1977 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net
1977 Humanoid Reports. The year of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” proved to be a busy and bizarre year, somewhat slower that the landmark year of 1976 and sort of a preview to the upcoming madness of 1978. It was indeed a high-strangeness era and 1977 was in the midst of it. Events in Haverfordwest Wales, Lindley New York, Pinheiro Brazil highlighted a year that was indeed uncommon. Weird events like the Pelham Georgia incident, the bizarre abduction in Paciencia Brazil were the epitome of high strangeness. The weirdness seems to have reached its height with the bizarre abduction of the Chilean soldier at Pampa Lluscuma in April. Starting with 1974 an increase of the so-called close encounters of the fourth kind of abductions was beginning to be noted. Missing time was just around the corner. In another side attraction of the weirdness for this year, huge hairy humanoids were more frequently reported in relation to UFOs in this year more than any other on record, except for maybe 1973.
Following are the known humanoid encounters for 1977.
Location. Peter Pond Lake, Saskatchewan Canada
Date: 1977
Time: unknown
A scaly creature, reptilian in nature was seen exiting the waters of Peter Pond Lake and the incident was reported to the nearby Royal Canadian Mounted police detachment. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: In the domain of the lake monsters:
The search for the denizens of the deep by John Kirk
Type: E
Location. Near Oporto Portugal
Date: 1977
Time: 0130A
E S H was returning home on foot late at night when he noticed some kind of luminous flashes coming from a nearby empty field. He went to investigate and was confronted by a tall humanoid covered in a luminous tight fitting outfit from head to foot. It had a small backpack on the back. The humanoid had large pointed ears, and large claw-like hands. The humanoid stood in front of the witness making what appeared to be friendly gestures. In a panic the witnesses attempted to run from the area but his path was blocked but the strange being. A struggle ensued in which the humanoid apparently attempted to abduct the witness. This one finally got away and ran home. The next day he found several deep marks on his body that remained visible for several days afterwards.
HC addendum
Source: GIO Portugal
Type: E
Location. Stockton California
Date: 1977
Time: 0230A
During a rash of cattle mutilations and low-level UFO sightings in the area, the witness was awakened by the constant barking of her dogs. Looking out the window the witness saw a strange creature standing at the other side of her fence, looking at her. It was described as six-foot tall, with bright red eyes, wearing a tight-fitting luminous red and green outfit. The being then turned around and left the area using high slow moving leaps.
HC addition # 1120
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma 16, quoting Martin R Wolf
Type: E
Location. Seattle Washington
Date: 1977
Time: 0330A
Her dog making whimpering sounds awakened the witness, who was pregnant at the time. She went downstairs and found her dog crawled up in a corner. She then pulled the curtain back to look outside and saw an object with a row of brightly lit golden colored windows hovering in the sky. She could not remember anything after that. But later under hypnosis she recalled going outside and being picked up by a beam of light. She then went through a tunnel and at the end where two beings (undescribed) looking down on her. She recalled that her baby was removed and then put back unharmed by the aliens.
HC addition # 1175
Source: Aileen Edwards, On The UFO Road again
Type: G
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Indication of genetic manipulation by unknown entities? What was done to the baby when it was taken out of the womb? If true it could have frightening implications.
Location. Mayapan Yucatan Mexico
Date: 1977
Time: 1700
A local Indian who was a caretaker of an archeological site was alone one evening guarding the site when he heard the sound of a machete chopping wood. He walked towards the direction of the sound and as he rounded a corner of the temple a small clay pellet whizzed by close to his head, he then hid behind a piece of fallen masonry and heard more stones falling around him. Looking in the direction of the stones he noticed a tiny man like figure, outlined in the wavering moonlight. The being had a very large head with a jet-black beard and wore a white dress like garment. He carried a standard size machete slung over his shoulder almost as long as his body. He soon disappeared into the thick jungle.
HC addition # 1471
Source: Loren Coleman, Curious Encounters
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: This entity appears to be a member of hidden race that lives in the thick jungles of Yucatan. (I have been there, believe me, the jungle is endless).
Location. Somerset, England
Date: 1977
Time: afternoon
Young Cynthia Montefiore was in her garden with her mother. Her mother wanted to show her the correct way to take cuttings from rose trees. Her mother stood behind the finest rose tree they had with a pair of scissors in her hand, while Cynthia stood in front of it. Suddenly her mother put a finger on her lips to indicate silence and then pointed to one of the blossoms. Astonished, Cynthia saw a little figure about six inches high, in the perfect shape of a woman and with brilliantly colored diaphanous wings resembling those of a dragonfly. The figure held a little wand and was pointing it at the heart of a rose. At the tip of the wand there was a little light, like a star. The figure’s limbs were very pale pink and visible through her clothes. She had long silvery hair, which resembled an aura. She hovered near the rose for at least two minutes, her wings vibrating rapidly like those of a hummingbird, and then she disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: Janet Bord, Faeries, Real Encounters with The Little People Type: E
Location. Ljubljana Yugoslavia
Date: 1977
Time: evening
A farmer reported seeing a sort of “flying bus” land on a field. A humanoid with greenish skin and wearing a tight fitting diver’s outfit appeared. Walking towards the witness, the humanoid said, “We are a peaceful people” and invited the farmer onboard the object, offering the witness food resembling a clear gelatin, which he refused. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: CUN Europa
Type: G
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: I have not seen an independent source for this report. It resembles, however miniscule in details, the encounter of Jan Wolski in Poland the following year.
Location. Nullabor Plain South Australia
Date: 1977
Time: night
Two men were on the Eyre Highway late at night when they saw a purple green fireball crash nearby. Upon arriving at the site they found a round craft with an opened doorway. Entering the craft, they found two creatures, one of which was dead and the other apparently injured uttering a low squealing sound. Both were described as being 4 1/2 feet tall with potbellies, long thin arms, and large black eyes. Both were earless and hairless. When both men emerged from the wreckage, military personnel on the scene arrested both and took them away from the site.
HC addition # 2709
Source: Tim Swartz, UFO Universe Winter 1997
Type: H
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Not too much supporting information, but these creatures resembles those found in another supposed crash in April 1989 in Mexico.
Location. Belmont New South Wales, Australia
Date: 1977
Time: night
Sharing a caravan with her husband, a woman suddenly found herself outside the van in an “astral state.” A beam of light shone on her and she was drawn into an elongated, wingless UFO. Several beings were present. These were human like; olive skinned, black eyes and wearing one piece, black, flying suits. Communication was by telepathy and a number of messages were conveyed to her. She woke in bed to hear the noise of the object leaving.
HC addition # 2725
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: F?
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: This type of “astral state” encounters or OOBE has been reported frequently, it could be a mode of travel or transportation used by highly developed species.
Location. Adelaide South Australia
Date: 1977
Time: night
The witness suddenly found herself in a very large room accompanied by a large number of human like beings, including a human child about ten years of age. The room showed no apparent source of illumination. It was warmly lit with a soft blue glow. It felt very pleasant and the gravity was normal. The witness remembered conversing with the human child. No other information.
HC addition # 2031
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: G
High Strangeness Index: 8
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Very vague report is not clear if the human like beings were the occupants of the craft (aliens) or other humans. More information is needed in this intriguing case.
Location. Southern Tier, New York
Date: 1977
Time: night
Alfred Hulstruck, a state conservation naturalist, claimed a sighting of a scale-covered man-beast that regularly emerged at dusk from the red algae choked waters of the Southern Tier of New York. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Dixie X Files
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 5
Comments: I seen this report in other sources, but not much information is given about it. I am not sure where the location would be either and if not clear if Mr. Hulstruck encountered the creature on several occasions.
Location. Lerida Spain
Date: 1977
Time: late night
A year before, the witness had seen an object land on top of a mountain. On this night she was alone in her bedroom when an almost 7-foot tall humanoid figure suddenly appeared walking toward her. Terrified she hid under the blankets, and felt a heavy weight fall on her. She began to scream and the humanoid apparently disappeared.
HC addition # 3354
Source: Ivan Castillo, Año Cero
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: The connection with the earlier UFO sighting is tentative. This type of bedroom encounter where a tall heavy set humanoid assaults a witness has been reported before and since. Could it be related to the sleep paralysis syndrome?
Location. Jordanow, Poland
Date: 1977
Time: late night
Late at night, Wiktoria Lesniakiewicz heard strange noises at the front door of her home and opened the kitchen door to the garage. The garage was completely dark, she wanted to switch the lights on but sensed a presence in the darkness. A huge, human-like figure suddenly appeared near her. Stunned, she watched the figure take a step back and disappear into the darkness. She turned the lights on and the garage was empty and locked.
HC addendum
Source: Robert K Lesniakiewicz
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 10
Comments: Again a tall heavyset humanoid form encountered in a house. Is just coincidental that this reports follows the previous one.
Location. Collegno, Turin, Italy
Date: 1977
Time: late night
A young boy, Diego, (involved in other encounters) remembers suddenly waking up late at night to notice that the streetlights just outside his window appeared to have burned out. Terrified he lies in bed feeling that someone was watching him. A red diffuse light suddenly floats into the room from the corridor. As he watched a small humanoid exits the light, she describes him as having large head large oblique eyes, with only two holes for a nose, and a mouth similar to a thin horizontal line. The creature had long thin arms and hands. It wore a tight fitting dark gray outfit. As the terrified witness watched the figure went back into the red light and vanished.
HC addendum
Source: Roberto Malini, Italy
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 6
Source Reliability: 7
Comments: Somewhat unorthodox bedroom visitation. The type of visitation on which the humanoid appears to travel inside an area of light or energy is very common.
Location. Waimata Valley, New Zealand
Date: 1977
Time: 2300
The 16-year old witness saw a bright disc shaped object flying over his house and apparently shone a flashlight at it. The object descended and he could see two humanoid figures at a window looking down at him. He could hear a “telepathic” conversation between the two beings, which were debating if he was of any “interest” or not. His next recollection was of being onboard the object in a corridor as two humanoids stood nearby staring at him, one was tall the other short. Among other things told by the witness by the aliens was that there should not be any political differences on earth among nations. Apparently the tall alien was in charge and allowed the witness the wonder around the ship, but he was closely followed at all times by the short alien. He was then taken into a room and an instrument was inserted into his nostrils, the tall alien performed this operation. The witness felt that the shorter alien did not trust him, since he apparently had little experience with humans. Upon being returned the witness attempted to steal an item from the object to show some proof but the short alien that promptly took it away from him detected him.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G
Location. Clearwater Colorado
Date: about January 1977
Time: night
The main witness and his wife had bought a ranch in an isolated area in 1975 and for more than a year they had been experiencing strange sounds, UFO manifestations and Bigfoot sightings on the property. There were some cattle mutilations as well. One night him and the eldest son went up to the top of a hill to examine a burned spot from the previous year. As they sat in the car, a beam of yellow light shone on them from nearby woods. Walking towards the trees, they discovered a buzzing black box, clearly seen in the light of the full moon. As they approached, it changed tone, now sounding like a swarm of angry bees. The two retreated to the safety of the car. The witness told the young man to stay by the car and went back to the spot where the black box had been; it was now gone. He saw a light in the trees and, walking toward the light, came upon two individuals standing near the light source. As he approached, they spoke to him, saying “How nice of you to come.” Some distance away, down a slope, was a disk, illuminated, about 50 or 60 feet away. The two beings apologized for the trouble they had caused, promising a more equitable arrangement. They told him several things he was not to repeat, but which had no special meaning for him at the time. They regretted damage done to several of the cars, but they did not acknowledge responsibility for any of the local cattle mutilations. They told him he was wise to have backed off from the black box, which was nearby. They pointed in a particular direction and the tone on the box changed; as it did, a Bigfoot type creature got up off the ground and walked toward the box. The tone changed and the creature dropped. The meeting lasted five minutes. In appearance the beings were similar, human looking about 5’6″ in height, and wearing a tight fitting outfit like a flight uniform. The suits changed colors from brown to silver. Their complexions were fair and they had blond hair, not long. The most notable features were the eyes, which were very large but otherwise normal looking. They were different in subtle ways but could pass as humans in ordinary situations. Before the witness walked away from the scene he was told by the beings that he would see them again.
Humcat 1977-72
Source: Leo Sprinkle and John Derr for Apro
Type: C
Location. Moca Puerto Rico
Date: January 1977
Time: 0930A
The witness was alone in her home in the kitchen area when she felt a presence next to her. She turned and saw a very tall blond haired man wearing a light tight fitting outfit with boots and with a bright red light on the waist area. He had blue green eyes and mentally told the witness “not to be afraid that he was here to help.” Suddenly she blacked out and awakened in a large silvery metallic oval room where she saw other similar beings and computer like terminals and a huge screen. She was then taken into a room, where she changed her clothing and made to lay down on a cot. There two tall blond men and a shorter being described as wearing a white outfit, no hair, with a large head and large black slanted eyes with long thin arms that ended in three long fingers examined her using a brilliant blue light. The witness later came to in her home at 1130A. The witness was told by the beings to build a small pyramid next to her new home.
HC addition # 429
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma 52/53
Type: G
Location. Near Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
Date: January 1977
Time: afternoon
The 10-year old witness along with her parents and cousin were hiking in a wooded area. The adults were about 30 ft ahead of the two young witnesses when they noticed to their left about 10 ft ahead what appeared to be a small robot-like figure standing next to a tree. The “robot” was waving at them with an arm, at a 90-degree angle. As they got closer they could hear a clicking sound every time it waved. It had large round red eyes and it never moved, it just kept waving at the witnesses. The adults seem to simply or ignore it or somehow did not see it at all. As the witnesses approached closer to the figure, the witness yelled at her cousin to go touch it. Her cousin began to cry and ran away. The witness continued to approach but as the reached the tree the strange figure had disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: UFOs about.com, paranormal story archive
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 5
Comments: Robot type humanoid report. During the 70’s there were several entity or humanoid reports from the Dominican Republic. From 1972 to 1979 there were several. After that I have not found any other cases.
Location. Montenero Italy
Date: January 1977
Time: evening
The witness came upon an object on the ground that was giving off a bright white blue light. A trap door like opening became visible on the bottom of the craft emitting a bright light from inside, then a human like figure came out. The being walked around the witness vehicle then saluted her, telling her that they would meet again soon. He then left.
HC addition # 1519
Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat
Type: B
Location. New Jersey, exact location not given
Date: January 1977
Time: night
A man had come face to face with a huge bigfoot-type creature. Behind the creature, he said, hovered briefly a tiny pinpoint of light from which a “high pitched whistle” emitted. Besides Bigfoot sightings the same area had been host to much UFO activity as well. In another case a humming metallic saucer-like object reportedly directed a beam of light down upon a startled young man.
HC addendum
Source: Brent Raynes, UFO & Paranormal Perceptions
Winter 1994
Type: D?
The Return of “Karran.”
Location. Baixada Fluminense Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Date: January 1977
Time: late night
The two main witnesses were telepathically instructed to go to a certain desolate area and wait. Suddenly somebody knocked on the window of their vehicle and they saw a tall man in dark clothing with red hair and beard. He told them that his name was “Zir” and then told them to wait there. He returned later with a being that called himself “Karran” who wore luminous clothing. He spoke in an unknown language that “Zir” translated. Zir had milky white skin and violet colored eyes; he told the witnesses he had two hearts. Karran then left in a huge luminous object that had apparently landed on the roadway nearby. The witnesses were supposedly able to snap a photo.
HC addition # 1622
Source: Casellato, Da Silva and Stevens
UFO Abduction in Botucato
Type: C
Location. Huanaco Province Peru
Date: early January 1977
Time: late afternoon
In a wooded area a young student had fallen into a bog was unexpectedly helped out by four three-foot tall greenish scaly creatures with three fingers in each hand that held out branches to him. No object was reported. No other information.
HC addition # 382
Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Unexplained Mysteries of the 20th
Type: E
Location. Huyton Merseyside England
Date: early January 1977
Time: 1630
A 12-year old boy had gone out to empty a trash bin when he saw a figure estimated to have been nine-foot tall standing among the bushes in the garden. The figure was wearing a white suit and a helmet with visor. The boy’s mother shouted at the figure but it just stared at her, she then ran indoors and saw the figure float towards the house, others confronted the figure but it just stared, finally two police officers arrived and when they went up to the creature it simply vanished in plain sight.
HC addition # 396
Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries of Britain
Type: E
Location. New Canaan Connecticut
Date: January 1 1977
Time: late night
The young witness remembers one night being floated against his will down the stairs of his house. Terrified he saw a short figure (shorter than him) that floated beside him at all times. He tried to grab the wall and banister but could not get a firm hold. His next memory was of being in the driveway being floated down the road, surrounded by several gray colored figures. He tried to run but his legs just cycled aimlessly in mid-air. He remembers another time, also floating in his driveway accompanied by his younger sister and by the small gray figures. He had vague memories of being in a dark room with a metallic floor with some “people” that were involved in a project, which calmed him down and made him feel good. No other memories.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G
Location. Near Carapito Beira Alta Portugal
Date: January 3 1977
Time: 2130
A 24-year old woman and her young sister were doing the wash next to their rural home when they saw on top of a nearby hill a strange bulky figure, dark and motionless, it resembled an 8-foot tall box with a round head on top and legs that appeared to thin out towards the bottom. A strange sound resembling several dogs barking into a microphone seemed to emanate from the figure. The two witnesses became frightened and locked themselves in their house; they then heard a sound as if someone was dragging itself outside on a sand path that encircled the house. The sound appeared to stop at the edge of a nearby pine grove. The adult witness suffered a nervous breakdown. A small radioactive spot was found at the foot of the hill, plus other ground traces were evident.
HC addition # 107
Source: Ballester Olmos, Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia de
Los Encuentros Cercanos con Ovnis
Type: E
Location. Carapito Beira Alta Portugal
Date: January 4 1977
Time: 0030A
A man was training his German shepherd dog inside a pine grove when the animal suddenly became agitated and sat next to him. He then saw hovering 10 meters from the ground a dark metallic domed object that was emitting a beeping sound. Near the object the witness saw a very tall heavyset figure, human like. The object suddenly emitted a silvery lighting like flash and disappeared, sod did the bulky figure. The witness suffered from severe headaches soon after the incident and his dog died for no apparent reason in August of the same year.
HC addition # 106
Source: Ballester Olmos, Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia
De Los Encuentros Cercanos con Ovnis
Type: C
Location. Montreal Quebec Canada
Date: January 6 1977
Time: 0115A
Mrs. Florida Malboeuf, about 50, was sitting at her window on the Rue Casgrain when she saw an oyster shaped, flat bottomed metallic object, with a row of white lights around its base, come in from the north and land on the rooftop of a 3 story apartment building across the street, about 60 feet from her. Immediately two figures appeared on the roof, they were very tall and thin (over 6ft.), with long arms, wearing white one piece garments with their heads covered with tight “bath helmets.” They stood looking at the street, then at the sky, then they returned apparently to the object. The moment after they disappeared, the object rose from the roof about 20 feet and went off to the east. Her son Andre went to the roof in question and found on top of the ice and snow there a large elliptical shaped crust of ice, 4/5″ thick, and about 18 feet in diameter, evidently formed by the local melting of the snow. In relief on this plaque and going toward the façade of the building were four small, narrow footprints, only 6.5″ long.
Humcat 1977-1
Source: Marc Leduc & Wido Hoville, UFO Quebec
Type: C
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Now classic Canadian humanoid case. There are several such reports of apparent alien craft landing on roofs or hovering close to roofs of houses or buildings.
Location. Near Fawn Grove, Pennsylvania
Date: January 10 1977
Time: unknown
Alston Blankenship and Richard Tincher reported encountering a 10-foot tall creature with large white glowing eyes. No other information.
HC addition # 3270
Source: Mark Opsasnick
Type: E
Location. Padronelo, Portugal
Date: January 14 1977 Time: afternoon
Three young witnesses, Fernanda Pinheiro, 10, Paulo Alexandre Teixeira 10, & Vitor Manuel Ribeiro, 9, were resting on a stonewall after playing in a field when they suddenly noticed a figure descending from the sky. Terrified they watched the figure as it flew over their heads. They described it as large, man like with a featureless hairless egg shaped head, orange in color, with outstretched arms that ended in thin orange hands. It wore a shiny transparent white flowing smock. The figure itself appeared semi-transparent as it rose up into the sky and disappeared from sight.
HC addendum
Source: Iker Jimenez, “Viaje al Portugal Profundo”
Type: E
Location. London England
Date: middle of January 1977
Time: 1800
Two weeks after two men had seen a low hovering object over some buildings one of the men was this time alone in the same area when he spotted a similar shimmering object that emitted a crackling sound and disappeared behind buildings. Moments later the witness caught sight of a short man like figure that quickly crossed his path ahead of him disappearing around a corner. The figure was about three-foot tall and appeared to be yellow in color. It had very thin arms and legs and a peanut shaped head. It seemed to glide just above the ground as it crossed the street.
HC addition # 870
Source: Barry M King, FSR Vol. 24 # 2
Type: E
Location. Harrah Yakima Washington
Date: January 19 1977
Time: 0630A
Jose Cantu, 9, was preparing his breakfast when he saw a “little man” outside in his yard. He went outside and saw two greenish creatures about three-foot tall, unipedal, who rotated on a base instead of having legs and feet. According to his published drawing, they had only one eye, pug noses, and vestigial arms. Two steely craft were observed, one resting in the backyard and the other on the roof of the house, and in these were two more identical creatures. Hiding behind a washing machine, he saw the first two beings return to the UFOs, which were brilliantly lighted inside and contained “two chairs with very tall bases.” Ramps led up to “cross shaped” doors. After the humanoids had re-entered, the craft in the yard rose and disappeared in a cloud of steam or smoke. Marks in the gravel were found where Jose said the creatures had stood, and in the long grass of the backyard was a circle of whirled grass about 10 feet in diameter. Investigators found these traces still present during their on site inspection.
Humcat 1977-2
Source: William Vogel & David Akers for Cufos
Type: B
Location. Santa Rosa Lara Venezuela
Date: January 23 1977
Time: 0030A
Residents of Santa Rosa-some awakened by a penetrating sound and bright lights-observed a UFO that circled above the village and finally came to rest on the bank of the river Turbio. It emitted multi-colored lights and caused panic. As it landed, human like figures could be seen moving “slowly and in robot like fashion” within the object. As a crowd of people with flashlights began to close in on the landing site, the UFO took off again; it had been on the ground for five minutes. Landing gear marks were left, as well as “a greasy granular material.”
