Dec. 09, 1962 Bologna (Italy). Antonio Candau saw a circular ob-
2200 ject land in Cadivilla, 9 m away from him. It was
about 5.5 m m diameter, and two men emerged from
it, approaching within 2 m, and spoke incompre-
hensible words. They wore yellow coveralls and a wide
belt. Noting that the witness was afraid, one of them
made a reassuring gesture with his hand, and the craft
departed with a strange sound. (Settimana Incom.
Dec. 30, 62)
Dec. 11, 1962 Chumbicha (Argentina). G. L. Colodrero and the di-
dawn rector of the Cordoba Historial Museum were driv-
ing from Catamarca to Cordoba when, 7 km away
from Chumbicha, they saw seven objects on the
ground of a mountain slope. They were bright and
spherical, rose straight up and flew away with a very
bright trail. (CODOVNI 1962)
Dec. 17, 1962 Milan (Italy). Francesco Rizzi, night watchman, was
dawn crossing the factory yard when he heard a whistling
sound and observed an object hovering 1 m above
ground. It was a silvery disk, about 5 m in diameter,
with lighted windows. The noise stopped, a door be-
came visible, and a small being appeared and made a
gesture. A second figure was also seen. The craft took
off with a puff of white smoke and a whistling sound.
Dec. 19, 1962 Verbania (Italy). Three sailors on a ship observed
two gray, helmet-shaped objects hovering 1 km away
at 20 m altitude above Lake Major. Diameter: about
15 m. After 5 min one object started moving rapidly,
gaining height with an undulating movement. It was
soon joined by the second object, and both disap-
pered together at the horizon. (139)
Dec. 21, 1962 Buenos Aires Airport (Argentina). A large, fiery disk
0215 was observed on the runway by Horado Alora and
Mario Pezzuto, the two control tower operators, and
by the crews of two aircraft. It rose to 10 m altitude,
hovered, and flew away to the northeast. (CODO-
VNI 1962)
Jan. 04, 1963 Rome (Italy). A well-known psychiatrist saw an ob-
1900 ject on the ground in a deserted city park. Shape: a
dome upon a cylinder, bearing a series of round
apertures and surrounded by a thick, roundish ring,
set on a tripod landing gear supporting the base of
the cylinder 1 m above the ground. Diameter: 5 m.
Suddenly the ring started spinning rapidly, and a gust
of air was felt as the craft rose a few m above ground,
then disappeared in a split second. (142)
Jan. 11, 1963 San Pietro (Italy). A 43-year-old farmer was awakened
2300 by restless animals and went out to calm them. Fifteen
min later he saw an object land in a small square in
the village, went toward it, was "paralyzed" when
10 m away. Two min later the craft, 4.5 m long, 1.5
m high, with a translucent upper dome showing two
dark, moving figures, ascended in the direction of
Brindisi, emitted a vertical beam of green light. (143)
Jan. 28, 1963 Shilton (Great Britain). Mary Sharp and Mrs. E. L.
1720 Sharp saw an object on the ground. It had four win-
dows, emitted a yellow-orange light, and eventually
left toward Rugby. (Atic)
Jan. 28, 1963 Mamina (Chile). A former Chilean Air Force officer,
night who was driving a truck, observed two disk-shaped
objects that followed him for over ten min. (Atic)
Jan. 31, 1963 Ganada de Algosaray (Argentina). An object was re-
ported to have landed. The Lopez brothers found
traces in the grass and evidence of intense heat. Police
investigation. A whitish powder was also found at the
site. (FSR 66, 1)
Feb. 05, 1963 Ascension (Paraguay). Approximate date. A student,
Anastasio Lenven, saw an object land on the school
grounds. In a different observation, several residents,
including an official of the Ministry of the Interior,
saw an object flying at very high speed over Ascension.
Feb. 15, 1963 Willow Grove (Australia). A civilian observed an
0710 object arriving from the east. It stopped at 15 m alti-
tude over his farmhouse. The object made a swishing
sound, and measured about 8 m in diameter, 3 m in
height. The underside was spinning in a counter-
clockwise direction, had a blue color and no light. It
took off faster than a jet, after hovering about five sec.
