Feb. 02, 1958 Hokkaido (Japan). Farmer Yasukichi Nakaguchi and
1530 his son, and Kametaro Takuma, saw an egg-shaped
object that landed silently. (FSR 58, 3)
Feb. 24, 1958 Conceicao Almeida (Brazil). Three witnesses, among
0305 them Dr. C. da Costa, decided to sleep in their car
when the engine stalled and could not be started
again. Then a very large, blue silvery object appeared
and came to ground level with a swinging motion.
was shaped like a sphere surrounded by a flat ring.
When they tried to approach it, the object maneu-
vered in a strange "aerial dance." (Lor. I 143)
Mar. 02, 1958 Tampa (Florida). A civilian source was said to have
1945 observed a balloon-shaped object land on the airfield
then take off slowly and hover at 250 m altitude be-
fore disappearing. It showed a bright light source.
Mar. 14, 1958 Healdsburg (California). Two persons, in their back-
0845 yard, saw a round object 1 m in diameter come from
the west and land 15 m away. It took off toward the
east, turned south, and was lost to sight. (Atic)
Mar. 19, 1958 Moscow (USSR). Near Moscow, a large, disk-shaped
object was seen on the ground. It rose in a spiral mo-
tion, then took off and was lost to sight. (Personal)
Apr., 1958 Maceio (Brazil). Near Paripueira, jeweler Wilson
0600 Lustosa and numerous fishermen saw an object hover-
ing 15 m above the sea, 40 m away. It was lens-shaped,
about 12 m thick, and showed portholes with a glow-
ing red light. Below the object the water seemed to be
"boiling" or attracted upward, while a soft, whirring
sound was heard. For one hour the object kept going
up and down. (SBEDV)
Apr. 15, 1958 Tabladitas (Argentina). Approximate date. In the
mountains, about 14 km from Abra Pampa, a lumi-
nous object 30 m in diameter came to ground level.
Apr. 17, 1958 Abaatu (Brazil). All night long, three hovering disks
1925 were seen by several witnesses in this area. A railroad
employee, Mr. Cavalheiro, and the station chief, J.
Machado, wired the Tupancireta police, and all saw
the objects coming to ground level about 1 km away.
At times they appeared to exchange signals. One of
the disks flew over the station itself, leaving a lumi-
nous trail and considerable heat. (LDLN)
May. 02, 1958 Bogota (Colombia). Eight people working in a wood
saw a green creature with scaly skin and very long
arms. The pointed nails of its long fingers nearly
touched the ground. (Dischi Volanti, by L. Bul-
May. 27, 1958 Boa del Tigre (Argentina). Remo dell'Armellina was
late driving a truck toward Santa Fe when he saw a figure,
3 m tall, blocking the road. He went toward it with an
iron bar but could not approach because of the stench
and the blinding phosphorescent light emanating
from it. It had very long arms, a scaly body, and wore
a flight coverall. The witness fainted; nothing was left
to be seen when he regained consciousness. (Perego;
Aug. 16, 1958 Leman Lake (Switzerland). A dozen people out on
1700 the lake in perfect weather saw a bright light coming
down. They stopped their boat as it came to hover
about 15 m above them. It was saucer-shaped, 10 m
in diameter, with a cabin showing several windows
on top. The outer disk below the cabin was spinning.
As it came down toward the water, a noticeable cur-
rent was created. No noise or occupants were noticed.
After several leaps in mid-air, the craft flew off at
"unbelievable" speed. (Personal)
Sep. 01, 1958 Laval (France). About 11 km before Laval, a busi-
2130 nessman coming from Paris suddenly saw a motion-
less object, 10 m above ground, to the left of the road,
150 m away. It was shaped like two cones with a com-
mon base and showed two rows of about ten openings
in the middle section. It seemed about 20 m wide,
metallic, with a light similar to that of a red traffic
light shining through the windows. The witness had
time to stop and maneuvered to get the object in his
headlight beams. Throughout the observation a
whistling sound such as that of a jet aircraft was heard.