Humcat 1977-3
Source: Mark Da Silva, FSR Vol. 23 # 1
Type: A
Location. Prospect (Jefferson) Kentucky
Date: January 27 1977
Time: 0105A
Lee Parish, 19, had just left his girl friend’s home at 0100A and was driving his Jeep west when he saw a brilliantly orange red luminous rectangular object about 40 ft long and 10 feet high, hovering near the road at a 100 ft to 150 ft altitude. He felt compelled to look at it, although it was too bright to look directly at it. His car radio failed and his car came to a halt directly under the object; the he saw it speeding away without making any sound. When Lee arrived home, it was 0145A, though the trip should have taken only 7 minutes. His eyes were bloodshot and painful. Under hypnosis the same evening, he described coming directly under the UFO (the car was “driving itself” at this time), and seeing it change to black, then to white. The he could see nothing until he suddenly found himself in a circular, all white room with self luminous walls. Before him stood three non-human entities, a black one, to his left, stood almost as high as the 20-foot ceiling, and was jug shaped, with a relatively small featureless “head” and one handless arm. It moved toward Lee slowly and touched him on the side and the back; its touch gave him a cold and painful sensation, and it terrified him. The second entity was red and to his right, it was slightly smaller than the 6 ft witness, rectangular in shape, “like a coke machine,” with one un-jointed arm. It came slowly toward him and touched him on the shoulder and right temple, its touch stung like a needle, but it did not terrify him as the black one did. The third, white and about 6 foot tall, was in front of him and had a “blocky” body and a head square on the sides, and featureless flat in front, sloping at a 45 degree angle. The whole being glowed; it had arms, which remained motionless at its sides. Lee instinctively knew that this one was the “ruler” of the other two. The red being moved behind the white one, which now began to make a rhythmic scraping sound, “like sandpapering.” Then the white none moved behind the black one and vanished. Lee, who had been quite cold, found that he was now warm. Then the black entity simply disappeared and left the witness alone in the room, which had seemed throughout to be rocking back and forth. Without transition, he then found himself back in the Jeep, on the road. He said the vehicle seemed to be suspended beneath the object by some force, and that he was taken out and returned without opening the door. The day after the electrical system in the vehicle broke down. The witness felt he would be contacted again.
Humcat 1977-4
Source: Don Elkins & Carla Rueckert & Lawrence Allison
Type: G
Location. Near Cookeville (Putnam) Tennessee
Date: January 27 1977
Time: 1400
Donald Fender, 49, a self-employed bee farmer of Greeneville, was driving on Route 40 to Madison (north of Nashville). He was in his pickup truck and his dog with him. In the vicinity of Cookeville, his dog began to act strangely, and Fender felt “like someone wanted to talk to me.” Obeying an impulse, he turned off on a side road. He noticed a long balloon like thing that stretched along one side of the road for a distance of a mile or a mile and a half. White and silky in color and texture, he then saw another one on the other side of the road. Curious, he pulled off and stopped his car. His dog was by then quite agitated. Then suddenly, without any transition, he found himself inside a solid white colored cigar shaped room, or enclosure, approximately 50 feet long. He sensed rather than observed, five humanoid entities gathered around him. They were small in size and they stared at him. One was to his immediate left. Then they began to question him about a number of things, most of which Fender was unable to remember. They also gave him certain information; they told him they “were emissaries of peace” and that they could enter Earth’s atmosphere only at this point—or “window”-along the road; and that this spot would “become the future home of space travel.” They also told him of dire events including major catastrophes that would come about in the near future. He “saw” or was “shown” various scenes, as though he were floating far above them, of areas of major destruction and devastation. These included scenes of green farmlands he identified as being English; these were devoid of any kind of life. After approximately 15 minutes, he suddenly found himself back in his truck, with no idea of how he got there. Along the roadside there was nothing unusual to be seen. His dog was behaving normally once more. He felt very strange and disturbed by the experience. Arriving at Madison about an hour later than he expected, he was unable to account for the lost time. There was a good deal about the experience that he was unable to remember. He was so upset about the experience that within the week he drove to Washington DC, to make the incident known officially. He went to the Department of Defense where, he said he spoke to Defense Secretary Brown himself. His story was met with little enthusiasm. There is more to the story that he is unwilling to divulge over the telephone to the investigators.
Humcat 1977-5
Source: Len Stringfield
Type: G
Location. Clearwater Colorado
Date: February 1977
Time: 0200A
On a weekend not long after a previous encounter in the woods, the witness was at the ranch sleeping on the couch. It was a weekend, as the other witness was out for Denver. About 0200A, the witness was suddenly fully awake, and found he was unable to move. He was looking toward the French windows. He saw, standing there before the window, a being seven-foot tall, unlike the two he’d seen earlier. He was very thin, and had a box like device on its chest, pointed, with three hose like extensions on either side, and wore what appeared to be a “space helmet” over its head with a plastic covering. “It was more or less pathetic in appearance—almost helplessly pathetic. It was looking at me in the same way that you would look at a patient on the table, not cruelly, or indifferent-just looking.” The witness kept making noises trying to call out to the other persons in the cabin, when the being suddenly just vanished. The witness was finally able to call out but by the time the others arrived the being was gone. Following more peculiar incidents at the ranch including a suspicious fire the witness and his family decided it was time to leave.
Humcat 1977-73
Source: John Derr, & Leo Sprinkle for Apro
Type: E
“We are on a mission…”
Location. Concord (Contra Costa) California
Date: February 2 1977
Time: 0410A
A 21-year old man reported to police that on leaving a restaurant about 0410A, he was confronted by two short, gray skinned men with enlarged skulls, no hair, and eyes with black pupils. The next thing he knew, he was in a school playing field, facing a circular craft, which had landed there, with a ladder extending toward him. Suddenly he found himself inside the object, with no recollection as to how he got there, he was examined by the beings, and told, telepathically, that they were on “a mission to study life habits” on Earth. They also told him that their craft was from a larger ship located outside the planet’s atmosphere. While on board, he stuck his hand into a chamber, which cause “all sorts of lights to go off.” Finally, he found himself outside an apartment complex in Concord, where for 15 minutes he was unable to move. He called the police at 0533A.
Humcat 1977-6
Source: Humcat quoting, The Concord Transcript
Type: G
Location. Seven-Mile Beach Tasmania Australia
Date: February 3 1977
Time: 2130
Several children at a youth camp in Tasmania observed a stationary, dome shaped object hovering near the beach. The object then moved behind some trees, partially obscuring it. On the dome was a row of windows through which at leas two of the children reported seeing a thin human like figure, with a round head. It seemed to be moving back and forth behind the window. One child described the object as similar to two plates placed edge to edge, with flashing yellow white lights along the edge and a red light on top of the dome. The object disappeared from view behind the trees.
Humcat 1977-68
Source: Tasmanian UFO Investigation Center, Hobart.
Type: A
Location. Broad Haven Pembrokeshire Wales
Date: February 4 1977
Time: 1330
Several schoolboys at Broad Haven school saw a huge silvery object on the ground about 300 yards away in an adjoining field; David George, 9, said it was humming, and looked like a saucer with a point. He saw it by it a man in a silver suit, with long ears. Tudor Jones, 10, Jeremy Passmore, 9, and David Ward, 10, also saw the figure. Ward said, “the people wore green-they had sort of cameras—they had pointed ears.” The object was still there at 1400. At 1535, the object was again seen in the same place, for 5 minutes, by a total of 14 boys and 1 girl; their drawings showed a domed, dish-cover shaped object. The site where the UFO appeared was a muddy swamp; no traces were found.
Humcat 1977-7
Source: Randall Jones Pugh from Bufora
Type: C
Location. Tucson (Pima) Arizona
Date: February 10 1977
Time: 1930
Ms. Lois Stovall saw from the window a luminous object in the sky approaching her house from the north. She and her grandmother, Mrs Alice Buckner, went to the yard for a better view and saw it hovering over a small tree less than 50 ft away. It was capsule shaped with cylindrical axis vertical, and transparent on the side facing them, with dark vertical bars. Through this could be seen a flame like light and a human shaped figure, all over gray in color, that looked puffed up, like a balloon, with ridges or rings running round the appendages. She could not see any hands or feet. This figure in an inflated suit, about four-foot tall, was standing in a space only barely large enough for him, and was in a crouched position. The light was between his feet. Mrs Buckner walked directly under the object and tried to touch it, but it was two feet too high. She could see that there was a window in the head-part of the suit, and could barely make out that there was some sort of face behind the window. Then the object began to ascend, and passed out of sight to the south. Ms Stovall saw 3 helicopters with glowing red cabin lights flying very low over the adjacent school grounds. The investigators were unable to find any plausible source for these aircraft. Mrs Dessie Turner, a neighbor, also saw the object while it hovered, and estimated that it was 6.5 feet high and 2.5 in diameter. She thought she could see a shadowy figure inside. She also saw the helicopters.
Humcat 1977-8
Source: Coral & Jim Lorenzen for Apro
Type: A
Location. Broad Haven Wales
Date: February 17 1977
Time: daytime
A teacher and two canteen workers watched a silvery yellow cigar shaped object glide over a field emitting a loud humming sound. Before it left the area, a human like figure was seen briefly to step out of the object and then go back inside.
HC addition # 1386
Source: J A Brooks, Ghost & Legends of Wales
Type: B
Location. Gallarta Vizcaya Spain
Date: February 20 1977
Time: night
A local farmer, Juan Sillero, was awakened by the sound of his dogs barking and by a loud humming sound. Going outside he saw a hovering metallic object with numerous lights and what appeared to be three legged landing gear dangling down. The craft had a semi transparent dome on top and was surrounded by rectangular windows. Behind the windows several moving figures that moved slowly back and forth could be seen. At one point he was approached by two tall human-like beings wearing dark diver suits that explained to the witness that they had to leave the area since they had been “detected”. In another occasion the witness saw a robot-like creature apparently exploring the area after it came out of a landed craft. There were other independent witnesses of crafts descending over the area. The witness saw a craft land in the same area a week later. Landing traces were found at the site.
HC addition # 2337
Source: Pedro Guirao, Ovnis, Proximo Contacto?
Type: A
Location. Langernargen Bodense Germany
Date: February 24 1977
Time: 0300A
The witness, Lothar Schaefler saw a cigar shaped object carrying four very bright lights land about 150 feet away. The object emitted an extremely high-pitched, piercing, but not loud tone of constant intensity. Lothar ran along the kitchen wall and threw himself on the ground between some small bushes in front of the backyard fence. The whole area was brilliantly lit now. Suddenly Lothar heard a short whistling sound, felt a slight draft of air and saw, apparently appearing out of nowhere, two strange alien looking beings directly behind him. The figures were no more than 1.30 meters and 1.10 meters tall, respectively. The beings had a somewhat human-looking body, although their long arms reached almost to below their knees. Conspicuous were also their oddly cramped fingers, reminiscent of those of spastic children. Other than a kind of frill around the neck – somewhat like a harlequin – with some 6-7 light green “star like serration” Lothar could not make out any further articles of clothing. Their skin appeared to be somewhat lighter than human skin. Their headless heads were completely round, as were their clearly defined mouths. Nose and ears could not be seen; neither did they appear to have necks. The strange figures rocked their torsos slowly back and forth. The eyes were slanted, and large like those of cows seemed to stare unflinchingly at the witness, now paralyzed with fear. The witness was so terrified that he beat upon the glass of the closed door, instead of opening it. Then the UFO and the entities vanished “like a light being switched off.” At least six other independent witnesses saw mysterious lights and objects over the area on the same date.
Humcat 1977-9
Source: Von Ludwiger & I Brand
Type: C
High Strangeness Index: 9
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Classic German close encounter case. This incident appears to have been a possible abduction. Hypnotic regression, I believe has never been successful.
Location. Ovre Soppero Norrbotten Sweden
Date: February 27 1977
Time: 1000A
Nils Toms Labba, 51, reindeer keeper in Ovre Soppero, was out on his motor scooter in the woods. Near a lake beachfront he observed four strange beings dressed in brown, staring blankly, nearby stood an object that seemed “transparent.” As he approached to within 500 feet, the four beings quickly entered the object, which then ascended silently; when it took off’ it made the witness eyes irritated. He drove to the landing site on his scooter but found no traces.
Humcat 1977-10
Source: Noorlandska Socialdemorkraten Lulea Sweden
Type: B
Location. Wavertree Merseyside England
Date: Spring 1977
Time: 0830A
The witness was in her kitchen cooking when she had a strange feeling, she then saw a man in the doorway. He was blond with piercing blue eyes and was apparently wearing brand new clothing; he also had a deep tan. He asked the witness if she any “trousers,” she said no and closed the door but he blocked it. He finally left but the witness did not see how or which way he went. About the same time a neighbor reported the same or similar individual materialized behind her in the living room. He asked her for a glass of water. The frightened witness ran to the phone to call the police but looked back and the man had vanished.
HC addition # 766
Source: Danny Cheveaux, Northern Ufology # 75
Type: E
Location. Barrio Olivares Puerto Rico
Date: Spring 1977
Time: afternoon
A man was walking along a wooded hillside when he saw what appeared to be a large silvery cylinder shaped craft or “elevator” apparently come out of the ground very close to where he was. From one side of the object four very tall men, described as human like and blond, wearing tight fitting blue uniforms emerged. These men were followed by a much taller hulking figure completely covered with dark brown hair. This last figure was described as somewhat ape like and appeared to walk behind the four blond men, obediently following them around the silvery craft as they seemed to search for something. All five eventually went back inside the craft, which appeared to sink back into the ground. The witness waited years before he reported the incident, by then all possible traces hand been obliterated.
HC addition # 117
Source: Jorge Martin
Type: B
Location. Orleans, Loiret, France
Date: Spring 1977
Time: evening
A couple returning home in their vehicle are stopped by somebody (not described) near a park. They look around and don’t see anything. Thinking of possible robbers they go home. Once at home they stand in the balcony and see some lights moving in a bizarre fashion on a nearby field. The wife goes to bed. The husband then notices a car driving out of the park and then sees a being crouching down between the passing vehicle and parked cars. The being is crouched down with arms straight down. He is more than 3 meters in height and is wearing a brilliant coverall with a hood and a visor. The car drives by and the being then stands up. The witness looks away momentarily from the being and when he looks back the strange giant figure had vanished. The witness then sees additional lights maneuvering over the fields until early morning. He also reported fuzzy shapes carrying lantern like lights on the field. After this incident the husband apparently experiences several bedroom visitations (no details) in which he feels very tired and is unable to wake his wife.
HC addendum
Source: Y Chosson, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: E?
Location. Russian River California
Date: Spring 1977
Time: 2100
The witness was in her conference room reading a book when she suddenly felt herself going into a trance and felt completely paralyzed. She felt being lifted through the ceiling via an intense golden beam of light. She then encountered several four-foot tall beings and was then placed on a hard slab. A huge seven-foot tall being with alligator like skin and webbed hands touched her and then passed a long needle through her navel, she felt no pain. The reptilian like being was described as having long powerfully muscled legs with large golden eyes filled with love and compassion. He had green scales and a very long snout like nose. The witness claims she experienced a vision during the encounter. No details on that.
HC addition # 1179
Source: Aileen Edwards, On the UFO Road Again
Type: G
Location. Near Sundown Manitoba Canada
Date: March 4 1977
Time: 0600A
The witness was driving east towards his farm when he sighted a shimmering oval shaped light source directly ahead of him hovering just above the roadway. It was whitish yellow in color. The witness drove directly underneath the object. As he drove further on he suddenly came upon three strange figures standing on the road ahead of him. They stood in a row spaced evenly across the road. The figures were short and somewhat shaped like bowling pins. Their heads were bulbous and they had a narrow neck with a flared body. The witness applied the brakes, but could not stop in time. He felt absolutely nothing as he apparently drove over the figures. They seemed to disappear as he touched them with the front bumper. As he looked back on his rear view mirror he saw the figures reappear. They then seemed to shrink and vanish completely.
HC addition # 890
Source: Chris Rutkowski, Unnatural History
True Manitoba Mysteries
Type: C?
Location. McNatt (McDonald) Missouri
Date: March 5 1977
Time: 2300
Lonnie Stites and his wife, Deborah, were driving their pickup truck around a bend in the road when “the whole area lit up like a football field light was turned on, and a very bright light was shined on our windshield.” He saw standing besides the road, a man of normal height or slightly smaller stature, human looking, dressed in green coveralls, with square glasses and a tight green cap over his ears, “waving us down.” Up on the hill was another figure carrying what appeared to be “a ball of electricity about the size of a basketball;” he was walking away from an object that looked like a water tank, about 10 feet across and 10 or 15 feet tall, with red lights going around it. The object was about 50-60 feet from them. Mrs Stites said that he saw two persons on the hillside carrying “basketball sized lights,” and that the UFO, at one point, flew over the truck. They turned the truck around and drove away in great fear.
Humcat 1977-11
Source: Monte Blue Skelton & Bob Pratt
Type: C
Location. Near Winchester Hampshire England
Date: March 7 1977
Time: 2100
Mrs Jane Bowles was driving with a friend, Mrs Ann Strickland, along a country road when their car stopped and a brilliant glow “like a white sun” lit up the area around them. An oval object, luminous and making a humming sound, was observed, from which a man emerged, similar in appearance to the one involved in her earlier encounter. (Human like with long hair, beard and pink eyes). He approached, holding out his hands, and touched Mrs Bowles; his touch was warm, like a human. The man looked at Mrs Strickland and then spoke in an unknown language. He gave something to Mrs Bowles, which she would not divulge, and then returned to the object, which ascended with a hum and high-pitched noise. The women returned to Winchester, and Mrs Bowles observed that her hands were red and swollen; she had to remove her wedding ring and she found the area underneath raw.
Humcat 1977-12
Source: Lionel Beer for Bufora
Type: B
Location. Near Pen-Y-Cwm Pembrokeshire Wales
Date: March 13 1977
Time: 2100
Stephen Taylor, 17, was walking home from a visit to his girlfriend when he saw an orange luminous, pear shaped object in the sky. He went to a friend’s house to tell him but was not believed. About half a mile further on, he noticed that he could not see the lights of farmhouses in his right; looking closer, he saw that they were obscured by a large dome shaped object, dark in appearance, about 30 to 40 feet in diameter and 40 feet high, at rest in the adjacent field. Around its underside there was a dim glow of light. As he was watching he heard footsteps; looking around he saw only several feet away a figure “like a skinny human six-foot tall,” with high cheekbones “like an old man,” and large round eyes, resembling that of a fish. Over its mouth was a box like device with a tube leading over the shoulder. He was wearing a one-piece suit that was semi-transparent. Taylor took a swing at the figure and ran for home. On arrival, he found his dog acted uncharacteristically, snarling and barking; put outdoors, the dog behaved normally the next day.
Humcat 1977-13
Source: Randall Jones Pugh for Bufora
Type: C
Location. West Jacksonport (Door) Wisconsin
Date: March 15 1977
Time: 2030
Joan Le Clair and four other local people saw a UFO hovering over nearby trees. Mrs Le Clair looked through binoculars and could see an elongated object, green on top and bottom with a red band around the center. “There appeared to be another compartment on the bottom of this disc, and I could see windows in this lower part. There appeared to be a figure inside the object.” After about 3 minutes the UFO sped away. Other sightings the UFO failed to see the windows or the occupant.
Humcat 1977-14
Source: Thomas Heiman, Midwest UFO Headquarters
Type: A
Location. Pebble Beach, California
Date: March 20 1977
Time: night
A husband and wife were in a pair of sleeping bags by the seashore when they saw a bright disc-shaped object come from the ocean straight towards them. The woman had a brief recollection of seeing several tall humanoids without mouths that communicated with her telepathically and showed her a book. Later she recalled that the craft was flat, streamlined and black in color. A beam of light covered the couple and apparently took them inside the object. The eyes of the aliens were reported as black and shiny but rounded towards the nose and did not blink. The aliens were about 6 1/2 or 7 ft tall, thin, with delicate bodies, real long fingers and wearing skintight one-piece scuba-like outfits. They were completely hairless. The inside of the craft resembled a doctor’s office; it was very bright white and warm. She was made to lie on a very cold table. She was strapped to the table and saw many instruments one of which made a buzzing sound. The woman has been involved in previous incidents.
HC addendum
Source: WBS Newsletter special edition # 4
Type: G
Location. Mexico, exact location not given
Date: April 1977
Time: unknown
14-year old Sergio Bayardi Porta reportedly committed suicide on orders from a small “cloud” that apparently engaged him in conversation. His heartrending suicide note informed his mother that aliens from the planet Sonolcuclo, “three light centuries away from our galaxy,” had requested his help on their world. Unfortunately, the only way to reach this improbable destination was by committing suicide.
HC addition # 3303
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & Other Mysteries
Type: F
Location. Mason County Washington
Date: April 1977
Time: afternoon
In a wooded area two mushroom pickers reported seeing a shiny metallic cigar shaped craft descend and hover close to the ground. A purple elevator type object descended from the bottom of the object and from it a huge hairy man like creature emerged. It was carrying something resembling a wooded plank. The entity crossed a meadow and entered the woods but soon returned to the object. The object then shot away emitting a loud roaring sound.
HC addition # 589
Source: Don Worley, UFO Annual 1982, Tri-County
UFO Study Group
Type: B
Location. Near Snohomish Wisconsin
Date: April 1977
Time: 1600
Steven Unzelman was clearing some land behind his property in an area surrounded by tall evergreen trees and brush when he noticed a man like figure standing close by. The man seemed startled and suddenly the witness began hearing a loud buzzing sound and everything around him began to vibrate. The figure appeared to be yelling at him. A second man wearing a blue coverall now descended from the sky inside what appeared to be a half-egg shaped contraption with rotating blades on top. It was creating a strong turbulence all around the area. Both men descended to the ground using this peculiar machine. The two half egg shaped objects then suddenly shot up into the sky and disappeared. Both men were described as bald headed with flat faces. Both had dark brown skin and wore metallic blue uniforms and what appeared to be oxygen tanks on their backs. Both were about 5-feet tall and their heads were slightly larger than normal. Suddenly the witness heard a loud motor sound and saw a disc shaped object descend overhead making the trees whip back and forth. After emitting more sounds the object shot straight up making a siren-like sound. The object was silvery and appeared to have been spinning. The two humanoids then began walking away looking over their shoulders at the witness. He then heard a noise and noticed a huge hairy Bigfoot type creature hiding behind a nearby stump. The two humanoids then seemed to motion at the Bigfoot to come with them. It seemed to obey and left with them. The witness experienced a memory loss after the incident.
HC addition # 2387
Source: Peter Guttilla, The Bigfoot File
Type: C
Location. Pendeli Mountain, Greece
Date: April 1977
Time: evening
Mr. L X, his wife and Miss V M went for an excursion in the mountain. In a certain remote place on the rocky slopes they saw a strange car. The car appeared normal but the place where it was stationed was; an inaccessible spot on the rough rocks which it could not have reached without suffering serious damage. But the car was intact. It stayed there for many days; the three people went there repeatedly to see if the car’s owner would finally come and tow it. In one of these visits they climbed to the spot the car in order to examine it. There was nothing unusual except the car’s presence and some peculiar tracks in the snow. The tracks were oval, about half a meter long and they were even in virtually vertical rock surfaces, where no animal or man could walk. As they stood around the young woman strayed away from the couple and had reached a spot behind some bushes. The she started screaming wildly. The others ran to her. When she calmed down she explained that she had seen a “white creature, a horrendous white creature” with an oval shape, about 60cm tall with no other features except “two huge luminous eyes”. The others did not see anything but Mr. L X, noticed that the bushes were moving like some animal was behind them, somewhat concerned they went back to Athens. A few days later, Mr. L X had a weird experience. He was again in Pendeli with his wife when he started screaming and trembling. For a while he was not able to speak. Finally he explained to her that he was ready to start the car when he saw beside him, outside the car, a huge black sphere rotating with tremendous speed. He could not see any details, only that it was something like a “hairy sphere” or ” a sphere made of thick black smoke”. The whole incident lasted fractions of seconds. At the same time, he felt like “something was trying to enter his mind” and saw the sphere coming through the closed glass of the car window.
