Argentina: A High Strangeness Event from 1986
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Our friends at Grupo G.A.B.I.E. have shared the following report from the mid-80s that suggests a possible abduction experience or at least a high-strangeness incident that is being made known only now, nearly 30 years later.
The event occurred on 24 December 1986
Experiencer’s age: 10 years old
Name: Luis Sánchez
Location: Tucumán, Argentina
Source: Grupo GABIE
“Christmas Eve, surrounded by family and after the celebrations, time was 02:30 in the morning approximately — that I’ll never forget.
“The Christmas toast went by, people’s mood was cheered by celebration – a lovely recollection. I finished launching the rockets that my father would buy for me while they were seated around the table, from beneath a gallery in front of the house. I headed to the door. We always had a large backyard with plants, trees, etc.
“As I stood at the door, I heard a noise, but I thought it was the sound of little bottle rockets. But the sound didn’t stop – it was constant, like the sound of a cave with whistling wind or something like it, like a turbine. It was something that buzzed in my ears.
“I looked upward, as the sound came from above, and I saw something. It looked like a car without wheels, slab-shaped (its lower section, which was visible to me, had a rectangle similar to a small door). It also had color. It was a strange color, grey mixed with light blue, clearly visible in the part I could see. It had two lights in the rounded forward section; a light that wasn’t painful, but was a beam of straight light. Upon seeing it, I was paralyzed for a brief moment. It was as if they wanted me to see them. I felt connected – and happy.
“It hovered above my house, going from the door to the back, crossing the entire house, at a height over the street light wires, the lamp posts, a slow speed that I can’t estimate. It was like an old lady walking, very slow…it was really low, some 15 to 20 meters at least. I ran to the back of the house, since I supposed it would appear there. As I ran, I told my brother Eduardo, age 8, to come with me to see this thing! I was fascinated. He ran with me and we came out to the backyard. We covered approximately 14 meters (45 feet). I looked to the sky, thinking the object would appear.
“After that, I don’t remember anything at all.
“That very same night, I woke up in my bed. I was in my room. Right next to the place where waited for the object. The time was around 4 in the morning when I woke up. I went to my mother, and asked her: “Where’s Eduardo?” Sleeping, she replied. I never knew what happened. That’s all that was left in my mind.
“The next day I asked my brother, and he told me he only saw a light, and remembered nothing else afterward.
“I don’t know what happened, but strange events like this began to occur [in my life]. I will tell you more later on.”
Let’s hope that G.A.B.I.E.’s enigmatic correspondent indeed decides to share his subsequent experiences. We will keep our readers abreast of further developments.
UFOINFO would like to thank Scott Corrales Inexplicata Blog for granting permission to use this article.
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