The object rose very slowly, flew off faster climbing
out of sight. (119)
Sep. 21, 1958 Sheffield Lake (Ohio). A circular, flat object, 7 m in
0300 diameter, 2 m thick, hovering 1.5 m above ground,
and making a jetlike sound was seen from a house by
a civilian woman. Its color was that of aluminum; it
had a wobbling motion and emitted gray smoke be-
fore rising again and taking off. (Atic)
Oct. 27, 1958 Union Dale (Pennsylvania). An object resembling a
large gray cigar with an assembly tail flew at treetop
height, making a strong "swishing" sound. (Atic)
Oct. 31, 1958 Caledon East (Canada). A civilian reported an
1550 eliptical, aluminum-colored object at 2 km altitude,
coming down to 4 m, flying up and down by sudden
jumps, stopping at ground level less than 200 m away
for five min. A red light appeared at one end of the
object, which gradually took a fiery color, then ex-
ploded. The witness ran away. (Atic)
Nov., 1958 Braemar (Scotland). Two soldiers of the Territorial
0500 Army on an exercise near Ballater heard a "gurgling
noise" and saw two figures, over 2 m tall, dressed in
peculiar suits. As they fled, they heard a "swishing"
noise and saw a large disk flying at ground level, which
then swooped over their heads and away, pulsating
and leaving a sparkling trail. Witnesses were in a
state of shock. (Humanoids 5)
Nov. 17, 1958 Soviet Union, exact location not revealed. A luminous
2203 object, with an apparent diameter greater than that of
the full moon, was seen coming down from a high
altitude, hovering at tree height, then landing. It was
observed for two min. (Atic)
Nov. 23, 1958 Cojutepeque (San Salvador). An engineer, Julio M.
2335 Ladaleto, stopped when his car hit a can rolling on the
road, then observed an object about 35 m away. It
was shaped like a lamp shade with an upper trans-
parent sphere emitting a bluish, pulsating light, 12 m
diameter, 7 m high, resting on three half-spheres. An
occupant 2.5 m tall was photographed by the witness
as he crossed the road and appeared to inspect the
craft. He wore a blue coverall and luminescent heel-
less boots, and had a bald head. The observation
lasted 10 min, after which the object took off with a
whining sound, sparks and smoke. The following day,
before he had revaled anything about the case,
Ladeleto was contacted by strange "newsmen" who
appeared to know all the details of it. (Settimana
Incom. Sep. 16, 62)
Dec. 20, 1958 Hoganas (Sweden). Near Domsten, Hans Gustavs-
0255 son, 35, and Stig Rydberg, 30, saw something in the
woods and stopped their car to observe it. They found
a disk about 5 m wide set on a tripod. All of a sudden
they were attacked by four gray-colored creatures de-
scribed as "fluid," but one witness reached the car and
blew the horn for help. The beings fled and the craft
took off, emitting "paralyzing vibrations." (Lor. II 56)
Dec. 20, 1958 Clermont-Ferrand (France). Approximate date. A
1600 disk of 20 m diameter was observed and caused dam-
age on the ground. (Quincy)
Dec. 28, 1958 Portglenone (Ireland). A black flying object, 2 m
afternoon wide, cut a tree in two, 3 m above ground, and did
not stop. The tree in question is 70 cm wide and 13 m
tall. This event was observed by a farmer named
Bennett. (FSR 59, 2)
Jan. 1959 Stratford-on-Avon (Great Britain). Leonard Hewins,
1715 of Tredington, saw a fiery, round object come down
from the east and land 100 m away. While a blue haze
formed, three figures emerged from the object and
seemed to sit down with clumsy movements. The wit-
ness was unable to move until the craft and its occu-
pants took off swiftly, leaving a trail of stars. (FSR
67, 5)
Feb., 1959 Umiat (Alaska). 350 km east of Umiat, trappers saw
a red, disk-shaped object less than 4 km away, going
up and down, sometimes nearly touching the ground.