HC addendum
Source: George Balanos & Thanassis Vembos
Type: E or F?
Location. Worrall Yorkshire England
Date: April 1977
Time: 2100
A young couple was sitting in their vehicle at a remote field when suddenly they heard crackling sounds. Looking out the rear window the girl saw a bright orange light a few hundred yards away. The light was dome shaped and a large broad figure with a white haze surrounding its outline could be seen in front of the light, it appeared to grow larger as the light approached and it seemed to have frizzy hair and furry boots. This entity appeared to be ten to eleven-foot tall. At this point one of the witnesses turned the radio on and it emitted a loud crackle. The witnesses then drove away at high speed in their vehicle but the light and the strange figure somehow managed to keep up with them. Strangest of all the figure appeared to be walking in front of the light, at all times.
HC addition # 167
Source: Nigel Watson, Strange Magazine
Type: C
Location. Near Xenia Ohio
Date: April 1977
Time: night
According to information received by the source, a disabled craft had either crashed or landed southwest of town. A military detachment arrived on the scene and engaged in a gun battle with the humanoid occupants of the craft. It resulted in eleven American casualties and an unknown number of humanoid casualties. Another source indicated that the bodies were taken to Wright-Patterson AFB. No other information.
HC addition # 3498
Source: Leonard Stringfield
Type: H
Location. Tucson (Pima) Arizona
Date: April 4 1977
Time: 0130A
The 52-year old witness was watching jackrabbits by moonlights in the Veterans Administration Hospital grounds when she heard a whirring noise and looked up to see a luminous white ellipsoidal object coming down for a landing, approximately 30 to 40 feet away. Its contours were fuzzy; the top of the object was a soft luminous pink and something like a horizontal periscope, or boom, protruded form the right end. The object was about 40 to 50 feet in diameter and about 20 feet high. The whirring ceased as it landed, and she saw no landing gear. The sight transfixed the witness. Then a human like figure well over six-foot tall, with very broad shoulders, appeared walking toward her from the UFO. She had not seen him emerge through any door. He wore a silvery one-piece outfit that was tight, like a frogman’s outfit, and he appeared to have on mitten like gloves. Coming up to her he spoke, saying “I’ am Onleel, I want to talk with you, come with me.” She saw only his eyes, large and dark and with what seemed to be tiny points of fire deep within; she saw no other facial features, and the voice, probably telepathic, seemed to come from the eyes, the witness felt compelled to obey. The next thing that she remembers is that she is inside the ship, with no recollection of how she got onboard. She follows Onleel across what appears to be the main central room through a doorway to a smaller room. In the room are three (possibly four) other beings, in general description similar to Onleel but smaller, between 4 and 5-foot tall, and wearing one-piece suits of a brown color, with boots. Two are seated at what appears to be a control panel, while the third stands before something like a screen. They pay her no attention. She has the impression that they may be females, although there is nothing specific abut their shape to suggest this-only their smaller size. The fittings and furniture were all of “spun aluminum” and a bright light that illuminated the interior had no visible source. In a room to the other side of the “control room” she partially observed what might have been bunks. In the smaller adjacent room, Onleel sat the witness down, and offered her an aluminum cup with liquid resembling milk; she declined the offer to drink. Then Onleel, who stood before her on what appeared to be a kind of plate in the floor, asked her a number of questions, some of which were of a highly personal nature, indicating that he must already know a great deal about her. He asked her what she would do in various hypothetical situations, and he discussed with her aspects of reincarnation. When asked how she would react to the prospect of facing death, she responded by saying she would accept it. He told her that she was “one of the developing ones—there are many of you scattered all over the planet;” and he said he (or they) “would be coming back for her.” The witness asked when and why; he answered, “It is not for you to know.” His voice was a metallic monotone, somewhat similar to the voice of a computer. After the quiz, which lasted perhaps 20 to 30 minutes, she again found herself outside the object, dazed and upset, with no recollection of how she got there. She was on the street now, outside the VA Hospital grounds, near her own apartment. She got home at about 0230A. There were many things about the experience she is unable to remember. She had been wearing a new pair of shoes; in the morning, she noticed that they were covered with desert dust and burrs; this confirmed for her the reality of the experience, that it had not been a dream.
Humcat 1977-16
Source: Fred Dennis
Type: G
Location. Gorham (Coos) New Hampshire
Date: April 4 1977
Time: 2015
Mrs Susanne Fortier, with her collie dog, was walking on the lawn behind her house. Hearing a “wind or whistle,” she observed a small object land in the vicinity of the children’s playhouse. It was about five feet in diameter, with 8 “pods or legs,” windows or doors all around it, and an antenna on top. The interior was a bright red, or illuminated by a red light, and contained six occupants 3-foot tall who had long slit-like eyes, ape like noses, and no hair. The skin of their faces seemed very wrinkled. They wore gloves. Mrs Fortier could hear “a garble of voices” talking, like a bunch of CB voices, and felt extreme heat from the craft. She watched it for about 15 minutes, after which it rose straight up and flew off to the south. When she got back in the house she found her face and legs red from the heat. Her dog, which reacted noticeably to the object, would still not let her go near the area a month later. No traces were found at the site, which was muddy.
Humcat 1977-15
Source: Mrs Lorraine Duchesne for Mufon
Type: A
Location. Ste. Dorothee Quebec Canada
Date: April 6 1977
Time: 1900
The witness, a woman in her 30’s living on Rue Cleroux, was in her kitchen when she saw a strong light coming in her back window. On raising the blind, she saw a disc shaped object of a dazzling, pulsating white luminosity, about 35 ft in diameter, hovering several yards above a tree 35 ft tall. It bore a pulsating red luminous domed cupola without windows. Around its periphery revolved yellow, green, blue, and red blinking lights. She heard a sound like a huge swarm of bees. After watching the UFO for perhaps 15 seconds, she ran to her bathroom and hid, 2 minutes later, the noise and the light ceased. She went out to the street in front of her house, where she found a 13-year old boy, Jos Madison, pointing a carbine at the sky; the now silent disc was hovering 100 ft up, in a tilted position. Jos did not fire, but called to his friend Alair Narby, also 13. Jos’s 2 sisters joined them and also saw the UFO, which was now moving from place to place above the houses by jumps too rapid to observe. It then stopped for more than 5 minutes, during which Mrs Madison came out and also observed it. It was now about sunset. The object moved off toward the river Nadon, where it again dashed back and forth. The 2 boys followed it to the Nadon field by the river, in which there was a temporary pond formed by melted snow. They saw the UFO approach the river, now flying very low; it skimmed over the pond 100 yards away, producing a loud sizzle of boiling water, then landed behind a slight rise of ground. It was at this time emitting a strident very sharp sound. After 4 or 5 minutes there appeared, in front of the object, what the boys took for the helmeted head, shiny red and metallic shoulders of a man or man like being, seen from the rear; because of the terrain no more was visible. Above the head of this figure was a red light, apparently floating in midair. He looked to right and left, then bent down and was seen no more; immediately afterward, the disc rose, lighted up, and at an altitude of about 65 ft resumed its erratic movements. Darkness was falling, and the boys returned home, finally running because the UFO seemed to be following them. They were temporarily partially deafened, evidently by the UFO’s noise. At least 3 families in the block experienced total interference with TV reception during this time. At the scene different tracks and what appeared to be footprints were found.
Humcat 1977-74
Source: Marc Leduc, UFO Quebec # 10
Type: C
Location. Milford Haven Pembrokeshire Wales
Date: April 7 1977
Time: 0500A
Cyril John, 64, a former local political leader, was up early for an early start into London when he noticed a light shining in his bedroom window. Looking out he observed two objects, an egg-shaped object of silver gray color with a bright orange-red light on top of it and about four feet across, was rocking gently in the air about 60 yards away; the second was a humanoid figure, about 7 to 8-foot tall, floated in the air with arms out and legs bent back, like a “free fall parachutist,” about 35 feet away, between the object and the observer. No features could be seen on the figure’s face, and it was dressed in a uniformly silver gray “boiler suit.” It remained motionless in the air for more than 25 minutes, when both it and the object began slowly moving off, gradually disappearing from view in the distance.
Humcat 1977-17
Source: Randall Jones Pugh for Bufora
Type: C?
Location. Tucson Arizona
Date: April 12 1977
Time: 1530
Two young girls walking under a highway overpass by a canal were following a path up a small hill when they suddenly saw an object hovering above some brush nearby. The craft was dark gray, apparently metallic; shaped like a drum and had four to six long spider like legs hanging from its bottom. The object then rose slowly and disappeared towards the southeast following a curved path. Suddenly from out of the bushes under where the object had been hovering a thin human like figure emerged, it had long brown hair and was wearing a blue top and dark pants, it also wore strange looking boots. Behind the thin figure, five other similar but shorter figures appeared. The group then walked briskly in a single file, towards the desert and disappeared from sight in the distance.
HC addition # 1810
Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo, Destino Vol. 27 # 3
Quoting Apro files
Type: C
Location. Henschen Indiana
Date: April 12 1977
Time: 2300
A couple returning to their trailer home had to make a stop to change their baby’s diaper. As the husband looked for a diaper he glanced out the window and saw a twelve-foot hairy creature with fierce glowing red eyes. The creature uttered guttural sounds and apparently made an aggressive move towards the car. The creature chased the vehicle as the terrified couple fled the area; it hit and dented the car angrily flinging its arms up and down. The next night as the couple looked out their mobile home they saw a similar creature perched near a tree. The creature took several steps towards the house and was shot at by the husband several times, at that point it seemed to jump up and disappear in plain sight.
HC addition # 1710
Source: Jim Barnett, UFO’s & Alien Encounters # 1
Type: E
Location. Little Haven Pembrokeshire Wales
Date: April 19 1977
Time: 0200A
The radio of hotel owner Rosa Gremville suddenly went dead; moments later she heard a loud humming noise outside; looking out, she was dazzled by a “huge moon lighting up the area, moving about like a seesaw.” It descended and landed in a field 100 yards behind the hotel. “It was round, with flames coming from the top of a dome. There was a light on it, like a pulsating star.” Two creatures 8 or 9-foot tall emerged from the dome through the flames; they had on “cream colored” or “silvery” jump suits (or boiler suits). Observing through binoculars, she could see neither features-(just a blank face)-nor any hair; they looked as though they had hands, but she saw no fingers. “I though their feet were webbed.” The figures walked around near the object for about 15 minutes. Mrs Gremville “wanted to scream,” but she had lost her voice. She went in search of another witness but when they returned, object and figures had disappeared. Burn marks were found at the site the next day.
Humcat 1977-18
Source: Randall Jones Pugh for Bufora
Type: B
Location. Herbrandston Pembrokeshire Wales
Date: April 20 1977
Time: daytime
Mark Marston, 11, was looking for bird’s nests in a hedge when “a red glow appeared in the sky 50 yards away.” A few moments later a figure appeared and drifted through a closed gate at the other end of the field. It was dressed in a silver suit, like a diver, with a large helmet and a square, featureless face. It approached Mark rapidly, who turned and fled home, screaming.
Humcat 1977-19
Source: Randall Jones Pugh for Bufora
Type: C?
“The Dover Demon”
Location. Dover (Norfolk) Massachusetts
Date: April 21 1977
Time: 2230
Bill Bartlett, 17, was driving on Farm Street with two friends when he saw a creature on top of a roadside stone wall, about 20 feet away. It was between 3.5 and 4-feet tall when upright, and had a small, slender body and very large melon shaped head showing no features except two large round, orange glowing eyes, Its skin was “like the color of a shark,” and it had large hands and feet with digits that appeared to wrap around whatever supported them. It slowly turned its head to stare at the witness, who drove quickly away; his companions had not seen it. An artist, he made a drawing later for investigators, now widely reproduced in most sources.
Humcat 1977-20
Source: Loren Coleman, Joseph Nyman & Walter Webb
Type: E
Location. Dover (Norfolk) Massachusetts
Date: April 22 1977
Time: 0030A
John Baxter, 15, was walking home his girl friend’s house along a road off Farm Street, 1.2 miles from the site of the previous encounter, when he saw a very small figure approaching him. He called out but got no response. When he was 25 ft away, the figure stopped, and then ran quickly across a gully next to the road into an adjacent field. Baxter followed several feet then stopped, frightened, and observed the figure some 30 feet away as it stood on a rock and grasped a tree trunk, staring at the boy. It somewhat resembled a monkey with a very large “figure 8 head.” Its eyes were visible as two lighter circles in the center of the head. Perturbed by the strangeness of its appearance, Baxter backed away slowly, then turns and ran to Farm Street, where a car picked him up. He drew a sketch that closely matched another witness’s.
Humcat 1977-21
Source: Loren Coleman, Joseph Nyman & Walter Webb
Type: E
Location. Dover (Norfolk) Massachusetts
Date: April 23 1977
Time: midnight
About midnight the next night, Will Taintor, 18, was driving Abby Brabham, 15, home and at a point 1.2 miles ENE of Baxter’s sighting they saw a small figure crouching on all fours, facing the car, in the left lane of the road. It looked like a hairless, beige colored monkey or small ape, with a very large, oblong shaped head. Two large round eyes in the center of the head glowed green in the car’s lights. No nose, ears, or tail were seen. They drove past, within 8 feet of the little creature, which Abby observed closely for about 5 seconds; her companion, driving, only glimpsed it briefly. Neither knew of the other sightings at the time.
Humcat 1977-22
Source: Loren Coleman, Joseph Nyman & Walter Webb
Type: E
Location. Near Dale Pembrokeshire Wales
Date: April 24 1977
Time: 0100A
Mrs Pauline Coombs, 31, and her husband Billy, 36, were watching the television at their Ripperston farm when they saw at a window a silver suited figure. Pauline having seen it first, said nothing to her husband until he himself saw it. “It must have been over 7-foot tall, because they could not see its face.” It was three feet wide, surrounded by a luminous glow; its box shaped helmet framed a dark square area in which no face was visible. They called the investigator and the police immediately, but the figure was gone before they arrived. Mrs Coombs and her family has been involved in several other incidents prior and after this encounter.
Humcat 1977-23
Source: Randall Jones Pugh, for Bufora
Type: E
Terror in the Altiplano.
Location. Pampa Lluscuma, Chile
Date: April 25 1977
Time: 0350A
Eight soldiers on a military patrol suddenly saw a bright light nearby, the soldier’s dog and horses remained still as the lights hovered nearby. The leader of the group, Corporal Armando Valdes, ordered the other soldiers to extinguish the campfire they had built in order to get a better look at the lights. The two large lights were about 800 meters away hovering close to the ground. Valdes approached the lights ordering it to identify themselves. Suddenly a bright light enveloped Valdes and he disappeared in plain sight of the others. The others frantically searched for him but could not find him. At about 0415A Valdes suddenly appeared, looking very strange, he emitted a sinister laugh and asked several times where his mother was then he said in a very sinister sounding voice ” you will never who we are and where we come from.” The others noticed that he appeared to have a week’s growth of beard, whereas he had been clean-shaven just an hour ago, and his digital watch indicated the impossible date of April 30 1977. He was almost in hysterics and one of the soldiers had to slap him, at this point he fainted. One of the other soldiers, Raul Salinas, who was standing a few meters behind the others, noticed behind some nearby rocks a strange humanoid creature which he described as half animal and half human; no facial features were visible, but it seemed to be wearing a helmet and was carrying an object with a red light. Salinas was stunned to see the creature apparently appeared at several places at the same time, he thought that maybe it could have been other humanoids. He did not mentioned this to the others, since they were already scared enough, apparently they did not see the humanoid or humanoids. When Valdes woke up, he could not remember where he had been. Apparently the Chilean military conducted various tests on Valdes.
HC addition # 3062
Source: Diego Contreras, Raul Nunez
Type: G?
Location. Tyler Texas
Date: May 1977
Time: 0115A
Hearing a growling sound outside the witness stepped out to investigate. He then saw two tall dark figures standing on his porch. The beings had no facial features, no hands or feet and were floating ten inches above the ground. Strange tracks were found and on a later night the witness and his girlfriend saw a hovering silvery disc with four blue white lights over the area.
HC addition # 1765
Source: Allen Hendry, UFO update, Probe Sept 1980
Type: D
Location. Nilikobus Mountain, Germany
Date: May 1977
Time: 0500A
In the Odenwaldt Forest four young witnesses encountered a tall hairy humanoid that scurried away into the forest. It left behind 45cm tracks on the ground. Police apparently investigated the case.
HC addendum
Source: Info Journal # 54, Project Becassine
Type: E Bigfoot type entity in Germany.
Location. Plains Georgia
Date: May 1977
Time: night
The witness, who was part of a specialized military unit at the time was told that he and several other soldiers were to guard the home of the current president, due to supposedly terrorist threats and other strange incidents in the area. One night on guard duty he was trying to raise the dispatcher but his radio would not work, then he noticed a weird yellowish-green light behind him, turning around he was confronted by a strange creature (not described) that was floating in midair. There was an explosion and apparently he lost consciousness. He was told he had been missing for 5 hours and five rounds of his M-16 were unaccounted for. There are hints of a possible abduction.
HC addition # 3485
Source: CAUS
Type: E or G?
Location. Near Pic-St Lou Gard France
Date: May 1977
Time: night
A man was driving home when his car engine failed. A very luminous saucer shaped object was seen hovering near the ground; an indistinct form, of human appearance and stature, appeared. Traces were found at the site. No other information.
Humcat 1977-24
Source: Alain Gamard
Type: C
Location. Baldim, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: May 1977
Time: night
Geraldo Da Costa was riding home on his horse when an oval shaped object passed over him less than ten feet above the ground. The craft had many colored lights and gave off potent heat wave. He continued riding and, about 50 yards beyond; he came upon the object on the ground. Two little men were standing near it. These had large eyes, and long hair. One asked him to help them, and then one reached up and touched his shoulder. Suddenly, Geraldo found himself floating down to the ground, with the frightened horse running off. He remembered yelling for help, but then blacked out. The next day he was found lying in a nearby bamboo grove. He had a red, six inch scar on the inside of one arm and five tiny puncture wounds, 2 on each side of his chest and waist and one on his left shoulder. The holes had silver edging around them, which gradually disappeared as the injuries healed. He could barely speak after the encounter and lost his vigorous energy.
HC addition # 2586
Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone
Type: C?
Location. Wantage, New Jersey
Date: May 1977
Time: night
The Sites family had been disturbed by something that had broken into their barn and crushed several of their rabbits to death. The predator returned that night, and the Sites saw it clearly standing in their well-lit yard. “It was big and hairy,” Mrs. Sites reported. “It was brown. It looked like a human with a beard and moustache. It had no neck; it looked like its head was just sitting on its shoulders. It had big red glowing eyes.” When the Sites dog attacked it, the creature effortlessly swatted it away—sending it flying about 20 ft. On subsequent nights, the Sites saw the creature several more times.
HC addendum
Source: Stephen Wagner, UFOs About Com
Type: E
Location. Near Ragusa Italy
Date: May 5 1977
Time: midnight
A truck driver had made a rest stop at a truck stop on the highway when suddenly a yellow light illuminated the cabin. The light originated from a gray metallic oval shaped object that was hovering near the witness truck close to the ground. It had a rotating ring around its middle and two circular openings, one on the top and the other on its bottom. A figure wearing a dark gray coverall and a helmet could be seen inside one of the openings; it seemed to be controlling and directing the yellow beam of light. He then made some hand gestures towards the witness as if greeting him. A flattened area was found on the grassy field.
HC addition # 1522
Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat
Type: A
Location. Hainault Forest London England
Date: May 8 1977
Time: 1900
Two men, were parked in a marshy, densely wooded area of the Forest (a park) near Cabin Hill, and were walking their dog in a light rain when they heard a rustling sound in the bushes. They then observed a huge figure, about 8-foot tall and four foot wide, cross their path about 25 feet away and disappear again into the woods. It was a dark blue color, but brighter that its surroundings. No distinct arms or legs were discerned. A UFO landing had been reported in the area a few days earlier—the reason for the investigator being at the site at the time he encountered the witnesses.
Humcat 1977-25
Source: Barry King, FSR Vol. 23 # 2
Type: D
Location. Serra Branca Paraiba Brazil
Date: May 10 1977
Time: 1100A
3 1/2 year old Maria do Socorro, accompanying her grandmother to do the laundry, vanished suddenly and was gone for 22 hours, when she unexpectedly turned up at the doorway to her family’s garden. She said she had seen a beautiful woman with a white scarf on her head, and was irresistibly attracted to a strong beam of light, which she ran behind. The woman spoke to the child but she “did not open her mouth to talk.” Friends and neighbors spent the entire day searching the area where she had last been seen, without finding a trace. The child mysteriously turned up at the family’s home. It was assumed by all involved that the phenomenon was of an apparently extraterrestrial intervention. No object was seen.
Humcat 1977-26
Source: Brazilian newspaper, Noticias Populares
Type: G?
Location. St. Brides Pembrokeshire Wales
Date: May 15 1977
Time: 1505
Twin sisters had gone into Middle Cliff field, at St. Brides, not farm from their home at Ripperston Farm, to play games. It was just after 1500 when they saw a silver suited figure walking about 60 to 70 feet away; the figure, walking away from the children, went up to a hedge, seemed to walk through the barbed-wire fence adjacent to it, and then disappeared. On the other side of the field a silvery white “plate like object,” with a red light, was seen to land; a ramp like stairway came out and a red “box” was ejected down the stairway to the ground. The mission completed, the stairs were retracted, and a door in the object shut and the object took off. They ran home for their mother, but there was no sign of the object or figure in the field, although an object was again seen flying seaward. Large footprints were found in the grass at the landing site.
Humcat 1977-27
Source: Randall Jones Pugh for Bufora
Type: C
Location. Footedale Pennsylvania
Date: May 15 1977
Time: night
A married couple was driving home when their headlights picked up a seven-foot tall dark hairy figure standing on the road. It had shaggy reddish brown hair over its entire body. The creature seemed to glide above the ground with its head and shoulder slumped. It disappeared into a nearby ravine. Moments later the same witnesses reported a strange nocturnal light maneuvering in the area.
HC addition # 1877
Source: Paul G Johnson & Joan L Jeffers,
The Pennsylvania Bigfoot
Type: D
Location. Milford Town Wales
Date: middle of May 1977
Time: 0300A
A bright light shining into her bedroom window suddenly awakened a 17-year old girl. Looking out she saw a hovering silvery disc that had a green light around its edge. A short humanoid figure then appeared standing at the window. The little man had long hair, slanted eyebrows, normal eyes, and a curved nose. He wore a one-piece silvery suit with a high-necked collar and mittens in his hands. The being stood there staring at the witness who then closed the curtains and went back to bed.
