Encounters with Aliens on this Day October 4

October 4

1954 – There are 41 UFO and humanoid reports on this date in
UFOCAT, including six CE-III reports. One report is from Tel Aviv, Israel
and one of the humanoid reports is from Salta, Argentina. The
rest are from France, which was at the center of a massive wave
of UFO sightings. Below are summaries of some of the more interesting
cases. Click on map
to see the distribution of European cases.

1954 – An object was said to have landed in the yard of Mr.
Montagne, a railroad employee, in Limoges, France. (Sources:
France-Soir, October 7, 1954; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia:
A Century of Landings
, p. 216).

1954 – Andre Garcia and Andre Darzais were driving a truck between
Lagrasse and Villemagne and were near the village of Lezignan, France
when they saw a luminous object coming slowly to the ground. It measured
about 10 meters in diameter and took off with a burst of light. (Sources:
France-Soir, October 7, 1954; Jacques Vallee, Passport to
Magonia: A Century of Landings
, p. 217).

1954 – Mr. Garreau, a farmer in Chaleix, France saw an
object the size of a carriage land in his field. Two men of normal height
emerged through a sliding door. They wore khaki overalls and were of
European type. They shook hands with the witness and said some thing
like: “Paris? Nord?” (According to another version they spoke indistinct
words.) They gave a pat on the back to Mr. Garreau’s dog and took off
at an amazing speed. (Sources: Liberation, October 7, 1954; Jacques
Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings,
p. 217).

1954 – At 8:10 a.m. Mr. Lacambre, a forester, saw a little man
or dwarf in a streambed 200 meters from his house in St-Perdoux, Lot,
France. The being wore a wide leather belt or girdle,
boots, and a tunic. He put water in a bottle, and some pebbles in a
belt pouch; he then rose up into air and vanished. The creature had
two pear-shaped boxes under his arms that may have assisted his ascent.
Footprints were found at the site. (Source: Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis
Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees
en France
, pp. 116-117).

1954 – Several people noticed an object hovering near a hilltop
in the evening in Tregon, France. They drove to the site, but
it flew away. What seemed to have been the same object was seen at Megrit,
25 km to the southwest, hovering over a farm. It was described as metallic,
flat, and emitting light. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and
the Straight Line Mystery
, p. 139; Jacques Vallee, Passport to
Magonia: A Century of Landings,
p. 217).

1954 – Montceau-les-Mines, France. At 6:30 p.m. about
20 people, among them Remy Gaudicourt of Sanvignes, saw a circular,
luminous object rise vertically from the vicinity of the railroad tracks.
There were no traces found. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers
and the Straight Line Mystery
, p. 138; Jacques Vallee, Passport
to Magonia
: A Century of Landings, p. 217; Michel Figuet
and Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres
rapprochees en France, pp. 118).

1954 – Villers-le-Tilleul, France. Ten year old Bertiaux
saw an object at 6:40 p.m. “like a tent” with an unknown man nearby.
(Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings,
p. 217).

1954 – On a road in Lessard-le-National, France at 7:20
p.m., a silver cigar-shaped object stopped in a vertical position when
illuminated by car headlights. Landing traces found nearby. (Source:
Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue no. 319).

1954 – At 7:30 p.m. a six-meter in diameter red, round, domed
object, hovered 10-12 meters above the ground in Taupignac, France.
Four little men, one meter tall (3.3 feet) exited. As the three male
witnesses approached they quickly entered the object. The domed disc
changed color from blue to orange and then to red, and made no noise as it
took off. (Source: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line
, p. 159).

1954 – At 10:00 p.m. Mr. Henry Leherisse, age 23, in Megrit,
France saw two shadows moving about inside a flat luminous,
metallic, three-meters wide object, that hovered 50 meters above his
garage. (Source: newspaper clipping, October 7, 1954; Michel Figuet
and Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres
rapprochees en France
, pp. 122).

1954 – Mrs. Fourneret, a housewife, ran away as an orange, circular
object 3 meters in diameter that swung in midair and landed near her
farm in Poncey-sur-Lignon, France. When Messrs. Girardot and
Vincent arrived with rifles, they found that the earth had been “sucked
up” over a quadrilateral area. Francois Bouiller confirmed he had seen
a luminous object in flight. Extensive investigation by French Air Force
and police. (Sources: Liberation, October 7, 1954; Aime Michel,
Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 134; Jacques
Vallee, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, p. 71; Jacques Vallee, Passport
to Magonia: A Century of Landings
, p. 217).