It circled and went away. (FSR 59, 3)
Feb. 28, 1959 Cedar City (Iowa). Private Gerry Irwin stopped his
car to investigate what he thought was a crashing
plane. He was later found unconscious. Sequels of the
incident (fainting, amnesia and his return to the site
in a trancelike state) are sometimes quoted as evi-
dence of psychologial experience correlated with the
observation of the luminous object. Irwin deserted,
and his subsequent whereabouts are unknown. (121;
Lorenzen; Magonia)
Mar., 1959 Kolobreg (Poland). On the Polish coast, not far from
Kolobreg, soldiers saw the sea become turbulent as a
triangular object, 4 m in size, emerged, circled the
barracks, and flew away at high speed. (122)
Mar. 13, 1959 Pumong (Australia). Near Claypans, 150 km north-
1410 east of Adelaide, Carl Towill, postmaster, and Percy
Briggs, mail carrier, saw a dome-shaped object take
off from a field 400 m away. It resembled a huge, bril-
liant circus tent, studded with lights that kept chang-
ing from red to blue. They approached within 200 m,
then saw it rise, hover, and shoot off at immense
speed toward the south. They had observed it for 10
min. Mr. Briggs was questioned by investigators from
Woomera Rocket range. (FSR 59,5)
Mar. 31, 1959 Port Elliot (Australia). Barry Neale was driving home
1330 to Goolwa when he saw on the ground a glowing,
reddish-orange object with a row of portholes. It il-
luminated the trees, was about 5 m wide. He got
within 300 m of it, and drove around the wooded area
in time to see it take off. No radioactivity was found
at the spot. (FSR 59,5)
Apr. 15, 1959 Svendborg (Denmark). Between Svendborg and Ny-
evening borg, Ove Christensen, coming home after work on
his bicycle, was stopped on the road by a disk-shaped
object spinning at ground level. After five minutes it
began chasing him, flying 6 m above him for 5 m.
The object was luminous and seemed made of glass.
(FSR 59, 3)
Apr. 29, 1959 Grassy Plains (Canada). Alex Gillis and Jerry Monk-
2230 man saw from a hilltop an egg-shaped object in the
middle of the road. It was about 5 m long, the top part
emitting a bright light. The object went away silently.
Fearing ridicule, the witnesses reported the incident
one month later. (FSR 59, 6)
May. 20, 1959 Tres Lomas (Argentina). Two hunters saw a disk-
1730 shaped object resting on the ground 150 m away. It
looked like an aluminum craft about 2.5 m high, with
a dome on top. Grass flattened. (Challenge 53)
Jun. 21, 1959 The Willows (South Africa). A civilian woman ob-
2000 served a saucer-shaped object hovering 5 m above
ground. It was bathed in an orange glow, similar to
that of a dying fire. It flew away horizontally and was
lost to sight behind a hill. (FSR 59, 6)
Jun. 26, 1959 Boianai (New Guinea). Many witnesses, among
1845 them Fr. W. B. Gill, head of a local mission, saw an
orange object that hovered in mid-air. Four engines
were visible on its "deck" and a beam of blue light
was emitted upward from it. The object did not come
to ground level, but its position above the ocean was
almost on a level with the observers standing on the
hill. (123; Anatomy 145)
Jul. 13, 1959 Blenheim (New Zealand). Mrs. Moreland saw a disk-
0530 shaped object as she was milking cows. It was about
10 m diameter, had two intense, green lights and two
rows of jets around the rim, emitting orange flames.
Inside a glass dome on top were two men dressed in
aluminumlike suits. The craft did not land, but took
off at great speed with a high-pitched sound. Heat
sensation. (124; Challenge 24)
Jul. 14, 1959 Prince of Wales Island (Australia). Hunters reported
the landing of a red object on the island. Other hunt-
ers saw a similar object near Karumba Lodge. (123)
Aug. 09, 1959 Sombrero (Tierra del Fuego). Mr. Uribe, a petroleum
1954 engineer, and two other witnesses had to stop when
they ran out of fuel; they observed a light swinging
like a pendulum, coming close to the ground. It ap-
pared as a large, vertical, egg-shaped object which
made a "whooshing" sound. Closest approach was
120 m. Estimated height: 2 m; width, 1.5 m. When
Uribe aimed a rifle at the object, it went out of sight
within seconds. (Lor. IlI 14)
Aug. 12, 1959 Brion (Spain). A 60-year-old farmer saw an egg-
shaped object come down at high speed and land in
a pasture near a river. Then it took off vertically and
flew away toward Santiago. Traces. Engine noise, not
similar to helicopter. (Personal)
Aug. 13, 1959 Freeport (Texas). A bright, flying object passed low
2130 over a car, whose engine stalled, and landed in a
wooded area. Six witnesses in two separate groups
observed the object, and the police were called. The
dense underbrush prevented investigation of the site.