HC addition # 2008
Source: Randall Jones Pugh & F W Holiday, The Dyfed Enigma
Type: C
Location. New Elgin Morayshire Scotland
Date: May 18 1977
Time: 1830
Two ten-year old girls heard a strange humming sound while playing in a field near their house; appearing to come from a nearby woods, they approached and saw an object on or near the ground, of a cylindrical shape, surmounted by a small dome with a steady red light. The object was perhaps 30 feet long and of a metallic color; a red band encircled the lower section. The girls, approximately 300 yards away, believed the object was two feet above the ground—the same height as a fence situated between them and the object. They could see no landing gear. To the right of the object was a very tall thin “man,” partially hidden by bushes in between; at least six-foot tall, his arms were disproportionately short, and he was dressed all in silver. When he started to move toward them, the girls became frightened and fled; at a safer distance they turned and saw the man had disappeared; the object then began to ascend, moving off in three jerky “stepped up” maneuvers and then ascending vertically at terrific speed. They hurried home and told their parents, who said they had heard the humming sound. The police were notified, and a circular area of about 100 yards of minor damage, including singed trees and underbrush, was found at the site.
Humcat 1977-28
Source: Jenny Randles, FSR Vol. 23 # 4
Type: C
Location. West Pittsburgh (Contra Costa) California
Date: May 20 1977
Time: 2300
Three 4-year old boys, Lenny Young, Pat Morrison, and George Ferrera, were out late playing in a field near Suisan Bay, off Willow Pass Road. They saw a fixed group of red lights in the sky, being circled by a solitary blue light; the lights flew rapidly off into the distance and then returned, landing nearby. They described it as a 90-foot saucer shaped object, with a row of square or rectangular “windows” along the side; one of these was larger than the others. Red lights blinked on and off around the perimeter. The object was less than 300 feet from them and in the darkness in between, at a distance of from 50 and 150 feet, they saw three figures moving toward them. The forms were black “like smoke,” up to six-foot tall, and moved as thought they were “linked together.” Ferrera said they had a “kind of human shape but no eyes; they walked like robots.” Yong said, “It was like they had no clothes on…they had no faces…I know what people look like walking in the dark. They were not people. They were something else.” Morrison said, ” They were black; they looked like they were wearing long skirts over their heads.” The three boys turned and ran, stopping at the street to look back; they saw the figures “slowly fade from view.” When they reported the incident to the police, Morrison was crying with fright. No traces were found at the site.
Humcat 1977-29
Source: Richard Haines for Cufos
Type: C
Location. Milford Town Wales
Date: late May 1977
Time: 0500A
The witness woke up to see a small object hovering outside her window. The object had a round bottom and a glass like compartment on top. A green beam of light encircled the object’s edge and there were also some portholes on the bottom section. As the object hovered at rooftop level a figure came out of it and began walking in midair. The being was short with an oval shaped face, long brownish hair; slanted eyebrows and normal eyes. It wore a silvery one-piece suit. The entity walked around in midair for a few moments then walked back into the object, which then took off at high speed. (Same witness as to the earlier case.)
HC addition # 2009
Source: Randall Jones Pugh & F W Holiday, The Dyfed Enigma
Type: B
The return of the Hindu Gods??
Location. Bombay India
Date: Summer 1977
Time: 0400A
Lalit Chawla, his wife Nina and their two young sons were out for an after dinner walk in the Juhu district when they noticed a gigantic disc shaped craft with flashing multi colored lights on its base hovering above them, spinning slowly. They were all briefly engulfed by a blue beam of light, then the craft ascended at a high rate of speed, disappearing towards the Arabian Sea. The next day there was a marked changed in Lalit’s behavior, mostly remaining to himself and staring. Other strange events occurred in the house. That same night around 0400A, Lalit drove to nearby Juhu beach, closely followed by his wife and brother in law. They all watched as a disc shaped craft hovered over Lalit’s car shining a yellowish-white beam of light on it, engulfing it for a few seconds. Soon after that, Lalit seemed to return back to normal. One night during a birthday party one of the young girls cried out that there was a “blue man with four arms” standing in the doorway. The others did not see the creature and her mother took the child home. Later the mother of the child realized that the creature that her daughter saw resembled the Hindu God “Vishnu.” That same night, a strange blue light in her room awakened Nina. She opened her eyes and saw the room filled with what appeared to be Hindu Gods, Vishnu, Lakshmiji, Ganeshji, and various others. They had apparently levitated Lalit and could sense that Nina was very frightened. The being that resembled Vishnu looked into her eyes and communicated with her telepathically telling her not to fear, that their work here was over, that they will be leaving in peace. As soon as that was said they put Lalit back onto his bed and they vanished, with them also went the blue light that they emanated.
HC addition # 3360
Source: Prashant Solomon
Type: E?
Location. Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Date: Summer 1977
Time: late night
The witness was lying in bed drifting off to sleep when he heard a high-pitched sound and footsteps in the room. He then saw a small humanoid figure in the room. The figure had blond shoulder length hair and was wearing a brown outfit. No facial features could be discerned. The entity approached the witness and apparently inserted something into his ear and into the aural canal. (A week before the witness had encountered a UFO while camping in an isolated area.)
HC addition # 893
Source: Chris Rutkowski, Unnatural History
True Manitoba Mysteries
Type: E
Location. Near Winchester England
Date: June 1977
Time: daylight
Two witnesses of a previous encounter, Joyce Bowles & Ann Strickland, were driving on a rural road when the car was seized by a mysterious force and was deposited on a lane off to the side of the road. A large silvery disc shaped object hovered nearby. Two men emerged from the object and walked towards the witness’s vehicle. These men had sandy hair and wore silvery dull metallic suits. They communicated by using hand signals with the witnesses and one of them pressed a small silver disc on Joyce’s right hand. A white mark appeared on her palm. The two men then walked back to the craft, which took off, into the sky at high speed.
HC addition # 733
Source: Board & Blundell, The World’s Strangest
Type: B
“Not yet ready for the knowledge…”
Location. Willingboro New Jersey
Date: June 1977
Time: daylight
The witness had just entered her bedroom to get something when suddenly the wall on the west side of the room seemed to dissolve into nothing; she then was able to see a small landed disc on her lawn. Moments later a strange figure entered her room through the hole where the wall used to be. The figure was five-foot tall, with pale skin, a slender build, a large hairless head and huge almond shaped wrap around eyes, black in color, he also had a large hooked nose, thin lips and large pointed ears. The being wore a one-piece black form fitting suit with long sleeves and a turtleneck. He presented the witness a small brown book that supposedly contained the mathematics behind his ship’s propulsion system. He took the book with him before he left telling her that humans were not yet ready for this knowledge.
HC addition # 1368
Source: UFO Sightings and other Unexplained Mysteries
Spring 1994
Type: C
Location. Coldstream England
Date: June 1977
Time: 1615
Two boys playing on a field spotted a dull white oval shaped craft with a green light underneath and a blue light on top hovering over a nearby field. The object had a dome on top with a large window. The object moved then descended behind some trees. One of the boys was able to see several small green figures inside the window, plus some “writing” on the side of the craft. The object then shot straight up into the sky and disappeared.
HC addition # 762
Source: Alan Price, Buforg, in Northern UFO News # 55
Type: A
Location. Near Dale, Pembrokeshire, Wales
Date: June 1977
Time: late afternoon
Pauline Coombs (involved in other, rather bizarre encounters) had returned to the farm from a fancy dress party. She had found her husband, Clinton, in a distressed condition. He related what had happened. Looking out of the window he had seen the strangest silver car ever, come up the driveway. In it were two men in black suits. One got out and approached the farm. He seemed to float along. Clinton wouldn’t answer the door. He felt something was wrong. Carol, living in the adjacent cottage three minutes walk from the farm had seen the visitors arrive. She thought how strange there was no scrunching of the gravel when the car drove up. As she put some rubbish into her dustbin, she was shocked to find one of the men standing next to her. She had seen him at the farm only 20 seconds before. It would have taken at least three minutes to get to her cottage, and yet there he was with a strange waxy skin, high forehead and sleeked back black hair—and cold unblinking eyes. He had asked for Pauline by name. Carol told him she did not know where Mrs. Coombs was and turned to in doors. Next thing the man was gone, vanished. But there he was in the same instant back in the car moving up the drive. But then an even more inexplicable thing happened, Pauline’s friend, Rosa, highly distressed called from her hotel, north of Broad Haven. Her daughter Anna, a university student was alone at the hotel. She had looked out of the window to see an enormous silver car in front of the hotel. But why hadn’t she heard it on the noisy gravel drive. Two men were in the car and it was their physical appearance that frightened Anna the most. Her description of the one that came to the hotel was the same as Carol’s. He had asked for her mother and when would she be back. After that they left and seemed to vanish into thin air as nobody saw them come out of the driveway.
HC addendum
Source: Brian Richards, Australia
Type: E
Location. Quebrada Grande, Puerto Rico
Date: June 1977
Time: 1800
Cecilia Perez Torres was sitting in her car at an isolated site taking in the panoramic view of the mountain when she noticed a strange ping-pong size sphere of light that was flying around her vehicle, with her was her boyfriend who concluded that the light was a firefly. The light flew around the car two more times. Suddenly Ms Torres had a strong impression of being watched, she wanted to leave but her boyfriend refused. She looked around and saw a strange four-foot tall figure coming out of the nearby woods & walking towards the vehicle. The figure had a large head and appeared to be looking at the witnesses. At first the boyfriend did not see the figure but as it got closer he saw it and began screaming. As the figure approached she could see that it had gray/green skin with a reptilian texture. It had large slanted dark eyes. It lacked a nose and only had a small slit-like mouth. It had long dangling arms, and long fingers, and was very thin, it appeared to be naked. Cecilia also began screaming and at this point her boyfriend grabbed a gun that he had under the seat and pointed it at the creature. She grabbed his hand begging him not to shoot. Suddenly the creature ran very quickly into the woods and disappeared. Frightened they drove away from the area at high speed.
HC addition # 2768
Source: Jorge Martin
Type: E
Location. South Middleton Massachusetts
Date: June 1977
Time: 2100
During a time of several other encounters with objects and humanoids by the witness family, the witness was on her way home when she noticed a strange figure standing near the porch, it appeared to be dressed in a white shirt and dark pants, it was five-foot seven inches tall and had black hair. It was motionless and no facial features could be seen. She yelled at the figure, thinking it was someone she knew and looked away briefly; but when she looked back the figure had already vanished. At one point the figure was seen again and it seemed to move very strangely, not moving its feet at all, his whole body turned in a very strange manner. He appeared to glide as he disappeared into the woods.
HC addition # 823
Source: David F Webb, FSR Vol. 27 # 1
Type: E
Location. Miami Florida
Date: June 1977
Time: late night
The witnesses heard loud scraping noises on the roof that woke them up. They also heard strange voices along with the scraping. They then saw a very bright light coming from the bedroom window. Going to the living room they saw an object drop down and hover low over the ground between the houses. It was an octagon shaped craft that gave off a very bright light. Inside they could see several short gray figures. The object was about eight feet long and 4 feet high. Its light was yellow/green in color and it emitted a soft humming sound. After a few moments the object shot away at a very high speed.
HC addition # 3587
Source: NUFORC
Type: A
Location. Crystal Lake (McHenry) Illinois
Date: June 12 1977
Time: 2300
The witness had been attending a meeting with colleagues regarding his recent job lost; at about 2300 he left the hotel for some fresh air. Outside he immediately saw three small figures emerging from an alley adjacent to the hotel, approaching him. His first thought was that they were coming for him; then he noticed a fourth being lying directly in front of him on the ground, only several feet away. It was doubled up, with its back to him, as if injured. The witness noticed a strange vacuum that seemed to pervade the area; he was unable to hear any sounds of traffic from the street. The beings were about four-foot 10 inches tall, with small, slender bodies and large baldheads, encased in glass bubble type helmets, with a metallic band attaching them to the uniforms. The uniforms were tight one-piece suits of a dark green color, with a metallic luster. Their hands were large with fingers that came to points—he had the impression there may have been only three or four fingers on each hand. Their feet were large and booted. The only facial features he could see through the helmet were two large, round luminous eyes. They came within several feet of him to assist their companion, whom they raised and led off toward the alley, assisting him from both sides; his head hung forward on his chest as they moved off. Throughout the encounter, the witness felt no fear-he had the feeling, in fact that they somehow told him they would not harm him. The witness informed the police about the encounter.
Humcat 1977-30
Source: Douwe Bosga for Cufos
Type: E
Location. Bardney Lincolnshire England
Date: mid June 1977
Time: afternoon
A group of boys at a boarding school were going into Bardney when they saw, on the other side of a hedge about 150 metes away, a “stick man,” jolting along. It was black, with a round featureless head; there was no noise and it was quite hard to see.
Humcat 1977-31
Source: Peter Rogerson
Type: E
Location. Cricklade Wiltshire England
Date: June 18 1977
Time: daytime
An eight-year old boy was playing with a friend near some watercress beds when the friend said he’d seen a “red thing the same size as me” in the bushes. The eight-year old failed to see it. They went on to a nearby hut where they then saw several figures “in red and yellow one-piece suits with air tanks on their backs, running around the hut. We were scared because they had red eyes and they were wearing helmets. They ran very quickly, with their knees up high.” The boys, frightened, then ran home. His mother said the incident left him quite confused and frightened.
Humcat 1977-32
Source: John Michell, Fortean Times
Type: E
Location. Arenas De San Pedro, Avila Spain
Date: June 20 1977
Time: 0950A
A man standing at the front door of his house watched a round object with a flashing white light on the ground on a nearby hillside, he called three other witnesses who all saw two very tall human like figures wearing brown outfits standing by the object. The figures appeared to cover the object with some type of canvas and as they moved; their arms and legs appeared to inflate and become larger. They then entered the object, bending down as they did, the object then appeared to roll away and disappear behind the hill. No sound was heard and some ground traces were found at the site.
HC addition # 92
Source: Ballester Olmos, Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia
De Los Encuentros Cercanos con Ovnis
Type: B
Location. Coeur D’Alene (Kootenai) Idaho
Date: June 20 1977
Time: 2355
Someone coming up the stairs and into her bedroom awakened Mrs Rachel Jones; she was unable to see who it was and could not move or speak. She had the impression she was being lifted in some manner and recalled a figure in a bluish suit with a featureless face. She suddenly found herself awake and she rushed into the living room to see if anyone was leaving. She saw no one; it was 0157A; and she was disturbed by the loss of time. Next morning she awoke with a severe headache that persisted for a day or two. During a plane trip the next week, she saw two bright flashes of light that she felt were significant to her, as “some kind of greeting.” Later, a small circular area on her left shoulder puzzled her and her daughter. Later under hypnosis she described seeing a being in her bedroom n the night of the time lapse; it was “ugly” and simply stood there; he wore a tunic type of shirt with an inverted triangle on the front. His eyes had no pupils, and she could see no neck. His nose appeared normal, but his mouth was merely a slit. The ears were small and flat against his head, and he had little hair-just small tufts on each side of the head. His boots and pants were of one-piece. She had the impression that she was taken to Fernan’s Lake were they entered a chamber through a doorway large enough to accommodate both; inside were sealed windows. There were other beings in the room-two similar to the first and one that looked like a human. She felt cold until the latter took her hand. A door opened and she was taken into another room; the walls looked metallic, “like brushed aluminum”—dull but not smooth-and the lighting was from an unseen source. In the ceiling was a wheel like object with tubes and instruments attached. She compared them to surgical instruments. Telepathically she is asked to disrobe for an examination by the man, who identifies himself as “Shovar.” The next thing she remembers is lying on her stomach while a warm light is played over her back; then something wet is placed there, burning and causing much pain. The next thing she recalls is being dressed and sitting up. She is advised that they made “a change” in her that would “make her better for others.” There was an indication in their telepathic exchange that he had met Rachel before, but that she wouldn’t remember; he said they would meet again. Then the three other entities entered the room and the next thing Rachel remembered is being home in bed, wide awake, with the impression someone had been in the room.
Humcat 1977-33
Source: Dr. Leo Sprinkle for Apro
Type: G
Location. Bulloo River campsite Queensland Australia
Date: June 22 1977
Time: 2300
Albert Smith, 47, was at his southwest Queensland camp when he observed three lights in the sky; they moved slowly toward him, descending into a copse of nearby trees, each one now seen as a cigar shaped object vertically inclined and sitting on a 5-legged landing gear. A large group of figures were seen emerging amidst dazzling lights. The witness claims that for the next two days 35 human like aliens visited him from a place called Begua. Their leader identified himself as Behnar. The being’s skin was blue gray and the men were dressed in what looked like gray business like suits. One woman told him she was more than 400 years old. The spoke English but only in whispered tones, communicating by hand and telepathically, as well. They seemed to know what he was going to ask before he did. He felt as if the beings had controlled his mind during the encounter. Although the weather was freezing, they wore only light clothes; they stayed mainly by a nearby river, and played games with “lighting balls.” They could disappear and reappear at will. When the witness touched Behnar, it felt like he was touching very soft rubber. When it came time to leave, the witness was not permitted to watch; he found himself immobilized. Just before the three craft departed, they told him they would make it rain; shortly thereafter it began to pour and continued for 8 days.
Humcat 1977-34
Source: John Dux of the Brisbane Australia Sunday Sun
Type: B
Location. Near Santo Domingo Dominican Republic
Date: June 24 1977
Time: night
A motorist on the “Las Americas” highway east of the city saw a luminous object over the ocean resembling a transparent tube; it was slightly touching the water surface. The object suddenly rose and approached the coastal area, the witness was now able to see several lighted windows and in one of them a humanoid figure, on another window he saw a second figure that appeared to be watching him. At this point the witness vehicle stalled. He then noticed a second similar object hovering over his car; he also saw two large black objects resembling tubes one each behind the objects, which suddenly seem to suck the objects in. The two black tube like objects then quickly departed silently. During the incident the witness felt numb and terrible pains in his legs.
HC addition # 264
Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto Ovni De Puerto Rico
Santo Domingo Y Cuba
Type: A
Location. Near Los Garrigues Lerida Spain
Date: June 26 1977
Time: 0500A
Pedro Mateo and his wife Gloria Jimenez were driving toward Barcelona when they noticed an oval shaped craft hovering on the side of the road. As they watched the object they noticed a sign that read: Gas station 1000 meters. The driver sped up and seconds later they saw the object disappearing into the sky. They then saw another sign indicating that there was a gas station 1 km away. When they got there, it was a very odd station. It had one pump, and a broken down shed. A man emerged as they reached the site, the man was very tall, almost 7-foot tall, and was wearing very worn blue coveralls. The witnesses asked the unusual man if he had seen anything strange in the sky. The man then covered his face with something that looked like a sandwich and replied that nothing had happened all morning. He then walked back into the shed; at no time did the couple see the man’s face. Some missing time was noted by the witnesses and the car’s roof turned pinkish in color. The entire music cassette’s had mysteriously been erased.
HC addition # 3309
Source: Javier Garcia Blanco, Inexplicata # 3
Type: D?
Location. El Yunque Puerto Rico
Date: late June 1977
Time: 1100A
A Mrs. Maldonado had gone to visit the tropical rain forest with her family and was staying in a camping ground area. While her husband, Angel Luis, and her children were bathing in a nearby river, Mrs Maldonado decided to some relaxing exercises. Suddenly she became apprehensive and felt that hundreds of eyes were watching her. She felt numerous presences in the forest around her. Looking closely at the trees she noticed numerous strange beings standing around the fields and behind the trees looking at her. She felt as if the beings were attempting to dominate her mind. She felt helpless and could not move at all. The beings were thin, dark, and almost human shaped with large elongated heads, hole like mouths, and small pointy ears. She did not notice a nose. The beings were about 4-feet tall, with long thin dangling arms to their knees. She felt a warming and numbing sensation throughout her body; she fought the feeling and was suddenly able to move. She immediately ran towards her husband and children. They too had felt a strange sensation and saw figures quickly running among the trees. The family quickly picked up their belongings and left the area.
HC addition # 2771
Source: Jorge Martin
Type: E
Location. Not given
Date: July 1977
Time: early morning
Three days before Ann Cannady was to enter the hospital for surgery on her advanced uterine cancer, the doorbell ran, her husband opened the door and there stood a 6’6″ tall black man, with deep azure blue eyes. He introduced himself as Thomas and told he that the cancer was gone. Confused and startled they let him in and asked him who he was. He replied, “I’m Thomas, I’m sent by God.” Next he held up his right hand, palm facing Ann, and leaned toward her. She felt an incredible heat coming from his hand. Suddenly she felt weak and fell to the floor. As she lay there a strong white light traveled through her body, beginning at her feet. She passed out. Later she awoke and her husband was leaning over her asking if she was alive. Thomas was gone. Later tests proved that her cancer was totally gone.
HC addition # 2783
Source: Nancy Gibbs, Angels Among Us
Type: E
Location. Near Hulbert (Chippewa) Michigan
Date: July 1977
Time: 1650
The witness was driving west toward Hulbert when, rounding a curve at 15 mph, she saw standing on the right side of the road a strange figure about 5 ft 5 inches tall, with a normal but slender body, and with large, almond shaped eyes that slanted around the sides of his head. He was wearing a one-piece, metallic dark green suit. As she passed, the car went out of control, hitting the embankment and then lifting into the air. In one ten-foot sweep, it then landed on top of a four-foot high pile of logs, encircled on three sides by trees. She heard “the sound of static electricity” as she went out of control, and felt a jar as the car landed atop the logs. Looking behind her, she saw the figure was standing directly behind the car, which was now hissing. She felt disoriented and lays her head on the steering wheel; when she looked up the figure was gone. She grabbed her purse and the keys and jumped from the car, running the two and a half miles home. Her electric watch stopped at 1650. When she returned with her husband, they found not only her footprints, but those of the stranger, as well, shaped like horse hoofs with a heel, the toes of which seemed to be dug 3/4 of an inch into the hard packed soil. It took heavy equipment to remove the car from the pile of logs; the car showed only a minor scratch, and the witness drove it home. UFO sightings followed in the area.
Humcat 1977-59
Source: Dixie Franklin of the Grand Rapids Press
Type: D
Location. Minley Manor Woods, Hampshire, England
Date: July 1977
Time: evening
Hannah Green and her family were driving through the woods when their attention was drawn to two “coach-loads” of troops” who entered the woods by what was known as the “Fleet Exit”. They had to reverse and go back and as they did so they noticed just to their what looked like a small, man-made valley with steep sides about fifteen feet deep. Inside this small valley, there were two clear burn marks, which looked like something had either landed or crashed. The presence of so many soldiers milling about concerned the family so they swung the car around and drove back in the direction from which they had come. As they approached a bend on the road they saw standing on a gentle slope two of the strangest looking “men” Hannah had ever seen. Both were of an impressive height, but were exceedingly thin and dressed in “all in one, white, tight-fitting suits with headgear like the astronauts in the Apollo mission wore”. For a moment the two “men” remained stationary, however, as Hannah and her family watched transfixed, both suddenly broke into a run and headed for a clearing. Most bizarrely of all, as Hannah continued to follow the path of the two men, they disappeared before her very eyes.
HC addendum
Source: Nicholas Redfern, “Cosmic Crashes”
Type: D?
To be able to walk on water…
Location. Braganca Para Brazil
Date: July 1977
Time: night
Numerous locals have reported encountering a strange entity labeled the “Fish woman.” Described as fair skinned and fair-haired woman who is believed by some to live alone in a tiny desolate island. Some anglers claimed to have seen her walking on the water and peculiar lights have been seen in the area also. One witness was walking home alone one night when she suddenly came face to face with a pretty woman, dressed entirely in black that she believed to have been the “Fish woman.” The strange woman was wearing a blouse with tight fitting sleeves right down to the wrists, and her hands were encased in gloves. She had long blond hair and stared at the witness intently. The woman asked the witness what she did and how many children she had. Suddenly the woman vanished in plain sight. The shaken witness went home suffering from a severe headache. A later search by Brazilian military units failed to find any trace of her.
