UFO ROUNDUP Volume 2 Number 7 February 16, 1997 Editor: Joseph Trainor

UFOs SIGHTED ALL OVER THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST The states of Oregon and Washington were hit by a major UFO flap last weekend. In Inglewood, Washington (population 4,000), a suburb of Seattle, Jim Waylons was returning to his apartment house around 10:30 p.m. when he spotted “a bright yellow light” hovering over the neighborhood. The unknown…

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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 2 Number 8 February 23, 1997 Editor: Joseph Trainor

UFOs HAUNT NIGHT SKIES ALL OVER AUSTRALIA For the past two weeks, Australia has been repeatedly visited by UFOs. Over 50 encounters have been reported since February 1, including two landings in the suburbs of Melbourne. The flap began Saturday, February 1, 1997 with an incident in Tasmania, the island off Australia’s southern coast. A…

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V7.04 – January 22nd 2002 Alien skull discovered in Bulgaria? V7.06 – February 5th 2002 Alien skull causes great excitement in Bulgaria V7.18 – April 30th 2002 Bulgaria’s mysterious White Brotherhood V7.34 – Aug 20th 2002 UFO flap spreads to Bulgaria V8.23 – June 25th 2003 1943: The Holocaust and the Fortean Society V9.45 –…

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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 7 Number 47 November 19, 2002 Editor: Joseph Trainor

TEN CATS MUTILATED IN DENVER, COLORADO “Carol DeYoung had a bad feeling when she awoke at 2 a.m. and realized her 13-year-old cat, Mozart, was nowhere to be seen.” “A cat door allowed the independent silver tabby the freedom to come and go from the Aurora,” Colorado (population 276,393) “townhouse in the 13000 block of…

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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 9 Number 41 October 13th, 2004 Editor: Joseph Trainor

“ALIEN INVASION” SENDS VILLAGERS FLEEING IN ROMANIA “A Romanian village was left deserted after its inhabitants fled in panic after mistaking disco lights in a nearby town for an alien invasion.” “Villagers in Cristinesti, in eastern Romania, thought they were under attack by aliens when they saw bright, multi-colored lights in the sky and started…

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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 3 Number 51 December 22, 1998 Editor: Joseph Trainor

UFOs INTERVENE IN OPERATION DESERT FOX Large triangular UFOs were seen in Iraq and upstate New York before and during Operation Desert Fox. On Thursday, December 16, 1998, at 2:31 a.m. local time, “a triangle-shaped pattern of lights” appeared over downtown Baghdad and was picked up by CNN’s night-vision video camera. The lights hovered in…

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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 2 Number 17 April 27th, 1997 Editor: Joseph Trainor

UFO LEAVES CROP CIRCLES IN NORTHERN CROATIA On Wednesday, April 16, 1997, at 8:15 p.m., the Croatian national TV aired a strange report during the show Ziva Istina (The Living Truth). According to the announcer, a UFO appeared over the town of Zagorje in northern Croatia. He said, “It seemed like a giant cigar.” A…

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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 9 Number 19 May 12, 2004 Editor: Joseph Trainor

XENDRA APPEARS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA A Xendra (pronounced Shenn-drah–J.T.), a kind of inter-dimensional gateway, appeared last week in Carlsbad, California (population 78,247), an oceanside city on Highway 521 about 30 miles (50 kilometers) north of San Diego. The Xendra originally appeared in South America. It first appeared in 2002 in Los Cipreses National Park near…

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UFO ROUNDUP Number 34 October 20, 1996 Editor: Joseph Trainor

THE GUARDUNHA MYSTERY DEEPENS The story that began with the reported abduction of backpacker Ricardo Machado Oliveira in Portugal nearly a month ago has taken some surprising new twists. During the last week of September, Machado was hiking in the Serra da Guardunha mountain range in eastern Portugal when he decided to visit a cave…

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