(APRO Sep., 59)
Aug. 25, 1959 Werdehl-Eveking (Germany). Near Hagen, Lutz
1100 Holtmann went toward a bright object in a forest,
and fainted when he got close to it. When he re-
gained consciousness, he saw it take off silently and
vertically. It was round, had a tripod landing gear,
two rows of bright openings, and was about 30 m in
diameter. (Nachrichten Oct., 59)
Sep. 07, 1959 Wallingford (Kentucky). A bluish, disk-shaped object
was observed at ground level by a mail carrier. It sud-
denly went away horizonally, leaving a stained ring
on the ground. (NICAP Nov., 59)
Oct. 02, 1959 Glenora (Canada). Approximate date. Miss G. Wil-
son, 14, was out riding a horse when a luminous object
dived toward her, and she rushed home in fear. Her
father came out and saw the object, which he de-
scribed as orange and making a "painful" sound. (125)
Oct. 25, 1959 Fort William (Canada). On the Trans-Canada High-
way west of this town, four hunters (Douglas Robin-
son, Ray Disguiseppe, Victor Arnone and John De-
filippo, of Port-Arthur) saw an oval, luminous object
follow their car about 13 m above them. The object
was spinning, stopped when they did, was white in
color and remained with them for nearly 50 km.
(FSR 60, 1)
Dec. 22, 1959 Oakdale (California). Kenneth Lindsley and several
2350 other witnesses saw a bright, orange object at ground
level. It was bowl-shaped, as wide as the road, and
shadows that appeared to be moving could be seen.
(FSR 60, 3)
Spring, 1960 Syracuse (New York). An electronics engineer was
night fishing when he heard a shrill, whirring sound and
saw a round object, with a rotating light on top, land
on the shore. The sound gradually stopped, an open-
ing became visible, and two dwarfs with oversized
heads came out with a hose and pumped water from
the river. Later they appeared to play like children.
Their bodies glowed with lights of changing colors.
Apr. 05, 1960 Beira (Mozambique). An orange disk landed with a
hissing sound, then exploded, while four dwarfish
figures ran away into the brush. (FSR 60, 5; 126)
Apr. 18, 1960 Lacamp (Louisiana). Mr. Arnold saw a round object,
2100 fiery red in color, arriving at high speed from the
south. It touched the ground about 300 m away with
a loud explosion heard by many people, and a flame.
It bounced in an easterly direction for about 300 m,
then rose again, turned west and disappeared. The
ground was scarred in nine places, and a substance
resembling metallic paint was found. (Science &
Mechanics Dec., 66)
May. 04, 1960 Sarasota (Florida). A yellow, elliptical object with
0915 four evenly spaced windowlike openings was observed
at ground level by an architect. (NICAP May., 60)
May. 14, 1960 Paracuru (Brazil). Raimondo dos Santos saw two
0400 craft land on hill near a farm called Capin Acu. He
went near them and saw several small beings, pale-
looking, making friendly gestures. He ran away. The
creatures wore blue uniforms and white helmets. The
previous day at 1900, over 100 witnesses had observed
a dark-gray, circular craft, 20 m in diameter with a
powerful light, maneuvering and hovering. (Human-
oids 37; LDLN 58)
May. 19, 1960 Siracusa (Italy). Salvatore Cianci, jeweler, and his
night wife, were driving near this Sicilian town when a
creature about 1 m tall appeared in the headlights. It
wore a shining coverall and a diving helmet and had
two short wings. Mrs. Cianci suffered from shock.
