1996 HUMANOID SIGHTING REPORTSCompiled byAlbert Rosalesgaruda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

Albert Rosales: garuda79@att.net

Worldwide encounters. Chupacabra mania enveloped parts of South America and the Caribbean. A bizarre cryptic creature, unfortunately named “The Chupacabra” seemed to have been active in different locations in South and Central America. The connection between UFOs and this strange humanoid was obvious in many encounters. Bizarre animals mutilations were attributed to this humanoid. Another strange creature created havoc and spread panic in India during the summer. Landings of strange objects, encounters with other types of humanoids and bizarre abductions stories were reported from many different locations worldwide. Even a Mothman type creature was reported in the state of Washington. During the fall, the occupied Arab territories in Israel became the scene of bizarre and numerous encounters, without precedence. High Strangeness spread throughout the Holy Land like wildfire. 1996 became a landmark year; it was the biggest humanoid wave since the memorable year of 1989.

Location. Padova, Italy
Date: 1996
Time: 0300A
The witness, a psychology student was sleeping along with two other students in a local flat when suddenly he realized he had woken up. He rested, relaxed in bed listening to the heavy breathing of a roommate in the same room. Suddenly from the bedroom door that had been left open, an apparently human-like figure entered. The figure was dressed in white and was not too tall; the witness immediately felt it was a woman. The figure came close to the side of the bed and took the witness left hand and began to pull with certain strength. It seemed that the entity wanted to pull him off the bed. Overcome with terror he began to resist the pull and began to scream wildly. Suddenly he found himself in the same position and the strange white suited entity had disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Archive X
Type: E, Bedroom visitation
HSI index: (High strangeness) “3”
ROS: (Reliability of source) “3”
Comments: Maybe a hypno-pompic vision but with some physical side affects.

Location. Anapa, Black Sea, Russia
Date: 1996
Time: daytime
B. Borovikov was hunting sharks in the area and on that particular day had descended to a depth of eight meters. He then saw giant beings rising up from below. He described them as milky white, but with humanoid faces, and something like fish tails. The being ahead of its companions noticed Borovikov, and stopped. It had giant bulging eyes. Two others joined him. The first one waved a membrane hand at the diver, and then all of them approached him and stopped a short distance away. Then they turned around and swam away.

HC addition # 3511
Source: Paul Stonehill
Type: E, Underwater humanoid encounter
HSI index: “6”
ROS: “7”
Comments: Date is approximate; report (if true) indicates possibly underwater civilizations in some of the earth’s bodies of water.

Location. Near Bananeiras, Brazil
Date: 1996
Time: evening
A local farmer saw on top of a large high rock a large bowl shaped craft. Inside the object he saw 3 short men like figures that seemed to be moving around, at times walking in and out of the object. After a few minutes the witness left.

HC addition # 3656
Source: CPB UFO
Type: B, Humanoid seen inside UFO
HSI index: “4”
ROS: “8”
Comments: Reliable source. Active UFO wave in Brazil in 1996.

Location. Near Tijucas Brazil
Date: 1996
Time: 1900
Driving late at night on Route BR-101 near a local bridge, Maria Marlene Carvalho, 27, saw a light in the distance and felt the car suddenly being pulled towards it. The vehicle began to shake, and she lost total control of it as the car slowed to a crawl. Marlene suddenly found herself in a wooded hill surrounded by trees. A tall dark skinned humanoid figure suddenly appeared in front of her. In a deep grave voice the creature introduced itself as “Dakon.” The tall humanoid had large green glowing eyes. She seemed to black out and her next recollection was of walking into a police station near the capital. Police later searched the area but were unable to find anything.

HC addendum
Source: Diario Catarinese
Type: G, Personal contact with alien being
HSI index: “6”
ROS: “3”
Comments: Possibly an abduction case, but not investigated by researchers, only source is media.

Location. Murwillumbah Highway, near Lismore, NSW, Australia
Date: 1996
Time: 1930
John was driving back from Lismore when his car suddenly stopped. He checked under the bonnet but could not find anything obvious so decided to start walking to get help. John stated that he had a funny feeling like something was touching his spine. He looked up to see 2 bright white lights about 500m above and heard what he described as like the sound of an arc welder. He noticed that there were trucks driving by on the road. John then hit the ground and rolled down the embankment. He then noticed a “gray” alien, which said to him, “you can’t get away” and grabbed him by the arm and proceeded towards one of the “motherships”. John stated that the craft was shaped like Egyptian “Eye of Osiris” metallic and gunmetal gray with no apparent openings. He said that both walked straight through the wall. The alien (who John learned his name was Theoraba) took him inside and he observed other aliens working on computers etc. And also noticed what he now calls “baby aliens” in flasks of red, green-orange solution. John asked him “what are those”? And the alien replied that they were “baby aliens”. The alien then asked him, “Would you like to have something to do with these in the future”? Two aliens then grabbed his arms and legs as he was approached by a female alien who he thought was a half human “hybrid”, with the body of a woman, long arms, 5 fingers and very dark black eyes. He was told that the aliens wanted him to father children for them, and at this point John began to panic. The female alien then took on a more human appearance and that he then became sexually aroused and made love to the female alien. A metal object was later introduced into his anal cavity (the famous anal probe) and a patch of skin from his left palm was taken for “DNA” samples. When he asked about the skin sample he was told that their planet had “blown up” and that in order to continue their species and ensure that genetic inbreeding didn’t occur that hybrids were the only alternative. That same year on another occasion John was walking along the road at Kingscliffe and saw two “motherships” again, and shouted at them to leave him alone. Apparently he met the now familiar gray alien who told him that they had inserted an implant in his finger. Still on another occasion whilst out in the bush John encountered a female alien hybrid, which he assumes was one of his offspring. He communicated with her telepathically. He states that she was quite young and because of this was wearing what he assumed to be breathing apparatus, which went from around her head into her mouth and nostrils. He was told that she was unable to breathe in our atmosphere yet. John claims he has 5 male and 1 female hybrid offspring.

HC addendum
Source: Emma Derdak, AUFORN Queensland
Type: G

Location. Cubuy, Puerto Rico
Date: 1996
Time: night
A man named Argelio, reported that during almost a whole month, at night, he would hear a loud motor-engine like sound, like a car revving up. Then he would see an object surrounded with lights land on a nearby field. Three short humanoids, with large heads and huge shiny eyes would exit the object and walk over to an abandoned hangar where he slept. The little beings would then open the door and go inside and stare at him. At times he would hide but they would still find him. Once he boarded up the hangar but the little men would still stare at him through the cracks and openings. The witness refused to divulge any further information for fear of ridicule.

HC addition # 3551
Source: Orlando Pla, Lucy Guzman, Edwin Fontanez UFOPR,
Type: B, Humanoid seen exiting object and approaching witness.
HSI index: “7”
ROS: “9”

Location. Spokane, Washington
Date: 1996
Time: 2330
A lone witness spotted a gigantic winged creature flying over the area. The winged creature descended & ascended at a leisure pace. She watched it, stunned as it flew quickly away towards Canada.

HC addition # 3311
Source: Contacto # 2, 10-98
Type: E, winged or flying humanoid report
HSI index: “7”
ROS: “4”
Comments: There are other sources to this report; I could only locate the above and translated from the original Spanish.

Location. Miami, Florida
Date. 1996
Time: midnight
The witness was sitting on her couch when she became aware of a small rectangle of light that came in through the closed window, rotating as it moved towards her, edgewise. As she looked into the rectangle she knew that she was somehow looking into another universe. Suddenly from out of the rectangle sprang a being dressed in a bronze or amber suit, wearing a tight helmet. Although she was unable to recall any facial features, she did remember the being’s eyes, which were huge and looked directly into hers as it bent over her. She was terrified and unable to move. When she became conscious of her surroundings again it was 0530A.

HC addition # 3519
Source: Miami Skyscan
Type: E, Bizarre bedroom (living room) visitation report. Are we dealing with other dimensions here? Similar case in 1994 (a possible duplicate?).
HSI index: “8”
ROS: “8”
Comments: see above

Location. Miami, Florida
Date: early 1996
Time: late night
A young boy reported being visited always late at night by several short gray humanoids with large heads & huge black eyes. The beings apparently inserted some type of implant. Bloody noses & other physical ailments followed the encounters. X-rays indicted some type of anomalous mass in the brain area. No other information.

HC addition # 2452
Source: Hank Worbet
z Type: E, Bedroom visitation, invasive intrusion.
HSI index: “7”
ROS: 8
Comments: Witness’s (victim) mother refused further inquires. Source was personal friend of witnesses.

Location. Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina
Date: 1996
Time: late night
Several anglers reported seeing while fishing, a strange creature reported to have been half-man, half reptilian in a local river, it reportedly damaged several fishing nets in the water and swam very swiftly under the waters, no other information.

HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso
Type: E, Amphibian creature encounter
HSI: “6”
ROS: “10”
Comments: Shades of “Creature from the Black Lagoon”

Location. RAF Upper Heyford, England
Date: 1996
Time: late night
During a nighttime patrol by a security guard, he heard what sounded like horses hooves, apparently galloping. Needless to say there should not have been any horses in the fenced off area. The guard was using his flashlight, and rounded a corner of a building when the flashlight beam illuminated an unusual sight—a full sized Centaur, right out of Greek mythology. The only “incorrect” feature was that the Centaur had human hands and feet on the end of its horse’s limbs. (How did he make a galloping sound of horse’s hooves?) The guard, somewhat spooked, ran away from the scene.

HC addendum
Source: APRA, UK
Type: E

Location. Atlanta, Georgia
Date: 1996
Time: 0230A
Terry Neal was sleeping in her apartment when she suddenly awoke to find a figure standing in her bedroom. The figure was staring at her. She could not tell the sex of the individual, as she could not make out any particular features. However, the figure was very tall. Her ceilings were perhaps 9-foot ceilings and this figure stood at about 7 ft tall. The figure was glowing with a light so bright that it made the room glow with a strange white color light. It resembled a pure white, silvery metallic glow. The figure reached towards her and she screamed. She had suddenly for some reason felt very frightened. At this point the figure suddenly vanished from the room.

HC addendum
Source: Direct From Witness
Type: E, Bedroom visitation
HSI: “6”
ROS: “8”
Comments: The witness seemed intelligent and sincere and was genuinely affected by this bizarre encounter.

“Don’t play with fire”

Location. Near Maria Elena, Chile
Date: 1996
Time: late night
Gonzalo Fernandez Gamboa and several friends were camping out in the desert and were having a cookout around a large fire. Suddenly as they sat around talking a tall stranger appeared out of nowhere, the man was about 1.90m in height, with very wide shoulders impeccably dressed, in a white shirt, no hat. He approached the group and speaking in perfect Spanish asked the group for some fire. One of the men grabbed a small stick about 40cm in length lit it up and gave it to the stranger. The stranger thank the group and then added, “be careful with fire it could be dangerous”. The group was extremely surprised since the stranger was completely clean without an ounce of dust on him, while the group was totally covered head to toe by the desert sand. The stranger disappeared into the darkness. Several of those present attempted to locate him but could not find any footprints or traces.

HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Type: E
Comments: Encounter with tall Nordic type humanoid, which became rare in the late 1990’s.

Location. Alconbendas, Madrid, Spain
Date: 1996
Time: night
Several members of a family watched a bizarre flying luminous figure approaching their position at a low altitude. It was described as a bird-like creature about 3-4 meters in width, with glowing eyes and large bat-like wings. It flew so close to the witnesses that they were able to observed what appeared to be membranes or veins in the wings. It disappeared into the distance. No sound was reported.

HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Type: E

Location. Zacapa, Guatemala
Date: January 1996
Time: 0100A
Twice, cattleman Vicente Sosa reported seeing a strange bipedal black hairy creature with a very long tail. One time it stood in front of the witness staring at him with large glowing red eyes. It was apparently winged. Others saw a flying creature shiny black in color with bat-like wings & sky blue eyes. Shots were fired at the creature without apparent effect. A wave of animal mutilations was occurring in the area at the same time.

HC addition # 2566
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 12
Type: E, Encounter with Chupacabra type entity.
HSI: “7”
ROS: “10”
Comments: Among the numerous encounters (worldwide) with similar entities attributed to the “Chupacabra” phenomena.

Location. Near Bishop California
Date: January 1996
Time: night
On two occasions a group of men driving a pick-up truck on an isolated road near their ranch, spotted a small green colored humanoid figure that had the ability to float in mid-air, and hover over the roadway in front of the approaching vehicle. The driver of the vehicle attempted to chase the entity, but it was unable to come near it, as the small figure flew away at incredible speed.

HC addition # 2240
Source: Rick Grootveldt, Skip Richards
Type: E, Encounter with isolated humanoid creature, and no UFO seen.
HSI: “7”
ROS: “9”
Comments: Source is personal friend and I had a change to interview witness. I seem to recall similar cases from California (Morongo Valley?).

Location. Monte Carmelo, Vieques Island Puerto Rico
Date: January 1996
Time: 0400A
Several youngsters returning home in a residential area observed a huge bright light quickly approaching in their direction. To the five witnesses it looked like the “sky had just opened.” As the object descended they could see that it was a domed disc shaped craft encased in a reddish foggy glow. It was emitting bright flashes of light and a high frequency humming sound. The craft also had a dome on its bottom and in the center area multi-colored lights rotated. Suddenly the craft divided itself in two and one section flew off towards the nearby Island of Culebra, while the other larger section remained and tilted to one side and flew off towards the west. Before it left, it hovered 300 feet away from the house of two adult witnesses, Carmelo Felix and his wife Maria, that were able to see the upper transparent cupola and inside of it they could see multi-colored flashes of light, plus what appeared to be the constant movement of a shadowy figure.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Vieques Poligono del tercer Tipo
Type: A, Apparent entity seen onboard UFO.
HSI: “6”
ROS: “10”
Comments: The source contents that the US government has some type of secret base in the area possibly along with extraterrestrials.

Location. Fayetteville, Georgia
Date: January 1 1996
Time: night
The witness (involved in other encounters) woke during the night and saw a small being scamper away from her, across her husband and to the foot of the bed without movement from the mattress. The creature moved to the floor and joined at least three other creatures that huddled against the wall on her husband’s side of the bed, watching her. The woman could not move or speak, just observe the beings by the illumination from the VCR light. The humanoid creatures were five ft tall, with skinny limbs, gray skin, small mouths, large eyes, a reverse teardrop shaped head, and a face also shaped like a teardrop. The odd part of the story was their dress black Panama hats and dark cloaks. She noticed neither smell nor sound during the experience. The apparently fell asleep again. In the morning her husband was ignorant of the incident, but the couple found orange-brown stains on the bedroom carpet and a sheet. A burn the shape of a commando dagger blade was preserved.

HC addendum
Source: Jim Miles, Weird Georgia
Type: E, Bizarre Bedroom visitation report.
HSI: “8”
ROS: “8”
Comments: Is this a duplicate case of the July 1996 case? It appears to be I will make further inquires. As far as the Panama hat motif I have heard of this before especially with some of Whitley Streiber’s encounters.

Location. Santa Clara, Puerto Rico
Date: January 1 1996
Time: night
A man walking along a wooded path on her way to his home was confronted by a strange creature that stared at him with large glowing red eyes from some nearby bushes. As he attempted to approach the creature, it quickly scurried away into the woods and vanished.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E, Chupacabra type entity encounter.
HSI: “6”
ROS: “10”
Comments: Among the numerous reports of such creatures in Puerto Rico in 1996.

Location. Campo Rico, Puerto Rico
Date: January 4 1996
Time: 1900
Madeline Tolentino was driving with her 2-year-old son in her Isuzu Trooper, with the windows rolled down. They were on Route 185 near a horse track called El Comandante when she suddenly smelled something pungent, like sulfur, which irritated her throat. She kept driving and suddenly saw a creature with bright red eyes or emitting a red light or beam from its eyes. It ran across the road in front of the car and disappeared. Very frightened she returned home to tell her husband who came to the area but only smelled the strong odor and did not see the creature.

HC addition # 2807
Source: Chat Deetken
Type: E, Encounter with Chupacabra type creature.
HSI: “7”
ROS: “10”
Comments: The witness was involved in a “classic” Chupacabra type encounter in August 1995; this was apparently her second encounter.

Location. Canovanas, Puerto Rico
Date: January 8 1996
Time: night
Around the same time that a pair of sheep had been killed at a nearby farm, Jose Febo encountered a bizarre creature resting on a tamarind tree. It reportedly had pointed ears, a strange profile, and a shaven head. When it noticed Febo, it jumped off the tree and ran “like a gazelle.”

HC addition # 3283
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E, Chupacabra type creature encounter.
HSI: “7”
ROS: “10”
Comments: There appears to have been different types of “Chupacabra” type creatures roaming the Puerto Rican landscape in 1995-1996.

Location. Near Tres Coracoes, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: January 13 1996
Time: 0800A
Traveling north on the heavily traveled Fernao Dias highway 35-year old Carlos da Souza suddenly heard a muffled roaring sound, and he wondered if something was wrong with the truck. He stopped to check, but when he stepped down from the cab he realized the noise was coming from a cigar-shaped craft about 400 ft in the air just west of the highway. It was silver colored, reflecting the sun, and appeared to be 30 to 40 ft long and 12 to 15 ft wide. It had at least four windows along the side and what looked like a big jagged hole four or five feet in diameter in the front. There was a long dent or crack running from the hole back to the middle of the craft, from which point white smoke or vapor was coming out. The craft was traveling north, almost parallel to the highway, at about 40 to 50 miles an hour. Astonished, Da Souza jumped in his pickup and followed the UFO for about 10 miles. It soon crossed over to the east side of the highway and eventually passed over some small mountains. Then it went into a 30-degree dive and disappeared from sight. Da Souza was afraid it had crashed and desperately searched for a way to get to the area. After 20 minutes or so, he found a dirt side road and turned onto it. A few minutes later he drove over the crest of a hill and there before him was wreckage spread all over a hilly field of knee-high grass. He also saw about 40 soldiers and two male nurses, two trucks, a helicopter, an ambulance and three cars—all Army vehicles. Everyone was busily running around picking up pieces of debris. One truck already held a chunk half the size of a mini-van. A strong smell of ammonia and ether hung in the air. It was a terrible crash and Da Souza doubted that anyone had lived through it. He was surprised to see anyone there, let alone the military. He didn’t know at the time that the site was only seven miles from the ESA Army base in Tres Coracoes. He parked and walked toward the wreckage, thinking he could help. He picked up a piece of aluminum-like material that was very light. It floated to the ground when he dropped it. Then one of the men spotted him, shouted, and in an instant, armed soldiers rushed toward him, ordering him to leave immediately. He protested, thinking someone had been badly hurt or killed, but a corporal screamed at him to get out. Da Souza was so astounded by what he’d seen that he abandoned his trip and headed back toward Sao Paulo. About 10 minutes later he stopped at a roadside restaurant to have coffee and think about what had happened. He was sitting there two hours later when a car drove up with two men in civilian clothes, but military haircuts and bearing. One got out and walked up to him, asked if his name was Carlos da Souza, then asked what he’d seen. He was then warned not to say anything to anybody and threatened, the men then left. (This occurred one week before the incidents in Varginha).

HC addendum
Source: Bob Pratt, Cynthia Luce, Mufon Journal # 365
September 1998
Type: H
Comments: This appears to have been the first of the Varginha incidents.

Location. Hill City, Minnesota
Date: January 15 1996
Time: 0230A
The witness was lying in bed with his head opposite to the window when he began to see lights reflecting/flashing on the wall. They resembled ambulance and fire truck lights. He looked out the window and could not see anything out of the ordinary. He climbed back into bed and later began hearing odd little noises resembling muffled voices or whispers, which were unintelligible; he also heard noises coming from the backdoor. Soon an uneasy feeling came over him as if there was someone else in the room. He looked up and saw a figure that stood not much taller than his waterbed. At the very most the figure was about 3ft tall. It was staring directly at him. Because of the darkness he could no see any other details. Panicking, he suddenly was unable to move. He has no other memories of the incident.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E, Bedroom visitation by unknown entity.
HSI: “5”
ROS: “8”
Comment: Source does not actually investigate most the cases that receives, but does a good job screening cases.

Location. Jardim Andere, Varginha, Brazil
Date: January 20 1996
Time: 0800A
Hildo Lucio Galindo opened his bathroom window to see a creature with oily dark brown skin crouched in a nearby alleyway. It had very small hands with three extremely long fingers, ran away when Hildo cried out. The creature had no hair or clothing and was about 4-5 feet tall. Later several calls came into the local fire department about some “wild animal” on the loose in the northern area of the park. When the fire department arrived they found the military already on scene. According to other witnesses some children had thrown stones at a strange creature that emitted a soft buzzing sound like a bee. This creature was apparently captured by the military and put in a wooden box with a white plastic canvas cover and transported away by an army truck. Around the same time local residents heard three shots and saw soldiers come out of the woods carrying two campaign sacks. One motionless, the other moving. Sources revealed that the soldiers had shot a creature on the chest and it had died instantly. Others saw army trucks near the woods and others saw two F-5 aircraft moving at a low altitude over the area. It was reported that a total of 8 creatures were captured at the time. 1 dead, 2 injured, and 5 unhurt and living. Earlier that same day, around 0130A two farm workers in the same general area had spotted a group of agitated animals running away from a location, upon closer investigation they saw a gray metallic submarine shaped craft that appeared to be trembling like a curtain and emitting smoke or fog as it descended to at least 5 meters above the ground. Military witnesses later admitted that it had crashed.

HC addition # 2795
Source: Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues
Type: H, Possibly recovery of alien craft and dead and wounded humanoids.
HSI: “10”
ROS: “10”
Comments: This was an apparent recovery of aliens that were either intentionally shot down by US or Brazilian military forces. There were many independent witnesses to this event. Encounters in the area continued well into 1997.

Location. Varginha, Brazil
Date: January 20 1996
Time: 1300
Three girls were walking past a plot of land when they spotted a bizarre looking creature, described as man like but only about 80 cm tall. It had brown skin, bulging red eyes, bulging veins, enormous feet, and three protruding lumps on its head. The being was apparently unclothed and its body seemed covered with oil. The girls panicked and ran away from the area to obtained additional witnesses. Soon units of the local fire department arrived and apparently took the creature into custody. Apparently a similar creature had been captured earlier. The creature emitted a strange buzzing like sound. Others saw strange cigar shaped objects flying low over a field. Later the military apparently took the creature to the nearby city of Campinas.

HC addition # 2373
Source: Brazilian UFO Report # 6
Type: D, Recovery of injured or dead humanoid.
HSI: “10”
ROS: “9”
Comments: 2nd part of above incident, describing the additional witnesses to the event.

Location. Chandler, Arizona
Date: January 28 1996
Time: late night
A woman reported a visitation by undescribed “aliens” into her bedroom, which apparently examined her. The next morning she awoke with bizarre scars & other anomalies on her body. No other information.

HC addition # 2342
Source: NUFORC
Type: E, Bedroom visitation by unknown entities, possible intrusive behavior.
HSI: “7”
ROS: “8”
Comments: More details are needed on this case.

Location. Near Romatambo Peru
Date: January 31 1996
Time: 0800A
At a remote mountain village several Quechua Indian shepherds tending their flocks watched six objects flying over the area. According to a witness, Silvia Bedoya, 40, the objects apparently emerged from nearby Lake Cococha. The objects formed what seemed a protective circle around a larger mother-ship type object. The flight of the objects illuminated the whole valley in an eerie deep purple type of light. The “mother ship” landed upriver from the village. Soon two occupants emerged from the object. These were described as 3 feet, 3 inches tall, with large oversized heads, long spindly arms and short bandy legs. They wore gunmetal gray helmets and matching one-piece coveralls. The humanoids took out transparent containers and, ignoring the shepherds, collected many samples, like soil, grass, mountain weeds, & water from the nearby river. Soon the humanoids entered the large object and all the objects shot away into space @ high speed.

HC addition # 2472
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 1 # 15
Type: B Entities observed coming in and out of UFO.
HIS: “6”
ROS: “6”
Comments: Peru has always been a hotbed for UFO contacts and encounters.

Location. Southern California, exact location not given
Date: late January 1996
Time: night
The main witness, a member of a rock band, was sitting around with some friends after a performance when suddenly he apparently blacked out, his next memory was of waking up mid-afternoon, two days later. His friends apparently blacked out for only 10 minutes, they woke up and could not find him. He noticed he now had a scar on the right forearm and the fingers on his right hand were no longer as agile as they once were. He also found scars in his chest, neck, and legs. He also had vague memories of human-like beings sticking huge needles into him, drawing out fluids and of being cut up and sewn back together again. When he came to, 2 days later he was lying down naked on the porch.

HC addition # 3224
Source: Jim Keith Casebook of The Man in Black
Type: G? Possible abduction and intrusive behavior by humanoids.
HIS: “9”
ROS: “8”
Comments: Source died in 1998 under suspicious circumstances. Appears to be abduction by human-like aliens.

Location. Barretal, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Date: early February 1996
Time: night
During the same time period that numerous witnesses saw a large disc-shaped craft that emitted a loud humming sound flying at a low altitude over a river, other witnesses encountered a strange being described as short, ape-like, that walked hunched over on two legs, with three large claw-like protrusions on its feet, brown color hair, and huge bright red colored eyes. The strange being gave out a peculiar odor resembling “burnt wood.” There were also reports of animal mutilations in the area.

HC addition # 2948
Source: Marco A Reynoso
Type: D Encounter with isolated chupacabra type creature.
HIS: “7”
ROS: “8”
Comments: This appeared to be the beginning of a wave of such encounters in Mexico after the flap in Puerto Rico.