The witness suffered from a strong headache all day.
Feb. 20, 1963 Lecce (Italy). A young man saw from a window ,a
1730 slowly spinning object, almost stationary, 500 m away.
It appeared as a disk having a central upper dome,
with a total diameter of 3 m. The object had a brilliant
yellow red halo, but its dome was much more brilliant.
The witness observed it through binoculars, reported
seeing a "particle" leave the object, after which it
stopped spinning, gained altitude with a vertical shift-
ing, and left toward the northeast. (144)
Feb. 21, 1963 Belgrade (Montana). A strange globe of fire hit a car
0230 driven by a civilian man. Several people called author-
ities to report that they had been awakened by a
peculiar object. (Atic)
Mar. 09, 1963 Crystal Lake (Montana). Amos Biggs observed a sil-
ver, saucer-shaped craft, with an oval dome, which
landed on the frozen lake for 10 min. A "door" was
opened and then shut, and the craft took off with a
buzzing sound. (FS Jul., 64)
Mar. 12, 1963 Colonia Yerua (Argentina). After an intense rainfall
0532 Pablo Michalowski and Roberto Jorge Martinez ob-
served and photographed a luminous object that rose
from a forest preserve about 2 km from Colonia
Yerua. (CODOVNI 1963)
Mar. 13, 1963 Richards Bay (South Africa). Fred White was fish-
2230 ing when he heard a high-pitched whine coming from
the east and saw an object come in his direction and
land 15 m away, scattering sand. It was at least 30 m
in diameter, and was shaped like two plates glued
together. Through several oval portholes he could see
light inside. A man with a fair complexion, wearing a
metallic helmet, looked at the witness. He wore a
sky-blue, one-piece coverall with no visible buttons
or fasteners, and gloves made of shiny mesh. Warm
air was felt as the craft took off about six min later,
and radio interference was noted. (FSR 63, 5)
May. 07, 1963 Kirkby (Great Britain). Margaret McCutcheon and
evening her 13-year-old son reported to the police that, after
the house lights blacked out while watching television,
they saw an object about 6 m in diameter, with two
aerials and a red light flashing, emitting a low buzz,
near the house. After one minute, it flew away. (FSR
63, 4)
May. 15, 1963 Yvrac-Maille (France). Mr. and Mrs. D., of Carig-
nan, saw an object on the ground to the left of the
road as they were driving between Bergerac and Bor-
deaux, beyond the Yvrac intersection, 2.5 km from
Maille. They stopped to observe it, and the object
then followed them for part of their trip. (LDLN 71)
May. 20, 1963 Glencoe (Australia). A 17-year-old witness, who
evening wishes anonymity for fear of ridicule, saw what he
first thought was a bulldozer by the side of the road.
He came within 20 m of it, then was blinded by a
strong light as his car suddenly stopped. The object
crossed the road and flew away. The light was as
intense as that of a welder's torch. The witness's father
testified that his son came home white and visibly
terrified. (APRO Nov., 63)
Jun. 04, 1963 Lyle (Minnesota). A multicolored object, the size of
a light truck, was reported to have landed in the
vicinity of Lyle. Police searched an area over 3 km
wide on both sides of the Iowa-Minnesota border,
with no results. (Personal)
Jun. 28, 1963 Sandy Creek (Australia). A fiery red object, 8 m wide
2130 4 m high, with a concave top and flat bottom, was
seen on the road by a Willaston resident who stopped
his car 4 m away. The object rose, tipped to one side
and flew away at fantastic speed. (141; FSR 64, 1)
Jul. 15, 1963 Charlton (Great Britain). A farmer discovered
strange crater 2.5 m wide and 2.5 m deep. Vegetation
around it was burned and there were four holes in the
ground around the crater itself. (FSR 63, 5; Magonia)
Jul. 22, 1963 Parr (Great Britain). William Holland, 12, and two
2030 other persons saw a hovering, silvery object with a
flashing red light on top, at 20 m altitude. It had three
"legs" and a periscope underneath that pointed at
the witnesses. The object went up into a cloud of un-
usual color, which flew against the wind. (FSR 64, 3)
Aug. 07, 1963 Centralia (Illinois). Five persons observed a luminous
night source flying slowly over the railroad tracks. Direction
of travel: west, then north. It appeared ready to land
in a wooded area. Its luminosity was variable. (Atic)
Aug. 8, 1963 Mount Vernon (Illinois). An oval, luminous object
2210 coming from the north dived toward Centralia Road,
followed a car, flying around it. Then it went away
toward the west, disappeared like a bulb turned off,
and was seen again in the west flying very fast. It was
observed by numerous people. Total duration: 15 min.