(FSR 64, 4)
May. 25, 1960 Chinthurst Hill (Great Britain). Vera Bowden, 35,
saw a gray, elliptical object hovering at tree height
over Broadwater Lake for 18 min. Then it left toward
the west. (FSR 60, 5)
Aug., 1960 Hamburg (Germany). Mrs. K. St. Bereits was in her
0920 garden when she saw an object coming down at great
speed. Arriving at ground level, it came toward her,
appearing as a disk standing on edge, 7 m in diameter
with a pulsating halo of yellow light. Three beams of
light came from a central opening. A sort of haze and
"gas stream" was also described. (Nachrichten Jan.,
61; FSR 61, 4)
Sep. 23, 1960 Labrador. A Canadian ship reported that a cylindrical
2135 object with lighted portholes came down, hit the
ocean, and sank off the northcoast of Labrador. (Atic)
Oct., 1960 Yariguarenda Jungle (Argentina). New apparitions
of a monstrous "cyclops." (129)
Nov. 11, 1960 Warminster (Great Britain). Four witnesses, among
night them three military men, saw an object that seemed
about to land, then took off again toward the north,
leaving a trail of sparks and blinding them. (130; FSR
Nov. 13, 1960 La Londe (France). Remi Carbonnier, 45, was
0245 awakened by a green light illuminating his room. He
went to the window and saw a bright, round object,
6 m in diameter, resting on three legs on the railroad
tracks 300 m away. It was emitting orange flashes. A
dome on top of the object started spinning, the legs
disappeared, and the object rose vertically above the
trees, without noise. Less than 20 sec later, it had
cleared the hill and was lost to sight in the southwest.
The next day the witness went to the site and found
no trace, but his dog turned around and ran away,
Dec. 09, 1960 Carignan (France). A dog barking at a glowing object
2030 resting in a park. Three witnesses observed it from
separate locations. It appeared as an oval, luminous
craft, 4 m in diameter, inside which vague shadows
were seen. It took off toward the north. A circle of
yellowed grass was found at the site. (Ouranos 27)
Jan. 01, 1961 La Victoria (Venezuela). A government topographer,
Adolfo P. Pisani, was passed by a truck as he was
driving on the Andean Highway. A brilliant disk with
the appearance of blue steel swooped down very close
to the hood of the truck and then flew away. The truck
was pulled up nearly 1 m above the road and over-
turned in a sandbank. The driver escaped with minor
injuries. (Lor.I 250)
Jan. 22, 1961 Cestas-Gazinet (France). An electronics professor at
1830 Bordeaux University and three school teachers ob-
served an elongated, glowing, orange object. Inter-
ference with car ignition was noted. One witness was
said to have felt a slight indisposition and to have
heard or somehow perceived the word "ZEMU" re-
peated twice. (Ouranos 26)
Mar. 10, 1961 Bowna (Australia). F. Reynolds and his son were
2045 camping near the water. They observed an object on
the ground with four windows in it. There was a fire
nearby, and four figures could be seen between it and
the object. At 2130 it had disappeared. Witnesses in
Wodonga, West Albury, Wangaratta and Tallangatta
independently observed an unknown object in flight.
(Austr. FSR 5)
Apr. 18, 1961 Eagle River (Wisconsin). J. Simonton heard a whin-
1100 ing sound and saw an object, 10 m in diameter, 4 m
high, with exhaust pipes around the periphery, land
near his house. A door was opened and a man ap-
peared. About 1.50 m tall, he wore a black, turtle-neck
pullover with a white band at the belt, and black
trousers with a vertical white band along the side.
Two figures were visible inside the object. Simonton
filled a jug with water, returned it to the man, who
gave him three ordinary pancakes, and the craft took
off. (Atic; Magonia)
May. 03, 1961 Union Mills (Indiana). Approximate date. A hemi-
2200 spherical craft with portholes, resting on a road, took
off when a car came near it. Estimated diameter was
4 m, height 2.5 m, bearing "fluorescent lights." (Evi-
dence 139, 147)
Jun. 03, 1961 Savona (Italy). Off this town, four people in a boat
0635 were suddenly shaken by growing waves and saw the
sea swelling like an enormous bubble 1 km away. An
object emerged, hovering at 10 m altitude for a brief
time, its underside glowing, and it left obliquely at
high speed toward the northeast. Its shape was similar
to a cone resting on a disk. (Settimana Incom. Jan.
