1989 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTS Compiled by Albert Rosales

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net
1989 The Return of the Humanoids.
After a brief hiatus or “slow” period, reports of encounters with entities or humanoids returned with a vengeance in 1989, due in part to the flow of information from the former Eastern bloc countries and what was then the Soviet Union. 1989 was indeed a memorable year, surpassed by the year of the Humanoid itself, 1973 and by that incredible year 1954. As more reports surface from other years and from 1996, 1989 will probably rank among the top five years of reports. The Berlin Wall was gone, but the humanoids were back!
Location. Miami, Florida
Date: 1989
Time: unknown
Filiberto Cardenas reported being transported to an underwater base where he felt a strong pressure in his chest, he had difficulty in breathing. Then as walked down a tunnel he saw numerous human like beings. Soon he hand an encounter with a terrific being, only described as having a penetrating look and a voice “like thunder” that informed him that one day he would make his appearance among men. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Exodisea
Type: G
Location. Novocherkassk, Rostov region, Russia
Date: 1989
Time: unknown
A soldier while on guard duty was found missing from his post, he left behind his AK-47 automatic machine gun. The officers declared him AWOL. However 3 days later the soldier appeared at his post again. He reported being taken onboard a UFO, and drew a picture of the humanoids and the inner structure of the UFO. Officers of the staff of the North Caucasus military district interrogated him in depth, and at first suspected him of being a deserter. But all the testimonies agreed that something really anomalous had occurred to the soldier. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: “ENIO” Research group in “Crossroads of Centaurs” Rostov # 2
Type: G?
Location. Baku, Azerbaijan
Date: 1989
Time: unknown
A group of students at the local Caspian High Military School encountered a huge (6-7m) humanoid entity near an olive grove. The entity was covered with dense black-brown fur and had only one red eye positioned below his forehead. The eye was big, the size of a pomegranate. Other witnesses also encountered the same or similar entity during the same time period around Baku.
HC addendum
Source: Ali Ahberdiyev, Chairman of the Baku club on anomalous phenomena, ASSA-IRADA quoted in “Liaisons of the Universe” # 5 May 1994
Type: E
Location. Khavarovsk, Far East, Russia
Date: 1989
Time: unknown
A local resident named S. Klimenko, a research worker at a secret military scientific institute reported being abducted by several humanoids and taken onboard their spacecraft. The entities were described as having large hairless heads, with round eyes and flattened ears the curl over their skulls. Klimenko claimed he was taken to a large underground base on the moon. Amazingly, there he encountered dozens of “terrestrial” scientists working inside a myriad of laboratories inside the base. These scientists had been apparently abducted from earth at different time periods. The aliens invited Klimenko that he worked for them, also on the underground moon base and somehow showed the witness a vision of a future car accident in which his wife and children would be killed and the witness himself would suffer a severe concussion and numerous fractures. Apparently the witness refused to work with the aliens and reportedly their tragic vision of the future came true.
HC addendum
Source: Svetlana Anina in: “The Secret Doctrine” # 22 2003
Type: G
Comments: Sounds farfetched, but then you look at the list of British scientists that reportedly died under mysterious circumstances and other strange deaths (published in FSR and other journals) and we begin to wonder.
Location. Perm, Russia
Date: 1989
Time: 0100A
A woman, a night security guard at a local garage was standing with her dog near the entrance when she noticed a strange red glow. Suddenly she heard a voice from her dog talking to her. At first she began to laugh hysterically, and said, “Come into the garage”. But she became frightened since no one was visible. The dog began behaving in a peculiar manner, grabbing the witness by her sleeve and pulling her inside the garage. The woman then stood near a column, and heard the voice again, asking clear questions in her consciousness. Then several transparent but visible humanoid figures appeared in front of her. She remembered asking them, “You are not people, aren’t you?” They answered, “Yes we are not people and we have come for you.” Then she felt a powerful vibration and everything began to shake, her fur hat fell from her head. She thought she was going crazy or getting sick and then lost consciousness and returned back to her senses only several hours later in a quite different building located across the road. She thought that her experience was probably just a dream, but she evidently had lost most of her memory. When a hypnotic regression was attempted on the woman she experienced a terrific headache and could not go on.
HC addendum
Source: V. Pyankov, psychiatrist, Perm Russia
Type: G
Location. Central Texas, exact location not given
Date: 1989
Time: 0200A
The witness suddenly woke up to see a brilliant beam of blue light shining onto his chest area and coming in through an open window as his wife slept next to him. He could hardly move but was able to look out the window and see hovering above the neighbor’s house a large cigar shaped craft outlined in blue light. He remembers being floated out of the house through the open window and into the cigar shaped craft. Inside he was examined by several 5-foot tall beings that resembled large insects. He was told by telepathy to relax and that he was not going to be hurt. He could not remember what happened next.
HC addition # 550
Source: Tom Dongo, Alien Tide
Type: G
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: There are no additional details on the appearance of the aliens.
Location. West Vancouver British Columbia, Canada
Date: 1989
Time: 0230A
The witness suddenly woke up feeling that there was someone nearby. He lifted his head slightly to look over towards the doorway. He saw half of a whitish face, small in the chin, bigger in the head, with large black eyes. When he sat up the head pulled back away from the doorway and disappeared from sight.
HC addendum
Source: UFO British Columbia
Type: E
Comments: Classic bedroom visitation of Strieber type humanoid.
Location. Anino, Moscow, Russia
Date: 1989
Time: daytime
The physicist E. Ziborov (candidate of the technical sciences) was resting in his bed on a Saturday, daydreaming when he suddenly felt as if someone was staring at him but no one was present in the room. He began looking around the room, gently rubbing his eyes when he saw “something”. That “something” according to the witness was a huge 3-meter tall “man” that was slightly bending forward, the humanoid entity was staring at the witness. The huge entity appeared “nebulous” and not exactly solid, but it still stared at the witness with a piercing glance. The creature had a head, torso with huge shoulders, but no facial features and other details could be discerned. The entity eventually vanished and afraid, Ziborov did not tell anybody about the incident only to his wife several months later and she did not believe him. Besides this encounter when Ziborov and his family moved to the apartment in 1983 they experienced strange knocks at night everyday for 7 years straight. The strange knocks usually came at around 0030A and lasted all night with periodical intervals. In 1988 the knocks were heard in a wall between two rooms. Sometimes these knocks were very strong and seemingly rattled the walls. After the strange knocks stopped Ziborov felt a strange ringing sound in the left part of the back of his head.
HC addendum
Source: Letter published in “Chertovszhina” newspaper, Simferopol and
Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine # 8
Type: E
Location. El Yunque Puerto Rico
Date: 1989
Time: 1830
As her husband and a friend attempted to repair a truck nearby, 35-year-old Maria stayed behind by the car in order to look around the forest and take pictures. When she returned to the car she left the door open as she sat inside to rest. Suddenly out of nowhere there was a man standing next to the car about three feet away from her. He stood there for about 30 seconds without saying a word. The figure was about 6’ tall, man-like, who spoke in an American accented monotone and walked in a stiff gait. He was very pale and hard short blond hair. He wore a colorful Hawaiian shirt and blue pants. The stranger approached the men and asked for a ride back to town since his car had apparently broken down. On the trip back to town, which took about 20 minutes the stranger, sat without moving or speaking a word. The stranger asked to be let out in an isolated part of town where there were some abandoned houses; he left the car without saying a word and quickly disappeared down an isolated street. The witnesses soon realized that the man had apparently communicated with them by using telepathy.
HC addition # 3322
Source: UFO PR Vol. # 1 # 1
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: This entity appears to have been some kind of android or automaton possibly related to the famed Man-in-Black reports.
Location. Maroochydore, Queensland, Australia
Date: 1989
Time: evening
A man living in an isolated area reported seeing a round disc-shaped object above him in the air about 20-30 meters or so. The disc had windows around it and the witness was stunned to see a “person” waving at him out of one of these windows. The object soon disappeared from sight.
HC addendum
Source: http://www.uforq2002-15
Type: A
Location. Caguas Puerto Rico
Date: 1989
Time: night
A week prior to the witness delicate breast surgery, she recalled being in her living room with her parents, when suddenly a bright light form an unknown source outside, illuminated the room. The witness looked out the window and watched a bright disc shaped object apparently landing in her back yard. Her parents acting in a strange manner told her to close the door and to follow them to their room. She refused and watched the front door of the house suddenly open and a small elderly woman, accompanied by two short humanoids, described as having large oval shaped heads, large black eyes, and long thin arms, entered the living room. The witness was suddenly unable to move as the elderly human looking woman approached her and told her not to worry about the forthcoming surgery that everything was going to come out all right. The woman grabbed her hands and gave her an assuring squeeze. The woman and the two beings then walked out and entered the landed disc, which quickly took off. The witness was then finally able to move.
HC addition # 2103
Source: Evidencia OVNI # 7
Type: B
Location. Sydney New South Wales, Australia
Date: 1989 Time: night
The main witness had gone to bed and had left his brother and father watching TV. He came out 3 hours later and found his brother and father asleep. A period of missing time was apparently noticed. Later under hypnosis the witness recalled meeting five “aliens”, two tall gold colored types and three short gray humanoids. The beings all wore robes. The witness reported some type of mental communication and remembered that a needle was inserted in his head. He also recalled being in a strange room and seeing powerful lights beyond the doorway.
HC addition # 2036
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: G
Location. Tbilissi, Georgia (USSR)
Date: 1989
Time: night
A young woman reported encountering a huge man-like figure that entered her bedroom late at night. He wore gloves. The witness touched the humanoid’s hand to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. No other information.
HC addition # 2156
Source: Helga Morrow, Missing link # 124
Type: E
Location. Tbilissi, Georgia (USSR)
Date: 1989
Time: night
A man encountered a small three-foot tall gray man in his bedroom. The humanoid was described as having a white face, black hair and holding a strange object. Later at 0600A the short being reappeared along with a taller undescribed entity. No other information.
HC addition # 2157
Source: Helga Morrow, The Missing Link # 124
Location. Adelaide Australia
Date: 1989
Time: night
The witness was confronted; apparently in her bedroom by several beings with thin bodies, gray skin, and large hairless heads with slanted, deep, and dark blue eyes. One of the beings was female and held a baby towards the woman. She was then asked by the alien to hold it and nurse the little being. No other information.
HC addition # 2294
Source: Jenny Randles, Star Children
Type: E
Location. Near Sierra Bermeja Puerto Rico
Date: 1989
Time: night
In an isolated dump site a security guard was resting in his vehicle when suddenly a huge bright white light descended over the car and flew over it, quickly disappearing from sight. He stepped out of the car and was confronted by a tall winged gargoyle or pterodactyl type creature that was perched on a nearby dirt mount. It briefly stared at the witness then flew away from the area.
HC addition # 2332
Source: Hank Worbetz
Type: C?
Location. Deming, New Mexico
Date: 1989
Time: night
The witness, a nursing home worker was suffering badly from dizziness as a side effect of medication and was only able to walk by holding onto furniture. During that time she had a dream-like experience in which she saw four men, each four-foot tall with coveralls and hoods over their faces. They were holding a “mysterious box.” She suddenly felt herself being slammed back onto the bed, and the entities were gone. She was sweating profusely. She went to the bathroom where she discovered that she was cured of her dizziness. She also reports that right after going to the bathroom; a heavy object struck her roof and ran across it.
HC addition # 2540
Source: Preston Dennett, UFO Healing
Type: E
Location. Maylands, Western Australia
Date: 1989
Time: night
The witness recalled several short squat entities that entered his bedroom and apparently lifted him up and carried off to an undisclosed location. He has been involved in other encounters.
HC addition # 2679
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: E
Location. Santos Air Base, Vicente de Carvalho, Brazil
Date: 1989
Time: night
At a local air base, a sentry standing guard by the airplane hangars near the control tower spotted a female figure completely illuminated and floating above the water nearby. Afraid he ran to obtain additional witnesses that were working nearby. One of the witnesses attempted to approach the enigmatic figure but as he approached to within 3 meters it suddenly vanished in plain sight.
HC addendum
Source: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
Type: E
Location. Cape Carteret North Carolina
Date: 1989
Time: night
The 8-year old witness was watching television in the living room when a small green troll-like creature came through a door that materialized across the room from him. The creature said something that the witness cannot remember. The witness began screaming and his sister came running into the room to look where the witness was pointing and saw the creature step back through the door and the door dematerialized. The creature was described as about 3 ft tall, green skin, bald headed with long rabbit like ears and long arms. It was holding a cane-like object.
HC addendum
Source: The Unexplained
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 5
Comments: Sounds like someone describing the fabled “Yoda” from Star Wars.