HC addition # 3351
Source: Timothy Good, Alien Bases
Type: E
Location. Jussaral, Brazil
Date: July 1977
Time: night
Local villagers reported seeing an object come down to the ground, then they saw two or three small figures come out from under it and get something off the ground. The light from the object was as bright as the sun. After the object left, marks were found on the ground.
HC addition # 2585
Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone
Type: B
Location. Thoissey, L’Ain, France
Date: July 1977
Time: 2100
The witness was working in a pizzeria in a camping area when she saw 5 beings (of human appearance) come into the bar. The ordered drinks and began speaking, letting her know that they had come from a different planet and that they spoke all known languages. The witness, who spoke several languages, then went on asking them several questions indifferent languages, and they were able to answer each time. They even spoke to her in some other “strange” languages she could not understand. They never told her what they were nor where they were from; they all had their drinks and left. There was a newspaper report of a UFO landing in the area around the same time.
HC addendum
Source: GREPI
Type: D?
Location. Vila De Piria, near the River Gurupi Brazil
Date: July 1977
Time: 2300
Jao de Brito was sitting quietly in a hide among some thick bushes awaiting game. An animal appeared but suddenly an object came down from the sky, and shone a beam of light on the animal, which quickly left. The light beam struck de Brito, which then felt, very weak, and unable to move. The object was shaped like a cylinder, and the witness could hear voices coming from it, speaking in an unknown language. The object suddenly left, but the witness required hospitalization afterwards.
HC addition # 3350
Source: Timothy Good, Alien Base
Type: F
Location. Near Uxbridge Ontario Canada
Date: July 1977
Time: 2330
Neil Sutherland, 16, and Lucy Gilbert, 15, driving along a country road in a pickup truck, stopped to give a lift to a rather strange looking individual who said he was from “another planet.” He wore a one-piece garment with a turtleneck, which “clung to his lower body like a metallic wetsuit.” He was about five-foot 4 inches tall, and was bald except for two tuffs of hair on each side of his head; his eyes were dark with flaming red iris and cornea. He spoke with an English accent, and said his planet was 5.6 light years away and that his orders were to photograph Toronto. (He had placed a box-like apparatus and tripod in the back of the truck as he boarded.) The couple dropped him off at Goodwood and the last they saw of him was his heading down Route 27 toward the city.
Humcat 1977-35
Source: Henry McKay
Type: E
Location. Happy Texas
Date: July 4 1977
Time: midnight
The witness and his girlfriend had gone to an isolated field to watch the fireworks from the nearby town. Soon they noticed three white objects encircled in multi colored lights hovering over the area. The objects now began shining blue-white laser-like lights to the ground. Frightened the witnesses attempted to crawl away from the area. They reached their car and started to drive away, but suddenly the vehicle stalled. Looking out and up the witness saw a huge object hovering directly overhead; it had numerous bright white blinking lights. They both exited the vehicle and attempted to run away from the area, but then the witness stiffened and fell to the ground. His next memory was of lying naked on table in a silver colored room. He felt like he was strapped to the table, with straps on his neck and ankles. He noticed several surgical instruments apparently on a table next to where he was and also noticed his girlfriend (also naked) lying on table and surrounded by numerous silvery-garbed white colored figures. Two humanoid figures approached the witness and apparently took skin samples from him, he felt no pain. Soon he found himself in another room with his girlfriend sitting next to him. He found a triangular shaped scar on his penis. His next memory was of waking up on a field naked along with his girlfriend, their clothes nowhere to be found.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G
The land without Sun.
Location. Pinheiro Brazil
Date: July 10 1977
Time: 0100A
A chicken farmer was walking to town to catch a bus and since it was dark he was carrying a flashlight. Suddenly a bright greenish blue light appeared in the sky and swooped down over him chasing him. It then circled came back and hovered above some nearby woods. The witness could now see that it was a V-shaped craft. The witness shone his flashlight at the object and he was then suddenly struck by a beam of light from the craft that knocked him down, feeling a tingling sensation the witness passed out. At one point he briefly woke up and saw several men staring at him, they examined him silently for a while. Then he blacked out again, he finally woke up several hours later. He felt terrible pains throughout his body and was unable to work for two months. Further inquires revealed that the witness, after being rendered unconscious later woke up in a strange city. The city had wide avenues and beautiful gardens; he could not see a Sun, only empty space above him. He saw many people in the city. These were human-like, all about 30 years of age, five-feet tall, and slender. All were dressed in gray-brown clothing, a few in light blue. The women wore long gowns, the men tunics, and trousers. Most were light skinned and had eyes of different colors, blue, and brown. The women were pretty and had long blond hair. The men had short hair, beards, and mustaches. He was allowed to explore the city, but was always followed by one man. He saw a number of vehicles that resembled Volkswagen Beetles but without motors or steering wheels. He also saw about 20 disc-shaped objects on the ground in an area that looked to him like an airport. He eventually found himself eight miles from where he was originally picked up.
HC addition # 537
Source: Bob Pratt, The UFO Report 1991 &
UFO Terror in Brazil
Type: G
Location. Quebradillas, Puerto Rico
Date: July 12 1977
Time: 2030
Adrian De Olmos Ordones, 42, was resting on the balcony of his house when he saw a very small figure, 40 feet away across the street, slip under the barbed wire fence of a farm and walk toward a street lamp post 20 feet away. He was 3.5 foot tall, and covered by a green garment that seemed to be inflated with air; a large metallic helmet with a glass front encased the head and came to slight point on top, surmounted by a short extension with a luminous point on top. On his back was a box like a knapsack. The witness also observed that he had only four fingers, that his feet were similar to a duck’s and that he had a tail, not long enough to reach the ground. In his right hand he had a small shiny object. The witness had his daughter bring him pencil and paper so he could make a sketch, but by mistake she turned on the balcony light; the being, startled, ran back to the fence, passed under it, and then stopped and put his hand on his belt. Two red and two blue lights appeared on the backpack with two jets of sparks, aiming downwards, accompanied by a sound like an electric drill. With that, the being ascended 10 feet into the air, lifting his tail, and flew horizontally to a grove of trees 150 yards away. Mr. Olmos, his family, and neighbors watched the lights of the figure as he moved about the trees for 10 minutes, in company with another light. During this period the cattle on the adjacent farm “went crazy,” running about and lowing. The next day, tracks presumably left by the humanoid were found and photographed at the site. A neighbor woman had seen a luminous object descend into the wooded area two days previously.
Humcat 1977-36
Source: Sebastian Robiou Lamarche & Jorge Martin
Type: D
Location. Black Mesa Oklahoma
Date: July 15 1977
Time: 0900A
While hiking in the area R Selfried was reportedly abducted by several short gray humanoids. Apparently this is his second abduction. No other information.
HC addition # 2415
Source: UFONS # 283
Type: G
Location. Barra da Corda, Brazil
Date: July 17 1977
Time: 0500A
Joao Batista Souza, owner of the Nova Melia Ranch was strolling on his property in the early morning when he saw a “ball of fire” flying along about 200 meters from him. Terrified, he hid behind a mound, and watched the glowing sphere land. As it landed, its brightness abated, and he could now see that it was “shaped like a straw hat.” A door opened, and a small being about 1 meter in height, emerged, carrying in its left hand a sort of torch emitting a reddish light, and with something else, not distinguishable, in the other hand. The face could not be seen, being encased in a helmet with “antennae,” but the rest of the entire body was “covered with hair.” At that point the rancher appeared to have lost consciousness. Members of his family found him lying there and carried him into the house where he remained in bed for several days, too weak to get up.
HC addition # 2510
Source: Dr. Daniel Rebisso Geise, FSR Vol. 39 # 3
Type: B
Location. Not given
Date: July 19 1977
Time: midnight
The witness awoke about midnight to find three beings in her living room. They were hairless humanoids with watery eyes, a thin build, and pasty white skin. In height the beings measured about 4 1/2 feet. These beings escorted her to a UFO and she entered by means of a beam of light. She lay on a “water bed” while a mist covered her for apparent decontamination. After the beings placed her on a table they probed her with a beam of light and returned her home to bed. Medical problems followed after the abduction.
HC addition # 2225
Source: Dr. Leo Sprinkle
Type: G
The levitating tombstone.
Location. Lindley (Steuben) New York
Date: July 23 1977
Time: 0110A
A 26-year old and her 13-year old niece, looked out of their bedroom window before retiring and saw 11-12 white lights in a “dipper” shaped formation which were moving about outside the house. One bright light appeared on a hill 300 yards away. They could hear a whooshing sound then two of the lights ascended. Then they heard footsteps from the creek (100 yards away), and saw two small figures floating up and down in front of a tree by the creek. After this they saw several other figures, at various spots, carrying what seemed to be flashlights; they wore close fitting, “skin diver” outfits with glowing green belts. Next a rectangular red luminous object was seen by one of the witnesses to approach close to the creek, and then recedes again. At this point both witnesses developed severe headaches. They then saw one figure on a distant hill shining a light on a tombstone there; the stone seemed to rise up into the air and move back and forth. A taller figure than the others (who were less than 4-foot tall) stood near the light on the hill and called out with an “ooh, ooh” sound; then the others all then approached him and, five minutes later, deployed back into adjacent fields. One of them approached the house, coming under the second story window; he dropped to the ground, as though to conceal himself, then approached the door and rattled its handle. By this time (0345A), the older witness had called her mother, who notified the state police. All of the lights and figures disappeared just prior to the arrival of police, the lights in the sky being indistinguishable from stars. Both witnesses believed only an hour had passed (actually over three hours had elapsed), and they complained of burning eyes and headaches that lasted for two days. Footprints were found in the area.
Humcat 1977-37
Source: Ted Phillips, Douglas Dains, &
Dr Gary Truce for Cufos
Type: C
Location. Cruis-Mallegougasse, France
Date: July 24 1977
Time: 2230
On Route 951 a couple, Mr. & Mrs. Gaizand reported seeing a luminous form shaped like a half sphere sitting on the ground by the side of the road at about 40 meters away. The object was about 7-8 m in diameter and about 2.50 m in height. The craft had three blue-white bright lights. Next to the craft stood two human like figures. The figures were about 1.65m in height and wore gray uniforms and helmets. Mrs. Gaizand was seized by a panic and begged for her husband to drive away. Both suffered from conjunctivitis and insomnia after the encounter.
HC addendum
Source: LDLN # 195, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: C
Location. Lindley (Steuben) New York
Date: July 25 1977
Time: 2300
The witness heard a noise at his door and on opening saw a 4-foot tall humanoid standing there; he was wearing a suit that was light on top and dark on the bottom. He retired indoors to get his gun and flashlight and stepped out on the porch, playing the light around the yard. The flashlight illuminated an object above a nearby tree; then a beam of light from this object knocked the witness back. Following this the witness remained indoors. Both he and his wife felt cramps, and the witness said that his head felt as though it would explode, his body felt numb, and his ears were ringing. He reportedly saw 6 or 7 UFOs throughout the night, and a number of 4-foot tall humanoids, some of which could be heard on the roof. The beings made a chattering sound. All were gone by 0500A. Footprints were seen on the grass, and on the roof a metal louver was partially removed.
Humcat 1977-38
Source: Ted Phillips, Douglas Dains, &
Dr Gary Truce for Cufos
Type: C
Location. Artigas Uruguay
Date: July 26 1977
Time: morning
On three occasions in July, a family named Da Costa claimed to have been visited by several small beings, apparently extraterrestrial, who left their footprints and disappeared while the witnesses stared at them. In the garden area small boot like footprints were found, and the next day one of the witnesses found a stone with strange drawings on it, which he could not decipher. No other information.
Humcat 1977-39
Source: Cronica de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Type: E?
Location. Genova Italy
Date: July 26 1977
Time: 2100
A witness noticed an immobile figure nearby; it suddenly began to move slowly, with one hand on his throat as if having some difficulty in breathing. It had a round head, a squat body, and was wearing a one-piece dark gray body suit. Police was notified.
HC addendum
Source: CUN Genova
Type: E
Location. Dunnockshawe Lancashire England
Date: July 28 1977
Time: 0230A
A 19-year old youth was camping with a friend along the edge of Clowridge Reservoir. Some time before dawn he went to the water’s edge for some drinking water, taking his rifle with him. As he bent down over the breakwater he noticed a strange figure standing about 100 yards from him. The figure was at least 8-foot tall and dressed completely in a white robe, and had a beard and bushy hair. The figure stood motionless staring out over the water and did not seem to noticed the witness, who then called out to his friend; as he did so, the figure vanished. A family in the area had reported seeing lights during the summer.
Humcat 1977-40
Source: Northern UFO News # 43
Type: D?
Location. Exact location not given
Date: July or August 1977
Time: night
The witness was relaxing alone at home when a strange sound and light caused her a period of confusion. Under hypnosis she remembered that the light and sound drew her toward a strange craft where she met a being with large eyes. She felt safe and secure. She converse by telepathy with the being then found herself back at her door. She felt that the experience had expanded her and her spirituality.
HC addition # 2221
Source: Dr Leo Sprinkle
Type: G
Location. Sierra Madre Mountains Mexico
Date: early August 1977
Time: unknown
A brief report states that at least 200 Mexican soldiers were searching for little men with square feet and luminous suits who dropped from the sky about a month ago. Newspaper reports stated that a saucer had crashed in the western Sierra Madre and that there had been several survivors among its occupants. Police were also reportedly at the scene of the crash. No other information.
Humcat 1977-41
Source: EFE News service out of Mexico City
Type: H
Location. Banks of Dnepr River, Ukraine
Date: August 1977
Time: unknown
A 39-year old man reportedly encountered several aliens ranging from 1.6 m to 3 m in height, of stumpy build, light pink skin, with very flat noses, with nostrils sharply turned up. Their eyes were almost human-like. They were dressed in dull-gray tight-fitting overalls with dark covering cloaks over their shoulders. Apparently they could smile and possessed a “sense” of humor. Communication was by both telepathy and at brief times by voice. He was taken inside an egg-shaped craft no less than 10 m in length. The doors of the object opened up like an elevator. A bright white light surrounded the craft. Inside he could see a control panel and a large screen. He was transported onboard a “mothership” shaped like an “L” that was apparently orbiting the earth. The large ship had numerous small portholes. He was then transported to their planet. The landscape on the alien planet was described as deserted. The buildings resembled shiny polished blocks, of some sort of yellowish plastic. He was paralyzed for some time and most of his memory was erased.
HC addendum
Source: Aleksei Priyma “Visitors from Nowhere”, Anton Anfalov
Type: G
Location. Eastern Colorado
Date: August 1977
Time: night
James Leming encountered a large silver-blue object while driving. He was taken on board and met 4 large beings. Physical effects included feeling a mild tingling in the temples, a rush of giddiness, severe pain akin to an electric shock through his neck at the base of the head, and a discoloration of the iris in his left eye.
HC addendum
Source: SBI Report
Type: G
Location. Murcia, Spain
Date: August 1977
Time: late night
16-year old Cati was lying in her bed when she suddenly felt a presence in her bedroom looking up he saw next to a bookstand a dark indistinct figure, with a large head and large pointy ears with what appeared to be glowing green slanted eyes. Terrified she attempted to grab a pillow to throw it at the creature but suddenly realized that she could not move a muscle. Stunned she sees what appeared to have bee her ethereal “arm” grab the pillow and fling it at the creature. She observes that the movement is done as if in slow motion. After that she feels extremely tired. Moments later she notices several short humanoid, figures wearing golden colored one piece suits, milling about in the bedroom. She is unable to recall her facial features and there appeared to have been about 4 or 5 of them. A positive and tranquil feeling came over her, and a sense of recognition came over her, as if she had seen these humanoids before. The humanoids appeared to have been looking for something in the armoire. Somehow she knew that whatever it was it was not there and he told them, all telepathically. At this point she notices that there is a humanoid standing next to her and all memory ends.
HC addendum
Source: Joaquin Abenza, Spain
Type: E
Location. Lindley (Steuben) New York
Date: August 1 1977
Time: 0200A
Two witnesses involved in a previous encounter, watched 6 or 7 humanoids with glowing green belts, similar to those they had seen the week before. Two of them had grayish glowing belts, and one of the witnesses saw two normal sized human figures that glowed a silvery white instead of green. After an hour of observation they woke a third witness, who saw only blue green lights. When they shone a flashlight beam on one of the figures, it disappeared, but was still there when the beam was removed. It gradually became foggy and at 0430A they went to bed, but the two original witnesses thought they could hear the sound of a woman screaming three times, and a door slamming. They again experienced headaches and ringing in their ears. The third witness, who heard a noise like someone chiseling rock and a high pitched chirping sound, did not suffer from headache. They saw no UFOs that night, but others reported objects locally on subsequent nights.
Humcat 1977-42
Source: Douglas Dains for Cufos
Type: D
Location. Campos, Brazil
Date: August 3 1977
Time: unknown
A gray disc-shaped object was seen on the ground and three tall thin baldheaded figures wearing gray coveralls with green belts were seen moving around the object apparently performing various tasks.
HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Type: C
Location. Near Escalada Huelva Spain
Date: August 3 1977
Time: 1955
Caferina Vargas Martin, 20, of Escalada, left her home at 1930 to walk to her grandmother’s house at La Corte, about 3 km distant. The pathway between the two villages winds along a creek at the foot of a mountain. With much vegetation along the way. While she was walking along this pathway, at about 1955 she was momentarily blinded by a bright reflection of light; about 20 meters further on, another flash of light shone in her face. Now she believed it was a bicycle headlight, but she suddenly felt her strength ebb away as the light source was replaced by two strange figures-a woman of two meters height and a slightly shorter man. The woman had long platinum hair that hung to the middle of her back; the man’s was shorter and slightly disordered. Their facial features were “repulsive” to the witness; the woman had very large eyes, only two holes where her nose should be, and a slit like mouth that moved without opening. Both figures were dressed in tunic like garments; hers was of a dark green color, but very brilliant, as if made up of many little points of light, and wide sleeves extended to her hands. The tunic extended to the ground so her feet were not seen. The man’s tunic was of a light chestnut color, also with brightly reflecting points of light; it extended to his knees, below which was a narrow, darker tunic that extended to the ground. Their skin was citron yellow color. While the woman gesticulated with her arms, both beings remained indifferent to the witness’s presence. Feeling faint, the witness sat down on a rock; then she passed out. When she came to, there was no one there, and it was then dark. Frightened and upset, she ran back home. It was 2050 when she arrived. The witness suffered from shock and had nightmares for the next several nights, and had to be treated by doctors. Some personal belongings also turned up missing.
Humcat 1977-60
Source: Ignacio Darnaude, Joaquin Mateos, Manuel Filpo
Jose Ignacio Alonso & Antonio Moya
Type: E
I am Jimmy Hoffa!!!
Location. Pelham (Mitchell) Georgia
Date: August 6 1977
Time: 1030A
Tom Dawson, 63 and retired, was walking with his two dogs from his trailer home to a nearby farm when a “circular shaped space ship” with a dome and portholes, 40-50 ft in diameter and 12-14 ft high, set down in a field in front of him, hovering several feet off the ground. He found he was unable to move a muscle, and his dogs, as well as the cattle in the field, seemed likewise to be immobilized. A hatch in the object opened, a ramp was extended, and 7 strange looking humans 5 ft tall emerged, five men and two women. The first to leave stepped down cautiously, as if to test the solidity of the ground; then the rest followed, with two taking up sentry positions at the hatch. They were all hairless, with skin “as white as a flour sack,” their noses were sharp and turned up, their ears were pointed, and they had no necks. One of the men and one of the women were completely nude. The clothing of the rest-males and females alike-was very beautiful with silk like shoes with pointed, turned up toes. The humanoids cautiously approached Dawson, and gave him a kind of physical examination, placing on his head a skullcap with cords connecting it to a hoop bearing dials. They dropped his trousers and lifted his shirt for the examination, passing the hoop over his body. While the examination was in progress, a loud voice came from the object, shouting three times ” I am Jimmy Hoffa” (!) a fourth repetition was cut off, and the voice was not heard again. After completing the examination, all returned to the craft except two men, who walked about 10 feet away and “went into a conference.” They had very shrill voices, and although Dawson was unable to comprehend what it was they said, he thought he heard the word “Jupiter.” He had the impression they were debating whether or not to take him onboard; at any rate, they did not, and the leader passed his palm across his chest as though to signal good-bye. They reentered the ship, closed the hatch, and took off. He saw the object rise to 75 feet, and then in a wink it was out of sight. Dawson was then freed of his paralysis; he ran directly to his next-door neighbor, but was so excited he could say nothing more than “space ship!” He was taken to a hospital and treated for hysteria.
Humcat 1977-43
Source: Billy Rachels, UFO Bureau of Georgia
Type: B
Location. Branford, Connecticut
Date: August 7 1977
Time: 2030
In a trance or dream like state the 7-year old witness was visited in his room but a small gray entity. Looking outside his window he saw a hovering silvery disc-shaped object. His next memory was of being floated down his stairway, out the front door, up over his neighbor’s yard. Then he would be standing in a gas station parking lot. The little gray being, with large head, large black eyes and very thin would play with him and beckon the witness to follow him. The witness remembered refusing to go, then being back in bed and seeing the little alien wave goodbye and fly off into the hovering UFO. Since that time the witness has seen other UFOs.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G
Location. East Hull Yorkshire England
Date: August 9 1977
Time: 0130A
Police Constable David Swift was investigating a peculiar fog in a nearby field; as he crossed the field he saw three figures, which seemed to be dancing around a non-existent Maypole; each had an arm raised. “One figure was a man in a sleeveless jerkin and tight fitting trousers…the other two were women in bonnets, shawls and white colored dresses.” Thinking they were drunks, he approached; at about 50 feet the entire scene vanished; “no one was there.” He drove about in his car, but saw nothing more; he then reported it to his sergeant.
Humcat 1977-44
Source: Robert J Rickard, Fortean Times # 23
Type: E
Location. Nocera-Umbra Umbria Italy
Date: August 11 1977
Time: 0010A
Bruno Vitali was driving home after work when his headlights picked up a shining triangular figure in front of him on the road. It was five-foot tall and not more than 30 inches wide, and was hopping in front of the car as if to fly from observation. Another man, Oscar Tega, stated he heard a very loud whistling at the same time just prior to the motorist’s encounter.
Humcat 1977-45
Source: LDLN # 170
Type: E
Location. Odin, Illinois
Date: August 11 1977
Time: 0700A
A large gray-black bird-like creature flew out of the northeast and in a circle about 300 ft away from the observers as if looking for a tree big enough to hold it. Finally it landed near a small pond close to the house. John and Wanda Chappell described it as resembling a prehistoric bird. The head didn’t have any feathers and it had a long neck, crooked, like an “S” shape. They estimated the wingspan at ten to 14 ft. It was about 4 ft high. After a few minutes it flew in a southwest direction.
HC addendum
Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!