Location. Kijal, Terengganu, Malaysia
Date: February 1996
Time: 0300A
A witness was driving along the Kemaman-Dungun Road, and while passing an area at Kijal, he saw a small being measuring less that a meter in height standing in the middle of the road. He described the being as having a big head and with a pair of large and elongated eyes. According to the witness, the being appeared naked and its skin looked dark in color and scaly. The being seemed to have been moving slowly to the side of the road when his car passed by it. There was a very foul odor in the air and the witness sped off as fast as he could.

HC addendum
Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin
Type: E Encounter with isolated humanoid creature.
HIS: “8”
ROS: “10”
Comments: Was this a reptilian or chupacabra type creature report in Malaysia? For some unknown reason tiny humanoids have been the norm as far as encounters in Malaysia, the above appears to have been an exemption to the rule.

Location. Brawley, California
Date: February 1996
Time: 0300A
Shirley Oatsball woke up feeling very thirsty and as she rose from bed she noticed standing at the foot of her bed a bizarre creature about 5 ft tall, hairy, with thick black hair with large red luminous staring eyes. It was about 175 lbs and from its mouth a tongue like protrusion came out, long and red, about two ft long and very sharp. The creature just stood there and at no time attempted to attack the witness. Scared she attempted to wake her husband and at this point the creature ran out the door at incredible speed leaving behind a rush of wind.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, La Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E Encounter with isolated humanoid creature.
HIS: “6”
ROS: “9”
Comments: Possibly the beginning of chupacabra like encounters in the United States, more specifically the California area.

Location. Los Perez, Canovanas, Puerto Rico
Date: February 1996 Time: 1800
Mary Ann Quinones heard a noise outside her home & went out to her patio to investigate. There a four-foot tall creature covered in black hair confronted her. The creature had huge elongated luminous red eyes, which seemed to illuminate all its surroundings. The creature seemed to be searching for something on the ground. Upon seeing the creature the witness screamed & the creature ran away very quickly from the area.

HC addition # 2569
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 10
Type: E
Comments: The Chupacabra encounters in Puerto Rico were still very prominent but attention was slowly shifting to the Central America and South Florida.

Location. Duxbury, Massachusetts
Date: February 1996
Time: 2337
Cranberry bog farmer Allen Greenwood was walking along Bay Road, when he spotted an alien craft landing about three hundred meters in front of him. The craft was shaped like a baseball bat and had three chartreuse lights on the wide end. Five small white colored men with large eyes exited the craft and approached Greenwood, at which point he pulled out a handgun and reportedly abducted them by force. He took them to a nearby farm and hid there with the little men. Apparently the National Guard surrounded the property and negotiations were reported between the farmer and the authorities. No other information. (Media hoax?)

HC addition # 2773
Source: Duxbury Press
Type: B?

Location. Carlos Spegazzini, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: February 1996
Time: night
Two young men were walking in a wooded area on a very hot night when they heard noises behind them. Looking back they did not see anything, but one of the witnesses was carrying a flashlight and illuminated the area. They were stunned to see a dead dog on the ground with its jaw apparently preyed opened in an unnatural manner. They inspected the animal and were surprised to see that rigor mortis had apparently set in. Frightened they began walking quickly away from the area; they then heard the noises again. Again they illuminated the area with the flashlight and this time they were stunned to see a dead cat in similar conditions to that of the dog. Afraid they began running away from the area. Suddenly a bizarre creature jumped out of the woods and crossed their path directly in front of them. The creature was described as something resembling a bipedal dog, it had a rounded head, and had what appeared to be two small claw-like protrusions from the top of its chest. Frightened the two witnesses fled the area. One of them returned the next day and found the still there but the cat was missing. Several chickens also turned up dead on a nearby farm.

HC addition # 3118
Source: Carlos Alberto Iurchuk
Type: E
Comments: Appears to be one of the first Chupacabra type entities reported in Argentina.

Location. Guatemala City, Guatemala
Date: February 1996
Time: late night
During a three-night period, Marco Antonio Rodriguez saw at the head of his bed some kind of bluish light projecting a beam onto the cabinet. He then saw a kind of screen and he could see some gray colored short figures, which then approached and circled his bed. His wife sleeping next to him did not see anything. The following night, the beings came closer and inspected his body. He could not move or yell out, he could only move his eyes.

HC addition # 3790
Source: J. Antonio Huneeus, Fate Magazine
Type: E
Comments: Rare bedroom visitation type encounter in this Central American country.

Location. Thurso, Quebec, Canada
Date: February 6 1996
Time: 1930
The same night that witnesses saw a large triangular vessel hovering over the town of Buckingham, Quebec, farmer Louis Boisvert, 19, saw a very large metallic triangular craft with a set of red lights hovering over a barn, while plowing snow on his tractor. The craft seemed to very slowly fly over the barn. The light coming form the triangle did not illuminate the ground or even the roof of the barn. The craft then suddenly left. After the craft left Boisvert and his father, noticed that their electric water pump would not function. Troubled by recurring dreams, Boisvert underwent hypnotic regressing. He was then able to remember that he had hopped of the tractor and ran to the barn where his father was working. As he rushed into the barn, he saw his father standing there with a blank expression on his face. Besides him stood two reptilian looking creatures, with long faces, scaled leathery skin, black eyes, clawed hands, and gaunt arms and legs. Both Boisvert and his father were taken onboard the triangular object by the humanoids.

HC addition # 2481
Source: CEIPI Quebec
Type: G
Comments: Abduction by reptilian type humanoids.

Location. Huon Valley, Tasmania, Australia
Date: February 10 199
6 Time: 0200A
The witness woke up to find the room lit up, & had an overwhelming feeling to go outside. From the verandah she saw the source of light to be a bright long elliptical shape about 50m away on the paddock. There was a brilliant blue/white light and a metallic smell you could almost taste. Standing in the garden was a tall thin figure over 2m tall. The figure beckoned the witness with its left hand. She walked down the verandah steps then suddenly became alarmed and returned back home. She threw some furniture outside, and then everything went dark.

HC addition # 2606
Source: TUFOIC
Type: C

Location. Alice Springs, Northern Territory Australia
Date: February 10 1996
Time: 2300
The witness was @ an Italian restaurant when she noticed a short gray troll-like entity walk up to the restaurant, and up the steps, stand still and stare at the witness briefly before disappearing. Others in the city reported seeing objects over the area and possibly other entity sightings. No other information.

HC addition # 3358
Source: NUFORC
Type: D

Location. Huon Valley, Tasmania, Australia
Date: middle of February 1996
Time: 0200A
A week after a previous encounter, the same witness woke up with the same feeling that she had to go outside. Again she saw the tall figure in the garden, but no object present. The same metallic smell was in the air. A bright mist surrounded the tall figure. It wore a one-piece silvery suit with a band around the waist. It seemed to have long wrap-around eyes and pointed ears. Also present were two smaller stocky figures to either side of the tall figure. These were fat in the body with small arms & legs. They moved in a jerky fashion. One had a trowel-like instrument that it kept pointing at the ground. The witness fell compelled to follow the beings, but retreated into the house and locked the doors.

HC addition # 2607
Source: TUFOIC
Type: E

Location. Alturas de Campo Rico, Puerto Rico
Date: February 15 1996
Time: midnight
After investigating a commotion in the animal pen, the witness, Margie Rivera was confronted by two bizarre creatures. The creatures appeared to be different, one a male the other an obvious female. The male creature was larger, with huge clawed hind legs with a large sharp crest-like protrusion on the back of its head. She could see a penis-like protrusion under where the belly bottom would have been. The female had a slight pouch in the stomach area and what appeared to be long thin mammary glands. The creatures ran off into the woods. Mutilated animals were found.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E

Location. Near Los Angeles, California
Date: 3rd week of February 1996
Time: afternoon
The witness, who had been involved in a previous UFO abduction, received a strange visit by three pale, very bald men in black suits. They appeared Oriental-looking and arrived to the witness house in a black, late model Cadillac. They moved rather slowly and methodically, stiff and emotionless, almost like robots. The witness was told by one of them that they were from the FBI and he had to come with them to answer a few questions. They produced some ID badges. One man drove while the witness sat in the back seat between the other two. They drove in a big circle and during the drive warned the witness to stop talking about his UFO abduction. They showed him grisly pictures of mutilated human bodies. They also had a small television in the car, which showed some video footage of them supposedly killing people. At one point the witness tried to force himself out of the car but was prevented by the men. After about 1 hour and a half he was returned back home unharmed.

HC addition # 3225
Source: Jim Keith, Casebook of The Men in Black
Type: E

Location. London, England
Date: February 17 1996
Time: dawn
Paul Green suddenly woke up and immediately felt a distinct presence in the bedroom. He had heard it come into the bedroom but had thought it was his daughter. He then opened his eyes and looked to the side of the bed and saw an entity standing in front of the wardrobe, nearly facing him and his sleeping wife. Its entire body was giving off a soft dull bluish glow. The entity had human characteristics. It had a small head with a distinctly pointed chin, a bald domed head, and a very thin neck. It had a barrel shaped body, and very thin flexible arms, which was waving around very slowly in a fashion similar to Tai Chi movements. The glow that was giving off obscured its facial features. It seemed to exude an aura of peace. The entity, who seemed to be looking towards the witness daughter’s room, suddenly reacted, turning its head slightly towards the witness and then smoothly stretching out a hand in his direction, fingers widespread. Then a pale ball of light, leaped from the palm of the humanoid’s hand straight towards the witness, in a slow motion manner, hitting the witness square between the eyes. That was his last recollection, suddenly it was broad daylight, and the strange entity was gone.

HC addition # 3923
Source: CAUS
Type: E

Location. London, England
Date: February 18 1996
Time: 0535A
Paul Green, who had been involved in a previous bedroom encounter, was turning over in bed when suddenly something grabbed his left arm in a vice. A familiar buzzing sensation now began to creep through his body, starting at the fingertips. It felt like a strong electric current, and it traveled slowly through his body. In pain and terrified he opened his eyes and caught a glimpse of a pair of eyes looking intently into his. The entire image was bathed in a pale blue glow. The eyes looked vaguely human, and curiously female. They seemed to convey concern and worry. He could see a distinct iris and eyelashes. Somehow he managed to roll over away from the stare of the eyes. He felt terrific pain on his left arm and frantically began clinging to his wife. She woke up but the room was now empty. Before he closed his eyes he heard a telepathic message in his head.

HC addition # 3924
Source: CAUS
Type: E

Location. Sherman Oaks, California
Date: February 18 1996
Time: 2130
A man named Marcel and a friend were driving on the 101 West Road when they spotted a bizarre creature running alongside the road next to their car. Attempting to avoid hitting the creature they skidded and ran the vehicle off the side of the road. Two other vehicles apparently stopped nearby. Marcel now noticed two similar creatures that were apparently running towards a bright light that hovered above a nearby field. The light was very bright and silent. The two creatures ran on two legs and were very fast. They appeared to have scales along their backs and a band of sharp spikes that ran down from the back of their heads along the back. Seen in profile they resembled bipedal goats with short snouts and a tail. They also had bright red teardrop shaped eyes. Apparently the police filed a report on the incident.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, La Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: C?
Comments: This report apparently describes a direct connection between UFOs and Chupacabra type creatures.

Location. Budoia, Italy
Date: February 22 1996
Time: night
A man notices two short large headed gray humanoids standing next to a wooded area as he drove by the area. The witness possibly encountered the same creatures again in the same area.

HC addendum
Source: MOSAC, Italy
Type: E
Comments: No additional information is available on this case.

Location. Nuevo Centro, Abasolo, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Date: February 23 1996
Time: 2200
Irasema Margarita Cuevas, and other witnesses in the household heard their dogs barking outside and went out to investigate. Outside they saw a red-orange dome shaped craft floating a few feet from the ground, near some nearby trees about 50 meters away. Soon from the craft a small humanoid emerged, about 1 meter in height. It began floating up and down in peculiar movements. From a belt around its waist a bluish beam of light emerged. The being appeared robotic in nature, somewhat resembling “Alpha” from the famed children’s shows “The Power Rangers.” After a few minutes the being re-entered the object, which rose up to join a similar craft. They both then flew towards the nearby swamps. Several witnesses then followed the objects and were able to see a brilliant light emerge from behind some trees and a huge column of gray smoke. Upon seeing this, the head of the household, Guillermo Serna Marquez, told his family to return to the house and went into the woods to investigate alone, on the way there he ran into a farmhand, which accompanied him into the woods. As they watched they saw a luminous craft fly over the trees in the direction of the swamp, then a 2 meter tall humanoid appeared, seemingly floating above the trees and accompanied by the small robotic “Alpha” like entity. They watched the beings float around and then enter the dome shaped object. After awhile the witnesses grew tired of watching this spectacle and went back home. The next day a large section of the ground was found scorched in the form of three enormous circles. Strange foam like substance was also found at the site, purplish white in color. Numerous other strange incidents were reported in subsequent days. Small flying red spheres, more animal mutilations, and a large orange sphere that followed some of the investigators late one night.

HC addition # 2948
Source: Marco A Reynoso
Type: B

Location. Seattle, Washington
Date: February 27 1996
Time: late night
A woman reported encountering a very short dwarf-like creature in her bedroom during the night. No other information. Witness involved in other encounters.

HC addition # 2341
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Highway 375 Nevada
Date: February 28 1996
Time: 1930
Five witnesses driving in an isolated stretch of desert highway, watched a noiseless, silvery gray colored disc, flat on the bottom, land about 50 feet away. It was about 30 feet in diameter. Three beings, described as thin, gray in color with large heads, came out, shuffled around, and then went back inside the object, which promptly took off.

HC addition # 2847
Source: UFOs On Line
Type: B

Location. Cuscatancingo, El Salvador
Date: February 29 1996
Time: 2200
On March 2 1996 at 0630A police found a 17-year old boy wandering confused at the edge of Ilopango Lake. Later under interrogation he related a bizarre story. During the night in question he had been walking towards his home during a local “black-out.” Suddenly there was a bright flash of blue light from behind him. Thinking that it was the police he turned slowly around. Suddenly his next memory was of being in a completely white “space” or room. He could not distinguish any walls or furniture of any kind. He then realized that he was lying prone and unable to move in some sort of “bed.” He noticed numerous “cables” that appeared to be connected to his chest area, and on his right arm he had an object resembling a blood IV machine. He then saw several humanoids, about 1.2 meters in height. They had extremely large heads, huge eyes and in the forehead area he could see what appeared to be another “protuberance” resembling another eye. They also had sparse beards around the mouth and chin area. In a horrible state of confusion he noticed other humans in the room but could not tell if they were also prisoners or not. He remember seeing a terrible scene in which he saw several of the humanoids apparently operating on a woman, seemingly cutting her in half. Then they took the upper half of the human female and somehow inserted it on top and back of a “hump-like” area of one female humanoid that had apparently was being prepared on another bed. The humanoids wore white tunics on which they had a strange “symbol” on the right side of their chests. He was then taken to the shores of Lake Ilopango where they told the witness that their race “was in a state of war and could not reproduce in their original normal manner.” He then had the sensation of falling towards the lake. This part was very confusing and could not be remembered in detail. The beings also told the witness that on the bottom of the lake they had their reproductive “eggs.” Several strange scars were found on the witness body.

HC addendum
Source: Y Files, Dr. Luis E. Lopez
Type: G
Comments: Again a rare abduction report from this other Central American country and very bizarre in nature.

Location. Dorado, Puerto Rico
Date: end of February 1996
Time: late night
A local family heard a loud racket coming from the animal pen and their three fierce Doberman guard dogs apparently fighting with something. Looking out the window they were terrified to see several “Chupacabra” type creatures fighting with the dogs while others, which levitated over the ground, entered the hog pen killing several of the animals. After killing the hogs the creatures levitated up again, carrying the dead hogs out one by one. Immediately after, the creatures deposited the dead hogs in a perfect straight line on the ground. There was no doubt to the witnesses; the creatures were apparently behaving in an intelligent manner. After killing all the hogs and laying them out on the ground, the creatures departed. After awhile the family went outside and found all the hogs dead, apparently bloodless and also two of the dogs. The third dog survived but later died of its injuries.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E
Comments: Apparently these bizarre so-called Chupacabra type entities have different abilities and demonstrate a clear intelligent behavior and purpose.

Location. Alfenas Brazil
Date: March 1996
Time: early morning
Antonio Candido de Moraes, who lives near Varginha, was cycling to work along a dirt road when he saw a strange creature. Thinking it was a monkey he stopped the bicycle. The creature resembled a little man covered all over with dark hair; it had a big oval head and protruding eyes that stared at him. Scared, he rode away and looking back, he saw the creature still staring at him while walking into the jungle.

HC addendum
Source: Varginha Diary
Type: E

Location. Wisconsin, exact location not given
Date: March 1996
Time: late night
A Mr. Milland, woke up while it was still dark outside, and recalled that sometime during the night he found himself being held in a medical bed of some sort. He was drugged, and tubes were inserted in his mouth and other parts of the body. The abductors had inserted a very large and painful type of hypodermic needle in his thigh. He recalled seeing clothed figures, but the faces were blurred out. He also recalled seeing an “alien” form, sitting in the shadows next to his bed, holding his hand at one point. The being had an oval shaped head, and a slender upper body, and rather thin, its arms were very thin as well. Milland could not make out any facial features. He sat up in bed and saw brilliant colored lights reflected on the door. He then heard a low rumbling sound of some kind take off and away from the house outside.

HC addition # 3417
Source: UFO Sky Searchers Intl.
Type: G

Location. Near Chtaura, Lebanon
Date: March 1996
Time: night
A young girl named Hasnah who had been experiencing some bizarre paranormal events including pieces of seemingly crystal flowing out of her eyes was still awake one night when she heard someone tapping at the window. She got up and walked to the window and there she saw a man dressed in white. He was sitting on a white horse; he smiled at her and called her by her name. He then asked if she could go outside to talk to him. Hasnah went out the front door. There stood the “white knight” as she calls him, waiting for her. He was dressed from head to foot in a white tunic, which also covered his head and face. He told her not to be afraid and introduced himself as a messenger from God. A conversation developed between them about which Hasnah revealed no further details, apart from the fact that the white night led her to understand that it was he who had been behind the crystal tears, and that all went according to God’s will. There was a witness to the conversation: Hasnah’s little brother had followed her outside, heard his sister speaking, but failed to see who she was talking to. The “white knight” visited her a few times again and gave her advice and various warnings.

HC addendum
Source: They Walk Among Us
Type: E or F?

Location. Dardago, Pordenone, Italy
Date: March 1996
Time: 2230
As the witness sat in his car he heard a dog emitting strange barking sounds. Looking out the car window he noticed at the edge of a path about 30 meters away, two strange figures, both were standing in a bizarre posture, they seemed to be bent over with their arms in a parallel position in front of them. At first he thought that the two strange individuals were local kids and approached with the vehicle. At this point he realized that they were not humans. One was somewhat taller than the other, 1.40 meters and the second one about 1.20 meters in height. The head was disproportional large as compared to the rest of their bodies and both had huge black oval shaped eyes and large pointed chins. Both wore black form fitting outfits. As the witness watched both humanoids disappeared into some nearby woods. A woman accompanying the witness in the car did not see the humanoids.

HC addendum
Source: Moreno Tambellini
Type: E

Location. Sao Roque da Fartura, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: March 4 1996
Time: night
Two young women, Charlene and Juliana encountered a tall human like figure, wearing a red tunic like outfit. His skin was also red in color; he had large black eyes and black hair. The humanoid suddenly disappeared in plain sight. Minutes later a third witness named Antonio arrived and the humanoid reappeared this time accompanied by seven more humanoids almost identical to him. A bright glow seemed to emanate from the figures as they floated at about 50 cm from the ground and only about 8 meters from the witnesses. After about 5 seconds the humanoids disappeared mysteriously as if absorbed by the light, which then disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
Type: E

Location. Bindura, South Africa
Date: March 6 1996
Student Lloyd T. Karambakuwa, 17, woke up early in the morning in order to go to work, when he soon became aware of a continuous “clicking” sound coming from outside, on the road. At first he thought it might be someone with a cordless phone that appeared to be coming towards the house. Scared, Lloyd went out to investigate, he hid behind the hedge in front of the house and saw a strange figure about 2 meters from him. He described the creature as short, completely white in color and a head shaped like a rugby ball or egg. It moved quickly above the ground still emitting the clicking sound. Scared Lloyd ran back inside the house and hid under the blankets.

HC addition # 3386
Source: Cynthia Hind
Type: E

Location. Casino, NSW, Australia
Date: March 6 1996
Time: 0300A
Two adults reported seeing strange lights and then experienced a period of missing time. Under hypnosis an abduction scenario was revealed. They were apparently taken onboard an object. Inside, a medical examination ensued. Unusual after effects were noted. Later under hypnotic regression the witnesses recalled being paralyzed inside their vehicle and seeing two humanoids, described as tall, gray in color, with small ears, large black eyes, two dots for a nose, a small mouth, with no lips, that entered their vehicle and undid their seat belts then carried them outside the car. Two shorter humanoids arrived and carried the children from the back seat of the vehicle. One of the witnesses recalled a tall gray humanoid using something resembling a silver staple gun that was pressed against her neck. Another witness remembered flying inside an object and seeing tall buildings with domed ceilings that had strange patterns of top. The witnesses reported another type of humanoid described as tall with a wrinkled appearance. This being inserted some type of rod-like instrument into their eyes.

HC addition # 2609
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: G

Location. West Dade County, Florida
Date: March 6 1996
Time: 2300
Teide Carballo De Trinidad, a nurse’s aide at a local boarding home for the elderly looked out the window to see a six foot tall creature, tan in color with a large head, walking swiftly around the yard. She panicked and lost sight of the being as it disappeared behind a wall. The creature was bipedal and appeared to walk hunched over. No other details were noted. The next day goats and chickens were found dead & mutilated at the house and it other locations in the area. Strange tracks were also found.

HC addition # 2241
Source: Personal Investigation
Type: E
Comments: I remember being at the scene of the encounter and finding two round holes on the neck of the one of the dead goats, after a while a greenish liquid began oozing out of the holes. Soon after that a man claiming to be from a local University came along and took the dead animal away in a pickup truck.

Location. Ferreiras, Lugo, Spain
Date: March 7 1996
Time: after midnight
38-year-old Jose Manuel Castro Gonzalo was getting ready to retire for the night and glanced out the window to take one last look at the fields. Immediately he noticed a small orange sphere, encased in a multi-colored glow, hovering over a nearby hill. He decided to go outside and look at the strange spectacle; at the same time he summoned his brother Cesareo. Jose Manuel then took out a small flashlight and began signaling at the object; at the same time yelling “Come down, Come down! Suddenly the sphere descended at very high speed to treetop level. Jose Manuel then ran upstairs to an outside terrace where he could see the sphere better. Inside the apparently transparent sphere he was able to see five very tall men who appeared to be floating around as the sphere slowly rotated emitting a low humming sound. Moments later a shaft of “coherent” light appeared under the sphere, it reached the ground right below the sphere. Soon after, three small humanoids descended to the ground via the shaft of light, these seemed to move in slow motion. Once on the ground the three beings formed a line, grabbing each other’s shoulders, not unlike a “Conga” line. Then using quick jumping motions they began moving towards the witness location. Frightened the witness jumped in his bed and hid under the covers until dawn. The next day strange footprints were found at the site where the small humanoids had jumped around.

HC addition # 2559
Source: Magdalena Del Amo Freixedo, Evidencia OVNI # 12
Type: A & B

Location. Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico
Date: March 9 1996
Time: evening
A young man, Ovidio Mendez, while burying a dead & mutilated chicken spotted a strange creature nearby. It walked on two feet & was gray in color, with two large red slanted eyes, long pointy fangs, & claw like hands. He then called the police.

HC addition # 2760
Source: Revista “STENDEK”
Type: E

Location. Westmoreland, Pennsylvania
Date: March 12 1996
Time: evening
Several observers saw a large gray colored disc-shaped object hovering close to the ground. Through an apparent opening an undescribed figure could be seen inside. No other information.

HC addition # 3312
Source: Stan Gordon, Anomalies Zone Vol. 3 # 1
Type: A

Location. Anapra, Lomas De Poleo, near Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Date: middle of March 1996
Time: early morning
Several students at the local Sahun primary school reported seeing a huge object descend very close to the ground on school grounds. Others, including faculty members also reported seeing the object, which was apparently seen on two or three consecutive days. Another teacher named “Gonzalo” reported seeing a huge metallic object on the ground. Around the same time a young girl named Zaira who lived very close to the school reported seeing a round luminous object hovering over the area and a short gray colored figure walking around her house. The creature was less than one meter in height, white-gray in color with two large protuberances on each side of its large oval-shaped head in the area where the ears would have been. Her father, David Luna and her brother Juan Luna also reported seeing the object, which they described as very large metallic, oval-shaped with several luminous beams of light pointed towards the ground. On top the object had a small dome surmounted with what appeared to have been an antenna. Soon the object emitted a loud humming sound and accelerated away from the area at great speed. The humanoid was not seen again.

HC addendum
Source: Organizacion Juarense de Investigacion Ovni, Mexico
Type: C

Location. Ramat Hachayal, Israel
Date: March 16 1996
Time: 0310A
The 16-year old witness awoke to see a brilliant craft appear above the town. There were numerous other witnesses. The main witness filmed the shining orb from his bedroom window. He then went outside and walked toward the source of the light. As he approached the “light disappeared in an instant.” Upon examining the film he discovered a short gray colored figure with a large head moving within the light, its moving shadow could be seen behind the being.

HC addendum
Source: Barry Chamish, Return of The Giants
Type: C?