Location. Lausanne, Switzerland
Date: 1989
Time: night
The witness was alone in the apartment and suddenly woke up terrified, her heart beating loudly. Two figures then came in through the door. The figures appeared to be wearing wide beige raincoats, made of some sort of cloth, also wearing hats made of the same material and color. The beings seemed to be faceless, with ovoid heads without ears, their faces showing darker shades where the eyes and the mouth would normally be. Their mouths were thin and horizontal. They had oval shaped, expressionless eyes in a vertical location, both wide and hollow. The beings were slim and very tall. The witness somehow knew that the closest one was a “male” and the one following right after was a “female.” That’s all she is able to remember of the incident.
HC addendum
Source: GREPI
Type: E
Location. Near Mt. Hood, Oregon
Date: 1989
Time: night
A farmer near this location saw a big shimmering “raindrop” shaped area, 6-7 feet in diameter apparently hovering over the ground. It looked like a shimmering drop of water…he could see clear through it. All of the sudden a Bigfoot type creature stepped out of the object and ran into the woods. (Could this be some kind of space-time portal?)
Check resemblance with Sedona case in summer 1989.
HC addendum
Source: WBS Alien Report Vol. 1 Number 2
Type: B?
Location. Karapelit, Bulgaria
Date: 1989
Time: night
As an unidentified flying object hung over a house of a local resident the woman who lived inside encountered a dark colored humanoid. Another object landed near Dobrich and left a powder-like substance on the scene, it was identified as polyprolilene used in space technologies. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Miroslav Minchev, Bulgaria
Type: D?
Location. Near Aktash, Altay region, West Siberia, Russia
Date: 1989
Time: night
According to the testimony of retired Major I. A. Samoilenko a soldier of the local frontier guard detachment had disappeared from his night watch. The military immediately organized a search, but it brought no results. But three days later the missing frontier guard was found 5km from the mountainous settlement of Aktash. The soldier was very frightened, physically exhausted and could not explain any details of what had occurred. After a long rehabilitation period and therapy on him conducted by officers of a special military KGB detachment, the frontier guard remembered that during his night watch a bright flash of light had blinded him and after that he had lost consciousness. When he returned to his senses, he found himself in a strange room with walls that emitted an even bluish light with no visible source. Suddenly a voice from nowhere, that resembled that of the voice of a female or child, greeted him and warned him that he would be taken on a long journey. After that it told the soldier that if he were selected for that honorable mission he would be helping a distant civilization very similar to humans in many aspects and located in the Gemini constellation. After that was said, the soldier lost consciousness again. He vaguely remember that next he saw several humanoid figures “without faces” leaning over him and examining his body. He was then exposed to attacks of sudden unbearable pain during this “medical examination”. After that he fell into a state of powerful euphoria and bliss, as if being narcotized. After examination at a local military hospital a commission found the mentally unstable or insane. And one and a half month later the unfortunate died of a fulminating illness similar to exposure to high doses of radiation.
HC addendum
Source: Sergey Skvortsov, “NLO” Magazine Saint Petersburg # 42 October 18 1999
Type: G
Comments: In this case the unfortunate witness (the soldier) suffered from fatal aftereffects, one more in a number of growing cases in the files.
Location. Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, Russia
Date: 1989
Time: night
Strange and mysterious events began occurring in the home a local resident named Tamara, unexplained disappearances of metallic objects, sounds and knockings from an unknown origin. At times Tamara and her guests felt the presence of huge tall “men” or entities in the room that were watching all the proceedings. One night Tamara saw a small star-shaped object flying amid her room. Her fear suddenly changed to strange tranquility or expectation of something good about to happen. Several days later, again in the dark, she again saw the “star” floating in midair 50cm above the floor. She watched the star-shaped light stopped by the front door. Once there, a “screen” appeared, resembling that of a TV screen, but much smaller in size. In both sides of the screen she noticed unknown symbols, and geometrical figures black in color, triangles, squares, circles, etc. Soon after, faces began appearing on the screen; in the bottom section she saw a male face with beautiful, perfect features, with a non-human peachy color skin. He wore a silver cap that was tight fitting on his head. He had large beautiful eyes that stared at Tamara in a benevolent manner, full of understanding. Two other faces were clearly seen above. One of them was humanoid bluish in color, with closely set eyes, which looked intently at Tamara. This alien began a telepathic conversation with the witness. The other alien face was more Asiatic in appearance, but with round dark eyes without whites. The face was somewhat unpleasant to her; she felt something it was some kind of biological robot. Later UFO researchers from the Yaroslavl group showed her pictures of alien portraits and she was able to identify some of them. She does not remember how much time she communicated and how much information was given to her. Only the feeling of trust and quiet communication remained. She distinctly remembered saying the following words, “I wish to be cured, if that happens, I could help people the rest of my life”. Soon the screen switched off the same way it was originally activated. In the morning nothing was evident of what had occurred the night before, except for the scorched flowers on the windowsill and the witness felt her hands “burning” in an unexplained manner, she wanted to do something, to help someone. Apparently her contacts continued and she was told she was communicating with the forces of light, or representatives from a civilization in the Orion constellation.
HC addendum
Source: I. Marysheva, Rybinsk, Yaroslavl UFO Research Group In “Versiya” digest # 18 1996
Type: G or F?
Location. Izmaylovo, Moscow Russia
Date: 1989
Time: night
A local woman named G. Savina was in her bedroom when she looked out the window and saw a round object encircled in multicolored lights approaching her apartment. The witness closed her eyes as if expecting the next event, while her young daughter slept in the same room on a sofa. A short time later she saw the legs of two “men” standing near her. They wore tight-fitting silver suits. She became still, afraid to move. She then sensed what felt like a cool breeze around her head. She thought that maybe the aliens were ventilating her brain (?). When she decides to look up the aliens were gone and the round object was slowly moving away from the window. She looked at her younger daughter still sleeping peacefully as if nothing had happened. In the other room her older daughter also slept peacefully. No traces were found on the window or the balcony area. But half a year after the incident there was substantial & periodical bleeding from the nose of her young daughter, (a possibly evidence of an implant in her brain, through her nose). The young girl had to be hospitalized and was kept in the infective disease department for a week. Around the same time nose bleeds were also reported by the witness and her adult daughter. The doctor later found that the witness’s nasal partition was inexplicably missing; he could not explain why that had happened.
HC addendum
Source: “NLO” # 11 October-November 1996
Type: G?
Location. Verhniye Lemezy, Bashkortostan Republic, Russia
Date: 1989
Time: night
Numerous witnesses in this remote village amid mountains and forests began encountering humanoid entities in the nearby forest beginning in early 1989. The encounters lasted for about a year. Locals were afraid to venture into the forest. Numerous landings of ellipse-shaped objects were seen in the forest. The humanoids were described as tall, about 4-5 meters in height, and there were also smaller ones that never attempted contact with the locals. The taller entities communicated telepathically with local villagers on several occasions. The aliens were reported to have been similar to humans and apparently the locals were able to understand them. However during the encounters the witnesses experienced incredible fear, and felt as if they stood under high voltage electric power lines (electro magnetic effects?). The aliens asked some of the locals where could they obtain “enketerm” (?) a metal of supposed high durability. The amazed locals had never heard of that specific metal. The aliens also asked strange questions like, “What trajectory can we use to reach Sweden or Switzerland?” The witnesses also noticed that their watches would cease to function while in the forest, radios and taper recorders also refused to operate in anomalous areas. People also sense a powerful magnetic attraction to certain areas. At nights they would see triangular shaped objects, which shone beams of light over the forest, strange columns of light and also hear unexplained sounds. On one occasion a witness watched a rectangular-shaped screen floating in the air and saw images on it like in a large outdoor cinema. The screen contained vivid colors, which the witness had never seen before in his life and fell cold while the screen was present. The village was also visited by a group of physicists interested in investigating the phenomena, but strangely most became ill and left the town. Locals also noticed a strange alien device, resembling a submarine, which appeared and disappeared in a pond near the village, as if moving underwater and underground. The water in the pond changed its composition and became like liquid paraffin. During the appearance of the aliens and the UFOs there were numerous power outages in the city, television sets also malfunctioned regularly. At times locals also saw strange geometrical figures in the air that apparently created a strange sleepiness among the witnesses. Apparently this activity was related to a possibly underground base located near the village.
HC addendum
Source: Alexander S. Kuzovkin and Nikolay N. Nepomnyashziy in: “UFOs Requests Landing” Moscow 1991
Type: D
Location. Stepanakert, Nagornyi Karabakh province, Azerbaijan
Date: 1989
Time: night
Witnesses Mrs. Karina Andryan, a doctor at the local hospital and her husband Joseph heard a knocking sound at their living room window of their 2-story house. Joseph approached the window and saw a man wearing a spacesuit that invited Joseph to travel with him. However Joseph excused himself and politely asked the stranger to leave him in peace, since his wife and kids were ill with the flu. The alien turned around and walked to a nearby landed small disc-shaped object, which then took off and left the area. Around the same time also in the nearby village of Noragukh aliens reported came in contact with pupils of the local school.
Also in Vaguas, Mardakert area humanoid aliens reportedly appeared in the village and communicated with a young female resident of the village. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Vladimir Mailyan Ukraine in: “Interesting Newspaper” # 4 1999
Type: B
Location. Las Vegas Nevada
Date: 1989
Time: late night
The witness had gone to bed feeling very ill, with a severe sore throat and bronchitis. She had also had several bruises on her thigh due to performing on stage and striking that spot with a metal tambourine. She prayed to God to heal her and went to bed. She woke up in the middle of the night and saw two beings standing over her. One was at her side, the other at the foot of the bed. She could not scream or move. She could not see their faces, but she could make out their shape. They had large heads and long arms, and were apparently gray in color. She suddenly was able to yell out and screamed for her roommate to wake up. He roommate woke up and saw the intruders by the bedside. In the blink of an eye both beings put their hands on her chest and disappeared. She fell back asleep and when she woke up the next morning she was apparently cured and the bruises were gone.
HC addition # 3803
Source: CAUS
Type: E
Location. Near Voronezh, Russia
Date: 1989
Time: late night
After experiencing radio and total engine failure to their vehicles two witnesses, including M. H. Polyakov, coasted to the side of the road and exited the vehicle to smoke a cigarette. After several attempts he was for some unknown reason unable to light the matches and threw them away. Suddenly he heard shouts from his friend; turning in that direction he saw a huge bright pinkish yellow sphere descending about 100 meters away. The light on the sphere suddenly flared up and a beam of light emerged slowly rummaging over the ground, bluish sparks could be seen around the beam. The witnesses felt a sense of fear and constraint. The motor of the vehicle engine began to smoke and the radiator began to steam, as if overheated. Suddenly a heavy presence was felt on the driver’s seat of the vehicle, as if an invisible entity sat there, one of the men reached towards it and touched something, the vehicle had apparently rocked from side to side as if something invisible had entered it. The beam of light soon began moving away and the oppressive atmosphere began to dissipate. And the sphere vanished. The vehicle returned to normal with no apparent visible damage. Later one of the witnesses experienced a strong discharge of electricity as he touched a handrail. Both suffered from disturbing nightmares after the incident.
HC addendum
Source: UFOZONE Russia
Type: F?
Location. Pishpek, Kirghizia
Date: 1989
Time: late night
A metal worker, V. Bigunyaka was returning home when suddenly a bright bluish light illuminated the area around him, a pulsating light descended above him, gradually increasing in size and changing color to a bright orange red. At this point an object shaped like a cucumber about 3 to 5 meters in diameter landed close to the witness. Bigunyaka grew torpid and was unable to move. From the landed object two figures the size of 10-year old children emerged. Both wore silvery tight-fitting clothing. Showing strong curiosity the two short silver-clad figures slowly began to approach the witness. They stopped at about 4 meters away, staring at the witness, sometimes squatting and changing positions repeatedly. The figures were human-like with slender extremities. The witness attempted to shout a greeting but was unable to emit any sound. The whole time he had fallen into a puddle, which was the main source of curiosity to the humanoids. He could only flop his hands and splash water at the staring figures. Soon the short humanoids without moving their feet glided away towards the landed object. At this time the object changed form, appearing more rounded, and emitting a whitish-blue glow that turned to a golden glow. From the top it emitted a thin beam of green light. Apparently the entrance to the object was in that area at the rear. However the witness could observe no openings on the object. Soon the witness regained the ability to speak and move and noticed a completely silence in the area. He heard a sound that seemed to originate from the back of his head resembling “ay-ay-ay” and watched the object slowly rise up and float above the machine shop building, it became dark and then rocked back & forth before moving away at high speed.