Type: E
Location. Pedro Juan Caballero, Paraguay
Date: August 15 1977
Time: night
Rolando Sanjines was walking back home after work at a local radio station when he noticed a small bright light high over the area, it was very luminous and appeared to be descending. It suddenly shot down close to the ground and the witness could see that it was an oval shaped spaceship. It remained suspended about 30 cm above the ground. Soon he heard a telepathic message from the occupants of the craft, who he visualized as beautiful human-like creatures. They explained to the witness that they came from the red planet Mars and its moons, Phobos and Demos. He was told that there were a total of five occupants onboard the ship. Arriving home soon after the experience, Sanjines suffered from vomiting and general malaise. His girlfriend could not approach him since he appeared to be surrounded by static electricity. He reportedly had prophetic dreams soon after the encounter.
HC addendum
Source: Cristian Riffo M, Ovnis Terra
Type: F
Location. Near Tabasco, Mexico
Date: August 17 1977
Time: night
An alien spacecraft exploded in mid-air. (Most probably shot down by an invisible UFO). Bodies of the 2 occupants were found, heavily damaged and charred. Wreckage and debris were moved to Wright Patterson AFB. Apparently NASA specialists were involved.
HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov UFO crash list
High Strangeness Index: 9
Source reliability: 10
Location. Flaxton Arkansas
Date: middle of August 1977
Time: 2115
A man that had stepped outside his house to secure the car windows observed an object with flashing lights hovering about a nearby tree. Under the tree stood two tall men like figures totally dressed in black who stared coldly at the witness. Suddenly the witness was unable to move and felt a powerful vibration penetrate his head and body. At the same time both figures turned simultaneously and disappeared into the woods. As soon as he was able to move the witness ran panic-stricken into the house.
HC addition # 152
Source: Fabio Zerpa, Los Hombres De Negro Y los Ovnis
Type: C
Location. Lluchmayor Palma de Mallorca Spain
Date: August 25 1977
Time: 1030A
An unidentified driver, described as a very reliable person, was driving along a highway when he suddenly saw a very small (35 cm) “object” in the road directly ahead of him; to late to stop the car, he knocked the “bowling pin shaped” thing down and ran over it, “feeling an intense sensation that he had killed a living being.” Investigation at the site disclosed a circular wet stain. About two weeks earlier, there had been a UFO sighting at Palma de Mallorca. No object was associated with this incident.
Humcat 1977-46
Source: Ignacio Darnaude & Antonio Moya Cerpa
Type: D?
Location. Fontanigorda Italy
Date: August 26 1977
Time: 0415A
The witness was apparently having difficulty sleeping and was attempting to accommodate himself when he noticed through some partially opened blinds a very bright white light approach and stop a few meters away. Moments later two figures with gold colored faces appeared in front of the light. The light then moved to the right side near the curtains which apparently were the only things separating the witness from the phenomenon. Soon after, a humanoid figure entered through the curtains, it had an oval shaped head with an upside down triangle shaped light on the top section of its face. The witness yelled out causing the figure to walk away, apparently leaving a slightly luminous handprint on the curtains. Soon after, two more figures were heard walking by. Finally the lights and the figures vanished. Investigators reportedly found ground traces.
HC addition # 1530
Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat
Type: C?
And the mark of the beast shall be…
Location. Miramar Puerto Rico
Date: August 26 1977
Time: 0915A
A young secretary working at the Caribbean Towers building suddenly heard a strange sound like someone tuning a transistor radio, coming from the adjacent room. She went to investigate and was confronted by two small men about 3-foot tall that were standing in the room studying a map of the island of Puerto Rico that was hanging on the wall. The witness screamed and the beings ran to the rear of the room and climbed out the window, a second witness saw the beings as they climbed out of the window. The beings were described as having long arms and short legs; their heads were large and flat in the back. Two large ears and two small antennae like protrusions could also be seen. They wore shiny transparent green outfits and their skin appeared scaly. One of the witnesses noticed some type of symbol or design on their chest area resembling the numbers 666.
HC addition # 269
Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto Ovni en Puerto Rico
Santo Domingo Y Cuba
Type: E
Location. Nanticaws Hill Carmarthern Wales
Date: August 28 1977
Time: 0230A
Francis Lloyd 24 was driving a large truck from Haverfordwest; with him was John Dwyer, 16. Two miles outside of Carmarthern, on the A48, they had descended the Nanticaws Hill grade and were about to begin to climb when, at the bottom of the dip, they saw two tall figures standing on the right hand verge near the highway. The figures at least 7-foot tall, were red orange in color, as if wearing celluloid suits, and had huge heads that reminded them of Guardsmen’s busbies. The figures stood motionless facing each other slightly, and appeared to be holding some sort of object between them. They had chrome or silver colored antennas that appeared to come out of their chests and stood as high as the tops of their heads. The two men drove right on past without stopping and although the figures were in view for no more than six of seven seconds, they were fully lit by the eight headlights of the large rig. No object was seen by either man. Three months later there was a fatal car accident at the same site, killing four men.
Humcat 1977-61
Source: F W Holiday, FSR Vol. 24 # 1
Type: E
Location. Near Marciano Elba Livorno Italy
Date: August 28 1977
Time: 2200
A family was driving home to Portoferraio from an outing at Marciano in rainy weather when their headlights illuminated a strange figure walking by the roadside. It looked robot like, had broad shoulders, and was wearing a golden glittering close fitting coverall and had a broad brimmed hat with two antennas on its head. The face looked like paper mache. They notified the carabinieri, but the figure was gone before they arrived.
Humcat 1977-47
Source: Francisco Izzo & David Webb
Type: E
Location. Healdsburg California
Date: August 30 1977
Time: 2030
Independent witnesses watched a huge lighted object with multicolored lights maneuvering over the area. One of the lights appeared to detach itself from the larger craft and then descended close to the witness vehicle. The small object was described as having several lighted windows and two beams of light. One of the witnesses was able to see a humanoid figure with a frog like head looking out from one of the windows.
HC addition # 916
Source: Jacques Vallee, Confrontations, A scientist Search
For Alien Contact
Type: A
Location. Sturno Avellino Italy
Date: August 30 1977
Time: midnight
Two college students, Rocco Cerullo, and Michael Giovanelli, were walking from Sturno to Frigento when they saw three red lights symmetrically arranged in the midst of shrubbery overhanging the road, and heard an intermittent “beep-beep” sound. Walking on near a quarry, they saw a figure over two meters tall wearing a silvery close fitting coverall and a helmet. Where the eyes should be were two blinking orange lights. The witnesses fled back to Sturno, where they found three other friends, and returned in a car. All five saw the strange being advancing and withdrawing, with mechanical movements, on a steep slope. It seemed to stand at an angle, perpendicular to the slope. The car was not driven into the abandoned quarry, which appeared to be lighted as if by a halo, they became frightened and sped back to Sturno, returning with two more witnesses; the humanoid was still there, coming and going with emissions of intermittent light from its helmet. When one of the parties flashed a light on the figure, it emitted sounds like “radio signals” it approached the car and the sounds ceased. It came no closer than 15 feet, and beckoned, as though for the witnesses to follow. Finally, at about 0330A, it emitted a blinding light from its helmet and disappeared. The outline of an object with portholes had been seen further down the slope. After the flash, the men fled back to the village, when they again returned, everything was gone. Next day trampled bushes were found, and in the quarry 3 holes arranged in an isosceles triangle.
Humcat 1977-48
Source: Francesco Izzo & Dave Webb
Type: C
Location. Mediania Alta Loiza Puerto Rico
Date: August 31 1977
Time: 2000
Two witnesses sitting and chatting at the steps of their home suddenly noticed a disc shaped craft flying above a nearby palm grove. The craft stops to hover, it had a large white light on the bottom and a green and a blue flashing light. Several brightly lit windows could be seen on its side. The object then began shutting off its lights and disappeared. Later that same night a third witness had gone out to the yard to empty some cooking waste when she saw four little men wearing silvery outfits standing by a water faucet. They seemed to have short antennae like protrusions, large pointy ears and were bald headed, they had small mouths and a long thin neck. They all had their arms crossed in front of their chest. The witness screamed and ran inside to alert the others, but the little men had already vanished when they went out.
HC addition # 267
Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto Ovni en Puerto Rico
Santo Domingo Y Cuba
Type: D
Location. Thomasville Georgia
Date: late August 1977
Time: 2200
During a period of high strangeness activity that involved MIB reports, a witness reported watching bright lights descend on a nearby eucalyptus forest. He watched from his bedroom window as the lights dimmed and became a gray metallic oval shaped craft from which a ramp descended to the ground. Three tall humanoid figures dressed in black emerged from the object, re-entering it moments later. The witness claims he saw this occurrence several times in one month.
HC addition # 1068
Source: Fabio Zerpa, Los Hombres De Negro
Y los Ovnis
Type: B
Location. Near Moulton Northampton England
Date: Autumn 1977
Time: 0100A
A motorist driving back home after a date noticed a bright light coming over a nearby hill. As the light approached he stopped his vehicle to watch. Moments later a large circular object became visible that had been masked by the light. The witness was then able to see that the object was dark and emitted an intense bluish green flare from a large oblong shaped window on its lower section. Behind the large window stood three man-like figures with large heads. They appeared to be staring at the witness. The beings had oriental features, large dark eyes, and very short dark hair. All three wore bluish green uniforms and had an expression of happiness on their faces. As another vehicle approached, the object began turning slowly on its axis and then sped away at incredible speed.
HC addition # 1704
Source: London UFO Studies, Skylink # 6 & 7
Type: A
Location. East Sussex England
Date: Autumn 1977
Time: 1720
While waiting for a bus the witness saw a domed disc hovering overhead. She waved at it, then the object changed course and tilted toward her, then apparently surrounded her with an invisible beam from its underside. Her next memory was of the bus stopped and of her cigarette burned down to the filter. Her motions were uncoordinated for a week and she suffered headaches, conjunctivitis, gastric troubles, and sleeplessness. She then had vague memories of having conducted a telepathic conversation with the beings onboard the object. They wanted her to go with them, but she had a feeling that she would never return.
HC addition # 2216
Source: Patricia B Grant, FSR Vol. 25 # 2
Type: F?
Location. Wallasey England
Date: Autumn 1977
Time: 2000
Miss Daisy Jenkins had been experiencing much different type of phenomena in her home including mysterious lights and other psychic phenomena. One night she was in her bedroom and had drawn the curtains when she saw a human figure encased in a silvery metallic outfit & with a light at the top of his head and one at the end of each arm. The figure stood by the wall at the rear of the garden, looking at her. The humanoid was about 6-feet tall. She has seen a similar figure on other occasions and apparently is able to float in midair and fly over the trees.
HC addition # 2324
Source: Jenny Randles, Paul Whetnall
Type: E
Location. Near Huelva, Spain
Date: Fall 1977
Time: night
The two young witnesses were traveling by bus and were seated at the back of the bus when they noticed a bright point of light in the sky that attracted their attention. Thinking it could have been an “extraterrestrial” craft they attempted to communicate with it by using telepathy. Apparently the object made several maneuvers that the witnesses commanded it to do. The driver and an adult companion also saw the lighted object, which at one point descended lower and became brighter. Later upon arriving at their destination they opened the curtains to see if they could spot the object again and saw a figure only about 20 meters away that appeared to be approaching slowly. It appeared to lack hands and was wearing a shiny corrugated suit. Scared both ran into another room and woke up the others. The next day several large footprints were found in the area.
HC addendum
Source: M Filpo
Type: D or E?
Location. Kranglvea, Cambodia
Date: Fall 1977
Time: night
The young witness was out playing when he heard some voices behind him, looking up he saw a metallic plate shaped object hovering over a field. He heard additional voices from the object that spoke in the Khmer language that told him: “You have to learn to teach your children, do not hurt him.” He also heard a strange bell like sound, sounding like an alarm, suddenly the object shot away at high speed. A month later in the same area, the witness heard the same alarm sound and heard the sounds of giggling. He then saw clear images of girls hiding behind some bamboo trees laughing at him. He told them he wanted food and suddenly a table filled with foot appeared on the clearing, also a chair appeared, which the witness sat on it. As he prepared to eat the foot, which included mango fruit and tamarind, everything suddenly vanished including the girls. Later he saw a metallic oval shaped object hovering over the same area.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: C or F?
Location. Near Windwhistle Hill, England
Date: September 1977
Time: 2130
Kate Walker her husband and two young sons, aged seven and six years old were returning home and were in a very isolated area. As they came to the top of hill Kate and her family all observed a huge orange light diffused by cloud, to their left hand side and at the far end of Windwhistle Hill. It seemed to be right beside the road, not very high up, and was partially obscured by cloud. As they drove nearer to the light, they could see it was massive and totally static and very low and bright. She describes it as being cigar shaped and vast in size, maybe 200-300 feet. The next thing they were clearly aware of was seeing a cyclist’s headlamp coming the other way, which seemed to appear from nowhere, and continued on the road to Crewkerne. When they arrived home they were aware of an obvious time lapse. Years later they were able to remember that the vehicle engine had died and the headlights had gone off. The husband attempted to start the car but nothing happened. Everything appeared to be in slow motion. One of the son’s last memories was of seeing a dark shape outside the car, beside the window. He describes it as being very tall and bending towards the window looking in, and having the impression that the shape was human, although he knew it wasn’t. The other brother next memory was of looking back at the orange light and seeing the headlamp coming towards them only a few yards away.
HC addendum
Source: Bufora Files
Type: C or G?
Location. Near Chard, England
Date: September 1977
Time: night
A few days after the above incident, Kate and her family were once again making the journey back to their home, and as they were coming over the brow of the same hill, and about 300-300 yards from the first incident, they saw in front of them on the left hand verge, two people, one who appeared to be lying down, and the other standing. They slowed down and were stunned to see that the person standing up took one step out in front of them…one foot remained on the grass verge at the roadside and the other foot was right over the center of the road. Kate described the figure as being “abnormally tall” with legs that were horrendously long and thin. Her husband swerved to the far side of the road, and around the figure, and they kept on driving and did not look back.
HC addendum
Source: Bufora Files
Type: E
Location. Caserta Italy
Date: September 1977
Time: 2200
A science student traveling by car was nearing a local castle when he noticed a very tall figure passing in front of the car. The figure was covered in a metallic outfit and resembled a robot. The figure was being followed closely by several very short humanoids resembling “dwarfs.” The witness stopped the vehicle while the creatures disappeared from sight. Soon after he saw a luminous disc shaped object taking off from a nearby field.
HC addition # 1531
Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat
Type: C
Location. Colares, Brazil
Date: September 1977
Time: night
A young man named Luis was hunting and had been hiding in the brush waiting for his prey when he heard a loud noise, then a bright light descended over the area. Looking up he saw a bright object resembling the cabin of a Boeing 737. Suddenly a door opened and a figure stepped out, descending to the ground in a beam of light. The creature was human like. Frightened Luis hid behind a tree an observed the creature as it walked around inspecting the area, it illuminated the area with a red beam of light that appeared to emerge from the palm of its hand. Suddenly the creature turned and walked in the direction where the witness had been hiding, apparently knowing he was there. Terrified Luis ran from the area towards the nearby river. At the same moment the creature turned around and walked back and levitated back into the object. As Luis ran from the area other witnesses saw him running away from the area, they saw him run into a boat as the object followed him and hovered overhead, again the humanoid came out of the object and observed the boat and the terrified witness within. Soon the humanoid went back inside the object, which promptly took off at high speed. The humanoid was described as short and very muscular with a large head and wearing tight-fitting dark clothing. The witness, Luis, and a 9-year-old boy later disappeared under mysterious circumstances after a UFO sighting.
HC addendum
Source: Painel Ovni
Type: B
Location. Hainault Forest Essex England
Date: early September 1977
Time: morning
As a result of an anonymous telephone call the investigator went to the scene of a previous humanoid encounter, with his photographic equipment. At Cabin Hill, he heard a call like “Oyy,” and saw, about 100 yards away, the head and torso of a strange figure behind some bushes. The figure was dressed in a silver one-piece suit and wore a round, white helmet with a full-face visor. A second similar figure then appeared; both stepped out in full view from behind the bushes and stared at the witness. While the witness fumbled for his camera, the two beings disappeared.
Humcat 1977-62
Source: Andrew Collins
Type: E
Location. South West London England
Date: early September 1977
Time: 2000
The witness felt a powerful urge to look outside and as she did, she suddenly received a mental image of a very dark metallic object with vertical grooves around its circumference hovering overhead. The witness felt that the object was from another dimension, she felt like she was being watched. She went back to the kitchen, but returned later to still see the image of the craft. At this point she also received a mental image of a humanoid figure and face. The face was long and metallic in appearance, flat and featureless; it had long slit like eyes, a straight nose, and a slit for a mouth. The entity wore a tight fitting jumpsuit with a large triangular symbol on the chest area; it had a belt with a red ruby like stone on its center. The being and craft eventually vanished.
HC addition # 1000
Source: Bufora Journal Vol. 8 # 4
Type: F
Location. Valfabrica, Italy
Date: September 1 1977
Time: 0600A
A number of witnesses reported seeing a metallic humanoid shaped figure flying low over some fields. The figure was thick with short legs and stubby arms and appeared to be standing on a small round platform, it had an antennae-like protrusion on its head. There are reports that the figure was a man-shaped balloon.
HC addendum
Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
Type: E?
Location. Mediania Alta Loiza Puerto Rico
Date: September 1 1977
Time: 0900A
The witness had gone out to the yard to bathe her young daughter when the girl became agitated and began screaming and pointing to four little men that stood nearby, similar to the ones seen the night before in the same area. The only difference was that these beings wore green outfits and were motioning to the little girl to come closer to them. One attempted to grab the child but was pushed away by the hysterical mother who took the child and ran away screaming. The mother suffered a nervous breakdown after the incident.
HC addition # 268
Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto Ovni en Puerto Rico
Santo Domingo Y Cuba
Type: D
Shape shifter??
Location. Near Moscow Russia
Date: September 3 1977
Time: 0200A
Living near a major scientific research center the witness was not asleep yet and was standing in her bedroom when she noticed a luminous Saturn shaped object hovering outside the window. From the object several glowing man like figures, resembling Soviet soldiers in uniform flew into different directions. One of the figures landed on the witness balcony and communicated with her, explaining that he was an extraterrestrial who was just camouflaged as a soldier. During the two-hour conversation the being spoke of the several reasons they were here on earth. At one point the being gradually changed his appearance to that of an acquaintance, which the witness liked and asked the witness if she wanted to have sex, she refused. After awhile the being flew back into the object which quickly then faded away.
HC addition # 1799
Source: Vladimir V Rubtsov PhD Mufon Symposium
Proceedings 1994
Type: B
Location. Near Lvov Ukraine
Date: September 3 or 4 1977
Time: 0130A
The main witness, Muratova Medina, was among several scouts camping out in tents 50 kms from Kiev. Late one night he suddenly awoke with the feeling that someone was staring at him. Sure enough he then saw the figure of man that was leaning down on him. The figure had enormous deep-set eyes about 7cm in width that stared at the witness unblinking. In front of the eyes the witness noticed what appeared to be a transparent visor. No other facial details could be seen; the body seemed disproportionately narrow or thin. He wore a tight fitting outfit that shone with a metallic luster. There were no buttons, collars or seams. Terrified, the witness asked the stranger twice who he was but received no reply. The witness was able to yell thus waking up his friend G C Aliyevna, but ashamed the witness refused to answer, in the meantime the humanoid remained standing in the room immobile. Soon the witness quietly fell asleep. Another scout also reported seeing a similar or the same entity and further was able to describe the yes as blue in color, with thin and narrow facial features. Another witness saw a luminous spot floating in the room, which became wavy and disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: V G Azhazha, “Another Life”
Type: E
Location. Cadogan Pennsylvania
Date: September 10 1977
Time: dusk
At the same time that heavy UFO activity was reported in the area, a witness reported seeing an eight-foot tall creature standing in the woods near his home. The creature was covered with brown hair; had a cone shaped head, broad shoulders, and no neck. It appeared to be slightly stooped at the shoulders. The witness also noticed strong sulfur like odor at the time.
HC addition # 1878
Source: Paul G Johnson, Joan L Jeffers
The Pennsylvania Bigfoot
Type: D?
Location. La Pobla de Montornes, Spain
Date: September 11 1977
Time: late night
The witness, who had been asleep for approximately an hour, suddenly awoke to see that the opposite wall was completely illuminated. The illuminated area seemed to slowly increase in size. Intrigued he turned to look at the window and was confronted by a bizarre figure that was bent over and observing him. The figure was man-like and was wearing a tight fitting black “frogman” suit. The face was human like, with slightly slanted eyes, a triangular shaped sharp featured face, with thin lips, and dark hair. Panic stricken the witness slowly began to move away then jumped to his feet punching the wall and screaming at the same time, apparently in order to attract the attention of other sleeping family members. The strange figure suddenly vanished in plain sight.
HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, IIEE, Spain
Type: E
Location. Wannituck, Indiana
Date: September 14 1977
Time: 2130
38-year old Marie Jorgenson was traveling in her vehicle when she suddenly became very tired & sleepy she then apparently blacked out. Soon she woke up sitting on what appeared to be some kind of padded chair. A small humanoid with large red shiny lizard-like eyes stood in front of her. The humanoid wore gray coveralls and stared at her intently. She blacked out again and found herself back in her vehicle.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Sightings 11-81, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: G
Location. Paciencia Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Date: September 15 1977
Time: 0220A
Antonio La Rubia, 33, a bus driver, was en route to work when he saw in a field a flying saucer that looked like an enormous hat. Frightened, he prepared to run when a blue light lit up the area; at the same time three very odd figures materialized nearby; he found he could not move. The figures were about four-foot tall, with football shaped heads or helmets surmounted by a tall antenna; the only features were a row of shiny small mirror like sections around the center of the head, from which blue flashes were emitted. They had stocky bodies and long elephant trunk like arms ending in a single digit. The bodies were covered by a rough metallic surface the witness believed could have been the body surface, or skin. Their bodies were rounded at the bottom and surmounted a single leg, like a pedestal, with a rounded base. The three surrounded La Rubia and he was caught in an invisible glass or “bell jar.” The robots floated above the ground and one pointed a syringe like device at him and he began to move toward the object; the next thing he knew he was inside with no recollection of how he entered it. He was in a white “aluminum” corridor, with one transparent wall, through which he could see the field from which he had just come. Two figures went one way, the third another. He could see through the transparent wall that the object was airborne. A bright blue light came on and he found himself in a large circular hall. There were a dozen similar entities on each side of the hall; they reminded him of children sitting in a schoolroom on single legged chairs. Up until now he had been unable to speak, but suddenly he found his voice and began screaming, “Who are you? What do you want from me?” The figures fell back at the sound and tumbled allover the floor; they lifted their single digits to the antennae on their heads and held them. These tips rotated so rapidly that only when they held them could he see them clearly. He noticed a small box like device standing on two poles that raised it to about the height of the witness chest; antennae jutted up from each end. A receptacle stood atop the box, and the entities removed small devices from belts around their waists and placed them in this container, pushing a key on the box. At this, a scene would appear on the wall in moving color; the first showed the witness, lying naked, on an unseen table, while he was examined by a being with a small bluish light; another examined his head. Another “slide” was projected and showed La Rubia, still naked, standing alone. Other images included a view of the witness dressed, carrying a shopping bag, his teeth chattering; another showed a horse and cart on a dirt road, with a peasant, barefoot, wearing a straw hat. A picture of him next to an orange ball; then next to a blue ball beside which stood another entity; an image of a big dog attacking one of the entities; the being began melting; from top to bottom, until it was nothing but a porridge like substance. Then one of the entities moved toward the dog and pointed a syringe like device at the animal and it too began melting, after turning blue. A UFO “factory” was displayed; a train entering a tunnel; a view of a busy Rio thoroughfare. One scene showed La Rubia vomiting and defecating into his clothes. During this display, an entity approached and pointed a syringe like implement at him; his arm raised against his will and the syringe was stuck into his middle finger, taking a blood sample, leaving no mark; the entity then pointed it at a wall and drew three red circles intersected with an “L.” The next thing he remembered was being thrown overboard, where he found himself once again in the street, with all his belongings, as well as one of the beings. His watch had stopped at 0220A; the being vanished and the object was ascending out of view. His head was spinning and he was burning. It was 0355A. The witness was eventually taken to a hospital where he suffered from sporadically high temperatures and insatiable thirst.
