1992 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net
1992 brought with it an apparent increase of encounters with other worldly creatures around the world. Incredible cases were reported from Puerto Rico, Argentina, Australia, and Germany etc. The crescendo reached its peak towards the end of the year, and brought forth 1993 with its incredible incidents reported in Israel and other countries.
Location. Montana Santa, Puerto Rico
Date: 1992
Time: various
At the same time of the miraculous apparition of the Blessed Virgin in this hilltop, a number of unidentified artifacts were reported in the hill’s vicinity and even captured on film. Other witnesses reported brilliant, disk-like objects flying overhead. One of the witnesses, Delia Flores, reported that she and other worshippers were surprised to see a beige van parked in the area of the religious sanctuary on the hill. Its occupants wore orange fatigues with NASA insignia, and the vehicle’s Spanish speaking driver told them that the van contained a most unusual cargo—a simian creature captured in the Caribe State Forest (El Yunque). According to Flores, she and the others saw a covered cage that contained something “struggling to get out.” The driver added that the creature was being taken to a secret primate research laboratory located somewhere in the island, where investigation on this sort of being was being conducted. A local farmer discovered one morning that a number of plantain plants on his property had been destroyed by an unknown creature that left a number of deep footprints, attesting to its massive size and weight. Other residents indicated that they had seen a “hairy figure” run away from the area in the darkness, but they could not described it in detail.
HC addition # 3300
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras and Other Mysteries
Type: E
Location. Hay Point Loading Facility, Queensland Australia
Date: 1992
Time: 0300A
On a Saturday a witness saw a 400m long, cigar shaped object circle the area, then it moved to the east, out to sea. As the object passed by the witness, equipment malfunctioned. A bubble-like protrusion was noted, with lights outlining rectangular observation windows. Shadows or figures were reported at these windows. It was also reported that a cobweb-like substance fell from the object, settling on windows and external surfaces. When touched it became very liquid.
HC addition # 2615
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: A
Location. Kavgolov, Leningrad Russia
Date: 1992
Time: afternoon
Date: D. Povaliyayev was hang-gliding over some lakes over the area. In one of them he noticed what appeared to be “giant” fish. Curious, he descended, and was able to see that the “fish” were really man-shaped swimmers in silvery outfits.
HC addition # 3512
Source: Paul Stonehill
Type: E
Location. Olivares, Puerto Rico
Date: 1992
Time: afternoon
Heriberto Acosta watched a huge winged creature resembling a pterodactyl or a gargoyle descend from the sky and perch on top of a nearby tin roof. The grotesque creature had fleshy wings with feathers and what appeared to be scales. It had a long neck and a beak filled with sharp teeth. It eventually flew away.
HC addition # 3210
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 17
Type: E
Location. Playa Media Luna, Vieques Island, Puerto Rico
Date: 1992
Time: afternoon
Mr. Anibal Perez and his young nephew had come to the beach with their grandmother and were enjoying themselves when suddenly and apparently out of the depths of the waters a “young man” about 12 years of age, emerged and approached the two witnesses. The stranger appeared curious and friendly and followed the two witnesses apparently looking for companionship. They asked him who he was but the stranger only emitted a sound similar to that of a “dolphin.” Suddenly the boy dived into the waters and seemed to swim down to the depths. Moments later he re-appeared again bringing some sand in his hand, which he offered to the two, now befuddled witnesses. Apparently he wanted the men to “eat” the sand, but they demurred. They were then even more surprised to see the “boy” eat the sand like material. The stranger was described as completely human-like, somewhat thin with long black hair, wearing light colored yellow shorts. As the two witnesses swam about, the stranger seemed to imitate their every move. He dived into the deep again, this time returning with some algae, which he also offered to the witnesses. Emitting strange whistling sounds he seemed to want to communicate with the witnesses. After some questioning by the witnesses, the stranger began to imitate their speech, repeating everything that was said to him. After a while he seemed to be able to speak some coherent words and said he was from “the bottom of the sea.” A few minutes later he stared at the two witnesses then bid them farewell saying “Goodbye humans,” he then dove into the waters never to be seen again.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Poligono Del Tercer Tipo
Type: E
Location. Maracal, Puerto Rico
Date: 1992
Time: evening
Gerardo Rosario was weeding his property when he suddenly heard a noise to the side, upon investigating it; he noticed a hairy creature climbing up the hillside. It was about 5-feet tall, hairy and was accompanied by a smaller hairy creature just like it. He could not make out their faces because they were climbing sideways, but he noticed hair covering their features except around the eyes and cheeks. Another witness, a 12-year old boy on his way to school was distracted by some odd sounds coming from the roadside. When he went over to investigate he discovered two creatures sitting on a large boulder in a mountain stream at the bottom of the ravine. The larger creature walked around the top of the boulder, as if keeping watch, while the smaller figure remained seated. The larger creature emitted the moan that had drawn his attention in the first place, causing the witness to become frightened and flee the area.
HC addition # 3301
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras and Other Mysteries
Type: E
Location. Carpinteria, California
Date: 1992
Time: evening
Following a series of UFO sightings Maryann X was in her home watching television when she became aware of a presence. Although she couldn’t see anything, in her mind’s eye she sensed a strange being. The figure was thin, bald, with a large head, gray skin and dark almond shaped eyes. In other words, the typical gray type being. At that point Maryann began to experience the phenomenon of automatic writing. Messages, which she believed were from the alien, began to be transmitted through her. Like many contactees, Maryann was given information about upcoming natural disasters. She was told that they were here to observe.
HC addendum
Source: Preston Dennett
Type: F?
Location. Shablykino Oryel Region, Russia
Date: 1992
Time: late evening
While on his way to visit a friend walking along a road Mikhail Zybunovskiy (involved in other encounters) noticed a globe-shaped object in the sky that swiftly approached his position. He could see numerous round windows around its periphery. The globe began to hover above the witness and he could see flat faces looking out the windows. Suddenly 2 meters from the witness an alien appeared, it appeared to have suddenly jumped to the ground or “teleported” there. The entity was similar to the ones he had seen before, dressed in a green suit and cap with an orange glow around it. Both, man and alien stood facing each other, studying each other. The witness felt that the alien’s air was “haughty” in nature but he felt no fear. The alien craft hovered directly above the witness. The witness was able to notice additional details on the alien. It was dressed in a green suit, remotely looking like a military chemical protective suit. It appeared to be saturated with phosphorescent threads that shone with different intensiveness. The cap on the alien’s head was oval shaped, tightly set on the head and the hood opened in the front. The alien’s face was definitely not terrestrial. It was bluish in color, fleshy, with a flattened nose with two nostrils, very small mouth, resembling just a narrow slit without lips. Hi arms were long, reaching below the knees. The alien was holding some kind of device in his hands, which he pointed at the witness. The witness felt emotionless. Suddenly the alien disappeared and the global craft took off, disappearing over the horizon. After that the witness state of stupor ended and he returned too normal. Seized with fear he ran towards his friend’s house.
HC addendum
Source: Aleksey Priyma, “UFOs Witnesses to the Unknown”
Type: C
Location. Northern France, near Belgian border
Date: 1992
Time: late night
The main witness and a young friend were driving along an isolated field when they noticed at a certain distance a round luminous object hovering over a field. At first they thought it could have been the moon but as they approached they clearly noticed an illuminated white disc-shaped object, with bright white lights around its perimeter. The object then silently moved towards them. The object flew over their vehicle and shot away at a 45-degree angle, quickly disappearing from sight. The following night the main witness was alone sleeping when he was suddenly awakened by three tall beings, about 1.80 m in height standing close to his bed. They wore black outfits and hats and were of an impressive appearance. Using telepathy the three figures assured the witness he had nothing to fear. They represented themselves as three of the Archangels, Michael, Raphael and Gabriel. They asked the witness to come with them and at this point they exited the room. Unfortunately the witness memory ends at this point. Years later (May 2002) under hypnotic regression the witness remembered entering a bright object with a cupola on top. Inside the floor was white and misty with a diffuse light encasing everything around him. He is sitting on an armchair similar to a dentist’s of white leather with a headrest that was apparently unattached to the main chair. He is completely conscious and somewhat irritated. Two tall men now appeared, both blond, with clear eyes, and very white skin, almost transparent. The witness then feels that an “invisible” tube is inserted into his arm and sees a green liquid being infused into his arm. Upset the witness struggles and asks to see the leader. At this point a much taller being now appears, wearing a brown combination suit and communicates telepathically with the other two blond men. He apparently bereaves (!) the two blond humanoids stating that a mistake has been made. After a discussion between the humanoids the witness apparently blacks out. After the apparent abduction he suffers from unexplained cysts in his ear canal and soon requires surgery.
HC addendum
Source: IPANI, France
Type: G
Location. Lomas Verdes, Puerto Rico
Date: 1992
Time: night
One night while worshippers fervently prayed in the heavily wooded area, a five-foot tall, muscular figure covered with brownish hair raced between the trees in a zigzag pattern. Also in the same area, while religious apparitions were in full swing, sightings of large headed grays were also reported.
HC addition # 3302
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras and other Mysteries
Type: E
Location. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Date: 1992
Time: night
The 3-year old witness was outside playing because of the heat when she encountered three strange humanoids in a field. The humanoids were short, a little bit less than 1 meter in height. They seemed to be of a clear color almost transparent in nature. She reported encountering similar beings a year later. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Diana Sun Chab in Akasico
Type: E
Location. Near Swindon Wiltshire England
Date: 1992
Time: night
The witness was walking near his home when he became aware of bright beams of green light coming down from the sky, which were playing across the rooftops nearby. He could make out the shape of a dark object, which seemed to be the source of these lights. After watching these beams for a while, his memory changed to one of being in a craft, possibly in a control room, two short gray figures accompanied him. He was apparently not restrained in any sense, and was able to start a “conversation” with the humanoids, mainly on spiritual and religious matters, though he got little in the way of answers. After the incident the witness experienced bizarre dreams.
HC addendum
Source: APRA England
Type: G?
Location. Passa Tempo Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: 1992
Time: night
Two men, Geraldo Leocadio Teixeira and Benedito Belarmino Da Silva reported seeing a large luminous object descend close to the ground. A tall dark skinned humanoid and a shorter luminous creature emerged from the object and reportedly performed “inexplicable” tasks around the object. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
Type: B
Location. Desterro de Entre Rios, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: 1992
Time: night
A luminous disc shaped object landed on a field near two witnesses that ran away in fear as two short figures emerged from the craft and approached them. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: B
Location. Near Almeira, Spain
Date: 1992
Time: late night
Angel Caballero and his brother were driving along an isolated road and spotted a huge craft hovering over the area with long rectangular lights shining down. As they stared at the object a tall human-like being with white fair skin and long blond hair, appeared in front of them and saluted them with a wave of his hand. At this point both witnesses apparently blacked out, waking up later near another city having lost 12 hours of their life. No other information.
HC addition # 3356
Source: Manuel Figueroa, Karma-7
Type: C or G?
Location. California, exact location not given
Date: 1992
Time: late night
The witness suddenly finds himself floating out of his house. He then enters a hovering disc-shaped craft that appears to be empty. The interior of the craft is gray. The walls are flat and plain. He sits on a flat, small bench that circles the inside of the floor. Moments later he is lowered onto a school playground by an invisible force. He stands there for a while then about 10 gray beings with black almond shaped eyes approach him. They are described as slender, with small noses; five-feet tall and there are both males and females. The beings surround the witness and start pressing mental images on him. One of the beings that appear to be the leader approaches him carrying a transparent container filled with about 200 marble sized balls. The balls are vibrating and bouncing around at a very high velocity. He is told that these were used in the propulsion of their ships. End of recall.
HC addition # 2193
Source: Unsolved UFO Sightings # 2
Type: G
Location. Near Delavan, Wisconsin
Date: 1992
Time: late night
Two witnesses driving home late at night and apparently ran over something big on the road. Not being sure what it was, they turned around for another look. They said it looked like a wolf, or a huge dog, except it had silver/brown hair and stretched across the road. They thought it was at least 6 or 7 ft long. They angled the car a few times to obtain a better look, but could not make out its face, much less what kind of animal it was. Afraid they drove away from the area.
HC addendum
Source: Linda Godfrey
Type: E
Location. Las Vegas, New Mexico
Date: 1992
Time: late night
The main witness had moved into an apartment with his girlfriend and from day one he had noticed that there was movement in a large bedroom next to the living room. He would walk by and more often than not see one, two, and sometimes three figures standing and moving around the room. When he tried to approach them, they would back off and disappear. One night, as both slept the main witness woke up to see three figures standing in the corner of the room encased in a cobalt blue glow. The blue glow appeared to be circular. The figures and the blue glow stayed in the room for about 30 minutes and then disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: Paranormal Story Archives, Sept 2002
Type: E
Location. Tallinn, Estonia
Date: 1992
Time: late night
The witness was sleeping in her bedroom one night when suddenly she awoke to see two bronze colored, short humanoids fly in through the closed window and start to explore and examine items in the bedroom. They spoke among each in an unknown language. But her husband who was sleeping heard nothing and did not wake up. When confronted by the witness they suddenly began to speak fluent Estonian. They asked about all the items in the room. When they touched a flower in the room it was scorched. They apparently attempted to take the witness with them but she bit one of them in the arm and felt the taste of metal in her mouth. Before they went away the promised to come back. Two days later several persons in the same area saw two shiny objects flying low over the area. Around the same time at a nearby town called Haapsalu a young man that was suffering from an illness was walking on a street when suddenly he saw a bright light in front of him. From out of the light a human-like figure about 2 meters in height stepped out and told the young man that he will not be ill for a year but will fall ill again after the year. The figure and the light then disappeared. Apparently the prediction came true as the boy did become ill again after the year.
HC addendum
Source: Mare Koiva, Estonia
Type: E
Location. Panorama City, California
Date: 1992
Time: late night
Pat Brown a physical therapist was on vacation in Arizona when something triggered a series of encounters with gray type extraterrestrials. For a period of several months, Pat reported terrifying nightly visits by aliens in her condo. Then, one evening, she was taken on board. To her surprise she found the experience enjoyable. She was given a tour of the craft and taken to meet the “master”. It was then that she was given several messages of a spiritual nature. She was surprised to find that the appearance of the alien had changed to a human male with blond hair. She asked, “Why do you look like that?” The alien replied, “Because this is they way you want me to look.” Pat was taken out of her body and was shown what her astral body looked like. The alien told her, “That is your soul. That is the part of you that goes through all the lifetimes.” Pat was given further spiritual lessons on vibrations and healing and was then returned to her bedroom. She soon had further experiences, and suffered several medical effects as a result of her encounters. Additional witnesses also support her case. Her obsession with the subject grew and Pat began a search for information and was led to a channeler, someone claiming to speak for the aliens. She communicated on several occasions with the aliens through the channel.
HC addendum
Source: Preston Dennett
Type: G & F
Location. Maria da Graca, Teresopolis Brazil
Date: 1992
Time: 2200
After the 11-year old witness reported seeing several gold colored oval shaped objects maneuvering over the area, she woke up late at night to drink some water. Suddenly she felt an urge to open the curtains of a nearby window and look out the window. As she did she saw a tall human shaped figure completely dressed in black and with black hair staring at her from a nearby field. As she watched, the figure took several steps towards her in a mechanical fashion and suddenly disappeared in plain sight.
HC addendum
Source: Relatos, UFO Site Brazil
Type: D
Location. Dulwich East London, England
Date: January 1992
Time: 0600A
The witness woke up to hear noises coming down the hallway that led to her room. She looked up to see a short thin being suddenly shuffle into the room, the being approached the witness and touched her with a very long finger. As this happened the witness fell back and passed out. Later she woke up and the strange being had vanished.
HC addition # 1990
Source: Carl Nagaitis, Phillip Mantle, Without Consent.
Type: E
Location. Sierra Bermeja, Puerto Rico
Date: January 1992
Time: 2230
Two witnesses watching from their second story balcony watched a very bright white light suddenly appear on top of a nearby hill. The light was round and appeared to be hovering in mid-air. Numerous multi-colored lights then became visible around the object’s circumference. Two more witnesses arrived, and one of them, a young woman, was able to see several figures moving around directly under the object. The figures wore silvery outfits and were moving around in quick movements. The witnesses became tired of watching and went back to sleep and did not see the objects or figure’s departure.
HC addition # 2100
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 5
Type: C
Location. Alegrete, Brazil
Date: January 1992
Time: night
A luminous globe shaped craft landed in a wooded area near a police station. Four humanoids emerged from the object. These were described as 1.45 meters in height, very large heads, as in proportion to their bodies, short arms, and huge staring eyes. They wore tight fitting metallic objects. The humanoids collected ground samples and vegetation and then re-entered the object, which took off at high speed.
HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: B
Location. Devon, England
Date: January 1992
Time: late night
The son of a family involved in numerous bizarre encounters, including strange entities and paranormal events, began waking up to see typical small gray figures in his bedroom. In a number of occasions he would wake up to find a head with large black wrap around eyes, looking at him. The head seemed to move in a very peculiar manner when it looked at him. Around the same time his mother had a “dream” in which she met “aliens.” Upon waking up she experienced a painful feeling on one side of her head. Over the course of the next few weeks, her hair fell out on this spot and she was left with a small circular bald spot. The hair eventually grew back, but a pure white color. Under hypnosis the father recalled seeing “alien creatures” with large cat-like eyes. He also recalled seeing a saucer like craft that contained a door and a hatch that was dark inside. He saw what looked like a radar screen in front of him, he also felt as if he was traveling in this craft and seeing clouds passing below him as he looked out a window.
HC addition # 3793
Source: Malcolm Robinson, SPI
Type: E or G?
Location. Not disclosed
Date: January 1992
Time: late night
The witness awoke to see a bluish light shining down from the ceiling. He was then aware of two “people” in the room, talking to him. He does not recall the conversation. He then looked out the window and saw four lights streaking across the sky and then making a 90-degree turn toward his house. He next recalled being somewhere in the air, looking down at his house, the next thing he knew he was in a small room, sitting on a plastic like seat that came out of the wall. He saw someone standing next to him and a large, black, “windshield” type area in front of him, also sitting in front of it was someone that he could not see very clearly. The next memory was of standing on a loading dock of a huge warehouse, next to him stood a man he did not know. This man told him that there were some people here that wanted to see him. Next a group of hybrid looking humanoids walked up to him, smiled and walked away. The unknown man then gave him a tour of the place. He later woke up at home.
HC addition # 2200
Source: Karla Turner, PhD Unexplained Universe # 1
Type: G
Location. Ambion Wood, England
Date: January 1 1992
Time: late afternoon
Two men were walking near to where part of a forest had been cleared. It was late afternoon and it was beginning to get dark. Suddenly they saw a figure emerging from the wood. The figure wore a luminous green cloak and what appeared to be a golden crown. The apparition walked from the wood and seemed to glide alongside the canal. One of the men turned and ran but the other stood transfixed and watched the figure move an arm in the direction of the felled portion of the wood, as if complaining about the change to the neighborhood. It then turned and moved backwards towards the wood. When it reached a pile of stones it seemed to disappear into the ground.
HC addendum
Source: Farshores
Type: E
Location. Saga Prefecture, Japan
Date: January 4 1992
Time: late night
A farmer that had experienced strange cattle mutilations in the past was awakened by the sound of his dog barking. The farmer went to investigate and upon entering the cow shed saw a small white “object” resembling a jellyfish with numerous tentacle-like protrusions coming out of its bottom. The “object” was floating in the air; it then drifted outside where it vanished. A cow was discovered on the floor. It had a badly broken leg.
HC addition # 2343
Source: Jenny Randles, Peter A Hough, World Best True UFO Stories
Type: E
Location. Northridge, California
Date: January 19 1992
Time: 0431A
The night before the earthquake, the primary witness and her boyfriend saw a large diamond-shaped craft towing a smaller craft using a beam of light as a towrope. The craft hovered over nearby water towers before moving slowly away. A few hours later, the earthquake struck. Two weeks later the main witness saw a gray type alien standing next to her bed in her bedroom. She tried to move but discovered she was paralyzed. She felt no fear. The being looked like it had a “cat face without any hair and a combination skeleton face.” The witness tried to get up and could not; awhile later while sitting on the couch she experienced an orgasm. The being apparently told her many different things that she tried to write down. They told her that they were trying to invent ways of intercourse since they “needed babies.”
HC addition # 2543
Source: Preston Dennett, UFO Healing
Type: E
Location. Hipodromo de Victoria Argentina
Date: January 20 1992
Time: 0042A
Several witnesses, including Roberto Lopez, ex-member of military intelligence watched a white colored figure standing at the edge of the woods. The figure was human shaped about 1meter 20 cm in height. No features could be seen on the figure. It disappeared behind a construction site.
HC addendum
Source: Silvia Perez Simondini
Type: E
Location. Leesburg, Florida
Date: January 20 1992
Time: 2300
George A Siessel suddenly woke up feeling some kind of female presence lying on top of his chest. As he tried to rise up from bed he felt the entity’s arms on either side of his arms. The entity’s grip was very strong, and completely immobilized him. Frightened, Sissel visualized a cross of light superimposed on his body while intoning a prayer, hoping to remove the presence and discovered that the weight of the unwanted visitor and the feeling of being restricted disappeared. (Succubus??)
HC addition # 3021
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate January 1993
Type: E
Location. Sosnino, Russia
Date: January 24 1992
Time: night
Two creatures covered with long grizzly hair entered the barracks of an army unit engaged in road construction. One was enormously tall, about 2.5 meters; the other was half the size. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the larger one was a female, and the other one was its child. The baby jumped on to the soldier’s night table while its mother stopped by the stove, waved its long arms, and gave a series of short cries in a very low voice. Then the strangers, who encountered neither understanding nor approval, ran away and hid in the forest. After the incident some of the soldiers felt ill and went to consult the unit’s doctor. One witness could not utter a word. His speech returned several days later. The strangers left behind some tufts of hair, a drop of coagulated blood and large footprints.
HC addendum
Source: Paul Stonehill, Parascope
Type: E
Location. Mezobereny Hungary
Date: January 24 1992
Time: night
The 50-year old witness was in her kitchen with her husband when suddenly a dull black egg-shaped short “figure” went across the kitchen and into an adjacent room making a very strong “snorting” sound. The upper half of this being was blue gray in color, then a vibrating orange vertical line became visible. The next to the stripe a beautiful woman appeared and looked at the witness. The witness then apparently followed the beings into another room where they suddenly disappeared. The husband was somehow prevented from witnessing any of these events. On the 27th at 1830 the same witness heard a loud female voice and felt compelled to go to the garden, there she saw an egg-shaped cabin-like object on the ground, she entered it and inside she found herself in a large gray room where numerous nude children and women stood around. She apparently lost consciousness and later woke up lying in bed. The next day large red spots or marks appeared in the upper belly area and the lower parts of her breasts.
HC addition # 629
Source: Gabor Tarcali, Hungarian UFO Network
Type: E & G
Location. Devon, England
Date: February 1992
Time: 0330A
The whole family was sleeping in the same room due to different and numerous bizarre encounters during the past 3 months. That night the father woke up to find the whole room lit up by a shimmering glow. He awoke his son, and as the son diverted his gaze in the direction of the main source of light, he claimed to have seen a large gray “being.” They both then looked at the mother, who was lying flat on the bed with her arms outstretched with her eyes shut. She was mumbling incoherently. Later she told them that she had been dreaming of seeing an “alien” in the bedroom and tried to wake both of them. A few seconds later, the swirling, misty, light effect rolled up into a ball, as if a large vacuum cleaner was sucking at it. It then dissolved into a small funnel of light, and with a “pop” disappeared.
HC addition # 3794
Source: Malcolm Robinson, SPI
Type: E
Location. Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Date: February 1992
Time: 2230
The witness was driving home on highway H, when a huge dog-like creature crossed the road n front of her vehicle. The witness stopped the car and was able to see a pointy-eared, broad chest creature covered with brownish-black scraggly hair. It had a narrow nose, thick neck, and yellow cat-like eyes that glowed in the headlights. It crossed the road unafraid. The creature was apparently bipedal. The witness husband had seen a similar creature earlier at a cow pasture.
HC addition # 180
Source: Scarlett Sankey, Strange Magazine # 10
Type: E
Location. Makawao, Hawaii
Date: February 2 1992
Time: 0300A
The witness woke up to feel the presence of some beings in her room. She was awake but could not open her eyes and could not move her body. She heard a loud male voice say, “She’s awake.” She felt her clothing being pulled from her body, her dresser drawers were being pulled and closed and her books on her shelves were bulled out one by one as if “they” were looking for something. She then felt a small “head” by her head. The presence said, “She will not remember this.” She also felt something implanted into her uterus that was of a triangular shape. She had horrible cramps for three days after the visitation. Her uterus has been since removed. She had a previous encounter in Texas back in 1958 or 1959.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E
Location. Perth Western Australia
Date: February 4 1992
Time: evening
The witness, Andrew, was restless and could not go to sleep. He finally was able to doze off but then suddenly found himself awake. He was not in his bedroom. Somehow he had been transported and was standing in the car park area outside a basketball stadium some 50 km away from his home. Some 50 strangers surrounded him. He was told telepathically by one of the persons that he was lucky he had been “chosen.” Then a dot sized blue light appeared and grew larger until it was over the top of the group. His next recollection was of a bright flash. He then found himself inside the basketball stadium. Other people were also there. He became frightened, as the other people seemed sinister. They seemed human-like but their eyes were different, they appeared to be out of focus. There appeared to be a lot of activity around him. A being came over to Andrew and gave him a cricket bat. One of the beings knelt down in front of him and appeared to read his thoughts, he then felt very angry, dropped the bat and walked out to the main entrance. Everything suddenly became bright white and the next thing he remembers was being back in his bed.
HC addition # 2662
Source: UFO Research Australia, Issue # 35
Type: G
Location. Sturovo, Slovakia
Date: February 11 1992
Time: 2000
The witness reported being abducted onboard a round UFO where he was apparently examined and implanted by three humanoids from 1.2 meters – 1.5 meters tall. The witness has had implants in his body ever since that day. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Dr Milos Jesensky
Type: G
Location. Porto Alegre, Brazil
Date: February 24 1992
Time: 1950
One observer sees a glow in the clouds then a saucer-shaped object descends. The object shines a beam of light towards the ground. Several figures inside the object also shine beams of light at the witness.
HC addition # 2395
Source: UBPDV 1992
Type: A
Location. Adirondacks region, New Jersey
Date: February 28 1992
Time: unknown
The main witness along with some others watched several gray colored metallic objects maneuvering over the area. There appeared to be some military planes involved also. One object approached and landed nearby, soon several short gray-colored humanoids approached the witnesses. The beings had large heads and communicated to the witnesses that they were going to be taken. The witnesses then apparently suffered a black out.
HC addition # 1669
Source: Karla Turner PhD, “Taken”
Type: B or G?
Location. Southeast New York
Date: Spring 1992
Time: 0200A
Several individuals belonging to an organization that conducts paranormal research were at Reservoir Road one night when they began to hear what they described as a buzzing sound. The noise seemed to be coming form a section of the road located near some stone chambers. One of the members of the group, a male in his late fifties, started walking toward the noise. The other members of the group tried to keep their flashlights trained on him as he slowly walked into the darkness. Off to the right was a large outcrop of rock and he could still hear the noise and was sure that it was coming from inside the rock. As the others watched, they tried to call out to him because they had difficulty seeing him, as there was some type of distortion around the area. As he stood and stared at the rock, he went into a hypnotic, dream-like state, and was unable to move. As he watched the rock, it started to shimmer and it looked like a circle of blue water. Then out of the portal that had formed in the rock three dwarf-like, hooded beings walked out. The beings slowly walked towards him and, even though he was scared, he was unable to move. The three beings surrounded him and then, all at once, grabbed hold of him. They started pulling him toward the rock, and although his companions called out to him, he now felt very calm and wanted to go. Then he realized what was happening and began to awaken from his trance-like state. He was still unable to break free from the dwarfs and was now being forcibly dragged to the portal in the rock. As the others ran down the road, they shined their lights on the beings. This seemed to frighten them, and broke their grip, ran up the hill, merged with the rock, and disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: Philip Imbrogno & Marianne Horrigan
Celtic Mysteries in New England
Type: E
Location. Northern New Mexico
Date: Spring 1992
Time: late night
The uncle of a local police chief claimed to have been driving into town late at night, when he saw a woman dressed in red walking along the road. He stopped to offer her a ride into town. She climbed into the front seat of his pickup truck, and as he turned to ask her why she was walking in a deserted road, so late at night, he noticed that she had “hairy goat legs and hoofs.” She then instantly de-materialized from the front seat of his truck.
HC addition # 2756
Source: Christopher O’Brien
Type: E
Location. El Cayul Sierra Bermeja, Puerto Rico
Date: March 1992
Time: afternoon
A man out testing a new video camera in an isolated wooded area suddenly caught sight of a flash of light overhead. He hid behind some bushes as he saw a small silvery disc-shaped object land in a clearing on three leg-like supports. A section of the object resembling an elevator was lowered to the ground and a door opened. Two short 4-foot tall beings then emerged from inside the object. The beings had gray skin and had large heads and large black eyes. They wore gray colored one-piece suits. They looked around for a few moments then re-entered the object only to emerge a few minutes later this time accompanied by a tall human, very pale and thin. He had short platinum-blond hair and wore a pair of dark sunglasses. He also wore a new black suit and pants with a white shirt and a red tie. The tall human looked around and walked towards a nearby path there he was met by two soldiers in a military jeep. He sat in the jeep and it then drove away disappearing into the woods. The two short humanoids then entered the disc-shaped object, which then shot, away into the sky at high speed.
HC addition # 1782
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 1, Diego Segarra
Type: B
Location. El Dorado County, California
Date: March 1992
Time: night
The witness saw two car-size transparent bubble-shaped objects hovering close to the ground. One object had a figure inside the other two figures. The objects were completely illuminated. The two figures sat side-by-side, one had his hands hanging down and the other had his hands on his legs. In the second object the being sat straight up with hands on his legs. No other descriptions.
HC addition # 732
Source: Virgil C Staff, Mufon Journal # 296
Type: A
Location. Nyirabrany, Hungary
Date: March 1992
Time: night
A week after being followed by a bright crescent-shaped object and a blue sphere that hovered above his house, the main witness suddenly awoke to his dogs barking and a heavy weight on his chest. Soon he found himself on a table in a white room. A short hairless, earless creature stood near the witness. He then woke up the next morning and found blue marks on his ankle.
HC addition # 1946
Source: Unicus Vol. 3 # 2
Type: G?
Location. Spissky Hrusov, Slovakia
Date: March 1992
Time: 2345
The witness was driving on his way to the Ukraine when he noticed an orange ball of light, which was floating above the road and emitted a white-blue glow. Suddenly the witness felt that there was an invisible presence accompanying him in the car. He felt the presence but saw no one. The invisible presence whispered to him, “Don’t be afraid” and he calmed down. Then he heard, “please drop us off.” He stopped near a graveyard and there he noticed two people, a young man, and a young pretty woman. They smiled at him and said “Thank you” and vanished. The orange ball of light also vanished.
HC addendum
Source: Dr Milos Jesensky
Type: C or F?
Location. Near Ozark, Arkansas
Date: March 1992
Time: night
Samantha Allias and her boyfriend were driving on deserted State Road 219 when they spotted a strange creature standing on the side of the road. They described it as about 4-1/2 ft tall, its body completely covered in long black hair, and glowing red eyes. They kept driving and did not stop.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E
Location. Perth Western Australia
Date: March 4 1992
Time: 0230A
The same witness of a previous case was suddenly jolted from sleep by an intense blue light. Through the glare, a figure appeared, it stood about 4-feet, and was apparently guiding the witness son down the passageway. He then noted that he was paralyzed and could not move. When the figure disappeared from sight he was able to move again and went to grab his son. The figure then vanished in a flash of white light. He then found his son in bed looking pale and very shaky but apparently not harmed.
HC addition # 2663
Source: UFO Research Australia Issue # 35
Type: E
Location. Palhano, Brazil
Date: March 5 1992
Time: 1830
Military police officer Luis Ribeiro de Oliveira and his friend Pedro Rodrigues da Silva had gone hunting for wild duck in an isolated area when in the Rio Palhano area both men observed what appeared to be a “star” descending at high speed towards the earth. Suddenly a bright light enveloped both men and Pedro ran and hid behind some nearby bushes. Luis ran towards town with the light chasing him close behind. He could see that the light now resembled a luminous wheel-shaped object the size of a bus. Soon he felt as he was being sucked up into the object. At the same time Pedro watched in terror as he saw Luis being taken up into the light. Pedro saw Luis enter the round light and it suddenly vanished in plain sight. Terrified, Pedro armed himself with a shotgun and searched the area but was unable to find Luis. Pedro then ran towards town and entered a local bar telling everyone present what had just happened. But later on Luis suddenly appeared in town and related to Pedro a weird story. He remembers running and his legs suddenly becoming numb. He then came to hearing strange foreign sounding voices, looking up he saw five strange beings standing in front of him. Frightened he asked the beings what was going on, he received the following answer, “Don’t be afraid, we wont harm you, we are Catadorians from Catandorius Decnius. Our civilization originated from another higher civilization that lived on the earth 353,000 years ago.” They pointed to a small pyramid shaped object and told Luis that it was a model of their “temple.” The aliens told Luis that they were here on Earth looking for remnants and descendants of that lost civilization that they claimed lived in underground caves and tunnels worldwide. Luis was then placed inside what appeared to be a gas-filled sphere in the center of the room. He saw in front of him a panel with multicolored lights and heard what appeared to be radio transmissions. Around him stood five humanoids about 1.50 meters in height that spoke in a strange language. However their apparent leader communicated with the witness telepathically in perfect Portuguese. Soon the leader returned to speak with the other aliens and Luis lost consciousness. When he woke up he found himself in the same place where the UFO had originally picked him up. Feeling a little dizzy he searched for Pedro and his shotgun and then walked back to town. Luis described the humanoids as short with gray skin, with black eyes lacking any pupils or eyelashes, large heads, wide shoulders, wearing tight fitting clothing with boots and gloves. Their heads and bodies were completely hairless. Their speech was measured and their breathing was heavy and labored. Every time their leader spoke to the others Luis felt a sharp pain in the head. All the humanoids were identical to each other; he could not find any difference among them.