HC addendum
Source: UFOZONE Russia
Type: B
Location. Reseda, California
Date: 1989
Time: late night
A local family experienced a series of sightings and abductions by the gray type aliens, culminating in what some UFO investigators call “a baby presentation”. The main witness, Kelly Robinson experienced four consecutive visitations over a period of a few months. During each encounter she was able to converse with the aliens. On the first encounter Kelly awoke to find four gray type aliens standing around her bed. One spoke telepathically, telling her, “Do not be afraid. Come with us. You won’t remember this.” Kelly however was very feisty and independent and was able to remember. She recalled being taken into a small round room and placed on a table. They told her, “We are going to take your memory away. You’ll not remember this…don’t be afraid. We’re not going to hurt you. You can’t remember this.” But Kelly screamed, “Yes I will!” This argument went back and forth, with the aliens telling her she couldn’t and wouldn’t remember, and Kelly screaming back that she would. Then they cut her arm. She woke up in the morning and immediately looked at her arm. A neat two-inch scar exactly where she remembered the aliens cutting her was there. 2 weeks later the aliens returned, telling her that they were going to take her memory, again she protested, telling them that she was going to tell her parents. They told her, “No you’re not…your parents wouldn’t understand. You better not tell them, you know.” A few weeks later they returned. As usual they attempted to erase her memory of the event telling her, “You’re going to forget everything.” However as usual she was able to recall the events. On her final encounter, the aliens appeared and said, “We need to talk to you. Come with us.” But Kelly resisted and threatened to tell her father. This apparently angered the aliens. However Kelly insisted that the aliens were benevolent and meant no harm.
HC addendum
Source: Preston Dennett
Type: G
Location. Sochi, Caucasus, Russia
Date: 1989
Time: around midnight
A woman named Anna Gudzenko, while staying in her parent’s house encountered a strange humanoid entity standing near her bed. Humanoid had Negroid features, with completely black skin, totally hairless, huge eyes and thick lips. He looked young in appearance, maybe 20 years of age. The visitor stood in silence and just stared fixedly and silently at the witness. This lasted for about 2-3 minutes, and then the entity seemed to dissolve into thin air. Anna had previous encounters with exactly the same entity, the first visitation when she was only 8-years of age. All of the encounters were with the same type of entity.
HC addendum
Source: Alexey K. Priyma, “XX Century, Chronicle of Unexplained Phenomena” Moscow 1998
Type: E
Location. Fairfield, Vermont
Date: 1989
Time: 2000
The witness was sitting in the living room watching television. There was a large window over the television set and he saw a very bright outside which at first he thought was an airplane. After 10 minutes of watching the light on an off he realized that it wasn’t an airplane, it was so bright that they shut off the light and television and looked out the window. The lights were on a huge “spaceship” about 5 stories tall. They could see a row of windows near the top with beings in the windows, they were moving around. Their heads were big and they seemed to converse with one another. The ship seemed to be barely moving in the air so they got a good look. The witnesses then went outside to get a better look. The craft was not making any sound. Through one of the lower windows they could see what looked like a set of stairs going up. The craft looked triangular-square in shape and it was huge.
HC addendum
Source: http://ufoinfo.com/sightings
Type: A
Location. Near Cory, Indiana
Date: 1989
Time: 2200
The witness was driving on highway 46 on a clear moonlit night as he approached Cory he looked ahead on the left hand side of the road in the distance and saw a dark object in the sky. At first he thought it was a slow moving airplane. But it seemed pretty low to the ground and he could not make out any lights. He was curious about the dark object and kept his eyes on it and he drove down the highway. As he got closer he began to slow down so he better see the object. There were two cars in front of him and they also slowed down. As he got closer to the object he could make out a triangular form. He could even see white lights that he thought were cockpit lights. As he got even closer, he could see these were rectangular windows at one end of the triangular object. As he came right up on the object, he pulled off onto the right hand side shoulder of the road. So did the two cars ahead of him. He rolled down the driver side window and looked squarely at the object. It was 300-500 yards away. It was triangular and it was dark. It had white light coming out of the triangular windows. The witness seemed to vaguely remember that it had other lights. As he got closer, the witness became more inquisitive and began to examine the object at a fairly close proximity. The object was hovering and was totally silent. Suddenly the witness became scared and began to pull away, so did the other two vehicles. Before leaving the witness reported seeing a figure in one of the rectangular windows and was overcome with a feeling of fear. Whereupon he left the area at a very high rate of speed accompanied by the two other vehicles. Later on, down the road he saw a group of vehicles parked on the side of the road including a heavy truck he also saw a group of people that appeared to be consulting a map. Others in the group were pointing in the direction from which the witness had come from.
HC addendum
Source: WUFOD, Indiana Mufon
Type: A
Location. Vasilkov, Ukraine
Date: 1989
Time: 2300
Irina Antoshkinoya was walking home late one night when suddenly before her eyes against the background of the darkening sky appeared an enormous rider, gray in color with a beard, it wore a metallic shiny armor and a helmet on his head. The horse on which it sat in glory was enormous also, Herculean in nature. The bizarre apparition drifted silently above her and disappeared from view. Astonished she ran home but again the same rider appeared before her and seemed to smoothly gallop in the sky, she resumed her dash to her home while the rider seem to follow her there, it disappeared once she arrived home.
HC addendum
Source: Laboratory IKS Russia
Type: E
Location. Near Windham New Hampshire
Date: January 1989
Time: 0600A
On interstate 93 a highway crew supervisor was returning home to prepare for a predicted storm when he spotted a silvery object quickly descending overhead. The object hovered over the overpass and as he drove by he was able to see several figures inside the object looking out from behind a row of windows in the bottom. Later under hypnosis he was able to recall his vehicle being levitated into the object through a large opening in the bottom of the craft. He was then removed from his truck by three short beings, described as bald with gray skin and wearing silver colored uniforms with patterns traced in gold on their collars. He was taken to another room where he was given a very painful medical examination. No effort was made on the part of the beings to keep him comfortable.
HC addition # 966
Source: Peter Geremia, UFONS # 254
Type: G
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Index: 8
Comments: The gold lace pattern on the humanoid’s uniforms appears to be a unique case. These humanoids appeared to be totally indifferent to the pain of the witness.
Location. Whitehall New York
Date: January 1989
Time: 0630A
The witnesses encountered huge footprints in the woods about 20 inches long and found some tree branches broken down. Walking back to the house they felt like they were being watched. The next morning one of the witnesses woke up to see a huge 10-foot tall creature standing about 20 feet from the house. The creature wandered about for a while. It was brown in color and looked very human except for its size and forehead and its hairy appearance. After about five minutes it walked past the house and up a nearby bank. As it passed the house it banged on the wall, awakening the other witnesses.
HC addition # 2975
Source: Scott McNabb
Type: E
(Maybe this one falls within the Bigfoot realm?)
Location. Kinnegad, Northern Ireland
Date: January 1989
Time: afternoon
The witness was having difficulty trying to sleep, often hearing something tapping at his window late at night. One day he went for a walk and was startled to see a floating luminous “energy” being about six feet above him. The witness apparently quickly left the area. No other information.
HC addition # 3781
Type: E
Location. Bellevue Nebraska
Date: January 1989
Time: night
A husband and wife suddenly felt compelled to go to a late night movie show. After the show they drove around somehow unable to find their way back home. Every road seemed to be blocked by some kind of construction. After what had appeared to be hours they finally made it home. Something in their memories appeared to have been blocked. Years later under hypnosis they remembered being in a church’s parking lot and seeing a disc shaped object hovering nearby. Several short, now familiar gray type creatures came up to their car and took the wife inside the object where she was, somewhat painfully examined, and then returned to the car. Later it was realized that she had somehow been cured of a previously diagnosed blood clotting disease in her circulatory system.
HC addition # 3912
Source: CAUS
Type: G
Comments: This case also features a “painful” examination by the humanoids (see the Windham case) but with more positive results, it seems.
Location. Bungleboori Reserve, Australia
Date. January 1989
Time: 2200
Len Mawson and Don Mulak were camping in the area and had set up their sleeping bags inside their “Combi Van” next to a roaring campfire, while talking, Len happened to noticed, at about 200 meters away, standing in the middle of the reserve, the definite silhouette of a whitish man-shaped form over 2 meters in height, the head giving the appearance of being pushed into the shoulders, with legs apart and arms out from the body. By this time Don had retired to the van. Len tried to attract his attention to the mystery figure, but he refused to get out and look. As Len moved to the van, the “visitor” turned and walked away behind a nearby concrete water tank, where Len lost sight of it. From there he believes it must have walked straight into the adjoining pine forest. No traces were found the next morning.
HC addendum
Source: Rex Gilroy, Australia
Type: E
Location. St Louis, Missouri
Date: January 1989
Time: late night
The 22-year old witness had fallen asleep when he was suddenly awakened by 3 individuals that said they were aliens. He asked them what they were doing in his bedroom and they told him that they had been in the attic and needed to go outside and asked if he could open the window for them. (!). In the morning he woke up and his window and screen were wide open and the attic entrance was wide open also (a ladder was needed to access the attic; however there wasn’t a ladder around). Two of the “men” looked human and the third also looked human but with something alien about his overall appearance that the witness could not pinpoint. They were all about 5ft tall. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: http://www.alien-ufos.com/forum
Type: E
Comments: un-typical bedroom visitation.
Location. Brewster, New York
Date: January 1 1989
Time: unknown
Dean Fagerstrom (involved in other encounters) met an angel-like being, very old and powerful. The being told Dean that his name was Aphax and that he was once a priest in ancient Thebes. Dean was then taken out of his body and brought to ancient Egypt, where he saw a magnificent stone building. He approached the building and saw a small opening, and looked into it. He could see a sarcophagus laid out on a table; the profile on the lid was of a person unknown to him. As he watched, the sarcophagus disappeared and was replaced by the image of his father. He continued to watch, and saw his father’s image disappear and he himself lying on the table. Apparently Aphax had now turned into a stone statue and seemed to be part of the wall. At that moment, numbers and equations started pouring into Dean’s head. Aphax instructed him to resurrect a lost numerical code that would explain events in the universe that have taken place in the past, are taking place in the present, and will take place in the future.
HC addendum
Source: Phillip J Imbrogno, Marianne Horrigan Contact of the 5th Kind
Type: G or F?
Location. The Netherlands, exact location not given
Date: January 3 1989
Time: 0200A
The witness was sleeping when she suddenly woke up. She looked up towards the bathroom and saw a young man standing there. He was very close to her and was described as having a strikingly beautiful face and dressed in light blue clothing. His hair was dark and short. He did not say anything but made a reassuring gesture with his hand. A bright shining light filled the room during his presence; it radiated a great sense of peace. The figure suddenly disappeared.
HC addition # 1866
Source: Dr. HC Moolenburgh, “Meetings with Angels”
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Interpreted as some kind of Angelic entity.
Location. Near Gancedo Argentina
Date: January 8 1989
Time: 0445A
Three persons traveling enroute to a nearby town began noticing three small points of light high in the sky, that suddenly began approaching their small Renault. As the lights approached their large circular form was clearly seen. All three objects then began pacing the vehicle on the left side of the road. At times the objects would suddenly descend very close to the ground then would shoot back up. At one point the witnesses saw an illuminated “screen” on a platform on the side of the road, at the same moment one of the objects performed a gentle turn and passed directly in front of the vehicle illuminating the inside of the car. The witnesses could now see that it was a huge disc with an illuminated dome on top. As the object descended over the road everything became bright and the witnesses were clearly able to see the tops of nearby trees bend down as if hit by a strong wind. Also about the same time another luminous platform was seen on the side of the road and a human-like figure was clearly seen moving within the light near a large barrel-shaped object that was apparently on the ground. That was the last thing seen by the witnesses as they drove away from the area.
HC addition # 1300
Source: Dr. Roberto E Banchs, CEFAI
Type: C
Location. Kamloops British Columbia, Canada
Date: January 16 1989
Time: 2300
A woman was walking her dog on a cloudy night, when she saw an intense bright light on a nearby hill; the light suddenly turned and flew off from the hill at high speed. The witness went back home but could not go to sleep and was very restless, she walked over to the bedroom window and briefly saw a figure standing in the shadow of a pine tree in her yard, the figure suddenly vanished. It was described as very tall and slim. She also saw a dark metallic rectangular shaped object with lighted windows as it left the area silently.