Humcat 1977-75
Source: Irene Granchi for Apro
Type: G
Location. Abra Centro Corozal Puerto Rico
Date: September 16 1977
Time: 0100A
The witness an 82-year old man was suddenly awaken by a short figure standing at the foot of his bed, the figure had large round white eyes and pointed ears, it approached the witness but the witness struggled and pushed him back, a second figure now appeared and was heard to say, ‘Take his pants off.” They both wore tight fitting outfits, one had dark hair, the other blond and both had ugly mouths with thick lips. The witness struggled some more with the beings, these suddenly ran out the door quickly and did not return.
HC addition # 266
Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto Ovni en Puerto Rico
Santo Domingo Y Cuba
Type: E
Location. North Plainfield New Jersey
Date: September 18 1977
Time: 2045
A man who lives in Morris County saw a strange light on Route 22 near North Plainfield. He described it as a saucer shaped object with windows and some kind of figures moving inside. A half hour earlier a woman driving on Route 46 in Parsippany saw a red light and at 2120 a woman on Route 20 near Flemington saw a similar object.
Humcat 1977-49
Source: Kathy Krogstad, Stan Zabrowski, and Paul Cipriano for
Type: A
Location. Corozal Puerto Rico
Date: September 19 1977
Time: evening
Luis Sandoval, 74, reported that while he was resting in an area he spends many evenings relaxing, a little man one meter high descended nearby in a green flame and examined the old man’s feet, knees and chest; after the examination the little being disappeared in a flash with a noise similar to that of an aircraft landing. He had a large head and round nostrils and was wearing a white doctor’s like gown.
Humcat 1977-50
Source: Lamarche, Martin, quoted in LDLN # 169
Type: E
Location. Pedro Avila Puerto Rico
Date: September 25 1977
Time: midnight
The witness who the previous day had encountered a bright-multicolored object hovering above the highway was again on his way to San Juan when he began hearing strange voices in his head. He stopped the car and flagged down a passing police officer, he was then taken to the local station. There he felt better and left again towards San Juan, after a few minutes he again began to hear voices. He stopped the car and then a bright light appeared. There was a sudden bright flash and a three-foot tall figure that was encased in light appeared. The witness felt dizzy and exited the vehicle; he felt attracted to the little man and could not control himself. The humanoid carried in his right hand two loops and something resembling a flashlight that emitted a brilliant golden yellow light. The figure also radiated a blue aura that at times would change briefly to golden. The being pointed to a nearby hovering light and then entered the light, which disappeared suddenly at very high speed. The witness suffered from severe neck pain after the encounter.
HC addition # 267
Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto Ovni en Puerto Rico
Santo Domingo Y Cuba
Type: B
Location. Bellbrook (Greene) Ohio
Date: September 27 1977
Time: unknown
An incomplete report regarding the observation by several children of a large entity seen in a nearby schoolyard, it apparently floated over a fence. Several days later, the same kids saw a UFO in the same area. No other information.
Humcat 1977-51
Source: Richard Hoffman
Type: D
Location. Near Houston Texas
Date: September 27 1977
Time: 2000
While driving with a friend near Houston, Joe Venneman was stopped by a man in a silver suit. He was taken across a field and into a landed object. Afterwards, he had drying of the throat, watery eyes, a feeling of panic, and amnesia. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: John Schuessler, UFO Related Human Physiological
Type: G
Location. Huesca, Spain
Date: late September 1977
Time: night
A local art teacher while having dinner at her apartment with a fellow instructor suddenly noticed a blue light flash into the room from the window. They looked out the window to see where the light was coming from and saw a strange looking machine hovering over the house. It was sort of round, but with a dome on top and one the bottom. They could make out the outline of moving shadows inside the domed windows which went all the around the bottom of the craft. The craft was about 50 ft across and had a red or orange ring around it, which seemed to be spinning. The blue light was coming from what appeared to be a dome. The light began to spin and as it did so, it became brighter. Suddenly the orange ring started to spin faster and faster as the machine rose straight up. As it picked up speed, the ring started to turn into a bright red. It made a whistling sound as it left.
HC addendum
Source: Luis Castro, UFO Update Magazine # 1
Fall 1978
Type: A
Location. Parkstone Dorset England
Date: late September 1977
Time: 2300
Going into her backyard to take the clothes in, Mrs Ethel Field felt a vibration in the ground, and believed at first that it was an earthquake. The she heard a humming sound, and, looking off toward the sea, saw a large saucer shaped object swooping upwards above neighboring gardens and headed in her direction. The object was bright and shiny, metallic, and in a dome on top, through square windows, she saw two figures. It stopped a short distance away and tilted downward toward her. One of the figures seemed to be at a control panel, and the other pointed at her. The light was so bright that the witness had to shield her eyes with her hands. The figures wore silver suits with tight helmets that came to a point over their noses. After a brief time the object zoomed off into the sky. A week after the sighting the skin on her hands began scaling—a problem she had not had before.
Humcat 1977-63
Source: David Haith from the Bournemouth Times
Type: A
Location. Near Marsh Gibbon England
Date: October 1977
Time: unknown
A family driving on Station Road near the village suddenly experienced total engine failure and the car stopped. A tall silver suited figure then appeared from behind a hedge on the side of the road and proceeded to walk around the vehicle once, then disappeared behind the hedge on the other side of the road. The paint on the vehicle was reportedly found scorched. A similar event was reported the next month in the same area.
HC addition # 769
Source: Norman Oliver, Quest UFO Magazine Vol. 11 # 6
Type: E
Location. Colusa California
Date: October 1977
Time: night
The witness, an elderly Cortina Indian saw a lighted small airplane like craft land on his ranch and a small human like figure step out and enter his cabin apparently walking right through the walls. The figure was described as three and 1/2 foot tall, with long hair and a large curved nose. He wore a brown one-piece suit and evidently gave off a bad odor. He floated just above the cabin floor and was able to suddenly dart away without actually walking. Others in the area reportedly saw mysterious lights maneuvering overhead during the same time. (According to the witness he has encountered the same humanoid and object almost every year for the past 20 years.)
HC addition # 912
Source: Jacques Vallee, Confrontations, A Scientist
Search for Alien Contact
Type: B
Location. Latrobe Pennsylvania
Date: October 1977
Time: night
A man returned home one night to find his dog hung by its neck and his house illuminated by a mysterious light. He then saw an eight-foot tall hairy biped with glowing red eyes. The witness shot at the creature but the bullets seemed to bounce off without any apparent effect.
HC addition # 1879
Source: Paul G Johnson, Joan L Jeffers
The Pennsylvania Bigfoot
Type: E
Location. Colares, Brazil
Date: October 1977
Time: night
Claudomira Paixao, 35 years old, was asleep in a hammock, when a light coming through a window awakened her. The air around her became warmer and warmer. At first the light was green as it touched her face, she woke up and the color changed to red. She could see a figure holding an instrument like a pistol. “He pointed it at me and shined the beam three times, hitting me in the chest all three times in the same place.” It became very hot and she got very thirsty. The being approached her and stuck her with a needle apparently extracting blood from three different places. She was terrified and unable to move. The being and the light disappeared when she began screaming. A few minutes later a cousin took her to the small state run Colares hospital. She was treated for burns but a Dr Carvalho who said that the burns were similar to burns caused by Cobalt.
HC addendum
Source: Bob Pratt
Type: E
Location. Curitiba, Brazil
Date: October 1977
Time: night
At the old Bacacheri Airport a large disc-shaped object landed on the runway. From the object several human-like figures wearing metallic outfits came out and walked towards a nearby hangar where a private aircraft was stored. The humanoids pushed the aircraft out into the open apparently intent in studying it. Several security guards noticed the activity and sounded an alarm. This apparently startled the humanoids that ran back into their craft, which took off at high speed.
HC addendum
Source: Jackson Camargo, Brazil
Type: B
Location. Tordesillas, Valladolid, Spain
Date: October 1 1977
Time: evening
7-year old Martin Rodriguez was playing hide and seek in the street with a group of friends. Martin and Fernando Carabelos ran towards an old corral near the N-122 motorway in search for a place to hide. The boys walked together alongside the wall of the deserted corral. The place was known for being a refuge for villains and vagabonds and it was getting dark, so young Martin did his usual thing before entering it himself: he took a large stone from the ground and hurled it over the wall, hoping that this would frighten off any intruders. On this occasion, however the stone hit something entirely unexpected, producing a metallic noise that the boys did not recognize at all. Martin walked gingerly into the corral to see what was there. Next to the wall, as if concealed, he saw a strange metal object in the shape of an inverted tear or pear, resting on three thick legs. 2.80 meters tall by around 1.95 wide, the machine had three circular windows through which pink and blue lights were emitted. In the center there was a closed door, divided in two like those of some lifts. After a few moments the object began to rise from the ground and a fine beam of light came from it, aimed at Martin. Fernando tried desperately to grab his friend and drag him away from the light but to no avail. Martin was frozen to the spot, clutching his belly. Fernando ran out of the corral in a panic, shouting to their other friends to come quickly and help, but meanwhile Martin was beginning to lose consciousness and fall backwards. The last thing he could remember was watching the pear-shaped artifact rise higher into the sky, its landing gear retracting into its body as it went. They found Martin semi-conscious, he could not speak, and his skin seemed to have turned yellow. His pupils were completely dilated. While a doctor was attending to the boy, his father and a friend went to the place where the object had been seen and found the earth burnt. The soil gave off strong sulfur like smell. In a hospital at Valladolid Martin’s symptoms at that time included loss of vision and vomiting, and soon entered into a coma. A total of fourteen life or death surgical operations had to be carried out on the seven-year-old boy, thirteen of which involved opening his skull through a process of trepanation. (I though I should include this incredible encounter).
HC addendum
Source: Chris Aubeck, Return To Magonia
Type: F
Location. Mertzein Haute Rhin France
Date: October 2 1977
Time: unknown
A brief report describing a landed object and a white humanoid figure that emerged from it. No other information available.
Humcat 1977-52
Source: Alain Gamard, Jean Luc Rivera
Type: B
Location. Fiesole Italy
Date: October 6 1977
Time: 2200
A housewife had gone to visit the pediatric unit of the local hospital and was looking out the window when she noticed a pulsating red light apparently on the ground next to a nearby hill. Its size was compared to that of the full moon. Moments later two similar pulsating lights descended near the witness location at a 45-degree angle. The woman got up and opened the window and was able to see one of the lights dim then stop as if preparing to land. At this point other witnesses joined the first. The light became silvery white in color then landed. It then began changing colors to red then to silvery white. When the light was silvery white two human like figures were seen moving slowly along the length of the light, apparently inside. The witnesses tired and went to sleep. Later the original witness saw another light at the same location.
HC addition # 1532
Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat
Type: A
Location. Quebradillas Puerto Rico
Date: October 10 1977
Time: 0700A
Mr. Olmos, on his way to work in his van, felt a wave of heat fill the cab and stopped the vehicle to check for fire. As he got out, he heard a kind of “shrieking noise,” like “monkeys chattering” together; at the same time, a very intense light appeared before him. Turning to flee, he ran right into the back of the van, where he found himself pinned to it, arms flung out against the sides and unable to move anything but his eyes. The light source came form a whirling cloud of vapor about 30 feet from him and 10 feet above the ground. Out of this whirling mass of little particles emerged two small grotesque figures, suspended above the ground; they approached the witness, talking incomprehensibly, one with the other. They were less than 4-foot tall and wore tight one-piece suits over very delicate bodies. One was green the other white. The suits were belted with a blinking light where the buckle would be. They both wore a kind of pendant hanging loosely about their necks. Their long oval faces, of a reddish hue, were decorated with a small oval stone on the forehead; eyes were dark and slanted, like Orientals, and their noses were long and slight with two nostrils. Their mouths were slits. They somehow resembled frogs. One held a box in wrinkled hand that had fingers of the same length. Using this box, one of the beings examined the witness. They never touched him. Both beings were constantly surrounded by a kind of mist, and when they spoke, a kind of frost came from their mouths. The air around the witness felt hot and heavy and he felt as if he was losing consciousness. The examination lasted only briefly and the witness believed he was paralyzed for no more than two minutes. Then the whirling clouds began to increase, the figurers receded towards the light source and disappeared in the swirling particles, as they had first appeared. The witness felt stiff and sore following the ordeal, symptoms that lasted for two days.
Humcat 1977-64
Source: Sebastian Robiou Lamarche, Orlando Rimax &
Bob Pratt
Type: B
Location. Nyon Vaud Canton Switzerland
Date: October 11 1977
Time: 1430
At 0620A a family living in a farm area watched a metallic object descend silently and head towards the southeast. Later the object approaches again dividing itself into three separate units. A strange sulfuric smell is noted at the time. Later at 1430 the family sees smoke coming from a nearby cornfield. One of the witnesses, a young girl, goes to investigate and sees a humanoid figure standing at the edge of the cornfield, the being was of normal height, with greenish skin and was wearing a metallic suit with belt, boots and gloves. It had an object sticking out of his hip area resembling a radio. Behind the figure hovered a metallic domed disc shaped object with three leg-like protrusions.
HC addition # 373
Source: Bruno Mancusi, Ovni Presence
Type: C
Location. Santo Antonio de Taua, Brazil
Date: October 12 1977
Time: 2330
A 20-year old man named Manoel was standing outside his house with four friends. They saw a yellow light moving east to west, and then slow down and stop about 20 meters from them. Inside the object they could see a man on the left and a woman on the right who appeared to be working controls of some kind. Then a beam of red light was directed toward the group, hitting Manoel. It was like an electric shock that traveled all over his body from head to toe. He felt weak and paralyzed.
HC addendum
Source: Bob Pratt
Type: A
Location. Midland Michigan
Date: October 15 1977
Time: 1730
Mrs Foster and her daughter, Lori, who was at the wheel, were driving on Patterson Road to go shopping. As they neared Pine River Road, a being leaped out from the right side of the road in an arc about 4 feet high, and landing in the middle of the road. It then rebounded into the air and in a second leap disappeared into the underbrush on the left side of the road. Each leap must have been 30 feet. Lori slammed on the brakes when the figure hit the road, although the women were 200 feet from the figure. It was upright and of slender build, a smooth, dull black color from head to foot. Torso, neck, and head were of normal human proportions. It was the size of and build of a slender teenaged boy, but was similar to a kangaroo in the large jumps it executed. If the figure had arms, they were not visible to either woman. Lori drove ahead to the spot where it had landed, but they could see no sign of it. Both were too frightened to get out and look for it. The previous year there had been a series of UFO sightings in the area.
Humcat 1977-71
Source: Walter Andrus
Type: E
Location. Mount Magnet Western Australia
Date: October 17 1977
Time: 2100
Three frightened men ran into a local hotel reporting that 3 objects had chased them. Eight people went out and observed 3 round pulsating green and red objects landing and taking off in a paddock some distance away. There seemed to be a mist around them. One of the witnesses saw figures or “objects” on the ground around the UFOs. Every time the witnesses shone a spotlight on the figures they disappeared. They were human sized and did not resemble animals. It was to dark to see any further details.
Humcat 1977-53
Source: Perth Western Australia News
Type: C
Location. Trejorningsjo Vasternorrland Sweden
Date: October 18 1977
Time: 2200
Driving to Hemliden Mountain, about 10 km north of the town, Kurt Nilsson experienced heavy interference on his car’s short wave radio; at the radio transmitting station atop the mountain he found it so bad he had to break off communications with his colleague. He then noticed a pale blue, domed object, several meters in diameter, in a hollow some 100 meters away. In front of the object, three figures one meter tall, grayish in color, and illuminated by the light of the object, were observed; they appeared to be wearing “spacesuits.” When Nilsson maneuvered his car so that he could throw his headlights on them, the scene went black, as the lights went off. After about a minute, the object reappeared in bright light and, frightened, Nilsson drove off. He got only 50 meters before the car stopped by itself, and he saw the same three figures standing now in the road ahead of him. The figure in the center had a spade like device, which he turned completely around, so that his arms were crossed; the figures on either side focused their gaze on the object. It was when this implement was turned that the car engine stopped. He switched off the lights to start the engine, which turned right over, and he reversed in darkness for about 10 meters. When he turned the lights on, the figures were gone. He hurried straight home, and found his watch had stopped at 2030, whereas the clock in the house read 2050.
Humcat 1977-65
Source: Reinhold Carleby, Earthlink Spring 1978
Type: C
Location. Asbygda Ringerike, Norway
Date: October 25 1977
Time: 1730
Three witnesses, including two 14 year olds, Johny Myhr and Frank Sverre Mandt, both deaf sighted an object hovering and then descend behind some bushes. After about 10 seconds it rose again, the boys ran to the nearby Alm school, noticing the object ascending at a 40-degree angle. The boys saw several windows, and what appeared to be a human like person behind one of the windows. Later tracks were found in the newly ploughed field. Each track was rectangular shaped with round corners, and measured 14.cm by 36 cm with a depth of 10 cm., arranged in a triangular shape.
HC addendum
Source: Ole Jonny Braene
Type: A
Location. Via Lagaccio Genova Italy
Date: October 26 1977
Time: 2100
A 14-year old girl was walking home when she spotted a strange humanoid figure standing by a nearby tree. The figure began walking very slowly and seemed to stagger like if intoxicated. The figure was short and very pale and had only two digits on each hand. It was dressed in black and wore some sort of helmet. The witness became frightened and ran home.
HC addition # 998
Source: Massimo Varrichio, Bufora Journal Vol. 7 # 3
Type: E
Location. Mosqueiro, Amazonas Brazil
Date: October 29 1977
Time: evening
Benedito Campos and his 17-year old wife Silvia Mara were at home when they spotted an oval, silvery object emitting a greenish beam like searchlight towards the room where they were lying in bed. Curious they approached a small window and as they did, the beam shot in through and made straight for Silvia, throwing her into a sort of benumbed trance like state. Silvia, who was pregnant at the time, then fainted. Two entities then entered the house, carrying something resembling a gold flashlight and again the beam struck Silvia, this time hitting her in the left arm at wrist level. Benedito ran to a neighbor’s house and was also briefly paralyzed by a light beam. Both husband and wife were later taken to a local hospital were they both recovered. Benedito suffered from depression after the incident.
HC addition # 3779
Source: Daniel Rebisso Geise
Type: C
Doorway to another Dimension??
Location. Near Dyfed Pembrokeshire Wales
Date: October 30 1977
Time: 1500
Mrs Pauline Coombs, her mother, and her four children were driving back to their Ripperston Farm home when her mother called their attention to a whitish disk like object over their car, flying in the direction of the sea; curious the women drove in the direction of the shore, then crossed two fields to get to the water’s edge. Several hundred yards off shore is an outcrop of rock called Stack Rocks, rising up 80 to 100 feet from the water. They could not see the UFO, but they did see two humanoid figures walking about on the rocks. They were dressed in silvery outfits similar to a frogman’s wetsuit; their heads (or helmets) were extremely large and rectangular in shape, rounded at the corners, with no observable features. They appeared to be looking for something. A “door” appeared on the right hand face of the rocks, sliding alternately open and shut like the door of a dumbwaiter. One of the figures entered this doorway and appeared to descend a stairway, disappearing in the darkened interior, and then reappearing once again. The stairway was not visible to the viewers. On this final descent, the door closed and disappeared from view. To the left side of the rocks, the second figure appeared to “walk” out over the water’s surface, finally disappearing behind the left side of the rocks. The display had lasted for 15 minutes.
Humcat 1977-54
Source: Randall Jones Pugh for Bufora
Type: C?
Location. Near Sonora California
Date: October 30 1977
Time: 2300
The witness was driving with her husband when suddenly a cloud of blue smoke engulfed the car, which stopped, and its lights went out. She lost consciousness then woke up when several humanoids with flat noses, no hair and grayish complexions wearing coverall type suits carried her to a landed oval shaped craft standing on legs. A blanket was put over her head but she was reassured by means of mental telepathy that she would be all right. She was then placed on a table in a shiny room where she was apparently examined by two humanoids while others around attended to other duties.
HC addition # 484
Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions the
Measure of The Mystery
Type: G
Location. Monte Serrado Para Brazil
Date: November 1977
Time: 0200A
A farmer living in an isolated location was awakened by a strong light that was circling overhead, shining a powerful beam of light into his shack. He opened the door and saw a hovering object with two figures inside. He went back in and armed himself with his rifle he then pointed the weapon at the object but suddenly became paralyzed and was unable to shoot. No other information.
HC addition # 2091
Source: Cipex, Brazil
Type: A
Location. Baia do Sol, Brazil
Date: November 1977
Time: afternoon
A man was sleeping after lunch when he awoke to see a red light blinking outside his house. Thinking it strange he went to the window. Outside he saw a huge object shaped like a helicopter but without rotors. A red light was blinking on top. There were three men inside. They were tall, at least 1.80 meters, with blond hair and blue eyes and were wearing white suits with blue capes. They looked like they working with instruments like a computer. When he appeared at the window, he heard one say to the others. “Look at that” and immediately the UFO took off, disappearing behind the trees.
HC addendum
Source: Bob Pratt
Type: A
Location. South Middleton, Massachusetts
Date: November 1977
Time: afternoon
A little boy had set a toy car on fire in the backyard, the smoke started to bother his eyes so he went into the piazza for a minute. As he walked out, he heard footsteps, like crushing, he looked up and saw a figure all in white, the head and everything. The stranger went behind a little teepee shed and disappeared. Joel ran inside and told his father. Mr. LeBel came right out and found the strangely dressed man standing near his car. He sneaked behind the man and went to put his hands on him when the stranger slowly dissipated in plain sight. The figure had been wearing a white suit and a gray helmet.
HC addendum
Source: Raymond E Fowler, UFO Testament
Type: E
Location. Armonk New York
Date: November 1977 Time: 1800
The witness was on his way home in an isolated area when he noticed a black five-foot tall figure sitting on a nearby rock ledge. The figure was dressed in all black or was entirely black in color and had luminous eyes. The witness yelled out and the figure made a sudden move. As the witness ran away from the area there was a bright pink flash and the figure vanished.
HC addition # 1081
Source: Cufos Reports
Type: E
Missing Time.