HC addition # 2394
Source: UBPDV 1992, Painel Ovni
Type: G
Location. Thompson Manitoba, Canada
Date: March 6 1992
Time: late evening
Some children were playing near a park when they noticed some bright lights moving near some nearby snow banks. When they went to investigate they were confronted by a tall hairy humanoid with red glowing eyes. The children ran home in hysterics.
HC addition # 896
Source: Chris Rutkowski, Unnatural History, True Manitoba Mysteries
Type: C
Location. Hamar Norway
Date: March 9 1992
Time: 2200
Two women were walking home when they began hearing a low frequency sound that seemed to surround them, it resembled a cross between a train and a car engine on idle. Suddenly a very bright light appeared, blinding them and hurting their eyes. They then saw an object 15 meters away and hovering 2 meters above the ground. The craft had a triangular bottom, with a transparent dome on top and a light at each apex of the triangular section. The light suddenly went off and now they could see two moving figures within the dome. One of the women walked towards the object and saw that one of the figures inside the object was holding something resembling a steering wheel, he seemed to have long hair and large black slanted eyes, with black pupils, that had a cold penetrating evil look. The object suddenly disappeared without the witnesses noticing how. Later back in the house they heard a loud similar sound and it felt like an earthquake was going through their house and bodies. They both experienced nosebleeds and ear numbness after the incident.
HC addition # 626
Source: Ole Jonny Braene, UFO Norge
Type: A
Location. Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
Date: March 10 1992
Time: 0300A
Mohd Jowhar Meeran, a student at ITM Arau was awakened early in the morning by the movements of something in his room. He was then shocked to see three small beings, ½ meter in height standing beside the bed. He described them as human-like but the skin was very white like the color of the moon. He was not sure whether he fell asleep after that or the beings put him to sleep. Several days later, his friend told him that he had a dream whereby he saw some small beings in their room. Only then did he realize that all three of them (roommates) had seen the strange beings and it had not been a dream.
HC addendum
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin
Type: E
Location. Bellomonte, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Date: March 11 1992
Time: 1830
The witness who had previously experienced a vision and telepathic communication with unknown entities, was sitting alone on her rocking chair in the rear patio area of her home, when suddenly she felt a strong presence near her, she looked and nearby stood two very tall muscular light skinned men wearing black tight-fitting outfits that covered everything except their faces. They told the witness via telepathy to remain calm; these two men were accompanied by two shorter humanoids with large egg-shaped heads, yellowish skin, wide lipless mouths, and eyes resembling two large dark slits. These wore brown loose-fitting outfits. The two short beings appeared to be in charge of the situation and were intent in inspecting terrain and plants, constantly murmuring between them, in a strange language. The tall human-like beings communicated to the witness that the shorter humanoids wanted her to plant different types of trees and flowers in her garden. The witness said that she had felt more comfortable dealing with the human-like beings than with the short creatures. But there appeared to be a definite cooperation between the two types of beings.
HC addition # 434
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma 52/53
Type: E
Location. Jacanas, Puerto Rico
Date: March 13 1992
Time: night
Several witnesses watched numerous lights maneuvering over a nearby hilltop, then a huge round-lighted craft, and the size of a cruise liner appeared and seemed to descend behind the hill. Two women got into their car and drove towards the location where the object had apparently landed. As they neared the area, they noticed a grayish luminous light hovering over the hill, and a column shaped beam of light emanating from the object that seemed to attract the two women, one of them suddenly went into a trance-like state and was not reacting. The other decided to drive away back to her house. Once at the house they picked up additional witnesses and drove back to the area where the light hovered. As they arrived to the site, all of the witnesses except for the driver noticed a short 5-foot tall figure standing on the side of the road, no more than 10 feet from their vehicle. The being was a thin humanoid with a large head and large dark almond shaped eyes, his skin was gray color and appeared to have a slight glow to it. It had long thin arms, and stood motionless looking at the witness. Behind the being a shaft of grayish light could be seen, apparently coming from a source above. At that point the witnesses panicked and drove quickly away from the area.
HC addition # 2101
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 5
Type: C
Location. Teotihuacan, Mexico
Date: March 21 1992
Time: unknown
Reporter Marco Antonio Villasana took several photos of the area, when the photographs were exposed one of them clearly showed a winged man-like figure flying over the archeological site. At the time that the pictures were taken no one saw anything unusual.
HC addendum
Source: Antonio Villasana
Type: E
Location. Protasov, Russia
Date: April 1992
Time: unknown
On the shore of the Pruzhenka River several local inhabitants spotted a disc-shaped object on the ground. Next to the object stood a figure resembling a modern day cosmonaut. Both the figure and the object soon left but on the ground four rectangular indentations were found on the ground.
HC addendum
Source: SKYZONE Russia
Type: C
Location. San Marcos Sierra, Cordoba, Argentina
Date: April 1992
Time: night
The main witness and her father & mother in law first saw numerous lighted objects flying over the area and at the same time she felt a hot burning sensation in her chest. The ships emitted bright orange and red flashes of light. They seemed to be entering a cliff into what appeared to be an inter-dimensional portal into what appeared to be a fantastic looking luminous city. Soon as the witnesses drove closer to the mountain they spotted a beam of light descending from the sky and in the beam two tall human like figures that descended towards the ground. This figures appeared to be semi-transparent, tall, and thin and lacking any hair, one was of feminine appearance and both wore tight-fitting gray outfits. The beings apparently sensed the terror in the witnesses and retreated back up the beam of light into a hovering lighted craft. The witnesses then drove away from the area. The main witness was to have further encounters.
HC addendum
Source: Los Favoritos de Ruthy, Argentina
Type: B
Location. Tijeras Canyon, New Mexico
Date: April 1992
Time: 2140
Sue Strickland was traveling north through the canyon when she saw something resembling a “mini jet” streak into the canyon from behind her, preceded by a fireball of light about 2′ in diameter. The ball of light streaked by following the paved road, the mini jet apparently following it. Near an outcrop the mini jet suddenly stopped, and hovered silently, it then tilted 45 degrees and maneuvered over Strickland’s vehicle. After hovering over the truck for a minute or two it accelerated and disappeared around the next curve. The witness drove up and saw it on the road ahead. She could see that it was a jet-like vehicle slightly larger than she thought with a curved canopy. She could see two figures, one inside the other walking towards the rear of the object. As she sat looking at the object and figures suddenly she found herself inside the object. She stood in an aisle with a short wooden bench on both sides. She attempted to walk towards the front of the object but was commanded to stop. After saying something to the pilot, a short, thin, man-like figure approached her. He was bald and was wearing a blue coverall with gold embroidered epaulets on his shoulders. Apparently the being attempted to implant a hypnotic suggestion in her mind, about forgetting the incident, but it did not work. He looked surprised then the pilot told him to get rid of her. Her next memory was of sitting in her truck, and seeing a streak of light out of the corner of her eye.
HC addition # 3514
Source: CAUS
Type: G
Location. East Tucson, Arizona
Date: April 1992
Time: 2300
Byron T Weeks and his ex-wife were watching television when his wife noticed some lights in the window. Weeks walked over to the window and pulled aside the lace curtain for a better look. There were lights at the top of the window looking down and through the window, focused on the pair. The lights were arranged on an arc, with two yellow lights centrally and then a red and a blue light on each side, like a tilted half circle. Seconds later the lights righted to a horizontal alignment and went straight up without a sound. A couple of days later they both saw a saucer shaped craft about 40 ft in diameter at dusk. It reflected like a mirror and had antenna like pipes sticking out of the pillbox thing on the top. It flew silently down their street a few feet off the ground. A few days after that, Weeks had gone to bed in an upstairs bedroom and was fast asleep. Sometime during the night he was awakened, it felt like coming out of general anesthesia. He was lying on his back in a room filled with a bright moonlight level of illumination. He was able to breath normally but otherwise seemed to be paralyzed. Standing around the “bed” were seven faintly luminescent beings. They seemed to all be dressed in white caftan like robes. They were about 5-½ ft tall, and were stocky in built. He could see no hair on their heads, and the eyes were large and dark, and perfectly round. The foreheads were prominent and bulbous. The head in general was large and the face was broad, with a square chin. He could see no whites to the eyes. No ears were visible, but a small mouth and nose were discernible. They seemed somehow “Buddha” like. They made no sound, but it seemed that they were reading his mind. Weeks had the distinct impression that he was being rapidly fed telepathic information. After what seemed to be a few minutes, his consciousness just “winked out.” He awoke normally the next morning. For some reason the witness felt that the beings were from some Galactic Federation, to which Planet Earth does not yet belong.
HC addendum
Type: E or G?
Location. Near Provins, Seine et Marne France
Date: April 1992
Time 0300A
Two witnesses traveling on a road near the village saw a large luminous white triangular shaped craft hovering on the side of the road. Soon three tall humanoids with large yellow glowing eyes and with no other discernible features and wearing silvery combination suits came out of the object. At this point the witnesses apparently blacked out and came to 3 hours later parked on the side off the road. Strange marks were found on the witnesses’ arms.
HC addendum
Source: LDLN # 314 Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: B or G?
Location. Springfield, Missouri
Date: April 1 1992
Time: 0110A
A 35-year old local woman was awakened in her bedroom to witness a disc-shaped object with red lights around the bottom rim just outside her window. The witness felt herself being pulled toward the window by a “force’. She glanced at her bedside clock and saw that it was 0110A. The next recollection of the witness is that she awakened with a jolt in her bed and that the time was 0310A.
HC addendum
Source: Acteon, Missouri
Type: F
Location. Cicero, Illinois
Date: April 3 1992
Time: 0200A
In a dream like state, the witness remembered lying in bed next to her sleeping husband, when suddenly she heard her bedroom window open making a creaking sound. She was then unable to move. Moments later she saw three humanoid type creatures with chalky colored skin, big heads, and big eyes walking around her bed. Soon they stood next to her. She was completely paralyzed and apparently her pet cat was also affected. She does not recall anything else, except that she awoke feeling empty.
HC addition # 2159
Source: Unsolved UFO Sightings, fall 1994
Type: E
Location. Near Deming, New Mexico
Date: April 12 1992
Time: 2320
The witness was driving on US 180 along the desert and was listening to his CB radio when the radio suddenly went silent and he vaguely noticed a patch of white light shining on a rise over the left side of the road. He then heard a voice in his head telling him to “watch out for the smoke.” Thinking it had been the CB radio he replied but there was no answer. Suddenly what looked like a huge luminous cloud of smoke began stretching across the highway ahead, it formed a solid curtain across the road. The witness drove into the grayish-white vapor for an hour. He stopped his vehicle and walked across the road and into a ditch but was still unable to see anything. He suddenly went into a state of paralysis and sensed the approach of two persons. Each person got on either side of the witness and placed a firm grip on his forearms. The beings had long bony fingers. He was then led to a shiny metallic object, shaped like a flattened arch with rounded ends. A rectangular opening appeared on the side of the craft. Next he remembers sitting back on a chair inside the object feeling dizzy and numb. He was briefly alone then two beings entered the room. One being was a male with a round oval face with two large oval black eyes. He was five-foot tall with a thin torso and limbs. The second being was a female, similar to the male being. The witness was then led to a dimly lit room and placed in a reclining position on a chair. He felt a buzzing stimulating sensation on his facial area and felt as if a small object was being introduced into his nose. He was then released and let outside and floated horizontally towards his vehicle. He resumed the drive and the vapor-like fog quickly dissipated.
HC addition # 1292
Source: Richard J Boylan PhD, Les K Boylan,
Close Extraterrestrial Encounters
Type: G
Location. Lockport, New York
Date: April 15 1992
Time: 1900
A large disc-shaped craft was observed coming out of the lake and flying erratically south towards Lockport. The object appeared to wobble and moved lower appearing to be in trouble. Observers claim it appeared to search for a landing spot, continued to lose altitude and crashed on Campbell Boulevard (Route 270) four miles west of Lockport and ten miles north of Buffalo. When the UFO crashed it managed to avoid hitting the cars traveling on the road. However, the drivers of the cars stopped to examine the UFO and most waited until the police arrived. The UFO was 100 feet in diameter and 25 feet high. Military, fire and police quickly arrived and cleaned up the crash site and cautioned those there not to talk about the incident. Some how the authorities were able to keep the crash quiet and only family members of those who observed the crash site have been told.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Crash list, quoting Unnamed Temple University Professor.
Type: H would like to have more information on this incident.
Location. Oderzo, Italy
Date: April 20 1992
Time: night
A guard on duty at the Oderzo Army barracks suddenly finds himself paralyzed and observes two humanoid figures wearing what appeared to be cloaks; the figures walk by and disappear from sight. Around the same time other military personnel see an object shaped like a cigar descending towards the ground. No other information.
Location. South Dade County, Florida
Date: May 1992
Time: late afternoon
Katherine Francovich was walking her two large “attack trained dogs” on leashes through a deserted grove of leafless lime trees, when she heard a very loud noise. Turning toward the noise she saw a small humanoid standing by a tree. The being had grayish/pink skin, non-porous and almost plastic like. It stood about 4-feet 9-inches tall. It wore a snug fitting metallic looking outfit that clearly showed the shape of its body. The upper part of the being’s head was disproportionately wide; the eyes were huge, black, and almond shaped, with no whites or pupils visible. It had two tiny nostrils and its lips were very small and not well defined. Its ears seemed to be dropped down a little bit, very small and pressed flat against the head. The arms were very long, without muscle tone, very skinny, extending into very long six fingered hands. Its neck was thin looking, the shoulders not well defined. It had a very slender frame and what appeared to be a small potbelly. Bu incredibly its thighs were over-developed, with well-defined bulging muscles on its legs. Its feet however were small. On its feet it had what looked like a cloth boot, made out of the same metallic material it wore for its clothes. Francovich and the humanoid stared at each other for a while. Her two dogs, normally aggressive, just sat down quietly in the presence of the being. Suddenly the being began to run, at a stunning speed, leaping with very little effort. The witness and her dogs ran after it, running a distance of several city blocks. Finally they came to a kind of tunnel that was formed from densely growing vines on dead trees. The being then darted into it and disappeared. At that same moment a powerful sulfuric stench became apparent, causing the witness to stop in her tracks. The witness felt there were other beings hiding in the bushes and quickly left the area along with her dogs.
HC addition # 2962
Source: CNI News, quoting Linda Moulton Howe
Type: E
Location. Manila, Philippines
Date: May 1992
Time: night
A woman, Martina Santa Rosa, reported an attack by a strange creature called a “manananggal” a sort of vampire type entity. Santa Rosa reported seeing half of her body and it was naked. She had long, scraggly hair, long arms, nails, and sharp fangs. A neighbor backed her account, coming forward to say that he had seen the creature’s top half flying away from Santa Rosa’s house.
HC addendum
Source: Mike Dash, Borderlands
Type: E
Location. Georgia, exact location not given
Date: May 5 1992
Time: 0200A
The witness woke up to see a shadow like entity at the corner of his baby son’s bed. Sitting up he saw the dark “shadow” move from the baby’s bed to the window and wall at his right. The entity stood about 4 ½ feet tall, and appeared to have a black cape of some kind on with a wide teepee-like hat that was somehow connected with its cape. No facial features or arms could be seen. The entity then moved from left to right and then disappeared through the wall of the house. This experienced was followed by an unsettling dream about the baby, and later by a frightening incident. Months later other family members saw a shadow like figure with claws move out of the hallway and touch the chest of one of the older children in the house.