Aug. 13, 1963 Ellsworth (Maine). An elliptical object with lights
on its entire length and occasional flashes at both
ends was seen at ground level for over one hour by an
entire family. (Evidence 141)
Aug. 20, 1963 Rome (Italy). In a wooded area near Rome, a man in
2132 a car observed an object resembling a plate turned
upside down, with a central turret, flying low over his
vehicle. (Atic)
Aug. 28, 1963 Sagrada Famila (Brazil). Two brothers, F. and R.
1915 Eustagio, 11 and 9, saw a luminous sphere at treetop
level. Through an opening they observed "several rows
of people inside" and a thin, 3 m tall being, whho
glided down to the ground along two vertical beams
of light. He walked with a strange, swinging motion,
then sat down. He wore a transparent helmet, had
one eye in the middle of his forehead, wore high boots
that left a triangular imprint, and carried a box emit-
ting flashes. He made a threatening gesture and flew
up to the sphere, which left. The chlldren somehow
became convinced that the being was "good" and
would return. (Humanoids 37; Magonia)
Sep. 19, 1963 Saskatoon (Canada). Four children saw a bright oval
2000 object hover in a field and drop something. Approach-
ing the site, they were confronted with a 3 m tall man,
dressed in "a white monklike suit," who held out his
hands and made unintelligible sounds. The children
fled in panic, and one girl was admitted to the hos-
pital in shock. (Personal)
Oct. 1963 Whidbey Island (Washington). A middle-aged
0900 woman, who had seen a strange craft hovering near
her house the previous Jul., observed a gray-colored
object, 3.5 m long, hovering less than 2 m above
ground. Through the transparent front part she could
see three figures. Suddenly one of the occupants was
standing on the grass. He was clothed in "asbestos-
textured coveralls" and neither the face, nor the
hands, nor the feet was visible. When she asked,
"What do you want?" the answer, in English, was:
"One of our party knows you; we will return." The
object then decreased in size, tilted, partially sank
into the ground, grew to its previous size, and de-
parted to the east, producing steam, a flash, and a
noise. (FSR 64, 6)
Oct. 12, 1963 Monte Maiz (Argentina). E. Douglas, while driv-
0330 ing a truck through,a violent rainstorm, had to stop
when he encountered a large, blinding object, 35 m
high, from which three giants, 3 m tall, wearing
luminous clothes and strange helmets, emerged.
Douglas fired at them, as a red beam burned him. He
ran away and found shelter in Monte Maiz. He suf-
fered burns similar to ultraviolet exposure. Footprints
of large dimension were found at the site. (COD-
OVNI 1963; Austr; FSR 8; Magonia)
Oct. 21, 1963 Trancas (Argentina). Six strange objects were ob-
2130 served for 40 min causing a local panic. One was
hovering at ground level above some railroad tracks,
while another, showing a dome and portholes, was
nea a house. When witneses flashed a light, the
house was flooded with a strong beam. Temperature
rose and a sulphurous odor was noted. Figures were
seen in the vicinity of the first disks. All six objects
had a white and a red light beam, measured 8 m in
diameter, and left a cloud of white smoke. (145;
LDLN 66)
Oct. 31, 1963 Daylston (Australia). Jim Davidson saw an object
0415 about 3 m long, bearing orange and red lights, which
came close to his light truck, flew ahead of him, then
departed and appeared to land behind a hill. Two
witnesses independently reported a maneuvering
light. (Austr. FSR May., 64)
Oct. 31, 1963 Peropava River (Brazil). A farmer, Issuo Oikiti, and
1400 two other witnesses saw a luminous object, resembling
a huge, aluminum ball, which hit the river, changed
direction while spinning, crossed to the other side
and plunged into the water, which appeared to boil.