Location. Hialeah Gardens, Florida
Date: March 17 1996
Time: 1700
During a rash of strange animal mutilations in the area, Rafael Moreno was looking for his lost goats, he penetrated the Everglades. He saw resting on top a tree was a black bird, bigger than an eagle, with seven-foot wings. The bird flew over, landing on the ground behind him, with unknown intentions. Moreno, upon turning to shoot, since he went armed, saw how the animal folded up its wings in a second, and rapidly left, running out of sight. In spite of the aggressive behavior of this bizarre bird, Moreno holds it was not the predator.

HC addendum
Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo
Type: E

Location. Barrio Mamey, Puerto Rico
Date: March 19 1996
Time: night
A local youth, Jose Pellot, went out to his backyard after hearing an unusual sound; there he became aware of a dog-like creature apparently lying down on the ground. To his amazement it suddenly became fully erect. It stood about five feet in height. He described the creature as hairy and powerfully built.

HC addition # 3282
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. Miami Florida
Date: March 20 1996
Time: 1930
A local dentist who prefers to remain anonymous was leaving his clinic, located on Southwest 8th street in the heart of the city, when he went to the parking lot behind the building and sat down in his car. Starting the motor, he heard a flapping sound, and opening the car window, he observed a huge bird-like creature flying away in the darkness, leaving in the parking lot a dead dove and a frightened dentist. The dove checked by the dentist, showed a hole in the neck, and the bird was also without a single drop of blood.

HC addendum
Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo
Type: E

Location. West Dade County, Florida
Date: March 24 1996
Time: late night
Olimpia Govea discovered that a predator had viciously attacked & killed 27 chickens and two of her goats. It left the bloodless carcasses scattered around her backyard. That same night Govea’s son & daughter in law claimed to have seen a shadow “like that of a tall man” deliberately pass by the window of the room in which they slept. A month later in the middle of the night, the entire family would hear a tremendous noise, accompanied by an intermittent, orange light, as if something were trying to land on the property.

HC addition # 3290
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. West of Miami Florida
Date: late March 1996
Time: evening
A man & his six-year old son had gone out fishing in an isolated canal off state Road 41, when the young boy saw walking over some nearby swamp & brush a short reptilian-like creature, which he described as dinosaur-like but bipedal & with two large frog-like eyes. When he alerted his father, the creature scurried into the brush and disappeared. The father only caught a brief glimpse of it.

HC addition # 2327
Source: Personal Investigation
Type: E

Location. Alfonso Calderon, Sinaloa Mexico
Date: April 1996
Time: unknown
A horrifying winged creature that left tooth marks on her neck reportedly attacked 21-year-old corn farmer Juana Tizoc. She said the beast had horns and flew. At the same time livestock and other animals in the area were being found strangely mutilated.

HC addition # 2852
Source: Tucson Weekly
Type: E

Location. Gota de Agua, Paraiba, Brazil
Date: April 1996
Time: evening
During a spate of numerous UFO encounters in the area, a woman reported seeing a landed silvery disc-shaped object and standing next to it was an undescribed “being”. Others saw a silvery disc flying over the valley. No other information.

HC addition # 2334
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 1 # 10
Type: C

Location. Varginha, Brazil
Date: April 1996
Time: night
A woman sitting on the verandah of the restaurant at the Varginha Zoo saw a strange creature, fitting the earlier reports of humanoids, looking at her from behind a railing a few meters away. The creature ran off, vaulting a low wall. Zoo staff reported that over the past three months there had been a rash of unexplained deaths amongst the animals in the zoo, averaging at least one animal a week, often with no signs of a cause of death.

HC addendum
Source: Edson Boaventura
Type: E

Location. Dresden, Germany
Date: April 1996
Time: night
The witness was sleeping in his bed when he suddenly awoke to some kind of movement at the edge of his bed, by his feet. Suddenly as if coming out of the floor, a dark shape arose and stood staring at him. He was not able to move but could now distinguish the shape to be that of a short dark skinned female, with long black curly hair, sleek human facial features, about 22 to 25 years of age, she appeared to be friendly. The witness could only see her torso. She maintained a telepathic control of the witness, as he seemed to examine and massage his feet. After a few minutes the witness hears a loud whistling noise and the figure disappears. The next morning he woke up to find his feet bloody and scarred but without any pain. The feet appeared to be covered in small cuts. On April 14 the witness saw a bright yellow-white spherical object flying over his balcony in the rear of the house.

HC addendum
Source: Mr. Gerd Kirvel in Greyhunter UFO Site, Germany
Type: E or D?

Location. Boyd, Alabama
Date: early April 1996
Time: night
Emma Wilson heard noises coming from the horse barn and went to investigate. In a field near the barn black hairy creature confronted her about 4 ft tall, with a crest-like protrusion on top of its head resembling that of a rooster. The creature emitted some strange noises but at no time attempted to attack Mrs. Wilson. Before it vanished into the darkness something long and sharp came out of its mouth several times. Mrs. Wilson found a dead horse and several dead rabbits they all appeared to have been drained of blood. Strange tracks were also found in the barn area.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E

Location. Mason Michigan
Date: April 1 1996
Time: unknown
It was reported by news media both TV and printed, that the unclothed body of a small, thin silvery skinned humanoid had been discovered in the yard of a local resident when the property owners were raking the leaves. The partially decomposed body was reported as being less than four-feet tall and having a larger than human head. The media reported that authorities to the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing for study transported the body in question. No other information, but the date makes this report dubious.

HC addition # 2849
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: H?

Location. San Antonio de Los Sauces, Chiapas, Mexico
Date: April 1 1996
Time: night
Julieta Calderon awoke to discover almost 20 dead, blood-covered sheep on her property. The dead animals throats had been ripped. One of the security guards at the ranch recalled seeing a naked albino-like “person” 20 inches tall hiding among the bushes. He and his companion went after the creature without much success.

HC addition # 3298
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & Other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. West Dade County, Florida
Date: April 4 1996
Time: 0330A
Awaken by noises from his animal pens a farmer spotted a short yellow hairy creature running from the area, it appeared to be bipedal & seemed stooped over. The witness grabbed a stick and struck the being several times with no apparent effect. He then called the police. Dead goats with strange incision wounds on their necks were found the next morning. Also tracks were located. A month later the witness and other residents in the area saw two large white lights descend into the Everglades about a mile west of his location. These lights had been seen in at least two occasions.

HC addition # 2298
Source: Personal Investigation
Type: E

Location. Ciudad Juarez, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Date: April 10 1996
Time: night
In a ranch near this city, several livestock and goats had been found mutilated and curiously devoid of blood. One night during a party, the son of the ranch owner saw a mysterious humanoid figure (not described) on top of a fence, then on the roof were others heard footsteps. Several roosters and chickens were found mutilated the next day. Also some of the neighbor’s goats.

HC addition # 2950
Source: Marco A Reynoso
Type: E

Location. Miami Florida
Date: April 11 1996
Time: late night
The witness, Anna Maria woke up and became aware of a little white being kneeling by her bed. At first she thought it was her sister, but soon realized that it was not. She remembers hearing the phrases, “The son,” and “sleeping.” Later that night she experienced a vivid dream of being in a large dome-shaped windowless room where many other people, some very tall, were talking about aliens and whether to be afraid of them or not.

HC addition # 3326
Source: Skyscan Winter 1999
Type: E?

Location. Hialeah Gardens, Florida
Date: April 13 1996
Time: night
Rafael Moreno was on guard duty at his ranch, waiting for the blood predator or “Chupacabra.” He fired at a creature and injured it for the second time, and for the second time, it escaped to the Everglades. According to Moreno, the animal was at the edge of a lake. In the darkness its eyes shone like two flashlights that reflected in the lake. He fired at it several times. “I know I hit it at least one time, because I heard a shriek,” Moreno said.

HC addendum
Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo
Type: E

Location. Jardines de San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico
Date: April 13 1996 Time: night
Residents reported seeing something that resembled an enormous bird flying over the area. Those interviewed by the media stated that they had never seen a bird of such size before and that it emitted bizarre shrieking sounds. A smell of sulfur was also noted in the area, as well as bizarre animal mutilations.

HC addition # 3280
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. Laguna de Chapala, Mexico
Date: April 14 1996
Time: night
Angler Jose Angel Pulido was allegedly attacked by a “dog sized creature covered with black hair.” Others in the area reported a creature covered with grayish or white fur. Animal mutilations were reported in numerous locations in the same general area.

HC addition # 3293
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. Near Gerona, Spain
Date: April 15 1996
Time: late night
Two police officers were conducting their nightly rounds on the outskirts of town when a powerful light crossed in front of them on the highway. One of the men felt mesmerized by the brilliant outburst of light, while his companion tried to keep hold of the squad car’s steering wheel. The mesmerized officer told his companion that he felt the odd sensation of being pushed upward at the same time that he saw two pairs of moist, black oval shaped eyes staring at him from large pear shaped heads. The police officer had not yet been able to digest the uncanny experience when the bizarre light staged a return. According to the agents, nine lights, identical to the first, appeared out of nowhere, and were then joined by three more which came from across the Portuguese border. The twelve lights were elongated and had an intensely yellow glow. The lights remained suspended some 100 feet above the highway, prompting the police officers to flee the scene in terror.

HC addition # 2674
Source: Scott Corrales, Uncensored UFO Reports # 1
Type: A or G?

Location. Tonto Hills, Arizona
Date: April 16 1996
Time: unknown
A couple that had observed a large diamond shaped craft land in the same area back in February, observed a large craft landing nearby. It was white, diamond shape, and had green and red lights around it. Three entities (not described) walked around it as if searching for something. The sighting lasted for 15 minutes.

HC addition # 2812
Source: Jim Ossipov, Myron K Olson
Type: C

Location. Northeast Dade County, Florida
Date: April 16 1996
Time: various
Independent observers reported seeing 2 mysterious bird-like creatures in their backyards. They described the bird as three feet tall with a face like a turkey, hopping through yards of several North Miami homes. The birds are said to be black with white flecks, with beaks similar to toucans and a seven-foot wingspan. Police tried to catch it with the help of the Fort Lauderdale based Wildlife Care Center, but it flew away. There were at least 10 sightings of such a creature in the area.

HC addendum
Source: Cherie Henderson, The Miami Herald
Type: E

Location. Belem, Brazil
Date: April 17 1996
Time: 0100A
Alfredo de Oliveira Mendes, 27, a sacristan at a local church witnessed a UFO land in the backyard of the mission. There was a period of missing time. Under hypnosis the witness recalled being abducted by 8 beings, described as silver in color with long eyes and what looked like a fin on their foreheads. The beings wore silver coverall type outfits with an emblem containing a pyramid and a wing. A burnt circle was found on the ground at the site. No other information.

HC addition # 2739
Source: Brazilian UFO Report
Type: G

Location. Wamuran near Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Date: April 18 1996
Time: 1940
A 58-year old retired police officer and his wife arrived home together. On entering their house he detected a strong smell of sulfur. On investigation he found nothing visibly out of the usual. His wife went to the main bedroom and put on the lights in the hallway and in the bedroom. She then walked back along the hallway to the living room end of the house. He then walked along the hallway towards the bedroom and as he neared the end of the hallway where Jenny (his wife) had just passed, he walked into an area of extreme cold, which, as he touched it, discharged a strong electrical current, which caused him to reel backwards. He retreated back to the entry to the hall and he was filled with a feeling of revulsion and fear. He quickly recovered and Jenny then walked along the hall and suffered a similar experience. He tried again to walk along the hall and again suffered a similar electrical discharge. The witness and his wife discussed the situation for a while and tried several times to move past it along the hall, each time with the same result. During this period the object remained stationary at the southern end of the hallway. Their toy poodle was very much aware that something was wrong and he noticed that when he looked along the hall the guanine at the back of his eyes reflected a bright orange color instead of the usual bright green. The presence of the object could be determined by the feeling of an electrical discharge similar to static electricity though very strong and goose bumps appeared on the skin. Within the object it was extremely cold and quite painful. Upon direct contact one was drained of all energy for a short period and normal breathing was difficult. Later at 2030 their son Adrian and his then partner, Petra, arrived and he was invited to walk along the hallway. As he entered the hall he encountered the same discharge effect. The entity had moved eight meters and was in the northern end of the hall by this time. Petra, who was eight and a half months pregnant, encountered the object and was seemingly brushed or slapped aside but not hurt by it. Over the ensuing period all four of them had several direct contacts with the entity as it moved with apparent purpose throughout the house. Petra’s contacts were much less vigorous than those of the other three witnesses. At 2130 Adrian was ejected from a chair by the entity. Jenny had a severe accidental direct contact with the entity and was caught for a moment within it. She was visibly affected, breathing labored, elevated pulse rate, weakness and disorientation. External check of the premises revealed a column of warm air at the southern end of the house but nothing else unusual. During this period there was no discernible traffic or other sounds within or around the house. Adrian had another hard encounter with the entity. Adrian and Petra returned to their home. At 2330 a ball of light energy crossed within the screen of a television set. An independent witness testified to seeing a huge orange light suspended above the house at the same time, 0020A. A neighbor reported that her house shook and trembled for a period. The telemetry from the water storage reservoir across the road crashed and then, impossibly, restored itself. Loud clicks in a cadence of three and groups of three were heard several times throughout the house. Later some of the witnesses developed symptoms similar to a form of radiation sickness with severe headaches and flu like symptoms, sore eyes and joints, etc. Three developed chronic and permanent tinnitus. The main witness developed a brown-pigmented stain on both legs and a circular mark on the top of his left foot. Several rocks in the garden were discovered to have been affected by some form of energy, one having exploded into a fine powder. A candle had been selectively melted and the stearic acid component separated and crystallized. Moss on the concrete path showed burns marks. Two small sections of the path appeared to have been melted or glazed. Presently two of the witnesses have developed substantial psychic abilities.

HC addition # 3216
Source: Brad Mildern, The Aussie Connection
Type: F?

Location. Zapata, Texas
Date: April 20 1996
Time: night
Rachel Tolen was driving alongside a dark roadway when she stopped to see a strange creature that appeared to be eating something on the side of the road. The creature turned to look at her and she could see large glowing red eyes. She approached the creature with her car and this one suddenly flew up into the air and vanished. She described the creature as about 4 ft tall, with dark brown hairy skin, with what appeared to be feathers covering part of the body and a line of sharp spikes that ran along its back starting at the nape of the skull. Others in the vicinity reported seeing a similar creature and there were reports of bizarre goat and chicken mutilations in the area. The animals were usually found bloodless.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E

Location. Varginha, Brazil
Date: April 21 1996
Time: evening
Teresinha Galo, age 67, reportedly saw a strange short creature with bulging red eyes, brown skin, a large head with three oval protrusions, on the grounds of the local Jardim Zoologico. The creature apparently hid behind some bushes. It reportedly wore a golden helmet.

HC addition # 2446
Source: Brazilian UFO Report Issue # 6
Type: E

Location. Cornwall, England
Date: April 22 1996
Time: 0355A
Elaine woke up in the middle of the night to see a troll-like entity at the right hand foot of her bed. Only his chest and above was visible due to the height of the bed. He was wearing a dark hooded robe, resembling that of a monk. She began pulling the covers up over her head, but then decided to stare at the entity. The entity began floating towards her and reached her face level. The color of his face appeared brown and his skin was rough looking and wrinkly, like an elephants. He had a heavy protruding brow that placed his large dark eyes in shadow. He had wrinkly eyelids and a flattened spread nose. As the witness stared at the entity she felt him to be loving and gentle. After a few seconds it floated through the internal wall of the house and disappeared.

HC addition # 3248
Source: CUFORG
Type: E

Location. Santa Barbara, California
Date: April 25 1996
Time: 2130
A man traveling on Rte. 126 sees a bright flash of light over the highway, and then experiences a period of missing time. He then experiences peculiar events, sees strange visions from history. No other information.

HC addition # 2445
Source: NUFORC
Type: F?

Location. Leon
, Guanajato, Mexico
Date: May 1996 Time: unknown
Two local boys, Jesus Barajas, and Julio Bermudez, reported having seen a strange being measuring approximately four feet in height, with black skin and bulging eyes, that later cleared a six foot fence and flew into the air.

HC addition # 3297
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & Other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. Near Boyle Sligo County, Roscommon, Ireland
Date: May 1996
Time: night
In the Curliew Mountains a large egg shaped alien craft crashed damaged. 5 humanoids (not described) reported to be inside. NATO, British and the US Government seized the craft and its occupants.

HC addendum
Source: Anton Anfalov, UFO Crash list
High Strangeness Index: 8
Source reliability: 10

Location. Colonias del Yunque Puerto Rico
Date: May 1996
Time: 0200A
Alberto Rivera was sitting watching television, when the whole area around was engulfed in white light, and a vast saucer appeared, with colored lights all around its rim. Rivero said that the vivid white light, “like rain” came right through the roof of his house. He tried in vain to awaken his sleeping wife, but could not. All the dogs in the district were barking madly, and the huge UFO hung there silently in the sky. Suddenly, a bizarre creature came running fast along the road, followed by a great pack of howling, barking dogs. Then from beneath the huge UFO, came a great beam of white light “like a tube” and the “Chupacabra” like creature shot up into the tube and was retrieved by the UFO. A few minutes later the great craft itself shot up into the sky and vanished towards El Yunque.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, FSR Vol. 44 # 1
Type: B

Location. Collinswood, Adelaide, South Australia
Date: May 1996 Time: daytime
The witness was feeling tired during the day and lay down for a while in her bedroom. A “person” with blue eyes, blond shoulder length hair, and wearing a white robe visited her in the room. He said hello to the witness, and talked with her. She could not remember the conversation later, but said she felt comfortable with the “man.” She came to when her husband banged on the front door.

HC addition # 2731
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: E

Location. Monterey, Mexico
Date: May 1996
Time: evening
During a wave of animal mutilations and attacks in the region by an unknown predator, at a truck depot outside the city several men came upon a strange creature that was apparently attacking the goat pen. The men gave chase to the creature, which they described as having large red eyes, wings, and that ran in a peculiar “jumping” fashion, several of the men stoned the creature which then climbed up on an electrical pole. While on the pole it apparently received a strong electrical discharge, which caused it to fall to the ground, it then got up and ran into a nearby field quickly disappearing from sight.

HC addition # 2951
Source: Marco A Reynoso
Type: E

Location. Dandenong, Victoria, Australia
Date: May 1996
Time: night
Diane Allen reported being visited by a strange creature with a large bulbous head and huge staring eyes. Apparently the creature communicated by using telepathy. No other information.

HC addition # 2834
Source: Woman’s Day, July 1 1996
Type: E

Location. Tlalixcoyan, Mexico
Date: May 1996
Time: night
Pedro Hernandez reported seeing a dark, 30-inch tall creature that resembled a rabbit, with huge hind legs, hopping along and disappearing into dense vegetation. The next day he discovered four chickens and three goats drained of their blood.

HC addition # 3299
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. Orange County, California
Date: May 1996
Time: night
Roberto Garcia reported he had been awakened from a deep sleep by the sensation of something tugging on his right hand. Pulling has hand away; he saw a sizable, shadowy, figure moving away very quickly. Adding to the high strangeness of this account was the fact that Garcia’s third floor apartment opened out to nothing but an alleyway below.

HC addition # 3292
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. Dover, England
Date: May 1996
Time: night
The witness found herself lying on a table in a round metallic room. She was surrounded by three to four 6-foot tall beings. Described as light orange in color, with large black oval shaped slanted eyes and hairless. They seemed to be wearing clear robes. One of the beings was holding a clear glowing container, which held an embryo. She feels she was somehow implanted with the embryo. She was flown over a large island resembling Australia and was told much information telepathically.

HC addition # 3542
Source: Alien Abduction Experience & Research
Type: G

Location. Texas, exact location not given
Date: May 1996
Time: night
Sharon (involved in other encounters) woke up during the night to strange bumping sounds in her house. The mysterious bumping sounds woke her up periodically during the night. She was afraid to get up and investigate on her own. Finally she woke up again to see a strange humanoid hovering in the hallway directly across from her bed. She described the humanoid as a small Negroid being about 3 & a half ft to four ft tall. He wore a complete astronaut’s suit with a helmet, dark blue gloves, and boots. The helmet had a clear visor, and she could see his face through it. She described his complexion as being a reddish or dark pink color with two vertical folds of flesh across the side of his cheeks. His lips were large and fleshy, and his nose, broad and flat. His eyes looked totally human and his expression was that of “complete boredom.” He was holding a round, black device that seemed to her like an old style radar gun used by the police. He pointed the object at the window in her bedroom and floated there as though waiting for something to happen. She also observed a white glowing light around him that reminded her of an aura. After a few minutes he disappeared, and the hallway and bedroom became dark again. A minute or two later, the room and everything in it was suddenly brightly illuminated…then to her surprise everything abruptly went completely dark again. The next morning she found all the grass and tree leaves on the side of her house near the bedroom window were yellowed and clearly dehydrated.

HC addendum
Source: C L Turnage, Sexual Encounters with
Type: E

Location. Rio Parana, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: May 1996
Time: night
Several locals reported that while fishing in the River Parana they spotted a strange creature half-man, half reptilian that apparently damaged some of their fishing nets. It disappeared from sight beneath the waters. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Fabio Picasso quoting Cronica de Buenos Aires
Type: E

Location. Nayarit, Mexico
Date: early May 1996
Time: night
During a period of bizarre animal killings in the area, a witness, Silva Avila, saw a creature in profile at a distance of some 33 feet, it stood motionless. Avila threw some stones at it but he missed, the creature then turned toward him and moved away with hurried jumps, vaulting over a 6-foot wall. It was about 30 inches tall, with a small head, with short pointed ears, and its eyes a brilliant red color. Avila also added that it was covered in black fur and had legs that folded at the knees, and that it had two small arms, like those of a kangaroo that produced from its torso.

HC addition # 3295
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. Tucson, Arizona
Date: May 1 1996
Time: 0330A
Hours after hearing strange noises coming from outside the window, a 7-year old body was sleeping when a creature jumped into his bedroom through the open window and climbed on top of his chest. He described the creature as having large reddish eyes, a wrinkled face, and large pointy ears.

HC addition # 2696
Source: Scott Corrales, Evidencia OVNI # 13
Type: E

Location. Juarez, Mexico
Date: May 2 1996
Time: night
Area residents reported encountering a tall “animal-like” being, with three toed feet and hands, on haunches with the forearms suspended at chest level, similar to a kangaroo. It had a row of spikes or straight feather like projections from its head and down its back that raise and lower and have been seen to glow with their own light. It has been seen to run in all fours. It has a “sucking” device that resembles a tube like projection in his mouth. Dead and mutilated animals were found in the area.

HC addition # 2818
Source: Chupacabra Time-Line
Type: E

Location. Tamaulipas, Mexico
Date: May 2 1996
Time: night
In the local Agronomy School 18 sheep and 18 goats were found dead in a corral. The animals were found without any blood. A local taxi driver saw a 5-foot tall creature, covered with hair, crossing the road and jumping the Agronomy School wall.

HC addition # 3530
Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo
Type: E

Location. Calderon, Sinaloa, Mexico
Date: May 3 1996
Time: unknown
A giant bat-like creature terrorizes the villagers. Goats were found dead with their blood sucked dry. Farmers formed night vigilante squads. The creature reportedly attacked one human. No other information.

HC addition # 2817
Source: Chupacabra Time-Line
Type: E

Location. El Nido, Mexico
Date: May 3 1996
Time: night
Around the same time that three sheep were found dead with strange marks on their necks and in the vertebral region, a local peasant saw a dog-like creature harassing his flock. When he attempted to shoot the intruder, it crossed a barbed wire fence without wounding itself or making any noise.

HC addition # 3294
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & Other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. Nayarit, Mexico
Date: May 3 1996
Time: night
Police reportedly fired a hail of bullets against a creature, which, apparently unharmed turned about to glare at them with “fiery red eyes” set in a humanoid face. The entity jumped over a meter tall fence and vanished.

HC addition # 3532
Source: Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo
Type: E

Location. Cornwall, England
Date: May 5 1996
Time: late night
On a Sunday, Elaine woke up to see a 4-foot tall creature with pale shiny porcelain like skin a huge head and large black oval shaped eyes standing next to her bed. No other information, but around the same time she began having lucid dreams where she found herself traveling to other planets and meeting aliens.

HC addition # 3249
Source: CUFORG
Type: E

Location. Near Mata do Buraquinho, Minas Gerais Brazil
Date: May 6 1996
Time: 2100
Marcelo Barbosa and his wife Vaudeline were fixing some windows in their house when they perceived some bright white, yellow and blue lights coming from a wooded area about 50 meters away. Marcelo decided to investigate closer and saw a large white cloud that began descending slowly over the woods. Suddenly from out of the cloud a luminous disc shaped object emerged. The object was about 8 meters in length, and it had a revolving light on top resembling that of a police car. The object had two or three brightly lit windows and inside one of these Barbosa was able to see several figures or forms moving around. The object descended and landed briefly, becoming dark, then bright again. Before it landed the witnesses saw an L shaped ramp that apparently had come out from the bottom of the object. As the object became bright again, it quickly took off at high speed.

HC addition # 3813
Source: Paraiba UFO
Type: A

Location. Tarcolitos, Costa Rica
Date: May 7 1996
Time: night
Erlinda Vega reported an attack by a creature with huge wings through a half opened window. She described the creature as resembling a huge bat, hairy and with bright eyes. Samples of a substance without color and flavor was collected from the window that apparently belonged to the creature.

HC addition # 3533
Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo
Type: E

Location. Sinaloa, Mexico
Date: May 9 1996
Time: 0200A
The Espinoza family suddenly had their front door opened. They saw a creature standing there, described as about 4-foot tall, with scaly skin, clawed hands, red eyes and a row of spines from the skullcap and down its back. The creature mumbled and gestured and smelled like a “wet dog.”