HC addition # 2624
Source: John C Thompson, ISUR
Type: E
Location. Kentucky, exact location not given
Date: May 11 1992
Time: night
On a dark stormy night the passenger on the front seat of the car noticed a “phenomenal” creature standing on the side of the road. She first noticed its nude upper thigh, and then biceps. She described the creature as about 6 ft tall, solid black in color. It had a large almost dinosaur like head, with large oval solid black eyes and very fierce large solid black exposed teeth. No protruding nose or hair was seen. Its skin was also solid black and appeared to be rough like leather. It had very long fingers and its legs were never straightened as it moved away, it was almost in a crouching position, which made it appear that it was running but slowly paced. It quickly disappeared into the darkness.
HC addendum
Source: Blurry Photo.com
Type: E
Location. Connersville, Indiana
Date: May 12 1992
Time: early morning
A young boy reported being paralyzed in his bedroom by a strange elderly-looking humanoid. The boy had been apparently abducted on numerous occasions. No other information.
HC addition # 1970
Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter 1-95, quoting Don Worley
Type: E
Location. South Dade County, Florida
Date: Middle of May 1992
Time: 2300
Katherine Francovich was sitting in her living room, shortly after her first encounter, talking on the telephone with a friend. All the lights were turned off in the apartment. All four dogs lay on the floor sound asleep. As she listened to the friend on the phone, she stared out through the window. Suddenly her attention was drawn to the ceiling. A mint green cloud, appeared at the junction of the ceiling and wall, opposite to where she sat. It slowly spread across the ceiling and down the wall, expanding exactly like a thick cloud of morning dew. The mint-green cloud expanded rolled-swirled throughout the entire room, hovering and clinging to the ceiling. Some of it drifted down to the floor, like cigarette smoke settling. She told her friend on the phone what was going on and before anything else was said she noticed movement outside the window. To her surprise one of the lime grove beings was peeking through the open window at her. The curious face peeked through the corner of the screen, in an almost child-like manner, with big almond shaped eyes. Instantly Francovich identified this being as a female, which seemed obvious to her from the feminine characteristics of her face. Within a few moments, she shifted her body slightly over to the center of the window. At this moment the witness became aware of the fact that there was another being with her. A smaller one who peeked around the right hand side of her body, as if too timid to stand next to her. The shy being was a male that kept taking a peek and then ducking behind the safety of the female, only to wait a moment before daring another quick glance. The swirling green cloud continued to float in her living room, directly above her. All this time the witness kept telling her stunned friend what was going on over the phone. For some unexplained reason her dogs never woke up. At one point the female raised her hand in slow motion and gently placed it on the screen. The palm of her hand was facing the witness, with the fingers spread apart. The witness counted six long digits. The witness then placed her hand against the window on the exact same place where the alien had placed hers. She heard the words “Protector of life, Protector of life” in her head several times. Then the female turned, with her back facing the witness and leaped off the porch. The young male followed right behind her. All their body movements seemed to be in slow motion and graceful, as if the laws of gravity did not apply. Soon they were gone.
HC addendum
Source: Dave Taub, & K T Francovich
Type: E
Location. Haye, near Nancy, France
Date: May 24 1992
Time: 2300
There were several observations of a fiery humanoid silhouette seen in a wood near the village. Six members of the local UFO group ECOL reported seeing the fiery luminous figure floating over the ground in the woods. When the figure is approached it seems to dissipate and disappear.
HC addendum
Source: Raoul Robe Regional Catalog
Type: E
Location. Rooster Rock State Park, Oregon
Date: Summer 1992
Time: 0200A
A couple were out camping when hey heard an awful scream from far away that was loud and mournful and then under the light of the full moon he noticed, only ten feet away, a ten foot tall Bigfoot like creature. It wasn’t even looking at him, but across the river. The witness said the eyes of the creature were a silver dollar size, eight inches apart, and fire red in the moonlight. As he began to panic, he heard a message of peace and non-aggression in his head. He turned around, picked up his gear, and backed off. He packed up his stuff, land left in the boat (apparently in shock), leaving his wife, who woke later, went to get a friend to help find her husband who had been arrested, she later found out. Later they found wide tracks 17 inches long, and another set at 20 inches long.
HC addendum
Source: Ray Crowe’s Track Record # 43
Type: E & F
Location. Beckley West Virginia
Date: Summer 1992
Time: 0300A
The witness was just pulling out of the parking lot of a local mall when he noticed a blond haired woman that appeared to be 8 months pregnant running alongside of the road. He pulled up next to her intent in assisting her when the frantic woman jumped into his car and began screaming, ” Get out of here”! They are after me”! Leave me alone! Get away! They after me! As he drove away with the screaming woman next to him he noticed what appeared to be headlights following his vehicle. He attempted to outrun the lights but was unable to, at one point he slammed the brakes and the lights flew over his car then hovered in mid-air yards above them. The woman screamed again and told the witness to drive to a nearby decrepit and apparently abandoned house. There she left the vehicle and ran into the house. The lights hovered overhead for a second then shot away. After awhile the witness recalled some strange details about the woman, she was described as good looking, with a petite face, not swollen like a normal pregnant woman. She wore a bright green blouse that seemed to absorb light and her slacks were wrinkle free without any creases. A week later he returned to the sit of the house and found out that it had been abandoned for years.
HC addition # 1958
Source: Bob Teets, West Virginia UFOS
Close Encounters in the Mountain State
Type: C?
Location. Pine Bush, New York
Date: Summer 1992
Time: 2230
Separate witnesses had seen on a road a black creature about 7-9 ft tall, all black with head, arms and legs, the witnesses could not make out any features. It ran off into the woods after being seen. This is an area of heavy UFO activity.
HC addendum
Source: Bill Brann, WBS Alien Report, Vol. 2 # 10
Type: E
Location. North of Las Vegas Nevada
Date: Summer 1992
Time: night
A man parked in a remote area investigating reports of alien activity at a nearby top-secret Air Force site, reported seeing peculiar distant lights over the area. Later he caught sight of what appeared to be a security four-wheel drive vehicle driving by 20 yards away. The vehicle’s inside light was on. In the passenger seat, sitting upright he saw a female humanoid being; she appeared to be half-human with blond hair and huge dark eyes and a wide face. The vehicle drove quickly away.
HC addition # 1691
Source: UFONS # 295
Type: C?
Location. Satkinskiy Region, Russia
Date: Summer 1992
Time: night
A local resident staying at the local spring baths watched a revolving disc-shaped object hovering low over the area. The man distinctly saw several illuminated windows and flashing lights inside. In some of the windows he was able to see figures of “persons” very similar to humans staring down at him. Another witness at the same resort reported seeing a luminous sphere slowly land on the roof of the cabin without making any noises. He hid inside until the sphere left.
HC addendum
Source: V P Chernetsova “Satkinskiy legends”
Type: A
Location. Florida, exact location not given
Date: Summer 1992
Time: late night
Late one night the witness was suddenly awakened by a loud humming noise. He could not move or speak and as he stared at the end of the bed he saw a tiny man in red clothing. The little man’s eyes were glowing. The man went back to sleep and did not see the little man depart. His wife has woken up to humming sounds also but has not seen any entities.
HC addendum
Source: Alien Resistance, Case Files
Type: E
Location. Kent Cliffs, New York
Date: Summer 1992
Time: 2300
The witness was walking on a road near some ancient stone chambers, as he walked by a chamber on the opposite side of the road he noticed a faint red glow coming from the inside. He also heard a faint sound like a hum, sort of like an electrical generator that was being used to produce the light. He crossed the street and entered a short section of woods and entered the chamber. As soon as he walked in the noise stopped and he could not see the red light, it was all dark inside. He felt very uneasy as if someone was watching him. After 30 seconds an invisible force field like force struck him. He fell to the ground expecting to see somebody standing over him but saw no one. He tried to get up several times but an unseen force that felt like a hand kept striking him. He stayed down and looked toward the opening and saw the figure of a man standing there. He was wearing a white robe and had long black hair and a beard. His hair was very curly and it hung over his shoulders. His eyes seemed very dark, but they also glowed. The center of his pupils looked red. He just stood there and looked at the witness. The figure raised his hand and pointed his finger at the witness, who realized that he was not wanted there. The figure was surrounded by a soft white glow. It then dissolved into a cloud of mist, and the mist was drawn into a nearby rock, just as if there was a vacuum there. The witness then left the chamber.
HC addendum
Source: Phillip J Imbrogno & Marianne Horrigan
Contact of the 5th Kind
Type: E
Location. Scottsdale Arizona
Date: Summer 1992
Time: late night
A woman was checking on her husband in the bedroom when she saw two to three short gray skinned humanoids with large heads and black oval-shaped eyes that were apparently injecting or extracting some type of fluid from her husband’s head. He appeared to be sleeping. The woman was unable to move as the beings then entered her seven-year old son’s bedroom and repeated the same procedure apparently using a long needle-like instrument.
HC addition # 2078
Source: Personal Interview
Type: E
Location. Florida, exact location not given
Date: Summer 1992
Time: late night
Faith Lovette suddenly woke up in the middle of the night feeling very afraid. It had been very hot and humid but the room felt very chilly. The streetlights were shining in through the window and she could see the room clearly. She then noticed a strange being standing at the end of the bed. The being had red glowing eyes and red marks on his face and his arms and legs looked a little too small for his body, but he may have been wearing some kind of body armor. When the being realized that she was awake, he came up to her putting his face very close to hers, eye-to-eye. He then touched her face and hair assuring her that she would not be harmed. The being had some kind of scanning device in his hand that he used to scan her from head to toe. When he was done he looked at her as if to say he was done, backed up towards the closet and disappeared. (Note similarity to case # 60).
HC addendum
Source: UFOs and Aliens Among us
Type: E
Location. Mexico City, DF Mexico
Date: June 1992
Time: 0300A
The witness, a nurse, suddenly woke up and saw through a window in her bedroom a round luminous object descend over a nearby roof. Several short figures with huge heads emerged from the object. She attempted to scream but could not. The beings all wore tight fitting silvery outfits. Then she heard a loud humming sound coming from the object, which also emitted a bright white light that surrounded the little humanoids. As she watched the scene, she suddenly blacked out and does not remember anything else of the incident.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso
Type: B or G?
Location. Antioch, Illinois
Date: June 1992
Time: evening
Matthew Eaton was walking back from a creek located behind a neighbor’s house when he saw what appeared to be a 4 ft bipedal creature standing about 20 ft into the woods that where adjacent to a local creek. Its eyes appeared to be glowing red. Eaton stared at it and it stared back for what seemed to a minute or so. Its body appeared to be entirely covered with fur, of an unknown color. Its right arm was wrapped around one of the trees, which hid its right shoulder down, while its other arm was resting along the creature’s side. It had 4 to 5 long bony fingers. The head appeared to be an oval shape and the face appeared to be hairless. After a few moments it walked into the woods and vanished.
HC addendum
Source: Cryptozoology.com
Type: E
Location. Agawam Massachusetts
Date: June 1992
Time: night
As a bright object hovered low over the area, all the mailboxes in one street reportedly burst into flames. Several strange undescribed creatures were also observed nearby. No other information.
HC addition # 2393
Source: UFONS # 283
Type: C
Location. Boa Vista dos Ramos, Brazil
Date: June 1992
Time: night
A lone motorist saw a tall human like figure with long blond hair with green luminous eyes was seen standing on the side of the road, it was almost 3 meters in height. It wore a tight-fitting plastic like coverall and large silvery boots. It seemed to be watching the traffic going by.
HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Type: E
Location. North Palm Beach, Florida
Date: June 1992
Time: late night
The witness, who had sleeping face down on her bed, suddenly woke up in the middle of the night feeling a tremendous weight on her back. She felt as if someone was squatting on her back and pounding on her lower back with bare fists. She attempted to grab at the creature and felt a rough cloth. She yelled a prayer and managed to grab the cloth throwing the short creature to the floor, she looked and saw a short being completely covered in a dark blue hood; no facial features could be seen. The creature then disappeared.
HC addition # 2092
Source: Personal Interview
Type: E
Location. Maryland, exact location not given
Date: June 1992
Time: late night
The witness suddenly awoke from a sound sleep to see a bright blue light coming through the mini-blinds of her bedroom window. In the morning she found a circle of dead grass in the yard and mysterious helicopters circled her house all during that morning. She then recalled that during the night she had been visited by a tall blond man, with short cropped hair, black eyes without pupils that appeared to have been benevolent but “lethal serious” with command. No other information.
HC addition # 1363
Source: Linda Moulton Howe Glimpses of Other Realities Vol. I
Type: C
Location. Nottingham, England
Date: June 1992
Time: 2300
19-year-old Mike Clarke reported encountering a tall thin white “light” shiny humanoid. He does not recall being onboard a craft. But reported suffering from headaches and nose bleeds and body aches after the incident. No other information.
HC addition # 3833
Source: UFO Abduction Raw Data Page
UFO Watch
Type: E?
Location. Melesse, France
Date: June 3 1992
Time: 2330
One observer saw a 7-foot tall transparent egg-shaped craft hovering low over a pasture. A short humanoid figure was seen standing behind a control panel inside the object. A nearby tree is apparently scorched by heat emitted by the object.
HC addition # 2392
Source: LDLN # 334
Type: A
Location. Malibu California
Date: June 9 1992
Time: 0400A
The witness suddenly awoke and found himself unable to move. He then saw standing next to his bed three small figures. These were described as white-colored with frail bodies, large triangular-shaped heads, and huge luminous black eyes. The figures stood motionless staring at the witness emanating a felling of curiosity. The figures then receded backwards from the witness with a look of bewilderment and vanished.
HC addition # 1119
Source: Jefferson R Weekly, UFO Vol. 8 # 4
Type: E
Location. Quebradas De Yauco, Puerto Rico
Date: June 15 1992
Time: late night
The same night that Dr. Radames Marin found eight of his sheep dead and mutilated under mysterious circumstances, several neighbors heard guttural screams coming from near the farm. Others saw a 6 ft tall, dark hairy figure running on two feet away from the area and disappear into some woods.
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, La Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E
Location. Mamaroneck, New York
Date: June 20 1992
Time: 0335A
35-year old “Jane” was just getting ready to retire for the night. Her husband and children were already sleeping. It was about 2300 when she looked up through the skylight and saw a bright, star-like object right over the window. She thought it was strange but went soon to sleep. Several hours later she was awakened by a strange buzzing sound. As she looked toward the skylight, a beam of light came through and hit the foot of the bed. The beam split into a number of colors that looked like a rainbow. The light then traveled up the bed until it was covering half her body. She tried to move and realized that she was paralyzed. She looked across at her husband and noticed that he was on his back, a position he never slept in. “He looked like he was in a trance.” After about two minutes another beam of light came through the skylight. This time it was white. Inside the light, a figure began to materialize. When the light shut off she saw a very tall man standing at the foot of her bed. He was dressed in blue robes and was at least seven ft tall. He had long black hair and his skin looked very pale. The being stood there and stared at Jane, who was still paralyzed. The being then raised his hand and pointed at her. He told her verbally that her husband had not been harmed in any way. The being then said that soon she would receive messages that would help the human race through very hard times that were approaching. Jane blacked out and when she woke up the next day, she told her husband about her experience.
HC addendum
Source: Phillip J Imbrogno & Marianne Horrigan
Contact of the 5th Kind
Type: E
Location. Near Warsaw, Poland
Date: June 20 1992
Time: 1600
At a government forestry project east of Warsaw 11 witnesses were gathered in one building when they suddenly noticed that on an internal road in the complex appeared—literally out of nowhere—an object looking like a disc with a dome on its upper part. The dome was rounded with some colorful lights in its lower part. The witnesses estimated the UFO’s diameter to be 4 meters in width and 2 meters in height. It was dark steel like in color. They did not see any windows, antennas or other protrusions. The UFO moved slowly above the road. It then suddenly turned towards a wall of the nearby woods and landed in the trees. It remained there for a few minutes; the witnesses could not see any legs or wheels. Soon the UFO took off slowly and circled over a nearby square sand lot, it then flew over the asphalt road. After that it floated among buildings and then disappeared behind some trees. Shocked, the witnesses decided to get together and discuss the matter. They decided to contact the “visitors” and wrote in a piece of paper: “We are people, please contact with us” and then they fitted it onto a pane of the bathroom window on the 3rd floor. The next day, they found the sheet of paper still on the pane but upside down and covered with strange glue like gel. The glass was covered with the traces of 4-fingered “palms”. The “prints” were narrow and they measured 20cm in their length. Clearly visible was 4 stage finger-like traces on the window pane (humans only have three stages). Those strange palm prints had no thumbs, but they appear to have claws. A photograph of the prints was taken.
HC addendum
Source: Robert K Lesniakiewicz, Center for UFO & Anomalous
Phenomena Research, Cracow.
Type: C?
