hovering over a neighbor’s house; it looked like 2 saucer plates separated by a row of broad windows, and made a loud hissing sound. Robert thought he could see two men inside. As it drew closer, its light became yellow-white.
Humcat 1973-91
Source: Canadian UFO Report # 20, 1975
Type: A
Location. Near Kent Ohio
Date: May 12 1973
Time: 2120
The witness was driving west on Route 76, near Kent, when he observed a group of flashing lights overhead, almost directly above the car. They moved along the highway with him until finally, out of curiosity, he stopped; so did the lights. Looking up through the windshield, at close to a 90 degree angle, he could see a football shaped object that flashed from red to blue to white, in a repeating cycle; as he watched, he saw a figure materialize approximately 10 feet below the object. The figure was human in shaped, clad all in silver, and rapidly descended to the highway directly in front of the car; when it reached the pavement, the figure was standing rigidly in a position looking to the right, then turned its head to look directly into the windshield at the witness. After about a half a minute, the figure again ascended rapidly, “like a helium balloon,” towards the object; disappearing before it reached it. It was shaped exactly like a human, but was entirely silver in color, lacking hair and ears; eyes, a “Dutch” nose and narrow mouth, with small pointed chin, were observed by the witness. He was uncertain as to whether the silvery body was a close fitting garment or the actual skin color, for he saw what appeared to be the faint outline of a vein running down the inside of one of the figure’s arms, which he held rigidly downward; on the feet he saw what appeared to be boots or shoes, with a heavy, distinct line between the sole and boot itself. No line of demarcation could be seen between the shoe, or boot and the lower leg. The height of the figure was not much more than 2.5 feet; and it descended to a position approximately ten feet in front of the car. After the figure ascended, the object moved rapidly in a vertical ascent, rocking the car “as if a semi was passing it.”
Humcat 1973-10
Source: Larry Moyers and Marc Candusso FSIC
Type: B
Location. Sandown Isle of Wight England
Date: May 15 1973
Time: 1600
Fay, 7, with a boy about her own age, was on the golf links when they heard a wailing siren like sound. They followed it through a hedge into a swampy meadow. The noise ceased. As they were crossing a brook by a footbridge, a strange figure came out from under the bridge. This person fumbled with a book, dropped it in the water, retrieved it, and then went with “a strange hopping motion, with knees raised high” to a metallic “hut” with no windows. The being was nearly 7-foot tall and neck less. He wore a yellow, pointed, hood like hat with a black knob on top and “wooden” antennae or horns on the sides, and a green tunic with a red collar. “His face had triangular markings for eyes, a brown square of a nose and motionless yellow lips.” Other round markings were on his paper-white cheeks, and a fringe of red hair fell onto his forehead. “Wooden slats” protruded from his sleeves and from below his white trousers. There were only three fingers on each blue-glove hand and 3 toes on his bare, white feet. The being carried from the hut a black knobbed microphone, into which he spoke (the children were now 50 yards away), saying “Hello, are you still there?” Since his tone sounded friendly, they approached him. He then wrote in a “notebook”, in a large hand, “Hello and I am all colors, Sam.” Talking without the aid of a microphone-his lips did not move, and his speech was unclear-he “asked the children about themselves.” They “asked about his clothes, which were all ripped” and “asked if he was really a man.” “No”, he replied, with a chuckle. When they asked if he was a ghost, he answered “Well, not really, but I am in an odd sort of way.” “What are you then?” they asked, but he replied, “You know.” He also said that he had no name, and “confided that he was frightened of people.” At his invitation, the children crawled through a flap into his hut, which he told them he had “just made.” It contained two levels. The lower, which “had plenty of headroom”, was “wall papered” in blue green and covered with a pattern of dials; there was an electric heater and simple wooden furniture. The upper level, less spacious, had a metal floor. He told the children that he fed upon berries, which he collected, and drank the river water after “cleaning” it. He said he had a “camp” in the mainland. Inside the hut he removed his hat to reveal round, white ears and sparse brown hair. Before eating a berry, he performed an “odd trick” with it; he placed the berry in his ear, where it disappeared and reappeared at one of his triangular eyes; “repeating the process, the berry traveled to his mouth.” The children talked to this being for at least half an hour, then rushed across the golf links to tell the firs man they met they had seen a ghost.
Humcat 1973-92
Source: Bufora Journal Vol. 6 # 5
Type: G?
Location. Near Catanduva, Sao Paulo Brazil
Date: mid May 1973
Time: unknown
A man and his wife employed at the Fazenda Secap claimed to have seen an oval shaped flying craft, “with two figures like people, in big hats and linked together by a sort of tube.” According to one newspaper, as many as six local residents claimed also to have seen the UFO. There were numerous other incidents in the area at the same time.
Humcat 1973-11
Source: Gordon Creighton, FSR Vol. 11 # 3/4
Type: A
Location. Parafuso Bahia Brazil
Date: May 16 1973
Time: 1500
An anonymous man “who enjoys an excellent reputation in Bahia” was walking on some river property of his, carrying a shotgun, when he heard a soft humming. Then a man about 5’3″ tall appeared in front of him. He wore a brownish gray tight fitting leotard, with boots that appeared metallic, and a wide belt with a very large blue buckle. His face and his hands, which had long fingers, were pallid white, his ears small and pointed, and his head “larger than ours.” This man, speaking in Portuguese, told the witness not to be afraid, and to put away his gun, saying that he was “not of this world-I come from a planet that you people call a satellite.” He also said that his ship was hovering a few yards above them, invisible to the eye. Then he said, “Good bye, brother, I must go” and pushed a white button on his belt buckle. At this a beam of light shone on him “and then drew away, carrying the man with it”, he disappeared a few yards above the witness head.
Humcat 1973-93
Source: Alberto Romero, ONIFE
Type: E
Location. Kristianstad, Sweden
Date: May 21 1973
Time: unknown
In a wooded area near the town a group of men reported seeing an incredibly huge black bird-like creature, which passed within one hundred feet of them. One witness had a camera with a telephoto lens and attempted to take a picture, but his film jammed.
Humcat addition # 3366
Source: John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
Type: E
Location. Near Catanduva, Sao Paolo Brazil
Date: May 22 1973
Time: 0300A
Onilson Patero, 40-year-old salesman, was driving to his home in Catanduva during a rainstorm; he’d given a lift to a young hitchhiker and dropped him off at Itajobi. About 7 miles from Catanduva, on Highway 321, his car began to lose power and the radio failed, with static interference. At the same time he noticed a circle of light moving about in the car and pulled over, thinking it was from a truck that was passing. He then saw an object about 50 feet ahead and 40 feet over the road; the interior of the car began to heat up and Patero felt a lack of air, so he opened the door and stepped out. A “curtain of light” began to form around the object, and the heat and lack of air diminished. He could now see that this was not a helicopter, and he saw a “tube of light” hit the car and, as it did, the car became transparent. He fainted. About an hour later two young men who drove on to get police help found him; on their return they found Patero still laying in the mud and rain. He came to crying out “they were trying to get me!” He was taken to the hospital in Catanduva, and later released. Over the next several days, he suffered the physical effects of some unknown symptom. The case is cited not just because is a possible abduction; eleven months later, Patero was the principal in an abduction experience in which he vanished for five days, turning up again in Colatina 700 km away. Under regressive hypnosis, he described one of his abductors as the same individual he had given a ride to in the case cited here.
Humcat 1973-12
Source: Dr. Walter Buhler, Dr. Max Berezovsky, Apro
Type: G?
Location. Near Cintalapa Veracruz Mexico
Date: May 22 1973
Time: 0800A
Driving a 6-ton truck loaded with asbestos sheeting, cement, and steel, Manuel Angel Gonzalez was in the vicinity of Cintalapa when he suddenly noticed five little figures standing in the road ahead of him with their arms raised in the air. They had abruptly appeared from nowhere. The driver braked his truck immediately, only a short distance from them. He thought at first they were children, but at closer range he saw they were perfectly proportioned adult figures but no more than 2 feet high, with light brown skin and black hair. He was unable to remember details about their clothing. As he got out of his truck, the little figures began scattering toward the sides of the road, disappearing into the underbrush along the highway. As he turned to go back to his truck, he saw it suddenly engulfed in blue flame; in a matter of no more than 30 minutes, the truck and its normally non-flammable cargo were reduced to ashes and fused metal. Two other motorists who stopped to watch witnessed the conflagration. Interestingly, according to the witness, two days after the truck was consumed by fire, metal fragments that had been collected spontaneously burst into blue flames and were reduced to ashes. The witness related the appearance of the little figures to stories of little people of Mexican folklore, the Chaneques. The investigators later learned that two other trucks were similarly destroyed and that in one case, UFOs were seen.
Humcat 1973-13
Source: Ramon A Pantoja, Robert Freeman Bound, Fate
Type: E
Location. Peoria, Illinois
Date: May 23 1973
Time: midnight
The witness was up watching TV after having fed the baby and putting her to sleep. She went to the kitchen to get a glass of water without turning on the lights. As she got up to the kitchen sink she looked up at the window and saw an oval-shaped craft hovering above the backyard. It was just a few feet from the kitchen window. She stood for a few minutes unable to move. It had a pulsating light inside an opening and she was able to see several figures standing inside, however she could not see any details or features. She was finally able to move and ran to the bedroom to wake her husband up. By the time her husband came to the kitchen the UFO was gone, but not completely. It hovered around about half a mile away, it seemed to spin and glide gracefully.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A
Location. Sao Jose Do Rio Preto Sao Paulo, Brazil
Date: May 27 1973
Time: 0200A
Geni Lisboa was busily baking wedding cakes early in the morning when her attention was drawn outdoors by the cries of her pet parakeet. Looking out, she saw an illuminated object approaching her property. The object circled the garden and hovered above the wall, at which time Ms Lisboa, only a few meters distant, could see through the transparent upper portion three identical figures of small stature, behind a kind of “parapet” which hid them from the waist down. Each one was shining a beam of light down as if searching for something when their beams simultaneously converged on the witness, immediately paralyzing her. Feeling some pain and dizziness, she was able to call out for help to her neighbor. But the object had departed before she was able to respond. When her neighbor arrived, she found Ms Lisboa’s face swollen and her eyes bloodshot. Her body was painful, particularly in the joints, and especially in the knees, but she continued working until the pain returned and she was forced to call her neighbor again. Her physiological symptoms worsened and she was hospitalized for what the doctors called “prolapsed of the uterus.” She had had a gynecological test 6 months earlier and had been healthy. In addition to this, her eyesight worsened after the experience to the point where she was forced to wear corrective lenses for the first time in her life; also, a previous condition of hypertension seems to have made an improvement to the degree where she dropped all previous anti-hypertensive medication.
Humcat 1973-94
Source: Dr. Walter Buhler, Jose Wilson Ribeiro SBEDV
Type: A
Location. Liberty Reservoir, Carroll County, Maryland
Date: May 28 1973
Time: night
During a period of intense UFO and hairy bipedal creature incidents, a man reported seeing a glowing object drop a large furry object or “creature” into the reservoir. A large splash was heard. No other information.
HC addition # 3065
Source: Mark Opsasnick, The Bigfoot Digest
Type: B?
Location. Newton New Jersey
Date: Summer 1973
Time: unknown
Several locals reported seeing a giant alligator man-like humanoid in a nearby swampy area that apparently was bipedal. No other information.
HC addition # 1132
Source: Mark Opsasnick, Mark Chorvinsky Strange Magazine # 3
Type: E
Location. New Brunswick, Canada (rural area)
Date: Summer 1973
Time: unknown
During a boat ride through a swampy area the witnesses followed a deep stream and entered a swampier area. There they saw a bizarre creature, which could be seen just under the water, it wasn’t fish like, but had two short legs and a stubby upper body, with “crust like” flesh, partly covered in what appeared to be black fur. They followed the odd creature as it passed near the side of the boat. It was near the surface of the murky water. The feet could be seen and were described as looking like those of a chimp.
HC addendum
Source: GCBRO
Type: E
Location. College Park Maryland
Date: Summer 1973
Time: night
Several witnesses, including Butch Dory, watched a large figure emerge from a nearby lake, it had a large round head, the startled witnesses fired several shots at the creature apparently without any effect. No other information.
HC addition # 685
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Mark Opsasnick Strange Magazine # 5
Type: E
Location. Near Norwalk Connecticut
Date: Summer 1973
Time: night
The witness was out driving her car when the radio was suddenly filled with static. She heard a man’s voice inside her head and suddenly found herself inside a huge “spacecraft.” Standing before her was a tall human like entity with fair hair and dressed in a silvery one-piece suit. He communicated with her by using telepathy. The being gave the witness a tour of the object that had apparently at least 200 crewmembers. The aliens also predicted floods that would occur in the future.
HC addition # 1667
Source: Peter Brookesmith, UFOs, Where do they come from?
Type: G
Location. Near El Yunque, Puerto Rico
Date: Summer 1973
Time: night
A young boy had gone out into the woods at night to follow a well-known “Contactee” that had invited him and is family to spend some time at his home. He lost his way in the woods and had stopped to look around, he suddenly heard some footsteps behind him and turned around, standing almost next to him was a seven-foot tall man with blond shoulder length hair, his skin was white and he was wearing a silvery wet suit type outfit and dark brown pants. The witness attempted to run, but felt numb with a tingly feeling in his legs and fell to the ground. The man then approached and pointed the palm o his hands at the witness. At that point the witness felt that he could move again and ran in a blind panic through the woods finally reaching the house. He was not believed by those present and the “Contactee” was upset at him for following him.
HC addition # 427
Source: Jorge Martin, 52/53
Type: E
Location. Manchester Lancashire, England
Date: Summer 1973
Time: late night
The witness was awakened by a peculiar noise, and found herself paralyzed; this time, there appeared before her the face of a young man with blond hair; this image remained for a few seconds then vanished by moving “up and away,” like the disappearing image on a TV screen when is turned off. There were other unusual incidents that involved other members of the family.
Humcat 1973-124
Source: Peter Rogerson, John Rimmer, MUFOB
Type: E
Location. Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico
Date: Summer 1973
Time: late night
Earlier that night several family members had seen a large yellow light hovering over the area, later that night two of the girls watched a bright small ball of light enter their room then becoming a bright blinding light. In another room a woman was approached by a short figure with long thin fingers that grabbed her by the arm, she then lost consciousness. A circular burned area was found on a field behind the house.
HC addition # 1195
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 37
Type: D
Location. Sykesville Maryland
Date: early June 1973
Time: night
A witness reported shooting at a huge hair covered bipedal creature at a distance of less than 20 feet that suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes. No other information.
HC addition # 3066
Source: Mark Opsasnick, The Bigfoot Digest
Type: E
Location. Arecibo Puerto Rico
Date: early June 1973
Time: 0400A
Having unloaded some merchandise from his truck, truck driver Crisanto Marvel Perez and a companion were napping in the truck when Perez was awakened by a noise; he dozed off again and was again awakened and, through a rearview mirror on the outside of the truck he observed three whitish figures approaching. His companion was still asleep. Through the opposite mirror he saw the three figures peer in the window behind his head; he remained still, as though asleep, but was able to see that they examined the inside of the truck with curiosity. They were generally normal in appearance except for a “parrot-like” nose, and either their skin was scaly or they wore clothes that had a scaly appearance. On their heads was a kind of helmet divided across the top from front to back by a crest. They spoke among themselves in an incomprehensible language that had a sound similar to that made by bats. After they had examined the inside of the truck, the beings moved off, and Perez woke up his companion to tell him what happened; the man was incredulous. Perez drove home and was “very excited,” going right to bed. He experienced a “strong fever and headache.” Earlier that night, en route to Arecibo, he had observed a star-like object that seemed to be pacing his car. He saw it again on a subsequent night, but did not see the beings again.
Humcat 1973-15
Source: Nelson Rigau, Awareness Summer 1974
Type: D
Location. San Benito Texas
Date: June 1973
Time: 0200A
Guadalupe Cantu, 19, glanced through the kitchen window and saw an orange luminous object moving 30 feet above nearby rooftops. As it drew closer, he could see that it was a transparent disc shaped object, in which stood a hairy, ape like being without clothing; the entity was looking down toward him and the rest of the ground, its hand apparently resting on something. No machinery or controls could be seen. The UFO passed about a block away making no sound, and then went out of sight.
Humcat 1973-14
Source: Jerome Clark
Type: A
Location. Alma, Quebec, Canada
Date: June 1973
Time: 0220A
Georges Gaudet and his wife were sleeping soundly when a bright beam of green light entered the bedroom through the open window, awakening the wife. The green light seemed to transform itself into a 4 ft tall humanoid wearing a silvery combination suit, and a helmet with a dark visor, the figure was totally encased in a green glow. Gaudet’s wife stared at the figure and attempted to wake her husband to no avail. The figure vanished in a flash. She suffered from headaches and insomnia for a week after the incident.
HC addendum
Source: Christian Lemay UFO Quebec, Vol. 5 # 20
Type: E
Location. Rupit Barcelona Spain
Date: June 1973
Time: 0600A
After taking his cows to the meadows a 60-year old rancher was walking back home in a very mountainous area near the village, when he observed at a forest clearing a large silvery bluish dome shaped craft resting on the ground on several protrusions. The craft had a shiny metallic surface. From the object emerged seven to ten human like figures wearing dark outfits, they descended to the ground via an extended ladder. On the ground some of the figures just stood and looked around, while others appeared to jump and the rest gesticulated. Everything was extremely silent. After a few moments the witness left the scene and did not see the object or its occupants depart.
HC addition # 85
Source: Ballester Olmos, Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia De Los Encuentros Cercanos con OVNIS
Type: B
Location. Sydney NSW Australia
Date: June 1973
Time: 1700
Two women reported a stationary object with bright lights. Later one saw a disc shaped object with a window on it, through which 2 forms were visible. No other information.
HC addition # 2614
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: A
Location. Bentonville, Arkansas
Date: June 1973
Time: midnight
The 5-year old witness was awakened suddenly and saw what appeared to be a square shaped object with several different colored lights on the outside, hovering in his room. His next memory was being face to face with an undescribed humanoid, he remembers, “doing things” with the humanoid. His next memory was of being back in bed. He suffered from earaches after the incident. And also strange dreams.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G?
