Arthur Tomlinson Passes On

I have been informed of some very sad news.

On the evening of Monday September 18th 2000 Mr. Arthur
Tomlinson, a well known and respected veteran of British Ufology
suffered a massive heart attack and passed away.

I would like to express deepest sympathy to Mr. Tomlinson’s
family on behalf of myself and many, many others.

Arthur was an extremely ambitious individual who had dedicated
most of his life to the investigation of UFOs. Arthur was a firm
believer of extraterrestrial intelligence visiting Earth and
travelled the length of the country and back many times to
educate the public regarding the UFO phenomenon.

Some of you will know Arthur as the Chairman of one of the
longest running UFO investigation groups in the country.
Arthur’s group DIGAP (Direct Investigation Group of Aerial
Phenomena) was formed back in 1965.

Those who met him, will remember how friendly and supportive he
was to others.

On behalf of all those in MAPIT (Manchester’s Association of
Paranormal Investigation & Training) we wish Arthur a pleasent

God Speed!

Stephen Mera


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