Nov. 15, 1963 Bloomingdale (New Jersey). Peter Valko and Jim
Keosian ran toward a strange object that appeared
about to land, but it "vanished." (Binder)
Nov. 16, 1963 Saltwood (Great Britain). Four teenagers, among
evening them painter John Flaxton, while walking on a
country road, saw a moving star turn into a reddish
glow coming toward them, then disappearing behind
some trees. Shortly thereafter, a bright, golden light
was seen 80 m away, floating 3 m above ground, and
a dark figure the size of a man, with wings like a bat,
came toward them. They fled in terror. (FSR 64, 2;
Dec., 1963 Japan (exact location unknown). A Japanese man re-
ported the landing of an object, from which emerged
a being who spoke to him in a language he could not
understand, climbed aboard again, and flew away.
Dec. 10, 1963 Cosford (Great Britain). At the RAF camp, two air-
2330 men observed a dome-shaped object that landed be-
hind a hangar. It gave out a bright glow, and the
witnesses fled when an opening became visible. (FSR
64, 2)
Dec. 14, 1963 Vereeniging (South Africa). Messrs. Muller and
0100 Immelman suddenly found the countryside illumi-
nated and saw an object, 15 m in diameter, with in-
tense orange and blue lights, emitting sparks, flying
toward their car. They stopped and jumped out as it
dived five or six times, at one point hovering for two
min 15 m above them, making a humming sound, be-
fore flying away. (146; FSR 64, 3)
Dec. 25, 1963 Libreville (Gabon). A fisherman witnessed the land-
night ing of a craft, from which a terrifying creature
emerged. It was humanoid in shape, spoke sounds he
could not understand, left footprints on the sand, and
went back to the machine and flew off. (147;LDLN
Dec. 27, 1963 Epping (Great Britain). A shiny white object was
1600 seen on the ground at Bank's Stables. It was about
3.5 m long, 1 m high, and had something like a wind-
shield more brilliant than the rest of the craft. It took
off, flew horizontally for 30 m, and was hidden from
view. Grass was flattened over a circular area, and
four traces were found. (BUFORA 1)
Apr. 03, 1964 Monticello (Wisconsin). Four people in a car ob-
2100 served a rigid configuration of intense red and white
lights, apparently attached to a large object that came
to ground level, hovered, and flew off very fast as
they were driving about 2 km west of Monticello.
(Atic; Challenge 31)
Apr. 22, 1964 Lordsbury (New Mexico). Marie Morrow and two
2100 other persons were driving west, about 2O km east of
Lordsbury when the entire area was illuminated by a
bluish light "as bright as day," and a round object
flew about 3 m above the car, making a whining sound,
then went north. (APRO May., 64)
Apr. 24, 1964 Tioga City (New York). Dairy farmer Gary T. Wil-
1000 cox saw a shiny, egg-shaped object, about 8 m long
and 6 m wide, in his field. He spoke in English to two
dwarfs, 1.2 m tall, wearing seamless clothing and
hoods, and carrying trays. (Humanoids 59; Magonia)
Apr. 24, 1964 Socorro (New Mexico). Policeman Lonnie Zamora
1745 observed the landing of a white craft, resting on four
legs, in a depression 4 km outside Socorro. Near it
were standing two figures, below average height,
dressed in white. Within 30 m of the object, he saw
a red insignia on its aluminumlike surface. It rose to
4 m with a strong roar, became silent, hovered and
flew away. Traces. (Atic; Challenge 34; Humanoids
47; Magonia)
Apr. 26, 1964 La Madera (New Mexico). Orlando Gallegos ob-
1230 served a bright, metallic, egg-shaped object about
70 m away, on the ground, north of La Madera. Blue
flames appeared to circle the base of the machine,
which was silent and about the length of a Phone
pole. Scorch marks and four imprints were found,
according to Police Capt. Martin Vigil. (Personal)
Apr. 28, 1964 Anthony (New Mexico). Numerous witnesses, among
morning them policeman Paul Arteche, saw a reddish, round
object hover at low level, then take off very rapidly
toward the west. (NICAP Jul., 64)
Apr. 30, 1964 Baker (California). Gloria Biggs, her husband, and
her mother observed a brown, dome-shaped object on
a hilltop about 17 km west of Baker on U.S. Highway
91. They lost sight of it a moment, could not see it
again, and found only a depression in the ground.