Location. Ciudad Pemex, Mexico
Date: June 1 1973
Time: early morning
Five witnesses, Fernando Alvarado, Hector Sastre, Alejandro Vazquez, Luis Narvaez and Roberto Narvaez, 4 of them students and one the radio operator of the local airport watched a large luminous object land on the airport runway at the airport belonging to the Mexican oil firm “Petroleos Mejicanos”. A 4-meter tall humanoid figure emerged from the object. The figure had a metallic appearance and walked briefly around the tarmac before disappearing into the object. The object soon took off at high speed and disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: Ouranos # 8, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: B
Location. Port Jervis New York
Date: June 5 1973
Time: late afternoon
Two men in their late thirties were on the way home from fishing when on impulse they decided to pull over on Rio Dam and throw their lines for one last time. They were both about to cast the lines when they noticed an oval shaped craft flying low over the lake and approaching them. The craft was rusty to brownish purple in color and had a dull “matte to purple finish.” The object had about five portholes that emitted a green “fluorescent light” from inside. From the front of the object two purple pinkish beams of light swept forward and down to Rio Lake. The beams appeared to have “substance” inside them, apparently sucking up water from the river. The craft reached to about 100 feet away from the witnesses then they saw an entity inside the object. The entity had a leathery, wrinkled looking face and large pointed ears. Its skin was of a light brownish color, it had a round mouth, round eyes, and its face was flattened against the rectangular porthole of the object. It also had two hands thrown up against the window near its head. It moved its mouth and appeared to be exclaiming in great surprise upon seeing that he was being watched. Immediately the object accelerated to a high speed and continued its course quickly disappearing from sight at very low altitude over the dam.
HC addition # 2655
Source: John C Thompson
Type: A
Location. Near Panola Mountain Georgia
Date: mid June 1973
Time: 2100
16-year old Kate Mansfield had gone out for a drive after arguing in her home and found herself driving on a lonely dark country road. She was near Panola Mountain on highway 155 when her car just suddenly stopped running. Kate then noticed a large glowing area over to her right in the woods. Frightened she attempted to start the car, to no avail. She then noticed a five-feet tall being with large head and large eyes standing in front of the car. The being opened her car door and removed Kate from the vehicle. The he escorted her to a landed craft over to where she had originally seen the glow in the woods. Outside the craft were several other beings of a similar description with metallic square boxes, apparently gathering rocks, plants, and things from the immediate area. These beings ignored Kate and continued with their work. She was then taken inside into a small rounded, gray room that had a musty odor. She then found herself undressed and on top of a table like structure. Several procedures were then performed, including a vaginal exam. After a while she was allowed to put her clothes back on and was then escorted back to the car. The being that escorted her back told her “not to remember.”
HC addition # 2656
Source: John C Thompson
Type: G
Location. Near West Bend, Wisconsin
Date: June 15 1973
Time: unknown
A man and his daughter were driving near the city when they sighted a low hovering disc shaped object with several transparent windows. Humanoid figures could be seen behind the windows. No other information.
HC addition # 847
Source: Richard Heiden, FSR Vol. 27 # 6
Type: A
Location. Phoenix Arizona
Date: June 23 1973
Time: midnight
Roberta T. observed from her patio what at first appeared to be a star-like object that descended until it came to a spot just above the trees beyond her patio, at which time it appeared to be a large, illuminated spherical object. As it hovered there a square opening appeared on the side facing her, like “garage doors opening.” Illuminated brightly from within, the witness observed a human like figure approach the opening from one side, cross over, and then bend down “to do something.” When she uttered an exclamation to herself he abruptly looked up and out at the witness, peering directly at her by leaning out of the opening. He was visible from the knees up and seemed to be wearing a tight garment. He “dropped his head down” as he looked at her and she could see he was tall, with a large head, and with hands that appeared to be busy working on instruments. At that point she heard a humming sound and looking off to her left she saw a second, smaller object approaching in the same direction. It passed a post on the patio and abruptly disappeared; she then looked back toward the first object and found it too had vanished. She then fell asleep and when she awoke later, found herself lying in a different position. Under hypnotic regression, she described seeing the same figure appear before her on the patio. She then describes in vague uncertain ways how she was told not to be afraid, and then “taken somewhere” by being floated upwards. She recalled seeing a dog that had been constantly barking also floating in the air. She was in some dark “enclosed” place where she couldn’t see and an instrument of some sort was placed on her head, which made her uncomfortable. There were others around her but she “felt” them rather than seeing them; she had the impression they were “talking” to each other in a language she could not understand. She had the impression there were two people present. When she awoke on the patio, it was some 4 or 5 hours later.
Humcat 1973-16
Source: Lester Seward for GSW
Type: G
Location. Western Arizona
Date: between June 24-26 1973
Time: unknown
A disk shaped object crashed in the desert on the mountainous area in the extreme western part of Arizona, and was retrieved by the US military. The craft was about 8.4 to 8.7 meters in diameter and about 3.5 meters high, shaped like deep inverted saucer on top, installed on top of each other, with a rim or flat plate between the two parts. On top the disk possessed a small dome. The central rim was segmented by zigzagging structures. On the bottom, there were 3 landing props (they were possibly not outside when the disk was found). A door was opened on the lower section of the disk. The most amazing fact for the retrieval team was that the disk was apparently larger inside than what it looked from outside. The disk was transported to 29 Palms Marine corps base in Southern California (to an underground bunker), where it was placed suspended in a heavy net hanging from a large crane. A photographer was called from Norton AFB, California to photograph the object. The bodies of three aliens were found inside the craft. All three were dwarfs, about 1.0 meter in height, with extremely pale white “skin” (it was later established during an autopsy at Wright Patterson AFB that the white skin was merely a protective covering like pellicle and beneath it, was the real skin, which was lizard-like, and greenish-blue-gray in color). The entities had large black round eyes, and large hairless heads. All three dwarfs were dressed in tight-fitting blue jumpsuits and had 3 fingers both on their hands and legs, with claws and webs. The bodies were later moved to Wright Patterson AFB by aircraft from the 29 Palms base. After a preliminary examination in 29 Palms, the disk was moved to the S4 underground base in Nevada. In February 1993 the disk was removed from S4 and taken to a new underground base on the White Sands missile range, New Mexico, where it is still located at the present. The origin of the disk was established as HD 5015 Cassiopeia Star system, 60 light years from Earth. (This is obviously a more in depth description of the # 2 case and the # 15 cases in the file).
HC addendum
Source: Leonard Stringfield, Anton Anfalov, Lenura Azizova
Type: H
Location. Towakomai Hokkaido Japan
Date: July 1973
Time: 0130A
An anonymous 20-year old man, on night guard at a lumberyard, observed a wildly maneuvering light that approached and a point over the nearby ocean, at some 20 meters above the water and hovered, at which time a transparent tube-like extension emerged and descended to the water, apparently taking on water. The operation was accompanied by a strange “cicada-like” sound, and the tube glowed until the operation was finished. The tube withdrawn, the object then approached the witness to a point some 50 meters above his head and he could see through lighted windows around the center several figures. One was visible through a center window, and two more two windows to the right. They were “too small and deformed to be called the shadows of men.” During this the witness experienced a feeling of being bound hand and foot; he then noticed several more ball-like objects in the same vicinity; they were quickly withdrawn into the larger object and the UFO moved off rapidly into the north.
Humcat 1973-17
Source: Jun-Ishi Takanishi, FSR Vol. 21 # 3/4
Type: A
Location. Quebec, Canada (exact location not given)
Date: July 1973
Time: 0300A
While sleeping in her home Paulette Mercier woke up to a buzzing sound and looked out her window to see a landed disc-shaped object on a nearby field. She walked outside and was approached by two man-like humanoids that exited the object. The humanoids contacted the witness and spoke to her about her future role as a liaison between the extraterrestrials and earth people. The aliens spoke about the earth’s religions and that not one of them was the “correct” one or exact one.
HC addendum
Source: Catalog CASUFO, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: B
Location. Oakcliff, Dallas Texas
Date: July 1973
Time: 0800A
The young witness was playing on a swing in his backyard when he noticed an object flying over the top of the trees. As the object approached he could tell it was a disc shaped craft that appeared to be covered with green moss. The object approached slowly then hovered 30 feet above the witness. The object was a dark green metallic color, with rivets around its edges and portholes. It made a low humming sound. The witness then suddenly heard a voice in his head that told him not to be afraid that they were from the government and not to move or tell his parents. Suddenly the noise increased, the object then moved away slowly then shot away leaving a straight line of white light behind it.
HC addition # 3336
Source: NUFORC
Type: F
Location. Point Pleasant West Virginia
Date: July 1973
Time: night
A group returning from a family reunion north of an old TNT storage area suddenly saw a tall shaggy white haired figure floating alongside their vehicle. The creature kept pace with the vehicle at speeds up to 65mph. The creature’s head was about three-foot wide and did not have any visible wings.
HC addition # 1948
Source: Bob Teets, West Virginia UFOs
Close Encounters in the Mountain State
Type: E
Location. Roqueseriere, Haute Garonne, France
Date: July 1973
Time: 2300
Mr. B, 75-76 years old, retired, hears a humming sound and sees lights outside. He goes out into his garden and sees a bell shaped UFO about 8-9 meters in diameter, it is milky white in color and hovering about 1 meter from the ground. The object does not move however the witness feels a gust of wind coming from the craft. Inside the object the witness sees 2 or 3 moving shadows, resembling humans. During the observation the witness feels an ache in his eyes. Other witnesses in the area reported seeing UFOs maneuvering overhead.
HC addendum
Source: LDLN # 182, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: A
Location. Sounenjoki, Finland
Date: July 1 1973
Time: 0200A
Jarmo Nykanen was staying at his lakeside summer cottage when he was awoken in the early hours of the morning by a buzzing sound. A strong blue light was irradiating the cottage. Going outside Jarmo saw a blue light “twice as big as a row boat” approaching. This then stopped and hovered above the water of the lake. The light seemed to radiate from a kind of “jelly” glowing in an unusual manner. Jarmo thought he could see a strange being inside the light. The next thing he remembered was lying on the cottage porch at about 0600A.
HC addendum
Source: Apro Bulletin, 11/79, Paul Deveraux Earth Lights
Type: A or G? Is this an unexplored abduction event?
Location. Mar Del Plata, Buenos Aires Argentina
Date: July 9 1973
Time: 1830
While Mrs Mabel Gorchs de Veron was crossing the central Plaza Colon, she observed a bright green light that made her look up. There, 100 meters above her, was a circular object about 10 meters in diameter, emitting a bluish luminosity, with a cupola on its upper part and a row of little windows around it, through which a dim light came from the inside, where there could be seen “some strange figures, looking out.” The craft remained motionless for several seconds, until a commercial plane went by; the UFO followed it for a few moments before going away toward the sea. It seems that this phenomenon was also observed by a newspaperman of the local daily and by a group of office employees of the Argentine National Airlines. Later, at 1915 Mr. Villegas succeeded in seeing it with his Urano 100 telescope of 200x magnification, making out some shadows that seemed to be moving around inside it; the object was already at a greater altitude. The UFO remained in the sky of Mar Del Plata for 4 hours, during which it was seen by hundreds of witnesses.
Humcat 1973-95
Source: Banchs, and Daniel Veron
Type: A
Location. Southwestern Arizona
Date: July 10 1973
Time: unknown
A disc-shaped craft about 30 ft in diameter, lens-shaped, with a small dome on top, crashed for unknown reasons. It was retrieved intact and moved at first to an underground hangar at 29 Palms base, where it was placed on a big elevator lift. 3 dead humanoids (not of the gray type, but not described) were found inside. After that, the disk was moved to Wright Patterson and later to the S-4 facility. Incredibly the disk was larger inside than outside. (This bizarre detail has been described in numerous occasions).
HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov list
Type: H
High Strangeness Index: 9
Reliability of Source: 10
Comments: Another intriguing case that preceded the incredible fall wave of 1973.
Location. Northern Mojave Desert California
Date: July 17 1973
Time: 2200
A group of three unidentified witnesses observed the descent of a torpedo-shaped UFO over an isolated area near one of the witness ranch. As the UFO hovered near the ground, three “objects” dropped from it to the ground and “ambled” off in different directions. The witness said the “objects” were “animate” and one described two lights in what would approximate the area of the head (or two luminous eyes) of a reddish color. Next day at the site, tracks similar to those of Bigfoot appearances were made in the area, specifically one by a group of people on the night of July 25, at which time a convoy of military trucks appeared on the scene and, under the glare of spotlights, military personnel presumably “corralled” a Bigfoot and carted him off in a truck.
Humcat 1973-18
Source: Peter Gutilla, Saga UFO Report November 1976
Type: B?
Location. Lago D’Idro Brescia Italy
Date: July 27 1973
Time: unknown
A 16-year old man found and photographed some strange traces in the area. He seems to have experienced a period of missing time. Later under hypnosis he recalled being approached and touched by a human figure. He then became confused and felt being sucked up into a hovering object through an opening underneath. He found himself in a round room where four figures were standing. A woman then entered the room and the beings began talking and touching the witness. He could not move the whole time. He then sat on a chair next to a window and saw the object descend and land. He was then released.
HC addition # 138
Source: Paolo Fiorino, UFO Universe Oct/Nov 1991
Type: G
Location. Near Ottawa Ontario Canada
Date: July 29 1973
Time: 2100
Two witnesses driving near Ottawa suddenly noticed a bright globe of light descend and pass near them; three humanoid figures could be seen through three oblong shaped portholes. The object then flew over the car and left.
HC addition # 14
Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters
Type: A
Location. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Date: August 1973
Time: various
An ungodly looking creature created havoc among the local god-fearing Amish community. Witnesses described the creature as following: The size of a good heifer, gray in color with a white mane. It had tiger like fangs and curved horns like a Billy goat. It ran upright on long legs, and had long grizzly claws. In one incident, the creature sent a team of horses and two brothers flying when it approached their hay wagon. The following day, a man was cutting weeds on his farm about five miles from the previous incident when he heard a fierce roar and turned to see a monster with three horns and a tail charging in his direction. He raised his scythe to defend himself, only to have the implement ripped from his hands. At that point, the man wisely decided to turn both cheeks to the monster and escaped as fast as he could run. A day later a woman was feeding poultry on a farm midway between the two earlier incidents when she heard a commotion and turned to see the creature in the act of snatching a goose in each of its hands. She bravely ran toward the thing, waving her apron. The woman managed to recover one of her geese when the creature threw it at her, knocking her to the ground in the process. The interloper then escaped with the remaining bird in hand.
HC addendum
Source: Phillip L Rife, America’s Nightmare Monsters, quoting Pursuit, January 1974
Type: E
Location. Novo Friburgo Rio De Janeiro Brazil
Date: August 1973
Time: 1400
Edmund, a 19-year old youth from the Amparo settlement, was in the fruit garden of the farm when he noticed agitation among the nearby fruit trees, although the afternoon was calm and all the other trees motionless. Investigating, he discovered a strange spherical object 2 meters wide hovering just above the ground. Atop the sphere was a 10-meter tall contraption that consisted of a cylindrical rod surmounted by a cone shaped device that fanned outward toward the top. The entire object had a metallic sheen and revolved slowly. Edmund approached to within a meter but, apprehensive, retreated to a distance of about 4 meters. At this point an aperture appeared in the side of the craft with a loud bang; from it emerged a small humanoid figure in a one-piece suit that covered his head. Strapped to his back was a rather large, squarish backpack. The entity did not walk, but floated, with a “feverish” swinging of arms and legs in midair. The entity approached Edmund to within a distance of a meter, at which time the youth became panic stricken and fled, seeking others at the farmhouse. As he ran off, he looked back and saw the little being still “hovering” in the air at the spot where he stopped when the boy ran off. When he returned with others, there was no sign of either entity or object. No traces were left at the site.
Humcat 1973-96
Source: SBEDV Bulletin # 104
Type: B
Location. Punta Galea, Madrid, Spain
Date: August 1973
Time: 2015
Two youths, Jose Gonzalez Arrilaga & Ignacio Arrilaga reported hearing noises in the garden of their home and upon investigating they encountered a luminous human-like figure of “normal” height. The figure was completely white and phosphorescent in appearance. Terrified, the witnesses ran to the house in order to obtain additional witnesses but upon returning the figure was gone. No traces were found.
HC addendum
Source: Cassiano Monteiro, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: E
Location. Lochore Country Park, Scotland
Date: August 1973
Time: 2100
Margaret and Christine were leaving the park after a visit. Following a lane out of the park they came to a junction where the green ended and a housing estate began. A car drew up quietly behind them. At this point two things happened simultaneously: the radio went dead and the car engine cut out. As if they eyes were drawn by a magnet, Christine, in the back seat with her young friend, looked to the left across an area of open ground. Heading towards them strode two veritable giants moving in a rather mechanical manner, like machines rather than living beings. Both wore one-piece silver suits, emphasizing their over large heads. Christine cannot be sure how long it took the entities to cover the space that separated them, but she does have a vivid memory of the strange beings getting closer and closer to the car, and the car simply refusing to start. When the two beings were almost up to the window, within yards of where Christine sat frozen and unable to move, she experienced a choking sensation and, it seems, passed out. What happened next remains a mystery. When Christine came to, she saw the backs of the two giants as they returned in the direction they had come from. Moments after they had disappeared from view, a cone of light spread around the trees at the edge of the field, as if marking the path of an object heading skywards. At this precise moment the car engine roared into life, as did the radio. A human voice was also heard—the driver of the vehicle behind had rushed up and shouted: “What the bloody hell was that?” When Christine arrived home she noticed that there had been a considerable time lapse.
HC addendum
Source: Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland
Type: C or G?
Location. Endless Mountains, near Harvey’s Lake, Pennsylvania
Date: August 1973
Time: dusk
At a local camping site the witness was walking to her girlfriend’s house when she noticed a huge saucer-shaped craft hovering over some nearby treetops. There was no one around and she felt a sense of “isolation” as she watched the object. In a lighted window or “cockpit” the witness saw a figure or “being” that appeared to be operating some controls. At this point several small reddish spheres of light emerged from the bottom of the craft and began circling the area. Afraid the witness ran home and did not see the object depart. A strange thought came to her mind during the encounter as if she was “meant to see this”.
HC addendum
Source: Contact Lab sightings Database
Type: A
Location. Tallebudeera Creek Road, Queensland Australia
Date: August 4 1973
Time: unknown
Three youths were reportedly attacked by a two-meter tall furry humanoid with shiny eyes that stepped out of the bush in an isolated area. The three youths fled the area. No other information.