HC addition # 119
Source: Lawrence Fenwick, Cuforn Bulletin 9/10-90
Type: C
Location. Guilford, Surrey, England
Date: January-February 1989
Time: 1930
Marcia Hill, a 12-year old girl was spending an evening together with her friend in her home. Her parents had gone out. The girls were watching television when suddenly there appeared to be a very bad reception with black lines moving across the screen (the reception was always excellent in the area). The weather was clear and from the corner of her eye she noticed the amber lamps flickering. Marcia went into the bedroom from where she could see the well-lit garden. She was then drawn to look into the center of the garden where she saw a figure crouching there, which appeared to be white, and had very long fingers. With these fingers, it appeared to Marcia to be stroking the grass and she described it as being in a fetal position on the grass. It did not appear to have a face. She did not feel scared and was drawn to watch it for what seemed to her at least 10minutes. She turned to call her friend to come and see this figure, but when she turned back it had gone. Upon returning downstairs the television was now working and the lights were no longer flickering.
HC addendum
Source: Gloria Dixon: UFO Times, The Journal of BUFOA # 45 October 1997 Type: E
Location. Hasavuyrt, Dagestan, North Caucasus, Russia
Date: February 1989
Time: evening
Three witnesses, an elderly female N. G., her granddaughter and a young woman named P, were returning home from the local cannery factory and while walking on the roadside near Ordzhonikidze Street close to a bus stop they felt following and watching them. They turned around and saw a very bizarre white vehicle, with a low cabin, N.G. had never seen such a vehicle (all foreign cars were still very rare at the time in the USSR). Two persons sat inside the “car”. The driver was wearing a white shirt and a black tie; he had a wire going out of his right ear which was connected to the control panel in the car, apparently some type of communication device. The passenger, another male, rolled down the window and commanded, “One of your group must come in the car with us”. He pointed at N.G., but the frightened witness answered, “I don’t know you and I won’t go inside the car”. The stranger then said that since she had a child she was excused and pointed at P. But P. also protested, also saying that he did not know them. At this moment N.G. immediately grabbed her granddaughter’s hand and began to run home. While running she attempted to turn around and heard P. screaming at the top of her lungs and then silence. The next day N.G. attempted to find P. but she was nowhere to be found. However 4 days later P. called N.G. and told her things which she only knew about her, surprised N.G. asked her how she knew all that information and P. told her that the strangers had told her everything. She told N.G. that the “aliens” plan was originally to take her but the presence of her granddaughter had changed their plans. “Who are they”? Asked the stunned N.G., P. told her that they were indeed “extraterrestrials” and had taken her with them, she was shown many things but was ordered to keep silence, or they would not return her to Earth the next time. “Don’t ask me anything more” said P. she then said goodbye and they never saw each other again. N.G. later learned that P. had quit her job at the factory a month later.
HC addendum
Source: Sergey Semenduev “Iks” paper for the Dagestan Center for The Study of UFOs and Anomalous Phenomena # 5 1991
Type: G
Location. Tennessee, exact location not given
Date: February 1989
Time: night
The witness was again apparently abducted by several short gray colored humanoids. One of the aliens touched her forehead and suddenly she saw a series of very graphic images. She saw what appeared to be an exploding sun, an underground city, and a desert planet with two suns. She later woke up at home.
HC addition # 1681
Source: Karla Turner, PhD. “Taken”
Type: G
Location. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: February 1989
Time: night
At the local opera house a practice run by the “Ballet De Graciela Rio Saiz” was cancelled as a result of the appearance of a bizarre levitating female figure, very pale sporting an enigmatic smile. Several witnesses saw it as it floated over a stage. No other information. (I included this case because of the numerous similar encounters with floating female entities from different parts of the world; I think is something more than a “ghost.”).
HC addendum
Source: Fenomenos Paranormales en Buenos Aires
Type: E
Location. Port Elliott South Australia
Date: February 1989
Time: late night
A dairy farmer (involved in a CE2 on October 18 1988) was standing in the sand dunes late one night when a bright object approached along the beach and he saw it was an “entity”. The thin figure had a large, pear-shaped head and stood facing some rocks. It then turned to face the farmer who decided to leave. The next day some unusual marks were found in the sand on the beach.
HC addendum
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: E
Location. Baku, Azerbaijan
Date: February 1989
Time: unknown
Shamil Aliev a local auto mechanic for the “Bakmetropolitan” (underground subway), while walking near the “Depot” terminal metro station, near the outskirts of the city accidentally stumbled upon a huge humanoid entity about 6-7 meters in height. The entity was a Cyclopean in nature, and its only eye emanated a red glow. The frightened witness quickly fled the area.
HC addendum
Source: Ali Ahberdiyev, Chairman of the Baku club on anomalous phenomena, ASSA-IRADA quoted in “UFOs-Liaisons of the Universe” # 5 1994
Type: E
Location. Kyurdakhany, Apsheron peninsula, Azerbaijan
Date: February 1989
Time: unknown
Residents of this village located just east of the city of Baku observed a huge running humanoid entity, its height was at least 4 times taller than that of an average man, or about 6 to 7 meters (!). The entity was reportedly a Cyclopean, with only one eye below its forehead. It quickly disappeared from sight.
HC addendum
Source: Ali Ahberdiyev, Chairman of the Baku club on anomalous phenomena, ASSA-IRADA quoted in “UFOs-Liaisons of the Universe” # 5 May 1994
Type: E
Location. Selayang Baru, Selangor Malaysia
Date: February 1 1989
Time: daytime
In a field a witness encountered a tiny man shaped being who fled into the brush and disappeared. No other information.
HC addition # 3439
Source: Ahmad Jamaludin
Type: E
Location. Perm Russia
Date: February 6 1989
Time: night
A woman saw a bright disc-shaped object hovering over the area. The craft suddenly became very bright and the witness became disoriented. She could only remember her own dog attacking her. Later under hypnosis she recalled confronting two very tall figures within the light. The beings touched her on the back with a very cold metallic triangular device, totally blocking her memory.
HC addition # 578
Source: Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union
Type: G?
Location. Sassovivo Italy
Date: February 7 1989
Time: 2230
Several witnesses driving along an isolated Route 4 when suddenly they saw intermittent circular flashes of light ahead. As they approached, they saw five circular objects on the ground alongside the road. His vehicle engine stalled as 5 humanoids about 90 cm in height that had emerged from the objects, surrounded his vehicle. The humanoids wore white astronaut like suits and had black hair and large staring eyes. The aliens moved rapidly around the vehicle, completely ignoring the witnesses. For some time their vehicle was somehow prevented from moving. Soon the humanoids disappeared back into their circular objects and these disappeared from sight. The source indicates that the witness soon died after the encounter again no information as to why and how he died is given.
HC addendum
Source: CUN
Type: B
Location. Levittown Long Island New York
Date: February 11 1989
Time: 2100
Two men were recording music in their apartment when they began hearing strange noises. Going to the window they saw two US government helicopters hovering overhead. They then saw two more flying in formation and in between them a huge shiny object with multi-colored lights. Both witnesses jumped into a car and began following the object and helicopters. Once on the expressway the helicopters left and the giant object changed into a ball of fire before their eyes. Both witnesses apparently suffered a blackout and realized that they were now driving towards the entrance of a bridge. Later one of the men recalled being in a room with several short humanoids with large black eyes. He also saw numerous symbols resembling hieroglyphics.
HC addition # 945
Source: UFONS # 258
Type: G
Location. Kopanskoye Lake, Leningrad region Russia
Date: February 13 1989
Time: evening
Three drivers from the Leningrad auto park, Yuriy Vasilievich M, Sergey Yurevich T, and Alexander Viktorovich G. had gone driving on a fishing trip at a location about 130km from Leningrad, 40 km from the town of Sosnovyi Bor where a nuclear plant is located. Suddenly G saw a UFO flying overhead, all of them then noticed a strange white object in the sky, 3-4 times larger than the biggest star. The object seemed to be moving in their direction when it suddenly made a sharp jump to the left, or to east, and continued flying. After looking at the object for about 15minutes the witness lost interest and ignored it. Some time later after having dinner and setting up camp M. went into the woods to look for firewood. It was already dark and as he walked about 40 to 50 meters along the shore of the lake and about 8-10m into the woods, he suddenly noticed a landed flat disc-shaped object about 30-40 meters from him. The object was “beautiful” round shaped, with windows around it broadest section, and made out of a dark material. Soft matt light emanated from the windows. M. began studying the object and noticed neither hatches nor doors on it; its surface was absolutely smooth, though some indentations were visible. M. felt no fear and stared at the object without moving for about 15-20 seconds. He thought of calling his two friends, but thought better of it not wanting to frighten them. When M. looked to the left of the object he noticed a moving figure like a shadow, walking towards the back of the object. Then he noticed a second figure on the right side of the craft he also noticed a third figure standing between the first and the second one. He thought that they were leaving and became somewhat concerned but not scared. He thought maybe that he could catch one of the “aliens” and put it in his car, but then discarded the idea. The aliens moved slowly making no sounds (the craft was also soundless). When one of the aliens was about 10 meters from the witness, he yelled at them making friendly advances and pointing out that he meant no harm. The figures approached in silence. Two of them finally came very close to him. The aliens were generally human looking but not completely. Their mouths were tightly closed, no lips were visible, with a proportional head, with no visible hair, and their imperious faces expressed severe concentration. The aliens were dressed in tight-fitting gray-colored outfits. A third alien stood aside. The witness then saw a flash, like a photoflash. Next the witness felt pressure in his head and heard a voice in his brain. The voice was unpleasant, raspy, and metallic in quality, it said, “What are you doing here” He answered that he had come on a fishing expedition with his friends. “Would you like to come with us?” Said the voice next. He thought about it, and was tempted but then the voice said, “You will not return. We need to know what your inner structure is” The witness then declined the offer and shook his head. Then the alien voice said threatening and imperiously, “If you start a nuclear war we will destroy you” (humanity?). The witness then said (hopefully) that humans would not start a nuclear war. At this point the witness heard a loud buzzing sound, resembling a high voltage wire. Moments later the witness was terrified to see a huge shaggy humanoid figure about 3-4 meters in height, its head resembling that of an ape. It stood above the witness, a little higher than the trees. He then remembered seeing the alien figures moved suddenly away from him, disappearing behind the trees. He didn’t noticed how they entered their ship, but the object slowly and silently ascended, and before leaving it emitted a bright flash of light the illuminated the area around it. When the craft rose up to about 4 meters it suddenly disappeared. Apparently the huge hairy humanoid (Bigfoot type) also left with the aliens.
HC addendum
Source: K. Wolf, PhD “Contact at Kopanskoye Lake” In Independent Ufological Newsletter # 1, January 1991
Type: C
Comments: Here is another case describing a definite connection between hairy Bigfoot type humanoids and UFOs.
Location. Near Rotorua, New Zealand
Date: mid February 1989
Time: night
Alec Newald set off on what should have been a 3-hour drive to Auckland. He arrived feeling tired and confused, but was even more stunned to learn that he had lost 10 days and had no idea where he had been. He was able to remember being escorted onboard a huge craft by a female humanoid and taken to a room where he was told to wait. Soon he was approached by three humanoids, one tall, looking like the previous female humanoid, the second a little shorter and was male. The third much smaller, and walked ahead of the other two. He described the short humanoid as slightly built with a round head and rather unusual squinty eyes, which were well spaced and placed rather lower than that of humans. He had a very small mouth, no ears were seen, and the nose was barely noticeable. Newald was struck with an almost overpowering feeling of his presence. It was as if the being’s energy was being projected and absorbed by his body. The humanoid said, “Welcome,” and told Newald that he was the designated “Guardian” of this section. The humanoids communicated mostly by using telepathy. Newald was apparently taken to another “world” where he arrived at a huge city, which was very neat and orderly. He had noticed when the craft had landed that the city lacked any tall buildings and most of its construction was pyramid shaped dwellings and made of what appeared to be some kind of transparent material, just like tinted glass. He also saw large antenna like structures. Some of the buildings resembled those on Earth, but the outer walls were sloped back at a thirty degree angle and set back some distance at each floor level, making them look like steps up on a hill. These were apparently the dwellings, which were mostly circular in shaped or tube like in shape. The color inside the buildings was mostly a pearl white with perhaps a touch of silver gray within. A soft light seemed to radiate from everywhere. After learning much he was eventually returned back home and to his vehicle.
HC addition # 3867
Source: Alec Newald
Type: G
Location. Tennessee, exact location not given
Date: middle of February 1989
Time: night
The witness suddenly woke up in her backyard surrounded by four humanoids. Two of the humanoids appeared to be working on a strange car-sized device and a third was digging up soil samples. Another humanoid showed her a small black box and was told to look inside of it. She again saw exploding graphic images and was then told that she was a “chosen” one. Apparently the humanoids were the typical gray with large heads and huge black slanted eyes.