HC addition # 2818
Source: Chupacabra Time-Line
Type: E

Location. Near Varginha, Brazil
Date: May 12 1996
Time: night
A truck driver was turning a curve when the headlights illuminated a short humanoid creature standing on the roadway. The creature resembled one of those reportedly captured by the military in the area back in January. The driver slammed on the brakes to see the creature raise its hands and protect its large red glowing eyes, the creature then ran into the woods and disappeared. The witness noticed that the creature had only four fingers on each hand.

HC addition # 2558
Source: Graham Birdsall, Evidencia OVNI # 12
Type: E

Location. Hialeah Gardens, Florida
Date: middle of May 1996
Time: night
After suffering form repeated attacks on his farm animals, Rafael Moreno was keeping watch one night when he noticed a “weird bird” with a wingspan well in excess of six feet perched on a tree limb. The monster bird flew over the rancher and landed behind him, prompting him to spin around and shoot it with his rifle. The creature ran into the Everglades and was not seen again.

HC addition # 3291
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico
Date: middle of May 1996
Time: night
Benigno Cano claimed to have seen a strange creature, about 35 inches tall, with large, sharp fangs, red eyes, scales, and a dragon-like appearance. It allegedly caused the deaths of several farm animals.

HC addition # 3296
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. San Pedro Toxin, Jalisco Mexico
Date: May 16 1996
Time: 2330
Several witnesses reported seeing a large blue-lighted object hovering low over a field. Seven very short figures about 80 cm in height that emitted bright green light were seen moving very quickly on the ground near the object. They seemed to have bright lights on their heads. The scene suddenly vanished in plain sight.

HC addendum
Source: Contacto Ovni
Type: C

Location. Perth, Queensland, Australia
Date: May 17 1996
Time: 2230
Irene Sander was nodding off to sleep when a blinding white light woke her and a throbbing noise filled her ears. Paralyzed, she lay in fear as her body rose off the bed, almost reaching the ceiling. Then suddenly she went blank, waking hours later exhausted and aching, her room filled with a horrible odor. When Irene regained consciousness she was covered in bruises and puncture marks. Severely dehydrated and disoriented, Irene believes aliens had raped her. Her son Ryan also remembered a bright light and of flying onboard a spaceship to different parts of the world accompanied by short aliens about 90c m in height, very thin with grayish blue skin and black almond shaped eyes. Irene remembered being inside the ship; it was dull silver in color with a horrible musty smell. She communicated with the aliens via telepathy.

HC addendum
Source: AUFORN, Australia
Type: G

Location. Rutland, Vermont
Date: May 19 1996
Time: 2230
The witness was cooking dinner in her kitchen when she noticed a strong glare of light streaming through the kitchen window. She stepped out into the back porch and noticed a disc-shaped object hovering over the house. As the started walking back into the house to call additional witnesses she was confronted by a strange figure with huge round eyes. She apparently suffered a black out and does not know what happened for 2 hours. She vaguely recalls being in some type of intergalactic environment.

HC addition # 2453
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: C or G?

Location. Tres Coracoes, Brazil
Date: May 20 1996
Time: 1900
Ildo Gardino, a biology student, was driving to Varginha when after a sharp bend of the road he saw a creature trying to cross the road in between pasture and woods. The creature was slightly bent forwards when first seen. The witness slowed the car and shone its headlights directly on it. The creature was covered with dark brown hair; it had large red eyes that glowed as if reflective. In a protective manner it covered its face with its hand and crouched down. The witness now could make out little horns on the creature’s head. When the car approached the creature left the road returning to the woods where it had come from.

HC addendum
Source: Varginha Diary
Type: E

Location. Ipswich, Queensland, Australia
Date: May 22 1996
Time: 0200A
A woman was walking her dog when she noticed two short glowing beings with no apparent clothing, and dark eyes. The beings seemed to reassure her mentally, then faded from view. Possible missing time involved.

HC addition # 2608
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: E

Location. Lovington, New Mexico
Date: May 22 1996
Time: late evening
The witness had just returned from feeding his horses, and gone inside his house when he noticed the back of a strange creature perched atop a six-foot fence. The creature stood 3 1/2 feet tall, was blackish green in color, with long 4 inch fangs coming out of the top of its mouth and a long whip-like tail. Additionally, the creature’s mouth was full of razor like teeth. The creature had “three bird-like” toes and on its arms, or wings, it had claws, long and shiny. The most striking feature was its red blazing eyes, which had a hypnotic effect on the witness. The witness armed himself with a double barrel shotgun, and opened the patio door and slowly walked outside. He watched the creature jump into some nearby grape vines. Bringing his shotgun up to his shoulders he fired twice. On the second barrel, the creature gave a high-pitched scream and disappeared into a puff of smoke. Immediately there was a horrible stench in the air. The witness felt that had he not shot the creature it would have attacked him. After the shooting his 3 dogs howled on smelling the stench and tried to get back inside the house.

HC addition # 2657
Source: John C Thompson
Type: E

Location. Ipswich, Queensland, Australia
Date: May 23 1996
Time: 0500A
The same witness to a previous incident encountered three short glowing beings with dark eyes in an isolated brush area. No other information.

HC addition # 2628
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: E

Location. Magalia, California
Date: May 24 1996
Time: morning
Sheila Charles was driving her son, Shane to school when a strange being or animal darted out in front of the car. Swerving to avoid it she lost control of the car and suffered an accident. The creature was described as about four to five feet long, generally dog-like, but with a sleek serpentine head set on a slender 30-inch neck. Its eyes were “reptilian” and it was covered with shaggy fur or hair. Its hind limbs were long, its front limbs notably shorter and it had no tail. Another driver also saw the creature.

HC addition # 3242
Source: Jerome Clark, The Unexplained
Type: E

Location. Huntsville International Airport, Alabama
Date: May 25 1996
Time: afternoon
It was reported that numerous witnesses spotted an unusual aircraft swoop down and land on the runway without tower permission and taxied over to the privately owned airplane parking area. The craft was described as a triangle-shaped object. The tower called the pilot but received no response. Three small occupants emerged from the object and began walking among the parked airplanes. Airport security then chased the beings across the runway right in front of a landing Delta airliner. Delta passengers described the beings as child-like in appearance, wearing metallic suits and white helmets. The three humanoids ducked into the terminal through the baggage area still being chased by airport security. Police were called in but when they apparently cornered the trio near a yogurt stand, they ran into what seemed to be an invisible barrier and could not get close to them. The humanoids then ran out through the baggage area. At the same time that Army personnel were arriving on humvees, the delta-winged UFO began to move. Witnesses saw the three occupants in the cockpit window. The object then rose straight up and took off at high speed.

HC addition # 2487
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 1 # 6
Type: B
Comments: Reputed to have been a media hoax.

Location. Nekrasovo, Kostroma, Russia
Date: May 26 1996
Time: unknown
Eva Leonidovna and her husband Leonid Pavlovich both residents of this small village were sitting inside their house reading when suddenly Eva felt someone’s fixed stare on her; she put down the newspaper and glanced out the window. Outside she saw a humanoid entity moving on their neighbor’s yard in the direction of the wicket fence towards the porch. The alien was more than 3 meters in height, which could be easily calculated judging by the height of the house. The width of the alien’s body was estimated as 2 times thicker than a telephone pole. Its hands and legs strangely did not move as it seemed to float just above the ground. The most amazing part of the alien was its head, which was completely round, the shape of an ideal sphere. The face was not visible because the whole head was dark in color and sparkled at times with blue, yellow and white flashes. The strange entity then disappeared behind some rowan berry bushes. Evan then rushed to the window, but she could not see anything. The entity had apparently dissolved into thin air. The whole observation lasted for 2 minutes; the woman attempted to notify her husband, but could not speak a word, apparently somehow influenced by the alien’s presence.

HC addendum
Source: Vitaliy Dyachkov Colonel Ret. In “Otrazheniye” Kazan # 3 1998
Type: E

Location. Pettorano sul Gizio, Italy
Date: May 26 1996
Time: afternoon
Claudio Pettine and his wife, Angela Santilli spotted a bizarre spherical robotic figure resembling an animated “puppet” hovering over a nearby field. It had a rudimentary “face” with large eyes. As Pettine attempted to approach the figure it oscillated rapidly and shot up vertically disappearing from sight at very high speed. The strange figure was first seen hovering over Pettine’s dog pound. The same or similar humanoid was seen in the area 3 years before.

HC addendum
Source: Antonio Manerra, Ovni Domus
Type: E

Location. Passos, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: end of May 1996
Time: 2300
A 19-year football player, Luciano do Reis was returning home on a very dark night on an isolated country, dirt road. Suddenly between the trees there appeared a horrible hairy creature walking in his direction, muttering as no animal could do, it then pushed him, tearing his jacket, with its sharp nails. He fell to the ground and kicked the creature, which jumped back. He then ran away to seek help. The creature resembled a “wolfman,” smaller then the witness, with long thin arms, short legs and gave off a foul odor.

HC addendum
Source: Varginha Dairy
Type: E

Location. Sablino, near St. Petersburg, Russia
Date: Summer 1996
Time: daytime
Two men, Vladimir and Sergey had gone into the popular Sablino caves out of curiosity. They went through the entrance and went along for about 50 meters lighting their way with a flashlight. Suddenly the flashlight died and fell from Sergey’s hands. When he found it he could not switch it on again. Suddenly Sergey noticed Vladimir apparently moving away and yelled at him asking why he had move but Vladimir swore he had not moved. His voice sounded as if coming out of a vacuum and was echoing. Suddenly something flashed and they both heard a low trembling humming sound. Vladimir sensed slipping down and landing on a heap of sand. The humming sound stopped and it was dark all around, but there was a faint glimmering distant light. Vladimir rushed in the direction of the light and finally left the cave. He was stunned to find himself among strange new environment outside, the area appeared unknown to him and completely different. There was a silver building nearby with huge mirror-like windows and a parabolic antenna on top. At this point Vladimir saw several people in white overalls running in the direction of a footbridge stretched towards the entryway to the cave. When Vladimir looked down he saw dark cables stretching deep into the cave. The strange people were frantically signaling to him with their hands that he must go back the same way he came. Suddenly a loud whistle sounded from within the cave. Thinking that he had unwittingly walked into some type of experiment Vladimir rushed back into the cave saw it covered in a pulsating bluish light, at that very moment he felt his body floating upwards. He could hear the loud whistle from all around him, he then heard Sergey’s voice from somewhere above him and stretched his hand towards it, he then lost consciousness. He woke up again inside the cave and saw his friend standing nearby. The ground around Vladimir still felt warm. The men then left the caves and came to the conclusion that Vladimir somehow slipped into another parallel world.

HC addendum
Source: Andrew Kosno “NLO” Magazine St Petersburg # 18
December 28 1998.
Type: G?

Location. Hydropark Island on the Dnepr River, Kiev, Ukraine
Date: Summer 1996
Time: daytime
On Sunday a local man named Pyetr Tsegelnyi decided to take a walk on Hydropark Island on the River Dnepr. As he walked towards one of the lakes on the island not far from the path, he seemed to be alone in the brushwood. Suddenly he seemed to trip and stumble over a hole on the ground. Suddenly the surrounding landscape had vanished; Pyetr felt a sense of well being as his thoughts seemed to be clear. He found himself standing on a long white narrow road, made out of what appeared to be polished tiles. To his right was a beautiful dome shaped structure with large rhomb-shaped windows. On his left everything appeared to be shrouded in a cloudy mist or fog and he could see nothing through it. Suddenly a medium sized human-like figure wearing a white shirt and trousers appeared from within the mist. Pyetr was apparently unnoticed. Soon two more similar figures appeared out of the mist. The pair walked directly towards Pyetr apparently not noticing or seeing him. As the figures were almost upon him Pyetr attempted to move to one side but did not succeed as the two figures, a man and a woman, walked right through him (!), and apparently without any visible effects both figures continued on their way towards the strange dome-shaped building. Confused, Pyetr took several more steps along the strange road and was suddenly enveloped by a dense fog, using pure instinct he attempted to swat the fog away but suddenly found himself among the bushes in Hydropark Island, not far from the lake. Later Pyetr along with his brother returned to the site and searched the area but failed to find anything suspicious or out of place. Several local UFO researchers in Kiev suspect that this area is some kind of doorway or portal into another dimensional continuum.

HC addendum
Source: T. Tsegelnaya and Alexander L. Kulskiy “Kiev Comment”
Type: G?

Location. Quebradillas, Puerto Rico
Date: Summer 1996
Time: 1700
18-year-old Norberto Perez was at his aunt’s house for a family reunion when he began experiencing a strong headache and stomach discomfort. He then became very sleepy and decided to go to bed. At the moment that he closed his eyes he found himself in a strange metallic room on a cot-like bed, unable to move. Standing around him were four 4-foot tall humanoids, very thin and wearing tight fitting gold-colored outfits and gold sandals. They had long six fingered hands. Soon a door suddenly appeared in the metallic wall and a tall figure entered the room. This figure was described a man-like, very good looking, with white skin, and blond hair. He was surrounded by a bright light and wore a white long tunic up to his ankles, with silvery sandals. The witness noticed that the man wore a gold colored ring with the image of a pyramid imprinted on it. The tall blond male then approached him and one of the short humanoids handed him a transparent sphere that contained an electronic chip-like device. The sphere was placed over Perez’s forehead, and it floated, then it floated over different parts of his body then it vanished. At that moment the blond man approached him and apparently began communicating by using telepathy since he did not move his lips. He told the witness not to fear. The witness then asked why he was chosen and was told because “he had been born with a special type of energy.” Soon the witness was able to move and he was taken into another room that seemed to be the control center. There he saw three of the short humanoids operating some consoles. Suddenly a huge screen became visible where he saw all the planets align. Then he saw the planet Earth but it appeared to be upside down. Then he saw something resembling a nuclear blast and much death and destruction. He was then warned that humanity was headed in that direction if we did not mend our ways. Another door now became visible and the witness noticed what appeared to be dozens of domed disc-shaped objects, apparently in a huge hangar. The tall blonde-haired person noticed the witness looking at the objects then preceded to touch his forehead with a finger. At that moment the witness found himself back in bed. For three hours afterwards he was in a state of mental confusion.

HC addition # 3467
Source: Evidencia OVNI # 19
Type: G?
Comments: Bizarre abduction occurring during the height of the Chupacabra “craze” in Puerto Rico.

Location. Nancy, France
Date: Summer 1996
Time: afternoon
The 14-year old witness was on his way to the local bus stop when two rather large men wearing large dark “raincoats” that almost touched the ground confronted him. They also wore large dark sunglasses and hats, both were in identical clothing. As the witness looked at the strangers they seemed to attempt to conceal themselves. The witness felt a sense of wisdom and kindness emanating from the men. This feeling lasted for about 5 seconds. The figures then disappeared quickly into the crowd. The witness has been involved in several UFO sightings.

HC addendum
Source: GREPI, Switzerland
Type: E

Location. Near Tocopila, Chile
Date: Summer 1996
Time: afternoon
A family of four was driving on their way to Tocopila but halfway there, the father, (driver) changed his mind and decided to return, explaining that by the time they arrived to Tocopila everything would be closed. On their way he took a secondary road that past by an empty airfield, located in an isolated plain. As they drove near the airfield they all noticed a strange triangular-shaped mark on the ground, however they did not stop to investigate. Soon they began hearing bizarre screams resembling those of a woman being attacked or “raped”. Immediately after that they all saw a brilliant humanoid figure at least 3 meters in height, it shone like brilliant metal. Its face was oval-shaped and its eyes almond in shape emitting a brilliant light. Astounded the witnesses watched as the shiny giant creature stepped in front of their car and signaled them to stop. The mother began screaming as the creature turned its head towards them and emitted a brilliant beam of bluish light from each eye. The whole time the driver slowed the vehicle down until it was going a minimal speed. They were able to notice that the creature had extremely long arms; it was of thin build, and was wearing a one-piece shiny silvery outfit. It was totally hairless. As the mother screamed hysterically the creature disappeared in plain sight and everything returned to normal. The witnesses quickly drove away from the area.

HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”, Chile
Type: E
Comments: These bizarre “screams” have been reportedly frequently in connection with a different array of phenomena that includes UFOs, Bigfoot type creatures, banshee’s, La Llorona etc. Similar screams were even heard at the time of the Kecksburg UFO crash.

Location. Ann Arbor, Michigan
Date: Summer 1996
Time: night
The witness has a conscious memory of standing in front of a 7-8 foot tall-cloaked figure with a light ball hovering over its shoulder. The witness also noticed a blue light coming in through the window. Suddenly a short gray figure with a huge head rushed towards the witness at very high speed. As soon as it reached him, he became paralyzed and blinded. His next conscious memory was of lying on his back, still unable to see and paralyzed, and rushing through the air at an amazing speed. The witness does not recall anything else.

HC addition # 3523
Source: Jeff Westover
Type: E or G?

Location. Ayu Dag Mountain (Bear Mountain), Crimea, Ukraine
Date: Summer 1996
Time: night
Three people, Natalya Gracheva a reporter for the “Crimean Times” and two men, Anatoly and Alexander had gone by boat near the remote hamlet of Partenit and camped near the front section of Ayu Dag, near the high rocky precipices directly above the water. This location was usually used to bake in the sun and to skinny dip. At night while they rested near a lone tree Natalya sensed a strange feeling of worry. She noticed how the air seemed to condense near the water surface, like a cloak of some kind, and strange shadows were crossing the moon. Suddenly Alexander screamed, asking her if she was OK since he could not move, the next moment a bright white light blinded them. Now Natalya was also completely paralyzed. Anatoly, who was closer to the water also screamed. The only thing that Natalya could see was a blinding white light. She lost consciousness and awoke only in the morning. Anatoly was now quite able to move and told a strange story of encountering alien beings (not described). The whole contact lasted about 15 minutes, the aliens apparently communicated by using telepathy and seemed to know everything about him. He asked them for “adequate knowledge” and as he stated, an “abyss” of knowledge, normally inaccessible to humans, was opened before him. He also stated that the aliens cured him from his varicose veins, a fact that was confirmed by Natalya.

HC addendum
Source: Natalya Gracheva “At night in the Bear’s Nostrils”
Crimean Times # 92 May 24 1997
Type: G?
Comments: Definitely an unexplored abduction event. Unfortunately there is no description of the aliens and is not know what if anything Alexander encountered on that night.

Location. Vidra, Romania
Date: June 1996
Time: unknown
The entire population of the remote village in the Carpathian Mountains reportedly saw a saucer shaped object land. A group of humanoids emerged from the object. These were described as small, gray colored, with large ears and huge eyes. Most witnesses became afraid then ran and hid.

HC addition # 2475
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. # 1 # 38
Type: B

Location. Near Cottage Grove, Oregon
Date: June 1996
Time: afternoon
Lynn Johnson was traveling south of the area when she felt they were being followed. Something came on the freeway then, running at 60-70 mph, the size of a deer, four feet tall, legs like a deer, clove hoofed, and on two legs. Suddenly the thing shot almost straight up at a steep angle “gray leathery wings came out and it of it” and it shot up into the air and headed back north. The wings, with feathers, seemed to small, 1 1/2 ft to support the body.

HC addendum
Source: The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter
Type: E

Location. Poway, California
Date: June 1996
Time: night
Local residents have reported seeing a three-foot tall gargoyle-like creature with bat-like wings, fangs and large claws that has attacked livestock and also a human. Reported to be a Chupacabra type animal.

HC addition # 2659
Source: Advocate Herald
Type: E

Location. Moshav Givati, Israel
Date: June 1996
Time: night
A horse was found mutilated under strange circumstances. The owner of the animal, Chaim Matal reported seeing three short oriental looking humanoids in silvery clothing that were apparently mutilating his horse. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Gepuc Brazil, Chronological list
Type: E

Location. Cornwall, England
Date: June 4 1996
Time: late evening
A woman saw what she first thought to be a sack floating “at twice rooftop height”. On closer examination it turned out to be a five-foot tall man dressed in dark “Victorian” clothing. The clothing was flapping in the wind. A dog followed the mysterious figure briefly before it vanished from sight.

HC addition # 3243
Source: Jerome Clark, The Unexplained
Type: E

Location. Near Show Low, Arizona
Date: June 4 1996
Time: 2230
In rural Apache County several people were staying at a rural home near Concho and were sitting around the kitchen table when one of the men looked out the kitchen table and saw along with another woman a bright UFO streak by, apparently crashing. The witnesses said that the object left a wake of fire. They jumped into a jeep raced off in search for the crashed object. They crossed State Highway 61 and drove along an old cattle trail and soon came upon an elderly couple that had parked their white van on the side of the road, both were outside staring into the fields. They asked the witnesses if they had seen a UFO crash and they told them they were going to try to find them. The elderly couple had been driving westerly along Highway 61 toward Show Low when they saw the object streak by and appear to crash. The witnesses then drove to the area where the object had apparently crashed. This area had few trees, some scattered cedar and junipers and a lot of rock and canyons. After about an hour of driving they arrived at a very deep canyon and could drive no further. Deep in this canyon was the crashed UFO. It was an oblong, egg shape object. The color was strange—it was the color of Caucasian skin with a fading tan and it faintly glowed. The glow was sufficiently enough to illuminate the bottom of the canyon. There were two “pillars” (for lack of a better word) at the front of the object. These pillars may have been posted on either side of a door—although a doorway was not visible. It was about the size of a barn. Oddly the witnesses also saw a helicopter on the scene and a black pick up. They were baffled as to how the truck could have gotten down the remote canyon so quickly, unless there was some road that they did know about. They watched the scene for a while then left. Apparently none of the witnesses ever returned to the site of the alleged crash.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: H

Location. Achiras, Cordoba, Argentina
Date: June 11 199
6 Time: afternoon
The witness, Alfredo, who had previously had an encounter in 1995, felt an urge to travel to this location and accompanied by his parents and another couple they arrived at the summer home of the latter. Soon Alfredo felt that it was time for the “contact”. Closely followed by his parents he began following a path through a field, they were also being watched by one of the witnesses using a pair of binoculars. As they approached a hilly area, Alfredo suddenly was lost from sight. His worried parents yelled out for him and searched around but failed to locate him. The witness with the binoculars did not see Alfredo depart in any direction. His parents then decided to walk back to the house. Meanwhile back at the house the other witness suddenly saw Alfredo in her backyard, standing there smiling at her. Curious she asked him how he got there so quickly, he replied that he jumped the chicken wire fence. His parents were stunned when they arrived 20 minutes later, to see him there having lunch. They noticed that he did not appeared tired at all and his eyes were a little red. While eating lunch he told those present that he had been levitated up in a tube of light into a metallic sterile environment. There he was met by several short beings (not described) that conversed with him telling the reason for him being chosen.

HC addition # 3789
Source: OVNI-COR
Type: G

Location. Near Twain Hart, California
Date: June 15 1996
Time: unknown
A woman reported seeing a large bubble like craft hovering near a river. The object was described as gelatinous & transparent but of an opaque gray color. Inside several figures could be seen. These appeared only as silhouette with no discernible features.

HC addition # 2489
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 1 # 19
Type: A

Location. Barrio Candelaria, Puerto Rico
Date: June 17 1996
Time: night
Debra Hernandez heard noises in her backyard and upon investigating encountered a bizarre creature tearing its way through a coop filled with helpless chickens. She described the being as “black with pointed ears and enormous fangs.” Startled by the intrusion, the creature dropped its prey and ran away.

HC addition # 3281
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. Rural Michigan
Date: June 17 1996
Time: night
The witness and some friends were out camping in an isolated area. After the others had gone to sleep the witness was looking out the screen when he noticed a strange blue light flitting through the woods. As he continued to look other blue lights joined in. As he stared at the lights he was able to make out little outlines of “people” within the lights. The witness made a sudden movement and the lights flew away at blazing speed.

HC addendum
Source: The Unexplained
Type: E

Location. Courlay, Deux-Sevres, France
Date: June 19 1996
Time: 0845A
29-year old Bernadette was on her way to buy cigarettes when she encountered a figure of a “girl” with long black hair standing in front of her. The girl had a small pale face, with an adult-like facial countenance. The figure wore a plastic like blouse a white jacket & jeans; it suddenly disappeared in plain sight.

HC addendum
Source: LDLN # 341
Type: E
Comments: A similar girl-like figure was reported in Hollywood Florida in 2003, could it be some sort of hybrid?

Location. Monte Alto, Brazil
Date: June 20 1996
Time: 0100A
Francisco Da Silva heard his dog barking and running around a field. Looking out the kitchen window he observed a large hairy creature, dark in color. The witness ran to the front door in order the let his dog inside since the creature was apparently chasing it. Once he closed the door, the creature bang on it repeatedly as if wanting to enter the house. Da Silva opened the door again and noticed that the creature was still chasing the dog (he had not been able to retrieve the animal). Suddenly the creature stopped looked at the witness and ran towards the door again. This time the creature scratched the door several times before disappearing into the nearby forest.

HC addendum
Source: Carlos Alberto Machado
Type: E

Location. Near Flexeiras, Brazil
Date: June 21 1996
Time: night
The witness, 64 year old, Cesar Miglioranza, was in his car coming back from work when he noticed a strong light at a nearby field. He stopped the car and decided to investigate. As he approached the area, he saw near some trees a large object on the ground. Suddenly he felt paralyzed and was unable to move. Next to the object were two short beings with large heads and helmets, long arms and wearing silvery tight fitting suits. The two beings seemed to be collecting samples from the ground. After a few moments they conversed among themselves in an unknown language then boarded the object, which quickly took off at high speed. Cesar was unable to move for about five minutes afterwards. The witness felt very tired and sleepy for 2 to 3 days after the incident.

