UFO Organizations in Ohio, USA

Cleveland Ufology Project Cleveland Ohio E-mail: info@clevelandufo.com Web: http://www.clevelandufo.com Lima Area UFO Associates (LAURA) P.O. Box 5193 Lima Ohio 45802-5193 Web: http://limaohioufo.blogspot.com Miami Valley UFO Society P.O. Box 367 South Vienna Ohio 45369-0367 Phone: 937-207-5116 This non-profit group has been formed for the residents of the Ohio Miami Valley area (but open to all). It…

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UFO Organizations in Russia

RUFORS – Russian UFO Research Station Nikolay Subbotin Director info@rufors.ru Web: http://www.rufors.ru  [ English page – http://www.rufors.ru/content/view/80/47/ ] Our public research organisation RUFORS expands the contacts to the purpose of effective dialogue to all research organisations interested in studying of the Unusual phenomena, ufologies, history of ancient civilisations, ways of overcoming of forthcoming planetary crisis, and also carrying out of…

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UFO Organizations in Canada

Alien – UFO’s in Outer and Inner Space Toronto We are an open minded group that meet at least once a month (twice a month in the summer time) with special guest speakers or have one of our members do a presentation related to the field of UFOLOGY. Its a great group and growing every…

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UFO Organizations in Australia

ACERN (Australian Close Encounters Resource Network) ACERN 10 Shady Lane Agnes Water Qld 4677 Phone/Fax: (61) 07 4974 7219 E-mail: starline@iinet.net.au Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/acern.com.au Web: http://www.acern.com.au Australian “UFO communities” on Facebook A list compiled by Keith Basterfield Web: http://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com.au/2015/05/australian-ufo-communities-on-facebook_11.html Australian UFO Research Network (AUFORN) The Australian UFO Research Network is a voluntary, non-profit organization established in…

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UFO Organizations in the USA

Baltimore Area Xperiencers! (BAX) 6422 Park Heights Avenue Ste C Baltimore MD 21215 Phone: 301-257-0003 A group that offers those who have actually had UFO sightings or experienced actual encounters support. We will discuss the similarities of our experiences and bring some definition to what we know is true. Films, trip, guest speakers and great…

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