HC addition # 1823
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: E
Location. Near Indio California
Date: August 4 1973
Time: 2200
A week or ten days later after observing a mysterious light maneuvering in the sky, the witness had to return to Phoenix for more things and she asked her brother to go along with her for company. While driving up a hill somewhere in the vicinity of Indio, she began to receive pictures in her mind and had a sense of presence. These “images” came in grays and browns; she would counter them by thinking of bright colors. She could sense a kind of puzzlement regarding her color images. She found the “gray” images unpleasant, and had the sense of an interior, with gray green walls, which had three vague “forms” in it. Feeling that she was daydreaming and tired, she forced her concentration back to her driving and noticed colors reflecting on the dashboard and asked her brother if there was something in the sky. She and her brother both observed briefly a light over the highway changing colors from blue, to green, to red, to yellow, then to a brilliant white. Then it vanished, in view less than a minute. Her brother was very excited. The trip continued, apparently uneventfully. Later under hypnotic regression the main witness is asked to examine d her image of gray interior more closely. She describes the gray-green walls, with at least one black line, or slot, on the back wall. She is with three vague shapes or “shadows.” It’s not a pleasant place; she feels there’s another experience at another time. She is asked to go back to that experience and she finds herself in another room with a window looking out on an orange sky. There is a white bench in the room. The room is very sterile. Then she finds herself in a huge place with a domed ceiling; she is standing beside a 20-foot high crystal, set at an angle so that it points toward the sky. It’s green on the bottom half, and it turns. There are other similar crystals in this place; about five in all, they are hooked to a large piece of machinery. It’s similar to a generator. The crystal is connected to the machine by a rod. The whole room hums. There are two other people with her; one dressed in gray, looks older, with grayish hair. The younger man, in black, is taller. They point out a formula to her, which is on the wall; it is composed of script letters. She is brought out of the trance and is given the post hypnotic suggestion that she will recall the formula and be able to reproduce it on a piece of drawing paper, which she does. No other information.
Humcat 1973-123
Source: Prof. Alvin Lawson, John De Herrera & Dr. William Mc Call
Type: G?
Location. Exeter New Hampshire
Date: August 9 1973
Time: daytime
A father and his son were driving along a main highway in the Exeter area when they saw a landed UFO alongside the highway. A tall humanoid figure stood next to the object. The witnesses drove by without stopping. No other information.
Humcat 1973-19
Source: Webb in 1973, Year of the Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Ibague Colombia
Date: August 10 1973
Time: afternoon
Four grade school students and a police officer saw four small human-like humanoids, dressed in white uniforms, beneath a bridge. The beings were only 20 centimeters tall and disappeared when the witnesses approached. Traces were left in the mud and later photographed.
Humcat 1973-20
Source: Webb in 1973, Year of the Humanoids
Type: E
Location. Casalincontrada Italy
Date: August 16 1973
Time: 0400A
Young Cinzia Giomi and 10 other persons were returning from a show onboard a small passenger bus when in an area between Casalincontrada & Chieti they saw a bizarre figure almost 6 meters in height, leaning against a light pole. The being was human like, very tall and thin, wearing a shiny white smock like outfit. I had long white hair and had a dark complexion. The witnesses were able to see the figure at a distance of 2 meters. The figure wore tall white boots. The bus stop in order for the witnesses to get a better look at the figure when it suddenly faded away, leaving behind a strong sulfur like odor and a consistent whistle like sound.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso, Moreno Tambellini
Type: E
Location. Kingston Pennsylvania
Date: August 17 1973
Time: unknown
A man driving near Route 30 reported that his vehicle almost struck a huge gorilla like animal, with pointed ears and red glowing eyes. The creature ran away screaming like a man in pain.
HC addition # 1871
Source: Paul G Johnson, Joan L Jeffers
The Pennsylvania Bigfoot
Type: E
Location. Buffalo Mills Pennsylvania
Date: August 19 1973
Time: 2000
Area residents spotted an eight-foot two inches tall humanoid walking casually down Main Street. The humanoid had human features with a dark penetrating gaze and wore a shimmering shiny outfit cut in an odd way. He took extremely long strides and barely seemed to touch the pavement.
HC addition # 2080
Source: John A Keel, The Eighth Tower
Type: E
Location. Near Derry Pennsylvania
Date: August 21 1973
Time: 0230A
A woman was alone at night and had her bedroom window opened with the drapes closed. She suddenly woke up with the feeling that someone was watching her; she turned around and was horrified to see a hideous face staring at her from the window. The creature was estimated to have been over nine foot tall and had dark oval upright eyes with no whites no eyelids or eyelashes. It had apparently pushed the shades to the side in order to observe the witness. The creature moved back awkwardly as the witness moved. The witness daughter also saw a huge shadow on the wall from a figure outside. A strong odor like rotten meat remained after the creature had gone.
HC addition # 564
Source: Stan Gordon, Mufon UFO Symposium 1974
Type: E
Location. Beech Hill Greensburg Pennsylvania
Date: August 27 1973
Time: night
A woman reported seeing a large boomerang shaped craft hovering over a heavily wooded area. Upon investigating, her husband encountered a large hairy biped type creature with a wolf like face. He shot at it with no apparent effect. No other information.
HC addition # 1872
Source: Paul G Johnson, Joan Jeffers
The Pennsylvania Bigfoot
Type: C
Location. Richmond (Macomb) Michigan
Date: late Summer 1973
Time: 1500
The witness had been working in her garden and burning weeds when she saw, about 1200 feet away, just above the trees, a round object like two dishes face to face. It was about 60 feet wide and had “lots of windows” around it. She first thought the kids had erected a tree house with old stolen windows, but saw it was too large, and above the trees. She could see a single figure “he couldn’t be very tall for sure,” walking from window to window. The windows were brightly lit from within. Scared, she and her niece went indoors, with the intention of looking at it through a bedroom window. When they got there, the object was gone. The tops of the trees at the site “seemed tome like they were browned, and as if cut across.” She found no other evidence at the site when she examined it the next day.
Humcat 1973-99
Source: Witness letter in IUR Feb. 1978
Type: A
Location. Sacramento California
Date: Fall 1973
Time: 2100
The witness had been outside using his telescope when he caught sight of a dark triangular shaped craft with dark circular areas near each apex, moving silently overhead. He then apparently blacks out. He then wakes up standing in the middle of the yard watching the object pass overhead making a hissing sound. It had what appeared to be a row of vents along its top back end and two dull red, glowing areas on the rear. Later the witness was able to recall being taken onboard the object. Inside several seven-foot tall beings with domed heads, no mouths or necks and long wrapped around eyes examined him. At one point he recalled sitting near a console and seeing a set of tube like wires being stuck at the base of his skull.
HC addition # 1290
Source: Richard J Boylan PhD. And Lee K Boylan Close Extraterrestrial Encounters
Type: G
Location. Carmen De Areco, Argentina
Date: Fall 1973
Time: 1945
Mr. Norberto Iglesias was crossing a street when suddenly the streetlights seemed to go out. Moments later he found himself standing in the middle of a field. Nearby sat an object that glowed a “gray-blue” color about 6 to 8 meters in length, it appeared to be smooth and circular. Suddenly he became aware of two “men” standing next to him, one that touched him. They were about 1.55 meters in height. The men wore tight-fitting gray blue coveralls. Since the field was brightly lit by the bright moonlight he could see that the men had dark brown hair, with fine chiseled features and appeared young. The witness heard a voice in his head telling him to be calm. The man standing to his right then offered him a “round pill” which he swallowed. The men then bade him farewell and walked back to the landed glowing craft. The witness then found himself back in the street unaware how he got there.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Zerpa & Omar Demattei
Type: C or G?
Location. Midland, Pennsylvania
Date: Autumn 1973
Time: night
A woman saw a Bigfoot-like creature with glowing green eyes moving around in a wooded area; other reports of a “strange animal” and UFO seen in the general area. A possible landing site was found with 3-toed footprints nearby.
HC addendum
Source: Bigfoot Casebook, Janet & Colin Bord
Type: C?
Location. Great Lakes Naval Base, near Chicago, Illinois
Date: September 1973
Time: evening
Instructor R K, Gunnery/School Grade E-4, while delivering a sealed enveloped to the Commandant in a Quonset hut was surprised to see a saucer 30 ft in diameter and 10 ft in height resting on a wooded platform. Description: Silvery blue and shimmering, it tapered like a teardrop with a flange running along its topside from one end to the other and there were no windows. R K believed this saucer to be the one shot down on its third pass over a Navy vessel by a missile. The saucer crashed in 350 ft of water between Hawaii and the mainland. It was retrieved by a Glomar Explorer, and shipped to Hawaii and then Chicago.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Crash List (Original Source missing from My files)
Type: H
Location. Clearwater River Idaho
Date: September 1973
Time: afternoon
At an isolated point along the river Orval Wyman and his wife decided to take some photos of the scenery. When they had the film developed one of the frames shows a bluish jar shaped light resting on a square rock, which appears to have been manufactured, inside the object there appears to be several orange tinted dots. On the right side of the object, sitting on some rocks are two or three small grayish brown beings, more monkey-like than human looking. They appear to be staring intently at the glowing blue jar like light. The witnesses do not recall seeing anything when the picture was taken.
HC addition # 2313
Source: John Magor, Aliens Above Always
Type: C or F?
Location. Near Penn Pennsylvania
Date: early September 1973
Time: night
Three women driving through a wooded area outside of town came upon a large metallic rectangular shaped object resting on the ground a short distance away. They stopped the car and watched a door open on the side of the craft and a ramp descends to the ground. Suddenly three seven-foot tall ape-like creatures covered with hair ran down the ramp and into the woods. The women became frightened and left the area.
HC addition # 565
Source: Stan Gordon, Mufon UFO Symposium 1974
Type: B
Location. Montreal Quebec Canada
Date: September 1973
Time: 0230A
A couple driving home to Montreal came upon a taxicab standing at an angle at the corner of Rue Sherbrooke and Rue St. Donat. There were no houses on that side of the street, only a torn up area where subway construction was going on. The wife noticed in the cab a man “covered with band aids.” The husband (driver) slowed down as he passed the cab and rolled down his window, and then saw a strange and frightening “man.” The man’s head was shaped like a shell (pointed at top, with no neck) and had very piercing dark eyes, which had neither pupils or iris, and no eyelashes or eyebrows. The cranium was bulging; there was no nose, and only an indistinct mouth. The husband is sure he saw the actual skin (which was a “phosphorescent” white), not a mask of any kind. The being made a gesture like a salutation as they drove on. Time of observation, 3 or 4 seconds.
Humcat 1973-101
Source: Claude MacDuff, UFO Quebec
Type: E
Location. Kingfield district of Woking Surrey England
Date: September 1973
Time: 0300A
A 4-year old boy, awakened by a rising and falling humming sound, saw a headless “man” standing at the foot of his bed. It had huge 6 fingered hands, and wore tight black or dark gray clothing, with a black belt that expanded and contracted as it breathed. On its right arm was a black strap attached to something like a radio, with antennae. It suddenly vanished, but outside the bedroom door the boy saw 6 similar ‘men,” who likewise vanished. The boy rushed to the window and saw a blue domed disc parked on the garden lawn; it rested on 4-wheeled legs, and had square black portholes. He could see the last of the entities climbing a ladder into the UFO. He ran to wake his mother, but by the time she got there the UFO had gone.
Humcat 1973-102
Source: C C Warren, Contact UK
Type: B
Location. Loch Ness Scotland
Date: September 1973
Time: morning
A well-known investigator into the paranormal and UFO’s was walking back to his caravan near the Loch when he was suddenly confronted by a man like figure dressed entirely in black. The figure stared at the witness and appeared to be waiting for him. The witness stared back at the figure and felt a strange sensation of malevolence and something threatening and passionless. The figure did not move. It was described as being six-foot tall, dressed in black leather like fabric, black gloves, and a large black helmet and dark goggles at eye level. The witness walked slowly past the figure, then stopped heard a slight whistling sound and as he turned around the figure had gone and was nowhere to be seen. (Source was the witness).
HC addition # 871
Source: F W Holiday, FSR Vol. 20 # 6
Type: E
Location. Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota
Date: September 1973
Time: 1645
Elizabeth Richmond and her husband were returning home on State Road 24 when they sighted a red glowing object rounded on the top and flat on the bottom. It was sun-like, four times as wide as the sun and much more red. It hovered, appeared solid, and had an outline. The next thing they recalled was seeing the sun in the west, realizing that what they had just seen was not the sun. When they got home they realized that they had arrived an hour later than they should have arrived. Years later under hypnosis Elizabeth recalled that the car had lifted quickly off the road and in an instant they were inside the bottom of the huge circular craft. Alien beings quickly but gently took them out of the car and into separate rooms. The beings were about 4 or 5 ft tall with large dome shaped baldheads, huge black wrap-around eyes, small noses, and slits for mouths. They had long dangling arms with claw-like nails, and were dressed in metallic like gray jumpsuits. Elizabeth lay on a table with three aliens on each side and one at her feet. She was terrified but could not scream. One alien took hold of her hand and told her telepathically no to be afraid. An instrument was put up her nose into her head. She felt nothing. Then she was put into a sitting position and something was done to the back of her head. The aliens discovered that she was wearing a wig. This caused some merriment, and one alien touched his own baldhead, perhaps indicating they should wear them. After that she was carried to another room and the alien who had held her arm came in and sat before her. Taking her hands in his, he said his name was “Maag” and he was happy to see her again. She was told that she and him had been mates and that that they had two daughters who were now aboard the spacecraft. He asked to see them. The humanoid then touched a light, doors opened and two beautiful aliens entered the room. They rushed across the room and embraced Elizabeth. They said she had volunteered to reincarnate on Earth (as did many others) to help usher in a new era of world peace, and we would learn more about it later—when the time was right. They said that our planet will soon be undergoing great change, and we will need their help. It would be the beginning of an era of world peace.
HC addendum
Source: Donald M Ware, FSR Vol. 38 # 3
Type: G
Location. Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada
Date: September 1973
Time: afternoon
Tourists visiting the island have reported strange experiences; one man reported colliding with an invisible wall, while others have seen a dwarf-like creature. A couple from New York were walking in the area when they saw a small beardless man dressed in white, including his large “seven league” boots. A larger man dressed in black, with a cloak and three-cornered hat, accompanied him. Two years later the same weird pair of humanoids was seen at a different location in the island.
HC addendum
Source: Janet Bord, Faeries, Real Encounters with The Little People
Type: E
Location. Epsom Surrey, England
Date: September 1973
Time: 2330
Epsom racetrack jockey Peter Leather observed a domed disc with a rim, flashing and surrounded by a blue haze, land on the downs near the edge of the racecourse. An entity of humanoid appearance and about 5-feet tall emerged from the object, but was too far away to be seen in any detail. He carried in his hand an implement like a flashlight, although this did not emit a beam of light. Frightened, the witness ran form the area and did not see its departure. Examination of the site the next day disclosed no traces.
Humcat 1973-100
Source: Peter Warrington, Jenny Randles
Type: B
Location. Bulawayo, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe)
Date: September 1973
Time: late night
The witness remembers waking up in the middle of the night and being approached by a man dressed in all white. He took her by the hand and then both appeared to be flying over a gray choppy sea. They flew towards a huge octagonal shaped object with large windows, which seemed to hover just above the water. Next she was inside the object. Inside she saw several men and women in blue coveralls sitting and operating various consoles and terminal screens. A beautiful woman with long blond hair came over to the witness and spoke to her. She told the witness that they were monitoring the earth and were able to control certain disasters for their own interests and to prevent over-population.
HC addition # 1116
Source: Cynthia Hind, UFO Afrinews July 1988
Type: G
Location. Near Milroy Indiana
Date: September 2 1973
Time: 1430
Conner Corey, a part time preacher, was driving at 50 mph when he saw in his rear view mirror a small dark green “car” with front fenders like 2 small barrels, which was approaching his car from the rear. It came closer, now looking more like a van; in it were 2 figures with shoulder length hair. There was a humming sound like a swarm of bees. Then it “hooked up” to his car, and with a bright flash the 2 men disappeared. After this he watched the mirror as if it were a TV screen. First he saw something like water spilling, then a room “like the NBC News Room.” Into this room came (through a trap door) 3 men, 2 of whom were dressed like doctors in grayish or light blue uniforms. They seemed to be conferring with the 3d man. Then they too disappeared, and he saw a view of scenery as if seen from an airplane, with the moon (or the earth) looming up on the horizon. A dark cross, looking like a water area, from which 2 persons emerged, at first in the remote distance, but coming closer as if on a conveyor belt followed this. As they approached, a blinking light illuminated them, and he could see that they were wearing gray greenish uniforms with a cloak and a sash tied in front. Just as they reached the rear window, the scene vanished. The car had traveled about 3/4 mile while these things were seen.
Humcat 1973-103
Source: Don Worley
Type: A?
Location. Between Penong & Ivy Tanks Australia
Date: September 6 1973
Time: night
The witness was a passenger in a semi-trailer on Route 2 enroute to Perth. She awoke to observe a brightly lit egg shaped object on the ground to the left of the road. Walking towards an open door was a normal sized figure of human appearance; a second occupant was seen seated within the object, through a squarish window, looking upward at something in the vehicle. As the truck passed, the light rapidly faded until, by the time she got the driver to stop, only a single white light was visible. Both figures wore white silvery suits. She said she had been awakened by a “voice” just prior to her observation.
Humcat 1973-21
Source: Webb in 1973 year of The Humanoids
Type: A & C
Location. Cradle Hill, Warminster England
Date: September 9 1973
Time: 0200A
Mr. and Mrs Ron McClure and 7 others, watching for UFOs on Cradle Hill, saw an orange ball descend behind the copse. Walking toward the copse, they encountered a man 6.5-7 ft tall, wearing a 2-piece garment of dark green denim like material with an “anorak” type hood almost completely covering his face. He held a silver object resembling a flashlight. The man shouted in a resonant voice; “Move on-go away!” McClure shouted, “Will you harm us?” There was no reply, he then asked, “Will you come back?” The answer was “Yes.” Another member of the group followed this man into the copse, where he vanished while the witness attention was diverted for a moment.