Location. Soumenniemi, Finland
Date: June 25 1992
Time: 2100
A 54-year old woman was driving her car on the way to her summer cottage in Ristiina. After a long straightaway the road curved climbing a hill and the woman noticed some movement on the road ahead. She thought it was some kind of animal and rove closer, speeding up. However when she came closer she could see that they were 2 humanoids, who seemed to be measuring something on the ground, the first was in the middle of the road, the second on the roadside. They were so concentrated on their work that they did not see her car before she drove up to them. When they noticed her car they turned and the one on the roadside jumped to the ditch and disappeared, while the humanoid in the middle of the road froze in place as the woman drove right over him, at the same time attempting to steer away from the entity. When driving over the humanoid she heard a metallic sound resembling “niuuhh” sound under the car. She stopped her car and went out to investigate, but could not find anything. Later she discovered that a cover of hard plastic under her car had been torn out. She described the humanoids as being well-built miniature humans some 50cm tall, clad in tight-fitting dark gray overalls with a darker broad belt around the waist. Their head was round, and they seemed to have been baldheaded and had large dark round eyes or eye openings.
HC addendum
Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland
Type: E
Location. Lakeville, Wayne County, Pennsylvania
Date: June 28 1992
Time: 0300A
A husband, wife, and small child reported an apparent abduction experience, few details recalled. The wife remembers being shown a small gray colored baby like being and believes she is the surrogate mother. She was then taken to an examination area apparently onboard some type of craft. The husband recalls arguing with several pale-faced beings that apparently were working or testing on his chest area. An odd pattern of red marks was discovered on the chest the next morning.
HC addition # 55
Source: PASU Data Exchange Fall 1992
Type: G
Location. Near Navadvipa West Bengal India
Date: late June 1992
Time: daytime
Several young boys had gone swimming in the Ganges River including a five-year old that could not swim. After awhile his parents who arrived looking for him missed his presence. After awhile the young man was seen by the others somehow being held under the powerful current by a strong unknown force, only his finger was sticking out of the water, he was being held in place and was not moving. One of the older boys then swam over to him and pulled him out. He was apparently unhurt. When asked what happened, he said a “beautiful woman” wearing a crown and earrings and dressed very nicely had appeared out of nowhere and held him up as the strong current attempted to drag him away. After saving him she apparently vanished. (This humanoid was interpreted as being a “Jaladevata”, in old Indian Vedic tradition a being that reportedly gives protection to those who are in danger of drowning in lakes and rivers.)
HC addition # 1345
Source: Richard L Thompson, “Alien Identities”
Type: E
Location. Middletown, New York
Date: July 1992
Time: afternoon
Whitley Strieber was walking about half a mile behind the cabin when he noticed what looked like about a twelve-year-old sitting against a big tree. He had something between his fingers, and Strieber assumed it was a local kid out sneaking a smoke. The woods were very quiet and he strolled over and said: “Better be sure you put that out when you’re finished.” Then he realized that the “boy” was wearing a tan jumpsuit. His eyes were deep set, and his skin was old. And it wasn’t a cigarette he was holding; it was a little silver wand. At this point Strieber felt scared. He opened his mouth slightly. Still looking straight ahead, he growled. Terrified Strieber ran away from the area and did not see the humanoid depart.
HC addendum
Source: Whitley Strieber, Breakthrough, The Next Step
Type: E
Location. Springfield, Missouri
Date: July 1992
Time: evening
A Springfield woman reported two robed creatures in a vacant field near her home. The creatures had glowing amber eyes and appeared to be carrying a computer-like apparatus, which one was operating. The creatures glided over the ground without apparent effort.
HC addition # 58
Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter
Type: E
Location. Houston, Texas
Date: July 1992
Time: 0300A
Sally Crestman awakened in the middle of the night to find a tall man standing by her bed. She described the man as Egyptian-looking, with long, black hair and very pale skin. Although the room was dark, the being seemed to glow, and Sally could clearly make out his facial features. The man just stood there staring at the witness. She was unable to move as her husband slept next to her. He was snoring very loudly. The stranger continued to look at the witness; his eyes were very dark; a red area glowed in the middle of his pupils. He then raised his finger, pointed to the ceiling, and just vanished. Scared, she pulled the covers over her head and heard a voice inside her head say, “You will now travel far beyond any place you have ever been before.” She then felt as if she was falling into a hole and sinking, and then she blacked out. The next day she woke up very tired.
HC addendum
Source: Philip J Imbrogno & Marianne Horrigan
Contact of the 5th Kind
Type: E or G?
Location. Bukovec, Slovakia
Date: July 1992
Time: 1600
A young boy witnessed the landing of a Saturn shaped object near the village. He also noticed 5-6 little humanoids milling around it. He called his mother and grandmother and attempted to take 4 photographs, but this did not come out. The little humanoids went back into the object, which then took off at tremendous speed.
HC addendum
Source: Dr Milos Jesensky
Type: B
Location. Paltanavichus, Lithuania
Date: July 1992
Time: 2300
Rimas, a 50-year old Lithuania rural priest was at home when he heard the sounds of motors and foreign voices outside in the courtyard. He looked out the window and saw a large disc-shaped object descending quickly into the yard, as it approached the ground a door opened and a rope-type ladder was lowered to the ground. Around the center of the object the witness could see a dozen round-lighted windows. Curious the witness stepped out into the courtyard and climbed up the rope ladder, as he entered the hatch he was greeted by two silvery clad human-like figures complete with helmets and antennas on top. Inside the saw numerous panel with buttons and estimated that the disc was about 50 meters in diameter. Soon he heard a sound resembling that of a dynamo and the disc rocked and climbed up. Looking out a window he saw what appeared to be the earth moving slowly away, he did not see any stars only a dark blue firmament. Soon they landed presumably on the alien’s planet where he saw low one story dwellings with windows. He also saw trees; grass, which possessed striking colors. The aliens or inhabitants of the “planet” were human like about 1.60 meters in height all youthful in appearance. They wore simply flaxen clothing and the women had their hair picked up in a bun, they wore no cosmetics. The planet was very warm. He was given a juice that tasted like mango to drink. They aliens spoke neither English nor German but the witness somehow understood everything that was being said to him, he thought that maybe they communicated telepathically. He did not see any forms of electricity of lighting. He then asked the aliens if they believed in God or in a God, he was told that yes that they worshipped just as the earthlings did. He was taken to a building, which he was told was a place of worship, which, in no way resembled a church. Inside he hardly saw any images except for that of a man with a belt and beard, which he was told was their superior “being”. He was told that there were other planets in their system populated by tall dark skinned aliens or 3 meters in height. He described the aliens as having beautiful gray eyes and light colored hair. Most wore light colored coveralls and the women multicolored dress. He remembered seeing beautiful flowered fields and flat topped hills and mountains. He did not see any clouds but noticed that the sun was very hot. After awhile he was taken back to the disc shaped object and climbed again up the rope ladder. He was eventually brought back to his home. The aliens did not promise the witness that they would return.
HC addendum
Source: Sergey Shpakovskiy, quoting Lithuania Television channel
Tele-3 1992
Type: G
Location. Sedona, Arizona
Date: July 1992
Time: late night
The witness, a well-known local psychic, professional artist, and channel was suddenly awakened by voices talking in her bedroom. Looking up she saw several beautiful man-like figures wearing white sparkling uniforms standing at the foot of her bed. The figures had blue upside-down triangle insignias on the breast area of their uniforms. Another figure with flowing blond hair and wearing a two-piece uniform with gold braided epaulets and a large gold triangular emblem on his chest appeared to be the leader. A sort of spotlight shone on him and he smiled at the witness. He reassured her and a peaceful feeling came over her. The next day she was also visited by numerous entities including a blond young woman wearing a shiny white uniform with a golden upside-down triangular insignia on her breast area.
HC addition # 758
Source: Helga Morrow, The Missing Link # 125
Type: E
Location. Jersey City, New Jersey
Date: July 3 1992
Time: 2218
The witness was riding his bicycle on Bergen Avenue on his way home from work when he saw what he thought was a meteor coming straight down at lighting speed. It looked like an orange fireball, which stopped suddenly 200 feet from the ground. It was then a flying disc that was flying down on its edge. When it stopped it slowly began to turn right side up and that’s when the witness noticed that it was dark gray on top. Then it slowly turned on its edge and the witness saw five pentagon shaped lights on the bottom, which covered the whole underside. These were emerald in color and were arranged with one in the middle and the rest around it. There was no sound. The witness stood motionless with tears flowing down his face, he felt no fear only love and admiration. He also noticed that he was suddenly holding his bicycle on Belmont Avenue. A few distance away from where he was originally. He suffered from a memory lapse and paralysis during the event and sleep disorder thereafter. No hypnotic regression has apparently been attempted.
HC addendum
Source: John Schuessler, MUFON, Filer’s Files # 9 2003
High Strangeness Index: 9
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Hypnotic regression is imperative in this case.
Location. Duarte, California
Date: July 18 1992
Time: 0500A
In a “dream-like” state, a husband and wife reported being abducted from their beds as part of a “massive” airlift of people being taken from their beds that night. Both were raised off their beds, traveled through the house feet first to the back door, out the door and then gradually into the air. They moved at a slow pace through the air. They met many others in the sky. All were floating through the air feet first dressed in pajamas. They landed at the Angeles Forest in the foothills of the San Gabriel Valley near a landed disc-shaped object. A female alien approached the pair and removed her helmet. She looked like an Oriental human. She gave both shots in the arms. At this point they suddenly found themselves back in bed. In the morning both had sore arms where the shots were administered and had red marks. The experienced seemed to have lasted for about 20 to 30 minutes.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G or F?
Location. West Vancouver British Columbia Canada
Date: July 19 1992
Time: midnight
A 16-year old boy sees a dark cone-shaped craft overhead; it apparently descended making zigzagging movements. The boy hid in the house but several humanoids entered the house through a closed bedroom window. He then suffered a period of missing time.
HC addition # 2391
Source: LDLN # 318
Type: C or G?
Location. Sydney, Australia
Date: July 23 1992
Time: 0730A
Peter Khoury was in bed as a result of a recent injury and was on pain medication. Suddenly he bolted winded awake and sat up in bed. There were two humanoid females sitting on the bed, both entirely naked. The two women looked very human in nearly every way. They had well-proportioned adult bodies. One looked Asian, with straight dark shoulder length hair and dark eyes. The other looked perhaps Scandinavian, with light colored, possibly bluish eyes and long blond hair that fell half way down her back. To Khoury, the hair looked very exotic. Their faces were somewhat odd-not unattractive, but too chiseled, with high cheekbones and eyes that were two or three times larger than normal. Khoury specially noticed the blonde-haired person. Her face was long, very long. The blonde-haired person, who was sitting in a kneeling position on the bed, seemed to be in charge. Khoury thought that she was communicating telepathically with the dark haired woman, who was sitting with her legs partly folded under her. Their facial expressions were almost blank. Stunned, the witness was unable to react as the blonde-haired woman suddenly reached out with both her hands and cupped the back of his head, drawing his face toward her chest. He resisted. Apparently very strong, she pulled harder. She pulled him over and his mouth was basically on her nipple, and he bit it. A piece of her nipple came loose in his teeth, but the blonde woman did not cry out. She seemed shocked or confused and looked at the Asian woman, then back at the witness. Involuntarily, Khoury, swallowed the small fragment in his mouth, and it caught in his throat. He went into a coughing fit. Suddenly the two women simply disappeared. Feeling an urge to go to the bathroom, he realized his penis felt very painful. Pulling back the foreskin he found two thin blond strands of hair wrapped tightly around. He kept the hair samples for future testing.
HC addition # 3515
Source: Bill Chalker
Type: E
Location. Tuttlingen, Germany
Date: July 24 1992
Time: late night
At 2230 that night Rolf Fuller had seen a maneuvering pyramid of light flying over the area, it changed colors from white to red then white again and seemed to grow in size. Later that night as he lay sleeping he suddenly woke up and found himself in unfamiliar surroundings. He was in a room weakly illuminated by a reddish light. A short figure in a blue suit with a black belt stood in front of him. The figure wore a dark blue peaked cap. It had long arms and fingers. It also had large slanted dark eyes, a small mouth and a small nose, no ears and stubble of hair. On a sleeve he had the following markings in yellow “L / and a pyramid.” The witness panicked and grabbed the small figure. At the same time two shorter gray figures grabbed the witness arms. The witness struggled with the beings that were somewhat weak. He confronts the blue-garbed leader and kicks him then another figures jumps on his back presses it hands on the witness mouth and the witness faints. He later wakes up in his bed still surrounded by the entities. Theses suddenly vanished in plain sight.
HC addition # 889
Source: Ihlobrand von Ludwiger, Mufon 93 Symposium
Type: G
Location. Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
Date: July 25 1992
Time: unknown
The witness, who had been previously abducted was visited in his home by a strange being described as humanoid in appearance but Hindu-like, the being communicated with the witness. This being told the witness that the small gray humanoids were androids and only lived for a few days before being recycled into new ones.
HC addition # 772
Source: Terry Ecker, The Ufologist Vol. 2 # 1
Type: E
Location. Tarasovka, Kiev, Ukraine
Date: July 25 1992
Time: 0300A
Three men, including the main witness, 17-year old Alexander Metlov had gone out into some fields to race their motorbikes. Two of them, not the main witness, had been drinking and were somewhat inebriated. In a field near a bridge they saw a luminous sphere slowly descend to the ground. It hovered closed to the ground while three leg-like protrusions emerged and touched the ground. For about 10 minutes Alexander shone the headlight of his motorbike at the sphere while the other two men stared. Soon an opening became visible on the upper section of the sphere and something resembling stairs descended towards the ground. A human-like figure then became visible; Metlov then shone the headlight at the figure, which immediately became still. The being was described as about 5’5″ tall, human like, wearing a white coverall and an opaque helmet, he also had a rectangular shaped panel on his chest. After a few moments, ignoring the witness, the figure walked towards the nearby river, it moved in a peculiar manner as if getting accustomed to walking on the ground, it eventually disappeared over the riverbank. After about 1o minutes the being returned, this time walking normally. Alexander then rushed towards the being with his motorbike, it suddenly disappeared and appeared standing next to the other tow men that were now apparently sleeping on the ground. At this point an opening became visible on the being’s helmet, and an oval shaped head became visible. It appeared human but seemed to have some “make up” on it. Moments later it walked back to the sphere, the sphere lit up, and the being re-entered the object. The sphere began glowing and changing colors then shot up vertically into the sky and disappeared. The next day Alexander and another witness reported seeing a metallic disc with a glowing green light land on a garden, remain there for about 5 minutes then take off at high speed and vanished.
HC addition # 3357
Source: Yuri Selenok, ISUR
Type: B
Location. Liverpool England
Date: August 1992
Time: 0300A
The two witnesses had gone to bed after drinking tea. Janet woke up with a feeling of absolute terror. She felt as if she had been somewhere, and then landed back in her bed. Harry had also woken up and caught a glimpse of something more substantial than a shadow on the bed; it seemed to recede as if had gone through a doorway. Later when the pair recovered, Janet remembered what had happened. She recollected lying down with bright lights all around her. There were a number of “faceless” beings around her. She believes she was given something to “calm her down.” The next thing she remembered was being in another room with several other people that were gathered around a strange man. The man was small, very pale and had huge oval eyes that were very dark. He also wore an odd black fedora type hat. When she looked into the being’s eyes she felt an incredible longing to be there. They seemed to contain the whole universe. She thought the little being was not threatening and seemed to possess great knowledge. The being was apparently sharing his knowledge with the others in the room. He spoke of humanity’s origin and how we had been genetically engineered. He mentioned that the spirit was separate from the body. After that she found herself in a long, cold, gray tunnel. In the tunnel she saw a man she recognized, that seemed to be deranged. She was told that the man had been pushed to far. She was then taken into a room where she saw a normal looking man that seemed to be a medical doctor. Apparently he performed some gynecological procedure on her. At that point her memory ended.
HC addition # 3452
Source: Peter Hough, Moyshe Kalman
The Truth about UFO Abductions
Type: G
Location. New Jersey, exact location not given
Date: August 1992
Time: night
In a dream like state a man reported standing shirtless in a room as a short “gray” humanoid standing in front of a “mirror” placed something resembling a cattle prod on his left shoulder blade. Behind the humanoid he noticed a woman with long dark hair watching him. When he woke up he felt a sharp pain on his left shoulder blade, he then ran to the bathroom mirror and saw a “V” shaped scar, reddish and very sore, on his left shoulder blade.
HC addition # 3869
Source: S.P.A.C.E.
Type: G?
Location. Needingworth, East Anglia, England
Date: August 1992
Time: night
The witness was walking back home and was cutting through a field. His next memory was of being in the field going in the right direction home, but the thing is although he was in the field, he did not remember leaving the road. He was then in a ditch, being prodded and spun around. It felt like tiny little hands were probing him all over. Everything is silent and he sees no lights, he feels confused and powerless to do anything. His next memory is of arriving home forgetting everything that had occurred.