Location. Southern Mississippi, exact location not given
Date: November 1977
Time: 1900
The witness remembers returning home from a visit to her cousin’s house almost 2 hours late and unable to account for the missing time. Her cat acted strangely in her presence. Later she was able to remember seeing a bright orange light to the left of her car apparently descending behind some nearby pine trees. Then she found herself in a room standing behind a desk like object very pale yellow in color with black knobs all over it and some type of writing under each one of the knobs. She then encountered several five-foot tall apparently hairless humanoids that were wearing caps; she could not recall any facial features. She also remembered looking down on white roads and green trees through the illuminated panels.
HC addition # 1581
Source: Cufos Associate Newsletter Vol. 3 # 5
Type: G
Location. Darregueira, La Pampa, Argentina
Date: November 1977
Time: 2100
Near a local antenna repeater, witness Roberto Oscar Cazinger observed an object about 8 meters in diameter hovering very close to the ground. The object emitted a loud penetrating noise. A triangular shaped opening became visible and two humanoids came out. One was short in stature that appeared to be the leader and the other one of medium height. The tall figure appeared to be operating buttons on a triangular shaped panel. Both figures wore tight-fitting reddish colored outfits. They had large dark eyes, with thin mouths and straight noses, and red lips. At one point the short figure spotted the witness and appeared to make hand gestures toward him. Soon the door closed and the craft rose up towards the north increasing its sound and speed and quickly disappearing from sight.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Zerpa, El Quinto Hombre
Type: B
Location. Near Colares, Brazil
Date: November 1977
Time: night
A pilot driving near Colares one night saw a disc land behind trees. He was alone on the road, it was completely dark, and he became frightened. Then he saw a man walking toward him. The stranger was tall and had blond hair. He walked closed to the car, looked at the driver, and looked into his eyes. The driver started to cry and the tall man shook his head, glanced at the license plate, turned, and walked back into the forest. Then the disc took off.
HC addendum
Source: Timothy Good, Unearthly Disclosure
Type: C
Location. Near Corinth, Heard County, Georgia
Date: November 1977
Time: night
A local resident observed the crash of a boomerang-shaped UFO, the object, which was emitting smoke, fell nearby. Later, military activity was witnessed. The craft was about 60 ft in wingspan and was moved to an underground facility in Wright Patterson AFB. It apparently had at least 2 humanoids (grays) on board. Later in 1989, it was known that this object was hidden in a surface hangar at Forth George Meade Maryland, where apparently experimental electromagnetic pulse weapons were tested against alien spacecrafts.
HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov UFO Crash list
Type: H
High Strangeness Index: 9
Source reliability: 10
Comments: Remember Boomerang shaped UFOs were seen more frequently starting in 1980 in Arizona.
Location. Joaquim Murtinho Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: November 2 1977
Time: evening
The 16-year old witness was alone in his aunt’s house when he suddenly heard a brief rushing wind like sound and footsteps inside the house. He then saw a small object entering through the kitchen door, the object was Saturn shaped, luminous blue and with a golden ring around it. As the object flew by the TV set, the plug came out of the wall and fell gently on the floor. The small object now hovered close to the floor. Then out of nowhere a very tall man now appeared and made a motion to the witness, a bright light suddenly appeared and the tall man vanished. The small Saturn shaped object was now in the backyard and was now spinning. As he watched the object, three beings now appeared, one was the tall man, the others a woman and one that appeared to be a little boy. They took the witness back into the house and communicated with him by using telepathy. All three beings wore close fitting overalls with boots and gloves greenish in color. They also wore wide belts with a row of black buttons. From the man’s belt hung a silvery black tube. They all had dark hair and light skin. The tall man wore a metallic helmet with a transparent visor; he had blue eyes and a small black goatee beard. Going out the backyard the witness then saw a large domed disc with a wide stairway like protrusion that led to the ground. Through a transparent section he was able to see several other figures that appeared to be working on complicated equipment. At one point a neighbor of the witness came by to drop something off and the witness saw a tall man hiding on the side of the house holding a long yellow instrument, this figure made a long sweeping gesture with his hand and the three beings temporarily vanished. When the neighbor left the beings reappeared. The latter departed telling the witness mentally that they were going to return. The witness was struck dumb after the incident and could not speak for several hours.
HC addition # 827
Source: Hulvio Brant Alexio, FSR Vol. 30 # 6
Type: C
Location. Guajara River Brazil
Date: November 2 1977
Time: 2000
Three men from a nearby pottery factory had gone to the river to collect some mud when their boat became stuck on a mud bank. They decided to wait for a while and one of them entered the jungle to do some hunting. He soon became aware of an intense light moving slow above the treetops. The object, which was very bright, and disc shaped stopped and a door opened on its lower section. Moments later a short muscular strange being wearing a black diving suit floated out. The being extended its arm and emitted a luminous beam of light towards the witness, who ran towards the river. The being re-entered the craft, which then began chasing the witness. As the object reached the boat all three men hid under some shrubs and watched as the humanoid floated out again looked around then returned slowly back into the object, which then disappeared over the tree tops.
HC addition # 1774
Source: Antonio Huneeus, UFO Universe, Fall 1994
Type: B
Location. Near Rockland (Knox) Maine
Date: November 2 1977
Time: night
Edward Etterof was driving his pickup near Rockland when, in a remote location his engine quit, and static filled his radio. Getting out, he saw a pink colored light settling into the trees nearby. He tried again to restart the truck but could not. The pink light went out and he could see through the tree a large round object on the ground. In a moment he saw a figure walking toward him in high, loping strides. Taller than a normal sized man, the figure had a long face that took up two thirds of its entire height, and long arms that dangled almost to the ground; its legs were short and squat. The creature stopped upon seeing the witness, and the witness saw two long, oval, yellow eyes that moved up and down, apparently looking at him. Then, with an “oohing” sound, the creature turned and ran. Etterof ran to his truck and as he tried the engine, he saw the pink light ascend into the sky; as soon as it vanished from sight, the engine turned over. Others in Rockland reportedly saw the pink-lighted object fly over.
Humcat 1977-66
Source: Mort Essex, Ideal UFO Magazine # 4
Type: C
Location. Weimar, California
Date: November 8 1977
Time: 1400
The 23-year old witness had just given birth to her daughter 48 hours and was now home admiring her child as she slept in the crib. As she stared at the little girl, she felt someone staring at her, to the immediate right of her, very close. She turned her head and there about five feet away from her was a beautiful “awesome” looking woman. The witness was very shocked since the only other person in the house was her boyfriend and he was in the kitchen. She felt fear for a brief second and as her eyes locked eyes with the mysterious woman, this one smiled at her with the most beautiful and warm loving smile. The witness instantly realized that the woman was not human. She described the woman as “totally perfect”, about 5’9″, slender, with beautiful flowing, long, slightly curled hair, split down the middle. She was wearing a long, long sleeved white dress. The witness stared at her intently and the woman smiled at her a very intense feeling of love flowed from her eyes, directed at the witness. It was so powerful and intense that tears rolled down her face. The witnessed felt mesmerized as she studied the beautiful woman for a few seconds; she thought she must have blinked because in an instant the stranger was further away, standing in the doorway of the bathroom. As she continued to study her it dawned on her that she wanted her boyfriend to see her. She called his name and as he entered the room the mysterious woman vanished in an instant. She additionally described the visitor as having”opaqueness” to her, not a solid body like humans.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Sandusky (Erie) Ohio
Date: November 9 1977
Time: 0130A
36 hours after he had an encounter with a Bigfoot type creature, Millard Faber had another encounter-in his bedroom. He had gone to bed and although there was no noise, he was suddenly awakened, aware something was in the room. Glancing toward the door, he saw five glowing pink humanoid forms gliding into the room. They were slender, about 5-foot tall, and moved in a slightly bent forward position, as though carrying weights on their shoulders. Four of them sat in four chairs that were near the bed; the fifth approached to within a foot of the bedside; all stared at Faber but none uttered a word, although the witness “felt or heard” in some inexplicable way an expression of anger or hatred from the entities for making his Bigfoot sighting public. At this point Faber leaned over and snapped on the bed lamp; he could still see them and their angry expression, and in a panic of fear began screaming at them to get out and stay out. They did just that, and he has not been bothered by anything again.
Humcat 1977-67
Source: Vera L Perry, Awareness Spring 1978
Type: E
Location. Punta San Martino, Italy
Date: November 13 1977
Time: 0025A
A man taking infrared photographs of the area saw on one of the images what appeared to be a dark humanoid figure with luminous glowing eyes. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: CUN Genova
Type: E
Location. Near Amphoux Var France
Date: November 13 1977
Time: 2300
A young couple in their 20’s, driving on D.561, saw a flashing light in the hills between Fox-Amphoux and Aups. After several kilometers the couple again saw it, now larger and blinking, at the crossroads of Logis d’Amphoux; it seemed to be above the nearby town of Fox. They pulled their car to the side of the road and watched it for 15 minutes. Then, about 200 meters behind them along the road, they saw a small point of light near the ground, as though someone were carrying a flashlight; they turned around and drove back toward the light and saw, about 30 to 50 meters away, a semi human silhouette of a phosphorescent white color, with no visible arms or legs and no features upon its head. It was about five-foot eight inches tall, “advancing & retreating,” and not appearing very stable. They compared the form to a TV image. The couple associated the lights seen earlier with the figure, became frightened, and drove off.
Humcat 1977-56
Source: Alain Prigent
Type: C?
Location. Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota
Date: November 16 1977
Time: 2135
Two air force security police officers checking a report of trespassers at a restricted nuclear weapons storage site, noticed a bright light hovering above a nearby hill. One of the men remained on the patrol vehicle as the second one investigated the source of the light. As the officer approached the area he observed a human like figure wearing a shiny green metallic uniform and a helmet with visor. The witness ordered the figure to stop, but this one continued walking towards the source of the light. As the officer pointed his M-16 at the figure this one suddenly turned around pointing an object at the officer, there was a bright flash of light from the object, and then the M-16 carbine exploded causing burns to the hands of the witness. As the injured officer hid, the second officer arrived and he observed two similarly clad figures, he challenged both but they refused to stop, he then fired, striking both. They were seen to fall, but 15 seconds later both stood up and fired several flashes of light at the officer, this one was able to hide and was unhurt. He then followed the two figures and saw them enter a landed disc shaped craft. The object then emitted a brilliant flash of green light and disappeared into the sky. Later investigation revealed that several components to one of the nuclear warheads were missing.
HC addition # 1208
Source: reported in Enigma # 43, also Stringfield, and others
Type: B
Location. Santa Maria La Bruna, Italy
Date: November 24 1977
Time: 1245
Giuseppe & Beatrice Lignori were returning home from school when they noticed on a nearby hill a strange movement among a bush. Curious they both approached the area. As they arrived at the bush, a human like figure stepped from inside of it. The humanoid was completely white in color resembling the texture of “chalk” and was baldheaded. It had penetrating dark eyes that stared fixedly at the witnesses. It had eyebrows & eyelids, but lacked any ears. Afraid both witnesses remained still looking at the strange figure. The figure was tall and at one point raised a hand to his waist and it was seen carrying a small cylindrical shaped object with a small protruding “antenna.” He then turned into the brush, which parted to the sides as he glided away and out of the sight. When he was gone the bush returned to its original position.
HC Addendum
Source: Archivio SUF
Type: E
Location. Near Coldstream England
Date: November 29 1977
Time: late evening
The witness was driving her daughter along a lonely stretch of road when suddenly a seven-foot tall, dark hooded figure leaped out of some bushes on the side of the road. The figure jumped directly in front of the car. The witness slammed on the brakes but the figure suddenly vanished in plain sight.
HC addition # 759
Source: Buforg in Northern UFO News # 50
Type: E
Location. Near Serpokhov, Russia
Date: November 29 1977
Time: night
Three Soviet scientists on a camping trip near this city south of Moscow heard peculiar voices speaking in a language they did not recognize that woke them. The voices continued speaking for the next half hour, at the end of which an 80-foot, light bulb shaped UFO suddenly shot up from the ground and disappeared into the clouds.
HC addendum
Source: Jerome Clark
Type: F
Location. Wrose England
Date: late November 1977
Time: 0100A
The witness was playing with a tennis ball in his living room when the ball rolled into the dining room. As he entered the room he was confronted by a man, five-foot eight inches tall, dressed in a grayish suit. The face and hands of the entity were glowing white in color and he was holding the telephone receiver in his right hand. The entity suddenly vanished in plain sight.
HC addition # 1789
Source: Nigel Watson, Portraits of Alien Encounters
Type: E
Location. Rochdale, England
Date: late November 1977
Time: dusk
The main witness mother was preparing to pull the curtains when she drew her attention to something she could see in the darkening sky. She looked out through the window and saw an extraordinary craft, just hanging there, low in the sky, motionless and completely silent. It was huge, at least 100 ft long. It was cylinder shaped but rounded at the ends. There were portholes along its entire length, and she could see figures in silver space suits moving about inside. She wanted to cry out, but could not. She could not speak or move. Neither of them could. They just stood there, watching as the object began to glide slowly across the sky. Then suddenly it was gone. It just appeared to vanish into thin air. They had seemed to be watching it for only a few minutes or so, yet when she looked at her watch afterwards, a whole hour had gone by.
HC addendum
Source: Joseph Dormer, UFOs the Final Answer?
Type: A
Location. Toul, France
Date: Winter 1977
Time: 2200
Two witnesses encountered a landed reddish oval shaped craft on a field. Two or three small humanoids (no description) were moving rapidly around the object. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Web France
Type: C
Location. South Middleton Massachusetts
Date: December 1977
Time: unknown
The witness reported that he had seen a four and a half foot tall figure that wore a white suit and a square helmet with two dark eyeholes, with broad shoulders and arms that hung down the sides. It had three digit-gloved hands, resembling mittens. The figure always stood at the edge of a nearby thicket. Apparently this same or similar figure was seen several times during December.
HC addition # 824
Source: David F Webb, FSR Vol. 27 # 1
Type: E
Location. Near Beason Illinois
Date: December 1977
Time: unknown
A woman on her way to work spotted a tall figure standing on the roadway; it resembled a man with a pair of huge dark wings. The witness reportedly collapsed and had to be hospitalized. No other information.
HC addition # 1479
Source: Loren Coleman, Mysterious America
Type: E
Location. Ilha de Marajo, Brazil
Date: December 1977
Time: night
Independent witnesses reported seeing two large bright sphere shaped objects maneuvering at low altitude over the fields. On several occasions, three man-like figures wearing metallic bronzed suits were seen moving inside the objects, apparently through some kind of opening on the craft. The bright spheres would disappear at high speed when the witnesses approached them.
HC addendum
Source: Fabiana Silvestre, Equipe UFO
Type: A
Location. Colares, Brazil
Date: December 1977
Time: midnight
As Brazilian Colonel Uyrange slept in his room a bright light suddenly illuminated the bedroom, a loud bang soon followed the light. Terrified he noticed a figure standing in front of him and a second figure next to his bed. The figures were about 1.5 meters in height wearing a diver-like suit or an astronaut like suit. The suit appeared to be loose fitting. He was not able to see any facial features on the beings but was able to see that they were gray in color. He heard a metallic voice telling him in Portuguese that he would not be harmed. During the whole episode Uyrange’s wife remained sleeping. Soon he heard another loud bang and the figures vanished. The next day he found a strange red stain in the garage and his left arm began itching terribly. In October 2 1997, Colonel Uyrange Bolivar Soares committed suicide under mysterious circumstances.
HC addendum
Source: Painel Ovni
Type: E
Location. Puente San Miguel, Cantabria Spain
Date: December 1 1977
Time: 0450A
The principal witness, Emilio Ruiz was suddenly awakened by the barking of the dogs in the neighborhood and a clear luminosity that shone through the window. The witness then saw a gigantic being looking at him through the window, the being stood in a crouched down position. The figure was man like and appeared to have a huge oval shaped head, huge black oval shaped eyes and a silvery white mustache. It then walked backwards several feet looked around and vanished. He wore a khaki colored uniform with a white ring or collar around the neck and a white stripe on one side; it was easily at least 3 meters tall. At the same time another independent witness Balbina Noriega spotted a bright white disc shaped object rising up from the center of a nearby empty field. Strange tracks were found at the site the next day.
HC addition # 360
Source: Juan Jose Benitez, “Tempestad en Bonanza”
Type: D
Location. Waimata Valley New Zealand
Date: December 2 1977
Time: 0300A
A Waimata farmer had waken up early in the morning after hearing his dogs barking; outside, he saw a UFO on the ground near his house about 100 feet away. It was saucer shaped, red in color and he could see two open doors or ports. Near his kennels were two silver suited humanoid figures of slight build; they were carrying off one of his dogs, which appeared to be unconscious. He got his gun and opened fire on the creatures, hitting one; they dropped the animal and the figure that was hit staggered off into the bushes while the second one entered the object, which then took off. Friends visiting the farmer later found him in a state of shock, fearful that they would return for retribution. The incident occurred during a rash of UFO sightings in the area.
Humcat 1977-69
Source: David Conway
Type: B
Location. Near Gisborne New Zealand
Date: December 8 1977
Time: 1900
An anonymous motorist reported seeing near the Mandera Road, a silver suited being about 4-foot 9 inches tall, wearing red illuminated boots and a helmet. The humanoid stood by the side of the road, partially hidden by some bushes. The witness did not stop and drove away.
Humcat 1977-70
Source: David Conway
Type: E
Location. Fontfauret, Rampieux, Dordogne, France
Date: December 9 1977
Time: 1815-1845
From her home 12-year old Chantal saw a red luminous object on a nearby field about 75 meters away. The object was about 1meter in diameter and 2-3 meters in height. A huge humanoid figure about 2.50 meters in height with long arms and five digit hands emerged from the object. The humanoid wore a gray rubber suit and a helmet. The humanoid stood immobile in front of the object and then disappeared inside. The craft then took off towards the N-NW direction. An area of flattened grass was found on the site.
HC addendum
Source: LDLN # 183, GESAG # 71
Type: B
Location. Shotton Clwyd Wales
Date: December 10 1977
Time: midnight
A 22-year old man was taking his dog out for a walk when his dog suddenly drew his attention to a tall white figure standing behind a fence. The figure was about 8-foot tall apparently wearing a white padded “space suit” that was self-luminous, he also wore a visor. The figure walked stiffly with one hand raised. The witness ran home closely followed by his dog.
HC addition # 395
Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries of Britain
Type: E
Location. Guadalajara Spain
Date: December 18 1977
Time: 0100A
Miguel Herrero Sierra, 34, was driving his pickup truck on the highway near Guadalajara when suddenly the lights and motor went out. He managed to pull to the side of the road but was unable to find anything wrong with the vehicle. He decided to wait in the truck until dawn, when he could get help; a figure dressed in what appeared to be a diver’s outfit called to him from 50 meters away. The man invited Herrero to accompany him and he was led to a strange craft shaped like a hat, under which was a cylinder that extended to the ground. Inside the craft the witness found himself in a room 14 meters in diameter with walls similar to crystal or plastic. Herrero stayed inside approximately three hours talking telepathically with the entities onboard. Then he found himself outside the craft again, and noticed a puncture wound in his arm, as if they had taken a blood sample. He did not recall they doing so.
Humcat 1977-57
Source: Jane Thomas
Type: G
Location. Lake Mohegan (Westchester) New York
Date: December 20 1977
Time: 0355A
Awakened by a bright light outside his bedroom window, Joe Guisti, 32, got up to investigate; slipping into his trousers, he noted the time and got a flashlight and went out into the backyard; about five steps into the yard he heard a gurgling sound and his flashlight went out for no reason. He immediately observed two dimly illuminated figures not 8 feet from him—one was 10-foot tall, the other 4.5 to 5-foot tall; they appeared to have a feathery surface. He saw no features. Both figures seemed to be approaching him with a swaying motion; alarmed, he threw his flashlight at the larger figure; there was a flash of blue light as it struck, and he heard it hit. He turned and ran back into the house. The clock in the kitchen said 0420A; no more than ten minutes had elapsed since he had seen the time in his bedroom. Unable to sleep the remainder of the night, he finally got up after his wife left for work and went out into the yard to look for his flashlight. He observed two sets of fresh tracks in the snow leading toward the swimming pool, apparently passing through a chain link fence around the pool. The tracks disappeared in the shallow end of the pool. The next day the witness had “dreams” about his encounter, in which he could recall brief bits of an exchange of questions and answers between him and the two figures.
Humcat 1977-58
Source: Fred Dennis
Type: E?
And they shall heal the sick…
Location. Ensenada Puerto Rico
Date: December 22 1977
Time: 0215A
The witness, a heart patient, had gotten up to attend to his ill wife and was out in the terrace washing a bucket, when he noticed three approaching flickering multicolored lights that descended slowly on to the terrace. As they touched the floor they suddenly transformed themselves into three little man like figures. The little men approached the witness and spoke in a rapid, high-pitched tone. They were described as 3-foot tall, with large faces and ears, short arms and legs. They wore blue, tight fitting diving suits. The beings stared at the witness with large luminous eyes. The witness heard one of them say, “He is sick cure him,” then one placed his hand on the witness chest. The witness did not feel anything but did see some flickering lights cavorting around his chest area. The three little men then joined hands, transformed themselves back into luminous orbs of light and then rose up and disappeared behind a nearby wooded hill. (The witness was apparently cured of his cardiac problems.)
HC addition # 265
Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto Ovni, en Puerto Rico
Santo Domingo, Y Cuba
Type: E
Location. Trent Pennsylvania
Date: December 23 1977
Time: 1930
In a rural wooded area two witnesses observed an oval shaped craft with a string of lights on the top and bottom, circling overhead. The witnesses ran home to get a flashlight and returned later to see a similar object hovering at treetop level about 50 yards away. The object then began to spin, tilted downwards and descended below the trees. Moments later the witnesses detected a strange odor in the vicinity resembling decaying flesh. They then heard a strange whistling sound and saw an eight-foot tall ape like creature standing nearby looking at them. The creature had light brown hair, an egg shaped head; long neck, long dangling arms and two glowing white eyes. The creature then turned and bolted into the brush. Moments later the witnesses briefly observed a bright white flash of light coming from the woods. Later they also heard several loud booms in the vicinity.
HC addition # 1880
Source: Paul G Johnson, Joan L Jeffers
The Pennsylvania Bigfoot
Type: C?
Location. Wrose West Yorkshire England
Date: December 30 1977
Time: late night
Four witnesses were together in one of the men’s house late at night when they all suddenly saw a strange being appeared in one of the rooms. The being was described as a humanoid just over 2-feet in height with small wings, it wore a silvery white suit and a helmet that had two large vertical slits where the eyes would have been. The being hovered silently at the foot of the bed, then faded from view after several minutes.
HC addition # 181
Source: Nigel Watson, Strange Magazine # 10
Type: E
Location. Pati dos Alferes, Brazil
Date: December 31 1977
Time: night
A humanoid estimated to have been at least 3 meters in height. With an orange skin tone, blond hair, exposed hairy legs, muscular and blondish hairy fingers and shiny green eyes without irises followed a witness to his house, it had a jovial nature and then sat down to talk with him for some time. It wore white boots a coat and a red belt around its waist.
HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Type: E
Total Cases: 233
Addendums to be included as they become available.
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.