Humcat 1973-104
Source: Scan Newsletter
Type: C
Location. Savannah Georgia
Date: September 9 1973
Time: night
What resembled “ten big, black hairy dogs” emerged from a landed UFO in Laurel Grove Cemetery and ran through the cemetery. The UFO turned out its lights after landing. Several youths made the report. No other information.
Humcat 1973-22
Source: Webb in 1973, Year of The Humanoids
Type: B
Location. Kent (Litchfield) Connecticut
Date: September 12 1973
Time: 2230
Two 17-year old boys, driving north on Rte 7 from Westchester County, saw a large oval object with flashing colored lights when they were several miles south of town. The object hovered just over the ridge on the west side of the Housatonic River, and they stopped and got out for a better look and were joined by another couple, a boy and girl also driving back from Westchester. Meanwhile on Spooner Hill, to the east, a witness on his way to visit his friends, a young married couple, saw the same object and when he arrived at his friend’s house, he called them outside. By this time the object had dropped behind the ridge, although they could still see its lights shining over the crest of the hill. They got into the witness car and drove down the hill to Route 7, where they met the four younger people. All seven then drove north into town to bring back two additional witnesses. The large object was no longer visible, but they now saw a dozen or so smaller whitish lights maneuvering in a circular pattern just this side of the ridge. These lights then separated into a single line and proceeded north toward Mt. Algo, just southwest of the main section of town. The witnesses got into their cars and followed the lights toward Kent. The two additional witnesses were dropped off in town while the other seven turned west on Rte. 341 and crossed the bridge over the river, heading toward Mt. Algo. There they turned south on Schaghticoke Road, which runs along the base of the mountain, to Bonu’s Field, an open spot about a mile south. The group assembled there briefly but was unable to see anything. Meanwhile, at about the same time, a separate group of three teenage girls, camping out in one of their backyards along the Housatonic, observed a line of lights descending Mt. Algo on its steep north side. The witnesses at Bonu’s field had gotten back in their cars and drove north again to the junction of Rte 341, where they discovered a small white car parked, which had not been there a few minutes earlier. They parked their cars and the two younger boys got out and asked the occupants of the white car (two unidentified girls) if they had seen anything unusual. They said that they were waiting for a group of hikers who had told them an hour earlier that they were “hiking over the mountain” and that the girls should meet them there. Just then a group of 15 to 20 “hikers” came jogging down Schaghticoke Road from the same direction the young people had just driven (they had not seen anyone on the road). Each “hiker” had a lighted hat like a miner’s hat on his head and they all carried poles or “rods.” They were mumbling or “chanting” and approached in a double column. They did not answer the boy’s questions as they passed on either side of them, when asked where they’d come from. According to the young people, the “hikers” apparently turned right at Rte 341 and headed towards Kent. However, when they all got back in their cars and drove after them, the “hikers” were nowhere to be seen-as though they had disappeared into thin air. According to the two young men and the younger couple, there were at least two hours they could not account for. The three older people could not recall what they did or where they went after the “hikers’ passed. Hypnotic regression was apparently attempted, but the results are not described.
Humcat 1973-122
Source: Budd Hopkins, Ted Bloecher Dr. Aphrodite Clamar, Dr. Robert Naiman
Type: C or G?
Location. North Royalton Ohio
Date: September 15 1973
Time: 1930
13-year old boy and other younger children watched a lighted disc shaped object slowly descend over the area. It then hovered silently overhead. They could see three lighted windows and behind them several occupants that appeared to be looking down. They were described as having large oblong shaped heads that seemed too big for their thin necks. They appeared to be leaning on something, and their long skinny arms were crossing each other. The craft suddenly turned its lights off and ascended rapidly out of sight.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A
Location. Covington Michigan
Date: mid September 1973
Time: 1700
The witness was driving a truck from L’Anse about dusk when he saw a silver gray object, about 80 ft in diameter, glide across the road to hover just above the car in front of him. The car abruptly stopped, and he had to brake hard to avoid hitting it. As he stopped the truck he saw a woman get out of the car ahead and kneel down in the grass to pray with a rosary. He ran to the woman and found she was not hurt; meanwhile the object hovered overhead at an altitude of about 90 ft. It then moved off to the west to hover again, while it hovered its bottom lights were multicolored, but when it moved they turned magenta purple. There was a red “stone like” light on top of a windowed cupola. At this time he saw in a window the silhouette of a man with short blond hair; he waved, and the man waved back. Then the UFO rose, with a “high hum” and shot away to the NE. He found that the woman had not seen the UFO. His batteries were now normal.
Humcat 1973-108
Source: Ted Bloecher
Type: A
Location. Lost Nation (Coos) New Hampshire
Date: mid September 1973
Time: 2130
Joseph Cottrell, 42, a machinery inspector, went outside for a breath of air and saw a glowing ball “like a ball of fireflies” 500 yards away. He began to walk toward it, upon which it “burst” into 7 smaller units which rapidly and silently approached him, glowing alternately red, white, and green. They came to a stop about 100 ft away and an altitude of 50 ft, and he saw they were 6-9 ft in diameter. Realizing that “there were alien beings inside the glowing balls,” he asked “Why me”? Telepathically he heard an answer, “Why not you?” After 10-15 minutes he ran back to his house, loaded his camera, and returned with his son, Wayne, and a shotgun; Wayne carried a 22-caliber rifle. The luminous objects were now 120-150 ft away at an altitude of 35 ft, in a group of 4 and another 3. He heard a telepathic question “Are you going to shoot us?” He replied “No.” Then a beam of light appeared at his feet, and passed all over his body, pausing at sites of old injuries. He thought, “They were making a Xerox copy of me.” The intensity of the beam was increased to a point where he felt very uncomfortable; when he complained, it was reduced again. Meanwhile he was carrying on a telepathic conversation; “I was imprinted with a new world of friendly alien being.” They showed him pictures of “glass like cities, energy systems and components”, and warned against nuclear energy as dangerous. About an hour passed, and the objects had come very close; Mr. Cottrell realized that “they wanted us to go with them.” He raised his hands in protection; the objects immediately returned to their former position, and after a few minutes disappeared.
Humcat 1973-107
Source: Lorraine Duchesne for Mufon Kim Nilsen
Type: A & F?
Location. Near Halifax Yorkshire England
Date: September 20 1973
Time: night
Julian Garside was riding home from work on a friend’s motorbike when the two young men saw 3 bright triangular lights, or shapes, gliding uphill through the woods near the road. They stopped and, out of curiosity, decided to follow. The shapes speeded up and the boys noticed an odor like burning oil. When they reached the top of the hill, a quarter mile from the road, the figures had vanished; above them, however, they observed a small, round orange light, like a road crossing beacon. It vanished in about a minute. There had been no path through the woods, and the three objects (or figures) appeared to glide straight through the undergrowth, leaving no traces. The odor of oil was the only trace left behind.
Humcat 1973-98
Source: Bufora Journal July-August 1978
Type: E or C?
Location. Sidney North Carolina
Date: September 20 through 26 1973
Time: night
A series of reports occurred between September 20 and 26. Though several people reported seeing something, the main witnesses were members of the Williamson family of Sidney. They saw at least one humanoid with large red glowing eyes, gray face, long hair, pointed ears, and a hooked nose. It was dressed in a brown shirt and black pants and had a small brown cap on the head. It walked with a limp and one hand was missing. It was said to leave no tracks and to leap 50-60 feet in a single bound. It had a metal medallion on the chest, which was said to be used for communication and disappearing
Humcat 1973-23
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: E
Location. Actinolite Ontario Canada
Date: September 26 1973
Time: evening
The main witness was walking through a local park along with some friends when a strange heavy mist began enveloping the area. There seemed to be a silvery glow coming from the center of the mist and the witness felt strongly attracted towards it. As she got closer she saw a beautiful silvery object or “starship” on the ground. She went inside the object and saw several of her friends being led towards different sections of the object. She was taken to a large circular room of transparent blue color with two transparent doors at each end. The occupants of the object were all apparently beautiful human like beings. Through a large window she saw a woman sitting on what appeared to be a communications console. The witness sat on a chair in the center of the room and ate from a bowl of fruit on a table. A man entered the room and walked into what appeared to be a circular shower stall, removed some dirty coveralls, the stall lit up and the man then emerged wearing shiny clean coveralls. The witness felt that she experienced some type of mind transplant or control onboard the object, which changed her life.
HC addition # 1438
Source: Winifred G Barton, in John Robert Colombo’s Dark Visions
Type: G
Location. Bedarrides Vancluse France
Date: September 27 1973
Time: 1730
While picking up mushrooms on the woods on Mont Real, the witness observed a 4-foot tall dwarf standing at the edge of the clearing 100 feet away. As he grabbed something from the ground a second identical being joined him from the woods beyond. They looked perfectly human and wore beige coveralls that covered them up the wrists and neck; their feet were obscured by high grass. Their arms were slender and their hands normal. Each wore a black beret on his head. Thinking they were children, the witness called out to them, whereupon they laughed aloud, then turned and fled into the brush behind them. A few seconds later, the witness saw a dull blue gray oval shaped object, about 5 meters wide, rise up beyond the trees, ascending to a height of 20 feet, making a slight whistling sound. There it paused briefly, then departed toward the northeast rapidly and in total silence. At the landing site, a bush, and some grass had been flattened, suggesting that the object had been hovering a foot or so above the ground.
Humcat 1973-97
Source: Jean Bastide, Mufon Journal # 118
Type: C
Location. Beaver County Pennsylvania
Date: September 27 1973
Time: 2130
Two girls were standing outside when an eight-foot tall being covered with white hair and with red glowing eyes ran into the woods nearby. The humanoid was carrying a large luminous sphere in his hands. The girls ran hysterically into the house. The father of one of the girls then went into the woods in search of the creature and stayed there for over an hour. When he returned he refused to talk about what he had seen in the woods. At the same time he was in the woods several people watched a silvery object hovering over the woods. At one point it emitted a beam of light into the woods.
HC addition # 566
Source: Stan Gordon, Mufon UFO Symposium 1974
Type: C?
Location. Lac-aux-Bleuets, Quebec, Canada
Date: September 30 1973
Time: 1830
The witnesses, Claude Champoux, Florent Papillon and a man called J R were camping near a lake when they heard a loud engine-like sound coming from a nearby field. Upon investigating the source the men spotted an oval-shaped metallic object on the ground. The object was silvery in color and emitted neon-like orange lights that changed colors to blue, red, etc. A strange man-like figure, metallic or robot like in appearance stood next to the object. He either wore a reflective metallic suit or was himself made out of metal; his body emitted bright silvery flashes. While on the ground the object emitted a sound resembling that of a transformer. Soon the strange character disappeared into the object, which then rose up moving up and down like a yo-yo, it then accelerated and disappeared at high speed. They estimated the craft to have been about 600 ft in diameter.
HC addendum
Source: Gilles Cote, Marc Leduc, CASUFO
Type: B
Location. Puy Verday France
Date: late September 1973
Time: night
While enroute to work, the witness motorcycle misfired and stopped as a dazzling bright light appeared on the road ahead. As he approached, he saw it was a luminous ovoid object, with smoke underneath, hovering just above the ground. A “man” suddenly appeared and came up to the witness, putting his left hand on the witness shoulder and offered “reassuring words.” The man was about 2 meters tall thin, wearing a uniform like aluminum; a large helmet rested on his shoulders with a snorkel like tube on the right side. His face was “like a human face covered with a nylon stocking” with slanted eyes. He carried something like a pistol in his right hand, pointed at the ground. He asked the witness where he was going; he replied, “To my job.” The being then said he must return to the “object” and told the witness not to inspect it too closely. He entered it from beneath, and it rose vertically, with a sound like a swarm of bees, and then moved off horizontally. The motorcycle then started normally.
Humcat 1973-24
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: B
Location. Near Villa Real Tras Os Montes Portugal
Date: end of September 1973
Time: 2230
Serge Lisboa, 38, his wife Maria, 38, and Maria Marmela Santos Costa, 21, were driving to Porto and had just passed Tua when they heard a humming sound and got out to see a white luminous lens shaped object, emitting flashes of red light from a transparent dome on its top, at about 100 ft altitude. It appeared to be only 6 ft wide and 3 ft high. They drove on and had passed Alijo when they heard a humming sound again, this time modulated and rhythmic. At the same time the driver “began to notice some difficulties with his motor.” However no object was seen. About 5 km from Villa Real they came upon a bright green luminous cylindrical object resting on the road. Lisboa braked and just managed to avoid it. At the same moment, the passengers in the car noticed two flashing red lights on the left side of the road, at the level of the roadside gravel. As they approached they saw that these lights were on the tip of 20′ antennas on the helmets of two short men in astronaut costume, who were lying on their backs beside the road, their feet toward the road. Their suits were shiny and “lead-like”, giving the impression of a malleable foil, and they wore spherical helmets with rectangular windows, and gloves on their hands. The car passed within 6 ft of these beings, who were about 5 ft tall. Frightened, Lisboa tried to accelerate, but the car was slow to respond. As they passed the men and the green object, they could hear “an indistinct gurgling sound.” Then they saw the two humanoids rise from the ground, rigidly without moving their arms or legs. They had small “knapsacks” on their backs. The two humanoids then rose into the air, and disappeared form view above the car.
Humcat 1973-111
Source: J Fernandes, Portugal
Type: C
Location. Hanlin Station Pennsylvania
Date: early October 1973
Time: unknown
During the time that UFOs and flashing lights were reported over the Ohio Valley, a woman reported that her grandson, Paul Flurosek, 14, saw a little wrinkled man in the Hanlin Station area. The boy said the “little man” made a buzzing sound and just disappeared into the clouds. The youth said this happened during early October.
Humcat 1973-115
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper Sources
Type: D
Location. Siracusa Sicily Italy
Date: October 1973
Time: 0900A
The witness was alone in her house taking a bath, when suddenly an intense bright light appeared on the wall of the bathroom, in the center of the light a human like shape began to take form. It became a very tall man with light blond shoulder length hair, pale features, and large beautiful eyes. The witness could not speak but was frightened, the man smiled then vanished. The witness felt a mental message telling her to go outside. She ran to the balcony in time to see a huge disc shaped object passing slowly over the house.
HC addition # 558
Source: Angel Franchetto, Los Extraterrestres Y nuestro Futuro
Type: C?
Location. Jackson’s Point Ontario Canada
Date: October 1973
Time: 1700
Looking out through her kitchen window, Mrs Gerry Armstrong saw a strange figure moving rapidly through the back garden, its feet “not touching the ground.” Calling her husband, they observed the figure glide down the path and leap over the gate at the back of the property, like “an astronaut on the moon.” They dashed outside and Gerry took after the figure, which had by now disappeared. As they looked around, Gerry noticed the figure now on the golf course on the other side of the road, approaching in his direction. As it approached the wire fence near the road, it hesitated, and then climbed under the wire. The figure then re-entered the Armstrong’s property and moved toward an abandoned cottage, disappearing behind it. They did not see him again: it was as if he had disappeared into thin air. The figure was of normal size and dressed in a tight fitting red jumpsuit with attached hood that covered the head. The face was open, but they could not make out any features. Armstrong felt that in the five seconds the figure stared at him from across the road, before disappearing behind the cottage, there may have been some sort of telepathic communication, but he cannot be certain and does not recall any message.
Humcat 1973-116
Source: David Haisell, The Strange Missing Hours
Type: E
Location. Les Adrets Var France
Date: October 1973
Time: 1900
Two independent motorists noticed, besides the road at the Les Adrets crossroads, a man about 6 ft tall wearing a “clear’ suit and a luminous helmet covering the entire head, not permitting the face to be seen. Both witnesses’ cars passed within 15 ft of the being.
Humcat 1973-106
Source: Jean Luc Rivera
Type: E
Location. Uden Netherlands
Date: October 1973
Time: night
A woman arising from bed glanced out a window and clearly saw three “little men” outside her house. They were 4-foot tall and were dressed in white outfits like monks habits, with tight belts around their waists; on their heads they wore cowls with two points that hung on their shoulders. They seemed to be looking for something on the ground by the walkway between her house and a nearby school and had instruments in their hands. They wore wide, blunt shoes. One of the little men looked toward the house and apparently saw the witness “with my nose against the window” for he appeared startled and said something to the other two, unheard by the witness; all three turned at once and moved off quickly “with very small fast steps.” Going to another window in the house to see if she could see more, the witness discovered a glowing red, spherical object of 2 or 2.5 meters in diameter at a distance from the house of 35 or 40 meters. She went to wake up her husband; when they looked for the object it had disappeared.
Humcat 1973-25
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Teton Mountains, Wyoming
Date: October 1973
Time: night
Pat McGuire experienced a loss of time during a hunting trip with his brother in law. Years later under hypnosis he recalled being in an oval room where aliens instructed him on how to build a well, which he in fact drilled and used to water his ranch. He also had an impression that his subconscious had been implanted into an Israeli General. (?)
HC addition # 2238
Source: Dr. Leo S Sprinkle, Dr. Angela Howdeshell
Type: G
Location. Near Gardendale Alabama
Date: October 1973
Time: late night
The main witness was going back home with her mother after a dance when they spotted a large round object bright green in color and a yellow ring around it hovering above the highway. The object then followed their vehicle then it began to descend in front of their vehicle, at this point their vehicle stalled, several other cars around them also stopped. The witness then felt heavy as a light shone inside the car. Her next conscious memory was seeing her mother trying to start the car. Later under hypnosis she recalled seeing a tall thin being approaching her vehicle apparently having a calming effect on the other motorists as it walked past their vehicles. As the being neared her vehicle her mother blacked out then three small white colored humanoids appeared and opened her car door she was then floated onboard the object and placed on a table. She could see another girl at a different table. The small beings walked around the witness table and apparently placed a needle in her navel. She was later placed in a large transparent globe and floated back into her vehicle.
HC addition # 960
Source: UFONS # 245
Type: G
Location. Near Mesa, Arizona
Date: October 1973
Time: night
Ernest Chesser was camping with his family near this city when he reportedly was abducted by tall blond Nordic type humanoids. He was given a physical examination and telepathically communicated with a female alien and had sexual relations with her. There were also tall gray-type creatures onboard the craft with seemed to cooperate with the Nordics. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: William F Hamilton, The Phoenix Lights Mystery
Type: G
Location. Englewood, Tennessee
Date: October 1973
Time: night
The 12-year old witness was lying in bed when he suddenly opened his eyes and looked out the window. Outside he saw a huge hovering disc-shaped object. He jumped out of bed and ran screaming to get his grandmother. He then ran outside to get a better look. As he watched the object hovering silently above the treetops, he suddenly heard a voice as if someone was standing right next to him, the voice said to him: “You are not supposed to see this”. At this point just as his grandmother was racing out of the house, the craft rose 50 ft in the air and then shot away at incredible speed. The witness felt terrible fear during the encounter.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: F?