HC addendum
Source: Alien UK, Sightings
Type: G?
Location. Not disclosed
Date: August 1992
Time: late night
The two witnesses who live in separate rooms had retired for the night. The two bedrooms faced each other, with a three-foot hallway between the entrances. Some time after going to sleep “Jake” was awakened by the feel of something pulling on his covers. He opened his eyes and saw a strange creature about two feet away from him. As the creature rushed towards him he yelled for his roommate Hal. The creature’s long skinny fingers touched Jake’s chest and he immediately became paralyzed falling back to bed completely unable to move. As he looked at the creature it appeared that now it was somehow above him. He then heard his roommate yelling for him. Hal recalled that as he ran to assist Jake he ran into to some type of invisible barrier that prevented him from entering Jake’s bedroom. He swung at it several times to no avail. Inside the open door he could see a bluish-white light coming into Jake’s window. He could also see a dark shape about two feet above Jake’s bed and moving down towards it. He kept striking the invisible barrier and then noticed that Jake seemed to be levitating from his bed. His next conscious memory was of waking up at 0730A. Jake recalled that during the encounter with the strange creature the room felt completely devoid of sound as if in a vacuum. He also remembered that the creature had two very long side-to-side eyes, which were squinted and almost closed.
HC addition # 2198
Source: Karla Turner PhD, Unexplained Universe # 1
Type: E or G?
Location. Las Vegas, Nevada
Date: August 1992
Time: late night
The witness that had been asleep suddenly found herself floating just above her bed. A strong yellow light appeared across the room through some type of “portal.” A figure than appeared in the portal. The figure was described as human-like, bluish in color, of medium built, and with dark blond haircut like a bowl that fell to his ears. His eyes were round and blue. The figure looked at the witness, motioned to her to keep quiet then disappeared.
HC addition # 1103
Source: Letter in Strange Magazine # 12
Type: E
Location. Hockliffe, near Milton Keynes England
Date: August 8 1992
Time: morning
A family of four drove to Keynes to do some shopping. At Hockliffe they suddenly ran into a bank of mist that appeared from nowhere. The driver and his wife then recall nothing more until they were no longer in the mist and eight miles further down the road near Woburn Sands. Upon arrival in the town they had severe pains, red marks on their skin of unknown origin and a sense of unreality. (Indeed, this was so serious that the woman thought they may have had an accident and died and actually asked a relative later is she was still alive). They also experienced great problems getting back to normal reality.
HC addendum
Source: Jenny Randles, Alien Contacts and Abductions, the real
Story from the other side.
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Hypnotic regression is imperative in this case.
Location. Dedestapolsanyban, Hungary
Date: August 11 1992
Time: late night
Awakened by a bright light from outside their home, several family members looked out to see an astonishing sight. A large bright spherical object was hovering over an adjacent construction site. The craft appeared to have several luminous oval shaped openings and was shining a beam of light from a circular opening on its lower half. Inside this beam the witnesses saw several small humanoid figures that flew in the air within the beam towards a nearby apple tree. The beings were described as thin, with featureless heads, long thing arms, and wearing short robe like tunics, no legs were seen. The beings carried small containers and flew around the apple tree collecting as many of the fruit as possible. Soon they flew back into the craft via the same light beam. The luminous object then left the area. No other information.
HC addition # 2178
Source: Kriston Endre, Hungarian UFO Magazine 8/93
Type: B
Location. Salem Oregon
Date: August 13 1992
Time: 0900A
The witness was alone at home sitting in the dining room table facing the living room with the kitchen to her left when she caught sight of something outside her kitchen back door window. It was a short hairless greenish-gray figure that quickly walked into the kitchen. The witness watched the figure, as it briefly stood sideways by a storage cabinet. The witness attempted to communicate telepathically but the creature suddenly vanished. The figure had an elongated head and what appeared to be large “eyelids” drawn over the eyes. The witness dog did not seem to react to the intruder. Twenty minutes later as the witness again sat down a greenish three-fingered hand suddenly appeared from behind her quickly touching her wrist. The touch was very painful, almost like an “electric shock”, and then the alien hand vanished. Two days later the witness found a round red mark on her wrist.
HC addition # 1355
Source: Linda Moulton Howe
Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I
Type: E
Location. Colinas Del Yunque, Puerto Rico
Date: middle of August 1992
Time: 1700
At least six independent witnesses including three children saw in broad daylight two short beings walking side by side on the middle of the roadway. The beings were described as four-foot tall with shiny light-green skin, very thin long arms, and heads somewhat larger than normal and covered with a stringy light-brown hair. They appeared to be only wearing a pair of white shorts with a red stripe on the side. The children followed the short beings for a short distance until they entered a wooded slope and disappeared. One of the witnesses claims that one of the beings gave her the two finger “peace” sign as he walked by.
HC addition # 511
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 60
Type: E
Location. Cañada Juncosa, Albacete, Spain
Date: middle of August 1992
Time: late night
Jose Manuel Sanchez Cabezuelo had already experienced two previous bizarre events on the same isolated stretch of road, which included a block of ice falling on the hood of his car. On this night as he passed km3 he saw a huge light hovering above a nearby telephone pole. The bright light was oval in shape and seemed to deplete his vehicle’s energy, which slowly seemed to lose velocity until it only moved a 20 mph. He noticed that inside the egg-shaped craft he was able to see a heavyset dark man-like figure, apparently standing up. The object hovered parallel to the vehicle for a few minutes and then shot away at very high speed. At this point his vehicle began to function normally again.
HC addendum
Source: Iker Jimenez, Encuentros La Historia de Los Ovni en España
Type: A
Location. Near Tarbrax Scotland
Date: August 27 1994
Time: 2240
Two men, Garry Wood and Colin Wright were on a business trip when they rounded a blind corner in the vicinity of the Harpering reservoir, suddenly Colin abruptly leaned forward exclaiming, “What the hell’s that?” Garry peered through the windscreen, there ahead of the car; floating about 20 ft above the road was a two tiered disc shaped object. He remembers it being about 30 ft wide, wider than the road, smooth, black and shiny with no windows or illuminations. Garry a motor mechanic by trade found the appearance and finish of the object unusual. Wanting to get away as quickly as possible, he floored the accelerator urging their vehicle up to almost 70 mph. As they passed below the hovering craft a shimmering curtain of light descended on the car, Garry describes it as like looking at a detuned TV set, just flickering lights. Instantly they were enveloped in total, complete darkness. Later under hypnosis Garry recalled standing (presumably) outside the car, it was still totally and utterly dark, not a hint of light, he could not even see the car; briefly he thought they had crashed and he was dead. He blacked out for what, subjectively, felt like a few seconds, then abruptly he was awake and the car was veering all over the road. Garry could hear Colin shouting at him to watch out then thankfully, he was able to bring the car to a stop. They looked at each other in disbelief not knowing what had happened. Setting off again, they arrived at their destination still discussing their bizarre encounter. Soon both men realized that they had suffered from a period of unaccounted time. The following day Garry felt utterly drained of energy, more than just the result of his late night, he felt really worn out. He sleeping patterns changed for the worse. Eventually consulting a doctor because of severe headaches. Soon Garry consulted several well-known investigators and agreed to undergo hypnosis. During the first session, Garry became very emotional and burst into tears, there was nothing specific, only vague memories and impressions, later regression sessions were to prove much more revealing. In later sessions both men remembered sitting in the car, which was stopped in the middle of the road, small humanoid creatures, three to each side, opened both front doors. Colin recalled Garry being placed on a type of stretcher or carrier; none of the entities were supporting it; the “stretcher” was free floating. Garry although he remembers none of this, does recall creatures approaching the car then a searing pain in his abdomen, as if his stomach muscles were being torn apart. For his part, Colin recalls walking up a ramp into the craft, which was lit by a dazzling white light. He remembers being in a circular corridor being led by one of the creatures. The room was utterly featureless except for an unusual chair; it was curiously curved, almost organic in shape. He was stripped naked and placed unresisting in the chair, and subjected to some for of non-intrusive physical examination. He also remembers lying back in the chair looking at the ceiling, it was corrugated, translucent, there was soft, diffused lighting filtering through. His next memory was of being naked in a transparent container made from a material rather like glass or Perspex; straps at the feet and ankles secured him. Outside the container he could clearly see other men and women, all naked and all in transparent containers like his. Blowing around outside the container was a mist rather like the “fog” created by dry ice for stage and film visual effects. He also saw a number of tall, humanoid creatures, one was standing framed in a doorway opposite him, and another three were approaching the container in which he was imprisoned. Abruptly the transparent material of his container began to frost up, he began to weep, no sooner had he done this that the frosting began to retreat, almost like a film sequence running in reverse, until the material was once again perfectly clear. Colin nervously watched as an angular device rose from the floor. It was long and thin, like a rod with a small triangular head; two glowing red lights were set into one of the sides. There was a peculiar appendage about half way along the length of the device and the base was jointed at the floor. The entire machine moved up and down continuously and the appendage swung from left to right; although there was no pain, Colin thought it might be scanning him. Garry recalled being in a featureless circular room lying on a flat table, he was unable to move although he does not recall being physically strapped down. He was aware of a black lens shaped device in the center of the room, the device was twisting and turning almost as if it were folding on itself. It reminded Garry of a mobius strip. It made a “whooshing” sound as if air was being displaced. As he watched the device in fascination he suddenly became aware of a long, thin translucent arm extending over his chest towards his head, the arm abruptly dropped onto his chest near his shoulder. On another occasion, he remembers a hole forming in the floor; it was filled with a viscous liquid of some kind, like a gel. While he watched this, a small column rose from the floor. Garry described it as resembling a tin can. It continued until it was about 3 feet above the floor; the device gave out a noise rather like an electric motor and began to rotate slowly. Part of the cylinder rose from the main body and extended towards him until it was level with his eyes. The tip had two red, glowing dots. At this point Garry noticed the pool of liquid start to vibrate. From this liquid a tall, incredibly thin frail looking creature slowly, almost painfully emerged. Although resembling a traditional “gray” it appeared emaciated, like a skeleton covered in skin. He remembers that the skin over its ribs looked discolored and bruised. He later discovered that all the creatures had difficulty with the gravity and atmospheric pressure, particularly the tall, thin translucent creatures that frequently tended to fall over. Bizarrely, he also recalled a small man apparently quite human in nature, dressed in a neat black suit complete with collar and tie that was watching the proceedings. He was standing among the entities all of which seemed quite deferential towards him. In all, Wood remembers being around 20 or 30 creatures present, the majority tall, a pallid gray color and frail looking. One notable variation from this was a smaller rather bizarre looking being with an odd heart shaped face. On its face were some strangely familiar markings, these comprised of colored facial stripes, three diagonally on each cheek, these were reminiscent of the tribal markings normally associated with members of the Native American tribes. He looked at the creatures and mentally “asked”, “Why are you doing this”. The answer that appeared in his mind was surprising and not a little disturbing, one word: “Sanctuary”. While he was in telepathic communication with the creature he was able to “see” fragments of its existence as if the process was a two way street. In further communication the being said, “In many ways you are more advanced than us but you have been “capped.” Just what “capped” means is open to question. Garry is certain that at one point they were taken underground; from the table where he lay, he could see tunnels leading off from a huge, central chamber hewn from solid rock, there was also an enormous machine close to him, possibly it was another flying machine like the one he had witnessed above the road. Garry’s most worrying memory was seeing a young woman seated naked on the floor, facing the wall; one of the tall creatures was standing beside her. As Gary looked at her, she turned her head towards him; her hair was in a loose shaggy perm with blond highlights. She was sitting shivering with her knees drawn up to her chin, her arms were wrapped around her knees cradling herself, she had been crying and was clearly in the same predicament as him. Gary became deeply involved n the study of UFOs. Colin in the other hand refuses to discuss the matter.
HC addition # 2102
Source: Eris E Andys, Fortean Times # 81, UFO Casebook
Type: G
Location. Cannock Chase Birmingham England
Date: late August 1992
Time: late afternoon
In order to escape the oppressive heat, the witness had gone on a walk in a wooded area at a local park. As he neared a small clearing he noticed what seemed to be a foggy mist in the center of the clearing. He then noticed a glowing light within the mist. Curious he approached the mist and was able to see a metallic shining object with orange, red, purple, and green pulsating lights within the mist. As he stepped closer he felt compelled to look towards the woods. Two men dressed in tight colored overalls were walking toward him; each carried an object resembling a worker’s toolbox and a thin long object, which emitted a thin laser-type light. The men were described as young looking with black hair and identical to each other. The men approached the witness and asked him several questions and told him they were here to take samples. After several minutes of conversation the witness suddenly noticed a slight glow appearing around the figures and began to feel drowsy, he sat on the grass almost feeling hypnotized by the men. The two men then walked into the cloud of mist and vanished. The witness then went back to his car and fell asleep. The witness recalled that the two men had “olive” complexions and appeared very athletic. They both wore a thick belt around their waists.
HC addition # 1319
Source: Tony Dodd, UFO Magazine Vol. 12 # 4
Type: C
Location. Near Sandy, Oregon
Date: Fall 1992
Time: afternoon
A man fishing on the Sandy River east of town and while he was kneeling and working on his fishing gear along a rocky sandbar, he was alerted to a noise twenty feet away in the trees. Looking up he saw a very short, 3-½ foot tall, hairy creature staring at him. The eyes were the most prominent feature, and they were red. There was no distinct face as the creatures face and body was covered with black-brown shaggy fur. The creature growled at him and took off into the woods.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 41
Type: E
Location. Near Douglasville Georgia
Date: Fall 1992
Time: 200A
The witness who lives in an isolated trailer awoke to see a strange light outside. Going out she observed in a clearing a mushroom-shaped object hovering 40-50 feet above the ground. A narrow shaft of white light illuminated the ground below it. Approaching the craft she heard a telepathic message telling her to “turn around.” Upon turning around she saw lying on the ground a 4-foot long gray skinned being that appeared to have octopus like suckers on its fingers. She was then told that it was sick, that it needed warmth. She picked up the being, which had a light bulb shaped head with large black round eyes and took it into the house. She then placed the being in bed between her sleeping husband and herself. She attempted to wake her husband but to no avail. She then took the being to a couch and fed him a mixture of crackers and warm water, spoon-feeding him. At this point there was a memory lapse and she could only remember being outside watching the being going up the shaft of light into the object. She also noticed five other gray figures standing in a single military style file staring at her. Soon the beings turned in unison and marched into the shaft of bright light one by one they were then levitated into the hovering craft. The object then streaked off emitting a thunder like sound.
HC addition # 2796
Source: Mufon/ISUR
Type: B?
Location. Raeford, North Carolina
Date: September 1992
Time: unknown
A former Army officer reported seeing a strange metallic hexagon shaped craft over the area. The craft apparently had 20 bluish oval shapes inside of it. No other information.
HC addition # 2174
Source: Billy J Rachels, UFO Bureau
Type: A?
Location. Yorkeys Knob, Queensland Australia
Date: September 1992
Time: 0430A
A retired woman saw a strange creature on a paddock; it was the size of a man but resembled a giant “bee.” In the background she could see an object. Telepathic communication occurred over quite a lengthy period. After awhile she got out of bed and went to the window where she saw an unusual object in the sky, it resembled a square within a square and bright white in color. At the same time she saw jets over the area.
HC addition # 2685
Source: Vlad Godic
Type: C
Location. Sotkamo, Finland
Date: September 13 1992
Time: 0300A
A school headmaster, 56, and his wife a nurse aged 55 were on a vacation in a travel van and had been eating a late supper with their 85-year old German friend and had gone to sleep around 2200. At the above time the wife woke up and saw her husband sitting up in bed asking her, “Do you see the same thing I do”? She looked and saw on the table just three feet form them was sitting a 100cm tall humanoid, shiny gold colored smiling humanoid. It said, “Pasi, Pieska, I know you” The couple whispered the situation among themselves for about 5 minutes then the husband attempted to touch the humanoid, but when he began to move towards it the humanoid disappeared like a fading fog, slowly dissipating away. Their German friend also woke up but was not told about the humanoid. The electricity had gone off in the van and it was very cold inside, the husband distributed some blankets and then they all went to sleep again. In the morning they noticed that a curtain holder had been removed from inside the van and left on an outside table. None of the occupants of the van remembered doing that.
HC addendum
Source: Mervi Virtanen, Finland
Type: E
Location. Monsummano, Potenza, Italy
Date: September 14 1992
Time: 2300
Two witnesses, a local medium and a clairvoyant and exorcist watch a luminous sphere come in the house through an opened window. A being comes out of the sphere; he is about 1 m in height, with white skin and scaly. He asks the witness (the exorcist) for an exorcism (!) because apparently a young man they had abducted in Puglia had placed on them an evil spell (!!!). The witnesses apparently go onboard the object and perform an exorcism that lasts for about 5minutes. When they return to the house they realized that five hours have passed.