(FSR 64, 5; Anatomy 75)
Apr. 30, 1964 Canyon Ferry (Montana). Several anonymous adults
2230 observed an elongated, glowing object. Two children
saw a lighted craft land and take off, leaving four
rectangular indentations. (APRO Jul., 64)
May. 05, 1964 Comstock (Minnesota). A farmer, Alfred Ernst, saw
0830 an object rise from a field and fly rapidly into the cloud
bank. It was described as oval, and it left a depression
and imprints in the ground. (FS Jun., 65)
May. 09, 1964 Mogadore (Ohio). Three children, John Owens,
1100 Cheryl Glunt, and Bernie Montello, saw a silvery,
dome-shaped object arrive from the south and land
in a field 150 m away. Estimated diameter: 3 m. (FS
Jun., 65)
May. 13, 1964 Rio Vista (California). A woman saw two objects,
one of which landed in a field. It was round and
luminous. (NICAP Jul., 64)
May. 17, 1964 Massillon (Ohio). A fiery object, maneuvering at low
2100 altitude, was seen from Wooster and Smithville at
2110. then from Lawrence and Burbank between
2125 and 2130. It flew erratically with a whirring
sound and changes of color, apparently interfering
with police radio. lt went down toward the northwest,
seemingly ready to land. Abnormal radioactivity al-
legedly was found at the site. (Akron UFO Res. Soc.)
May. 18, 1964 Hubbard (Oregon). A bright, silvery object, 3 m long,
1.5 m high, with a cone-shaped front part, resting on
four legs, was seen in a wheat field by 10-year-old
Mike Bizon. It made a beeping noise, rose first to the
altitude of the Phone poles, then took off ver-
tically. Wheat was found flattened in all directions.
(NICAP Jul., 64)
May. 24, 1964 Millinocket (Maine). A man driving on Millinocket
2100 Lake Road saw a fiery, spherical object to the side.
He stopped and left his car with a friend to ob-
serve it better. When they became afraid and walked
back to the car, the sphere followed them; the engine
could not be started as long as the sphere remained
within 2 or 3 m of the car. It flew away after five min.
It was described as a ball of fire without structure,
about 75 cm in diameter. (Atic)
Jun. 02, 1964 Hobbs (New Mexico). A "black object with flames"
1600 is blamed for burns suffered by an 8-year-old child,
who said he saw the object coming from the sky. His
grandmother, Mrs. Frank Smith, who was standing
nearby, heard a sound similar to that of a bullet, but
saw nothing. The child suffered second-degree burns
on his face, and lost part of his hair. (Saucer News
Mar., 65)
Jun. 02, 1964 Leam Lane (England). David Wilson, 14, was going
1730 to get some straw for his rabbits when he stopped
with other children to observe half-a-dozen dwarfs,
about 80 cm tall, dressed in bright green, and having
hands lighted "like electric bulbs," who seemed to
be searching for something. Another child later re-
ported that she had seen a silvery disk-shaped object,
the size of a car, take off from the same location. (FS
Jun. 05, 1964 Pajasblancas (Argentina). A 42-year-old doctor and
his wife were 30 km away from the airport when an
intensely bright object appeared on the road ahead.