Location. Between Columbus and Mansfield Ohio
Date: October 1973
Time: after midnight
While driving late at night a man saw a light flashing to his left, then right, then in front. It gained speed and disappeared ahead of his car. He lost conscious memory while driving at 70 mph, and regained consciousness driving at 85-90 mph on the same highway. On arrival at his home in Cleveland he discovered a lapse of time he could not account for of 55 minutes to an hour and twenty-five minutes. A series of disturbing psychic experiences had occurred to the witness before and after this time. Under regressive hypnosis the witness saw himself turning off I-71, asking himself “Why am I doing this?” and driving down a dark, narrow tree-lined road, seeing three beings on the road, one with both arms and legs outstretched, forming the silhouette of an X. Two others were closer to his car. He next saw two sets of eyes ahead and a face forming and shimmering to his left. Each set of eyes was projected into his brain and out again. His next impression was of approaching a craft with a door on the upper side. He felt terror but as he passed through the door he felt relief. He next felt himself lying on a table and saw beings with a silvery metallic look. One was bending over looking at his legs. A brightly lighted instrument was brought close to his head, hurting his eyes. Presently he was out of the craft, standing and watching it lift off. It was black, outlined by a shimmering white light.
Humcat 1973-26
Source: Webb in 1973, Year of The Humanoids
Type: G
Location. Near Galveston Indiana
Date: early October 1973
Time: early evening
Jeff Martin was fishing at a lake with two companions. His friends had gone off to another part of the lake when Martin heard something behind him. He turned and saw, about 20 ft away, an apelike figure watching. At least Martin thought it was apelike, since it was dusk and visibility was poor. Frightened, he called to the being, which did not respond. For some reason, though, Martin felt better about the situation, and was almost sorry when the creature slipped away. A few minutes later something touched his shoulder. Martin, who was sitting, whirled his head around and saw a sandy-colored anthropoid creature. The creature ran away with amazing swiftness, Martin in hot pursuit. It moved in running leaps, “like a man on a rope being pulled too fast by a car.” As it crossed the road, the witness would hear its feet slapping on the blacktop. It turned around one last time, leaped over a ditch, and disappeared into the woods. Shortly afterwards a glowing bronze object shot out of the trees and into the sky, fading away so quickly that the whole series of events seemed nearly instantaneous. The following evening, Martin, his fiancé Nellie Floyd, Gene Floyd, and two friends drove to the spot, trailed all the way by a white, glowing star-like light. The object disappeared near a bridge not far from where Martin had seen the creature. When they got to that spot, the creature was waiting for them. The thing was about eight or nine ft tall was standing in tall weeds. The observes turned their flashlight on it and noticed a very curious detail: The beams seemed somehow “weaker” on the creature, which stood motionless, almost as if in a trance, giving off a musty odor. Oddly, its presence did not seem to disturb the crickets, frogs, or other wildlife. They hurled some rocks at it, but the creature seemed to ignore them. When the witness had to moved their vehicle due to incoming traffic, the creature disappeared.
HC addition # 855
Source: Janet and Colin Bord, FSR Vol. 25 # 3
Type: C
Location. Anthony Hill Tennessee
Date: October 1 1973
Time: night
Three teenagers saw a huge hairy robot like creature that walked mechanically with its hand upraised. It had a large round head. An egg shaped UFO was also seen at the same time. This occurred during a thunderstorm. Imprints were later found at the site.
Humcat 1973-27
Source: Webb in 1973, The Year of The Humanoids
Type: D
Location. North Melbourne Australia
Date: October 3 1973
Time: late night
During a spate of low-level UFO sightings in the area, the witness suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and noticed two figures standing in the shadows in front of the wall looking at him. They were described as humanoid and tall and apparently floating just above the floor. Both swayed gently from side to side. Both beings had large baldheads, slanted eyes, lipless mouths, and small flat noses. Their ears were pressed back against the side of their heads. No clothing details could be seen. Moments later one of the beings opened his mouth and a high-pitched whine filled the room. At the same time both beings began to fade and disappeared.
HC addition # 868
Source: George Alahouzos, FSR Vol. 25 # 1
Type: D
Location. Simi Valley California
Date: October 4 1973
Time: afternoon
A man driving on the Simi Freeway saw a 30 by 350 foot triangular object in a dust cloud near the road, 80-100 feet away and swaying 10 feet above the ground. An 8-foot hose dangled from the bottom. A clear bubble 3 feet in diameter swiveled atop the UFO. As he watched, a being crawled around from behind the machine, looked at the witness and scrambled out of sight. The humanoid was of normal stature but wore a silvery wet suit. The bubble began rotating faster and disappeared inside the object, which emitted a whirring noise. A fog enveloped the craft, which then disappeared. An unidentified woman had reported a similar sighting a week before.
Humcat 1973-28
Source: Webb in 1973 year of The Humanoids
Type: B
Location. North Miami Florida
Date: October 5 1973
Time: 0335A
Helen Hoag, who had previously seen mysterious multi colored lights outside her window decide to make an attempt to communicate with by using telepathy. Moments later she found herself inside a circular control room onboard a V-shaped craft. A beautiful tall blond haired woman greeted hair, she wore shiny pale blue pants a jeweled scarf and a headband. The woman introduced herself to the witness then a taller man wearing a silvery white suit appeared and introduced himself as the “captain.” There was a metallic pole in the center of the craft that flashed in multi colored hues of light; it seemed to be part of the control mechanism. She was taken to a soft contour chair and given a peach colored liquid to drink. She was later shown a huge viewing screen on which she was given different messages.
HC addition # 1379
Source: Glenn McWane, David Graham, The New UFO sightings
Type: G
Location. St. Mathias de Chambly Quebec Canada
Date: October 6 1973
Time: midnight
Shortly after midnight a married couple saw bright lights on their property; later in the morning, they observed a dome like “tent” about a third of a mile away; a second, smaller object emerged from it and moved across the ground to a distance of about 200 feet. Five figures of small stature, wearing bright yellow garments and helmets, moved quickly back and forth between the two objects for an undisclosed period of time. When the witnesses next looked, all had vanished. Ground traces of various descriptions were found at the sight.
Humcat 1973-29
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: B
Location. Tanner Williams Alabama
Date: October 11 1973
Time: afternoon
A three-year old boy reported to his mother that he had been playing with “some old monster” in the backyard. He said it was gray with wrinkled skin and pointed ears. This occurred near the Pascagoula abduction in both time and location.
Humcat 1973-30
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of the Humanoids
Type: E
Location. Pascagoula Mississippi
Date: October 11 1973
Time: night
Two men, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing from an old pier in an abandoned shipyard on the Pascagoula River. Shortly after nightfall Hickson, looking around to bait his hook, saw a domed, football shaped object descend until it hovered just off the ground about 30 ft away from them. The craft had two windows and two blue lights, and made a buzzing sound. When the object landed, an unseen door opened to reveal a brilliantly lit interior. Three beings came out and floated toward the witnesses. These beings were about five ft tall. Their skin was so gray and rough, like elephant skin that they looked like mummies. No clothes were apparent. On their faces was something about two inches long that came out to a point and resembled a nose. They had a slit for a mouth, which never opened, if they had eyes, Hickson couldn’t see them, as the area above the nose was too wrinkled. They had no neck and their ears were pointed and retractable. Their arms were unusually long, and their hands were like mittens with a thumb attached. Their legs never moved but stayed together like a pedestal. Their feet were elephant-like. When two of the beings grabbed Hickson by the arms, he felt a pain in his left shoulder. This immobilized him and allowed his captors to lift and float Hickson over and into the craft. The third being seized Parker, who immediately went limp. Once inside, Hickson was nearly blinded by the light but was unable to close his eyes. He saw no furniture inside, only a screen-like device on the wall. He hung suspended in the air at a 45-degree angle while an eyelike device appeared out of the wall in front of his face and circled around him. The beings that held Hickson during his examination moved in a stiff mechanical way but did their work with speed and efficiency. One made a buzzing sound. The beings then disappeared for some time. When they returned, they grasped Hickson again and floated him through the opening, which had reappeared, and took him back to the place where they had found him. His legs collapsed when he touched the ground. Parker stood by with a terrified look on his face. Meanwhile the buzzing sound and blue light resumed, and the craft rose straight up and disappeared almost instantly. Hickson “heard” a message in his mind that the beings were peaceful. One of the witnesses, Hickson, subsequently reported three other incidents, one of which apparently involved the same beings. Two involved telepathic communication only and the transfer of information that was not disclosed.
Humcat 1973-31
Source: Webb in 1973, Year of The Humanoids
Type: G
Location. Phantom Lake Wisconsin
Date: October 14 1973
Time: night
Nancy, 22 and her boyfriend Jim were camping at Phantom Lake with another couple and the couple’s baby; Nancy and Jim, just settled down in the camper for the night, were awakened by a bright light shining through the back window. Then the camper door suddenly burst open. They saw a bright saucer shaped object about to land, descending in a zigzag motion; on the ground, the glowing object then disgorged a variety of about 20 figures, male, who approached the camper slowly. One appeared to be a black man; a second was similar to a swami, standing on one leg with his other leg wrapped around his head. A disembodied face appeared in the camper telling them not to be afraid. About seven of the men stood in a semi-circle 10 feet away form the van door. One of the seven men had dark curly hair and was dressed in blue jeans and a red plaid shirt; he held a German shepherd in each hand by a leash. The group of figures stood there for about 10 minutes staring silently at the witnesses, who cowered inside the van in great fright. A man carried a scroll. Three more beings, different from the others and only four-foot tall, came out of the “space ship” and moved about the area very quickly, “just sort of running around.” They seemed to glow a whitish green color. One of these perched in a tree. While this strange assemblage was still present, Jim jumped out of the camper and alerted their friends, asleep in a tent nearby. They were unable to understand what all the excitement was about, being unable to see either “spaceship” or any of the beings. Jim hustled them into the camper, collected all their belongings, found his dog and, with the other couple driving, they took off. En route back to Milwaukee, the couple in the rear of the camper experienced all sorts of odd phenomena, including a glove hand apparition, a presence, and both Nancy and Jim experienced hysteria. The other couple perceived nothing unusual, and believed their friends crazy. They were taken, in fact, directly to an emergency hospital entrance upon return.
Humcat 1973-120
Source: Richard Heiden, Lee Jewell
Type: B? Or F
Location. Near Berea Tennessee
Date: October 15 1973
Time: evening
Awakened by the barking of their dogs, a farm family saw lights from a UFO in the woods. Then James Cline saw a being with a glowing white head cross the road 50 feet away. Claw-like tracks were found in the road later, as well as “landing marks” 2 feet long by 12 feet wide where the UFO had been.
Humcat 1973-33
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Omro Wisconsin
Date: October 15 1973
Time: late night
The witness was awakened sometime after midnight by a brief, high-pitched sound; the room was lit up with a bright, orange red glow, and he saw three humanoids 4-5 feet tall materialize. They had baldheads; grayish white wrinkled skin and rounded ears. They moved mechanically. The witness passed out, and then came to on the floor, propped against the wall, unable to move. The entities were examining him with an oval object that showed the bones of his legs when it passed over them. He had a severe headache and passed out again as a being reached toward him. He awakened toward dawn on the floor. He found lights on the bedroom and the bed sheets folded neatly back.
Humcat 1973-32
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: E
Location. Connersville Indiana
Date: October 15 1973
Time: late night
After the witness and her sister had observed a huge maneuvering light over the area, the light darted across the sky and began descending near the witnesses. She ran up to the craft and remembers seeing three large windows, in one window stood a very short humanoid with protruding eyes and four fingers on each hand, he wore a tight fitting outfit with a hood. Other people had come to see the object and stood around as if in a trance. The witness was taken inside and glided around with the short humanoid next to her. She remembers seeing two other humanoids sitting at a control panel and seeing three cubicles as well as beautiful curved walls inside the craft.
HC addition # 972
Source: Don Worley, UFONS # 257
Type: G
Location. Connersville Indiana
Date: 3d week of October 1973
Time: 2000
Mrs Bridget Banks and her sister saw an object maneuvering at treetop height nearby; it passed directly over them. It was “fish shaped”, gray, with a curved transparent pilot’s compartment in front and round portholes on the sides. There was a tail with 2 horizontal fins. About 25 fold colored lights around the bottom illuminated the hull. When it passed over, the witnesses felt heat and heard an ear-hurting sound. In the pilot’s compartment could be seen, from the shoulders up, 2 dark figures with very large round white eyes; 2 more occupants of the same description were seen through portholes further back.
Humcat 1973-105
Source: Don Worley
Type: A
Location. Burbank California
Date: October 16 1973
Time: evening
Two children, ages 2 and 4, reported a UFO with a pointed dome and rays emanating from the bottom. It made a buzzing sound. As many as four occupants were mentioned. They invited the older boy to look in the object. When the boy’s father stepped into the backyard minutes after the sighting, the family dog was barking furiously. No other information.
Humcat 1973-35
Source: Webb in 1973 The Years of The Humanoids
Type: G?
Location. Albany Ohio
Date: October 16 1973
Time: evening
Upon arriving home, the witness saw a “ghost like” figure floating about 50 feet above the ground at 1000 feet distance; it was about 4-foot tall and thin, “like person draped in a close fitting sheet.” It was seen only briefly when she noticed a bright white object moving about, approaching to within 200 feet before going away. It was about 20 feet in diameter and 25-30 feet off the ground. Later, she saw a “little blue green thing” about 2-1/2 feet tall and with a face with “spiky things at the tops and side of the head” look in an open door; it had stumpy arms, and quickly disappeared from sight. UFO sightings occurred about the same time in nearby Athens and elsewhere.
Humcat 1973-36
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Between Gulfport and Biloxi Mississippi
Date: October 16 1973
Time: night
A cab driver reported that he was confronted with a blue, oblong UFO that landed in front of his car on Interstate 90. His car stalled and its lights and radio died. He heard a tapping on the windshield and saw a crab-like thing and two shiny spots or eyes. The driver reportedly confessed to a hoax, but this has never been confirmed.
Humcat 1973-34
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Langford Budville England
Date: October 16 1973
Time: 2300
Gabriella Versacci was driving pass the Langford Budville exit; she could see that the road was completely deserted. She then saw the glare of a single headlight ahead, it was too bright to be a headlight and it seemed stationary. Suddenly the car seemed to lose power. The headlights flickered, dimmed and then cut out. Next the engine faltered, sputtered then fell silent. Panic-stricken Gabriella pressed her face to the windscreen, struggling to steer the car to a halt in the almost complete blackness. Thinking she could not stay there alone in the vehicle on the side of the road she climbed out the car. Fumbling with the car hood she lifted it. As she stood there helpless, she noticed a humming sound, faint at first then seeming to grow stronger. She could not see the source of the hum, as she stood facing the car door a heavy hand came down on her shoulder, seemingly pushing her down into the ground. Gabriella struggled to face her assailant and saw a tall, dark colored and metallic figure. Gabriella then saw flickering multi-colored lights and blacked out. When Gabriella came to she was standing in a field. The “robot” like figure was standing next to her and before them stood a strange bright object. Half-moon shaped, it was rounded at the top and flat at the bottom. The bright object was silver gray in color and rested on thick legs, she saw two, but there might have been more. It was about 20 ft high and forty feet across. Large, oblong windows punctuated its middle and from these yellow lights issued. Now Gabriella realized that the humming sound was coming from this object. She then blacked out for a second time. She awoke inside a strange room, which she took to be the interior of the object. She found herself in a circular room, strapped to a table in the center. Naked, and covered with a light blue blanket. Her wrists were bound to the table by what she described as “large rubber bands.” Her spread eagle legs were restrained in the same manner, with the bands holding her ankles to the cold surface of the table. The inside of the craft was freezing. She glanced over to a far wall where the “robot” stood inactive. To her right was a console covered in buttons and dials. The floor was covered in what appeared to be black colored rubber matting. A few moments later, three men that came into view proved her. Two stood to the left of the table while the third went to the foot of the table and picked up some boxes or cubes. He placed three of the objects on a rail, which ran the length of the table, one by her head, one by her feet and one in the middle. As soon as the cubes were placed on the rail they began to glow. The three men were all about the same height, five feet six inches of five feet eight inches. Fair skinned and slim in build they wore the same garments. All wore a skullcap, tied at the back of the head and ending just above the eyes. Facemasks covered the nose and mouth, so only the eyes and facial parts around them were visible. No hair was visible, but she could make out the hair bumps under the caps. The eyes were more rounded than human eyes, and seemed emotionless. All three men wore a tunic with a gray colored edging, long gloves that went to the elbows and very long aprons that fell as far as their ankles. Thick-soled boots covered their feet. Every piece of clothing was light blue in color. Throughout the episode none of the man spoke or made any other noise. They looked at each other frequently, and nodded occasionally. Furthermore they did not appear to breathe, making no respiratory noises. During the examination none of the three beings touched Gabriella. The man at the bottom of the bed took a number of gray colored instruments, which he used one by one. A small knife like implement was used to take a nail paring from her right hand index finger. A blood sample was taken with a small plastic looking bottle with tubes and wires attached. Her blanket was removed and a thin pencil-like device was used to prod and probe her and a large black rubber suction device was used on the area around the groin. Soon the examiner placed another blanket over her, which provided badly needed warmth. Noticing her frequent glances towards the now inactive “robot” the examiner now spoke to her in perfect English. The robot was a trained retriever device. It did all the manual work outside the ship. It brought specimens for examination and study. It was merely a non-thinking intelligence that was programmed to do certain tasks. The examiner spoke in a deep male voice, although Gabriella could not see his mouth move beneath the mask. His eyes never blinked, not even once. His movements appeared practiced, deliberate and precise. When he completed his task, all three men left the room together. After several minutes Gabriella caught sight of the robot again. A flashing purple colored light was coming from it. It did not move but remained by the wall. Soon one of the men came into view from behind her and walked to the far end of the table. He lifted the end of the blanket form the bottom and stared at her body. Something that something awful was going to happen Gabriella struggled with her bonds but could not free herself. The being took a small pin and placed it on her thigh. Gabriella stopped struggling immediately. The device caused numbness in every part of her body apart from her head. The being climbed slowly on the bottom of the bed and slowly and without emotion raped her. She felt discomfort but no pain. Soon the three men came into the room and released her from the table. Gabriella looked down on the floor to see her clothes before passing out one more time that night. When she next regained consciousness Gabriella was standing, fully clothed, next to her car in the deserted country road. Distraught she drove home.