Jul. 03, 1961 Ryde (Great Britain). An object resembling a hover-
0015 craft, having five windows through which an orange
light was shining, hovered about 20 m above the trees.
It left suddenly at high speed. (FSR 61, 6)
Jul. 17, 1961 Las Vegas (Nevada). One mile north of Bonny
0200 Spring Ranch, on U.S. Highway 91, two civilians in a
car observed in the rear-view mirror a low-flying object
that overtook their car, followed by a rush of cold air.
It stopped, circled the vehicle, flew off and was lost
to sight behind the mountains, where it may have
landed. In the course of an exceptionally complete
investigation by military authorities, however, no evi-
dence of a landing was discovered. (Atic)
Aug. 12, 1961 Kansas City (Kansas). Two Drake University stu-
2100 dents saw a large object shaped like an oval with
"running boards" bearing a series of lights. It hovered
for about 4 min at tree-height, shot straight up,
climbed away toward the east, then disappeared from
view in five sec or so. (Atic)
Aug. 25, 1961 Toulouse (France). Approximate date. Five persons
observed a luminous, yellow sphere, 8 m in diameter,
flying about 10 m above the road. Horizontal and
vertical bands of darker tone gave the impression of
"windows." The object flew up very fast when the
car reached town. (LDLN)
Sep. 19, 1961 Indian Head (New Hampshire). Mr. and Mrs. Hill
2200 saw a lenticular object with a double row of portholes
and half-a-dozen dark figures working at control
panels inside, when they stopped to investigate a light
following their car. They became afraid and drove
away. A "beeping sound" enveloped the car, and they
felt a prickling sensation before losing consciousness.
When they came to, they were driving near Ashland.
A series of nightmares and medically controlled hyp-
nosis brought back what apparently was the memory
of their abduction by the occupants of the object.
(Fuller; Magonia)
Sep. 30, 1961 La Porte (Indiana). Eight km south of La Porte, 16-
2200 year-old Dennis Bealor saw a large sphere of orange
light rise ahead of him on the road. He was so fright-
ened that he lost control of his bike and left the road.
(Hartle 158)
Dec. 21, 1961 Lafayette (Indiana). Jerry Hislope, 20, was driving
2145 to Kentland when he saw a glowing white object, 3 m
in diameter, 1 m thick, dive at him, flying 3 m above
the ground. He stopped to observe it, but the object
flew away. (APRO Mar., 62)
Jan. 08, 1962 Catamarca (Argentina). A truck driver and two other
night men observed two powerful lights lost sight of thern,
but later saw a craft on the ground 150 m to the side
of the road. It took off at high speed when illuminated
by the headlights. Farther away, two objects ma-
neuvered above the road leading to La Bajada. As the
police were driving to the scene, they saw one of the
craft on the ground near Loma Brava. (CODOVNI
Feb. 09, 1962 Aston Clinton (Great Britain). Mr. Wildam, of
0330 Luton, noticed that his car was gradually losing speed
as he approached a bright, oval thing hovering 10 m
above the road. The object was surrounded by a glow,
and left at high speed very suddenly. (FSR 62, 2)
Apr. 10, 1962 San Casciano (Italy). Mario Zuccula, 27, was walk-
evening ing home when he suddenly felt a current of cold air.
