UFO ROUNDUP Volume 10 Number 16 April 20th, 2005 Editor: Joseph Trainor

GIANT WAVE DAMAGES CRUISE SHIP “A cruise ship struck by a freak seven-story-high wave that smashed windows and sent furniture flying returned to New York harbor on Monday,” April 18, 2005, “and docked at its berth on the Hudson River.” “The Norwegian Dawn arrived with more than 2,000 passengers still on board after some 300…

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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 5 Number 18 May 4, 2000 Editor: Joseph Trainor

PANIC IN LINCOLNSHIRE: WOMAN ABDUCTED, MAN SHOT BY ALIENS Multiple UFO sightings were reported near Grimsby, Lincolnshire, UK during April, including two incidents of direct contact with humans. The flap began on Friday, March 24, 2000 when Elaine King, 40, of Tetney Lock, near Grimsby, Lincs.”was transported from her bed to an alien space craft…

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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 3 Number 46 November 16, 1998 Edior: Joseph Trainor

NEW TWISTS AND TURNS IN EQ PEGASI CONTACT CASE Controversy over the alleged alien radio signals from the star system EQ Pegasi continued this week, with many surprising twists and turns. On October 22, 1998, a UK man calling himself “Paul Dore” claimed that he had picked up a radio signal from EQ Pegasi, a…

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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 9 Number 52 December 29, 2004 Editor: Joseph Trainor

UFO Roundup and the UFOINFO site are operated on a “Not For Profit” basis. You can help to keep UFO Roundup operating by making a donation. NEWS OF ALIEN PRESENCE STARTLES INDIA India was startled by four reports last week which appeared to confirm the rumors of a large underground base staffed by extraterrestrials in…

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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 9 Number 18 May 5, 2004 Editor: Joseph Trainor

UFO Roundup and the UFOINFO site are operated on a “Not For Profit” basis. You can help to keep UFO Roundup operating by making a donation. CHUPACABRAS GO ON A RAMPAGE IN CHILE “A family in Collipulli,” a small town 150 kilometers (90 miles) southeast of Concepcion, Chile, “is going through hard times after having…

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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 9 Number 1 January 7, 2004 Editor: Joseph Trainor

UFO Roundup and the UFOINFO site are operated on a “Not For Profit” basis. You can help to keep UFO Roundup operating by making a donation. SPIRIT LANDS ON MARS The robot rover Spirit bounced to a landing on the floor of Gusev Crater on Mars Saturday, January 3, 2004, at 11:51 p.m., Cape Canaveral…

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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 7 Number 23 June 4, 2002 Editor: Joseph Trainor

UFO Roundup and the UFOINFO site are operated on a “Not For Profit” basis. You can help to keep UFO Roundup operating by making a donation. CATTLE MUTILATIONS SPREAD IN ARGENTINA “Two cows were found dead under strange circumstances this weekend in a field located north of the town of Jacinto Arauz” in Argentina’s La…

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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 7 Number 18 April 30, 2002 Editor: Joseph Trainor

UFO Roundup and the UFOINFO site are operated on a “Not For Profit” basis. You can help to keep UFO Roundup operating by making a donation. SECOND UFO APPEARS IN A TV BROADCAST, THIS TIME IN VENEZUELA Puerto Rican journalist and UFO researcher Jorge Martin reports, “I’ve read your report about the UFO observed on…

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