HC addendum
Source: Notizie UFO # 39
Type: G or F?
Location. Tansen, Nepal
Date: September 17 1992
Time: night
At least two people saw a large bright light, which they took to be an angel descend, rapidly from the sky and fly in the direction of the local church. The same evening, over a hundred others saw a vision in the sky of a man wearing a loincloth, with arms outstretched and head bowed, attached to a large cross. This stayed in the sky for over an hour and many people were very moved by it. Most of saw this vision were not Christians.
HC addendum
Source: Paul Whitehead, FSR Vol. 39 # 4
Type: F?
Location. Jarradale Western Australia
Date: September 19
1992 Time: 1200
A man and his son were out hunting for firewood using a disused track into the brush, when they boy noticed a movement nearby and told his father. They then saw a jet-black figure watching them from behind some trees, the figure ducked down then bounded away in two great strides. The entity had no arms and on either side of its head it had 2 white patches where the eyes might have been. It did not have a neck and was estimated to have been 3 ½ meters tall or almost 9 feet.
HC addition # 924
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: E
Location. Sullivan Missouri
Date: September 20 1992
Time: 2030
Three witnesses sighted a large metallic craft with several large lighted windows, hovering low over a field, they could see behind the windows about 20 thin humanoid figures moving back and forth and standing. No sound was reported.
HC addition # 63
Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter March 1993
Type: A
Location. Sentul, West Persekutuan Malaysia
Date: September 22
1992 Time: daytime
A group of children playing kites saw a tiny being, which they described as human like in appearance but measuring only 15 cm tall. The body was reported to be greenish in color and shiny. They said that the hands had only three fingers. On seeing the witnesses, the tiny creature scurried away into the housing project, which was still under construction.
HC addition # 3432
Source: Ahmad Jamaludin
Type: E
Location. Sentul, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
Date: September 22 1992
Time: daytime
A 13-year old student, Law Wai Chow, claimed to have encountered a strange tiny entity in the same area as the above case. He described it as having eyes like those of humans but red in color and with no eyebrows. The creature had pointed ears.
HC addendum
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin
Type: E
Location. Sentul, Wilayah, Persekutuan, Malaysia
Date: September 22 1992
Time: 1500
Mohd Najib Rasli, 12-years old went to the site where the creatures were reportedly seen. He spent nearly an hour searching for the creatures in the area. Finally at 1500 he spotted the tiny being near a hole. He tried to catch it but it immediately ran away and was lost from view.
HC addendum
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin
Type: E
Location. Huaika Tabio, Colombia
Date: September 22
1992 Time: 2005
About 15 members of an international UFO group had gone to the scene of previous encounters and were waiting around for any type of unusual phenomena. Soon they saw a large orange colored sphere descend from the mountain and land about 300 meters away from the group. Five of the group approached the object and watched a beam of white light strike the ground ahead of them, on the ground it became a half moon shaped light, blue in color. Smoke was then seen rising around the object then a tall blond haired Nordic looking individual emerged from the smoke, he walked around briefly then was seen entering the half moon shaped light. Everything then seemed to disappear.
HC addendum
Source: Grupo Contacto OVNI Colombia
Type: B
Location. Huaika, Tabio, Colombia
Date: September 23 1992
Time: 0005A
After a heavy downpour the same group involved in the previous incident watched a large orange spherical light descend from the mountain and come close to the ground on the road close to their location on the farm. 3 minutes later several tall human like silhouettes became visible, these ranged from 1.80 meters to 2.30 meters in height, these seemed to be enveloped in a bluish mist. Four members of the group attempted to approach the figures but these disappeared suddenly.
HC addendum
Source: Alexander Beltran, Colombia
Type: C
Location. Springfield Missouri
Date: September 24
1992 Time: 0200A
The witness apparently in a dream or trance-like state remembers finding herself in a large lighted room looking at a cow lying on top of a raised platform. Strobe like lights shone on the animal. She was mentally told that these lights were purifying the animal, neutralizing the bacteria and germs. The animal appeared to be convulsing violently. Next a tube was inserted into the animal’s upper inside of the right leg, near the hip joint and then blood was apparently extracted. Several short gray skinned humanoids seemed to be operating different apparatus in the room and one explaining the procedure to the witness. Next a gray being inserted what appeared to be a “light pen” inside the cow’s rectum. It was activated and it began rotating quickly disappearing into the body. There was a strong nauseating burning smell. A large piece of what appeared to be rectum intestine was removed and placed in a container. The witness remembers being instructed to insert the “light pen” into the animal’s jaw area, she saw teeth and tissue being cut by the object; the left eye was also apparently removed. The witness could not recall any further details.
HC addition # 1354
Source: Linda Moulton Howe
Glimpses of Other Realities Vol. I
Type: G
Location. Sentul, West Persekutuan, Malaysia
Date: September 24 1992
Time: daytime
Another student, Suriakumar, 12-years old, also claimed to have encountered the tiny being in the same area but on a different occasion. He sighted the entity squatting near a hole of the building. He said the creature appeared to be surprised when it saw him and immediately ran into the hole. The witness claimed that the creature did not have any hair on its head even though it was human like.
HC addition # 3433
Source: Ahmad Jamaludin
Type: E
Location. Pedrera, Sevilla, Spain
Date: September 24 1992
Time: 1800
Three days after a localized power outage was reported and a huge white light traversed the area leaving behind a luminous wake, several witnesses including 2 local boys and a woman named Paca were walking up a local hill when Paca suddenly felt chills and was compelled to go to a nearby olive grove, the others followed her. As she entered the olive grove she suddenly felt her feet glued to the ground and was unable to move. Moments later she saw a luminous figure hovering about 25 cm above the aground about 10 meters away in front of a olive tree. A bright glowing “cloud” separated this figure from the ground. The figure was described as a female wearing a blue dress, with a white blouse. It had an intense sky blue scarf on its head. The witness saw what appeared to be 12 small lights hovering over the figure’s head. Another witness standing directly next to Paca reported not able to see anything. According to Paca the figure had extremely beautiful facial features, somewhat pallid. The hair was light brown in color and its eyes were “caramel” colored. The witness was suddenly able to move but as she attempted to approach the glowing figure it seem to disappear but as she stepped back it would reappear again. This strange process was repeated several times. During the encounter the area was suddenly struck by a strong cold wave. Paca again became paralyzed and was unable to speak, one of the other witnesses, a young woman, fell to the ground and appeared to go into a trance. She then began speaking in a slow deliberate manner, repeating the words, “Pray for peace in the world.” Suddenly a strong rose-like fragrance permeated the area, adhering itself to some of the witnesses. Besides the light from the clouds under its feet, a bright glow also surrounded the figure. It seemed to move in slow motion, never moving its arms or legs or making any facial gestures. Its body was described as thin and child-like, and was only about 1 meter in height. It never once spoke to any of the witnesses present. The two local children, Cristina & Sergio who were witnesses to these bizarre event were to have a further encounter two weeks later. Around the same time and in the same area, witnesses observed what they called a “procession” of monks walking in single file in a field; these wore black smocks that covered their faces completely. Others saw a tall heavyset man, described as wearing a brown monk-like outfit, with sandals and walking with a heavy cane. He wore a long dark beard and never spoke to anyone; he seemed to be in a state of constant trance.
HC addendum
Source: Edenex Spain, La Virgen del Cuarton
Type: E or F?
Location. Clovis California
Date: September 27 1992
Time: 1900
The witness reported seeing a hovering round object with reddish yellow and orange lights. Later that night the witness saw a man wearing black clothing in the bedroom. The man said something to the witness, laughed, and then vanished into the hallway. No other information.
HC addition # 3330
Source: NUFORC
Type: D
Location. Northern California, exact location not given
Date: late September 1992
Time: afternoon
Near the mouth of the Klamath River several kids reported seeing a grayish ape-like thing with a pointed head, and glowing red eyes, staring at them for ten seconds, it then turned and walked away ascending a very steep hill at high speed.
HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 68
Type: E
Location. Niddrie Burn, Scotland
Date: October 1992
Time: early morning
The witness woke up in the early hours of the morning-she isn’t sure why—and caught sight of a brilliant white light clearly visible through her bedroom window. She tried to draw her husband’s attention to the phenomenon, but he stayed resolutely sleep. Curious and somewhat apprehensive she got out of bed and went to the window to take a closer look. She noticed that the light seemed to be coming towards the window. Her attention was drawn to a tree at the foot of her garden. Poised on one of the thicker branches stood a thing which she described as “a giant bird” the size of a man or possibly a human like figure with wings. Badly frightened she tried again to wake up her husband who would not move and gave her the impression of being in a trance. She climbed into bed, and as she did so, a light came into the room and moved along the wall till it had traveled all the way round back to its starting point. The witness remained in a highly nervous state till, as dawn broke, she at last fell asleep.
HC addendum
Source: Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland
Type: C?
Location. Near Blackburn, Scotland
Date: October 1992
Time: afternoon
Investigators, Ron Halliday, Ken Higgins, and a psychic medium Ian Shanes had gone to check out an area of previous UFO sightings and after tramping across many fields they came to a small wooded area. It looked like an oasis in the middle of well-ploughed farmland. It had that untouched feel about it, almost like walking into another world. Ian immediately felt that they had arrived at a special place. At this point Ian saw many small entities (undescribed). According to Ian they were well aware of what they were doing. The other two men sensed something strange but could not see the creatures.
HC addendum
Source: Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland
Type: E or F?
Location. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Date: October 1992
Time: night
The witness woke to find the room brilliantly lit. She was then taken up into the light. Next thing, beings were around her and placed her on a table. An impression was conveyed to her that the process following would be uncomfortable but not painful. She got the impression they were going to take eggs form her ovaries. She then felt something going into her stomach. She was told not to be frightened. Next thing she was in bed, conscious.
HC addition # 2727
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: G
Location. Cordelia Junction, California
Date: October 1992
Time: night
Three adults and two babies were traveling on highway 80 when apparently by some mental control their vehicle was diverted to a side road. The vehicle and its occupants were then lifted into a nearby hovering craft. While the babies slept in the back seat the adults were interviewed by several beings or aliens and asked several questions. No other information.
HC addition # 1281
Source: Richard Boylan, PhD
Close Extraterrestrial Encounters
Type: G
Location. Beaverton, Oregon
Date: October 1992
Time: night
The main witness and a friend were driving on an isolated road called Cornelious Pass when as they rounded a corner one dark night his headlights caught something odd on the side of the roadway that had been walking on its knuckles, like a gorilla. It reared up and looked at them as the headlights hit it. It was about 4 ft tall, the size of a child. Its arms were long enough that when it stooped it touched the ground, even though it was standing up. It had an “incredibly ugly face” and was wearing clothes and a pointed hat. It resembled a little pointed, cone hat, standing straight up. The moment it saw the witnesses, it turned and shot into the grass on the side of the road, standing about four and a half to five ft high. As it turned, the witnesses saw what appeared to have been a backpack on its back. They slammed on the brakes and then terrified drove away from the area.
HC addendum
Source: Paranormal Story Archive, December 2001
Type: E
Location. Colonia Agricola Oriental, DF Mexico
Date: October 1992
Time: late night
The 17-year old witness woke up to the sounds of his dog barking. Looking out his bedroom window into his patio he saw a strange humanoid descend from the sky within a beam of light, another humanoid soon joined the first one. The witness remained in a stupor unable to move. The humanoids approached him and began communicating with him (apparently they had somehow entered his room at this time) without moving their mouths. He felt the words enter directly into his brain. One of the humanoids offered the witness a small pulsating orange sphere and urged to eat it. But the witness earnestly refused. That apparently angered the humanoids, that told the witness that they meant no harm but he did not trust them and then told the witness that the “government” knew of their presence, but did not wish the people to know. One of the humanoids wore a strange belt composed of luminous pearl-like stones. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso
Type: C?
Location. Gardendale, Alabama
Date: October 8 1992
Time: late night
Leah Haley remembered standing outside her house looking at what appeared to be two “full moons” in the sky. She realized that one of the moons was an object and then a beam of light that engulfed her and transported her onboard hit her. She found herself in a “contemporary” looking room, with tables adorned with crystal figurines. She also saw slips of paper underneath the figurines with the names of other people to come onboard that night. A female human-looking alien then came into the room. She had short brown hair and wore a blouse, red, and gold in color with black trimming with some type of printed design, brown, beige, tan, in color. She spoke to the witness and among other things told her “her people were trapped in a time dimension and needed our help to get out.” Apparently the beings then performed some painful procedures on her that she was made to forget.
HC addition # 2071
Source: Leah Haley, Published Articles Type: G
Location. Laguna del Pescado Parana Argentina
Date: October 16 1992
Time: night
60-year old Modesto Colman was alone closing up the mill where he worked and was descending a ladder from its upper section. As he reached the bottom he suddenly felt cold chills running down his back, and saw the area around him completely illuminated by a bright light. Looking behind him he noticed a large sphere that was following him at a distance of about 30 meters. As the sphere still followed him he noticed three short figures descend from it. Frightened he pulled out a large knife and ran towards the figures. Suddenly a beam of light came out of the sphere and struck him square in the face, blinding him. He then felt a queer sensation, as if his body was shrinking in size, soon it felt as if he was only several centimeters in height. He ran behind a tree but there a beam of light again struck him. Now in hysterics he began running, as he did it felt as if was running in slow motion and his eyesight was hazy. He tore his clothing as he jumped a wire fence. Once he reached his home he began crying uncontrollably. For 10 days after the incident, Colman suffered from loss of hearing, and impaired vision, he also had burns on his face. Ground traces were found at the site, and the tree where he hid a large burn mark was also located.
HC addendum
Source: Silvia Perez Simondini
Type: B
Location. Gragnano, Italy
Date: October 17 1992
Time: night
At the same time that other witnesses watched strange “laser” like lights in the sky a woman looking out of her bedroom window spotted a 3-meter tall human like entity that walked quickly in front of the window. It wore some type of shimmering outfit and quickly disappeared from sight.
HC addendum
Source: CUN Campania
Type: E
Location. Castellammare, Italy
Date: October 21 1992
Time: close to midnight
A woman standing in her balcony reported seeing three giant white colored humanoid figures with large cone-shaped heads moving over a nearby field, apparently suspended just above the ground. The giants disappeared from sight from sight behind some bushes.
HC addendum
Source: Notizie UFO # 40, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: E
Location. Vidalia, Georgia
Date: October 23 1992
Time: 2300
As nearby UFOs were being reported an undescribed humanoid figure entered a couple’s house and abducted the man while apparently putting the woman in a state of suspended animation. The being communicates by using telepathy. The man reports a period of missing time. No other information.
HC addition # 2390
Source: UFONS # 282
Type: G
Location. Lymington Hamsphire, England
Date: October 24 1992
Time: 0130A
The witness was lying in bed when he was suddenly projected (astral projection?) to a field next to a landed object. Standing next to the object was a very feminine and beautiful female dressed in a white gown. She had very long hair that was blowing in the wind. She beckoned to the witness and communicated with him telling him that she was going to return one day.
HC addition # 1563
Source: Steve Gerrard, Southampton UFO Group
Type: C?
Location. Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Date: October 29 1992
Time: midnight
Two witnesses watched a low flying cigar shaped object later a 12-year old boy saw four human-like beings wearing silvery clothing apparently reading his books in his bedroom. These were man-like wearing shimmering spacesuits.
HC addendum
Source: Dr Milos Jesensky
Type: D?
Location. Gaither Mountain, Arkansas
Date: October 31 1992
Time: evening
A witness driving a pickup truck on a rural road saw standing by the roadway 15 feet away a short gray-skinned humanoid with a large head and huge black eyes. The witness apparently blacked out and experienced some missing time.
HC addition # 272
Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter 4-1993
Type: E or G?
Location. Reinsnos, Odda, Norway
Date: October/November 1992
Time: evening
A strange object was seen landing near a cabin at a place located 20km southeast of Odda, just at the outskirts of Hardangervidda, 700-800 meters above sea level. The observer, Torbjorn Reinsnos saw the object land about 100 meters from his cabin. He estimated it at 6-8 meters long, trapezoid in shape with rounded corners. After a short while he saw two human like beings (estimated height 1.2m and 1.4m) come out of the object. They appeared to have been dressed in silvery clothing and some sort of helmets on their heads. They also seemed to be carrying “something black”, possibly a tool of some kind, but it was not possible to tell exactly what it was. Torbjorn Reinsnos had ample time to observe the craft and the humanoids using a pair of binoculars. He soon became very frightened though and fired off a few warning shots from his shotgun toward the beings. These returned and disappeared into the object, which took off and disappeared into the distance.