1955 – United States Senator Richard Russell, Head of the Senate
Armed Services Committee, was on a high-level diplomatic mission to the
Soviet Union and was traveling on the trans-Caucasus railway
outside of Baku, Azerbaijan on this day in 1955. While on the train
at 7:10 p.m. he and his aide saw a disc-shaped UFO slowly ascend to 6000
feet and then shoot to the North. A second disc appeared and maneuvered
about the sky. (Source: Michael David Hall, UFOs: A Century of
, p. 240).

1957 – Angel hair residue fell on Ichinoseki, Japan at
11:45 a.m. on this day. (Source: Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence
(Volume I), p. 101, citing Flying Saucer Review, January

1960 – Reverend and Mrs. Browning in Cressy, Tasmania
observed a cigar-shaped object fly toward the west. Five 30′ diameter
domed discs joined the larger object, and all flew away rapidly to the
east at 6:10 p.m. (Sources: James E. McDonald case investigation files;
APRO Bulletin, September-October 1960, p. 4).

1967 – At 11:20 p.m. Atlantic Daylight Time at least one and most
likely two separate UFOs dove or crashed into the ocean near Bon Portage
Island, in the area of Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada. There
were at least a dozen independent witnesses to the event. Canadian Navy
divers searched the area for three days but found nothing. This followed
a series of six UFO sightings across Quebec and Nova Scotia
beginning at 7:19 p.m., when Air Canada Captain Pierre Guy Charbonneau,
flying between Sherbrooke and St. Jean, sighted an orange rectangular
object followed by a series of smaller lights, followed by a sizeable
explosion near the large object that turned into a big white ball-shaped
cloud. The cloud turned red, then violet, and then blue. Two minutes
later there was another explosion that turned into a second sphere which
was orange in color. Like the first one it too eventually faded to blue.
The smaller lights on the “kite tail” broke formation with the rectangular
object and began to dance around the spheres like fireflies. (Sources:
Yarmouth Light Herald, October 12, 1967; Ivan T. Sanderson,
Invisible Residents
, pp. 44-45; Don Ledger & Chris Styles, Dark
Object: The world’s only government documented UFO crash
, pp. 9-13;
28-50, 151-162).

1973 – A man was driving on the Simi Freeway in Simi
Valley, California during the afternoon when he saw
a 30 by 350 foot triangular object in a dust cloud near the road. It
was 80-100 feet away and was swaying back and forth 10 feet above the
ground. An eight-foot hose dangled from the bottom of the object. A
clear bubble three feet in diameter swiveled atop the UFO. As he watched
a being crawled around from behind the machine, looked at the witness,
and then scrambled out of sight. The humanoid was of normal stature
but wore a silvery type of wet suit. The bubble began rotating faster
and disappeared inside the object, which emitted a whirring noise. A
fog enveloped the craft, which then disappeared. An unidentified woman
witness had reported a similar sighting the week before. (Sources: David
F. Webb and Ted Bloecher: HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports,
case 1973-28; David F. Webb, 1973: The Year of The Humanoids).

1979 – Garbage collector Aldo Natoli was on his way
to work in Viggiu Varese, Italy at 3:20 a.m. when he
spotted two strange figures suspended about 20 cm from the ground, and
gesticulating animatedly among themselves without making a sound. Natoli
stopped his Vespa motorscooter and continued observing the scene. The
figures were thin and human-like, wearing dark blue, loose fitting coveralls.
Their eyes were fluorescent and they had black hair. When the witness
restarted his scooter, the figures disappeared into the darkness. The
scooter then malfunctioned but moments later it started again. He then
drove away from the area. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact
Database 1979, citing C.U.N.).

1979 – In the early evening a seven-year old boy in
Handsworth, Sheffield, England watched a seven-foot-tall
silvery figure that was apparently drilling a hole in the ground with
a tube. The boy watched the figure until it suddenly spotted him. The
figure then disappeared in a puff of pink smoke. Four non-human looking
footprints were found at the site. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid
Contact Database 1979, citing Janet & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries
of Britain

Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 02 September 2004).

Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database.

Themes: angel hair residue, cigar-shaped UFOs, dark blue uniforms,
domed disc-shaped UFOs, fog or smoke enveloping UFO, nautical UFOs,
short humanoids, human-looking UFO occupants, hovering humanoids and
UFOs, landings, landing traces and imprints, luminous UFOs, orange colored
UFOs, rectangular UFOs, swaying motion, tall humanoids, triangular UFOs,
UFOs crash into ocean, vanishing UFOs, vertical ascent.

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