HC addition # 1682
Source: Karla Turner PhD “Taken”
Type: G
Location. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Date: late February 1989
Time: evening
Local resident Ludmila Yanshina was watching the evening television when she suddenly heard the anguish cries of her young daughter, sleeping at the moment in the adjacent room. She rushed in and found the girl crying hysterically. The girl told her mother that while she slept she was suddenly awoken as something pushed her. She sat on the bed filled with fright and looked around the darkened room. There was an area of scattered light directly in front of the bed and within the light stood a medium height figure, similar to a man wearing a tight fitting diver’s suit, bulging as if filled with air. It had a round large helmet similar to a balloon which left its face exposed. The suit was dark in color. The face was also dark and according to the girl it was apparently a female but with thin long whiskers hanging under the nose. Terrified the girl asked who she was; the only answer was a strange growling sound. Continuing to growl it suddenly rose up into the air floating in the middle of the bedroom. Terrified the girl hid under the blankets and waited. The growling noise stopped and the girl looked from under the blanket hoping that the strange creature had gone. But the figure, now slightly glowing still stood in the room. Terrified the girl now yelled, “Please leave! I am afraid”! Seconds later the head of the humanoid disappeared leaving behind only the bulging body now floating in mid-air, rocking back and forth. The girl continued to scream as the figure moved back and appeared to decrease in size becoming the size of a fly until it completely vanished. The girl continued screaming terrified after that.
HC addendum
Source: Aleksey Priyma, UFOROUM Russia
Type: E
Location. Moorhead, Minnesota
Date: late February 1989
Time: night
A sophomore in the girl’s dorm at Concordia College was getting ready to go to sleep when she felt someone pulling her blanket. She managed to see a shadowy three-fingered hand. She sat up instantly and saw standing at the foot of the bed, on the bunk ladder, a bizarre green reptilian looking figure, that promptly vanished in plain sight.
HC addition # 3550
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 6 # 2
Type: E
Location. Wairakei, New Zealand
Date: early spring 1989
Time: early morning
Two American tourists were playing golf at the local course when they heard a peculiar noise coming from some nearby shrubs. As they investigated they encountered two large hairy green-colored humanoids. As the witnesses moved closer, the creatures spotted them and made a weird high pitched squeaking sound and darted into some nearby woods.
HC addition # 987
Source: Douglas Golightly, FSR Vol. 34 # 4
Type: E
Location. Outside of Vladivostok, Far East Russia
Date: Spring 1989
Time: unknown
According to Valeriy Dvuzhilnyi who was investigating the case, Soviet Navy personnel observed a glowing object enter the sea off the coast of the Dalniy Vostok area. A naval officer disclosed to Dvuzhilnyi that a recovery operation was immediately initiated and a device described as egg-shaped and about 6 meters long, was retrieved from the seabed by divers and brought ashore. They attempted to penetrate the device with an oxyacetylene flame but without results. The naval officer informed Valeriy that the object was later transported to Vladivostok and then to Moscow. According to researcher Anton Anfalov the object on its side resembled a lenticular or convexo-lens-shaped, matt gray in color, with a slight, not jutting gradual dome on top connected with the rest of the hull and a broad, not high cylindrical base. 6 oval structures, like dark portholes encircled the lower part of the object but nothing could be seen through them. The bottom section and one side of the object were damaged and a thin curved crack was found on its side. Then the object, covered by tarpaulin was loaded upon a railway platform and transported to the east of Moscow to the Central Material Research Institute for a detailed study. In the laboratory the research team was puzzled on how to penetrate inside the object. They tried strong drills, including diamond bits, gas cuttings, etc, but nothing helped, the hull seemed indestructible. Finally they concentrated on the crack on the object’s side and expanded it by using laser. It took a long time to melt a 1x1m sized hole on the object’s surface. The hull appeared to consist of four layers. In 20 days they made a hole big enough that enabled the research team to penetrate inside the object. The men wore protective suits and gas masks. The object consisted of 3 levels: engine compartment on the bottom section, the main power plant with a reactor which apparently self-destructed or was destroyed by an explosion and the main control room that was on the 2nd level. The control room had a screen, a control panel positioned in semicircle, which had multicolored rectangular key-shaped buttons 2 x 5 cm in size, and 4 small chairs in front. The identity of a dome topped cylinder in the center was later established to have been a holographic projector. The top section was like a garret, apparently air locked to dock with a mother ship.
3 or 4 alien bodies were found on the second level, all dead, two bodies were found sitting on chairs the other was found on the floor. The aliens were about 1.3 – 1.5m in height, two were identical but the third was slightly taller, about 1.6-1.7 m. They had large hairless heads encased in helmets, 6 fingered extremities, and gray-brown colored skin, large round eyes, which were covered with black eye lenses, small ears adjusted to their heads. They were dressed in tight-fitting and very sturdy metallic silver colored suits with a violet tint, with belts and what appeared to be round circles (engravings?) on their chest area. They also wore elbow length gloves. The suits were removed with extreme difficulty, and also the silver-greenish boots and gloves. One body was substantially damaged apparently by the hard impact.
In extreme secrecy, all the bodies were taken to a top-secret alien biological research laboratory NE of Solnechnogorsk (into an underground bunker) by four officers only. The alien blood turned out to be a thick black liquid (shades of the X-files). The object was later transported inside a mountain beyond the Polar Circle on Novaya Zemlya Island, the most secure State Test Range # 6 in the Artic apparently together with most the other crashed UFOs in the USSR and former satellites. Eventually the alien bodies were eventually brought there also. The origin of the disk was possibly later established to have been Zeta-1 Reticuli.
HC addendum
Source: Timothy Good, “Alien Liaison, the Ultimate Secret, Contact has been established” 1991 and Anton Anfalov
Type: H
Location. Dzhankoy, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: Spring 1989
Time: early morning
Nikolay Konuknov, a local laborer was walking to a nearby village to visit relatives. The small path he was on, took him through a narrow gorge. Suddenly he noticed a dark object near the path. As he looked closer he could see that it was an egg-shaped object “mammoth” in size and dull gray in color. The craft had three telescopic landing props and a transparent dome on top. Several small entities could be seen walking near the object, these resembled dwarfs. Afraid Nikolay attempted to flee the area but his legs would not obey him, he was totally paralyzed. Suddenly a bright light flashed and the witness was somehow absorbed into the craft. Inside the craft he noticed four more aliens onboard. The small aliens were absolutely hairless. The witness remembers the object “taking off” but at that point his memory became blank. Apparently he found himself back in the gorge later.
HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov, quoting V V Bobrov, Saint Petersburg
Type: G
Comments: There are no additional details in this interesting early abduction in Russia, which occurred at the beginning of the unprecedented and historic UFO wave of 1989-1990 in that country.
Location. Texas, exact location not given
Date: Spring 1989
Time: night
One night the witness suddenly and in a dream-like state felt herself floating towards the ceiling. She floated through it and through the sky up towards a hovering object. Her next memory was of being inside the object. Several small aliens about 4 ft tall with large eyes and thin lips confronted her. When they spoke to her without their lips would not move, apparently they were using some type of telepathic communication. She was strapped to a flat hard table and one of the aliens put his thumb on her forehead telling her that she would not remember them inserting a “tracking device” in her. Later she was taken to a desert area and into a cave in Arizona and told her things that she would be doing in the future and that in her lifetime the Earth would burn to a crisp and it would be man’s fault. They told her that that at times they come down to earth to check on our progress and select certain individuals for contact. Before she knew it she was taken back home. As she floated back down into her bedroom she noticed that it was raining, thundering and lighting. She woke up suddenly and it was 0430A in the morning. (Witness involved in further incidents).
HC addendum
Source: AAER, Texas Abductions
Type: G
Location. Ai-Petri plateau near Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: Spring 1989
Time: night
Approximately two and a half years after their initial contact, the tall “Nordic” aliens increased their trust in Viktor as their “agent” on earth, almost like a trusted member of their civilization, both mentally and physically. He was then initiated into one of their most guarded of secrets—he received permission to regularly visit the alien underground portal located under the Ai-Petri plateau, which led into the alien realm (dimension). Viktor stated that the aliens gave him telepathic instructions by means of an implant that they had inserted during their initial contact two years before and was led to the hidden entryway to a shaft on the plateau, which was very difficult to locate among the numerous natural Karst craters scattered all over the area. To his amazement, the earth seemed to move aside, revealing an opening into the ground. He entered the underground chamber and led by his alien instructions went into a shaft and then probably by speed elevator that descended to a great depth approximately 1300 meters under the plateau. He then found himself amid a huge underground cave. Then he was told to stop, and then was told that he was standing near the gateway—the tele-portal chamber to the other dimension. Several tall, generally human looking humanoids about 2 meters in height and dressed in silver-metallic tight-fitting clothing stepped from the portal and had a conversation with the witness. They told Viktor that the other dimension was physically the same as the one on Earth. But there was a substantial time gap between the two dimensions; an hour in that dimension is approximately equal to 5 Earth years. So he was told that if he entered the dimension, he would be lost on Earth for a long time. They also informed him that life in their dimension is mostly underground, in huge cavernous cities connected by extensive network of tunnels with other caves at different levels. Speedy supersonic trains travel in some of the tunnels along with other types of vehicles. The whole Ai-Petri plateau in the other dimension is literally honeycombed with caverns, underground cities and tunnels. The total population is about 23 million people living on the Crimean territory in that dimension. The underground cities and tunnels stretch all over their planet (or dimension which is literally a twin-double of Earth), since life on the surface is not desirable due to the heightened radiation, but atmospheric compound and pressure are almost the same as those on Earth. One of their bases in their dimension is a housing hangar for theirs and other alien spacecraft that arrive there from other dimensions for repairs and auxiliary installations with different equipment. The sky in that dimension is violet in color; the Sun is brighter and has a greenish tint. Like Earth they also have a moon there, but its color is greenish. The aliens explained to Viktor that this was an “intermediate” base used to repair their craft from time to time. The gateway under Ai-Petri plateau consists of interdimensional teleporting conduits for both the humanoids and their spacecraft, which use the portals separately. The aliens operations were very secretive and they are able to camouflage their craft from radar facilities installed at Bedene-Kyr Mountain on the same plateau. Viktor visited this underground chamber or gateway to the other dimension regularly, obtaining instructions from his alien “coordinators”. Viktor told his story only to a couple of his most trusted friends. His friends described him as a very secretive individual that periodically “appeared and disappeared”.
HC addendum
Source: Viktor P Sikilinda & Georgiy S Vladimirov and Anton Anfalov, Simferopol Crimea
Type: G
Location. Cheboksary, capital of Chuvashiya Federal Republic, Russia
Date: spring 1989
Time: night
A local woman a resident of the town located near the Great Russian River Volga awoke in the middle of the night, feeling an overwhelming and irrational horror. She then saw a black humanoid silhouette standing in the middle of her bedroom. Moments later before the eyes of the stunned woman the humanoid figure vanished, simply melting into thin air. Early next morning the woman looked in the mirror and was stunned to find a bright red image of an arrow on her forehead. She attempted to wash the mysterious image away but nothing happened. In a week or so the mysterious image had disappeared on its own accord.
HC addendum
Source: Margarita Troitsyna in: “Mir Zazerkalya” (World beyond the Mirrors” newspaper, Moscow # 17, 2000
Type: E
Location. Mount Shasta California
Date: early March 1989
Time: morning
Several members of the contact group “Rama” including the source were walking up the slopes of the mountain and had stopped to meditate when they felt enveloped in a strange “vibrating” energy. Some in the group then saw tall robed figures standing further up on the slopes that seemed to be waving and signaling at them. At the same time they felt tremendous peace and harmony.
HC addition # 1966
Source: Sixto Paz Wells, Contacto Interdimensional
Type: E
Location. Selayang Baru, Selangor, Malaysia
Date: March 1989
Time: daytime
A 9-year old boy, Faizul Afendi, claimed that he had encountered a 6-inch tall being near his school. He also claimed that the tiny being had sharp teeth and nails. The being scratched him when he tried to catch it.
