Encounters with Aliens on this Day March 28

 March 28

1897 – The majority of the population of Omaha, Nebraska
observed an object arriving from the southeast at 10:30 p.m. It looked
like a huge light, flew northwestward slowly, came to low altitude. A
crowd gathered at a street corner to watch it. (Source: Jacques Vallee,
Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 181, citing the
Chicago Times-Herald, March 30, 1897).

1954 – After seeing mysterious lights descend over Sumner,
Washington five witnesses drove on this evening to an isolated area
near some power lines and soon saw a white glowing ball of light wobbling
and gliding down from the sky. It apparently went into a clump of nearby
trees. The light then approached their vehicle, and moments later the
white globe of light passed in front of their car. At that same moment one
of the witnesses saw a tall, well-built, broad-shouldered man standing at
the same spot where the globe of light had been seen. The figure was
encased in a glowing white light. It suddenly disappeared in plain sight.
(Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1954, case # 1862,
citing George Hunt Williamson, Other Tongues Other Flesh).

1959 – On this night three witnesses encountered a
seven foot tall luminous humanoid in a swampy area of Charles Mill Lake,
Ohio. It appeared to be armless and had large, bright
greenish eyes. It left tracks behind resembling those of the footgear worn
by skin divers. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database
1959, case # 314, citing Loren Coleman, Curious Encounters).

1965 – A gray ovoid object surrounded by a foggy mist followed a
man walking down a road at 11:00 p.m. in Sutton Veny, England. It
made a loud noise, and he felt a heavy atmospheric pressure as a result of
the object’s presence. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case

1966 – The chief of police in Linden, Michigan saw red,
blue, and white lights hover over his town, then speed away to the north.
A truck driver In Niles, Michigan had a UFO with red, green and
white lights pace his truck at two o’clock in the morning. When he blinked
his headlights it veered away sharply and disappeared. Around 3 a.m. in
Warren, Michigan police received over thirty phone calls from residents
reporting lights in the sky zigzagging and diving into a swamp. (Sources:
Mort Young, UFO Top Secret, pp. 64-65; NICAP UFO Investigator,
April 1966, p. 8).

1966 – At eight o’clock in the evening in Fayetteville, Tennessee
a man driving at a speed of about 60 mph suddenly encountered a large
lighted object only one meter above the road on a hilltop. As it flew
off his car engine and headlights died. The light bulbs in the headlights
had to be replaced. The object was oval shaped, seven meters long, dark
gray in color, and showed about 30 lights along its periphery. (Source:
Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case

1967 – In Conifer, Colorado at 12:30 a.m., D. Davis saw a
shining light on a hill on the adjoining ranch. As witnesses drove over
towards it to check it out the light went out. Two sisters who had stayed
back at the ranch saw a man running down the hill. He vanished near the
corral. (Source: Ted Bloecher case files).

1967 – About the same time as the Colorado event (2:25
a.m. Eastern Time) a cone was seen hovering several feet over a field
between Kent and Munroe Falls, Ohio. Four or five beings, each
under four-feet tall, stocky and with large heads emerged. They wore helmets
and glowed an orange-red color. The witness’s car hit one of them, and
they saw an arm fly up w a “mitten” on the hand. The car had dents and
scratches as a result of the collision. (Source: APRO Bulletin,
March-April 1967, p. 1).

1973 – An object shaped like the Apollo space capsule
(cone-shaped) made several large loops in the sky over Mount Bouquet,
France at 4:00 p.m.. It flew off toward the east at 800 meters
altitude. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue no. 135).

1975 – Two local investigators were driving around northeastern
Pennsylvania in the hopes of catching a glimpse of a Bigfoot
creature that had been reported in the area. Around midnight they suddenly
came upon two tall dark figures with red glowing eyes, who approached
their vehicle as if attempting to encircle them. The investigators snapped
several photographs before fleeing the area. The pictures only vaguely
show what appears to be the glowing eyes. (Source: Albert S. Rosales,
Humanoid Contact Database 1975, case # 1874, citing Paul G. Johnson &
Joan L. Jeffers, The Pennsylvania Bigfoot).

Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 10 September 2005).

Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database.

Themes: broad-shouldered humanoid, cone-shaped UFOs, fog
or mist, multi-colored UFOs, response to light signal, heavy atmospheric
pressure, multi-year reports from Ohio, oval or ovoid UFOs, short stocky
humanoids, tall armless luminous humanoid, tall humanoids with red glowing
eyes, vehicle EM interference effects.

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