HC addition # 475
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of the Mystery
Type: G
Location. Lehi Utah
Date: October 16-17 1973
Time: late night
A woman was abducted from her home, as well as possibly three of her children and a neighbor boy, and given a medical examination on board a craft. Carrying a “machine” of some sort, three beings lifted the woman from a couch and carried her by the arms. Her next memory was of a big, bright room with lots of “lights and buttons” and glass tubes containing liquid. She observed four or five humanoids on the craft and at least two human like beings. The humanoids did not communicate with her, were coldly efficient, and made her feel like a guinea pig. They were 40-5 feet tall, with head coverings, no noses, long fish like mouths, orange hands (gloves?) with two or three big claws or fingers that opened “like a clasp.” They had large oval eyes that wrapped around the side of the head. The pupils were big, black, and round and move a lot. Their suits were a fluorescent ‘silvery and blue,” in contrast to the three beings that took her from her home who wore shiny, bright white uniforms. During the exam she was hooked up to a machine, probed with needles, given a blood pressure test and a gynecological exam. The beings were able to read her mind. One of the humans was bald, about 55, and talked with her and helped during the exam. They gave her a shot to make her forget, and then carried her out a door to be reunited with her children. The incident took 45 minutes to an hour.
Humcat 1973-37
Source: Webb in 1973, Year of The Humanoids
Type: G
Location. Watauga Tennessee
Date: October 17 1973
Time: afternoon
A circular, copper colored UFO hovered just off the ground while a 6-foot being reached out of a doorway and tried to grab two children. It had two claw-like hands and blinking eyes. At least six other reports of UFOs came from the same area on the same day.
Humcat 1973-40
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: A
Location. Near Danielsville Georgia
Date: October 17 1973
Time: evening
A silver oval shaped object landed on US Route 29, 300 feet ahead of Paul Brown’s car, forcing him to make a panic stop. Two small 4 1/2 foot beings clad in silver suits and white gloves appeared underneath the UFO. They had reddish faces and white hair. Brown stepped halfway out of his car with a gun in his hand. The beings turned and reentered the craft, which took off with a whooshing sound. Brown fired several shots at it with no apparent effect.
Humcat 1973-42
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: B
Location. Near Eupora Mississippi
Date: October 17 1973
Time: evening
A 50 foot wide UFO hovered 2-3 feet above Highway 82 at twilight, seemingly suspended on a “beam of light.” The primary witness car lights went out and the engine died when it was 100 yards from the craft. Another car stopped just behind him. A second UFO hovered about 60 feet above the first, illuminating it with a light. Both craft were similar, like inverted cups, and had greenish blue flashing lights. A catfish like creature came out from the top of the lower UFO, holding onto a handrail. It had gray, fish-like skin, a wide mouth, one glowing eye, flipper like feet and webbing between the legs like a “flying squirrel.” It had feather like objects on its back, which opened and closed when it moved.
Humcat 1973-44
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: B
Location. Near Wayne New Jersey
Date: October 17 1973
Time: evening
Two men, driving on Route 23 to New York City from work, saw a large, round, silver craft hover over a field, then land. They stopped and got out of the car as the object descended, and then the driver got scared and drove off. The other man conversed with seven human like beings, four men and three women, who got out of the UFO. No other information.
Humcat 1973-39
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: B
Location. Falkville, Alabama
Date: October 17 1973
Time: night
Police Chief Jeff Greenhaw photographed a 5-1/2 foot being in a silvery suit after investigating a reported UFO landing. The Chief stopped his car in the road and the thing moved slowly like a robot toward the car. When 10 feet away it turned and began running. The Chief pursued in the car, but the being accelerated and disappeared when the car spun off the road. “He was running in a very odd manner, from side to side, arms down to his sides, and it looked as if he had springs under his feet to propel him. He could take 10 feet in one leap.”
Humcat 1973-41
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: D
Location. Near Loxley Alabama
Date: October 17 1973
Time: late night
Clarence Patterson and his pickup truck were sucked up into a huge cigar shaped object with a green light. He was pulled out of the truck by about six robot-like beings that seemed to read his mind. The next thing he remembered, he was back on the highway going about 90mph in the truck. He may have been onboard for up to 30 minutes. Sulfur like smell was noted during the encounter.
Humcat 1973-43
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: G
Location. Pikesville Maryland
Date: October 17 1973
Time: late night
A woman was awakened by a sound like an explosion. She heard a loud humming, walked out onto the front porch, and saw a red, transparent oblong object, 15 feet long and 6-8 feet high. On top was a bubble. Inside she saw a human figure standing up. No other information.
Humcat 1973-38
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: A
Location. Near Chatham Virginia
Date: October 18 1973
Time: evening
Two youths were chased by a white “thing” 3-4 feet tall on White Oak Mountain. The thing had a shimmering body, large head with no eyes and ran sideways. A green hazy cloud was seen moving away. Several other reports of objects were made in the area.
Humcat 1973-45
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Near Savannah Georgia
Date: October 18 1973
Time: night
A tiny silver being was seen standing beside US Route 17. A line of autos slowed down to observed the humanoid, but no one left his car. No other information.
Humcat 1973-46
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: E
Location. West Melbourne Brevard Florida
Date: October 19 1973
Time: 1630
A youth called the sheriff’s department, Friday and said he was watching television in his West Melbourne home when he looked out the window and saw a UFO in his front yard. Apparently the craft just materialized on the ground and did not fly in. He told the department a creature got out and it had silvery skin, crab-like claws, antennas, and it looked into his living room window with “scary eyes,” the department quotes him as saying. The youth said the creature got back into the saucer shaped object and flew off. During the same time there were other reports. No other information.
Humcat 1973-119
Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source
Type: B
Location. Draguignan France
Date: October 19 1973
Time: evening
Four youths in two cars drove up a small mountain called Le Malmont to investigate the sighting of an orange yellow UFO seen earlier by a friend and his girl. No UFO was seen, but a diffuse white glow silhouetted a being approaching the group. Later two of the witnesses saw three entities pursuing their slowly retreating car. The entities were wearing one-piece suits with a waist high red light. The head or helmet was square with luminous, rectangular eye slots. One of them wore a gas mask with a veil covering the face. Their gait was slow and mechanical. Meanwhile, in the other car, the other two witnesses twice saw two sets of “red legs” crossing the road and later their car was swung sideways across the road, then back again. Other effects included heat, a smell of burnt insulation tape, the beings conversing with modulated whistles, one of the cars being shaken while parked, a powerful white light beam and E/M effects on both cars. No traces were found.
Humcat 1973-49
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: D
Location. Goshen Ohio
Date: October 19 1973
Time: evening
As a farmer was walking his dogs in a field, they began to balk and bark. Further ahead he saw a landed, round UFO, 40-5 feet in diameter, with white and blue lights around it. From the object’s illumination, he could see a ladder and two beings standing beside it. They were human like, about 6-foot tall. When they saw the witness and his dogs, they got into the UFO, which rose slowly with a low humming noise and then took off at high speed.
Humcat 1973-50
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: B
Location. Iowa, exact location not given
Date: October 19 1973
Time: evening
The witness was alone traveling by car when she noticed a bright light over the next approaching hill. She dimmed her lights and when she crested the hill she noticed a landed disc shaped object on a nearby cornfield. She slowed the vehicle and saw that the object had a slight dome on top and was glowing with a blue light. She called her husband on the CB radio and described the object but soon static rendered the radio useless. She stopped the vehicle and the next thing she remembered was watching the object taking off at high speed. Later under hypnosis the witness remembered seeing five figures standing around her car looking at her. They were about five-foot tall with pasty white faces and huge elongated eyes, two holes for a nose and slit like mouths. Moments later she found herself inside the object where she sees walls and lots of machinery and also a very bright light. She finds herself in a room with several monitor like screens and two humanoids standing near her, these seemed to have claw like hands. One of the beings is described as a more human looking female with long hair, a skirt, and a band around her head. The male beings wore silver metallic jump suits, one piece, with gloves and boots and belts across the chest area. The witness remembers lying on a table and is forced to remove her clothing. After an examination she is led outside by two of the beings and floated to her vehicle.
HC addition # 1413
Source: Kevin D Randle, The October Scenario
Type: G
Location. Near Ashburn Georgia
Date: October 19 1973
Time: night
A woman was driving on Interstate 75 when her engine, power brakes and steering quit. No UFO was seen, but a small, metallic man appeared after she had pulled the car to the roadside. It had a bubble-dome head with rectangular eye openings. The head moved like a robot. From the elbows down the arms were narrow and wrinkled, like a chicken’s legs. It moved around the car, then was gone. Afterwards she found the engine billowing smoke and the hood intensely hot.
Humcat 1973-47
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: E
Location. Copeland North Carolina
Date: October 19 1973
Time: night
A farm couple encountered a blue, oval shaped UFO hovering near their mobile home. Then they saw a 3-foot tall humanoid in a gold metallic coverall standing directly below the object. Their dog fled the area to return the next day.
Humcat 1973-48
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Athens Georgia
Date: October 20 1973
Time: evening
Mars Walker, a student at the University of Georgia, observed a vague, purple shape about 50 yards from the house. From it came a being with tentacle-like protrusions about the head and hands of three or four fingers. It had several odd objects that it wore on a belt, and appeared to take readings with them. The being completely ignored the witness during the 30-minute period. It was bathed in a green light from the UFO. Eventually it was “taken back into the vessel.”
Humcat 1973-51
Source: Webb in 1973, Year of The Humanoids
Type: B
Location. Indiana, exact location not given
Date: October 20 1973
Time: 2200
The witness had left college for home and was then reported missing, her car having been found abandoned with the hood up by the side of the road. She showed up four days later at a police station and reported that she had been driving along a deserted highway four days before when her vehicle engine sputtered and died. She stepped out to check on the engine and was suddenly grabbed from behind by three creatures. These were described as having white faces resembling molded plastic masks, with tow large eyes set close to the side of the head with three-fingered claw like hands. They all wore metallic blue coveralls with a white stripe down the side. She was then floated into a domed disc shaped object that was sitting on a nearby field. She was forced into a room, stripped, and then strapped to a table. Then she was given an extensive medical examination in which several needles were inserted into her body. She was left briefly alone in the brightly lit room, and then strapped to a chair. There several electrode like devices were attached to her body and the creatures interrogated her at length. Later she was given water and some food, which she did not eat, and released, on a lonely stretch of road.
HC addition # 1414
Source: Kevin D Randle, The October Scenario
Type: G
Location. Gerena Sevilla Spain
Date: October 20 1973
Time: 2315
A 48-year old homemaker was in her kitchen washing dishes when she saw the patio suddenly become illuminated, and then she saw an oval shaped object descending and emitting a loud grinding sound. On each end it had a bright red square, while the object’s central section appeared transparent. She saw two dark figures inside the object. The object then descended very close to the ground emitting a loud sound, the object then shot upwards while increasing its luminescence.
HC addition # 81
Source: Ballester Olmos, Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia De Los Encuentros Cercanos con OVNIS
Type: A
Location. El Yunque Mountain Puerto Rico
Date: October 20 1973
Time: late night
Nine campers, students led by three adults had gone to El Yunque hoping to “contact” UFOs and their occupants. They made camp high up on a mountain trail, preparing to spend a night that would turn out to be the longest in their lives. Mr. Heriberto Ramos, the group’s leader, stated that at one point during their ascent along the trial, they met three persons heading downward. There was nothing “alien” about the trio aside from the face that they all dressed exactly alike and with similar features. One of the group members, who had stayed behind, took a photo of both the other group members and the three mysterious walkers, but only a patch of mist appeared on the developed film where the trio stood. At a given moment that night, thoroughly convinced that an otherwise uneventful vigil lay ahead, the campers were surrounded by five or six vaguely humanoid figures which darted about the thick vegetation with claw-like hands and elongated ears. Some of the “monsters” blocked the precipice flanked trail that constituted the only way down from the mountain and back to the safety of their vehicles. From a prudent distant one of the creatures regarded Ramos intently. Upon noticing this, the latter tried walking cautiously toward the eldritch being hoping to show that his group’s intentions were amicable. Ramos stood less than ten feet away from the creature, and was able to describe it as having a triangular head, and “extraordinary” eyes. Amazingly, he managed to touch the strange being, which did not stir. Its skin felt neither cold nor rubbery. Almost simultaneously, one of the students lit a large, powerful flashlight in the direction where the contact was taking place, flooding the area with light. The clawed creature reacted by racing away from the scene, literally tearing a path right through the dense vegetation, which led to a 100 foot long drop, giving the startled Ramos reason to think he had frightened the being into jumping. To the man’s amazement, it reappeared instantly at the side of its fellows, which were still blocking the downward path. For endless hours until the sky began to lighten, the besieged campers were surrounded by the beings, which remained in constant motion around them. Terror had led one of the students to bang himself repeatedly on the head with a flashlight, hoping to escape the situation by passing out. Seized by an inexplicable urge, another camper expressed a desire to take a walk in the woods. Fearing for his mental state, one of his companions offered to walk with him. Before they’d taken more than a dozen steps, they found what could only be described as a glimmering, polychromatic “egg” lying on the ground. While entranced by the curious flashing object, neither one felt brave enough to touch it. Later that night, they would see it in the claws of one of the nonhuman besiegers. Was this a “bait” of some sort, its pulsating colors designed to mesmerize prey. At sunrise the campers made a mad dash for the cars they’d left parked at the bottom of the mountain. Not a trace of the alien intruders remained aside from their footprints, which were much larger than a human’s and appeared to have been made by very heavy creatures, in comparison to the smaller footprints left by the humans. Their valor rekindled by the morning light, the campers made plaster-of-paris casts of the prints and photographed them. These materials were stolen by unknown parties months after the incident, including valuable infrared prints.
Humcat 1973-52
Source: Webb in 1973, The Year of The Humanoids Also Scott Corrales, Sebastian Robiou Lamarche, & Jorge Martin
Type: E
Location. Covedale, Cincinnati Ohio
Date: October 21 1973
Time: 0230A
A woman, Mrs. Heitfeld, awoke feeling a terrible thirst. A bright light outside then attracted her. She drew the curtains a saw a line of lights forming an arc. Each light was as large as an opened hand. There were 6 of them, separated by 120 cm from one another. She also observed another light hovering above a nearby parking lot within this light she observed a gray “ape like” creature. She awoke her 13-year old son who also saw the creature. The being was completely surrounded by a bell jar shaped area of light. No facial features could be discerned, but the witness could see a snout like feature on the face, its body was uniformly gray, it was moving its arms in a sort of jerky way like a robot. Ground traces from the UFO were later found.
Humcat 1973-53
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: A
Location. Hartford City Indiana
Date: October 22 1973
Time: night
The first of a series of three independent observations of two silver suited, 4-foot tall humanoids in the area. While driving home, Debbie Carne saw them slowly cross the road in front of her. As she drove past them on the roadside, they made a loud noise and raised their arms as if to scare her.
Humcat 1973-54
Source: Webb in 1973, Year of The Humanoids
Type: E
Location. Hartford City, Indiana
Date: October 22 1973
Time: night
About 15 minutes after the preceding encounter, the Donathans saw the same or similar pair of beings on the road. They were described as bright silver, straight in form with no features noticed except for box-like feet. The pair moved in a clumsy, flopping manner as they tried to get off the road ahead of the approached car. Mr. Donathan described this as a dancing effect. The next day imprints were found in the field where the being had been last seen.
Humcat 1973-55
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: E
Location. Hartford City Indiana
Date: October 23 1973
Time: 0100A
Gary Flatter got the best view of the creatures. About two hours after investigating the Donathan story, he was searching for the beings when he came across a line of small mammals crossing the road. Then he noticed a “high frequency” sound and spotted apparently the same pair of beings in a plowed field 75 feet away. After a while he turned his truck’s spotlight on them; they turned their whole bodies toward him forcing him to turn off his lights because the glare from their suits was so great. They had egg-shaped heads, with what looked like gas masks with hoses running down to their chests. Their feet were square with a heel and seemed to provide motive power for slow jumping actions. On the final jump, they flew off “like a helicopter in feet down position.”
Humcat 1973-56
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: E
Location. Near Russell Springs Kentucky
Date: October 23 1973
Time: night
A woman saw two 3-foot tall beings in her carport that walked around the side of the house and entered a craft sitting on the ground, which then rose over the house and disappeared. The little men were reddish and walked as if on tiptoes. The ground was disturbed where the craft had been sitting.
Humcat 1973-57
Source: Webb in 1973, The Year of The Humanoids
Type: B
Location. Near Dobson North Carolina
Date: October 24 1973
Time: night
David Simpson’s car engine stopped and the headlights went out when an oval UFO, 12 feet wide by 8 feet high, landed near the car. A humanoid with eyes “like balls of fire” peered through his window. Afterwards the car’s engine and lights came back on without his having to touch the ignition switch. No other information.
Humcat 1973-58
Source: Webb in 1973, The Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Frederickstown Ohio
Date: October 24 1973
Time: 2100
An anonymous woman was turning into the driveway of her home when the car lights fell on an object that was approximately 20 feet over an open area of her backyard. Something “lit up” and the light was too bright to be merely the reflection of her car’s lights. The object was about 30 feet long and resembled an airplane without wings, with an “open cockpit” at one end. Inside she was able to see three “hooded figures.” She hurried into her house and when she looked out through a window, the object had vanished.
Humcat 1973-110
Source: CCAP of Columbus Ohio
Type: A
Location. Buena Park California
Date: October 25 1973
Time: night
Brian Scott saw an object with blinking lights on the bottom surrounded by haze. He drove to his home to get someone else to see it and returned with his teen-aged baby sitter. They felt as if their minds had been lifted up to the craft, bathed in green light, and returned. Scott saw short humanoids, but felt that this vague encounter was unplanned, and with different humanoids than in his earlier experiences. A period of an hour and a half could not be accounted for.