HC addendum
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin
Type: E
Location. Antwerp, Belgium
Date: March 1989
Time: 1400
A 45-year old teacher had gone to her bank on Brederodestraat Street on the way to take her little girl to a nursery. For an unknown reason, she went out without his jacket (on a cool day) and took a short cut behind the Museum of Beautiful Arts. (After dropping off her little girl?) There he saw a hovering large disc shaped object, which descended towards him emitting a blue beam of light, certain warmth fills the witness and she feels unusually happy. Suddenly she finds himself onboard the object. She was forced to strip and lie on a table. There a short 1.20-meter height creature apparently gave her gynecological examination. The humanoid calls itself “Blue”, (no exact description is given of the humanoid). The witness then goes on a journey through the “Universe”. She remembers seeing an image of America split in two parts. She was shown a crowned being that was lying inside what appeared to be a coffin, she was told it was 300 years old but as she stared at it seemed to rejuvenate itself. Without knowing how she then finds herself in the downtown area about 100 meters where she had been originally. It was now 1500 hrs. She felt unhappy and her eyes were very red and sore. Soon after her hair became fragile and started to fall. She also experienced gynecological problems. That same month the same witness was suddenly awakened around 0500A by a bright glow coming from outside her bedroom window. Looking out into the sky she sees the same disc-shaped object from before, but now it was larger. The witness feels the heat again and notices a strange silence around her. The disc approaches the house and descends close to the ground in her back garden; she sees three small leg-like protrusions that appeared to be landing gear. She saw a series of portholes and bright white, orange and blue lights on the bottom of the craft. The landing gear suddenly retracts and the craft disappears vertically at incredible speed, as it disappeared into the distance it resembled three points of light, white, blue and yellow spaced out in a triangular position. The witness found scorched areas in the bitumen roof of her garage.
HC addendum
Source: Chock Vankerkom, Julien Weverbergh
GESAG Bulletin # 95, June 1997
Type: G
Location. Near Monserrat, Spain
Date: March 1989
Time: late night
In a dream-like state the witness, Dolors, finds herself in a strange ship made out of a material resembling wood. She was met by several tall humanoids, over 2 meters in height, with strong square jaws, thick lips, large slanted blue eyes, with no facial hair and totally bald. Their fingers were thin and long without nails. They wore high-necked brilliant tight-fitting diver’s suits, tall calf high black boots. They had a peculiar symbol on their chests, described as a circle and inside a double arrow with both ends pointy. She also met what appeared to have been a female being, described as much shorter than the men (1.60m), with hair, and facial hair (eyebrows). She had dark slanted eyes, a small nose and appeared definitely more human in appearance. She wore a red diver’s suit with a belt and military style black boots. She was told that they were going to “physically” take her with them. Afraid she began to sob hysterically. They were able to calm her down. A strange triangular shaped mark was found under her navel.
HC addendum
Source: Josep Guijarro, “Infiltrados”
High Strangeness Index: 8
Source reliability. 8
Location. Plains of Abraham, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Date: March 23 1989
Time: 2131
A 24-year old man saw 2 silvery cone shaped objects rising from a field at very high speed. The objects were totally silent and in a window of one of the objects he saw a bearded human-like figure that appeared to be yelling something. The objects disappeared towards the north.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Database.com
Type: A
Location. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Date: March 31 1989
Time: 0500A
Louisette Brosseau living on the Rue Saint Ignace opened her front door on a frigid morning to see two short Asiatic looking beings walking in unison above the frozen surface of the road. The beings were about 4 ft tall with pale white skin and with long black hair, feminine in appearance. They walked with their arms straight down on their sides and seemed to swivel their heads around abnormally to look around. They seemed rigid and robot-like in nature. Somewhat concerned the witness went back inside and watched the beings through the window as they stopped and walked in the opposite direction disappearing from sight. (Witness involved in other encounters)
HC addendum
Source: Marc Leduc, CASUFO
Type: E
Location. Santa Rosalia, Veracruz, Mexico
Date: April 1989
Time: unknown
Local villagers reported a possible crash retrieval case when they watched a grayish sphere crashing into a local estate. Two short blue colored beings that gave off a powerful stench and were compared to animals were reported at the crash site or taken out of the sphere. The Mexican army reportedly cordoned off the area after a second reported crash of a brightly colored “star” that apparently crashed in the same area.
HC addition # 1942
Source: Scott Corrales, Samizdat Vol. 2 # 2
Type: H?
Location. Glendale California
Date: April 1989
Time: unknown
The witness was walking down the steps of her house when a beam of light suddenly hit her. She found herself inside the cabin of a hovering object. Inside a man wearing blue coveralls showed her a screen with images on it supposedly of future events. She saw a fleet of dark gray triangular shaped objects shooting down rays at fleeing humans. She was eventually returned back to the steps of her house where she tripped and twisted her ankle.
HC addition # 755
Source: Jim Brandt, Far out summer 1993
Type: G
Location. Selayang Baru, Selangor, Malaysia
Date: April 1989
Time: daytime
Nor Azmi Mohd Jamal was on his way home after school and while crossing the car park; he sighted two 6-inch tall entities. He claimed that one of them was a male wearing a brown short sleeve shirt and shorts. The female entity was also dressed in brown shirt and brown skirt. The two beings ran away when he tried to catch them.
HC addendum
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin
Type: E
Location. Selayang Baru, Selangor, Malaysia
Date: April 1989
Time: evening
Several days later, the above witness, claimed that he had seen the tiny beings again in the evening after it had rained. According to the boy, one of the beings was taking a bath in the drain and appeared naked, while the other was waiting nearby. He tried to catch the entity but was bitten by it and was painful. He told his parents about the incident but they did not believe him.
HC addendum
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin
Type: E
Location. River Road, Newfoundland, Canada
Date: April 1989
Time: around midnight
Diana Fleming and her husband were driving along a deserted road when they spotted a bizarre creature that appeared to be running swiftly behind their car. It propelled itself on two huge hind legs in an erect manner; it was dark and hairy in appearance. It had bright glowing red eyes. Before spotting the creature they had noticed a dead cat in the middle of the roadway and later on they saw additional dead cats strewn along the road. (This area is located near a military installation).
HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: An early Chupacabra type creature report.
Location. Bairoa Park Caguas, Puerto Rico
Date: April 1989
Time: late night
The witness suddenly woke up late at night and through her bedroom window was able to see numerous disc-shaped objects maneuvering over the area. One of the objects beamed a green flash of light towards the ground that transformed itself into three small green spheres, through her window a very bright light now entered and three humanoids, one taller than the other two, appeared. The beings were described as thin with long arms, large black oval-shaped eyes, and wearing tight fitting one-piece gray outfits. The two shorter beings began speaking in an incomprehensible chatter while the taller communicated with the witness in English. He began asking questions mostly on the different human types. The taller being then walked into the bathroom and released six bright bluish spheres from his hand, these flew into different areas of the bathroom and others enveloped the beings completely. The witness husband was present in the bathroom and mentioned that the beings are spreading their “seed.” The witness and her husband later wake up in bed feeling a strange pressure in their heads.
HC addition # 1113
Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 29
Type: C?
Location. Tennessee, exact location not given
Date: April 2 1989
Time: night
The witness suddenly found herself outside in the dark with a thin blue colored humanoid that apparently scanned her mind. Five men then appeared, four were human-like and wore olive-green uniforms and had short cropped hair. The fifth was a dark haired humanoid that wore a long khaki coat with many pockets. The black haired man touched the blue humanoid that then shrank into a marble-sized orb of white light, which the humanoid then put in one of his pockets. She was then taken to a black van that was parked nearby. Inside she saw benches and a control panel. One of the men began questioning and interrogating the witness that began to feel groggy and apparently passed out. Later she found herself back in bed “tingling” all over.
HC addition # 1683
Source: Karla Turner PhD “Taken”
Type: G
Location. Pensacola, Florida
Date: April 4 1989
Time: 1900
After seeing a strange humanoid figure in her bedroom earlier on the day, the witness was driving when a huge fireball-like object hovered over her car. Her radio went dead during the encounter.
HC addition # 2503
Source: Mufon Journal # 260
Type: D
Location. Dibich Bulgaria
Date: April 10 1989
Time: night
The same witness of a previous encounter was visited at home by an undescribed “evil” being that was accompanied by a fireball type object and a huge hairy humanoid. It apparently wanted to take possession of the witness soul. She resisted by was visited several times afterwards by the same beings.
HC addition # 719
Source: Richard F Haines, Joint USA-CIS Aerial Anomaly Federation
Type: E
Location. Perth Western Australia
Date: April 12 1989
Time: 0025A
A woman was awake in bed next to her sleeping husband when she became aware of a high-pitched sound. On the right side of the bed a short figure suddenly appeared. It was described as semi-transparent and wearing a bright green neon belt and a green ring. The entity was examining a box when the witness made a sudden move. The being then touched the belt and vanished in plain sight.
HC addition # 1318
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: E
Location. Krasnoperekopsk, Crimea, Ukraine
Date: April 18 1989
Time: night
A terminally ill patient staying at the cardiology ward of a local hospital suddenly felt a strong wind penetrated the room, even though the doors were closed. A dazzling white light and a man dressed in white then appeared. The man’s eyes radiated a brilliant light. The witness asked where he was from and was told they were form the “tenth dimension.” She was then told that she would soon be able to walk, after that was said the man and the light disappeared. The next day other witnesses saw strange white and red lights moving slowly along the body of the terminally ill patient, who then heard a loud clear voice telling her to “get up and leave.” She was able to do so and is now apparently cured.
HC addition # 121
Source: Sergei Bulantsev, UFO Universe 10/11-91
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: In a year that humanoid reports abounded in the former Soviet Union this case was one of the first ones. I wonder where the “tenth dimension” is located?
Location. Fayette County, Pennsylvania
Date: April 19 1989
Time: evening
A ten-year old girl reported encountering a large glowing object resting on the ground. As she moved closer to the object she saw two short white glowing figures standing near it. The figures were only a few feet tall and the witness interpreted them as being “angels.” About the same time an adult witness about a mile away reported seeing a lighted object shoot straight up into the sky from the direction of the girl’s encounter.
HC addition # 925
Source: PASU Data Exchange August 1989
Type: C
Location. Punta Hidalgo, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Date: April 22 1989
Time: night
A married couple observed what they describe as a “festival of lights” over a nearby beach. Within the light they were able to see several tall human-like figures moving about. No other information.
HC addendum
Source: Jose Gregorio Gonzalez
Type: A?
Location. Kharovsk, Vologda region Russia
Date: April 24 1989
Time: 2245
53-year old A.D. Golovatskaya reported that her daughter called her saying, “Mama, look an aircraft burning!” She looked out the window and saw an unusual flame of golden color. Then the flame changed color to raspberry. They then saw a fiery silver colored elongated craft flying over the small town and leaving an inversion like trace, just like normal aircraft. The UFO then turned; it resembled a tetrahedral about 12meters long, with a blunt nose and a fish-shaped tail. The craft was silent. As soon as the object turned, it emanated a bright beam of light and appeared transparent, as if made out of crystal. Four figures wearing silvery tight-fitting uniforms were seen inside the object. Two humanoids were seen running quickly towards the rear and the two at the front were apparently operating some controls, this last pair was initially sitting but they also stood up and ran towards the rear of the craft. Stunned, Golovatskaya quickly moved away from the window, then came back. The object was now already hovering in the air opposite to the house; she was unable to move being apparently paralyzed.