HC addendum
Source: Ole Jonny Braenne, UFO Norge
Type: B
Location. Noyon, Oise, France
Date: end of October early November 1992
Time: 1330
Jean Claude was walking on a path when he saw standing about 150 meters from him a tall black silhouette about 1.80 meters in height. The figure stood still for a while. The figure was slim and it had two luminous yellow points of light where the eyes would have been located. It appeared to be wearing a dark tight-fitting suit and some sort of headgear. The figure then moved using great strides towards a nearby field. It then quickly disappeared from sight.
HC addendum
Source: LDLN # 332, Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: E
Location. Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Date: early November 1992
Time: night
The witness was awakened by noises and she went to investigate. As she walked into her living room she encountered two short beings all dressed in white. She scolded them thinking they were children but then realized they were not human. They had round heads with two round eyes that had large dark pupils. They were wearing long white gowns and capes with white mitten-like gloves. They were friendly and communicated by telepathy with the witness telling her that they were going to take her on a trip. The witness suddenly found herself in a large hangar like room with a bullet-shaped vehicle inside. She was led by the two beings into a door then into a sort of control room and sat at a console. The beings apparently touched some buttons showing screens with space-like images on them. Later the witness found herself sitting in bed in her apartment.
HC addition # 895
Source: Chris Rutkowski
Unnatural History True Manitoba Mysteries
Type: G
Location. Cofre de Perote, Yucatan Mexico
Date: November 1992
Time: early morning
Traveling on an isolated road the witness drove ahead during heavy fog and stopped the car deciding to wait for the sunrise. From a nearby hillside a short man-like figure approached the witness and spoke to him in a strange accented Spanish. He asked him to take him to a location about 3 miles ahead. The witness invited the humanoid inside the car. The stranger was silent during the trip. When they reached the location he exited the vehicle and moved fairly quickly over the field, almost as if gliding. He was lost from sight behind a rocky outcrop and immediately the witness observed a light rise into the sky from the same location.
HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso
Type: C?
Location. Near San Jose Costa Rica
Date: November 1992
Time: daytime
A woman taking a walk along a nature trail in the rain forest was turning a corner when she was confronted by a short humanoid. The being was described as gray-colored with a large head and huge black eyes. He was dressed in a turquoise jumpsuit and had small pointy ears. The being then dove behind a bush and vanished as the witness attempted to take a photograph.
HC addition # 1151
Source: The Ufologist Vol. 2 # 1
Type: E
Location. La Matanza, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Date: November 1992
Time: evening
The witness had driven to a local lovers lane with his girlfriend, soon from within the car they were able to hear the sounds of branches rustling as if being parted by someone. The witness looked out the window and saw a creature about three-feet tall and covered in grayish or black fur all over. The entity carried a staff or rod of some sort in its hand, and was described as having “cat-like eyes.” The couple left the area in a hurry, refusing to return even by daylight.
HC addition # 3114
Source: Scott Corrales, Uncensored UFO Reports # 1
Type: E
Location. San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Date: November 1992
Time: night
Several members of two families, including children and several adults spotted a very short humanoid figure with a large head and small luminous red eyes that looked into the house through a window. When the humanoid realized he had been spotted, he stepped back. He wore a tight-fitting white suit. They estimate the height of the humanoid as being only “five inches” in height. A man ran out to chase the figure, but this one bounded quickly away leaving behind a luminous trail and quickly disappeared from sight. Other youngsters saw the same humanoid standing in the middle of the patio.
HC addendum
Source: Ruben Manrique
Type: E
Location. Zlin, Moravia, Czechoslovakia
Date: November 1992
Time: night
Dr J S woke up about half an hour after midnight with a feeling that somebody was staring at him. He then saw an indistinct, tall figure in the bedroom doorway. The witness was incapable of speaking or yelling. The frightened witness described the figure as roughly human shaped, semi-diaphanous, with an indiscernible face, dressed in, a white cowl, a diving suit, or a space suit. The figure suddenly vanished. The witness had an unpleasant feeling afterwards, and his back was stinging.
HC addendum
Source: Timothy Good, Unearthly Disclosure
Type: E
Location. Magdeburg, Germany
Date: November 9 1992
Time: 2030
Mrs Melitta Walter was sitting in her living room when all of the sudden she heard a very deep humming sound coming from outside her house. When she looked out the window she observed a bright shining craft slowly flying over the roof. It was only about 50 meters away and about 20 meters altitude. The witness could see several man-like forms moving behind a large illuminated window. She described the object as a flat cylinder with position lights on the left, right and on the back. Within a minute the object vanished behind the wall of her house.
HC addendum
Source: Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases – Europe
Type: A
Location. Near Fordland Missouri
Date: November 20 1992
Time: early morning
A hunter was in an isolated wooded area waiting for deer under a heavy drizzle and had sat down next to a large tree when he noticed a dim glow in the brush on the far side of a nearby creek. He waited thinking it was another hunter, and then a figure came out of the brush. It was described as a glowing 4-foot tall man-like entity that was walking diagonally up the hill. The being was visible from the waist up only and was glowing evenly an off-white cream color soft in nature. No facial features could be seen. It seemed to move in stiff movements almost robot-like, never turning his head or body or swinging his arms. The being crossed the clearing area then disappeared out of sight behind heavy brush.
HC addition # 1447
Source: Amateur Ufology News Issue # 12, March 1993
Type: E
Location. Near Ventura California
Date: November 20 1992
Time: 2130
Two women were traveling on the Ventura Freeway when a huge bright light appeared above them. It then shot downwards towards their vehicle. Both women then suddenly found themselves exiting the freeway with two hours of missing time. Both women were later regressed and remembered being taken onboard a huge oblong-shaped craft. Onboard the object one of the witnesses was stripped and examined by small gray colored humanoids with large heads and huge eyes that communicated telepathically. She also encountered another creature resembling a praying mantis. The other witness was guarded by several short gray humanoids during the ordeal.
HC addition # 1694
Source: UFONS # 295
Type: G
Location. Near San German Puerto Rico
Date: November 23 1992
Time: 0130A
A couple driving near the town on an isolated road saw a strange figure walking on the side of the road coming towards them in the opposite direction. The figure was described as tall and very thin with a large head, which was covered by a black helmet. At eye level there was a rectangular opening where two large almond shaped eyes could be seen, these gave off a greenish-yellow glow. It had wide shoulders and very long arms. The fingers were extremely long and it wore a very tight black shiny outfit. Around its neck hung a golden-colored collar. The startled witnesses decided to turn back to take another look but the humanoid had already vanished.
HC addition # 285
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 58
Type: E
Location. South Haven National park, Long Island, New York
Date: November 24 1992
Time: night
A large metallic cylinder shaped craft with glowing blue ends reportedly exploded over Long Island. Wreckage, debris and some fragments of the humanoids were recovered at the above site. Fire teams, police and secret service were involved. The remains of the craft and its occupants were moved to Wright Patterson.
HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov UFO Crash list
High Strangeness Index: 8
Source reliability: 10
Comments: Long Island is of course a place of much mystery and replete with strange occurrences and tragedy, especially a couple of unexplained airplane crashes.
Location. Ilager West Virginia
Date: late November 1992
Time: night
During a spate of UFO sightings over the area a young man using a pair of binoculars saw a metallic craft flying above some trees and shining a beam of light towards the ground. The object had large windows and inside he was able to see several tall muscular men with light hair and wearing silvery outfits. The craft drifted slowly away from the area.
HC addition # 1952
Source: Bob Teets, West Virginia UFOS
Close Encounters in the Mountain State
Type: A
Location. Kinnegad, Northern Ireland
Date: December 1992
Time: night
While drowsing in an armchair, and listening to music, the witness awoke abruptly to see a strange luminous figure hovering about two feet above him. He closed his eyes and rubbed them. However the figure was still visible in exactly the same place. After a few moments it vanished suddenly.
HC addition # 3782
Type: E
Location. Pine Bush, New York
Date: Winter 1992
Time: 2230
Three women parked near the house watched a black form or huge something, with head, arms and legs, and hands like mittens that floated right past the car. They both screamed as they saw it. It then seemed to float and disappeared near the house never setting off the sensor lights. All three women gave the same description.
HC addendum
Source: Bill Brann, WBS Alien Report Vol. 2 # 10
Type: E
Location. Houston, Texas
Date: December 8 1992
Time: late night
The witness awoke and observed a bright flash of light (there was no sound of thunder following). The subject rolled over and noticed a small gray alien “wearing a harness/utility belt.” The witness was instructed to follow the alien outside, where a blue/white light was shining on a spot on the ground. The witness was instructed to stand in the light, and an instant later, found himself in a large circular room (about the size of a high school gymnasium). The witness was instructed to disrobe and led out of the room and through a series of corridors and passageways. Part of the time they walked but mostly they were transported by a means unknown to the witness. Eventually they arrived at a small room where several other aliens were present. A quick physical examination was given and then a human appearing individual entered the room (the witness in prior abductions had never encountered a human). The human asked several questions as to how/why the abductee knew he had been abducted before. The witness was also asked how abductees knew/found out about other abductees and why were they meeting together. (!) A model of the human brain was shown to the subject and he was asked to indicate where the “subconscious mind was located.” He was unable to indicate a location and received a mental image or impression that another abductee was being asked the same question. The human then left the room and the subject was moved to another room. This room appeared to be some type of meeting or conference room. It also was round, but the lighting and the furnishings were quite different. A number of different alien life forms entered the room, the last being the one with human appearance. The small gray aliens left the room but two of the taller brown aliens stayed. (The description of the other life forms is being withheld pending further investigation). The witness was again questioned as to the nature of the subconscious mind and to his knowledge of his abductions and other abductees. After each question the witness received images of other abductees. He could see them in a room together. They were all nude and seemed to be unaware of the presence of each other. Each seemed to be in a trance-like state and behaved as if acting out a part. Later the human took him into a side room where he was shown a “strange sort of chart or diagram” which he did not understand and was unlike any he’d ever seen before. He was then led by two tall brown colored beings through several other rooms to another examination room/laboratory where a nasal implant was placed in his nostril. The witness was then given his pajamas, told to dress, and returned to his home and bed.
HC addendum
Source: Derrel Sims, Abductions in Houston
Type: G
Location. San Antonio Texas
Date: December 9 1992
Time: 0530A
The witness suddenly awoke to the faint sound of voices and music. She then heard someone walking away from her bed towards the stairs. She then saw a tall, slightly glowing man-like figure run past her window. He was very quick and vanished in moments. The witness remained in a state of panic and could not move for a while.
HC addition # 1677
Source: Karla Turner PhD, “Taken”
Type: E
Location. Elizabethtown South Australia
Date: December 10 1992
Time: 0200A
A five-year old child woke up to see a short being with thin legs, no arms and a large head with glowing “colors” coming out of it, standing at the foot of his bed. The being apparently suddenly disappeared.
HC addition # 2611
Source: Keith Basterfield, Australian UFO Digest
Type: E
Location. Houston, Texas
Date: December 10 1992
Time: late night
Sometime after a meeting of known abductees the witness went to sleep for the night, he was awakened by several aliens (not described) in his bedroom that, in a very quick procedure, removed a nasal implant from the subject and immediately left. (Later under hypnosis a number of other abductees reported similar events).
HC addendum
Source: Derrel Sims
Type: E
Location. Arizona desert
Date: December 14 1992
Time: night
A squadron of heavily armed Air Force fighter jets intercepted a damaged UFO over the desert and forced it to land at a remote base, where the huge vessel and its alien crew are being kept under wraps. Unnamed high-ranking officials say the sensational capture was preceded by a dogfight at supersonic speeds high above the barren landscape. The UFO was having propulsion problems or the American jets never would have been able to keep up with the more advanced airship. The craft was saucer shaped and 100 yards in diameter. It stands over 30 feet tall and held a crew of 24 aliens. The occupants were described as about 4 ft tall with large smooth heads, two large eyes and small mouths. Military interrogators using a sort of sing language have been able to communicate with them. The highly intelligent beings claim they were on a routine mission when their craft developed operational problems. The ship commander intended to make an emergency landing to repair the trouble.
HC addendum
Source: William Rock, The Sun (tabloid) Vol. 11 # 4
Type: H This is obviously a tongue in cheek report, but I am committed in cataloguing all reported incidents for research purposes, documentation and cross reference.
Location. Scotland, exact location not given
Date: December 16 1992
Time: 0530A
The witness had just woken up as his girlfriend lay sleeping next to him. For some unknown reason he felt compelled to go and open the door of the bedroom. As he did he saw a tall tan/gray colored creature standing at the landing. It stood motionless staring right at the witness, only two meters away. He felt fear and foreboding and asked a telepathic question “You don’t want me do you”? You want her don’t you”, he glanced at his girlfriend as he asked the question. He became increasingly upset, but then the memory faded. He woke up feeling ill later, and his girlfriend acted strangely the whole morning.
HC addition # 2860
Source: A. Brough
Type: E?
Location. Rural, New South Wales, Australia
Date: December 25 1992
Time: 2045
The main witness and his wife saw three strange men all dress in black standing in the adjacent paddock. They disappeared suddenly with no trace of their presence. Three days later the main witness was in his yard when he was knocked off his feet by an explosion of undetermined source, which left a burning hole on the ground.
HC addition # 3231
Source: Bill Chalker
Type: E
Location. Chicago, Illinois
Date: December 29 1992
Time: 1900
As the witness arrived home from work she was confronted in the parking lot by 8 human male figures that seemed “faceless” and carried hand-held devices resembling long black flashlights. One of them spoke in a mechanical almost computer-like voice. A blinding headache suddenly rendered the witness unconscious and did not remember this episode until 3 days later. Earlier that same day, a silvery white flash of unknown origin had briefly illuminated her apartment ground floor.
HC addition # 1046
Source: Ann B Livingston, Mufon UFO Journal # 307
Type: E
Location. San Antonio, Texas
Date: December 31 1992
Time: 0300A
The witness remembers walking outside by herself and hearing a very loud buzzing sound. She looked up and saw a huge gray metallic disc-shaped craft drop straight down from the clouds. The witness sat down cross-legged and watched the craft change into a sphere with four legs, with strange markings and land nearby. Moment later the craft lifted straight up and left in a curved flight path. Later under hypnosis the witness remembers sitting on the ground and seeing a group of very tall pale human-looking men standing in front of the object. They all wore white clothing and watched her very intently. She received mental communication form the men then remembers entering a very shiny room where she was examined by one of the men that had light hair.
HC addition # 1678
Source: Karla Turner, PhD, “Taken”
Type: G
Location. Severny, Vorkuta Region, Russia
Date: late December 1992
Time: 2330
16-year old Anatoli Petrov had gone to bed late at night when he heard a strange swishing sound in the far corner of the room, where the linen was piled. Glancing at the corner he saw a small shape moving toward him. He then saw a being described as about 160-165 cm tall and all brown. The skin was rough looking as if had “cracks” similar to bark or small protuberances. The creature’s head was oval shaped and had dark stain or gap-like eyes. It did not have any whites on the eyes and the witness did not see a mouth. The being had strong shoulders that were “round as if full of muscles.” It also had a wide chest and very short legs. It had long hands with what appeared to be membranes in between the fingers. Petrov attempted to shout, but his scream appeared to fade out. The creature moved toward him in an unusual quick manner. Anatoli became afraid and closed his eyes, moments later he saw a light from behind the closed eyelids. He opened his eyes and saw a 25 cm wide blue beam of light shining on his chest. The beam of light came from the creature’s hand. The beam consisted of a multitude of light particles. The creature’s other hand also beamed a light, which shone on Anatoli’s legs. At this point the witness started to float up into the air. As he levitated, the blanked slipped down and off. At this point he apparently lost consciousness. Sometime later he awakened and found himself back in bed covered with the blanket. He was drenched in a cold sweat. Since the incident the witness has suffered from strange dreams. Other members of the family also had strange encounters. His sister saw a tall creature wearing a white overcoat with a hood and his mother watched a small dark creature that walked from out of the wall.
HC addition # 2660
Source: Yuri Selenok
Type: E
Location. Near Jihlava Czechoslovakia
Date: late 1992
Time: 0500A
A bus driver reported seeing two large luminous spheres hovering above the roadway. Near the spheres stood two luminous humanoids. The witness drove on and did not stop. Another witness reported a similar encounter around the same time.
HC addition # 1047
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 65
Type: C
Location. Trnava, Slovakia
Date: end of 1992
Time: evening
A witness encountered in his room a 2-meter tall human like figure that suddenly appeared. The humanoid was looking at the witness’s wife. The next night three beautiful humanoid females wearing silvery tight-fitting body suits appeared in the witness room. When his wife asked what they wanted they replied they needed a sample of her husband’s blood.
HC addendum
Source: Dr Milos Jesensky
Type: E
Total Cases: 182
Addendums to be included as they become available.
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.