They drove very close to it and saw three men dressed
in gray, one of whom told him in Spanish that "they
had a mission on Earth." (Humanoids 39)
Jun. 08, 1964 Lawrenceville (Illinois). Helen Reed observed a spin-
2230 ning object 5 m above ground,less than 20 m away,
coming and going with right-angle turns. It had a
dome from which colored light emanated (blue turn-
ing to red) and bands of yellow light. The object was
lost to sight behind trees in the north. (NICAP
Jul., 64)
Jun. 13, 1964 Penberville (Ohio). Karen Fahle saw a bright object
2100 coming to the ground about 200 m away. While ap-
proaching its lights blinked and turned to dark red.
Five min later it went away slowly. (AMUFO Sep.,
Jun. 14, 1964 Dale (Indiana). Charles Englebrecht went outside
2100 when his TV set and all house lights suddenly failed
and saw a glowing blue-white object, about 30 nn in
diameter, land about 18 m away in the field. He felt a
mild electric shock when he tried to approach it and
was unable to move forward. (NICAP Jul., 64)
Jun. 15, 1964 Aria (Chile). A miner, R. A. Donoso, observed a
strange machine land. From it emerged two fair-
skinned men who asked for water in a language which
appeared to be a mixture of English and Spanish.
Donoso took some water from his car radiator for
them and they left. Their craft was about 3 m long
and 1 m wide. (FSR 65; 2)
Jul. 07, 1964 Tallulah Falls (Georgia). Nine persons from three
2100 different houses, including J. Ivester, described an
object like "a flying top." TV interference was associ-
ated with the object's presence. It flew silently at tree
height and hovered over the vard of Mrs. Russell
Mickinan's house. The lower part was bright red,
with three lights on the upper part. As it left, a green
light illuminated the countryside. A powerful odor
similar to "embalming fluid" was noticeable when
police arrived. The next day, witnesses felt a burning
sensation on their faces and arms. (Challenge 39)
Jul. 14, 1964 Tallulah Falls (Georgia). Miss P. Upton came run-
evening ning home nearly hysterical. While riding bicycles,
she and a friend saw a low-flying object that terrified
them. A strong unpleasant smell also was reported.
(Fate Nov., 64)
Jul. 16, 1964 Conklin (New York). Edmund Travis, 9, Randy
1500 Travis, 7 Floyd Moore, 10, and two other boys, saw
a dwarf dressed in a black suit and a helmet, with a
glass section in front of his face, which looked human.
He appeared to request some water in a strange tone,
which sounded "as if it came from a pipe." He then
walked to a shiny machine partially hidden in the
brush, as the boys ran home. (Humanoids 59)
Jul. 27, 1964 Sherburne (New York). An engineer stopped his car
2100 when he saw an aluminum-looking object, stationary,
about 15 m above ground. The edge of the craft
seemed fluorescent, and three beams of very bright
light were emitted before it flew off at high speed.
Total duration: 6 min. (Atic)
Jul. 28, 1964 Lake Chelan (Washington). A former Navy pilot
2230 and another man, both regarded as trustworthy, were
at work in a field when they saw an intense light,
cone-shaped, emitted from the ground. A similar light
was observed in the sky when the one on ground was
turned off, then the reverse took place. A round,
aluminum-looking object, about 10 m in diameter,
with one red and one white light, then appeared and
descended to ground level with a strong whistling
sound similar to a small jet. Piercing and high-pitched
voices similar to those of children playing were heard.
After 40 min the craft took off. Before it did so, a jet
aircraft flying at low altitude circled its position. On
Jul. 31 and August 1, the densely wooded area was
explored from a helicopter and on foot by Sheriff
Nickell and a U.S. Air Force officer, but nothing was
found. (Atic)
Jul. 30, 1964 Flemington (New Jersey). A whitish, elliptical object
followed a car, then landed in a field. The driver got
out to observe it, but when the object started in his
direction he became afraid and drove off. (NICAP
Sep., 64)
Aug. 12, 1964 Brekkens Corner (Montana). Witnesses got out of
2200 their car to watch an object resembling a "burning
haystack," oval or crescent-shaped, which rose from
the ground, crossed the sky, and was lost to sight in
the south. (Personal)
Aug. 25, 1964 Lynn (Massachusetts). Richard Pratt, 17, heard a
2230 whistling noise and saw a silvery, oval object sur-
rounded with a soft white glow, supporting a dome,
which went down to ground level. A similar object
had been observed one hour earlier at Littleton, about
50 km west, by four boys. It was described as silvery
gray, with three blinking red lights and a white light.