HC addition # 668
Source: VD Musinskiy, FSR 35 Vol. # 3
Type: A
Location. Orlando Florida
Date: April 29 1989
Time: 2330
10-year old Roger S woke up and saw 4 entities about 5’ 6” tall, standing by the bed. They put Roger on a table like device that had no legs or supports. The table was white, glass like and about 2’ wide and 6’ long. The entities put Roger on the table and then floated him over to the bedroom window. They opened the window, and floated the bed along the side of the apartment to a small open field. They then approached a craft that was shaped like two plates one inverted over the other. A door opened up on the side of the craft. His next memory was of standing next to a black glass table with buttons on it. The entities had heart shaped heads with two giant black eyes, two holes for a nose, a slit for a mouth and were gold in color. They spoke to the witness apparently through telepathy. One of the entities pushed a button on the table and the floor lit up. There was a large screen in the room with a panel under it. On the pane there were numerous buttons. One of the entities pushed a button and the craft went straight up off the ground into the atmosphere, this he saw on the screen. The entities asked Roger what he was, and he replied that he was a human boy. They then took him into another room and showed him a film of his friend Nancy in a hospital. He asked where Nancy was, and they told him that she was on another ship and she will not be reborn because she had been born too many times. He was also shown images of past events and given information on future events. A small floating device approached the witness and apparently took a small skin sample from a sore on one of his fingers. He was then taken to another table where a man was sitting up. He was about 30-years old with blond hair and a mustache. He was then directed to another panel where they told him to push the buttons. Soon the smaller object apparently entered a larger craft. It was white inside the larger ship. They removed his nightclothes and gave him a red suit that clung to him. The suit had some writing on it resembling hieroglyphics. He was then taken into another room and was told by the entities that they could make themselves any shape they wanted. They also showed him a map on the wall that was apparently of America. Soon he was told that he was going to be returned. They left and went into another room that was square and had buttons located in the walls. This room also had a screen on which they showed Roger in bed at home, as his father came into the room to check on him. He was then taken into another room that was described as round or circular in shape. In the middle of the room there was an object that looked like a large clear glass box with two buttons on the side. The entities opened a door on the box and had Roger step into it. Then closed the door behind him. The entities went to a computer like device and started pushing buttons. At that time a flat, square, red laser type light went down over his head to his shoulders and back up again. He was told that they were taking a brain scan. Soon he went into another room that was all black. Apparently in this room they projected a 3-D imager or Roger skiing down a slope when he was older. After other preview of future events, Roger was taken into a round room. In this room there were some entities that were different. They looked like the others, but their skin appeared “orange.” Their eyes were blurry black, and they had only three fingers. He asked about them and was told that these were “women.” Also in this room there was a very large entity that Roger said he only came up to the middle of his thighs. He looked like the others except he was wearing a robe with writing on it. Another entity with blue tight fitting clothing that was about Roger’s height and very muscular was also present. There was another alien somewhat smaller than the larger one and wearing a black cape and a helmet. All three left the room while Roger was still there. After some questioning about reproduction, he was taken into another very large room. This room had a lot of glass cages with different animals in them. Some of the animals were normal earth animals, but others were bizarre mixtures of different animals. Soon Roger was taken into the smaller craft, which then left the large craft and flew back to Earth. The aliens took him back into his house through the front door and led him into his room. All during the encounter Roger was followed by a small red sphere or probe. In one of the rooms he was shown a screen, in which he saw humans wearing uniforms with NASA emblems that were apparently experimenting on some aliens laying on cots or beds.
HC addition # 3026
Source: James S Greenen
Type: G
Location. Near Moscow, Russia
Date: April 30 1989
Time: night
A family of nine was spending a night at an abandoned cemetery, near the river shore, when a strong light in the middle of the night suddenly awakened them. They then saw a large sphere land by the shore. Two figures then appeared in front of the sphere; both figures had the lower part of their bodies black and the upper part yellow in color. Everything then suddenly disappeared in plain sight.
HC addition # 717
Source: Richard F Haines, Joint USA-CIS Aerial Anomaly Federation
Type: C
Location. Near Zhitlovka, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine
Date: April 30 1989
Time: 2300
During numerous UFO observations by local residents of the “Pobeda” (Victory) collective farm, between the villages of Zhitlovka and Kudashevo several boys noticed three entities dressed entirely bright red clothes; one was taller than the other two, who appeared dwarf-like. When they boys attempted to sneak up to the entities in order to obtain a closer look, they experienced severe headaches, and one boy began bleeding from his nose. The boys became frightened and fled the area. The UFO observed by the other witnesses, was disc-shaped, with blinking, blue, red and green-violet lights. The disk emitted 2 fiery beams of light and zoomed up into the sky at high speed. Other boys watched a smaller disk separate from the larger one, and then flying away with the larger object.
HC addendum
Source: Journalist V Tur “Be Careful: Extraterrestrials” in Socialist Industry, July 25 1989 and Vladimir Azazha PhD
Type: C
Location. Near Ortachala, south of Tblissi, Georgia
Date: May-June 1989
Time: evening
Several witnesses, including 9-year old Evgeniy Nikolaevich Gigauri and an older friend observed the flight of a round silvery object near this hamlet. When the object approached their position in appeared to be a silver oval-shaped craft that was semi-transparent in the center. They could see a humanoid entity inside. The entity resembled an elderly man wearing silvery clothing, which emitted a faint light. The man was in a sitting position, typical that of a driver or chauffeur, but visibly he appeared not to be operating any controls—his immovable hands were positioned on his knees or on some panel that was only faintly visible. No other details of the object’s interior could be seen. The object was about 1.5-2 meters high and flew very low over the witness’s heads. The UFO turned slowly and flew towards the mountains south of Tblissi. The teenagers rushed to tell their parents what they had seen.
HC addendum
Source: Vadim A. Chernobrov, “Chronicles of UFO Visits” Moscow 2003
Type: A
Location. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Date: May 1989
Time: unknown
Two soldiers were returning to their unit, which was the radio or communications center of the city located on the outskirts between the Northern cemetery and the former city dump. But only one of the soldiers made it back to his unit. And he could not understand or remember what had occurred to the other soldier. The second soldier returned the next day around the same time. He was in a confused state. At first he could only remember that he had lost sight of the other soldier and was very stunned when he was told he had been gone for 24 hours. Later after resting and relaxing he remembered appearing inside a lighted sphere. There he met strange entities wearing white clothing and carrying strange devices. The entities communicated with him telepathically and he understood them perfectly. The entities apparently gave him something to eat and then sent him back. He came to his senses on his way back to the communications center around the same are where he had lost sight of his partner. In an attempt to prove the reality of the event the soldier drew sketches of what he saw inside the sphere. He was then sent to a rehabilitation center in the Moscow area. Later his superiors decided that he his mental status was “troubling”. Soon after his discharge papers arrived at the communications post and he was never seen or heard from again.
HC addendum
Source: ENIO Research group in “Crossroads of Centaurs” Rostov # 2 2000
Type: G
Location. Sevastopol, Ukraine
Date: May 1989
Time: evening
Local angler, Evgeny Mereyko was sitting on a sofa in his balcony quietly enjoying a cigarette when a strange figure suddenly appeared in front of him on the balcony. The entity was no more than 1.5 meters in height. The creature was entirely shiny black in color; it looked like it was “polished”. The hands, legs and body of the creature appeared human but its head was quite different, it was high and domed. The creature held a very small box in his hands, of unknown origin, also very black and shiny. The entity pointed this device in the direction of the witness and began moving it from side to side. Thinking that he was being sprayed with “radiation” the witness yelled obscenities at the entity, at this point the entity vanished in plain sight.
HC addendum
Source: Aleksey Priyma “UFOs Witnesses to the Unknown” Anton Anfalov
Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 8
Comments: Was this bizarre entity scanning the witness with the small black box?
Location. Vologda, Russia
Date: May 1989
Time: 2300
Two women saw a silvery metallic quadrangular shaped object about 12 meters in diameter flying low over the area from, which a light beam of light emitted. The light allowed the women to see the inside of the UFO and saw four beings similar to men, very tall and wearing tight-fitting dark coveralls. Circa the same hour two other independent groups of witnesses observed the passage of a fiery object overhead.
HC addendum
Source: Vladimir Azazha PhD
Type: A
Location. Metcalf Illinois
Date: May 1 1989
Time: 0230A
The mother of the main witness had gotten up to go to the bathroom when she noticed that the electricity was off. She then saw a strange being with large eyes peering at her through the window and screamed. At this point the main witness had gotten up and fire four to five times at the being through the window. Four other tall humanoids with dangling arms were observed standing near a power pole.
HC addition # 1849
Source: Francis L Ridge, Regional Encounters, the FC Files
Type: E
Location. Hollywood California
Date: May 1 1989
Time: 0500A
The witness was on her way to work when she experienced a long period of missing time. Later she was able to recall that she had been taken onboard an object and greeted by a man in a blue coverall. She was then taken to a room with a large screen. She could see outside the object through the screen. She was told they were going to visit a planet called “Erra.” She was then taken to a place with numerous forests and trails and very rich in oxygen. No other information.
HC addition # 754
Source: Jim Brandt, Far out summer 1993
Type: G
Location. Near Petric, Bulgaria
Date: May 5 1989
Time: night
Famed Bulgarian seer, Baba Vanga, and her niece saw luminous UFOs darting around the moon. A rock 5 meters high levitated off the ground by itself. And there was a sudden illumination of 3-D images—two men standing beside a throne, and sitting on the throne was another man dressed like a Pharoah. Around the same time a woman name Stoyanova reported that her aunt was in contact with ET’s from the planet Vamfim. The entities appeared as elderly bearded sages with mystic and severe expressions and brilliant costumes, saying that the time of contact is not yet ended. They showed her a vision of a planet surrounded by bright stars in her house.
HC addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 7 # 18
Type: C or F?
Location. Wairakei, New Zealand
Date: May 6 1989
Time: early morning
Three men golfing at the local international golf course spotted three 2 meter tall, thin and bright green ape-like creatures that strolled silently out of the mist into the first fairway. They were all covered with abundant green hair, as the witnesses attempted to approach the beings; these made some high pitched squeaking noises and ran into the brush. There was also a report that earlier in the year two other golfers had seen similar creatures.
HC addition # 667
Source: Douglas Golightly FSR Vol. # 4
Type: E
Location. Kalahari Desert Botswana
Date: May 7 1989
Time: 1345
The South African naval frigate ‘SA Tafalberg” radioed Cape Town naval HQ to report a UFO that had appeared on radar scopes heading toward the African continent in a north westerly direction at a calculated speed of 5746 nautical miles per hour. The object was also confirmed by airborne radar and military ground installations. The object entered South African air space. Radio contact was attempted with the object, but all communications proved futile. Two armed Mirage fighters were scrambled. The object changed course at great speed. Soon squadron leader Peter Goosen reported radar and visual confirmation of the object. The order was given to arm and fire and experimental aircraft mounted Thor 2 laser cannon at the object. The pilots reported several blinding flashes emanating from the object; it then started wavering whilst still heading in a northerly direction. It then began decreasing altitude at a rate of 3000 feet per minute and impacted in desert terrain 80km north of the South African border near Molepolole. A crater 150 meters in diameter and 12 meters in depth was found. Also a silver colored disc shaped object 45 degrees embedded inside of the crater. Around the object sand and rocks were fused together by the intense heat. An intense magnetic and radioactive environment around the object resulted in electronic failure in air force equipment. The craft was taken to a classified air force base. While the investigating team observed the object, a loud sound was heard. A hatch or entrance on the lower side of the craft opened slightly. Two humanoid entities clothed in tight fitting gray suits emerged and were promptly taken to a makeshift medical center. Various objects were taken from inside the craft to be analyzed. The craft was placed in a sterile environment. The humanoids were described as 4 to 4.5 feet tall, a light grayish blue complexion, and smooth skin texture. Devoid of any bodily hair. An oversize head in relation to human proportions, a raised cranium area with dark blue markings extended around the head. The face had prominent cheekbones with large slanted eyes, no pupils seen. A small nose consisting of two nostrils, a small slit like mouth, a wide jaw. They had long thin arms reaching just above the knees. Hands consisted of three digits with webbed claw like nails. The torso chest and abdomen was covered in scaled ribbed skin, hips small and narrow. The legs short and thin. No exterior sexual organs seen. Feet consisted of three webbed toes, no nails. Due to the aggressive nature of the humanoids no samples of blood or tissue could be taken. When offered various foods, they refused to eat. Method of communication is not known, suspect telepathic. Currently the humanoids are being kept in detention at a classified air force base awaiting further results of investigation. Recently additional information was obtained on this supposed crash. A crater 150 meters in diameter and 12 meters in depth was found. Inside the silver colored disc-shaped object 45 degrees embedded inside of the crater into the ground. Around the object sand and rocks were fused together by the intense heat. An intense magnetic and radioactive environment around the object resulted in electronic failure in air force equipment. The craft was then transported to the Valhalla-Pretoria South African Air Force Base. There were three entities plus a human inside a chamber filled with liquid. This human reacted to the Norwegian language several months later after recovering from a coma-like state.
Additional more correct details:
The object was reported to have been oval or lens-shaped, 18 meters in diameter with 3 landing props—3 aliens bodies (including 2 alive, one that died soon afterwards, the second was eventually moved to the S-4 facility). A Norwegian man (apparently abducted by these aliens) was found onboard inside the cabin, submerged into a special oil-like liquid. NORAD apparently tracked the object as it fell to earth. An experimental impulse ray SDI weapon was used to expedite the downing of the disk, which had apparently had already experienced some technical problems. South African and American personnel illegally crossed the Botswana border in order to retrieve the craft. The bodies and some materials were moved to the US in a C-5A Galaxy cargo airplane from South Africa. The origin of the craft was apparently HD 5015 Cassiopeia, Tauaos star system, 60 light years distant. 2 midget gray aliens, 3 fingered, 90cm in height, both alive were taken to Wright Patterson and then to S-4. 1 alien died soon, the second lived for some time at S-4. The third was already dead when found onboard. The surviving alien was interrogated in the S-4 facility by a special MJ-12 operative with paranormal powers. At tape copy of the event was allegedly stolen by a government employee named “Victor”.