He was paralyzed with fear when he saw a white ob-
ject, 10 m in diameter, metallic in appearance which
hovered close to the ground. A metallic cylinder was
lowered from the craft, and two little men about 1.30
m tall, came out through a door lighted by a source
inside the cylinder. A low voice similar to the sound
of an electronic device told him they would return at
the end of the fourth moon, one hour before dawn,
with a message. The beings had their heads covered
with a hood. (FSR 62, 4)
Apr. 11, 1962 Sarouno (Italy). Between Saronno and Legnano,
evening Benazzi and three other witnesses saw a peculiar craft
fly above them and land on the road. It was intensely
luminous. (APRO Sep., 62)
Apr. 30, 1962 Mount Eba (Italy). Eugenio Siragusa, 43, claimed
night to have met two men of normal height, clad in diving
suits, with belts emitting intermittent yellow-green
blue light, who delivered to him a peace message in
Italian. The voice had a metallic tone. Also observed
was a very dazzling object, 15 m in diameter. (FSR
63, 1)
May., 1962 Jujuy (Argentina). Approximate date. Four people
0400 whose car had run out of gas, were waiting in a driz-
zling rain when a bright light, first thought to be from
a car, approached them. It turned out to be a low-
flying object that landed. It was round with a blink-
ing light, and stayed there about one hour before
taking off at high speed (APRO Jul., 63)
May. 12, 1962 Pampa Province (Argentina). V. and G. Tomasini
0410 and H. Zenobi saw an object on the ground 100 m
away from the road. It looked like a railroad car and
was illuminated. As they came close to it, the object
took off, crossed the road at low altitude, rose with a
flame, and separated into two sections that flew away
in different directions. It made a humming noise and
was seen on the ground for one min. Within a circle
60 m in radius, grass was burned, insects were carbon-
ized, and the ground was "petrified." Sample analysis
was done by the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base.
(SBEDV 30; 132; CODOVNI 1962)
May. 13, 1962 Uncativo (Argentina). Dozens of witnesses in Un-
0400 cativo, Cordoba, Carranza, and Los Molinos Dam
observed a very luminous, elongated object with a
bright trail. Soon thereafter, fog filled a wooded sec-
tion near Uncativo, and a landed object resembling
a small house was observed. (133; CODOVNI 1962)
May. 22, 1962 Winifreda (Argentina). A woman was hospitalized
after her observation of a strange object that landed,
and of the "ugly" giant beings who emerged from it.
Approximate date. (135)
Jun. 16, 1962 Prince of Wales Island (Australia). Four persons
from Thursday Island, among them E. Thorpe, were
climbing a hill when they observed a silvery object on
a nearby hillside, less than 2 km away. It could not be
located again when they reached the other side of
the hill. (FSR 62,5)
Jun. 26, 1962 Verona (Italy). For about one hour, 20-year-old
evening Roberto Poregozzo, his mother, Maria, and his 25-
year-old sister, Luisa, observed a silvery disk, the ap-
parent diameter of the moon, maneuvering in the sky
near Santa Anastasia church. They finally went home.
About 0300, one of them was awakened by a feeling
of intense cold and perceived a greenish light in the
room. In the window a sharply defined human shape,
delineating a semi-transparent body, was visible. The
apparition had a huge bald head. The witness
screamed, awakening the two others, and they saw
the apparition shrink and vanish "like a TV image
when one turns off the set." (FSR 63, 2)
Jul. 30, 1962 Pasnembi (Brazil). A man driving near Pasnembi
stopped when his engine failed and observed a
cylindrial object, described as "a bottle with two
necks," about 40 m long, 15 m high, which had landed
on the road. Two men (one at either end of the craft),
appeared to be changing some luminous signals. This
lasted 10 min and the craft took off at high speed. In
Alta, a number of people reported a bright object
moving at high altitude. (136; FSR 62, 6)
Jul. 30, 1962 Bajeola Grande (Argentina). Roberto Mievres, 17,
was riding his motorcycle when a tall being, with a
head like a watermelon and three eyes, appeared as
the engine stalled. The apparition snatched the boy's
scarf, but he ran away and came back with a group of
people, who found the scarf on the ground, discovered
some traces and observed an unknown craft flying
away. (CODOVNI 1962)
Aug. 02, 1962 Camba Punat Airport (Argentina). Luis Harvey, air-
port manager, and his staff thought that an un-
announced aircraft was about to land, as they saw a
luminous object circling at high speed. It came down
to hover about 1 m above the runway for some four
min. It was spherical, spinning, and emitted flashes
of blue, green and orange. When approached, it took
off at very high speed. (FSR 64, 4)
Aug. 17, 1962 Duas Pontes (Brazil). Rivalino da Silva, a diamond
evening prospector, told his associates that he had seen two
strange dwarfs digging a hole near his house. They
ran away as he came near them, and moments later
an object took off from behind the bushes. It was
shaped like a hat and surrounded with a red glow.