HC addition # 3545
Source: Victor Lourenco
Type: B

Location. Near Belmopan, Belize
Date: June 22 1996
Time: night
Several youngsters, including 9-year old, Tyrel Haylock, were outside one of their homes talking, when Tyrel spotted a creature standing about 150 feet away, on the ground beside a coconut tree. He pointed it out to the others. The creature then came walking towards the house where the feed for the sheep was stored. It was described as almost as big as a goat, crouched down, like it was squatting, with large wings on its back, small arms, a tail, and sort of jumped and made a strange small sound. After the creature came towards the house they ran to get their father. He came out with a light and a machete, and went to look for it by the pen. The father did not find the creature.

HC addition # 2660
Source: San Pedro Sun, Belize
Type: E

Location. Toa Baja, Puerto Rico
Date: June 27 1996
Time: evening
Debra Hernandez had stepped into her backyard and saw a black creature “with pointed ears and enormous fangs.” It was ripping open a chicken coop and had one chicken in its claws, but when it saw Hernandez, it dropped the bird and escaped through a hole. Five weeks earlier, the witness told reporters that they had lost several fowl. “The chickens were left bloodless.” Their wounds appeared to indicate that their intestines were removed.

HC addendum
Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!
Type: E

Location. Near Medford, Wisconsin
Date: July 1996
Time: unknown
A warden traveling down Highway 13 just south of the city saw a figure standing in the middle of the road. He slowed his vehicle as he approached it. He could not believe his eyes as he saw a shiny, green scaly, large figure staring at him. As he got within several yards of it, wings suddenly popped out from behind the creature’s back. The creature went vertical, zooming straight up and passing over the vehicle. It landed on the road behind the warden. To the witness it resembled a winged, reptile man. A group of highway workers also had a similar encounter along the same stretch of highway. They too saw a shiny, green scaly figure standing on the road. As they approached the figure, wings shot out from behind its back. It took off, and to their utter amazement, flew away into the trees.

HC addendum
Source: Weird Wisconsin Files
Type: E

Location. Near Sisters, Oregon
Date: July 1996
Time: afternoon
A lady was camping with her family near the area of Panther Springs Campground when all of the sudden, she smelled a god-awful smell. She walked outside her tent, and about 19 ft away, she saw a tan colored creature with its fist in the air. She said it didn’t seem threatening, more like a greeting. She said it had a peaked head, and large brown eyes, and it “looked highly intelligent.” She said that it “talked in her mind” and told her that they called themselves the “Meikoy” and that they were a race of benevolent creatures from a different dimension. They were here to study humans. And to find out why we were so emotional, etc. They were apparently interested on how we humans reproduced and wanted to remain hidden and not found out. As her family returned the creature ran off into the woods.

HC addendum
Source: Nathan Peak, The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 64
Type: E or F?
Comments: One of the growing number of incidents describing definitely intelligent and paranormal abilities on the part of the so-called Bigfoot type creatures.

Location. Morkiny Gory, Bezhetsk area, Tver region, Russia
Date: July 1996
Time: 1930-2025
Two boys, students of the 5th grade Dmitriy Freyderov and his friend Sergey Boikov were walking on the edge of the village when they saw an object emitting yellow light that circled over the forest for 5 minutes, it then vertically descended and made a landing in the forest about 300-400 meters away from the witnesses. The two boys ran in the direction of the landing site and soon entered a clearing. In the middle of the clearing there had been an area cleared by a bulldozer and there they saw a landed saucer-shaped object. The object was disc-shaped and was about 30 meters in diameter (bigger than a bus) with a smooth metallic silvery surface. The disk had a broad central dome and generally the craft was hat-shaped. A trident-shaped antenna was visible on the top. The general height of the object was estimated at no less than 10meters. The saucer had a flat bottom and it was resting on four broad landing props. There was a line of round openings or lights on its periphery each one about 20cm in diameter which emanated multicolored lights, but these soon died out. The lower section of the dome was circled by similar round lights but these were bigger—about 35-40cm across. The boys did not dare to approach the object, and hid behind some bushes about 30-40 meters from the object. Suddenly three doors opened on the hull, which were of rectangular shape with slanted rounded corners. Ladders descended towards the ground from all three doors. Humanoids wearing silvery suits began exiting the craft, each one taller than the average human, about 1.9 to 2.0meters in height. In total 13-15 aliens came out of the disk. One lone humanoid exited from the right door and judging from his behavior the boys understood that he was the “commander”. The alien’s bodies were normally proportioned and transparent globe-shaped helmets covered their heads. As soon as the humanoids touched the ground all of them performed the same task, identical green plates appeared on their left shoulders and they pressed them this apparently caused the helmets to fold back in some unfathomable manner, somewhere behind their collars, it was difficult for the boys to image where had the globe-shaped helmets gone to. The whole time the boys sat behind the bushes looking at the aliens. The aliens had normal faces, light skin, blue elongated eyes resembling those of Mongol people, elongated faces, with pointed chins, straight thin noses, thin mouths and narrow lips. They had 5 digit hands. On the shoulder of the alien commander were two jutting protrusions resembling shoulder straps. The aliens had short-cut grayish white hair. Eventually the alien commander noticed the boys and glanced at them especially at Sergey. When Sergey caught the alien’s glance his eyes began to ache and when he looked at the alien for a second time his chest began to hurt. Then a voice appeared in the head of both boys, which told the boys that they were here to “dig” out something in the forest and had landed for that purpose. Besides if they wanted it to, the aliens could take the boys for a ride with them as soon as they finished their task. Moments later all the humanoids including their commander entered the forest. They returned 45 minutes later and after approaching the craft the alien commander faced the boys again and both experienced a strange sensation and became concerned that the aliens would take them and inexplicably walked to an area behind the landed saucer and there a big rectangular window opened up in the upper dome area, its cover moving up like a blind. Inside the boys were able to see a control panel and several humanoids sitting around it. Later at about 60 meters from the craft the boys saw the rest of the humanoid entities re-entering the object, the alien commander again used the special door on the right, the ladders were taken back up and the doors closed. The “blind” on the upper rectangular window closed and then multicolored lights switched on along the perimeter of the hull giving off a very intensive light. Soon a fiery red flame appeared in the center of the craft’s bottom, as if emanating from a “rocket” and the object rose smoothly from the ground and gradually began ascending up emitting a whistling sound as it did. The antenna on the dome began rotating and all 4 landing props moved inside the hull and the hull itself began emanating reddish then orange, yellow, bright green and eventually a bright white light. After rising at an altitude of about 1km the saucer stopped and flew horizontally and then it flashed and vanished across the horizon. At the landing spot the boys found a scorched round spot black in color exactly at the place where the flame had shot out from the craft.

HC addendum
Source: Pavel Hailov, and Anton Anfalov
Type: B

Location. Petrozerye, Tver region, Russia
Date: July 1996
Time: 2000
During an investigation of the local anomalous zone “Petrozerye” by the “Sirius” group led by K. Vesyelov, a witness, Dmitriy Krutikov saw a bizarre entity jump out of a small forest and then run around in a semi-circle and then again vanish into the forest. The entity moved in all fours. Its front extremities seemed to move up and down and the rear extremities propelled it to jump. The size of the entity was compared to that of a calf, its body covered in dense red fur, which reflected the rays of the Sun. The neck was short and thick, and it had large ears. Dmitriy did not manage to see its face clearly. Tracks and footprints were found at the location where the entity was observed. One print resembled that of a hand, very different from that of a human, the fingers were no longer than 6cm, the largest finger only about 3.5m long. The largest depth of the track left by the palm print was 2.5cm. A second track was 70cm apart from the first one. Its width near the base of the fingers was 17cm; at the heel it was 12cm. The tracks of the feet had four digits. The entity somewhat resembled a bear, but was definitely not one. Members of the expedition also observed several UFOs and flashes of light in the forest.

HC addendum
Source: “Fourth Dimension and UFOs” Newspaper of the Yaroslavl
UFO Center # 10 1996
Type: E or D?
Comments: Note the previous case also involving an anomalous Bigfoot type entity.

Location. Near Kingman, Arizona
Date: July 1996
Time: late night
John Wright was asleep in his second story bedroom when he heard a number of loud crashing sounds from a lot across the street. Because coyotes and the local youth both liked to enter the unfinished houses at night, John assumed it to be common trouble of one type or another. He immediately grabbed his mag light and narrowed a beam over at the location. As he panned over the front of the houses, a pair of red glowing eyes looking directly at him startled him. Assuming it was a coyote John threw his clothes on and armed himself with a 30-06 deer rifle and proceeded to investigate. As he approached the house, he heard a strange mechanical whirling sound, almost like a servomechanism of some kind, only much louder than he had ever heard before. He approached the house and leveled his rifle at the house when a large mechanical robot of some kind came barreling out. The thing was roughly human in size and proportion, but had a large, domed head and flailing mechanical arms, the joints of which appeared to be servomechanisms. Startled, John fired his gun at the machination but didn’t think he hit it. He did not wait around to find out either; he ran to his house and locked the door. John reloaded his rifle, broke out his shotgun and pistol, and barricaded himself in his study. 10 minutes later he heard a car drive up. It was the local sheriff, who came to investigate the shot John had fired. John explained the encounter to a shocked sheriff, who then went with John over to the house. Something had indeed rummaged through the empty house. Construction material was strewn about everywhere and someone or something had drilled many equally sized holes in the wooded planks used to construct the roof.

HC addendum
Source: Encounters On-Line
Type: E

Location. Santa Quiteria, Brazil
Date: July 1996
Time: 2200
On a dark cold night the witness was in his room when a bright flash like light suddenly illuminated his room. He opened his window but could not see anything in the dark. Suddenly a kind of a stupor invaded his body and he was unable to move. He seemed to loose control of his movements and against his will his body rose up into the air, and floated out the front door into the darkness. He floated just above the ground towards a nearby wooded ravine. In the ravine he saw a bright blue disc shaped object hovering very close to the ground. The object was completely smooth without any visible openings. It seemed to be only about 3 meters in width and almost two meters in height. He floated to within two meters of the object when suddenly a triangular shaped opening became visible. He floated inside and down a metallic ramp into a circular room. There a pyramid shaped form made out of pure light met him, it seemed to be in constant dynamic movement and appeared incredibly complex. It appeared to be a “living thing” and was about 80 cm in height. The witness felt terrified, as his body did not obey his will. As he floated near the figure he experienced a number of mood swings, from euphoria to extreme sadness. He felt as if the pyramid shaped light creature was feeding of his emotions, he also felt like a trapped lab animal. His body began performing several athletic movements against his will, moving his arms and legs in all directions. At the same time the pyramid of light went through several light changes. Soon he found himself standing about 10 meters away from the craft and saw the light pyramid floating up a ramp and into the object. The object was then encased in a bright red glow and shot up into the air at an incredible speed. The witness returned home on foot.

HC addendum
Source: Fenomeno Brazil
Type: G

Location. Fayetteville, Georgia
Date: July 1 1996
Time: 0230A
The witness and her husband were asleep in the bedroom. Suddenly she awoke and saw a small form on the bed darting away from her. It moved across her husband’s side toward the foot of the bed in a sort of sitting/scampering motion. This entity continued on across the room where it joined at least 3 other similar entities that were standing in a sort of huddle next to the wall on her husband’s side. The witness could not move or speak and was only able to look at the figures against the wall. The witness stated that the entities just stood there in the huddle as if watching her. This went on for about 10 more minutes, and then the witness apparently went to sleep. She described the entities as being similar, humanoid form, about 5 feet tall, seemingly thin limbed, large dark slanted eyes, and a teardrop shaped face. They wore dark cloak like garments and dark hats, similar to a Panama. There was no sound, unusual odor or other effects noticed, and no form of communication transpired. The entities skin tone appeared to be light gray. Shortly after awakening in the morning she related the experience to her husband who recalled nothing unusual during the night. Soon they found an orange-brown stain on the carpet at the foot of the bed and a similar stain on the sheet, which was laundered thereafter.

HC addition # 3079
Source: Tom Sheets for ISUR
Type: E

Location. Bilton, North Yorkshire, England
Date: July 3 1996
Time: 0945A
The 32-year old witness had decided to take a walk around the countryside and had sat down on a field to read a book. Suddenly as she sat reading she was aware of a large shadow moving over her. She looked up and was astonished to see a large black triangular craft overhead. It was twice the size of an aircraft and had a white light at each corner. It hovered silently over her. Then suddenly a beam of blue light shot down from the object and covered her. The next thing she felt that she was going upwards, very fast and she felt very sick. She went up very fast and blacked out. Her next memory was of being in a strange building, everything very white and bright. There was also a “funny smell” around. She then saw several strange beings around her that were doing something down near her legs. But she could see or feel anything. She described the humanoids as having black eyes, there was no white to their eyes, they had no eyebrows, no eyelashes, no cheekbones, no ears, no mouth or any facial hair or anything similar to human skin. It was a translucent white skin tone. There was a taller humanoid that seemed to be in charge of the others. This humanoid looked like the others but was about 6 ft tall. This humanoid stood over the witness staring into her eyes and she felt euphoria and happiness. Suddenly her next memory was of waking up in the field at a different spot from where she had been originally. When she got home, 5 1/2 hours had elapsed. Her dogs acted strange around her as she arrived home.

HC addendum
Source: Omar Fowler, FSR Vol. 43 # 3
Type: G

Location. Near Fargo North Dakota
Date: July 3 1996
Time: evening
A man & 2 sons were on a remote dirt road 1/4 mile south of their farmhouse when they noticed a strange object hovering over a nearby fencerow. Their vehicle was somewhat suck on the dirt road. The object then moved towards them stopping about 200 feet away. The craft was described as a circular object, with six legs for landing gear. On the bottom of each leg it had what appeared to be a suction cup shaped pod, and on the bottom of the object there was a globe that looked like a light glowing on & off. Three rod-like beams of light protruded from the top of the globe. The craft was metallic gray in color. On the top dome it had four windows that appeared to be tinted. Atone point a rod like object came out from the side of the object, apparently causing the witness vehicle to start on its own. Two of the witnesses were able to see what appeared to be moving shadows behind the tinted windows. The shadows seemed to be moving back and forth or passing by, while one shadow remained stationary in the third window. The object then tipped on about a 20-degree angle and went straight up at very high speed emitting a loud air-displacement sound.

HC addition # 2561
Source: NUFORC
Type: A

Location. Fayetteville, Arkansas
Date: July 4 1996
Time: 1935
The witnesses had just finished firing off fireworks and had entered a patch of woods away from the pasture to enjoy the warm night for a few minutes. In the woods they noticed a light about 100 yards away. Thinking that it was somebody shooting fireworks in the woods, they walked towards it. As they approached, they saw in a clearing, three triangular shaped objects hovering just above the ground. Lights were pointing down off each point of the triangles. Three strange beings, stood around speaking among themselves in gruff voices. The beings were described as tall and covered with very thick hair that covered their bodies completely. As the witnesses approached, the beings seem to sniff the air and glared in their direction. The beings then quickly ran into their ships, which shot away into the sky emitting a bright burst of light, knocking the witnesses to the ground. The crafts seem to elongate as they accelerated.

HC addition # 3566
Source: NUFORC
Type: B
Comments: Another incident describing UFOs in direct connection with Bigfoot type entities.

Location. Eugene, Oregon
Date: July 4 1996
Time: 2230
The witness had been setting off some fireworks when he suddenly heard a loud humming sound. He looked up and saw an object with a row of lights descend in front of him. Through some lighted windows he could see some figures or “things” moving about inside. The object suddenly left. No other information.

HC addition # 2454
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico, & the World
Type: A

Location. Drosendorf, Austria
Date: July 7 1996
Time: midnight
Rudolf Slam had stepped outside to his balcony to smoke a cigarette when he saw a shining triangular object about two meters high, on the ground in a field near the apartment. Behind a window on the object several figures could be seen moving about. The witness attempted to film the object but his batteries failed. Within seconds the unknown object lifted off and flew away at incredible speed emitting a loud thundering sound, leaving behind a trail of flames at least 300 meters long.

HC addition # 2490
UFO Roundup Vol. 1 # 22
Type: A

Location. Certesti, Romania
Date: July 9 1996
Time: 0030A
Police sergeant Marian Mancu and volunteer police officer Marcel Rusu were patrolling on the main road passing the village in front of the police office. Between the road and the sidewalks, there are deep ditches, with small bridges across them. Mancu lived in the area and told Rusu he was going to eat something at his home. The moment the sergeant passed the corner near his house, he heard a whistling sound from the street and sensed a current of air. He turned immediately back, seeing on the road something, which “splashed blue and red lights, making a sound like voom-voom.” At first Mancu thought it was a police car from the district that had arrived on a routine patrol. Getting closer he realized that the object was hovering half meter above the paved road and a small and very strange figure was moving around it. He yelled for Rusu that was now hiding behind the ditch observing the strange spectacle. Rusu declared that immediately after Mancu had left and disappeared behind the apartment house, “a fluttering from above appeared”. The neon lighting in the street seemed to change in intensity. The object descended slowly, without noise, behind him. He became frightened when he noticed that the object remained suspended above the ground and three small human like creatures were moving around it. As both witnesses agreed, the object had the form of a flat hut, 5-6 meter across and 2 2.5 meters high, and was hovering and balancing at about 1/2 meter from the ground. Around the edge it had a continuous girdle of light “like a rainbow.” The colors, red, and blue changed from each other and flared. At the bottom of the object was a bright white light. None of the witnesses saw doors, portholes or other details. After about two minutes, the UFO rose vertically. At that moment its lights became much brighter, but the neon streetlights went off. The object then rose to about 30 meters and then disappeared towards the east at high speed. Rusu saw the humanoid creatures better as Mancu noticed only one and only from behind. Their height was estimated to have been around 1 meter, maybe less. Rusu said he heard some noises made by the humanoids, “as the rain in the drain pipe.” Both described the creatures as “abortions” or ugly. They had large heads, very elongated behind and covered with bumps, with no hair, and large ears. Their faces were white and they had big eyes. Gray metallic shiny scales, resembling fish scales, covered their bodies. They also had large limp protruding bellies. They had thin spindly arms and no noses or mouths were visible. The witnesses thought that the creatures floated just above the ground and moved around “as if they were drunk.” A huge sweet cherry tree nearby had around 15 % of its leaves affected as by an extreme heat. Other witnesses in nearby villages reported strange lights over the area on the same night.

HC addendum
Source: Dan D Farcas, Romania
Type: C

Location. Miami Florida
Date: July 10 1996 Time: dusk
Belinda Kaiser awoke to find that her 1994 Lexus had deep fang marks, an inch and a half deep, on the fender. Scratch marks covered the hood and something had ripped off and chewed up a plastic guard. A neighbor, Orlando Barriga, reported seeing a black creature sprinting across his lawn that night. Another neighbor found giant cat-like prints in the sand of her children’s play pen area.

HC addition # 3537
Source: Virgilio Sanchez Ocejo
Type: E

Location. Deschutes National Forest, Oregon
Date: July 13 1996
Time: afternoon
Hav Tranh had been hiking up a steep slope when he slipped and fell, breaking his leg, a compound fracture with the bone sticking out. He passed out, and when he regained consciousness, there were two huge hair covered creatures hovering over him. The larger one was 7-1/2 ft-8 ft, a gray white color, eyes black with no whites, large sloping forehead, and peaked head-domed, very big feet. The second creature was about the same height, sandy colored gray with a white ruff on top of its head. They were very hairy and he could not see any sex. They were jabbering at each other with their small mouths, but not using “words” but indistinct noises. He passed out again, and did not reawaken until his wife, Gioking, shook him awake, and said two ape-men had carried him out of the forest and deposited him near her. She said they were horribly ugly and added that they had very long hair except on the face, heads and feet. She then took her husband to a local hospital.

HC addendum
Source: Nathan Peak, The Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter # 69
Type: E

Location. Not given
Date: July 13 1996
Time: night
The witness woke up in a dream-like state and waked into his old room, there he saw two short figures. They appeared to be about 4 feet tall, with “blond” hair that seemed to move like matted feathers and blue eyes that were larger than a humans but were still of the same makeup. He remembers being taken to a “jail” like structure. The witness was put into a “cell” and locked in. He attempted to get out by removing some bars and his next memory was of waking up and talking to his wife about the incident.

HC addition # 2882
Source: UFO Experiencers Support Group
Type: G?

Location. Near Orlinda, Tennessee
Date: July 14 1996
Time: 0100A
A family of four was suddenly awakened by weird noises coming from the trailer’s backyard deck. Grabbing a flashlight, the father went to investigate. Sliding the door open he illuminated the deck’s wooden railing. he then heard a noise that sounded like “something running across the deck, bumping into things.” The noise startled him. Neither of his dogs had barked at the intruder. Shining his flashlight toward the railing, he saw something rear up, and stare at him between the rails. He described it as a kind of rubbery or pulpy object five feet in diameter. It extended a tentacle or appendage through the railing and onto the deck floor. The witness estimated the appendage was”18 to 24 inches long” resembling an elephant’s trunk. He went to wake up his two sons, and then the whole family watched the creature from the trailer’s dining room window. The wife also noticed some bright lights some distance away. Every time the family members aimed their flashlight at the creature it acted in a very defensive manner, moving very fast over the yard, under cars, back under the deck, and apparently changed into a glowing disk at times. At 0400A the main witness left the trailer to look for his dogs, he found them very subdued, one of them had a wound to his hind leg, just inside the thigh and limped as if in great pain. Meanwhile a luminous object hovered over a nearby clearing, shooting off beams of light. The witness was apparently struck by these beams of light on the elbow and the neck. The man and his two sons followed the creature to the family’s parked cars. They then noticed the window of both vehicles covered with some kind of fog or ice, and one of the cars had some kind of electrical hum about it, and the antenna was shaking. They again saw the creature around sunup in a ditch nearby and phoned the sheriff’s Department. (Very weird, shades of the Hopkinvsille siege)

HC addition # 2480
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 1 # 23 Type: C??

Location. Southeastern US, exact location not given
Date: July 14 1996
Time: 0400A
Witnesses saw a hovering disc shaped object that directed a beam of light at a small, thin, green humanoid figure on the ground. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Donald A Johnson, PhD
Type: C
Comments: Unfortunately there is no additional information on this case available.

Location. Los Villares, Jaen, Spain
Date: July 16 1996
Time: noon
66-year-old Dionisio, a retired farmer, was walking through a field and had sat down on a rock next to a tree. Suddenly there was a very strong & pungent odor in the air & a low hum could be heard. He then noticed an object hovering near the ground, next to some nearby power lines. The object was shaped like a dome & was shiny & metallic, it also had several black glass oval shaped windows. It was about 3 meters in length & 1 & a half-meter in height. On one side of the object he noticed what appeared to be some inscriptions, part of it resembling “IOIO” and from the top of the object there were some cables that were apparently connected to the nearby power lines. Dionisio also noticed a curious fact, if he moved back about 3 meters he could no longer see the object, but once he moved forward again, he was able to see it. Suddenly he saw three figures standing next to the object, these were about six-feet tall. There were two men & one woman. They were wearing tight fitting one-piece silvery outfits. The humanoid’s faces were Asian in appearance, with high cheekbones, very pale skin, and slanted eyes. They had large hands with five long well defined fingers and their mouths were slit-like. They also wore silvery boots. Suddenly the witness felt something strike his chest, looking up he noticed that the woman was signaling him, and one of the men was kneeling down next to the object. Soon he began hearing voices in his head. Frightened he hid behind some rocks, and then he heard the humming sound & noticed the pungent odor again. Coming out from the rocks he noticed that the humanoids and the object were gone. Investigators found ground traces at the site. A mysterious rock was also found at the site. During the same time others in the region saw low flying lights and objects.

HC addition # 3040
Source: Lorenzo Fernandez Bueno & Iker Jimenez Elizari
Type: C

Location. Ontario, Canada, exact location not given
Date: July 22 1996
Time: 0300A
The witness was at a summer cottage when he suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, he looked at his watch, and then turned his head looked at it again and two hours had passed. He had vague memories of lying on a table were several short gray figures are standing around him. He found an X-pattern of red marks on his hand after the incident.

HC addition # 3581
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico and The World
Type: G

Location. Vicenza Italy
Date: July 22 1996
Time: 2230
Two local youngsters reported that while sleeping on the grassy slopes of Monte Berici they suddenly noticed the total lack of animal noises in the area. Then everything became extremely quiet. Soon they heard a sort of modulated scraping metallic sound. Then they heard the sounds of something moving in the forest, they looked towards the sound and noticed two dark gleaming eyes staring at them. The girl became frightened and covered herself with a blanket, the boy then saw what appeared to be a large form, like a white-silvery blanket approaching from a nearby hill, it was a meter in height and it approached to within 50 cm of the girl, apparently looking down on her with two large red-colored metallic eyes. Attempting to protect her the boy jumped in front of the girl. At that point the bizarre robotic creature seemed to shrink up within itself then apparently disappeared into the woods. Others in the area reported hearing loud noises resembling a helicopter coming from the woods.

HC addendum
Source: UFO CUN
Type: E

Location. Churston Woods, England
Date: August 1996
Time: various
Several separate witnesses over a period of several weeks reported seeing a green face monkey-like humanoid running through the woods. Most of them described the creature as about four to five-feet tall, with a flat, olive green face. It was also seen swinging from tree branches.

HC addition # 3945
Source: World of The Strange
Type: E
Comments: Another anomalous Bigfoot type entity.

