UFO Organizations in Spain
Additions and corrections can be sent via an Online Submission Fundación Anomalía Apartado de Correos 5041 39080 Santander Fundación Anomalía is the first foundation in Europe devoted to scientific UFO research. E-mail: Web: Sociedad de Investigaciones Biofísicas Home page is currently blank (27/11/2012) – please choose from menu options Web:…
Chi tiếtUFO Organizations in Denmark
Additions and corrections can be sent via an Online Submission SUFOI PO Box 95 6200 Aabenraa Denmark Phone: +45 70 20 11 22 E-mail: Web:
Chi tiếtUFO Organizations in Ireland
Additions and corrections can be sent via an Online Submission Aerial Phenomena Research Association of Ireland Through scientific research and investigation our aim is to find an underlying cause or explanation into the UFO phenomena that has interested and intrigued people for as far back to Egyptian times. We are interested in any…
Chi tiếtUFO Organizations in New Zealand
Additions and corrections can be sent via an Online Submission UFOCUS NZ Research Network UFOCUS NZ Research Network PO Box 624 Tauranga 3140 New Zealand Phone/Fax: 0064 7 5480 053 * NZ UFO sighting report investigation and research * Contact/close encounter support * Public speaking * Conference lectures Web:
Chi tiếtUFO Organizations in South Africa
Additions and corrections can be sent via an Online Submission Extra-Terrestrial Association Phone: 072 084 1722 E-Mail: Web: Stargazer Johannesburg We are based in Johannesburg, South Africa and we also have an alliance with SAUFOR, based in Cape Town. E-mail: Web: UfoRSA We are based in the…
Chi tiếtUFO Organizations in Missouri, USA
Additions and corrections can be sent via an Online Submission Missouri Awareness and Alternative Research Society (MAARS) Springfield MO The Missouri Awareness & Alternative Research Society (MAARS) is a public organization in Springfield, Missouri. Our focus is to increase public awareness in the understanding of fields such as: paranormal phenomena, scientific advancements, UFO…
Chi tiếtUFO Organizations in Turkey
Additions and corrections can be sent via an Online Submission Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center E-mail: Web:
Chi tiếtUFO Organizations in the United Arab Emirates
Additions and corrections can be sent via an Online Submission Dubai Research Congregation Apt- 1007 The Trio-3 Bldg Al Nahda Qusais Dubai UAE PO Box: 42208 (Sharjah) Mob: 00971 50 3697173, 00971 55 6025765 Land line: 00971 4 2206048 Phone: 00971 50 3697173 Fax: 00971 6 5261413 Group Research done on facts –…
Chi tiếtUFO Organizations in the U.S.A.
Additions and corrections can be sent via an Online Submission This listing is also available sorted alphabetically Arizona California Connecticut Florida Illinois Indiana Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska New Jersey New York Ohio Oregon Texas Virginia Wisconsin
Chi tiếtUFO Organizations in Germany
Additions and corrections can be sent via an Online Submission CENAP – the Central Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena (Centrales Erforschungs-Netz außergewöhnlicher Himmels-Phänomene) Werner Walter Eisenacher Weg 16 D-68309 Mannheim Germany E-mail: Web: DEGUFO e.V. (Deutschprachige Gesellschaft fur UFO-Forschung) German speaking association for UFO research E-mail: Web:
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