(APRO Sep.,62)
Aug. 19, 1962 Duas Pontes (Brazil). Raimundo, the son of Rivalino
night da Silva (see previous case), was awakened by the
sound of steps and saw "a weird shadow" in the room.
It was small and not human in shape. Voices were
heard saying, "This one looks like Rivalino," and later
that they would kill him. The family stayed on the
alert all night. (APRO Sep., 62)
Aug. 20, 1962 Duas Pontes (Brazil). Raimundo da Silva (see previ-
ous cases) testified before the police that while work-
ing in a field, he saw two spherical objects hovering
2 m above ground, a few meters from the house. One
was black with an antenna-like protrusion and a small
tail; the other was black and white. Both emitted a
humming sound and a flickering fire through an open-
ing. The boy's father warned him to stay away as
Rivalino walked toward the objects, praying. When
he was 2 m away, the two spheres merged into one,
raising dust from the ground and spreading a yellow
mist that enveloped the man. The boy ran after his
father, noting that the cloud had "an acrid smell."
As it dissolved, everything had vanished. Police in-
vestigation, headed by Lieutenant Lisboa, failed to
reveal any clue. Many terrified people left the area.
(APRO Sep., 62)
Sep., 1962 Orland (California). A. T. Gray, a dairy rancher,
2145 thought some lights in a field were those of a car.
When coming nearer, he realized the object was ob-
long with blunt edges and hovered about 7 m above
the ground, making no noise. When Gray was 50 m
away, the object came toward him, rose, and took off
toward the southwest. (APRO Jul., 63)
Sep. 05, 1962 Mount Manfre (Italy). Second observation by Mr.
night Siragusa (Case 531), who saw two figures over 2.10 m
tall. The light from their belts prevented him from
seeing them in detail. A large, spinning object, 25 m
wide, top-shaped, hovered nearby. "From the under
part, a metallic cylinder over 3 m long reached down
almost to touch the road, with a small door, a sort of
lift." (FSR 62, 6)
Sep. 13, 1962 Overfield (Great Britain). Myra Jones was driving
2320 between Overfield and Norris Hill when she saw a
luminous, gray object, larger than a car with a dome
on top. It was flying at the altitude of the Phone
poles, slowly spinning. Dark spots were visible on the
underside. It nearly touched the car, then gave a
whistling sound and flew away. (137; FSR 62, 6)
Sep. 15, 1962 Oradell (New Jersey). Two bright disks were first seen
1700 at 1700, then were seen again at 1800, at the state
line. Two witnesses saw one round object with a fin
on top and another under it at 1950, and reported
that it was going down toward the Oradell reservoir.
Three young men saw and heard the object as it
touched the water. Another witness called police. The
luminous object took off a few minutes later. Official
investigation described it as bright, surrounded with a
glow, the apparent size of a small plane 1 km away. It
left toward the south. (Atic)
Sep. 18, 1962 Barcelos (Brazil). Three men working in a rubber
plantation saw a large, disk-shaped object hover above
the river. It emitted sparks, was of silvery color, and
very brilliant. It eventually rose straight up at high
speed. Disappearance of cattle was noticed in the area
during that period and blamed on the same cause.
(APRO Jan., 63)
Oct. 24, 1962 Horsetooth Reservoir (Colorado). Undocumented
claim that a landing took place. No traces. (NICAP
Oct., 62)
Oct. 28, 1962 Norwood (Australia). Mrs. E. D. Silvester was driv-
1930 ing with her three children when an illuminated oval
object landed near the road. She watched it for 40
min, and reported seeing a man wearing a helmet and
gas mask in the vicinity of the object. (FSR 63, 4)
Nov., 1962 Var (France). A garage owner was driving through a
evening rainstorm when he suddenly saw a group of figures
80 m away. He slowed down as they went away
jerkily, and observed that they were bizarre, birdlike
creatures. As they rushed toward the car, he drove past
them in terror and saw them going back toward a
luminous, blue object hovering in a field. They en-
tered it as if "sucked into it," and a dull sound was
heard before the object flew off. (FSR 68, 60)