Location. Rio Grande Estates, Puerto Rico
Date: August 1996
Time: 2100
Marilyn Torres, her sons and some of her neighbors reported seeing six to seven gigantic black flying creatures cruising over the area. They described the creatures as large and black possessing huge bat-like wings, which did not move. The creatures seemed to glide as they disappeared in the direction of the village of Loiza. Mutilated and dead farm animals were found in the same general area.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, La Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: E
Comments: These creatures appeared to have been in the “Mothman” category or realm.

Location. Khasor Kibbutz, Israel
Date: August 1996
Time: late night
The 16-year old witness suddenly awoke to a strange sensation of heat; a bright beam of light that came in through the window then suddenly blinded him. At first he thought it was a car but then noticed that the lights were coming from above. He walked outside and saw an enormous object hovering overhead, radiating an incredible bright light. The next night the craft apparently returned and the witness saw that it resembled a gigantic spacecraft with numerous illuminated windows, he saw it again another day and that time reported seeing a dark figure standing at one of the windows.

HC addition
Source: Kirov UFO Page, Russia
Type: A

Location. Przbylow, Poland
Date: August 11 1996
Time: 2240
A man saw some flashing lights ahead on a field. Because there were just above the ground he first thought they were lights on a harvester. At the same time, 600 meters away five additional witnesses had seen the same object, but they had a far better view. According to them the flashing lights were on a disc shaped craft with a dome on the top and several circling flashing lights. They also noticed a small, human-like creature standing in front of the object, but were unable to make out any details due to the bright light.

HC addendum
Source: Bronislaw Rzepecki
Type: C

Location. Near Benalmadena, Spain
Date: August 12 1996
Time: 2100
Juan Ramon Barrio was on his way to a hotel when he noticed a strange bright light that descended from the sky then followed his vehicle for a couple of miles, then hovered directly over the car. The car suddenly stalled and the headlights turned off. The object descended lower over the vehicle as the terrified witness suddenly saw dozens of small bright spheres floating all around the car. One of the tiny spheres then entered the vehicle right through the windshield. It flew in front of Barrio’s face from left to right. It seem to emit considerable heat, it suddenly flew out through the other windshield and left. Barrio suddenly found himself arriving at his destination unable to account for several hours of time. The next morning he found several mysterious handprints on his vehicle, which he photographed. He took several photos of the car and one of them seemed to show a large head with large black slanted eyes, staring out from the back seat window.

HC addition # 3107
Source: Manuel Carballal, Ano Cero 8-97
Type: G?

Location. Kaolinovy, near Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region, Russia
Date: August 13 1996
Time: evening
Aged pensioner, Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina had gone to the village cemetery. Tamara had suffered from psychiatric problems for years and used to gather flowers from the local graves to decorate her bedroom. That evening after returning from the cemetery she had supper and went to bed. Suddenly she heard a strange “voice” in her brain. It requested Vasilievna to return to the cemetery. She got dressed, grabbed a flashlight and went out. At the cemetery she saw huge eyes staring at her from behind the closest grave mound. The pensioner approached the grave and saw a strange creature about 25cm in height. It was obviously not a human being. It had a tiny onion-shaped head that appeared to be composed of five “petals”. The little creature had no ears, huge slanted cat-like eyes, which cover most of its face. The creature could not talk but it began to whistle quietly to attract Tamara’s attention. It probably communicated in this manner in his “home world”. The pensioner took the creature to her home and there began examining the “alien”. The body of “Aleshenka” (the name given by Tamara to the creature) was plump and soft like jelly. The skin was gray and it had dark brown spots on its head. It had no hair, small holes instead of ears and a small flat nose enabled to creature to breath. The eyes were dark gray without eyelids. The vertical pupils in the eyes constantly narrowed and expanded. It had long fingers with small sharp claws. There was no indication of any genitals that would reveal its gender. Interestingly the creature had no navel, which all mammals must have. The woman could not figure out how to feed Aleshenka. Its mouth resembled a tiny hole and had no lips, but it could stretch it widely revealing a complete set of teeth, but a very small lower jaw and a huge scarlet tongue occupied most of its mouth cavity, which disturbed any chewing process. Tamara inserted a caramel candy on the creature’s mouth and it began to suck on it, she also fed it some milk, and water with a small spoon. Soon moist sweat appeared on the alien’s body after eating. The sweat gave off a sweet smell that completely soaked the clothes and furniture. From time to time Tamara would wipe the sweat off with a rag from Aleshenka. The creature remained still most of the time, hardly moving. At times it would seem to stretch its legs. The next day Tamara told all the villagers that she now had a “child” called Aleshenka. At first most people thought it was just Tamara hallucinating. However one day the pensioner’s daughter in law (also named Tamara) came to visit her. After sitting and talking in the kitchen for a while, the old lady mentioned that it was time to feed the child. Her daughter in law followed her into another room and saw the strange creature wrapped in a swaddling band. Later both the daughter in law and her mother saw the creature but did not reported it to the police. They thought if it had been a “human child” they would have reported it to the police. They thought it was some type of animal and therefore Tamara’s pet. However, a neighbor reported Tamara to her psychiatrists and one day an ambulance came and took her to the psychiatric hospital. Concerned, Tamara tried to explain that she had left a child alone in the house, but the doctors did not take her seriously. No one knew Tamara had been taken to the hospital and no one took care or fed the creature and it soon died. After the alien’s death its body began to dry up and become mummified. One man, Vladimir Nurdinov remembered the creature, he used to visit Tamara and reported seeing Aleshenka and after hearing that Tamara had been taken to the hospital went to her house to pick up Aleshenka. But he was too late; the alien was dead, mummified and lying on the bed. Nurdinov took the dead body to his place not knowing what to do with it. Soon the police came to the man’s apartment—he had been suspected of stealing electricity in Novogorny. The police found the body and suspected it was the body of a mummified child and took it for further study. However doctors confirmed that the mummified creature had 20 features distinguishing it from a human being and medical experts rejected the idea that Aleshenka could have been a mutated child. During a second examination other experts theorized that the town of Kyshtym was situated in an area that had been contaminated after the crash of a strange object in 1957. After the crash it was reported that possibly as a result of radiation several human mutations were born in the area. Soon the head of UFO Organization from the town of Kamensk-Uralsky in the Sverdlovsk region, Galina Semenkova took the mummified body to conduct her “research”. She soon dropped from sight and efforts to reach her and the mummified body proved fruitless. But recently Semenkova surfaced at a UFO seminar in Tokyo and explained what occurred to Aleshenka’s remains. According to Semenkova when she was carrying the corpse from Kyshtym to her town a UFO appeared in the sky. Her vehicle engine stopped and aliens (not described) from the UFO demanded the body of their dead comrade and she immediately obliged.

HC addendum
Source: Galina Semenkova “Star Academy UFO-Contact
Through the Zolotov Method”
Type: H
Comments: However, other sources claimed that government agents had actually taken control of the body and had threatened Semenkova.

Location. Vargem Grande do Sul, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Date: August 15 1996
Time: 0730A
Alaor Bernardes and his 12 year old were working a tract of land with a tractor at the local Tres Barras de Cima Fazenda. As they entered the fenced in piece of land they perceived a strange hairy creature standing next to some nearby woods. The witnesses estimated the creature to have been 1.50 meters in height, with a very strong build and wide chest, it had a large dog-like head with long pointy canine teeth protruding from its mouth. It was dark yellow in color and seemed to move in a strange sideways motion. The figure began walking in the direction of the witnesses and concerned for their safety Alaor and his son drove the tractor in reverse and hid behind some ornamental trees that circled the wire-fenced field. The creature moved a distance of 200 meters in the direction of the fence and the witness at very high speed, strangely it had apparently not seen the wire fence or the witnesses and walked right into the fence falling backwards to the ground. Very quickly it raised itself up and jumped the fence still walking towards the two astounded witnesses. Incredibly the creature had apparently not seen the witnesses yet even though he was just now about 4 meters away. Panic stricken Alaor armed himself with a large rock in case the creature attacked him and his son. At this point the creature perceived the presence of the witnesses and turned staring directly at them. In an apparent aggressive act in bared his teeth and began approaching very slowly towards Alaor. Terrified the witness jumped into the tractor with his son and drove away from the area not wanting a confrontation with such a bizarre entity. As they drove away they looked back and saw the humanoid walking away quickly in the opposite direction it jumped over the fence again and disappeared into the woods.

HC addendum
Source: Painel Ovni, Brazil
Type: E
Comments: Aggressive behavior on the part of a hairy humanoid, frequently reported in Brazil where there are several such attacks on record.

Location. La Grange Georgia
Date: August 15 1996
Time: late night
The main witness was sleeping with her 6-year old granddaughter on the other side of the bed. She heard her granddaughter coughing and noticed that the girl was experiencing a nosebleed. She cleaned her up and went back to sleep. 15 minutes later she looked over to the girl and saw a tall “angel like” entity standing over the girl on the other side of the bed. The entity was described as a tall female, with unusual blond curly hair and wearing a white robe. After about 30 seconds the entity disappeared as the witness watched. About 15 minutes later the entity returned and stood next to the girl. This time the entity had an Afghan type wrap spread between her outstretched hands, as she intended to wrap the girl up in it. The entity seemed to approach the little girl then suddenly vanished. During the encounter the witness felt that the entity meant no harm and was only trying to help her granddaughter. Unknown if related, but around the same time a mutilated hog was found hanging over a nearby road bridge.

HC addition # 2621
Source: John C Thompson, ISUR
Type: E

Location. Bandirpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Date: August 16 1996
Time: unknown
10-year old Sita Devi reportedly saw a bizarre werewolf like entity who ran across the grass on all four paws and grabbed her 14-year old brother. The creature then rose onto two legs becoming as tall as a man. It threw the young boy over its shoulders apparently killing him. The creature reportedly wore a black coat a helmet & a pair of goggles. In the same region since July 1 over 33 children have vanished without a trace. Local villagers blamed their disappearances on “white wolves” or werewolves.

HC addition # 2468
Source: UFO News clipping Service
Type: E

Location. Livigno Valtellina Italy
Date: August 17 1996
Time: afternoon
Three young shepherds were tending some sheep in the valley when they noticed a strange white humanoid figure approaching their position. The animals began to act nervous at the same time. The figure was similar to a man and floated silently against the wind. It appeared to be squat and nimble in movement at the same time. The terrified witnesses fled in a panic. Looking back they noticed that the strange white figure had vanished. Others in the area, including three tourists from Milan reported seeing a dark disc shaped object moving silently over the area.

HC addendum
Source: CUN
Type: D?

Location. West Manchester, Ohio
Date: August 20 1996
Time: 0215A
A teenager girl saw a circular metallic object hovering above a group of nearby power lines in her backyard. The object had orange, green, & reddish orange lights. A series of rectangular windows were around the middle portion of the object. One window in the center was apparently moved down by something or somebody inside the as the witness felt like she was being watched. The round bottom of the craft appeared to be gold in color. After viewing the object for about 5 to 10 minutes, it zig zagged and shot up into the sky.

HC addition # 3595
Source: NUFORC
Type: A

Location. Sao Roque de Fratura, Brazil
Date: August 23 1996
Time: unknown
A farmhand spotted a strange “monster” in a coffee field. It was described as a quadruped gray green creature, approximately 5 feet long, with a large head and what looked like armor protecting its foreleg, shoulders, and rear end. It resembled a scorpion lacking its pincers and a tail and had legs “like an ox.” The creature fled back into the jungle when the witness threw rocks at it.

HC addition # 2488
Source: CEPEX Study Group
Type: E
Comments: This is the same location where several man-like humanoids were seen earlier on the same year.

Location. Carlisle, Ontario, Canada
Date: August 23 1996
Time: 0100A
The witness was in her cottage when she awoke to see a small greenish creature next to her with huge staring eyes. He asked her through telepathy why human’s reason. She answered him back the same way, using telepathy and then fell back sleep. Witness has been involved in other incidents throughout her life.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Osborne, Kansas
Date: August 24 1996
Time: 0130A
The 17-year old witness was sleeping in the basement of his grandparent’s home when some flashing lights awakened him. Terrified he was unable to move. As he woke up the blinking lights stopped, he kept his eyes opened for a few minutes and then the blinking lights started again. Every time the lights blinked he could see creatures around the bed looking at him, as the lights blinked faster and faster the creatures began to move toward him and one of them put its three fingered hand on his forehead while the others (there were four) started tugging at his covers. The creatures were gray colored with shiny silvery clothing and large heads, with really big black pearly eyes. One of the creatures touched his forehead and a paralyzing fear came over him. Two of the beings then grabbed his left leg and poked his calf on his left leg. They held a strange metallic object with buttons or switches on it, they jabbed his leg and pulled it out. When that was done one of them touched his forehead, looked at him and he perceived a mental message that said: “If you tell no one we will return to visit you.” Then the blinking lights stopped and it became very dark. He then heard a loud humming noise that gradually diminished in volume. His grandmother reported hearing strange noises in the house.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Poudre Canyon, Colorado
Date: August 24 1996
Time: 0200A
While on a camping trip the witnesses spotted several lights flying over the area. Later more lights appeared overhead then they all heard a whooshing sound. The two men in the group were retrieving water when the lights appeared, as they returned to the camp the lights landed nearby, behind some trees. The smaller lights began “whirling” behind the trees. Soon two 3-foot tall beings approached the campsite, they approached and backed off several times. All through the night the beings kept walking back & forth from the lights to the campsite. A box-like structure was also seen above the nearby trees at one point. The beings and the lights finally departed at about 0600A.

HC addition # 3191
Source: NUFORC
Type: C

Location. Piracicaba, Brazil
Date: August 27 1996
Time: 2040
Joao Galvao Coelho and his wife Ivanete were returning home in a small motorbike when they spotted a disc shaped object with rotating multicolored lights around its edge. They followed the object’s path as it flew at a low altitude; it suddenly curved and released a smaller object that landed on the avenue of Brasilia. They saw a ramp come out of the object and a bright light from inside that illuminated its surroundings. They were both surprised to see three very short humanoids, only about 50cm in height walk down the ramp. These had large heads and were carrying something resembling pens that emitted bright beams of red light. Later on that night other witnesses saw an object with what appeared to be several “stakes” underneath it and stuck on the ground. Several holes forming a triangle were found on the ground.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Genesis
Type: B

Location. Rural Missouri
Date: September 1996
Time: 0130A
The witness was driving alone back home to Kansas along some isolated dirt roads when he saw something in the middle of the road ahead about 100 to 150 yards…just beyond the reach of the headlights, just a shadowy figure. Not alarmed, he proceeded slowly, thinking it was a farm animal and that he would have to maneuver around it. As he approached it he first thought that it was a “real big dog” but as he closed in he realized it was a creature that he had never seen before. He could only describe it as a tall werewolf like creature covered in reddish and yellowish hair. It had an evil looking face with a wide mouth filled with teeth that were all long and sharp. Its eyes were blood red, full of evil and hate. The stunned witness stopped the vehicle and stared at the creature for a few seconds and then threw his truck in reverse and sped back as fast as he could. The creature did not budge it just stood in the middle of the road looking as the witness fled the area.

HC addendum
Source: Castle of Spirits
Type: E
Comments: Werewolf in Missouri?

Location. St. Patrick’s Chair, County Moneghan Ireland
Date: September 1996
Time: evening
46-year-old Lawrence John and his dog were exploring a rock formation in an isolated area when they were suddenly enveloped in a blinding white light. John suddenly found himself standing outside a huge object with several humanoid figures standing in front of him. The beings were about 5-feet tall, gray in color, & appeared to be floating just above the ground. They wore something resembling a caftan. He was apparently taken inside the craft; there he saw at least 50 other similar beings. The beings communicated by using telepathy. Later he suddenly found himself outside with his dog & the craft and beings were gone.

HC addition # 2706
Source: United Kingdom UFO Bulletin August 1997
Type: G

Location. Munich, Germany
Date: September 1996
Time: late night
The witness was staying with her 1-year old daughter at a local pediatric clinic since her daughter was suffering from a heavy infection. She was sleeping next to her daughter’s bed in a folding cot. Sometime during the night she felt a presence in the room and suddenly awakened. At first she looked around and did not see anything and closed her eyes again. As she closed her eyes a strange vision appeared. She could see what appeared to be a “birdman” with green bluish resplendent feathers and a small bill. The eyes were larger than normal and its body was human, at least its upper section since she could not see the lower area. Its estimated height was about 2 meters; it seemed to float just above the floor. She opened her eyes and the vision vanished as her daughter slept peacefully next to her. When she closed her eyes, the “birdman” returned as before. She attempted to call out and was unable to. The “birdman” remained staring at her; he leaned over her and spoke to her telepathically telling her not to be afraid. His movements were fluid and quick, it radiated much warmth and security. She calmed down and fell into a deep sleep. Apparently she did not see the “birdman” again.

HC addendum
Source: Greyhunter UFO Site, Germany
Type: F?

Location. Villa Devoto, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: September 1996
Time: late night
Damian Franco (involved in a previous encounter) woke up to see the same short luminous being standing at the foot of his bed. While he stared at the luminous figure a strange image of a deserted and lifeless landscape appeared in his mind. Around the same time an 11-year old granddaughter, Florencia, reported waking up one late night after someone squeezed her arm and yanked her sheets off. Horrified she watched a strange creature with a large head, no hair, large black penetrating eyes, standing next to her bed. A strange light illuminated the room, suddenly the light shut off and she was able to move and scream the creature then disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Liliana Flotta, Eduardo Grosso, “Terror Nocturno—
Historias reales de visitantes Extraterrestres”
Type: E

Location. Iporanga Brazil
Date: September 2 1996
Time: night
Three local police officers watched an object land near Serro das Mottas. They approached the area in order to obtain a better look when suddenly the object emitted two bright flashes of light and two small humanoids suddenly appeared. The humanoids had human-like faces with large luminous eyes. These approached to within 50 meters of the officers using quick lateral movements. A strange malaise seemed to overcome the officers that quickly left the area and id not see the object or humanoids depart.

HC addendum
Source: Ivan Carlos Anker
Type: B

Location. Stockton, California
Date: September 7 1996
Time: 0300A
A very brief account indicating that a witness woke up in his bedroom to see a thin, undescribed being, standing in the doorway to the room. No other information.

HC addition # 3584
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Date: September 8 1996
Time: unknown
Several people saw a triangular shaped craft land. A hatch opened, and three occupants floated to the ground. These were described as 1-foot, 10 inches tall, wearing a coverall garment, with very large heads, far out of proportion to their bodies. No other information.

HC addition # 2482
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 1 # 29
Type: B

Location. Cabeca da Penha Mountain, Portugal
Date: September 15 1996
Time: unknown
A young backpacker, Ricardo Machado Oliveira, was exploring a remote mountain cave and while in it apparently blacked out. When he came to, he found himself in a vast underground hangar surrounded by “three distinct species of aliens.” Nearby were several ovoid silvery craft. The aliens told Ricardo that they were part of an alliance of interstellar worlds engaged in observing Earth. Their base under the Serra da Guardunha was one of four such bases. Immediately after hearing this Ricardo blacked out again. When he opened his eyes, he was lying on the ground right outside the cave. (In the 14th century, at the same cave, a little girl from a nearby village vanished for three days. When she was finally found, she told the search party that she had been cared for by “a lady in white”, who had offered her water to drink from a bell. Some have attributed this to a visitation by the Blessed Virgin Mary.)

HC addition # 2483
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 1 # 32
Type: G

Location. St Seurin D’Uzet, Charente Maritime, France
Date: September 15 1996
Time: 2000
The witness was standing in his garden when he sees a bizarre object, which descends until it touches the Gironde River. Using a pair of binoculars (from about 200-300 meters). He sees a figure or being that suddenly appears, and what resembles an inflatable orange raft at his feet. The being then begins to float against the current on the orange “raft”. At the same time there is a reported power blackout in the area.

HC addendum
Source: LDLN # 340, Phenomena # 34, Sud Ouest Newspaper
Type: C?

Location. Windsor, North Carolina
Date: September 16 1996
Time: 0415A
The 6-year old witness was sleeping on the floor of his brother’s room that night when he suddenly awoke and looked to his right and there was a white face with a grayish tint that was apparently lying on the ground staring at him. It had large black eyes and an almond shaped head, no ears, a slit for a mouth and two holes for a nose. It seemed to be about 5 ft 8 inches in length (tall). The witness could not move his neck much so he could not see its entire figure. Both alien and witness stared at each other for a good 5 minutes or so. It didn’t flinch or move. When the witness attempted to scream he couldn’t. He could move his arms but not his legs. He then heard a voice in his head that said, “Don’t move it is already done” or something like similar. Upon hearing that, the witness decided to defend himself and punched it directly on the face. As soon as his hand made contact with the creature, it disappeared. There appears to have been about an hour time lapse and in the morning the witness found marks on his arm and later on his back. He remembers that while he stared at the alien there appeared to be a white light surrounding him. He does not think he was in his brother’s room at that point.

HC addendum
Source: Direct communication from witness
Type: E or G?

Location. Nazareth, Israel
Date: September 16 1996
Time: evening
62-year old Uri Sakhov was walking to a local post office when suddenly he heard a loud whizzing sound and felt hands grab his hair and shoulders. In an instant he found himself being pulled into an egg shaped object. Inside he found himself in a strange crystal chamber surrounded by several small humanoids. These were described as 2 to 3 feet tall, with heads shaped like light bulbs and skinny limbs that made unintelligible noises. The leader was described as taller & green colored wearing flowing robes. He was very slender and had a narrow vertical head, with eyes located on either side of it. One of the small humanoids stepped up to the witness and sprayed his face with a yellowish powder. Soon they conducted numerous medical tests on Sakhov, which made him feel “horrible” and very uncomfortable. Midway through the tests the witness blacked out. When he came to he found himself lying flat on his back in the middle of a soccer stadium half a kilometer from his house. Feeling dizzy he went home & noticed that he still had some of the yellow powder on his face. The powder was analyzed @ a local hospital & it was discovered that it was about 60 percent aluminum and different form any soil found in the area.

HC addition # 2461
Source: Barry Chamish
Type: G

Location. Falkland Hills, Scotland
Date: September 23 1996
Time: 2145
The witnesses had seen at 2000 a huge triangular shaped craft shining some very bright beams of lights towards the ground. The object hovered over the area and was seen to slowly bank revealing a large dome on top. On the underside they could see three small red lights on each apex of the object. Suddenly the object shot away into the distance at the sound of an approaching aircraft. At 2030 the witnesses again saw the huge triangle over the same location, shining down powerful beams of white light. Later some of the witnesses returned back to the area and watched a powerful blue glow appear above a field at about treetop height. In order to obtain a better look they drove down a narrow lane and parked their vehicle. They then saw a large star-like object just above the blue glow that was pulsing & growing larger & smaller alternately. Suddenly they noticed the silhouettes of numerous small thin figures, moving about, one of the figures however was much taller than the others, around seven feet tall. Other small beings moved in amongst the trees in the field. A large black object sat on the ground. The figures appeared to be moving towards the object. At this point the witnesses became extremely frightened & drove away from the area. They arrived at the home of one of the other witnesses borrowing some binoculars. They soon returned to the location & noticed the blue light still glowing. They again saw the little beings moving in & out of the trees. They also saw the very tall being standing with its back to them. Looking at the hovering object with binoculars they could now tell that it was amber in color, with dark indentations all around it. It rotated slowly, occasionally turning on its axis. Dozens of small creatures apparently carrying small boxes and tubular canisters were visible. Taller figures were also seen & described as having brown skin & oriental eyes, that seemed to be supervising a large group of the smaller beings. Using the binoculars they now spotted a large transparent illuminated capsule-shaped object, rippled on the outside with indentations like a brain. The object appeared to be on the ground & there were some very small thin beings inside it. Next to this object was another smaller one, otherwise identical to the first. This one contained a very tall being with brown skin. Another larger craft was also seen on the ground near the woods. There were lots of lights around it and dozens of small entities that appeared to be working in groups, going in & out of the woods. The witnesses also saw capsule shaped objects resembling cocoons coming out of the woods. These objects suddenly shot across the field towards the witnesses, hovering a few feet from them. Each of the capsules contained one of the small entities. They were dozens of capsules now hovering near the witnesses. At this point the witnesses became disoriented and had vague memories of being touched by the small entities with probe like devices. The small entities were described as having huge black eyes, & smiled at the witnesses. They communicated among themselves by making loud high-pitched noises, like whales. The witnesses later remembered leaving the area & returning home in a state of shock. Later while checking the scene of the incident, investigators found circular marks on the ground, burnt & dead vegetation, and branches from nearby trees covered in what appeared to be white spider web-type material.

HC addition # 2562
Source: Tony Dodd UFO Magazine Vol. 15 # 15
Type: A C & G?

Location. Near Georgeville, Pennsylvania
Date: September 24 1996
Time: 1300
Two children, a girl and a boy, age 9 spotted a weird looking entity walking through a cornfield near their school. The creature was reported striding across the clearing moving its arms back and forth like a soldier. It was described as four-feet tall, with long arms that ended in three fingers. It had a tube-like appendage lying on top of its head and dangling down in the rear. Its skin color was light blue and it had a black “thing” that appeared to be an eye but low where a nose would have been. The entity was in view for about nine minutes and no unusual sounds were associated with it.

HC addition # 2486
Source: UFO Roundup Vol1. # 31
Type: E

Location. Cowen West Virginia
Date: September 26 1996
Time: 0239A
The witness was lying in bed when he heard a loud noise resembling an approaching train. The ground shook around his bed. Then a bright light lit up the sky and moved over the house, and then seemed to hover over the porch area. Looking out the window he saw a dark figure standing outside. He closed his eyes terrified and then found himself floating above the hedge outside the house. Looking up he saw an arrangement of red, blue, yellow, and white lights. In the middle of the object there appeared to be a glowing door shaped entrance. The witness screamed and blacked out. He remembers waking up in his bed three days later, having no memory of what happened during those three days.
(Hypnotic regression apparently has not been explored) He found numerous scars on his body.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: G?