Humcat 1973-59
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: G
Location. Near Uniontown Pennsylvania
Date: October 25 1973
Time: 2100
Around 2100 about 15 people observed a very large red spherical object hovering low in the sky, which began to descend towards a pasture. The witness and two boys proceeded up the field and observed a white dome shaped object on the ground that illuminated the area, and was making a loud whirring sound. It was estimated at about 100 ft in diameter. They were about 250 ft from the object, and about 75 ft from a fence line. Walking along the fence line wee two tall figures, 7 to 9 ft tall, covered with hair, and arms hanging down past the knees, and displaying glowing green eyes. The creatures were fired upon, first tracers were shot overhead, and then live ammo was used. The larger of the two creatures turned towards the other almost touching it, and at the same time the object in the field disappeared, and the sound stopped. The creatures slowly walked towards the woods. One boy had already ran home, the other two left the field, went to the farmhouse and moved the family members to a neighbor’s home, and called the state police. When the trooper arrived he and the main witness went to the site, and where the object had landed there was a glowing area that according to the trooper was about 150 ft in diameter. He said he could read a newspaper from the amount of light that it was emitting. The farm animals refused to go into the area. One witness reported that before they left the field, the largest of the two creatures was seen in the woods about 10 ft from them, and he shot at it and it struck the fence that stood between them. Later that night the investigation team arrived in the area. Radiation levels normal, glowing area now gone, but animals still wouldn’t go near the spot. Strange events now began to take place. A farmhouse several hundred feet from them was seen by some in the party to suddenly light up like daylight for several seconds. A bull in the field and a dog seemed unconcerned about the group, and were looking into the woods. The main witness, a rather large individual while being questioned, suddenly begins to growl, throwing his father and investigator George Lutz towards the ground. The man ran into the field growling like an animal and emitting screams, one that was near inhuman. His own dog approached him as to attack, then runs off whimpering. The man suddenly collapses onto the ground. Then two of the investigating team begins to complain that they are having trouble breathing. Suddenly the air is filled with a strong odor that was compared to rotten eggs. The man as he came out of what appeared to be an almost trance-like state, began talking about visions he saw about the end of the world, etc.
Humcat 1973-60
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Near Terra Alta West Virginia
Date: October 26 1973
Time: night
The Kingwood West Virginia police chief and two fire tower observers watched a light cavort over Caddell Mountain for hours. Willard Zinn, a police officer from Terra Alta, was driving home via a mountain road when he encountered a 4-foot tall, brown, or green creature with long, fuzzy hair that darted across the road in front of his car. Zinn skidded into a ditch. The two fire observers joined him and all three saw a very bright, silent, reddish white light whiz overhead at tree top level.
Humcat 1973-61
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Reno Nevada
Date: October 28 1973
Time: early morning
During the early morning hours, the witness went to the window and saw three “very large” saucer shaped objects hovering across the street. A “ground crew” of 10-12 figures wearing dully glowing “cube type” uniforms, were milling around, as if in search of something. A very low-pitched hum was heard, but no barking by the witness dog, or others in the neighborhood. When two of the men approached her driveway, the witness took alarm and returned to bed, where she fell asleep immediately. There was no confirmation of anything unusual from any of her neighbors, and no traces were found.
Humcat 1973-63
Source: Webb in 1973, The Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Near Bahia Blanca Argentina
Date: October 28 1973
Time: night
Two men and a woman abducted Dionisio Yanca, a truck driver, all about 5-foot tall with tight fitting gray coveralls and long yellow gloves and boots. They had high foreheads and slanted eyes. They spoke among themselves in a buzzing sound, but to the witness when he was aboard with a radio. The UFO was shaped like a yellow plate and had a yellow light inside. Reportedly he observed a line from the UFO touching power lines and a lake. The witness suffered from amnesia, nightmares, and extreme anxiety for weeks afterwards. He claims to have a message from the beings, which he can’t divulge. He was onboard 40-50 minutes.
Humcat 1973-62
Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: G
Location. 25 km NE of General Pinto Buenos Aires Argentina
Date: October 29 1973
Time: 1720
Carlos Argue Balvidares, 43, the manager of a country estate, was drinking tea when his son Manuel, 13, called his attention to the presence of 3 persons floating in the air over the surface of a pond 100 yards away. Balvidares went to the pond and called out to them; they “disappeared immediately, only to return to show themselves at the opposite shore of the pond, 300 yards away.” There were two men and a woman. The woman was about 5’3″ tall and had long black hair, black clothing, and white boots; the men (both of the same height) were somewhat shorter, and appeared naked and of a “sunburned” color; they may have been wearing tight fitting one-piece suits. They were blond, and their hair appeared “glued on.” All three had white complexions, wide foreheads, and small noses. They floated about with their arms held close to their bodies. On the far side of the pond rested a rectangular object approx. 35 ft in diameter and 7-10 ft high, which was luminous, and emitted a beam of light 15″ in diameter which struck Balvidares; it dazzled him and he could feel heat from it. Balvidares took his horse and rode out to the pond, but when he had got halfway to the entities, he encountered an “invisible barrier” and cold not proceed. Meanwhile the beings continued to maneuver over the surface of the pond, communicating by “a kind of shriek, like the sound made by a radio which is poorly tuned.” After an hour and a half, Balvidares mounted his horse to ride around the pond, but at that time the beings returned to the UFO, the men “changing in color to dark green and orange” as they approached it. Then the witness smelt “an odor of sulfur” and became drowsy for a few moments; when he recovered from this, the object and its entities had disappeared. On later investigation, many triangular footprints 4″ to 5″ long, showing 4 claw marks at the front of the triangle, were found in the vicinity of the UFOs resting place; the object itself left 4 triangular impressions 15″ on a side, arranged in a square 13 ft on a side. The horse “exhibited nervousness” after the event, and its hair began to fall out.
Humcat 1973-117
Source: Omar R Demattei, ONIFE
Type: C
Location. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Date: October 29 1973
Time: 2200
A man was walking his dog in a local park when a fluorescent bluish-green light descended from the sky and enveloped him. He then saw in front of him something resembling a television screen. Soon images of apparent extraterrestrial figures appeared and communicated with the witness. His dog acted terrified during the encounter and the witness suffered from general malaise after the encounter.
HC addendum
Source: Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters
Type: F?
Location. Between Reconquista & Tostado Santa Fe Argentina
Date: October 31 1973
Time: 0130A
While they were driving to Tostado on Route 98, Alphonzo and his wife saw, about 400 meters away something that looked like a railway car, but with a double row of small windows, weakly illuminated by a yellowish light. Inside it they could make out a group of persons of tall stature, moving around in a hurried manner.
Humcat 1973-109
Source: Dr. Roberto Banchs
Type: A
Location. Shores Community Tennessee
Date: October 31 1973
Time: 0530A
During a rash of UFO sightings in the area, the witness, while driving to work encountered three anthropoid like creatures, described as being hairy, with flat noses, large foreheads, pointed ears and they left behind 3 toed tracks. No other information.
Humcat 1973-64
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: D
Location. El Verde Puerto Rico
Date: late October
1973 Time: night
Ana Dominguez and Jose Alemar accompanied by their daughter and others were visiting an area near where their youngest son Jose Jr. had mysteriously disappeared 3 months before. While Jose was in a nearby ranch house, Ana and her daughter stayed in the car, which was parked near the road waiting for his return. Suddenly from the left side of the car, they both heard what they thought was Jose’s voice, saying loud and clear; “Negra open the car door, I’m back.” The voice repeated the same thing again, and suddenly the girl pointed at something outside the car. Ana Dominguez then saw a terrifying looking being standing outside the car, leaning on the windshield and looking in. The creature was described as tall, thin, with a huge egg shaped head, long pointy ears, and two huge black oval shaped eyes. The being was leaning on the windshield and had placed a “hand” on it. The hand was long and skinny, with three long thin fingers, somehow resembling those of a chicken claw. No other facial features could be seen, since it was dark outside. Both witnesses now in a panic began screaming and pushing on the car horn. When Mr. Alemar and the rest arrived the strange being had disappeared. To this date, both mother and daughter are convinced that the voice they heard had been that of Jose Alemar, however they are not so sure if it was audible or telepathic.
HC addition # 2104
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 7
Type: E
Location. Somerset County New Jersey
Date: November 1973
Time: unknown
A witness confronted a huge hairy ape like creature in his yard, he felt paralyzed as small pinpoints of light that gave off a high-pitched whistle appeared next to the hairy figure. He was able to move again when the lights vanished.
HC addition # 584
Source: Don Worley, 1982 Annual, Tri-County UFO
Study Group
Type: E
Location. Ward’s Corner, Ohio
Date: November 1973
Time: 0300A
A Mrs Gilbert was just leaving a friend’s house, east of Branch Hill, when her headlights showed her a bipedal creature 3-4 feet tall, grayish in color, with large round red eyes looking at her. It began to “float” away, then “evaporated.” Another witness, Don Brandenberg, had watched a UFO land in the same field, within a day or so of Mrs Gilbert’s sighting.
Humcat 1973-113
Source: Leonard Stringfield
Type: D
Location. San Juan Puerto Rico
Date: November 1973
Time: 1500
The witness, a worker at an employment agency suddenly was approached by a strange man, described as blond with delicate hands and extremely long fingers. His skin was very white resembling porcelain and he wore a brand new set of clothing consisting of black pants a white silky shirt a maroon tie and a pair of shiny black shoes. His features were very delicate and fine. He spoke in a strange accent using a mixture of English and Spanish. He spoke about the terrible moral situation on earth and mentioned that there were better places elsewhere. Before leaving he told the witness that he could make her forget everything by just snapping his fingers.
HC addition # 273
Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto OVNI en, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo y Cuba
Type: E
Location. Minto New South Wales, Australia
Date: November 1973
Time: evening
Gary Strike and a friend were rabbit hunting when they heard a loud terrifying screeching wail. When they went to investigate, they saw something they described as “tall, black and fat”. They both ran for their lives. The figure was in the trees, it was black, had arms, legs and a pointed face. Searching the area the next day they found a lot of crushed wood and what appeared to be claw marks.
HC addendum
Source: Dean Harrison, AYR Australia
Type: E
Location. Flobecq, Belgium
Date: November 1973
Time: evening
A Mrs. Valerie Vanwymeerch who lived in a small farm near a Belgian military radar site had gone out to discard some garbage, when she saw on a field nearby an ovoid shaped machine, inside a transparent cockpit see saw a little man with a very pale face, so pale in fact that she approached and asked him: “My God are you hurt?” she received no reply. Then she saw that the little man was wearing a sort of aluminum helmet strapped to a belt. His face was very paled and appeared old. Then the witness saw the machine rise up and flying towards the direction of the radar station, it then rose up and disappeared into the distance.
HC addendum
Source: Roger Lorthioir, Belgium
Type: A
Location. Shotover Hill Oxford England
Date: November 1973
Time: night
The previous night the main witnesses had seen an orange ball of light maneuvering over a wooded area then descend behind some trees. The next day along with three friends he decided to go into the woods to look for any traces. Two of the boys went home after a couple of hours. The two remaining witnesses decided to walk over a nearby hill when they saw a white bright diamond shape light streak down from the sky and approach their position. They ran to phone the police as they left to go home they came upon a black humanoid shape that was blocking their path. The figure was squatted down with hunched shoulders and its arms on its knees; it seemed to have large pointy ears and red glowing eyes. The frightened witnesses fled the area on foot.
HC addition # 1502
Source: Steve Gerrard quoting Northern UFO News # 154
Type: C
Location. Union County Indiana
Date: November 1973
Time: night
A mother and her son watched a domed disc shaped object hovering over their car on a country road. They saw two human like beings in the window of the craft. Later their farm was visited by a similar craft, which launched glowing probe like devices. No other information.
HC addition # 1843
Source: Francis L Ridge, Regional Encounters The FC Files
Type: A
Location. Near Uniontown Pennsylvania
Date: November 1973
Time: night
A man was out running his dog when he came upon a dark figure ahead of him. He thought it was a trespasser until the figure began to approach, he could then see that it was a tall hairy, ape like creature with glowing red eyes. The man fired six rounds directly at the creature and it suddenly disappeared in plain sight. He could hear the sound of something running away but could not see anything. Later the witness returned to the woods and was able to see the creature again, this time he shot at it once and it emitted a loud shattering scream.
HC addition # 567
Source: Stan Gordon, Mufon UFO Symposium 1974
Type: E
Location. Near Brooksville, Florida
Date: November 1973
Time: night
As Nancy and Debbie K were traveling down highway 476 they saw a strange creature standing in a pasture not too far from the Kelly farm. They describe the creature as being large, grayish and ape-like in appearance. Around the same time two parked in an area east of Punta Gorda saw a large creature walk out of the fog toward their car. The creature was hairy and man-like in appearance. The men froze in fear as the thing peered at them through the window of the vehicle. They describe it as grayish in color with huge green cat-like eyes and emitting a terrible odor.
HC addendum
Source: Skunk-ape sightings page
Type: E
Location. Campania Tasmania Australia
Date: November 1973
Time: 2200
Two witnesses see two luminous square-shaped windows like objects in the sky, hovering silently. Dark figure like shapes were seen apparently inside the objects. A third bright yellow object was seen moving overhead towards the north.
HC addition # 40
Source: Keith Roberts, TUFOIC
Type: A
Location. Weare New Hampshire
Date: early November 1973
Time: night
A teenage boy heard a tapping at his grandmother’s front door, and then he saw a white ghost-like being in the yard. No UFO was reported and the date is uncertain.
Humcat 1973-68
Source: Webb in 1973 the Year of The Humanoids
Type: E
Location. Near Goffstown New Hampshire
Date: November 1 1973
Time: late evening
The first of a series of humanoid encounters in this area. Florence Dow heard a thump on her front piazza, and saw a motionless figure wearing an old black coat with a wide brimmed hat pulled down over the face. The figure appeared to be covered with masking tape. The figure motioned to her with a gloved hand.
Humcat 1973-65
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: E
Location. Pina Puerto Rico
Date: November 2 1973
Time: night
Witnesses in this town saw an oval UFO that “flew very low, almost silently, with a silver phosphorescence.” Its pilot seemed human and he waved and made signs; he wore a helmet and eyeglasses of a strange kind. The UFO “stayed in the air for a few minutes, as if it were about to land, but it gave an abrupt turn to the right and went off.” A warm powder, rather like ash was found on the ground. That night a youth in the nearby town of Quebrada Cruz saw a UFO with 2 antennae.
Humcat 1973-67
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: A
Location. Goffstown New Hampshire
Date: November 2 1973
Time: late night
Lydia Morel encountered a yellow orange globe in front of her car late at night. It had a honeycomb design except for an oval window through which she saw the upper part of a figure. The head was grayish, the body darker. The skin was wrinkled, the eyes large, dark, egg shaped and slanted. She felt drawn to the UFO but dashed to a nearby house to escape. She may have had telepathic communication. There is a period of possible missing time.
Humcat 1973-66
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: A or G?
Location. South of Bogota Colombia
Date: November 3 1973
Time: 2000
After receiving telepathic messages to go to a certain isolated area near a lagoon, Mr. Rincon Castillo, was then instructed to go to a clearing in the woods and located a metallic sphere, which he did. The sphere was small and covered with tiny holes; it suddenly starts shooting bright beams of light into different directions. Suddenly the whole area is illuminated by a bright glow and two huge saucer shaped objects appear and fly directly overhead, both were dripping water and were emitting a strong heat wave. Both objects were silent and had three rotating white spheres on the bottom and were emitting multi colored lights. The objects seemed to descend out of sight and dim their lights. Then two tall humanoid figures wearing uniforms and helmets with transparent visors approach the witness from the woods. They told him not to be afraid. The two figures took the witness to a nearby clearing and an object now appeared overhead shooting down a beam of yellow light that surrounds the witness and both humanoids. He was then transported inside the object where he saw two more tall smiling entities. The beings removed their helmets revealing beautiful man like features and shoulder length blond hair. Some of the men wore tight fitting silvery outfits with orange boots and gloves and others wore brown outfits. The witness was given information on upcoming earth changing events and was given an extensive tour onboard the craft.
HC addition # 1213
Source: Enigma # 30
Type: G
Location. Industry Pennsylvania
Date: November 3 1973
Time: night
Witnesses reported to the local police the sighting of a large dark hairy creature with glowing green eyes. This occurred during heavy UFO activity in the area.
HC addition # 1873
Source: Paul G Johnson, Joan L Jeffers The Pennsylvania Bigfoot
Type: D
Location. Goffstown New Hampshire
Date: November 4 1973
Time: night
A brushing sound against their house awakened Rex Snow and his wife. Rex observed two self-luminous, silver suited beings about 4 1/2 -5 feet tall, 60 feet away in the backyard. They had oversized pointed ears, dark, egg shaped eyeholes and large noses all encased in the silver coverall. They had on silver boots with upturned toes. One humanoid held a flashlight like object while the other picked up things from the ground and put them in a silver bag. Their movements were slow but deliberate. The family dog, trained as guard dog, was ordered to attack them but halted when 30 feet away, made some lunges at them and then walked back and laid down whining on the kitchen floor. Rex had observed a silver saucer shaped object about 5 hours earlier that night.
Humcat 1973-69
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Between Winnfield and Sikes Louisiana
Date: November 7 1973
Time: night
A woman driving home on a foggy night encountered a 3-foot tall humanoid at the Beech Creek Bridge. It had a large oval head with deep red eyes that seemed to attract her. The body was silvery with arms that seemed split below the elbows. No UFO was seen.
Humcat 1973-70
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: E
Location. Greenville, South Carolina
Date: November 11 1973
Time: evening
A 3-foot being dressed in a light brown coverall got into a cab and told the driver to take him to Greasy Corners, a local intersection. The head was featureless except for goggles or large eyes. It had gloves and gold boots with gold buttons on the chest. The being paid for the fare with a dollar bill, which had the green side, colored yellow.
Humcat 1973-71
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: E
Location. Near Poteet Texas
Date: November 14 1973
Time: night
A man encountered a UFO about 2 miles east of Poteet on State Road 1470. It hovered low over the road and tall, greenish humanoid figures were visible behind a window. Though the witness did not stop, some liquid dripped from the UFO and damaged the paint on the hood of his car. Highway Patrol officers saw the damage and took samples of the residue of ashes.