(NICAP Sep., 64)
Sep. 05, 1964 Cofico (Argentina). Chafredo Dagota observed a
2100 circular object that came to the ground briefly. It
stood on a sort of pillar and emitted a blinding light.
He caught sight of two figures moving near it. (FSR
66, 3)
Sep. 05, 1964 Cisco Grove (California). A hunter, who had lost
2200 his way in the mountains, observed approaching lights
that seemed to land. From a vantage point in a tree,
he saw a dome-shaped object at ground level, about
500 m away. Several creatures, one of them a robot-
like figure with "eyes" about 10 cm in diameter, came
near, apparently trying to dislodge the witness from
his tree. The creatures appeared to fear the light from
flaming objects thrown at them. The witness fell
asleep after an exhausting series of attempts to keep
the creatures away. At dawn there was nothing to
be seen. (Atic; Magonia)
Sep. 11, 1964 Ulysses (Oklahoma). Karen Campbell was scared by
0600 an oval, dull copper object that flew low over her car.
It measured about 1.2 m in height, had a dome on
top, made a "rushing" noise, and seemed to "float"
over the car. (148)
Sep. 15, 1964 Core Lane (Louisiana). James Warren was awakened
by a noise, and saw an object bearing blinking red
and green lights fly over his house at treetop level. He
called the police, who also reported seeing the object.
(Fate Jan., 65)
Nov., 1964 Saint-Alexis de Montcalm (Canada). Mr. Lehel ob-
2300 served a lighted object at hilltop level, about 700 m
away. At the site, a wide circle of crushed vegetation
was found, three branches were broken, and a pole
was calcined. (LDLN 76)
Dec. 21, 1964 Harrisonburg (Viginia). Mr. Burns saw a huge ob-
1700 ject cross the road, hover at ground level in a field for
less than one min, then take off vertically. There
were other witnesses in the area. (Atic)
Dec. 28, 1964 Auckland (New Zealand). Two young girls, R. Bender
and J. Quinn, observed an object flying 17 m above
the ground. It was shaped like two plates glued to-
gether, with two rows of intense lights, and a turret
with a green light on top. When an opening became
visible, the witnesses thought the thing was about to
land, and they fled. (Spaceview)
Jan. 12, 1965 Blaine Air Force Base (Washington). A member of a
night federal agency, who was driving toward the base, saw
a low-flying object, 10 m in diameter, which avoided
collision at the last moment. He got out of the car
and observed it hovering for one min, then it flew off.
at high speed. The object was tracked on radar. The
same night, a round, glowing object with a dome on
top landed on a nearby farm, melting snow in a 10 m
diameter urcle. (NICAP Mar., 65)
Jan. 14, 1965 Norfolk (Virginia). James Myers saw an object rise
2400 from the ground, appearing as a bright, circular silvery
craft. (Fate Jul., 65)
Jan. 19, 1965 Brands Flat (Virginia). A workman cutting wood on
1815 the Augusta archery range saw two saucer-shaped ob-
jects, 30 m and 6 m in diameter, hovering in the sky.
The smaller one landed, a door opened, and three
pilots emerged. They looked human, but had a red-
dish-orange skin and staring eyes. One of them had
"a long finger on his left hand." Their clothes were
the same color as the craft, whose open door showed
a strange light inside. The object was so highly pol-
ished that "I would bet on a clear day you could not
see it at five thousand feet." The occupants spoke
sounds that were not understood and reentered the
object. The door outline could not be seen when it
was closed. (Personal)
Jan. 23, 1965 Williamsburg (Virginia). A 31-year-old man driving
0840 a '64 Cadillac was at the intersection of U.S. Highway
60 and State Route 14 when the engine failed, and he
had to stop by the side of the road. He then observed
an object about 1.2 m above ground. It was shaped
like a mushroom or an electric bulb, 25 m high, 8 m
in diameter made noise similar to a vacuum cleaner
had a metallic gray coIor, a red-orange light on one
side, and a blue one on the other. It took off against
the wind toward the west, at high speed. (Atic)
Jan. 25, 1965 Marion (Virginia). Woody Darnell, policeman, his
night family, and several neighbors saw a stationary object
on the ground. It took off with a shower of sparks.