Location. Punta Palma, Puerto Rico
Date: September 27 1996
Time: 0130A
Nelson Cortes had been unable to fall sleep that night when his younger brother Josue alerted him to a strange-lighted object that had apparently landed in a field behind Cortes house. Upon investigating the site they saw a large rounded object that had landed on three leg-like supports. The object was surrounded by a brilliant red glow. The craft was silvery metallic in color. The two witnesses then saw a ramp like protrusion extend to the ground. Several short green humanoids then exited the object via the ramp. These were described as thin, with long skinny arms, potbellies, large heads, huge pointy ears, and large dark oval shaped eyes. They all wore tight fitting metallic helmets on their heads. The beings began to walk around the field. At that moment both witnesses panicked and began screaming, immediately the beings ran into the object, which then closed the ramp, became brighter, tilted to one side then shot away at incredible speed. Neighbors heard the boys scream and also saw the object and lights.

HC addition # 2694
Source: Marleen Lopez de Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 13
Type: B

Location. Cordillera de Tajsara, Bolivia
Date: September 27 1996
Time: 1900
While hiking in the rugged mountainous region, Roberto Suarez Molina, 28, became lost. During the search, air rescue units reported strange glows around the snow-covered peak of Nevado Chorolque, at the western end of the Tajsara Range. On Friday Roberto saw a light with a weird appearance, it crossed the sky, stopped for a moment in mid-air, and then became a red light before disappearing. Later a bright light lit up Roberto’s campsite. Looking up he saw a “tube of light” of incredible brilliance. The tube of light turned from the horizontal to the vertical, then slowly descended, landing on the mountain trail near his campfire. He suddenly found himself face to face with a luminous humanoid form that “told him things”. The entity predicted that Roberto would be rescued by the Bolivian air force around noontime on Saturday. The humanoid was right, on that day Roberto was spotted by a Cessna aircraft and was picked up by a helicopter.

HC addition # 2484
Source: Luis Pacheco, UFOZONE
Type: C

Location. Valparaiso, Florida
Date: Fall of 1996
Time: dusk
At the edge of the Eglin AFB reservation, 5 people witness a commotion in some nearby woods. It sounded as if something large was approaching. As it got closer they saw a huge humanoid form, upright and that did not respond to yelling at. All the witnesses then fled in a panic. The location was in some dense woods.

HC addition # 2961
Source: BFRO
Type: E

Location. Cueva Honda, El Hierro Island, Canary Islands, Spain
Date: October 1996
Time: 0100A
Two men, Benicio Quintero and Onelio Gonzalez were fishing in an isolated area when they suddenly noticed some rotating multicolored lights that appeared to be approaching their location from a nearby hill. They appeared to descend slowly down the slopes towards the men. Concerned one of the men armed himself with a knife. As they lights approached their location the two men hid behind some brushes and turned off their flashlights. The lights kept descending along very difficult terrain when suddenly they changed direction and apparently disappeared, all without a sound. As the men looked around the lights came on again at a location about 20 meters from them. They could now a see a row of lights and what appeared to be some type of object behind the lights. Suddenly they saw several figures gliding over the ground coming from the object. The figures were above normal in height and appeared not to touch the ground. Curious the men shone their flashlights towards the figures and were able to see about 5 or 6 humanoids. At the same time the multicolored lights rotated behind the humanoids, which seemed to control them. The figures seemed to be wearing tight-fitting dark gray or khaki mesh-like suits. One of them carried something resembling a flashlight. At no time did the men heard any noises but did felt a slight heat or warmth coming from the figures. After the humanoids saw the witnesses they turned around and glided over to an inaccessible area known as “La Palometa.” The humanoids stayed in the area for a long time and the witnesses left before they returned.

HC addendum
Source: Jose Gregorio Gonzalez
Type: C?

Location. Taboleiro, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Date: October 1996
Time: 0500A
81-year-old Joaquim Eloi woke up to see a powerful light shining outside his hut. Looking out the window he saw a brilliant white oval shaped object on the ground nearby. The light from the object was so intense that he had to cover his face with his right arm. At the same time he could hear strange voices coming from the object that sounded foreign to him. After a few minutes the brilliant object took off towards the nearby town. There a husband and wife saw the bright white object hovering above some high-tension wires. They were able to see what appeared to be “numbers” or strange symbols on the craft. At the same time there was a power outage in the region. Eloi’s right arm was numb for almost 5 months after the incident, and unknown if related, he began to slowly loose his sight and is now totally blind.

HC addition # 3650
Source: CIPFANI Brazil
Type: F

Location. Near Snoqualmie Pass, Washington
Date: October 1996
Time: early afternoon
Dr Jonathan Reed had been hiking for about an hour and a half when his 7-year old Golden Retriever ran ahead of him and disappeared over a rise. He began barking frantically. Dr Reed dropped his backpack and ran up the slope where the fog disappeared. He picked up a tree branch on the way, thinking that he might need it to rescue her form some kind of animal. Topping the rise he saw that Suzy (the dog) had a strange creature by the left arm. The creature was shaking violently in an attempt to dislodge the dog. The dog released the creature and backed away. At the same time the creature extended a “fleshy pseudo pod” around the dog’s muzzle and severely wounded her. Suzy’s tissues seemed to “flow” into this wound. She was consumed in a matter of seconds. Later, Dr Reed could find no trace of her except for a fine white powder on the ground. The creature turned to look at Reed with an expression of what seemed to be pure rage then turned its head back to look at Suzy. Reed ran forward at this point and hit the creature with the branch with all the force he could muster. He knocked the creature back about four ft. The creature lay dead on the ground covered in it’s own blood. Shocked, Reed fell to the ground attempting to compose himself. Finally he remembered the camera equipment he usually carried on his frequent hikes ran back for his backpack and began taking pictures and videotape footage of the creature. A short time later, Jonathan became aware of a strange, low frequency vibration. He surveyed the area and discovered a black (craft like) device floating above the ground nearby. He approached the object and touched it. It was freezing cold and burned his hand. He took pictures of the object. After several hours, Jonathan still very sick, decided to wrap the creature in a survival blanket that he had with him. He decided to take the creature with him back to Seattle. He put the creature in a small freezer he had at home. The creature was described as about 4 ft tall that was capable of moving incredibly fast. It had large bloated eyes, which it was able to open and close, light in color. He also said that the creature emitted a horrifying scream or “shriek” as it fell to the ground. Around the fourth day Jonathan heard noises coming from within the freezer. He opened it and the creature was alive. In a panic he slammed the freezer shut, then called a friend over. Over the next few days he attempted many times to communicate with the creature and did so. He tried to feed it but it refused all food. It did, however drink water. Apparently unknown government agents broke into the house and removed the creature.

HC addendum
Source: World of The Strange, & Unsolved UFO
Mysteries, William J Birnes & Harold Burt
Type: E or H?

Location. Near Bezhetsk, Tver Region, Russia
Date: October 1996
Time: 1600
A local boy, Dima Skvortsov was walking on a meadow when suddenly the sky was illuminated by a red color and then he noticed a bright red shining object descending and then land near the River Ostrechina on a meadow, approximately 150 meters from the witness. He hid behind some shrubs and observed the scene. After the light faded away, Dima noticed that the object was oval or egg-shaped, silver in color. It was about 8-9 m in diameter, standing on three landing props. A yellow oval light was visible in the center of the object, which was surrounded by yellow lights. It had an antenna shaped like a “Y”. Two doors opened and ladders were lowered down to the ground. Two humanoids came out of the object. They were of average height, maybe 1.7 m or 1.9 m. They both wore helmets, which connected to their overalls, the helmets opened, but the boy could not discern any facial features or the color of their skin. What was visible was red lettering on their helmets. The aliens began walking towards the village. Dima then started running towards the village, while running he notices that the object became bright red again and it was making a slight buzzing sound and was rotating slowly, it then rose and zoomed away at high speed. Dima had not seen the aliens return to their craft.

HC addendum
Source: Pavel I Khailov, Anton Anfalov
Type: B

Location. Karori, Wellington New Zealand
Date: October 1996
Time: night
That night the witness woke up feeling like something was trying to pull him out of bed, feet first. He felt cold hands. His next memory was of feeling a series of tugs on top of his blanket. Suddenly he found himself floating above his bed, he was unable to move a muscle. At the foot of his bed he then saw three four-foot tall figures wearing black monk like gowns, with hoods, the cloaks appeared to be tied together by a brown piece of string. Their faces were obscured by what appeared to be reflecting glass visor helmets. A beautiful blue light with gold sparkles accompanies the beings. The angle of the light beam is very low and seems to be coming in the window. His next memory was of yelling ‘No!” as one of the beings touches him. He then passed out and woke up the next morning very frightened.

HC addition # 3954
Source: Andy Page
Type: E

Location. St. Mary’s Tasmania, Australia
Date: October 1996
Time: late night
A young member of the family reported that while in the backyard she saw an oval object overhead. The object was white in color and had small red and green lights around its rim. The object then flew away towards the east. Later that night an adult member of the household reported seeing in a dream like state a tall featureless figure enter the bedroom and point something resembling a laser beam on the adult’s right temple. The next day the adult had two brown marks on the temple and a burn mark on the arm. A similar object was seen that same night.

HC addition # 3334
Source: TUFOIC Newsletter Edition 84
Type: D

Location. Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil
Date: October 1 1996
Time: 1730
Two farm workers, Silvino Augusto Medeiros, 71, and Bianor Alves dos Santos, aged 49 had just come back from the fields and were at Silvino’s farm when they heard a weird “hissing” sound and suddenly a craft they seemed to think as hexagonal in shape appeared overhead, coming from the east and rotating cables came down upon the head and shoulders of the younger man, Bianor. Like tentacles, these cables, black in color, began to wrap themselves around his head and shoulders and his entire body felt a sensation of intense cold and seemed to be “lighter”. He felt the ground slipping away from beneath him and he was going up, but he managed to shake himself free and escape with Silvino into the farmhouse nearby. Neither of the men got a good view of the UFO, but it remained around for a half an hour or more, for they heard its continued hiss. Then at 1930 hours Silvino slipped out of the house briefly to see to a tap he had left running. There was at first no sign of the UFO, but almost at once the hissing noise was back and it remained around a long time. When Silvino’s son came home, he asked if anybody had heard it. He had heard it from 4kms away. The following day Bianor felt weak and powerless, aching in all his joints and limbs and nauseated.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Lucio De Macedo, FSR Vol. 45 # 2
Type: G attempted abduction

Location. Barrio Saltos Cabra, Puerto Rico
Date: October 2 1996
Time: night
A number of witnesses claimed to have seen a creature described as about 3 feet tall, with a crest on its back, large wings and three fingered hands. Witnesses included two police officers that were patrolling the area when they saw the creature jump out from a tree line. Other local residents also reported seeing small gray silver clad humanoids.

HC addition # 3279
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras & other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Date: October 5 1996
Time: 0300A-0400A
A local young man named Igor V. Kolomiets (involved in other encounters) claimed that he had been abducted onboard a UFO from his bedroom late at night. He felt paralyzed and was then beamed up from his bedroom into a hovering disk-shaped object outside his bedroom window in his apartment located on Aviamotornaya Street tenement house # 26. While floating in the air towards the object, he succeeded in looking at the object; it was not exactly disk-shaped from the top and only similar to a disk, looking at it from its side. In fact it appeared more oblong in shaped, narrow at the tail, streamlined with a gradual dome on top and a flat bottom. The dome was not even and was more elongated towards the front section. It looked like a perfect aerodynamic structure and was matt-black in color. A number of hieroglyphs or symbols resembling Egyptian scripture were visible alongside the outer rim of the craft encircling the dome, but Igor only remembered the one hieroglyph that was shaped as two horizontal lines, concaved and crossed by 3 vertical lines. He then floated into the opening of the craft. Inside, the object was segmented into several compartments positioned in a radial structure. His body was placed on some type of “operation table” and he noticed several alien beings in the room. He heard their voices even though their mouths were closed (evidently through telepathy). The humanoids were short, about 1.2-1.5 m in height, with beige colored skin, very frail body built, with thin narrow long arms and short legs, the arms were much longer than the legs, they had disproportionably very large heads over their small bodies. The aliens had very large, dark slanted eyes, without visible eyelashes and eyelids (maybe they were wearing some type of protective lid over their eyes), beak-shaped noses like those of birds and small thin mouths. On top of their huge heads they had a small amount of very short black hair, like the bristle or small fluff. They were dressed in tight-fitting overalls, dark in color. According to his impression the humanoids were very aggressive. They conducted a number of painful medical procedures on the witness, apparently studying his body and his mind. Igor understood that they had scanned all of his memory, which included his whole life and even his previous life (!). During the examination Igor could see vivid images from his past. The witness understood that the aliens originated from a star cluster in the constellation of Taurus or Pleiades, he received several mental impulses mentioning the world Pleiades in his mind. Unexpectedly one of the aliens stared in amazement and communicated that the witness had previously incarnated into an extraterrestrial civilization in the Orion constellation. The humanoids appeared shocked since apparently that civilization had been their foe in a distant past and had attempted to enslave them. Immediately after that he lost consciousness and awoke later back on his bed and could not remember anything else.

HC addendum
Source: Anton A. Anfalov Crimea Ukraine
Type: G

Location. Near Sao Paulo, Brazil
Date: October 7 1996
Time: night
Two witnesses sighted a creature that resembled a large dog walking on its hind legs. The beast had large black eyes, long fangs, and a body covered by dense yellow fur. A local farmer found strange claw-shaped footprints, 13 inches long, “deeply edged into dry, hardened soil.” Subsequent analysis of the footprints indicated that the beast “weighed some 440 pounds.”

HC addendum
Source: Brad Steiger, Out of The Dark
Type: E

Location. Armant, Egypt
Date: October 7 1996
Time: night
Egypt’s Interior Ministry announced that police officers and citizen hunters had shot and killed “two unknown animals” in this city on the east bank of the Nile 500 km south of Cairo. The local people called the creatures “salaawa,” a colloquial name meaning “female ghouls.” Folklore has it that these ghouls inhabit ancient tombs in the nearby Valley of the Kings. The creatures, which resembled large hyenas or wild dogs, have killed three people and injured dozens in a series of nocturnal attacks around Armant.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 1 # 33
Type: E or H?

Location. Prudnik, Poland
Date: October 8 1996
Time: 2200
The 13-year old witness reported seeing a strange object with red, yellow, and green lights over her block of flats. That same night in a dream like state she found herself onboard the craft with several undescribed beings that performed medical experiments on her. Other reports sate that her dog was also taken onboard and was petted by the aliens. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Uforaport Poland
Type: E

Location. Near Ventura California
Date: October 8 1996
Time: night
Around the same time that a green fireball flew from New Mexico to Ventura, several people reported encountering a strange humanoid. It was described as about 4-feet tall, its face egg shaped with a small nose. The mouth was small and circular with long thin fangs. It had multi-faceted eyes which when reflecting light, glowed red. The body was covered with short fur, like a hyena, and was colored gray with dark gray spots. Porcupine like quills ran from its head down its back. Its legs were powerful looking and shaped like a rabbit or kangaroo. One witness reported an attack on his pet pig, stated that the creature easily outran his dogs. It leaped over a three and a half foot chicken wire fence. In another instance it cleared a five-foot hedge. Tracks with three clawed toes were found. All encounters were near the San Andrea Fault line.

HC addition # 2848
Source: Jerry Glass, Mufon
Type: D

Location. Banabuiu, Brazil
Date: October 9 1996
Time: unknown
A tall humanoid about 1.90 meters in height, with long blond flowing hair and wearing tight fitting gray coveralls was seen in a street in a local neighborhood. On October 15 in Bandeirantes a glowing red object landed near a local gas station, ground marks were located afterwards.

HC addendum
Source: GEPUC Brazil
Type: E

Location. Not given
Date: Around October 10 1996
Time: night
In a dream like state the witness found himself in a room with about 6 human men who were very official looking and had an air of authority about them. There were also two or three “alien” figures present. There was a sense of movement and the scene shifted to a “living room”. The witness found himself sitting on a couch next to an alien. The human men were still in the room. One of the men was standing and lighting a cigarette and told the witness in a joking manner, “Well, go ahead and ask him a question, hybrid.” The alien was not wearing any clothing, had large eyes, was thin, but had human skin tone, bright pink like a baby, and spoke with his mouth. The witness asked the alien a question about hybrids and received a very complicated and bizarre answer. (Not described)

HC addition # 2883
Source: UFO Experiencers Support Group
Type: G?

Location. Eastern Michigan
Date: October 12 1996
Time: 2130
The witness who had been driving along I-75 pulled off onto one of the roadside restrooms. After parking his car in an empty lot, he got out and felt something strange in the air. He felt some type of intense heat coming from above him. The parking lot suddenly flooded with an intense blinding white light, the witness felt paralyzed. It felt like being in some type of solid see through gel. He then saw a shadowy figure in front of him. It looked like the outline of a tiny man standing behind a floodlight. Its arms were extremely long and its legs very short. The witness suddenly blacks out as he feels somebody touching him. The next thing he remembered was standing in front of the urinal, staring at the mirror. He noticed that his eyes were swollen and he was suffering from a terrible headache. This experience was followed by intense graphic dreams.

HC addition # 2815
Source: Internet Sightings Page
Type: E or G?

Location. Jenin, West Bank, Israel
Date: October 14 1996
Time: night
Abdul Alhazrad was driving towards the Jewish settlement of Dotan when he noticed what appeared to be a hitchhiker standing on the side of the road. The man asked for a lift. As he drove away, Abdul glanced at the man and was stunned to see him change his appearance in seconds as he watched. Instead of a normal human, Abdul found himself seated next to a tall humanoid in dark clothing with a head like a dog. The entity had floppy, dangling ears and a single Cyclopean eye at the top of its long canine snout. Afraid, the witness braked hard causing the car to fishtail off the road. Fleeing the car the watched the weird entity emerge from the passenger side. The being then took several steps towards the witness direction then vanished in plain sight.

HC addition # 2469
Source: Dr. Leon Liebknecht
Type: E

Location. Near Beersheba Israel
Date: October 14 1996
Time: night
On the same night of the previous bizarre encounter, two local Bedouin Arabs were driving on a darkened desert highway, when they saw a man standing beside the asphalt roadway. Surprised to see someone in such a remote location they slowed to a stop. One of the witnesses rolled down his window and asked the stranger if he needed any help. Instead of answering the entity slapped his palm against the car door. The hand seemed to adhered itself to the car. The witnesses then got a good look at the stranger’s face and reported its features as a horrible “mutated” face. The driver then stepped down hard on the gas pedal. As the car zoomed away, the entity leaped at it covering an incredible distance, over 20 feet. It then crouched on the side door, clinging to the metal like a “Spider Man”, even as the car sped down the highway at over 75 mph. After half a mile the entity seemed to dissolve itself into thin air.

HC addition # 2470
Source: Dr. Leon Liebknecht
Type: E

Location. Gainesville, Florida
Date: October 14 1996
Time: 0300A
Witnesses, brother & sister, in a dream like state found themselves looking at a round object with blue and gold lights. They then found themselves inside the object, surrounded by several small gray colored humanoids. Inside they could see gold lights all around them and on a corner what appeared to be two examination tables. Soon they found themselves back home. Others in the city reported seeing blue gold objects flying over the area around the same time.

HC addition # 3571
Source: NUFORC
Type: G

Location. Petach Tikveh, Israel
Date: October 14 1996
Time: 0330A
Again on that same night (!), Doctor Harav Ibn Bari was returning home with his cousin at the wheel and after passing the bridge to Tel Aviv they saw a strange figure on the opposite side of the road. They did a U-turn and stopped the car. The figure came out of the shadows into the light. It was described as small, light in color with huge bulging round black eyes. He seemed to lift his right leg and approached the vehicle at terrific speed. Both witnesses stared at the creature’s eyes in a trance like state. The creature suddenly lifted his right hand and the witnesses drove off at high speed. They did not see the creature’s departure.

HC addition # 3382
Source: Ano Cero 7-99
Type: E

Location. Cazadero, California
Date: October 15 1996
Time: 0300A
The witness had been hiking with his best friend in an isolated area and was sleeping in a cabin when suddenly he awakened in the middle of the night. He was sitting upright in the bed totally paralyzed. He could only move his head back and forth and up and down. His friend was sleeping peacefully about 7 ft away from him. The witness then saw a being standing in front of him holding what appeared to be an electric thermometer with his right hand very close to the left side of the witness head. He believes that this device was rendering him in such a state. The being was slim and had beautiful skin in a gray, green and tan pattern. There was no hair on his body. It appeared to have “normal” eyes. The witness apparently communicated with the being by means of telepathy. It was apparently curious about the witness and briefly “tolerated” the witness questions. The witness soon lost consciousness and woke up the next morning.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC
Type: E

Location. Near Isabela Puerto Rico
Date: October 18 1996
Time: 0530A
Norberto Del Valle was driving on state road # 2 and approaching the Experimental Agricultural Labs of the University of Puerto Rico, when he noticed three strange silhouettes crossing the road in front of him. Slamming on the brakes in order to avoid hitting the figures he noticed that these were not human in appearance. They were described as short, with large heads, large round dark eyes, long thin arms, and fingers. Their skin was described as pinkish-white and very rough textured resembling a salamander; large protruding veins could be seen on the cranial area. The one in the middle appeared to be somewhat taller than the other two. The creatures appeared to be disoriented and seemed to have not noticed the witness vehicle. They seemed very fragile in appearance. The witness drove slowly way and upon looking back saw a fourth similar creature join the other three. He did not notice any type of clothing on them. At the moment he saw the creatures he felt a strange sensation in his mind, and panicked. The witness drove away from the area and did not see the creatures leave.

HC addition # 2697
Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia OVNI # 13
Type: E

Location. Pilozinhas, Paraiba, Brazil
Date: October 18 1996
Time: 1845
During a night of intense UFO activity in the area a local peasant woman, 92 year old Julia Monteiro de Cabral saw an unusual silver object come down from the sky vertically and land besides some nearby eucalyptus trees. A group of small humanoids emerged from the object. These beings were only described as “ugly” and spoke in a high-pitched unintelligible language. The humanoids surrounded the witness home and apparently stole some of her chickens.

HC addition # 2485
Source: UFO Roundup Vol. 1 # 35
Type: B

Location. Near Al-Arian, Israel
Date: October 19 1996
Time: night
Arab cab driver Khaj Muhmad-Jamal was going to meet his cousin Ataf at a road junction to drive to a dinner party. He saw the vehicle pull up but stopped to relieve himself. As he approached the car he saw a figure in a shiny suit sitting inside the vehicle. He bend down to look in and did not see his cousin but saw that the creature in the shiny suit had long dark hair and an enormous purplish black nose. Stunned he began walking backwards away from the vehicle. But felt something holding back in place. After 15 minutes his cousin appeared totally confused wondering why Khaj had not entered the vehicle. Apparently Ataf had not seen the weird creature.

HC addition # 3383
Source: Ano Cero 7-99
Type: E

Location. Kfar Hawald, Israel
Date: October 20 1996
Time: 2300
Eli Hawald had gone outside his home when suddenly out of nowhere he saw a gigantic green light descend from the sky. He ran into the house locked the door and watched from a window. When the light was ten meters above the ground, it dimmed and three figures descended towards the ground from the light. The figures were human-like but very dark in appearance. They acted oddly, fanning out, and then quickly returning to the same place. Their speed was fantastic and they seemed to emit a siren like sound. At this point the witness alerted his wife and children and they ran out the back door. They did not see the entities and light depart.

HC addition # 3409
Source: Israeli UFO Investigation Group
Type: B

Location. Fife Scotland
Date: October 20 1996
Time: night
Two young boys were playing in the bedroom when suddenly one of them, Peter, looked out the window and was surprised to see a small “white being” with lots of “jagged teeth” looking straight at him. The being was free floating and was not standing on top of the kitchen roof. After a few seconds the being just simply floated straight upwards with ease, and was gone from sight in seconds. The other boy also saw the strange being. Later that night Peter entered the bathroom and saw a small white being standing next to the wash hand basin and bath. This being also had a row of “jagged teeth.” He was small and thin and looked very pale. Peter screamed and the being simply vanished. The family had been involved in a spectacular UFO incident the month before.

HC addition # 2626
Source: Malcolm Robinson in FSR
Type: E

Location. Near Harare Zimbabwe
Date: October 20 1996
Time: night
A man named Paul was driving on the Bulawayo Road near the Lilfordia School when he saw a bright light descending silently from the sky. As the object neared him he became aware that it was a disc shaped craft. As the object landed on a large open field to his left, Paul pulled over and stopped the car. As he watched, a door opened—moving upwards—on the side of the object, and two men wearing shiny black coveralls climbed out of a dome at the top of the craft. At this point coming from the opposite direction came another vehicle, which also stopped, on the right hand side of the road. The entities must have then become aware of being watched, and the men went quickly back inside the object. Then the door closed, moving downwards. At this point the occupant from the other vehicle ran across the road and yelled at the witness to leave the area quickly. Both men then drove off very fast.

HC addendum
Source: Cynthia Hind
Type: B

Location. Isabela, Puerto Rico
Date: October 21 1996
Time: night
The same night that a trio of goats were found gravely wounded, a local resident encountered a plump, hairy, three-foot tall creature on a highway. The creature eluded him with great agility, in spite of its weight.