Humcat 1973-72
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: A
Location. Catavi, Bolivia
Date: November 15 1973
Time: various
A local bus driver reported encountering a little man no more than 30 cm in height at the house of a family named Siles. He explained that the little humanoid spoke four languages and was interested in meeting “important officials”. He ate raw meat, carrots and the family kept him in a small cage. Another local woman reported seeing two strange humanoids as she looked inside one of the windows of the Siles family. She described the being as having elongated heads, with fish-like eyes. They wore metallic shiny metallic silvery outfits. As the beings spoke they appeared to emit an “electronic”‘ buzzing sound. Around the same time several local youths reported meeting little men that identified themselves as visitors from the planet Jupiter.
HC addendum
Source: La Razon Buenos Aires 11-73, Fabio Picasso
Type: E?
Location. Istrana Air Base Italy
Date: November 16 1973
Time: evening
A sentry was climbing down from his lookout post on the perimeter of the base (30 km northwest of Venice) when he saw, in a field close by, two beings dressed entirely in white and no more than 4 1/2 feet in height. Near a hedge was a small craft, also white. The beings boarded the object and departed in total silence. The sentry coming on duty also observed the departure and marks were found on the ground later. The matter was investigated by the military and classified “top secret.”
Humcat 1973-73
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: B
Location. Mobile Alabama
Date: November 17 1973
Time: night
A security guard observed a very bright, yellow, “translucent” craft 50-100 feet out over Mobile Bay and 300 feet from the witness. The UFO was just 1/2 foot above the water, silent, 5 by 5 in size. It jerked back and forth like a hummingbird. He observed four silhouetted figures that also jerked about in a corridor inside the object. A week earlier the witness had seen a blue light and observed an object every night for two weeks. In December 1973 he developed physical problems and died 18 months later.
Humcat 1973-74
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: A
Location. Fulanos de Tal, Colombia
Date: November 18 1973
Time: 0300A
Enrique Castillo again was summoned telepathically to go to an isolated area for a possible contact with extraterrestrials. Hours went by when numerous illuminated objects appeared, one of which detached from the rest and approached slowly in a zigzag fashion, performing an astonishing series of maneuvers before landing on three supports about 60 meters away. The other lights disappeared. This craft was quite different from the previous one, of a rather peculiar shape. A metallic ladder emerged, leaving a narrow, illuminated opening, in which a human shaped silhouetted could be discerned. Castillo approached the craft, but a deep voice ordered him to stop, and then beckoned him to approach slowly. Soon a human like alien named Cyril that he had met on a previous occasion met him at the opening. He invited Castillo to walk up the six steps of the ladder. When Castillo extended his hand to greet him, he stepped back and motioned him to stop between the last step and the door. A very bright blue flash of lighting shone briefly covering Castillo’s body briefly. He understood that the blue light was part of another cleaning or sterilizing system, quite different from the previous one. On board were two other very different beings, with “avocado-shaped heads”, dressed in one-piece, ample overalls. They smiled constantly. He went up to greet them, but they just bowed, without extending their hands. The little men were bald, with pale brunet skin, seemingly completed coated with an oil film. They were about 1.5 meters tall, well proportioned, with large normal eyes, normal ears, Greek nose, and prominent jaw. These beings, declared Cyril came from Mercury. Castillo was incredulous, knowing the immense temperatures contrasts of that planet. But he was told, “you would be astonished at the civilizations that have flourished there.” Via a spiral stairway Castillo was taken to the second level, which he found rather cramped. Cyril announced that the craft was on its way to the “mother ship.” One of the other beings took Castillo to a closet on the first floor and gestured to him to put on a uniform, which stretched to fit him perfectly. The from the control room a gigantic craft came into view. A hatch opened, from which came intense light. Inside the mother ship, Castillo was led through several passageways and in one area he noticed an emblem in high relief, of a winged serpent holding what looked like an egg. Inside this object Castillo also encountered toilet like facilities. In the hall Castillo, claims to have encountered yet another thoroughly unbelievable being, a giant of a man no less than three meters tall. His features were remarkably similar to those of common terrestrial. All was proportional in size. His skin was grayish, his hands, hairy, with normal fingers, shaped at the tips like spatulas. He was dressed in a dull gray uniform. At one point Castillo, along with Cyril and the two smaller humanoids boarded a smaller craft, which took them to a ride to different places, apparently on earth. Later onboard the mother ship, Castillo claims to have seen a robot, with some human features, and for the first time, women, with tight fitting suits and decidedly feminine features. “Their golden hair framed the most beautiful faces I had ever seen.” Castillo enthused. They were as tall as the men, perhaps 1.75 meters. Eventually Castillo was returned to an area not farm from Bogota. He had been away for about 26 hours.
HC addendum
Source: Timothy Good, Unearthly Disclosure
Type: G
Location. Near Tracy Quebec Canada
Date: November 18 1973
Time: 1800
4 girls 14-24 year old were accompanied as they drove from Tracy toward Montreal by a luminous white ball perhaps the size of a watermelon, which was sometimes ahead of them and sometimes behind them, at a considerable distance. They passed through a cloud of red dust that obscured their vision; shortly after emerging from this, they had to swerve to avoid a man wearing dark clothing and a lappet helmet, who was standing on the white line in the middle of the road, apparently sweeping it with a brush-room. He was short of stature; they could not see his face. After passing the “sweeper” they saw a car and 3 dark clad people beside the road. There were many UFO sightings in this region of Quebec that same evening.
Humcat 1973-114
Source: Claude MacDuff, Marc Leduc
Type: D
Location. Near Sidrolandia Brazil
Date: November 19 1973
Time: evening
Farmer Joao Rodrigues Terra and his farmhand Djalma Da Silva Faques were driving to the farmer’s house. They observed a strange, low white cloud, and then a bright orange, oval object 12 meters in diameter, 1 meter above the ground and 30 meters away. It had a cap on top and bottom. The surface was shiny and metallic with a luminous fan-shaped beam directed from the top upwards. The object continuously changed colors. They had trouble starting their pick up truck, and then could only creep along as the UFO paced them 30 meters away for ten minutes. Faques, the passenger, observed the object closely and could clearly see a small human figure inside. The truck functioned normally after the object sped away, but its new battery failed three days later and could not be recharged.
Humcat 1973-76
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: A
Location. Martina Franca Italy
Date: November 20 1973
Time: afternoon
Two youths, 16 and 17 told police they had seen a ball of fire land near the railroad station. The glow went out, and they then saw something “approximately human” but globular in shape, with two eyes in a white face, and little red and yellow lights on its head. Frightened, they hid behind a wall but the entity followed them there; they pelted it with stones and ran to the police station.
Humcat 1973-75
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of the Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Joliette Quebec Canada
Date: November 22 1973
Time: night
A woman saw a 4-foot tall being with a round head standing outside her kitchen window, about 9 feet away. It had two large glowing eyes and a sort of flaming halo about the head. No neck, mouth, or nose was noticed. A cat and dog exhibited peculiar behavior.
Humcat 1973-77
Source: Webb in 1973 Year of The Humanoids
Type: E
Location. Between Mairiuex and Maubeuge Nord France
Date: November 26 1973
Time: 0100A
A man and a woman in a parked car on the Canourge road, Mairieux, noticed a white metallic looking hemispherical object some 50 ft wide in the snow covered fields, 100 yards away. Presently a dark opening appeared in this, from which 6 beings, of 3 different kinds, emerged. First were 3 small humanoids with large heads, 4 ft tall. They had protruding eyes with conspicuous whites, holes for a nose, narrow mouths, and bulging cheeks; their arms were long. They were dressed in tight one-piece suits of metallic appearance. Each carried a dark box 6″ on a side whose upper surface bore a round white luminous “screen.” They walked slowly, with stiff small steps, and fanned out as if searching for something. Gradually they approached the road, until within 50 ft of the witnesses. Behind them, nearer to the hemisphere, stood 2 human figures about 6.5 ft tall, with light complexions and blond shoulder length hair, likewise dressed in tight fitting one piece metallic suits. Closest to the door stood a squat figure, with long dangling arms, apparently covered with dark fur, “resembling a bear of great ape.” When after about 10 minutes the small beings began to approach the car, the young woman became frightened and jump out, slamming the door, and ran back to her own car which stood close by. At this, the man saw all the figures stood still, then the “animal” reentered the object, followed quickly by the 2 humans and then the 3 humanoids, who ran back with such long, swift strides that they looked as if they were “flying over the ground.” The dark opening disappeared, and the UFO took on a brilliant metallic color, and rose vertically for 30 ft, then shot off westwards, becoming successively orange luminous, bluish, and reddish before dwindling to a point. This all happened with such speed that the young woman observed only the recession of the luminous object. The witnesses did not seek for traces in the snow. However, strange tracks in the snow were found later that morning by a Mrs Michel and her children in the garden of their house in Maubeuge, 1.1 mile away, implying a connection.
Humcat 1973-121
Source: Joel Mesnard, Jean Marie Bigorne
Type: B
Location. Near Albermale North Carolina
Date: late November 1973
Time: daytime
A hunter observed a landed UFO 50 yards away during the day. It was “like two inverted saucers” about 15-20 feet in diameter and “silvery with black scratch marks on it.” Two beings were nearby collecting ground samples. The hunter remained hidden until the entities boarded the UFO. He left before the object did, but no traces were found when he returned.
Humcat 1973-78
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Reavis Ranch, Arizona
Date: Winter 1973
Time: night
Two men camped in the area claimed to have observed a UFO landing and taking off from the Circle-stone site. One man said he saw the UFO land and several small, green colored individuals disembark. The creatures later got back onboard and the craft departed in a giant flash of lights.
HC addendum
Source: Stan Norman, Mysterious America
Type: B
Location. Calvert Texas
Date: December 1973
Time: night
Several witnesses watched a bright light hovering over a local bridge, later a blue white object landed on a nearby field, soon after a tall bulky hairy figure appeared on the bridge. The witnesses fled the area.
HC addition # 585
Source: Don Worley in 1982, Annual Tri-County UFO Study Group
Type: C
Location. Arambepe, Brazil
Date: December 1973
Time: night
In a wooded area, six witnesses including Dr. Joao Rios came upon a landed metallic disc shaped object. A door opened and a tall human like figure wearing blue coveralls emerged. This being made friendly gestures and invited all the witnesses onboard. Five of the witness agreed and went inside, Rios demurred. The craft then took off. To this day nothing has been heard of the five persons that went inside the object that day. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: G?
Location. Salvador-Boca Do Rio Brazil
Date: December 1973
Time: night
Three humanoids with rosy skin, reddish blond hair, only about 1 meter in height and with large heads were seen inside a hovering UFO by Agnaldo De Jesus and two friends. The humanoids appeared to be talking amongst themselves. The object was described as cone-shaped with an antenna-like protrusion and emitted flashes of blue light. It also emitted a hissing sound.
HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Type: A
Location. Near Dulce, New Mexico
Date: December 1973
Time: night
A man hunting in the area saw a strange craft on the ground with three figures walking around it wearing green suits and some sort of helmet. When the witness turned his head away for a second the craft and the figures were gone; he said they just vanished in plain sight. Around the same time a sheep herder was herding a flock in Indian Reservation land when one night while he was laying in his tent listening to his radio, he saw a strange flying craft with bright lights on it fly over his campsite and land on a hill a short distance away. At the same time his radio stopped playing. He started to get up but heard a voice outside of his tent say, “Do not get up, and stay in your tent.” He tried to get up anyway but he discovered that he was paralyzed completely and could not move. A short time later the craft rose into the sky and left the area. Then he was able to move and his radio began to play again.
HC addendum
Source: UFO 2002, Oral UFO History in New Mexico
Type: C & F?
Location. Korning Wood, Quebec, Canada
Date: December 2 1973
Time: 1900
At a distance of about 200 ft from the house an observer saw a strange robot-like being or creature about 4 ft in height, with large round glowing eyes approximately 18 inches in width. It possessed a large round head, long arms and a bright red glow emanated from behind its head. It disappeared behind the observer’s house.
HC addendum
Source: Marc Leduc, CASUFO
Type: E
Location. Near Carnegie, Oklahoma
Date: December 5 1973
Time: night
Three men in a car saw a being with flashing lights on him, which approached the car. It wore red pants and a welder’s type mask. Another man reported seeing the being and a glowing white light down a side road.
Humcat 1973-79
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Mayaguez Puerto Rico
Date: December 12 1973
Time: 0915A
The witness was alone at home with her young daughter and had stepped out into the patio when she saw a bright oval shaped craft hovering at a high altitude over the area. It appeared to be balancing back and forth. The witness then went back into the house, she suddenly heard a loud humming sound, which stopped for a few moments then started again. The she sees through her kitchen window a strange being standing 15 feet away, he was described as being of normal height, wearing a bright tight fitting suit and a black helmet. His skin was red bronze in color and he seemed to have lacked a mouth or a nose, his eyes were two round holes that stared at the witness intensively. A yellowish beam of light illuminated the figure from an unknown source in the sky. The witness felt like going into a trance and began receiving telepathic messages from the being. At one point she was compelled to go into the front of the house where she saw a floating box about 3 inches long and very shiny, it somehow had a very calming effect on her. After the incident the witness suffered an attack of hysterics.
HC addition # 271
Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto OVNI En Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, Y Cuba
Type: C
Location. Sotteville Les Rouen, France
Date: December 13 1973
Time: 0700A
A 48-year old woman encountered a tall man-like figure that suddenly materialized inside a thick mist in her living room. He had blue eyes and wore a blue combination suit. The figure floated at about 20cm above the floor. The apparition communicated telepathically with the witness but she could not remember what was said. The figure suddenly vanished in plain sight.
HC addendum
Source: LDLN # 241, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: E
Location. Near Auvergne France
Date: December 13 1973
Time: afternoon
Claude Vorilhon was driving alone near the volcanic mountain, Puy-de-Lassolas and had parked his vehicle in order to rest his legs, when suddenly he saw a strange helicopter like craft descend through the fog. The craft was flat underneath and had a dome on top with a flashing red light on the bottom and a very bright white light on top. It hovered very close to the ground while a door in the bottom opened and a small figure emerged. It was a human like figure with long black hair and a beard, wearing a green one-piece outfit. He stood near the witness and spoke to him in French inviting him onboard the craft where he was given numerous messages in regards to the aliens mission on earth. The being, who said his name, was “Yahweh” proceeded to explain the true origins of humanity to Claude. Humans, he explained, were created 25,000 years ago by his people the “Elohim”, or “beings from the sky”, by cloning their own DNA. The green suited being gave Claude the name “Rael” and told Claude that his real father was actually one of the Elohim. He also informed Claude that he had been chosen to deliver their message to humanity. (The witness was to become the leader of the Raelian movement.)
HC addition # 1546
Source: Hilary Evans, The Evidence for UFOs
Type: G
Location. Near San Ardo California
Date: December 14 1973
Time: evening
Two young men saw a spherical object emitting a red beam of light from a cone-shaped appendage. The beam kicked up dirt on the ground. Later they saw two 6-foot tall cylindrical, aluminum colored shapes about 50 feet away. The beings were near an area of round glowing from the beam. The surface of the beings was crinkly with a square top. They were moving their arms about the waist area.
Humcat 1973-80
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: C
Location. Vilvorde Belgium
Date: December 15 1973
Time: late night
Upon arising to go to the bathroom, the 28-year old witness observed from his kitchen window a small figure in the enclosed courtyard behind his house. The entity wore a close fitting, luminous green coverall and had a clear spherical helmet over his head, which was attached by a tube to a backpack. He was using an implement similar to a mine detector to examine brickbats in the courtyard. When the witness played his flashlight on the scene, the being turned toward the window and held up one hand, displaying the V-sign with two fingers. The head was dark except for two brightly luminous eyes, over which were seen eyelids that blinked by lowering over the luminous iris. The entity then turned toward the wall enclosing the yard and walked up the sides stiff legged, at right angles, clearing the top and disappearing from view on the far side. Several minutes later, a disc with flashing colored lights and a transparent dome on top, rose from the other side of the wall. Inside the dome the witness could see the little being; it rose vertically slowly, rocked back and forth and then shot off into the sky at high speed. The witness had had one other observation four months earlier, with others, on the Belgian seaside; and four months later he, his wife, and others saw still another object as they drove to Brussels.
Humcat 1973-81
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids
Type: C & A
Location. Polvijarvi North Karjala Finland
Date: December 27 1973
Time: 0305A
Olavi Kolehmainen, a truck driver, observed a UFO sitting in the middle of the road as he was plowing snow in a wooded area of northern Karjala; it was about four meters in diameter. After about one minute, a hatch opened from within and a humanoid, in white clothing, appeared. After about 10 to 15 seconds, the hatched closed, and the witness heard a humming sound that increased in volume. Smoke appeared beneath the object and it began a slow ascent. By this time the witness had left his truck. After the object disappeared, he noticed landing traces in the snow covered road. He was the only witness.
Humcat 1973-112
Source: Ilkka Serra, David Webb
Type: A
Location. Haisnes-Hulluch, Pas de Calais, France
Date: December 31 1973
Time: 0600A
A man on his way to work sees a strange object, which had landed on a field. He described it as a rocket shaped affair about 30 m to 50 m in height. As he approaches the object it suddenly emits red-orange and white lights from its bottom and disappears into the sky. Police found ground traces including small footprints about 17 cm long.
HC addendum
Source: Charles Garreau, Alarm in the Sky
Type: C?
Location. Near Medicine Hat Alberta Canada
Date: December 31 1973
Time: 2230
A man driving east of the city saw an approaching bright revolving light in the rearview mirror, then he saw an eight-foot tall man wearing a white astronaut-like suit running alongside the truck in a ditch at about 60mph. The entity placed his hands on the roof and hood of the truck and vanished in a flash of light.
HC addition # 13
Source: John Brent Musgrave UFO Occupants and Critters
Type: E
Location. Malacatancito, Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Date: end of 1973
Time: morning
During a spiritual retreat in an isolated mountainous region, Arturo Abril, Ramiro Monroy and Leslie Amed were meditating one night in an open field when reported seeing at least 30 or 35 unidentified lights and object maneuvering over the area. In the morning two tall “humans” wearing a tight fitting beige outfit arrived at the campsite and identified themselves, as “brothers” from outer space. They claimed to have been vegetarians and communicated extensively with the witnesses. They were on earth in a supposed mission to help and benefit humanity.
HC addendum
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Type: D
Total Cases: 255
Addendums to be included as they become available.
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net
Compiled by
Albert Rosales
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.