Several trees were found uprooted or calcined at the
site. (Fate Jul., 65)
Feb. 03, 1965 South Brighton (New Zealand). A man saw a light
2045 on the beach near Penguin Street and got out of his
car to observe it. He then heard a modulated whistling
sound and saw an object, 7 m wide, rise from the
beach to an altitude of about 20 m. He came back to
the site with other persons, and a dog that became
restless at a spot where grass was found flattened.
Another witness, driving near Humphrey Ave., saw
the object as it rose over South Brighton. (149)
Feb. 04, 1965 Torrent (Argentina). Several persons observed five
luminous objects in flight. A transparent craft landed,
and five creatures, about 2 m high, with one eye on
the forehead and flashing helmets, emerged and tried
to abduct a villager. Approximate date. (Humanoids
Feb. 21, 1965 Chalac (Argentina). About 50 Toba Indians, includ-
2100 ing policemen, saw three little men with luminous
glows emerge from an object that had made several
low passes over the village with other flying craft. A
photographer took several pictures and noted that
the creatures feared the light from his flash camera.
The object increased in luminosity as it took off.
(CODOVNI; FSR 65, 4)
Mar. 02, 1965 Brooksville (Florida). John F. Reeves, 65, retired, was
1355 walking in the woods when he observed an object
10 m in diameter, 2m thick, saucer-shaped with an
outer rim and a stairway. After watching it for 10 min,
he saw a robotlike being, about 1.30m tall, wearing a
silver uniform, glass headgear, and then returned with a
The being walked walked to the craft, then returned with a
box that emitted a flash when pointed at the witness.
The object subsequently took off with a whistling
sound. (Atic)
Mar. 04, 1965 Corvallis (Oregon). A farmer and his employee saw
1830 from their car three yellow-orange spheres rapidly
rising. Oily spots were found in the field. (Atic)
Mar. 08, 1965 Mount Airy (Maryland). Three persons saw a cigar-
1940 shaped object with two fixed red lights, which flew
above them, avoided hitting the house at the last
moment, and was lost to sight in the northeast. (Per-
Mar. 15, 1965 Fort Myers (Florida). In the Everglades, 30 km east of
0100 Big Cypress, James Flynn, 45, who was hunting, saw
a huge, lighted object 1 m above the swamp surface.
He watched it for 40 min, observing that it was con-
ical, twice as wide as it was high, and seemed built
from metal sections over one square m each. It
showed four rows of square windows, 70 cm wide.
Estimated diameter: 25 m. A yellow light shone
through the windows, and the object made a sound
of a transformer and wind. Flynn got within 2 m of
it and made a gesture. A beam of light from the
underside of the object struck him between the eyes
and he lost consciousness for 24 hours. He had lost
vision in the right eye, saw poorly with the left, went
to a doctor in Fort Myers, and spent five days in the
hospital. (Fate Sep.,65)
Apr., 1965 Monte Grande (Argentina). Felipe Martinez, 37,
reported that he was paralyzed during the landing of
a silent, large, egg-shaped object, from which emerged
a small man, about 1 m tall, wearing a helmet linked
to the object by three cables. The being spoke slowly
and with difficulty in, Spanish. (Humanoids 40)
Apr. 08, 1965 Kindrae (Minnesota). A 60-year-old man saw an
2130 object 200 m away, in the northwest at 30 m altitude.
It turned east, then left toward the south. First seen
as a single, bright light, then two luminous sources
were visible through a "door" in the object, which
appeared metallic. Radio interference was noted.