HC addition # 2846
Source: Bill Knell, Tony Dodd, Anton Anfalov
Type: H
Location. Moscow, Russia
Date: May 9 1989
Time: night
A local 20-year old woman named Linda was visited by several alien beings that penetrated inside her apartment and awoke her. She saw three alien figures in her bedroom; two were typical “Nordic blond type” male and female, and the third entity a robotic type. Both Nordics were dressed in tight-fitting silver suits, resembling fish scales. Both had light wavy hair (the woman shoulder length and the man somewhat shorter). The woman wore a belt around waist resembling a bandolier (ammunition belt) and pearly shiny in nature. The woman approached the witness, who could see that the stranger had large beautiful blue eyes, which radiated light. She communicated telepathically. Among many different things she said was that the “bandolier” was actually a “universal device” and they use it to “dematerialize” and compress and vanish their robot, or restore it back to visible matter. The aliens then invited Linda to look at their spacecraft which was hovering outside the window. She agreed and looked out the window and saw the craft hovering at a very close proximity. She described the craft as being boomerang shaped or wing-shaped with rounded ends. It had a hemispherical protrusion in the center top with a broad window covered with a net-like structure. On top of the dome were three antennas, resembling feelers—one vertical and the other 2 on the sides. Two circular columns of light were projected down to earth from the craft. The “Nordic” aliens told Linda that they had settled the Earth from a far distant planet on another solar system. They consist of “another substance” and were more developed. They warned her about several dangers that she would face in the future. They also told the witness that they were capable of making “pure conception, grow people of the 6th race and missionaries”. The aliens also told Linda that she was an “extraterrestrial being” her soul incarnated into a human body. The male alien told Linda that his name was “Zike”. After the conversation was over the aliens departed and re-entered their craft. Linda then noticed that the craft emanated a whistling and hissing sound during takeoff and the antennas moved inside. The craft then tilted slightly and then shot away at incredible speed quickly vanishing from sight. Apparently Linda would have further contacts with the same aliens. Zike told the witness that he was her guardian for 10 more years and when she turned 30 another alien will take his place.
HC addendum
Source: Nikolay Nepomnyaszhiy “Book of Mysteries # 4” Moscow 1993
Type: C
Location. La Venta Del Astillero, Zapopan, Mexico
Date: May 10 1989
Time: 0215A
While sleeping in his camper, Apolonio Perez was awoken by an extremely bright white light that illuminated the whole area. Thinking of possible intruders he searched the camper but found nothing. He returned to his bed and a couple of seconds later a pencil-thin beam of white light illuminated the left side of his face. He heard a sound resembling that of a welder’s torch and at the same feeling extreme discomfort and pain. Scared, he thought that it could have been the occupants of a UFO he had seen years before. As he lay there he felt a jolt of electricity in his body. Upset and in pain, Perez cursed at whoever was responsible for his pain, however moments later he received a third powerful electrical jolt. He managed to stand up and opened the door of the camper and as he did the white light seemed to dim and vanish. The next day he experienced severe headaches and the left side of his face became swollen and began to bleed, as if suffering from radiation burns. For two weeks after the incident he experienced a severe rash on his face that eventually permanently disfigured him. He would experience further encounters.
HC addendum
Source: Luis Ramirez Reyes, “Contacto: Mexico”
Type: F?
Location. Bautista Canyon, California
Date: May 10 1989
Time: afternoon
An elderly motorist was driving in an isolated area when she saw a luminous mushroom-shaped craft descend and hover just above the nearby power lines. She stopped the car and observed six to eight figures emerge from the craft and apparently work on the outside of the object. After 10 minutes they re-entered the object, which departed at high speed emitting a loud humming sound and a burst of blue flame. They were reports of electrical outages in the area at the same time.
HC addition # 541
Source: Debbie Steinberg, UFO Report 1991
Type: B
Location. Tyler, Texas
Date: May 15 1989
Time: 0200A
The 4-year old witness was sleeping in her father’s camper at a truck stop and had been left there alone. She suddenly woke up realizing that she was no longer in the truck. Everything around her was white. She could not see the rest of her body, and she remembered being very cold. Her right foot began to hurt on the left side. She saw figures around her that were “darker than light” and their features were not discernable. Then she was back in the truck, she climbed out of the camper and ran to the parking lot. She looked up and saw three pinkish-red lights zigzag around and hovering in a triangular shape. The lights suddenly disappeared. An implant was possibly found on her foot in the summer of 1999.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G
Location. Vitebsk, Belarus (USSR)
Date: May 15 1989
Time: unknown
Near the provincial center, V. Lebedev encountered a greenish five meter tall human-like figure, which instead of a head it had a lusterless cap or helmet. Soon after that a beautiful silvery sphere was seen flying over the area.
HC addendum
Source: Archive of Researcher D. Novikov
Type: E
Location. Hartlepool, England
Date: May 17 1989
Time: daytime
A 23-year old student, Jenny Cook, practicing teaching at Sunderland University, was sitting in her car on Osborne Road waiting for a friend when she looked up to see a “metallic made” silver-like drop-shaped object falling from the sky. The object was about (or maybe more) 2 meters long according to the witness estimation. The object looked very much like a piece of glass, about the size of a small car. The witness first thought that the object could be just a model airplane but then realized the idea was wrong. The object fell to the left of the witness at very high speed and was white hot at the front end. The total time of the observation was about 4-5 seconds until the object vanished behind some houses. The witness was sure that the object “was not an airplane or anything of that kind.” The British Royal Air Force was worried about the incident. Very soon after the encounter the military arrived at the place of the possible impact. The area was cordoned off and soldiers searched the terrain. An hour later military lorries arrived at the location where the “strange piece of metal” had fallen. The Royal Air Force allegedly reported that the object had just been a meteor and had been sent to a laboratory for study.
HC addendum
Source: “Anomalous News” St Petersburg Russia # 6 (224)
Type: H?
Location. Odenton Maryland
Date: May 27 1989
Time: night
Two young boys encountered a three to four foot tall brown black hairy humanoid with one white striped running down the back of one of its legs. The being ran through a clearing behind the house, and then disappeared into some woods.
HC addition # 675
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Mark Opsasnick, Strange Magazine # 5
Type: E
Location. Gengenbach, Germany
Date: May 27 1989
Time: 0100A
Obeying an inner compulsion, H Jurgens climbed 8 km up a thickly wooded mountain to be hit a blue ray in a clearing. The ray of light came from a hovering object, which looked like the objects he had previously seen in May 5. The witness then lost consciousness and did not wake up until about 0600A. He briefly recalled having been flown to the inside of the object and lying on a bright, silvery table. A follow up hypnotic session revealed he had seen six rotating “spools” and a wall with lamps like a computer. He thought he had received a message there that he must warn the human race about a coming catastrophe.
HC addendum
Source: Illobrand von Ludwiger, Interdisciplinary UFO Research
Type: G
Location. Baker City, Oregon
Date: May 30 1989
Time: 2100
While taking a walk at night the witness noticed a bright gold light approaching from the south. At first he thought it was a star, but it gave the appearance of Jupiter, all gold and glowing steadily. The object approached closer to the witness location and he then noticed two dark, backlit shapes in what appeared to be a window. They were human-looking in size and were visible from the waist up. Since the gold light was so strong behind them he could not see any features. Just the shape of heads and shoulders. They were side by side, not quite touching. There was absolutely no noise. The witness could not remember any other details or the exact time he saw or how long it lasted. He could only remember watching the approach of the craft. When the craft was almost out of his sight range to the north, he shook his head to clear it, and ran to a nearby gas station to see if anyone else had witnessed the object. He could not find anyone anywhere, he then ran back home and found some binoculars but the craft was already out of sight.
HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: A
Location. Maryland, exact location not given
Date: Summer 1989
Time: unknown
The main witness heard a neighbor’s child calling out. Upon investigating she found that the cause of the 3-year old boy concern was a strange entity. It was described as at least two feet tall, green in color with scales. Fearful for the child’s safety the witness picked up a shovel and smacked the creature, decapitating it. Another witness then took the creature to a nearby dump. It was not seen again.
HC addition # 2906
Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate August 1990
Type: H?
Location. Boussu, Mons, Belgium
Date: summer 1989
Time: 0100A
A family of three were in their vehicle driving in the countryside when suddenly several forms or “white ghosts” consisting of smoke and transparent in nature appeared in front of the car, the figures were approximately 1.50m to 1.70m in height, the driver slowed down abruptly and the beings or figures suddenly disappeared as if “volatilized” in plain sight. Terrified the group drove home. They were left with an uncanny sense of fear which lasted several weeks.
HC addendum
Source: http://ufologie.net
Type: E
Comments: This incident was just before the beginning of the famous Belgium “Triangle” wave which began around November of that, though there were scattered sightings before November and a lot of the objects reported were not triangles.
Location. Red Canyon, Sedona, Arizona
Date: Summer 1989
Time: daytime
A man touring property under construction in a sparsely populated area encountered something that looked like a portal or window suspended in mid-air. Near the portal stood several nine-foot tall hairy Bigfoot type creatures that appeared to be standing guard. The witness did not hang around land left the area.
HC addition # Tom Dongo, Alien Tide
Type: C or E?
Location. Prestatyn, Wales
Date: Summer 1989
Time: daytime
On a hot cloudless day a man was out working alone on Meliden Road when suddenly he felt the desire to look up. Once he did he was stunned to see an object with a glass cockpit hovering low overhead. Inside the cockpit he was able to see a pilot’s seat and the shape of what looked like a man standing behind the pilot’s chair. He said the strange vessel had no wings and its bodywork was white but its cockpit resembled glass. At the rear of the craft appeared to be a spoiler, which resembled that of a grand prix racing car. “The craft moved very slowly,” said the witness who was suddenly distracted, once he looked up again the UFO had disappeared.
HC addendum
Source: League Of Independent Welsh Ufologists
Type: A
Location. Far East, Russia
Date: Summer 1989
Time: daytime
A Soviet Naval Submarine officer, D.A. had gone on a hunting expedition into the taiga and ascended to the top of a hill when they noticed something resembling a rolled up waterproof canvas-tent. Having forgotten their own at home they helped themselves to this seemingly abandoned tent. They prepared to spend the night there near a bonfire. Soon they noticed a strange cloud that hovered over them for a long time. The cloud was very low, just below head level, & perpendicular to the ground. D.A. struck the “cloud” with his fist and felt a strong repellent force. Then, taking a running jump he flew shoulder first into the cloud. After flying through the cloud the witness found himself in an unknown location. While on the hill it had been evening and cold, the place where he was now was covered with bright sunshine and hot, he also felt hot sand under his feet. Instead of bushes he saw trees resembling palms. He could not see a river anywhere but saw what appeared to be a large ocean; he was apparently standing close to seashore. Soon D.A. saw an “amazing car” approach his location, he had never seen such a similar vehicle before. There were 3 persons in the vehicle, a man and two women. They greeted the witness in perfect Russian and invited him for a short drive. He agreed, feeling no fear just curiosity. Soon they arrived at what appeared to be a kind of “laboratory.” When they entered the lab the strangers called him over “Hey military man” (he was wearing a military shirt) and kindly asked him to take some “tests”, which he agreed to do. He was asked many different questions which D.A. patiently answered. He then dared to ask the strangers who they were. He was told that they hailed from the 21st century (what year?) and added that if he wanted he could stay with them. D.A. refused mentioning his wife, family and children. “Well, many people disappear (!)”, said the strangers and soon brought him back into the very same blanket-like cloud that hovered close to the ground at the same location. There D.A. asked another question, “Here we have many troubles, changes, “Perestroika” etc”, what will happen?” The stranger then assured him that everything would be fine. He passed through the cloud without any hindrance and appeared in the same hill. His friend met him in a very excited state, screaming, “Where have you been? Didn’t you hear me calling you?” He was obviously very irate. They then both sat near the fire and talked about what had occurred. Suddenly a wave of fear swept over the men, and both gazed towards the bushes, they believed that the origin of the fear was located within those bushes. D.A.’s friend took out his rifle and yelled to whomever he thought was hiding behind the bushes, threatening to shoot him or it. Nothing was heard in response. He shot into the bushes and the fear suddenly dissipated.
HC addendum
Source: S. Sanina “Molodezh Moldavii” (Youth of Moldova) 1990 “Iks” (UFO Newspaper) Mahachkala Dagestan # 1
Type: G
Comments: Did the witness really visit some future reality or was it a type of mind control exercise or maybe aliens in disguise? What was the source of the fear they felt at the end of the experience?