UFO Organizations in France

The Phenix Project
Serge Tinland
Les Terrasses du Lac
Avenue Georges Pompidou
06110 Le Cannet
Phone: + 33 (0)4 93 69 19 20
The Phenix Project for Humanity
Research and Analysis of Artefacts from Extraterrestrial Civilizations potentially present on Earth.
A new SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) research concept called SETAV is based at the same time on the SETV protocol (Search for Extraterrestrial Visitation or Search for Extraterrestrial Signals in the Solar System or Earth-based) and on SETA protocol (Search for Extraterrestrial Artefacts or Search for Extraterrestrial Artefacts in the Solar System or Earth-based.) .
Web: http://www.thephenixproject.com
Les Repas Ufologiques
39 rue de Fretay
91140 Villejust
Phone/Fax: 01 69 31 04 90
Association organisant en France et en Europe des repas sur le thème les ufo. Ces lieu de rencontre sont très connues en France et ont un grand succès. ( Paris avec 100 à 200 personnes chaque mois, puis Marseille, Bruxelles, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Brest……)
E-mail: lebat1@aol.com
Web: www.les-repas-ufologiques.com
BP 50052
17302 Rochefort Cedex
In our mind, the study of the UFO phenomenon is a crucial and urgent step. Its accomplishment has been prevented for sixty years cause of a blocking at several levels: scientific (psycho-socio-immunological reaction), political (same mechanism, plus a “disinformation” component) and media (folklorized subject).
Thus a new structure arises, under the form of a non-profit organization called UFO-SCIENCE, in order to study in lab some aspects related to the UFO phenomenon, without prejudice about the origin of the phenomenon itself. We affirm the investigation of the UFO case is scientifically fertile for fundamental knowledge and technico-scientific applications.
Our last Presentation of the first results of low-density MHD system at the EAPPC International Symposium 2010 / BEAMS 2010. As in Vilnius (Lithuania, 2008) and Bremen (Germany, 2009), our paper was selected for oral presentations.
Web: http://www.ufo-science.com