HC addition # 3278
Source: Scott Corrales, Chupacabras and Other Mysteries
Type: E

Location. Ahuzat Bayit, Tel Aviv, Israel
Date: October 23 1996
Time: 0200A
Rachel & Leah Gorovitz were driving their Jeep on a side street in a deserted neighborhood, when suddenly Leah noticed a short 5-foot tall man-like figure dressed in a bright red jumpsuit. There appeared to be a bag on his back that looked like part of the clothing. The humanoid had a non-human mechanical way of moving. It had a waxy face with a blunt expression on it. The android-like creature took steps towards the witness direction. Then Rachel put the Jeep into reverse and backed up at high speed driving quickly away. A short while later, the same witnesses took the street again in order to go home they saw the same android-like creature move from behind a building’s shadow, & step into the street, it came towards the witnesses again and suddenly disappeared.

HC addition # 2471
Source: Dr. Leon Liebknecht
Type: E

Location. Ligatne, Latvia
Date: October 28 1996
Time: 2200
Nikolai X and his wife hand been camping along the banks of the River Amata during a light snow, at sundown they kindled a bonfire and both were squatting near the fire in order to warm up. Near the river they noticed a strange haze, which appeared to approach their location, suddenly near the bonfire about 10 meters away, they saw two figures looking at them. They were a man and woman, very tall, blond haired and with beautiful features. The woman had long curly hair and the man long straight hair. Their facial features were without emotion. They simply stared at the witnesses silently. Their clothing was extraordinary; it appeared to be illuminated, like a cobweb, made out of a very beautiful material that covered their bodies. Their features were strict and imperturbable. Frightened Nikolai heard a mental message from the woman telling him not to fear, that they had visited the same area previously. Suddenly the figures seemed to dissipate in plain sight, with numerous luminous particles scattering into the wind.

HC addendum
Source: UFO LATS, Latvia
Type: E
Comments: Similar entities have been reported in Puerto Rico in 1990-1991.

Location. Kiara, Western Australia
Date: November 1996
Time: 0300A
A young boy reported being visited at night in his room by several tall, grayish blue, thin beings, with large hairless heads, thin arms; small mouths and holes form ears and nostrils. They apparently took him on several occasions to an “airport” where he would be introduced to a little girl with blond hair. He suffered from nosebleeds after the encounter. Two years later the family would see an orange light going over their home.

HC addition # 3778
Type: G

Location. Madre De Dios, Peru
Date: November 1996 Time: daytime
In the Amazon Jungle area Ricardo Gonzalez reported encountering a tall, man like figure with perfect features that communicated with him and told him he was a member of an underground civilization that thrived nearby, apparently near the famed lost Inca
City “Paititi.” Gonzalez was to have further encounters.

HC addendum
Source: Cristian Riffo, Ovni Terra
Type: E or G?

Location. Near Great Yarmouth, Lincolnshire, England
Date: November 1996
Time: night
The witness was driving down the back road on a very dark night and as he drove down the road he noticed a shape in the fields on the right hand side. As he got closer it moved nearer towards the road and he was shocked as to what he saw. He saw a creature with the body and legs of a horse but with a man’s face. It was very scary and unpleasant. The witness did not hang around he drove off at high speed.

HC addendum
Source: Paul Deveraux, Haunted Land
Type: E

Location. Near Westbank, British Columbia, Canada
Date: early November 1996
Time: night
9-year old Dawn Smith, who lived on Lake Okanagan, saw a lighted object with green lights down on one side, going up and down in the sky above the lake. The object was somewhat rectangular in shape like a “shoe box” at one time it stopped briefly and a door opened, and a light went on inside. The door closed, and the object went behind a rain cloud, then it came back out and it opened the door again and then a disc shaped object with red, yellow and orange lights came out, it appeared to have a little hook on top. Dawn then added that when the door first opened she saw two dark colored figures standing in the dim light on the interior. She thought maybe the figures were wearing dark uniforms.

HC addition # 2853
Source: Bill Allan
Type: A

Location. Near San Antonio Texas
Date: November 1996
Time: night
A rancher woke up one night after hearing a lot of noise coming from the corral area. He got up and went out to the corral and turned on the lights of his pick up truck. What he saw was a bizarre animal trapped in his predator trap. As soon as the animal saw him the animal tried to attack him but the trap and the chain held it. In the distance the rancher saw another two of the same creatures, kind of running away from there. The creature in the trap was 2 feet long but the two others he saw in the distance were about 4 feet long. According to the rancher they really were not running but taking leaps, anywhere from 10-15 feet. The creature in the trap was described as looking like a large lizard, with a large head, disproportional large for the body. On its back coming from the spine, there were at least 13 vertical spikes that stuck up, 12 inches off the back of the creature, it had a long tongue ending in a sharp tip. Somebody from nearby Texas University picked up the creature in the trap apparently died and its body. Apparently it was never returned.

HC addition # 2876
Source: Antonio Guillen, “End of the Line”
Type: E

Location. Tucson, Arizona
Date: November 1996
Time: 0300A
For a month the witness, Elizabeth Wall, had been seeing dancing lights just outside her home. She would be compelled to look outside and also had the feeling of being watched. The night in question she was suddenly wide awake and was unable to move. The whole room was filled with a whitish-bluish light and she saw a tall hooded figure walk across the window in her room. At first she was frightened but then felt calm, she then apparently went to sleep. Her roommate saw a similar figure hovering over his bed that same night.

HC addendum
Source: Filer’s Files # 40-2000
Type: E

Location. Kiev, Ukraine
Date: November 1996
Time: 2100
Larissa Nikolaevna, an aged resident of the city, was playing solitaire and watching television on the 13th floor of her apartment complex. Suddenly she heard a voice in her head that repeated itself twice “Expectation, Expectation”. Then the voice said, “Do not be afraid, nothing bad is going to happen”. Later she went to bed watching television and soon noticed a beam of light descending to the floor on a corner of her bedroom. Three humanoid figures appeared within the beam of light. The figures wore bright yellow glowing suits. All three humanoids had long blond hair down to their shoulders. All three appeared quite solid. Moments later, to her amazement, Larissa noticed her head and hair giving off yellowish light, the light seemed to emanate directly out of her body. This lasted for only about 5 seconds, after that the figures vanished. Larissa reported further contacts with the aliens.

HC addendum
Source: Natalya Kurolenko in Kiev News, November 11 1996
Type: E

Location. Gotherington England
Date: November 6 1996
Time: 0225A
Mike Skinner was driving home from work along the A435 when he spotted what he thought was two poles with a sack draped over the top placed at the side of the road 150 yards ahead. He estimated the overall height of the “posts” to be 4 or 5 feet. As his car approached he was surprised to see what he had assumed to be the sack drop to the ground and start to move along the grass verge at the side of the road. He slowed his car down to get a better view of the creature, but it crouched down in the long grass and he was only able to describe it as a large “animal” tan in color with large pointed ears.

HC addendum
Source: Gloucestershire Echo
Type: E

Location. Near Isola Verde, Italy
Date: November 9 1996
Time: 2330
Alessandro Boscolo and two friends were driving back home near this location when Boscolo stopped the vehicle to perform a certain biological function. He soon noticed that the whole area around him was completely lighted, as if a full moon was overhead. Back in the vehicle with his two friends, they then noticed that the light was coming from a very bright source on a nearby field. They then noticed some movement coming from some nearby trees. Suddenly three to four short gray figures, with large oval shaped heads scampered at incredible speed towards the light source on the field. Frightened, Boscolo and his friends drove away from the area at high speed.

HC addition # 3510
Source: El Dragon Invisible, CUN
Type: C

Location. Katowice, Poland
Date: November 10 1996
Time: 0100A
The 2-year old witness woke up at about 0100A and saw a bright yellow ball of light outside the window. Terrified he stood unable to move staring at the light. He heard a humming sound and felt a strange “apple” like taste in his mouth while gazing at the UFO. Suddenly he decided to walk to the window. As he did he saw the object descend and it when it reached ground level he saw two creatures wearing steely gray suits. They looked at the witness; he was so scared the he closed his eyes. When he opened them again the object was taking off slowly and eventually disappeared in the southwest part of the sky.

HC addendum
Source: Bronislaw Rzepecki
Type: C

Location. Near Swindle RAF, Wiltshire, England
Date: November 14 1996
Time: night
Joseph Carpenter and four other men were traveling by car when they spotted a huge black triangular shaped object descending over the road. The men appear to loose consciousness at this point. Later under hypnosis Carpenter recalled encountering a humanoid creature with a triangle-shaped head onboard the object. The creature had an olive complexion. He also recalled being exposed to a strange scenery and environment and of seeing a creature resembling a “dolphin”.

HC addendum
Source: Denys Breysse Project Becassine
Type: G

Location. Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Date: mid November 1996
Time: late night
The witness awoke to go to the bathroom and was on the hallway near the bathroom when she noticed, through a window, bright lights and an associated large object just above the trees on the side of the field, to the north of the house. She went to the laundry room to obtain a better look; she concluded that it must have been a “ship” of some kind. The object appeared to be the size of a house. She watched through the window as it slowly drifted to the south, low over the farm field. As the object approached the farmhouse, she became frightened. She began locking doors and windows but when she reached the kitchen window she felt it was to late. When she reached the kitchen door, it was beginning to open. She tried to force the door to close, but felt a force pushing it open. She was then pushed backwards and the door flung open. As the door opened she observed a white mist or fog roll in. she also felt at this point, that there were lights in the front of the house & assumed this were associated with the “ship”. She then saw entities at the kitchen door. Looking around the door, she observed a hand reaching in from outside. The hand was long and skinny and came in very low, at the level at which a small child’s hand would be. At this point, she also remembered a non-verbal scolding which seemed to say “you know better than to try to resist.” The next thing she remembered was awakening in her room.

HC addition # 3176
Source: Chad Lewis, Craig Lang, Minnesota Mufon
Type: C?

Location. Casablanca, Valparaiso, Chile
Date: November 16 1996
Time: various
Several local students at the basic Manuel Baquedano school reported encountering several little gnome like men about 30 cm in height. The little men wore different color clothing and usually hid in the trees and bushes. Their leader appeared to be an aged looking one, dressed in black who threw stones at the curious children and emitted strange shrieking sounds, at the same time making signs with his hands to stay back. 12-year-old Felipe Guerrero Silva reported seeing other friendlier gnomes wearing red, green, and white clothing. The entity wearing the white clothing seemed to be the friendliest at times calling the children.

HC addition # 3635
Source: Paranigma Chile
Type: E

Location. East Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Date: November 17 1996
Time: 0730A
At the same time that the area had suffered a blackout, the main witness was leaving the Skytrain Station when she noticed a large black square shaped object moving low over nearby Slocan Park. Arriving at her daughter’s residence she heard a “whoo” type sound outside. The two women investigated and saw a tennis ball size blue light maneuvering over the area. At one point it dropped close to the ground near the trees. The witnesses felt a warm sensation during the sighting. Later the main witness felt compelled to go to the nearby park and found some strange marks on the ground. Upon leaving the park she saw two short old “people” wearing jeans with rolled cuffs. They had pointy ears, glassy eyes and were smiling as they stared at the witness. Apparently she then received a telepathic message related to her sighting, when she turned around to look at them the strange pair had disappeared.

HC addition # 2808
Source: Graham Conway, UFO BC
Type: D?

Location. La Barra, Caguas, Puerto Rico
Date: November 19 1996
Time: 0100A
While investigating a loud ruckus in their chicken coop the Concepcion family found several of the animals wounded. While waiting for the police to respond one of the family members looked out the window and saw a strange creature about five feet tall. The creature had an oval shaped head with two bright red elongated eyes. The creature was dark gray in color; it had large hind legs resembling those of a kangaroo, and small arms and hands. It seemed to be searching for something, maybe the rest of the chickens. The frightened witness screamed and the creature quickly turned and appeared to jump out of sight at very high speed.

HC addition # 3370
Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI # 21
Type: E

Location. Hallbankgate, Cumbria, England
Date: November 23 1996
Time: 0140A
David L, a local cab driver was taking several passengers home from a pub when he observed a large green ball of light with a white ling around it that appeared to drop from the sky and hover within some trees at a nearby farm. Later after bringing another group of passengers from the pub he came upon a hill & observed a tall figure emerging from a field gate on his right hand side. The figure wore a silver suit with “something” on his head, and what appeared to be a “white sheet” in front of him that was not holding, but seemed to be stuck to his hands. Both David and his two passengers were extremely frightened and did not stop, driving quickly away from the area.

HC addition # 3127
Source: BUFORA
Type: D

Location. Houston, Texas
Date: November 24 1996
Time: 0200A
During a very stormy night, the witness was having trouble falling sleep and was very restless. There was a window right above the bed. After a couple of minutes something started making her feel very strange as if she was in some sort of trance. It felt as if something was pulling her from inside. At the same time something appeared on the upper part of the closet door directly across from the window. It was a reddish figure and appeared to have wings, or something on either side of it that was moving up and down. She also saw a shadow pass by the window to the left of the bed. The creature then apparently disappeared. The witness husband did not see anything. A week after the incident, the witness suffered a nervous breakdown.

HC addition # 2649
Source: UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
Type: E

Location. Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Date: Winter 1996
Time: 2230
Two witnesses were returning from a visit to the United States when the car, as it was proceeding north on 184th, suddenly came to a stop. The passenger looked up and was shocked to see a group of tall stick-like beings gliding across the road approximately 30 feet in front of the car. The group of beings glided across the road from a clearing on the right side of the road to a clearing on the left hand side of the road. The car then began moving. The two witnesses did not speak to each other until much later.

HC addendum
Source: UFO BC
Type: E

Location. Near Hualqui, Chile
Date: December 1996
Time: night
A man riding a horse in an isolated area encountered a short robotic figure, apparently humanoid, that approached the horse and apparently frightened the animal. The rider quickly left the area, thinking that the apparition had been a demon. No other information.

HC addition # 3904
Source: UFOPR
Type: E

Location. El Verde, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
Date: December 1996
Time: night
Luis Torres Cruz reported seeing several huge cigar-shaped flying objects that appeared to release smaller disc shaped craft, which then descended towards El Yunque rain forest and disappeared. Shortly after that he saw a huge 9 ft tall black winged creature gliding over the area using gigantic bat-like wings near the area of the forest.

HC addendum
Source: Jorge Martin, La Conspiracion Chupacabras
Type: D?

Location. Rishon Lezion Israel
Date: December 1996
Time: 2300
A teenage boy named Alex Lemkin was walking through the local park when he saw what he thought was a little girl of six acting very strangely. Thinking the girl was lost; he approached her and was then stunned to see that the girl had albino-like skin and long hair of the same color. While he watched the girl suddenly disintegrated into dozens of small lights. At this point the witness apparently blacked out and could not remember anything else. Next thing he knew he was laying on the grass with a few unexplainable scars on his back.

HC addition # 2463
Source: Barry Chamish
Type: E or G?
Comments: Notice similar mode of disappearance of the humanoids encountered in Latvia the same year.

Location. Tskneti, Georgia (former USSR)
Date: December 1996
Time: 0045A
Several independent witnesses including, Koba Avsadzanishvili, her sister Marine, Cira Tsipashvili and Nunu Shubashikeli watched over the village what appeared to have been a very big “screen”. On the screen they could see the images of humans and modern automobiles. The screen was yellowish in color. Next the image changed to display what appeared to be “dancing couples”, moments later it changed again to show the image of a moon and a mushroom-like cloud. Later the screen changed into a cone-like shape and disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: GUFOA
Type: A? Or F?

Location. Carta Blanca, near Cuautlapam, Yucatan, Mexico
Date: December 1996
Time: 0100A-0200A
A family of four traveling in their truck on the Ixtaczoquitlan-Cuautlapam road had arrived at a curve known as “Carta Blanca” when a very tall thin being with very long thin arms suddenly jumped from the wooded side of the road into the middle of the road. The truck had its high beams on and the witnesses were able to clearly see the humanoid, which wore a one-piece red colored coverall and moved with impressive agility. The driver immediately applied the brakes of the truck as the creature took another leap into the other side of the road and into a very deep embankment, quickly disappearing from sight.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.eldurmientedeorizaba.com
Type: E
Translated by Albert S. Rosales

Location. Tblisi, Georgia (former USSR)
Date: December 1996
Time: 0445A
The witness woke up late at night feeling very cold he then noticed a figure standing next to a wheelchair by his bed. The figure was man-like and wore a dark blue astronaut like suit. Apparently he wore a visor helmet since the witness could not see his face clearly. The witness stood up and the figure disappeared. Looking out the window he noticed a fiery moon like object hovering over the area. It then sailed away at high speed.

HC addition # 3819
Source: GUFOA
Type: D?

Location. Americana, Brazil
Date: December 1996
Time: night
Investigators Alexandre Tomaz & Jefferson Gazano and others were checking a sugarcane field when they encountered a creature about 1.70m in height, heavy set and completely covered with hair. The creature stood very close to the witnesses, less than 10 meters. Terrified the men fled to their car and left the area.

HC addendum
Source: Ramon Navia, “La Verdad Oculta”
Type: E

Location. Mt. Nathan, Queensland, Australia
Date: December 1996
Time: late night
A woman reported several very unusual occurrences, which had happened on her 20-acre property. One night she saw her husband go out through the windows, being levitated and floated out somehow. She had seen circles of light in the paddocks and found a flattened area of grass the next day. She also saw shadowy figures in the distance, with red lights behind; the figures seemed to move very quickly. One other morning she was woken up at 0300A to see red lights just above a shed, and a shadowy figure moving across the shed roof. The next day she found a dam half empty.

HC addition # 2743
Source: Glennys Mackay, Keith Basterfield
Type: C

Location. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Date: December 1996
Time: late night
Two similar reports. In both cases 4 to 5 year old children called for their parents in the early morning hours. One reported a white figure that tried to take him up through the roof. The second child reported a small, thin figure with large eyes that wanted to take him up a light through the roof. In the second incident the mother said she saw a flash of light in the interior corridor of the house.

HC addition # 2616
Source: Keith Basterfield
Type: E

Location. Miami Florida
Date: December 1996
Time: late night
A seven-year-old girl woke up in a dream like state to see a small man-like figure standing next to her bed. The being was white in color and had a large light-bulb shaped head with huge black almond shaped eyes. It wore a tight-fitting white outfit. The little girl screamed as she apparently received a mental message from the being indicating that he wanted to examine her younger sister (sleeping in the same room), the creature then vanished.

HC addition # 2578
Source: Personal Investigation
Type: E

Location. Grimaldi-Ventimiglia Italy
Date: December 1996
Time: near midnight
A musical producer riding his motorcycle in the area spotted a strange creature standing on the side of the road. He described it as huge and hairy, resembling a “gorilla” or a “caveman.” On his way to town he reportedly saw the same or similar creature standing on the road again.

HC addendum
Source: CUN Genova
Type: E

Location. Near Bethel, Ohio
Date: December 1 1996
Time: late night
Two hunters & their hunting dogs were parked on Leonard Road six miles south of Bethel waiting for the right time to se their dogs loose. Soon they did and followed them into a harvested cornfield. As they approached some nearby power lines the dogs got deathly quiet that was very uncommon for that type of dog. As one of the hunters stepped into a clearing he was shocked to see a silvery saucer shaped craft with a transparent cupola sitting on the ground. Nearby stood three humanoids wearing some kind of coverall uniform. The beings were described as “Grays” short with slanted black eyes; one of them was slightly taller and had a much bigger head. As both hunters and their dogs watched the three humanoids ran to their saucer and disappeared through an open hatch, then the object rose into the air straight up and vanished.

HC addition # 2474
Source: UFO Roundup Vol1 # 41
Type: B

Location. Governador Valadares, Mina Gerais, Brazil
Date: December 9 1996
Time: 1830
74-year old laborer, Plinio Bragatto was on his way back home after a days work when he made a brief stop to buy some beers. He proceeded on and stopped to sit on a rock in order to drink one of the beers. He then heard a loud sound coming from behind him. Turning around he saw a large metallic oval shaped craft landing on a field close to him. The object landed on several leg-like protrusions. Once the object landed a door opened, and a sort of ladder or escalator was lowered to the ground. Then a 2 meter tall humanoid figure stepped out. The humanoid approached Bragatto and in a peculiar language that sounded like Spanish invited the witness inside the object. The witness agreed and was escorted inside. Once inside he noticed that the inside of the object had a metallic bluish sheen to it. Still speaking in the peculiar language, that the witness was somehow able to understand, the humanoid told Bragatto that they were going to take him to their “native planet.” He was given the impression that the planet was “Mars”. Inside the object there was a total of three humanoids, 2 men and a woman. Described as closely resembling humans, wearing loose fitting gray outfits, with several golden medallions hanging around their necks. According to the witness the humanoid’s hair grew from the middle of their heads back, and they had large ears and mouths, making them somewhat ugly. Before leaving, Bragatto was given a medical examination by the beings. His stomach area was probed with several needle-like instruments. On the way to the humanoid’s home planet the witness was given a fruit resembling a “Mamey” (known tropical fruit) and something resembling an empanada. He was also given a bitter beverage to taste that seemed to contain alcohol. In turn he offered the humanoids a beer, which he apparently had taken inside the craft with him. They immediately accepted. Arriving, the witness was greeted by numerous similar appearing beings. He noticed that the “planet” was beautiful in appearance and saw numerous buildings that appeared to be made of a nylon-like material. One of the beings now approached him and told him that it was time to go, that 8 hours had already passed. On his was back to the object, the witness saw a huge television screen which showed strange holographic like images, that included dinosaur like animals. The witness then asked the humanoids when were they returning to Earth, he was then told “We will return when the storms are less intense, since we have already lost five of our aircraft as a result of lighting.” Around 0400A the witness was returned to Earth, he found himself in an unfamiliar field. He then followed a nearby path and reached a village where he realized that the humanoids had dropped him off more than 800 kilometers from his hometown. He went to the police and told them what had happened. A police officer conducting an investigation found a circular ground mark at the field where Bragatto was dropped off by the humanoids.

HC addition # 3592
Type: G

Location. Near Itaparica Island, Bahia, Brazil
Date: December 22 1996
Time: evening
On the road leading to the Nazare salt mines an employee of the mines was driving his truck with his wife, three children and his brother in law. This stretch of road was considered a good road, in a reasonable state of conservation, but the truck reportedly catapulted mysteriously killing four of its occupants, leaving only two young girls alive to tell what happened. When the two girls had recouped they told an amazing story. According to the girls everything was going well and as they approached the stretch of road near the salt mines the driver and the passengers saw what they children curiously later described as “three dolls the height of young children” jumping up and down with open arms in the middle of the road as if desperately wanting a lift. The driver attempted to avoid the strange trio but the creatures ran in the same direction, seemingly at the same speed of the truck, blocking its passage. In a desperate act the driver of the truck attempted to coast along the embankment but the truck turned over trapping most of the victims inside. The girls do not remember seeing the strange creatures again.

HC addendum
Source: Alberto Romero, Brazil
Type: E & F

Location. St Weonards, Herefordshire, England
Date: December 24 1996
Time: late night
The young witness was walking back home after an errand and had taken a short cut through an old churchyard. As he stepped through the gate something off to his left caught his eye. Feeling a strange sense of dread he stopped dead in his tracks. He noticed a very black figure about 3 ft high that was squatting over a grave; it was about 15 ft away in the shadows. All he could see was an outline but no details. Terrified the young witness beat a hasty retreat and went home.

HC addendum
Source: Fortean Times
Type: E

Location. Nur-a-Shamat Camp, Israel
Date: December 26 1996
Time: 0100A
Daoud Ahmad woke up feeling thirsty and attempted to get out of bed, but suddenly two short creatures jumped on him and beat him. Each only had one eye and were very strong. They wore black leathery clothes, and had Mohawk style haircuts. After they beat the witness he lost consciousness. He was taken to a local hospital where he was treated. He also recalled that the beings had only three fingers on each hand.

HC addition # 3411
Source: Israeli UFO Investigation Group
Type: E

Location. Netanya, Israel
Date: December 31 1996
Time: 1955
Shoshana Bar-on and her boyfriend Ilan Cohen were returning home from Tel Aviv by car when both spotted an orange-red disk flying over the seaside cliffs. They stopped the car and attempted to chase the object. The object then seemed to brake into three parts, one part further split into dozens of glowing plates that fell on the beach below the witnesses. Shoshana bent over the cliff and saw four small gray humanoids on the ledge below. She called over to Ilan to look but he, for some strange reason could not see them. She stood up and saw a nine foot long, clam shaped craft appear opposite to her. The opt of the object opened up and she saw four entities, three in a row and a pilot sitting forward, they were all seated in tight, tiny chairs, that had several button like controls. One of the entities floated vertically from the craft and stunned Shoshana with “white projector like beams coming from his eyes.” The being approached her and rubbed her arms & neck with a stubby, soft hand. She later recalled that his touch felt good. She screamed, but Ilan could not hear her. She then collapsed to the ground. Ilan managed to drag her away from the site but in a voice “that was not hers” she insisted in being taken back. He pulled her to the side of the road where he flagged down a car that drove them to a nearby hospital. Numerous other phenomena occurred in the witness apartment the following days.

HC addition # 2704
Source: Barry Chamish, UFO Universe Special Issue
Type: C A & F?

Location. New Jersey, exact location not given
Date: December 31 1996
Time: near midnight
Bari Tutino saw a hovering disc-shaped object with amber, red and yellow lights. She stood under it for 30 minutes. At one point through an opening he saw three figures, 2 human-like and one that appeared to be luminous or “lighted”. The object flew off silently. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: I was Abducted.com
Type: A

Total Cases: 269

Addendums to be inserted as they become available.

Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at: garuda79@att.net

Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.

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